The game is FREE and only 4~ GB to install

The game is FREE and only 4~ GB to install

A list of our servers and how many people are playing can be found here:


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Other urls found in this thread:

Downloading it now

amonmah way

I will be there after work and marijuana

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do you remember?

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Fuck off jullikas no amount of shilling on Yea Forums is going to save your shitty dead general thread.

I wouldn't make a Yea Forums thread unless we already had like 10 people in

Is it still the exact same group, playing the exact same? Tking any new players and micspamming the same things?

Just because its free doesnt mean youre not a shill

>SJW Foundation

not this game senpai, Hubert moszka hates niggers as well

But it’s all voice chat right? I don’t want people to hear my whiny-ass voice.


i'm coming

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Don't be underage and you won't be bullied

10/60 people online right now, join up

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Too crypto for me to bother.

Any new content?

the fuck does that even mean

Fuck off back to /vg/
all the old players are gone and have been gone for a long time now.
This /vg/ is literally infested with autistc redditors that no one wants to play with.
fuck off

still plenty of people from feb and mar if thats old enough for you

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there will be new optics for guns and a new medikit
only took like 3 months

Last year or this year?

Last year

You are fucking lying.

Nah theres still quite a few including me

fuck off with your discount tumblr health agency
that nigger scp 173 can get this .44 between its eye

And me

1200+ hours in. Amount of money donated to Hubert: 0

They sure take their time


why are people so anal about this game?

what do you even do in this game, is it fun?

Ignore these posts, they are made by a literal redditor who is autistic to play with Yea Forums.

i run the server and i definitely played early 2018

>imagine being locked up in 914 twice in a row

Why the fuck do they even have prisoners in the same prison as SCPs?

Can someone link me changes?
I haven't played since early 2018, and I quit when we were forced to make the /vg/

theyre prisoners transferred from regular prisons to be tested on in the facility

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the orange prisoners are test subjects for said scps

>it's a "sandwiched between peanut and larry" episode

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idk if there's a list, there have been a lot but it's not hard to get used to
079 controls are a bit wonky, you get a map though, press tab for it

So the only real good guys in the game are the Chaos insurgents?

Different objectives depending on role
Can be a death row inmate/scientist trying to escape
Can be a terrorist/swat team member trying to get them out
Can be an SCP trying to kill everything else
The fun comes from the game relying entirely on voice chat, so there's a lot of fun to be had bargaining your way out of certain death

you gotta go back faggot

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I mean its up to you who the good guys are, you could say the mtf and the foundation are good to by locking up the dangerous scps, but yeah chaos are the most popular for most people here


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Downloading now, do I get to be a monster and kill stuff?

The Chaos Insurgents want the SCPs for their own personal profit/usage in weaponry, so that's really dependent on you

Yeah but its random what you spawn as so might be a couple rounds before you play as an scp

some times

A street turd is also free, and doesn't take 4gb to install

>tfw my internet is too shit to play for more than 5 minutes before disconnecting

does it have the naughty door nob?

Huh so there really is no Moral paragon, MTF while they do want to secure the scps also protect the people that perform human experiments.

>Tfw haven't played in a year and I'm joining
>Tfw I know I'm going to be bullied

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I'm in after marijuana


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yeah I 404 them

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As far as I can tell there was a jannie whose SCP idea was rejected so they got butthurt and deleted every thread they could find. There's also a few people who join the Yea Forums servers but can't handle a bit of bullying so they sperg out over the threads.

>Less than 20 fps,
>dont have money for new rig
>neet-ing so dont have dosh to buy new one
>will miss Secret labratory with Yea Forums expierience
Dang it

>janny applications open on Yea Forums
>threads no longer get deleted
Only confirms this

20 is only 4 fps away from optimal fps

some guy was playing on a shitty laptop theres a way to lower the graphics but im not sure how

Set all settings to potato

last year it ran really well for me then there was an update that made it unplayable

stop lying, 35 is more than your eyes can see

it's the same jannie who deletes all Yea Forums cup threads and bans anyone who participated

what the fuck is even the purpose of the fucking 079? close some doors?

closing and locking doors is really powerful if you have a brain

It can use teslas which is by far the most lethal thing it has, and it can shutdown an area to help other scps to kill anyone inside

go away Peter Jackson

Zapping tesla gates and giving SCPs directions
I really wish the game had a role preference you could select since I fucking love him

when you level up, you are able to turn off the power in certain sections of the facility which locks the doors and turns off the lights, letting any of your fellow SCPs in there have a field day with the poor blind and trapped souls in there with them, as well as acting as recon and relaying where people are going to them as well as telling your SCPs where to go. You also regenerate more AP when you're higher leveled, and can open the entrance gates as well.

