Haha whoops, looks like you entered my 50% of the map for a split second...

>Haha whoops, looks like you entered my 50% of the map for a split second, that'll be a hitscan oneshot with no chance of retaliation

Sniper in online shooters is bad design at its core since a good one does nothing but drain fun out of a game.

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Other urls found in this thread:


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Just go invisible lmao

Correct. All snipers and oneshots are utter cancer. Only acceptable on shotguns which are very range limited.

>playing Spy
Literally worse than Snipers.

if there's a sniper main dominating on the other team i basically leave the server because playing as a medic becomes virtually impossible

like the only thing that will kill a sniper main is another sniper main. or maybe a spy main.

You're playing a shitty class based quake clone and you're not willing to use its mechanics?
I'd tell you to stock up on armor and bhop on him at 1200ups and pop a rocket or two in its face but you can't do it in that toddler game

just pop smoke lmao

>just throw the game playing a useless class lmao

>team based shooter
>one single class can deny every other class without giving them the chance to react
>even if you somehow can outmatch the fucker in skill, you still need to go trough his whole team before reaching him
>the only """""""""viable""""""""" way of taking him down is to play the same class or cripple your team by using the second worst class in the game
>doesn't matter if you enter his "weak" zone, he can still one shot you with luck or "le funny quickscope"

Why the fuck was Sniper even a concept? I seriously want to know
With spy, despite the shitty hitreg and lag exploits, he takes some risks by getting close to you
But Sniper can just sit 10km away from you and still one shot you
Who the fuck tought it was a good thing?

thats what you do irl

Why doesn't TF2 have smoke grenades?

Attached: hmmmmm.jpg (322x321, 9K)

>the only """""""""viable""""""""" way of taking him down is to play the same class or cripple your team by using the second worst class in the game
Literally any source of damage will throw off his aim
Fire makes aiming a lot more difficult for him
You can do the equivalent of a rocketjump to him with 3 different classes
Spy and Scout both exist as well

>make team medic pocket me with vac as heavy
>go after his position bhopping ctrl-spamming to mess up the hitbox
>bully him while the rest of the team focus on the objetive
>enjoy the ensured chat crying

Attached: 500px-Medicbuddies.png (500x443, 165K)

Reminder that the hitreg it's still inconsistent as fuck, plus the Cozy Camper is a thing.
And again, how am I supposed to go trough all of his team without getting killed by any of them and remain with enough life to face him without just getting bodyshotted once and killed?

>You can do the equivalent of a rocketjump to him with 3 different classes
Reminder that a single bodyshot will totally change your trajectory mid air and leave you completely open for him or his team to eat you up as if they were piranhas

Have sex

TF2 Sniper is actually pretty clever design for a few reasons.

1. Higher input yields higher output. The better the player is, the more they're rewarded. This is important for engaging players, which is the basis of game design; if a player isn't interested in your game they'll stop playing, no matter how good it may be.
2. Can't normally one-shot everyone. Soldiers and Heavies will survive and they'll be able to move back out of the Sniper's zone of influence if they had good positioning and didn't recklessly overcommit. Furthermore, overhealing allows players to survive much easier, which encourages playing and protecting Medic. Big deal for a team game, especially a class-based one.
3. No mobility in a game with several high mobility classes. Learn to play Soldier, Demo, and Scout and you'll quickly find out that mobility is extremely valuable, and the better you become, the more efficiently you'll get returns from it. This is a huge point against the Sniper, and can be devastating to their effectiveness depending on the map.
4. Opportunity loss. Snipers are good at what they do, but they're very situational tools, and you'd usually be better off with something else like a Soldier or Scout.
5. There are so many ways to pressure even a great Sniper that people of every skill level will have some option (even if it's as simple as existing threateningly in the area as a bad Spy), which is a lot more than most games do when allowing counter-play to snipers (smoke grenades or playing a sniper yourself).

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Haha Hahahaha how can getting killed by pub snipers be real hahaha like just dodge Haha like press ur movement keys haha

>tell how to counter skilled snipers
>proves the last point right

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new meme?

Something the devs were very insistent about was the ability to recognize each and every class at first glance. I'd imagine smoke and other vision-altering effects would be undesirable.

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goes both ways though

Why pyro upper half is facing back

I'm not him and I don't play sniper
Have sex

He actually isn't, it's just an optical illusion.

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beta models

>scout DMs and gets completely inconsequential picks while his team loses

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You can make any changes to the game, balance be damned. What do you change?

this shit makes me laugh every time

Put Valve servers back on the damn server browser.

