Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree that Japan won this round?

Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree that Japan won this round?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>japan uses western characters, locations, and tech
>japan won

wake me up when they use asian characters, in japan, with japanese tech

Hitman 2 is better than any of the other games listed but the rest of the EU games are complete trash, so it depends. US lost badly if we're going by this list though.

>"Japan won this round?"
>image clearly states EU games has the superior games

is this bait, user?

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They won, because western doesn't know how to utilize their own shit.

>west uses western characters, locations and tech
>west lost
Wtf bros??

Fortnite is like 6 years old.

RE is shit. AC7 is boring as fuck. DMC5 is just a rehash of the same shit.
Hitman is the best modern stealth game in years. Metro's enjoyable for the most part.
Racefags love the shit out of Horizon.
Ya what has been coming out of muttland has just been a fucking embarrasment the last few years.

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Hitman is good but exodus is a joke.
Can't exactly shit on racing games but they're for a very specific kind of person who just likes racing games.

This nigga needs to be sent to a nuthouse. He's either too stupid to function or he's actually insane.

>Japan does the West better than the West does.

Man, that mofukka be needin a brain transplant lmao

Japan does what wesdon't

shut up and just have fun playing vidya


Why is it terrible?

Also Gen Y actually.

Amazing image user, nice cherry picking to start another shitty flamewar
If only there were rules against that

I can only agree US produces nothing but absolute garbage trash tier shit

he's right though, aside from Exodus being good.

kek mutts should just stop developing games
eu has been okay so far, hitman is the only standout game though and it was literally a dlc pack to a 2 year old game

>best game of 2019
back to plebbit you go lad

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whate game

You picked Anthem as a representative for US? You are baiting m8.
Let's replace it with God of War.
> US defines mainstream media
> EU has ambitious titles
> Japan is great at arcade-like fun

i said you have to go back. go talk about AAAshit on reddit because that is all you know.

You realize the games on the left and even the middle outsold everything on the right, right? Or are you just pretending to be an autistic fucking moron?

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Japan wins every round.

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>Using a game from last year to represent your country

They'll just say the hivemind on Yea Forums disagrees without providing any proof that the japanese game are better. Last thing they want to talk about is sales.

Who cares about sales and westacuck journos you spineless fucking cuckold?

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>with japanese tech
>two of the three games use in-house tech
spotted the uninformed redditor.

Then replace it with last of Us 2.

>The future of video games is European and Japanese
Could be worse

Who is that semen demon?

ok faggot i found out the game anyway why dont you take a sippy from penises so you stop being a little bitch

Wakey wakey

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>who cares about being objective
lmao, the mind of a kissless virgin weeb

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rakey rakey

>sales = quality
I guess Black Panther is in top 3 best movies ever.

This is funded by a western publisher.

I really REALLY hate america and americans
fucking fat lazy mutt bastards with no culture
they cant even get burgers right, their national dish...
and they ruined pizza, the middle east, and Europe
fucking vile creatures with weird faces
cunts. hope all of them die for is*erl

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Looks like a shittier version of Ghost of Tsushima

Xenonauts 2, Kenshi, long list of upcoming guaranteed masterpieces
corporate trash for fat normalfags
corporate trash trash for malnourished normalfags

Reminder that anglos are undergoing a video renaissance.

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why can't amerifats into video game development Yea Forums?

Anthem is Canadian.


>posts capeshit

opnion discarded

Japan only excel when a Japanese console is on top.
America only excel when a Western console is on top.

No it's not you stupid asshole.

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>Brits would rather associate themselves with Amerimutts and Cancucks than their fellow Europeans.

Agreed but western game companies are handicapped because of government enforced political correctness

That's a fact, not an opinion you fucking retard.


>they ruined pizza, the middle east, and Europe
this. They spread their land of opportunity meme to Europe and now they're drowning in shitskins.

>dumbfuck gook poster can't even do a simple google search

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Then why is Fortnite up there?

Beady eyed demons still think they have colonies.

>0 copies sold
>thousands of copies refunded due to bricking consoles.
nice success you got there.

How come posters like this never reveal what countries they live in?

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Anthem is Canadian retarded yuro/aussie

You're wrong. I won't even tell you how you're wrong. I'll let you be the ignorant moron that you are and embarrass yourself further and elsewhere.

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Even the Japanese are sick of Japanese inspired games, characters and backdrops unless it massively sucks off their accessible patriotic convenience and perverse juvenile standards.

There is a reason why they develop foreign looking games, it's not for international sales. It's because they fucking hate being Japanese sadly, they're goddamn miserable internally and that actually sucks for them.

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Based funny and also cute user

I love when stupid fucking weebs have to wake up to reality

They are single player. This alone shits on anything on the far left of the picture.