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yeah i'm too much of a low-iq brainlet to even navigate efficently between the cameras

Tab brings up a map and space switches your view to actually follow the cursor

Press tab to bring map

ty man

also hit ctrl-n to see player list

Press P for surprise

Looks fun, but I have a crippling fear of playing online with voice chat.

>only 4~ GB to install
I hate today's life.

4 GB is the size of a DVD dude

m8 you can get a decent 1TB HDD for like 50-60 bucks

it's not like you gotta pay fucking 150

That's not ONLY 4 GB. That's fucking 4 GB.

Even though most people would disagree with me, its fine to be a miclet as long as youre not annoying and dont do anything like tking often, you might get bullied a tiny bit but thats it

when you're running away from 096 and 173 that found each other and teamed up, that fear will quickly go away so you can warn everyone else

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Bruh if your internet is slower than 200 kb/ps this game prob won't run for you


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Miclets actively lower the quality of the game for everybody else, if you have a miclet computer for instance it's as good as an empty slot

>tfw rubberbanding into the tesla gate
thanks twocows

don't be an autist about it

What do you do in this game? Ive watched gameplay videos but I dont understand whats going on

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Yeah well too bad honestly, its not like miclets now take up slots that were meant for non miclets so i dont see the big deal
pic related

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fuck around and avoid dieing and then die anyways to someone with 1k hours

Just follow people who know where they are going until you understand what to do
and remember to check your corners

It's freedom and survival abd shenigans

This guide is pretty outdated to be honest

24/60 people in right now, its a party

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let me out

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old as shit

Yeah i got like 3 saved and i couldnt be asked to check if it was the most up to date one, but its still good enough for basics

whoops wrong file

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He really needs to work hard and bring out a mega update of sorts. I'd like to say adding a new floor and/or redesigning the topside to give SCPs more mobility and high ground, like vents or something while Dbois and scientists have to run a gauntlet of sorts to get out.

26/60 close to halfway full

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30/60 halfway there

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>It's been hours, only halfway there


yeah and sometimes weekend games go on for 10 hours, whats your point complainer?

Not complaining, just lmaoing at your pathetic attempts to get a game together



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>unity engine

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>if you want to join u need a mic just so you can listen to our autistic screeching XD

Nah, pass

game has awful gameplay
>b-but at least it has funneh memes

>why do i have no friends?

Any active servers on SEA/Hongkong?

sadly the incompetent dev changed the lighting some months ago which destroyed any chance at stealth
literally the only appeal

/scp/ discord advertising their gay dead server again on Yea Forums
Literally spammed threads every single day this week

there might be pub ones but a lot of pub servers are pretty cancerous so be careful, weve got some people who play outside of america on our servers and its fine, its not competitive so you dont need a perfect connection

reminder this is the guy who just posted that autistic shit

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>try to play
>consistent 900-1500 ping
fuck verizon, yo

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>The game is FREE and only 4~ GB to install
Still crashes and has gamebreaking bugs on my semi-craptop. Get Hubert to stop being a paid cuck and optimize the game.

