ITT: Currently playing (Any platform)
>The Order
I can't believe I pre-ordered that fucking game. What a shitshow
nice, I just switched my collection from physical to digital
Dungeon Rushers (Switch)
Dragon Quest XI (PC)
I know that Switch version will get bonuses, but this shit was on sale on Steam, so... I dunno, I guess I HAD to buy it.
Bayon 2 on infinite climax, no items.
I am not good enough for this, but I'm just starting to get the hang of dodge offset after five chapters.
Fun though, despite how much it's kicking my ass.
Granblue fantasy on my chinkshit Lenovo k3 because my pc killed itself and i have to save up for new components, i still have my old xbox 360 but i don't wanna play anything on it because i already played everything i own
Meh it was on sale so I grabbed it out of curiosity. It's not that great
At least it still looks great. The devs should have build a proper game on the stellar aesthetics of the first one
Gta San andreass, GG xrd and usf4 all on ps4.
Dokkan battle on my phone.
>currently playng
>stops playing to take a photo and make a thread on Yea Forums
No More Heroes: Red Zone on PS3. No More Heroes: Heroes' Paradise was my first PS3 game, I even platinued it. I thought it would be fun to platinued it again.
I didn't stop playing, I was just starting to play. My game isn't running on the photo
Nu-God of War
Fuck It's so boring. It's a shame too because the setting and visuals are damn cool
How does the witcher 3 play on Ps4?
Very well actually. The game is controller friendly, and runs alright most of the time
Locked to 30fps and slowdowns.
Waiting for this update to finally finish so I can play online with the other 20 people who still play Gears
so this is what consolefags play
Agreed on the slowdowns sometimes too many NPCs bring out down to a crawl
I'm playing DMC5 too user, it's fucking good
AC7 right now. Atelier s later.
better than Physics Simulator Grand Strategy 2019
>DMCfags are CODfags
this should surprise no one
Playing a Shin Megami Tensei game for the first time.
Surprisingly better than I expected
nothing, finished ass odyssey a few hours ago, there are no other interesting games for me, I have to say it was a blast with cheats and very hard to top, I don't think I will play videogames for a very long time, we're talking about years, we're talking PS5 games when PS6 comes out, we're talking upgrading pc when 4K will be a standard, we're talking 7 years of shitposting, but from what I'm looking at, videogames are already dead, the industry will have an invisible crash and I will get a car and a girlfriend and rely on food, love, TV, sports and shitposting
>san andreas on ps4
is it true they patched out all the music? thinking about picking it up for nostalgia but no music no buy
Kind of some songs are not int he game. It has a great number of the original songs but some were cut out. It is also a port of the Android version so I wouldn't recommend it unless you have nostalgia for San andreass or you want trophies.
just finished ace combat 0 again, soldier style so i could unlock the berkut
wondering whether to do a mercenary playthrough of 0, replay 3 on a path i haven't taken or replay 7
scratch that, decided to play ATOM RPG because i totally forgot i even had it
no it isnt tho
Castlevania: Harmony of Despair
The Legion map sucks absolute ass, all the water makes you slow to a crawl and the level ends up taking at least 10 minutes.
>I just switched my collection from physical to digital
For what purpose?
ok cool, thanks for the info.
nice waifu btw.
>It is also a port of the Android version
For what purpose? I can't imagine that playing well at all.
I'm currently playing Armored Core Verdict Day, bit lonely since you pretty much don't get people anymore. I can only wish for From to pick up the series again.
Currently farming covenant items for plat trophy on ds3 and just started FF-X prep to begin plat hunting.
Replaying it and 2 so i can finally play 3.
Side note: Anyone know where a nigga can get Xenoblade Chronicles 1 ROM? all the usual sites have been purged and /t/ hasn't been helpful.
mmmm Mega Man.
I don't know if I am underleveled or what because the last 2 party members that joined were at like 10+ levels above the MC's level
Hollow knight while I wait for Sekiro, it's fun.
Steins gate 0
I played it until the bad end in almost one sitting. Now have to go back to do the other endings.
It's okay but the entire time I was thinking about this dude who was RPing as Leskinen in Maplestory 2 which tipped me off on his twist even before I started reading this. Very strange scenario.
Sea of thieves
Super Smash Bros Ultimate
Record of Agarest Mariage
KH 3
Xenoblade 2
Persona 4
Digital Devil Saga 1
.hack GU vol 3
save space, just broke up with gf and moving from a house to a small flat, so went digital to save space
isnt it like 10 bucks?
>implying I have $10
30FPS with drops and long loading times
Deep Rock Galactic and Payday: The Heist, I'm in a co-op mood
>PS4 version
San Andreas on the ps4 is ps2 emulation, the ps3/360 version is the android version
>Fast RMX (Switch)
I'm going to have a comfy saturday night beating Hypersonic cups and I'm done. It's a shame this game has so little content
>Dragon Quest XI (PC)
Enjoying it way more than I expected. A few characters are really interesting and there are a lot of QoL improvements over VIII on PS2. The only bad thing is that the main plot is way too slow (I'm 30 hours in).
>Uncharted 4
I like to play it when I have at least 2 hours of free time. Somehow I'm not enjoying it as much as 2 or 3. Main plot a bit slow and not so many action moments. I enjoy stealth sections very much though
I hated Uncharted 4 compared to 2 and 3, Lost Legacy was more in the right direction
Having a blast with Worms Armageddon online. I'm getting stronker and stronker everytim.
>got it digital
>not using the theme
cmon son
Thanks for saving me 20 bucks pleb
I don't hate it. It still has good moments but It's definitely onr step back. Glad to hear Lost Legacy is better
>The Order
>Crew 2
fuck off normalfag
>the order
I'm sorry user
I mean, I'm not judging, but i seriously hope you didn't buy the other games in the series too because that would mean playing the same game over and over again, at that point I would gladly prefer to keep on playing Re;B1 and nothing else. also histoire dies
Hollow Knight. I was going for the platinum, but I might give up. Nightmare King Grimm is fucking me up and I haven't touched the pantheons yet, but I know about the last one. I haven't played Dragon's Dogma in a while so I might go back to it.
I bought the bundle and started playing it on a whim. It's pretty shit but I don't drop games. The "difficulty spike" in chapter 2 that required you to grind to kill the boss enraged me and the story and lore is totally uninteresting. Vert gives me a boner that doesn't go away until I stop playing though.
Plus Modern Warfare Remaster
Random switch games until Caligula arrives.
Your mom's dicc.
Emulating Deep Fear testing out my new 8bitdo Saturn pad
Ace Combat 5 because it came with 7
fair enough my nigger. i actually liked that difficulty spike because it's the only moment in the entire series where you have to grind a bit because the game finally got harder (in a very stupid way such as boosting the enemy's health and damage, but still... compile was always cheap, especially regarding recycled animations, characters, enemies and even dungeons). it's a shitty weeb game but you have great tastes, vert is underrated and is the only worthy semen demon between the goddesses