In the end was he right?

In the end was he right?

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He was 90% right. His ideas were on point, but his methods were retarded.

Born: Texas, United States
Height: 200 cm

literally a Giga chad

No, his entire ideology had a cornerstone of "might makes right". He lost to Raiden so unless he's a hypocrite his ideology was inferior and therefore wrong.

Literally built for college ball

Let's start a war anons, we can begin in gaybar

"It is necessary that I should die for my country but my spirit will rise from the grave and the America will know that I was right!"


People tend to forget he wanted to use cyborg slaves with brainwashed children brains in them to achieve his plans

He was so right that Trump copied his speech and won the elections

brainwashing is good, but war is better

He and Raiden wanted the same thing in the end. It's just the Armstrong was smart enough to know that you needed to break some eggs in order to make an omelette. Raiden wanted an omelette without breaking any eggs.

he lost to raiden proving his point that the strong do whatever the fuck they want, he literally told this to raiden after his heart got uber slapped

>actually I kinda just lied to you during the campaign, there won't be a anarchist utopia we're just going to continue with the status quo woops
Wow, that was a weird twist.

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Why do /pol/tards support Armstrong's "only the strongest survive" ideology even though, were it to be implemented, their fat, unwashed asses would be the first to go? What makes them think they could defend themselves? Are they just that retarded?
>inb4 white superiority
Doesn't mean shit.

Raiden recognized that he only survived through his own force of will, but unlike Armstrong he also cares about peop me less fortunate than himself and wants to help them. They absolutely did not want the same thing.

Well I personally recognize that I'm a genetically inferior mongrel so if some capitalist super-genius can figure out a better use for me in order to mor effectively press forward into trans-humanism and live among the stars, I'm all for it.

Not in my game bro.
He was too tough

Brainlet detected.

First of all almost everyone who says armstrong did nothing wrong do it ironically. I thought that was self-evident but there it is. Second of all /pol/ is not one person. anarcho-capitalist LARPers would be a tiny minority on that board.

You people obsessively call others cuckolds yet you are eager to be used and controlled by power-hungry politicians. Why exactly is that, hm?

>Implying blumf can even match Armstrong
Trump is pretty much the type of person Armstrong hated.

I almost quit too, the fucker spams op moves like a degenerate and you can't do shit.

i think you mean corporations, politicians can't even wipe their own asses without passing a spending bill for it. soulless capitalist megacorporations are the way of the future

Do you have any idea how pathetic you're making yourself sound?

do you?


I have a pretty good idea of how pathetic you're making yourself sound, yes.

Sensible ideology taken to an extreme.
Might makes right by any means necessary will eventually lead to loss of what makes you Human, whatever that may be.

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Well Yea Forums, would you go /fit/k/ or /fit/pol/?

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Why not both?

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Raiden literally proved him right by killing him and enforcing his will onto the world (hunting down World Marshal and the other bad guys/whoever in the ending cutscene).