Peanut-only round

/scp/ in its golden days
>drawfags everywhere with OC and streamables pumped out daily
>no circlejerk and no /scp/ discord
>memorable moments everyday, with a full server every night
>constant content updates
/scp/ now
>autistic deathmatch speedrun simulator
>no fun memorable moments left, just autistic minmax autists left in the server
>no OCs, streamables posted anymore
>zero new content, 17 year old dev slav is milking his patreon
>invites children and twitch thots to their server
Yeah fuck the /scp/ general, it died when all the fun anons left and the only retards left there are the leftover brainlet shills who want to namefag/circlejerk
It took 7 months since the general was born for the /vg/ curse to kill it completely
The ones responsible for this
and the rest of the autists that bump that decrepit general daily/are in their gay "serverchad" group whose owner's only claim to fame was cumming on a picture of a grown man back during its golden days
Nocorras the previous server runner called their gay steamcord shit Day One

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what a faggot

you were the one who sent the link to the twitch thot, dont try and false flag us



i wonder if this is the same randomguy who keeps entering my arenas on Yea Forumseekends

Yea Forums playing a rp game. Things sure went downhill


hahaha if only you knew bad things really were
this is a devanon, follow the chain
I'm not even in that group and didn't play for two weeks you dumb nigger

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>full server

You sure got us there

35/60, people are still joining, use this to see how many people are playing

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Honestly, between your dox and your complete inability to integrate with a serer full of autists, you should either cut off your dick or just kill yourself.

your life isn't going to improve, you are eating the dirt below rock bottom and you are too much of a fucking beta to make the necessary changes to fix things.

>I don't even post on Yea Forums
>These are the redditor shills spamming these threads

38/60, filling up

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>housderloop, nigmode and their circlejerk kicking anyone they don't like from the server

Reporting for spam



Ouch, nigmode and the redditors got BTFO

I had to kick him
t. hous

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>It's against the rules to spam a thread to keep it alive.

im just letting people know how many people are on, its a different post and a different picture, dont see how thats spamming

>caring about the rules

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>nigmode spamming twitch memes as a posting signature every thread to avatarfag
>hurrdurr what's a dakimakura?
>housderloop's virgin estrogen voice

>the rules only apply when i say so

Stay seething ponyfag

you can tell this is complainer because he's whining about housderloop of all people

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>lammy's still avatarfagging

I hope to god that your father is dead too, I would hate for him to live to see his son become such a faggot.

Get fucked, get fucked, get fucked. I hope you are destroyed. I want you to be raped, I hate you so much. Fuck you, with every fiber of my being fuck you. Stop posting like fucking girls on this board. Stop responding with one word comments like "yikes" or "oof." This shit is fucking infuriating and it's been going on for way to fucking long.
>"b-but I was just talking like a girl ironically"
Oh yeah, and I dressed your dad up in a wig and fucked him up the ass "ironically." Wow so funny am I right? What irony! Stop ruining this fucking board with this fucking yikes bullshit. Nobody is better for having read a single word comment just saying yikes. That bandwidth could have gone to something better, the net negative value of your comment is such that it is actively destroying the internet one bit at a time. Maybe those pixels that would have been used to say "yikes" on your screen could go to a more worthy cause, like reddit or a facebook group!
No stop right fucking there. I no you're going to comment back with "yikes," I know you just can't get enough of that retarded shit. I want you to know you're disappointing everybody right now with everything you say. Get fucked. Nobody comes here so they can see the word "yikes" unaccompanied by anything else. If that were the case, they could just get a marker and some paper and write "yikes" on their own time. Leave it by their computer maybe. Fuck you and your yikes.
>"please, st-stop being mean to me"
Then fix your life. Fix how you comment. Maybe fix what sites you go to. Stop with this yikes crap that's just fucking irritating.
Remember this: nobody wants, nobody likes, yikes yikes yikes

Imagine being obsessed


Holy shit he is just straight up insane!


He doesn't like it if you mention his ded parents

Me reading this yikes ass post

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Oof and yikespilled

nice boogeymen


>d-boys betraying d-boys
What has this facility come to

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be happy, you're getting the full experience

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Imagine being trapped in light containment

>general first starts
>everyone is a funny guy changing their name constantly
>namefags get KOS'd
>general now
>everyone is a namefag
>steam group, discord, cliques
>no one is trying to be funny
>thread and server on life support
never change, /vg/, never change

Cringe and incelpilled.

That all seems fucked to hell. I'm going to assume that even 914 working on more stuff/players and 261 aren't going to happen, either?