Old demo stickies back
Balance every banned weapon
Kill all tf2 youtubers

Valve servers for competitive only. Go back to classic TF2 menu with community server browser only. Remove all hats from the game. Remove sniper.

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Voluntary team switching.

Just make the Vac not block crits. If it didn't, then you would have a nice RPS situation in which Vac would counter Uber, Kritz would counter Vac, and Uber would counter Kritz.

reminder that snipers and spies know when the enemy they are aiming at is better then them in every way, they will be filled with fear and miss their shot or stab

If Valve is done with Strange weapons, they should just add the ability to craft strange weps by adding a civilian stat clock to any weapon crafting recipe.

I really don't care if this tanks the value of rare stranges like the Gunslinger. I already have mine and they've already done this to stranges like the Holy Mackerel due to strange war paints.

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>removing the one weapon that cucks sniper

*CALL 911 NOW*

>over a year later
>still no Strange variants
>still no craft recipes

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yet he still isnt a pick in the 6v6 meta. really makes you think

>still no strange varients
you know how long I've been waiting?

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>Game based around different classes that have different roles to fill.
>Wah this class is OP cuz the class I like to play can't retaliate, medic should be able to 1vs1 soldier.

Sniper is as good as the man behind him, a bad sniper is the most useless class in the game, a good one can carry his shit team, but so can engineer, spy and most other classes.

Also spy counters sniper directly, so do other snipers, as well as good scouts, flying soldiers, in fact you know what else counter snipers?, good fucking players.

>You can make any changes to the game, balance be damned.
That's what the team behind TF2 does tho.

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The thing about snoipahs is, when there's no snoipahs, you don't need a snoipah, and everyone can have a good time. But as soon as the other team has a snoipah, then you need a snoipah, to snoip the enemy snoipah.

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Never met a Sniper like that and I've been playing for years.

>spy already does the same job but with actual counter play
>add a sniper anyway

Can we be friends?
I'm you but better.

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This. Sniper serves no purpose other than to counter himself.

>he doesn't snipe enemy medic right before he pops his uber, then watching lone heavy panic as he realizes it's all over

You mean everyone. If you're autistic enough about it as I am, the TF Team reads every email. Every time word comes around that an update is soon I send them a request to add strangifiers/strange variants of the remaining weapons and reskins, as well as ask them to bring back halloween cosmetic spells for Scream Fortress. I suggest you do the same.

I would never touch another minigun if the Iron Curtain got a strange variant. I would have also used the Lugermorph, but I have an S Capper now.

Hell, I also need them to move the Pip-Boy to the PDA slot and add the strange variant that's already in the game's files.

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Might as well remove engi, and all attack defend game modes, just deathmatch with 3 second re spawn timers.

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>not popping uber before walking into a sniper sightline


>muh hats
who gives a fucking shit?

>deleted stats so I can re-earn achievements cuz why not.
>can't show my sicc killstreaks and 2000hr+ time played.
Used to make team stackers and faggy medic heavy combos rage so hard, miss the days I actually cared or had time to play.

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>spy counters sniper
*gives the only class spy counters an item that invalidates the already worst class in the game*
What did valve mean by this?

remove sniper
change random crits to always have 5% chance to occur
take all of the swords/shields/boots from demoman and give it to a new class
make stock stickybomb launcher act exactly like the scottish resistance
make the overheal amount is inversely proportional to the max health amount (scout gets the most, heavy gets the least, etc)
remove all paints that break the art-theme

>Buff caber, pomson, enforcer, gas passer, other weapons that were nerfed into obscurity
>Make stickies ramp up to full damage slightly slower and not start arming til they hit the ground
>Fix pipe tumbling
>Give the dead ringer a slow when hit by fire damage
>Make flamethrower more damaging and require more precise aim
>Remove matchmaking

You are correct.

there's not a single mention of hats in any of those posts

>never deleted stats
>still have warped stats from when I was a kid and played on wacky 200x servers that fucked with numbers

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happy faggot?

>Give the dead ringer a slow when hit by fire damage
jesus christ you're playing the easiest fucking class in the game with a primary that can't miss and you still can't kill spies?

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That's even more inaccurate

gabe is asleep
post hats

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I raise

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>*kills you wearing this hat*
>"This can't be happening to me, I spent more money in this game, I should be winning!"

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What's the problem with snipers? They seem like free kills as a __spy main.

>unusual you want doesn't exist on a hat you want

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Fuck off.