No it isn't retard, it's fully funded by From themselves.

How much did Apex and Fortnite sell user?

>being this mentally retarded
Activision is not funding Sekiros development, because From are the primary publishers of the game themselves. They funded it themselves, stop seething little cucks.

You are not only demented you are also illiterate. Wow. Keep going please.

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>I'm an antisocial virgin who is too intimated to play online multiplayer games
>that is why they are bad

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I know this is bait, but anyone with a pair of eyes can tell Tsushima is like a 4/10 game and Sekiro 10/10

>sales = quality

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I'd probably agree but I dunno about the games in that image. Are they supposed to be recent releases? Fortnite came out in 2017.

Don't correct him. Let him screech some more like the degenerate westacuck that he is.

He must be American, no one else with English as their first language could be that incompetent at reading a simple sentence and understanding it. His link has nothing to do with the topic at hand.

They're objectively closer culturally, "European" is gay because it implies shit like Albanians being closer to the Irish than to the Turks. Europe is purely geographical

marvelous bait

I've only played one game in that picture and it is 6/10 at best. From jap side too.

lmao. When someone needs the definition of cope. This is it.

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*blocks rest of the world's path*

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>Activision publishing it
>From gets absolutely no money towards development
Are you fucking retarded?

>Ape X
The threads slowed down for that. I guess the marketers finally fucked off.

>are weebs fucking retarded?
Yes they are user. You should know this by now.

Please keep going. Explain to me exactly how I'm wrong. Link some more articles.

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>Activision publishing it
>when the westacuck is so programmed he doesn't know how localizing and trademarks work
keep going

>explain to a retard why he is wrong

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>get BTFO with facts
>"waaaahhh cope waaaaaaaaaahhhh"
From are publishing it themselves in most countries.
The only ones here coping are you little cucks seething about the masterpiece that Sekiro is.

>More sales = better game

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Come on dude, link me an article lmao.
Do it. I double dare you negro.

>fighting screeching kids and chink hackers in the same maps ad infinitum

cringy as fuck bro
but calling people virgins in 2019 is even more cringy, its incel now grandpa

Hello, we are the worst reviewed games of 2019, and we are both from Japan. Say something nice about us!

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He went quiet out of embarrassment over getting BTFO.
Anyone with brains knows Activision are just localizing it for the west only.

Yeah I didn't want to tell him right away. I really want him linking me more retarded and irrelevant articles kek.

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Bullshit. Japan is perfect and can never make mistakes.

Forza is the only truly AAA game on that list

I'd rather play those than Anthem, Apex Legends and Fortnite desu.

Are you guys really going to defend Battle Royales?

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>why RTS are dead?

because the community is shit

>From are publishing it themselves in most countries.
well that's not exactly true
from is publishing it in japan
some chinese company is publishing it in asia
activision is publishing it in the west

These cuckolds are actually doing it, yeah.

fortnite and apex are unironically better that these games.

anthem..... eh.....


>battle royale bad
>kusoge good

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>God Eater 3
I've been pretty happy lately, I like weeb stuff because of how free the games are. I hope Sekiro doesn't suck

Every game in that picture but Ace Combat is shit

Where did you get "kusoge good" out of that post? My god are you people secretly all playing Battle Royale games?

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DMC5 and REmake2 both use Japanese tech. RE Engine is entirely in Japanese, and in the few pictures we've seen of its developmentary tools show they made sure to use as little English as possible.

Apex is the most fun I had with a game in a long time and I dropped RE2 after 4 hours.
Ace 7 is not worth paying attention to

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shoo shoo zoomer

>Coming from a Pokefag.

>2 year old game
>Copy paste of 2 year old game
>Game everyone and their mother knew would flop that isn't even an american game
>2 from a company entering a golden age, and ace combat

That user's point was that Sekiro is a FROM's owned IP and that Activision is merely a localizer/western publisher.
Not "Activision funded" like this gigantic fucking turbo retard said lmao. Seeing how he's a braindead mutt he probably completely forgot about localizers for Asian games so he assumed Activision owns/funds the IP like they naturally would if they were to own the company that was developing the game. For example Call of Duty, developed by Activision-owned Infinity Ward.

But that isn't the case for Sekiro since it's being funded by FROM's parent company - Kadokawa that doesn't have the internal localizing team. They usually went with NIS, Deepsilver and Xseed for NA/EU. In this case they opted for Activision for NA/EU (since FROM already had them publish Lost Kingdoms 2 in the past with no problems) and for CubeJoy for China/Taiwan/SEA.

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I only saved the picture because she's cute. I'm a pervert not a pokefag.

Canada is America, dumbass

It's not USA, whose flag is in the OP's pic. Retard.