>your game sent an empty authentication token
>open the game with steam
i am though

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>everyone is a funny guy changing their name

Blatant lie

sometimes it gets all retarded like that, and you have to exit out of steam and re-launch it

>cumming on a picture of a man

That was autisticreconcommander. Lammy got blamed for it though for a minute. That shit was funny. Hope recon is enjoying kingdom CUM deliverance. God bless his autistic soul. Hope you lads are having fun. Even though I'm pretty sure this game is dead as shit.

Run Steam as admin


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Nigmode and housderloop also BTFO

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we got 35 people on right now, come join

>everyone is a namefag
examples ?
>steam group, discord, cliques
steam froup is the only true one
>no one is trying to be funny
subjective or unlucky with players
>thread and server on life support
because we have lives outside this game and want to keep the thread until people are busy playing

>namefag who thought he was a funny guy outs himself

>397 mins long
wait, what


Has hubert added anything after the doggos? If not ill pass reinstaling

lammy stop avatarfagging

>Play lanky
>Murder 10 d-boys
>Get stuck in 914
>COmputer wont open up the door

SCP 079

Ahhh I'm working all weekend man. I appreciate the invite though. Besides I had a lot of good times with scp. I'm happy where I left it. I'll still shit post here and there though.

Not interested in getting yelled at by autists telling me to use a mic or something when I just want to chill.

I'm gonna play next weekend while dropping acid

>still win the round

whend you start playing? i really think you should just play for a bit at some point, ive been here since feb and still enjoy playing, but obviously i get why you just wanna not play

Daily reminder the retards that run this autistic little discord are underaged tourists from twitch and reddit
Avoid the /scp/ shithole
One of them unironically bragged about getting an STD like those mentally ill pozzed trannies from /owg/ the overwatch general

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The absolute state of gate B

is the blacklist still a meme?

>/vg/ discord trannies
This is the community you chose

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The kos list? no thats gone, it got posted as a joke a few times recently but yeah its pretty much dead now

February 2018. And I'm good man. Made some good friends. Play vidya with them. And stay busy with other life stuff. I miss the old 20 player servers. Ironically I think once the mic bug got fixed the game went downhill. Rounds dragged on miserably. 20 spergs is just right. 40+ shit gets full blown retarded. It's fun for a bit but you get burned out on it. And none of the guys I played with play anymore.

Ay no need to take me down as well lammy btfo

Cringe and obsessedpilled

yeah i was talking about the KoS list
i was written on there twice, good times

Yeah feb 2018 too is what i meant, but yeah fair enough, thanks for playing at the start and helping us out

>jullikas avatarfagging again

37 players

Why give him attention?


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Pretty sure lammy was the one who told a story about how he got chlamydia

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>a bunch of emotionally stunted millennial screeching and parroting epic memes over the mic
Fuck that, nigmode and 420blazenoob have shown the server has gone downhill, and those autists are on the server daily


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Nah that was me. Although it's hard to imagine anyone else in the scp community getting an std. Usually have to have sex to get those. Lammy may get pink eye though with all that ass he's wiping.



free bump for the small chance youre an indiedev

this isnt made by us, its made by an autstic pole, but it is an indie game

This is the same server with twocows the retarded micspammer abusing admin commands right?
fuck off


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ah ok, still its free. the day I finally finish my game you guys better be ok with me shilling it and handing out free copies

>One of them unironically bragged about getting an STD

Imagine caring about winning every round

damn that's a lot of mad

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Racism outside Yea Forums is also prohibited but I'm still gonna call you a disgusting nigger.

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>that last d-boi

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Based and nerdpilled

>the dboy suicide pact was for nothing

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>4 dboys formed a suicide pact and jumped off peanut's stairs

Morius is on the list

Downloading it.
What am I in for?
What is the purpose of the game?

the green men accepted your blood sacrifice

>What is the purpose of the game?
eradicating the orange plague

To create shenanigans, and maybe escape from a facility

getting your shit pushed in by a doc, his helicopterzombies, clifford the dog, Yea Forums, the very angry peanut statue, Larry and a computer


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>be 173 with 40 other players
>finally about to snap some d-scum neck
>die to anti cheat
thanks hubert


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how is the community currently? I haven't played since these threads were banished to /vg/

its honestly fine apart from 1 complainer who tries his best to shit up the threads, if you ignore him its fine

also that homestuck tranny.

still should be the announcement desu