>he pays for cosmetics
>he calls others f2p when he didn't get TF2 from the Orange Box in 2007

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i just have pyro goggle and gibus on every loadout now because nothing induces rage more

Remove matchmaking and bring back the pre-MyM system
Put a strict prohibition on interacting with or even acknowledging compshitters
Buff the shit out of the caber

Attached: quickplay died for this.jpg (400x420, 30K)

>Remove all hats from the game
fucking this. Or at least make them free or buyable via an in-game currency. But most importantly, get rid of unusuals and effects. Thoses things are genuinely encouraring other companies to implement shitty lootboxes and microtransactions into their games. Even in a F2P game, this isn't right.

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t. interp spy main

>got tf2 from the orange box
>in 2011

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things that are never going to happen.

based and fragpilled

The damage is already done, the matchmaking system, the "rebalances" to perfectly good weapons because comp fags kept whining, the unbelievably stupid fucking cosmetics that don't fit the art style, game would be dead if it wasn't so fucking good, fuck the fags they left in charge of the game.

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Of course they're not going to happen. Cause there's already an entire economy dedicated to it and it's the only thing that makes TF2 profitable for Valve. Hats are here forever, and so are unusuals.
But god I wish I could go back in time and make this never happen.

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>How could they kill community servers!
>I miss playing on pony RP servers where you get banned for cussing or killing the admins girlfriend!

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are you me? I have like 7468 most points with pyro

Any merchants in here? How much is a Team Captain worth nowadays? How much approxmitaely is worth an unusual doctors beak with blilzzard effect?

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Appraisers are all dead. Just go look it up yourself. Geel controls the economy. His word is law.

I only miss fun maps like cyberpunk, mario kart and habbo. I don't miss community servers that ran the vanilla maps.

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Thank you no fun allowed comp fag.

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Nothing is worth anything unless it's unusual now.

Here's your new Heavy primary

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i need a good laugh, how much does a key cost in ref metal?


Don't enable fatscouts

Know despair.

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Unironically a good thing, anyone can now get good loadouts for all classes just by spending two fiddy,.

Havent played in a while, but Pyro always felt underpowered, Demoman overpowered, and Medic, and Sniper needs a nerf to the charge shot

Yes goy, spend your hard earned cash on hats and cosmetic items to look "cooler" among your internet friends.

You want to be different don't you?

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what does this mean

bans for people who just votekick whoever's lowest score on their team
i never got gud

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Just play Engineer or Medic.

It means instantaneous damage. There's no "projectile" that physically flies through the map, just instant damage calculation when the attacker clicks.

Oh cool, is this common in most shooters? I feel like I've always had a projectile when sniping in online games ever since return to castle wolfenstein.

Play more, tweak your settings and mouse sensitivity.

fuck I miss Tribes so bad.

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It's very common in most games that use modern guns.

So they went back to hitscan when we had projectiles in the 2000's?

For like 4 usd you can get every cosmetic you want and 10 usd for all the taunts.

>Buff caber
This is what I came here to post, I just want to caber shield charge people over and over

Well, not really. For example shotguns were pretty much always hitscan, I can't think of a game that had shoguns with physical projectiles.

Cool, thanks.

You're in my lane bro

remove matchmaking

Scout gets an alt fire for the FaN that lets him empty both barrels for double damage and pushforce at the cost of more spread

The FAN fires so fast that that's basically how it works already

>not flanking
>not being a sniper and retaliating
>not popping smoke and using cover
>not picking fast abilities to dodge
Unless you’re against a sniper who is literally best-in-the-world tier, there are many options for removing a sniper. Only a pussy would say
>this real world analogue of a factor in war is not fair in a video game
There are real world snipers and there are real world soldiers who are trained and have to deal with this type of soldier, and you’re literally complaining about it being in a video game

I'm complaining about TTK being literally 1 click with no options to dodge, which is factually bad design.

As someone who plays sniper with this loadout in tf2:
Comfy camper
Tribalman shiv
Here is a way for each class to deal with sniper.
Heavy, medic, and engineer: stay out of the snipers sight. Your better off switching to deal with the sniper sometimes.
Spy and scout: flank and harass the sniper. Also taunt after killing him every time.
Demo: fire shots at him
Sniper: shoot him
Soldier: shoot him
Pyro: flank and harass the shit of the sniper.
There you go lads.

Lol quake fag still seething his game is dead

Dodge a bullet? Do you expect them to literally slow down time for half a second every time a sniper shoots so you can press a button and roll out of the way or something?
Snipers aren’t even that big of a problem, you can literally rocket jump with at least two classes, you can have a medic Uber you, you can be a spy and go invisible, you can be a sniper and kill them, you can be a scout and run fast and jump fast. The only classes that are really fucked by snipers are pyro, heavy, and medic; and the heavy and medic can only really get fucked by snipers if they’re bad.

I agree. Yeah it takes skill but it's just unfun to play against.