Devil May Cry 5

This is objectively 7 out of 10 game

+greatest combat system in genre which alone makes this game 7\10

-boring ass story with no stakes
-boring ass locations copypasted from DmC
-anti-climatic final bossfight
-Lady and Trish just there
-very few memorable soundtracks, WUB WUB final boss theme

Yes, i'm dissapointed too, it coud've been 10 out 10 game.

Attached: dmc5.jpg (1280x720, 139K)

Other urls found in this thread:

10/10 game
4/10 movie

Sorry you can't experience it by watching it on Youtube, user.

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>Lady and Trish just there
Worth it

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Also Lady voice acting is kinda shit, she sounds like Alien.

What they digged for?

>All this bait
Why dont you shitposters just admit that you lost

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What bait? What are you disagree with?

>this is objectivley a *inserts entirely subjective standard of Review

Why the fuck does Yea Forums always do this? For the (you)'s? To make me mad?

MFW All your shitposting doesn't make this game any worse
MFW This is objectively the best game in the series
MFW You lost

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>KH and Bayo nonsense not enough
>now anons are trying to turn DMCfags against REfags

Can you actually fuck off?

>those all time numbers

Is this really the pathetic scope of PC gamers? No wonder you guys get treated third rate by publishers, those are dog shit numbers.

-boring ass story with no stakes

I swear it happend in every recent jap game :
-RE2, AC7.

>MFW its the beat game in the seri-

woah woah woah user, chill, dont over do it, you trying to make us look uncool? Relax.

>Boring ass story with no stakes
That's just childish. Stopped reading there.

>no stakes
lolno, this isn't DMC4 user

How is this shitposting again? Which point you're disagree with? I love DMC5, but dissapointed at the same time cause it could've been much better.

>no stakes

How about not being eaten alive asshole first?


How the could a campy ass action game with what you consider the greatest combat system in the genre be a 7/10?
90% of the game is fighting.

How long is it?

>Muh story

No one cares. Nero is too much fun in this game.

That's really good for PC, actually. There's no physical production costs like on console, no discs, boxes, shipping overseas, so even with lower numbers overall the profit margin is way higher

This. I realised recently that DMC4 was no thang. The story was an anime episode spin off. The world was never in danger and Dante quite literally hung back to let Nero get his wings.

>no stakes
>literally everyone is going to die

>nobody died

how's the camera?

Those niggas impaled by tentacles at the very beginning died and there's the statement incredible amounts of human life was lost from the blood needed to create the Qliphoth's fruit

Give me a grwat game

I said a great game


>Boring ass story
I thought the story was really good, the reveal of who V was caught me off guard and I really like that it focused more on Dante than Nero.
>Boring ass locations
They're kind of generic but by DMC standards they're all pretty unique and varied.
>Few memorable soundtracks
Every character theme is great, and most of the boss themes are pretty intense, not everything has to be fucking Deathcore.

Like DmC

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>wanting any of the main characters to die in a campy game

I feel like this game borrowed too much from DmC rather than classic DMC.

You control the camera with the right stick or locking on, the only reason it would be is if you're bad.

150fps on 1440p babyyyyy

literally every big game comes out and within the end of the weekend someone makes one of these "iTs A sEvEn" posts. Like clockwork.


good DmC objectively had the best camera

Obligatory deaths are the worst kinds of deaths. Fuck off

>Switch back to Nero after V chapters
>He feels sluggish as fuck

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yeah but those are just memes. Sit at a normal humane distance from a HDTV and 1080p 60fps is all you will ever need.

That's not how "stakes" work, you fucking retarded zoomer.

I believe you are discussing aomething entirely subjective there though user.

>*the game is actually fun again!

ftfy user

True. I miss gothic style castles

the camera in the other games were programmed by an autistic 8 year old.

lady acts way more immature in dmc5 than dmc3. maybe she got over daddy issues?

around 11 hours for the first playthrough

You are acting like an autistic 8 year old.

From what ive seen combat is the main focus and its just button mashing/hoard mode. Looks like an old school arcade game which is cool I guess? I don't see the appeal. Meanwhile sekiro is getting a ton of hate on Yea Forums when it looks immensely better than dmc5.

Guess you have not seen the anime series nor played DMC4 then? Yes she moved on and grew up.

Nah she's just there as a fanservice, in DMC3 she was actual character.

>no u

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You can't compare Sekiro and DMC5 different kind of games

I think the story would have been better if it was structured linearly, rather than doing a time jump literally every mission. It lets them hide the V=Vergil thing, and it spreads out the playable time on the characters quite a bit, but holy shit do they jump around a lot


Explain DMCfags

dante is cool, nero is tolerable donte is neither.

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>no stakes
how are there no stakes? the only people who could think this are people who didn't play the game or didn't pay attention. Did they forget the whole demon invasion thing happening? In that aspect it almost feels more dire than 3 for example because unlike 3 you can see civilians getting fucking massacred and the military trying to fight off the demons. When Vergil shows up they have to get back Yamato in order to close the portal, that's why they fight him in the first place. Nero even says "the underworld is taking over". If they hadn't done that then the demons and the Qliphoth would've taken over even more. There's so much shit people just gloss over for some reason.

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>too much of a brainlet to understand the final boss fight
Opinion discarded. If you actually want to talk about why you personally find the game disappointing then don't be a fucking retard about it.

Dante is cool
Nero is cool
Donte sucks

DMC5 is cheesy and over the top enough for it to work.

DmC took itself too seriously.

But user, the entire game is about [V]ergil

>took me until Dante's second mission to realise you needed to line up those circle things to do secret missions

I might be a little dumb.

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So let me get this straight, OP. You can't shitpost properly. You can't pull any webms. You can't actually even tell us why the story is "bad". You are just going to obviously lie?

Easy, the music is better in V than it is in the shitty reboot. Wow, so hard.

this would have been the best one if it wasn't for V's missions

Off topic, How the FUCK do I do decent damage to she-viper in DMC4 with virgil? He cant air combo worth shit.

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DMC5 made in Japan.

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So the difference between how you like your diarrhea on toast whether it's served ironically. Interesting and Millennial.

>not raping your eyes with blurry mess at cinematic 24 fps
>a meme

Holy fuck I just popped in DMC4SE and these graphics are literally PS2. Did it seriously always look this bad? What a fucking jump ahead.

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>boring ass locations copypasted from DmC
Not defending DmC as the whole game here, but in terms of variety and visuals locations were miles better than anything in V and other games in the series.

Rising Dragon > Yamato air combo > Lunar Phase > Helm Beaker + all while spiral swords is going.

I actually liked both soundtracks.

>>now anons are trying to turn DMCfags against REfags
>Can you actually fuck off?

to be fair it was a ban evading FFXV shitposter that was trying the KH and DMC fans to "fight" and failing.

This just seems like in-fighting since REmake2 and DMC5 are Capcom games

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I don't agree with a 7 because that's too low but I agree with you in essence that a couple of things are dumb. You figure out the story elements too early in the game, like as early as mission 6 but it takes until the penultimate one for all the characters to get on the same page. As much as I like Vergil I do hope it isn't always going to return to "fight Vergil again", especially with the way this one concluded with Vergil kind of having a change of heart. It's like a strong 8/10 or a 9 if you like the visual style more than I do

>Muh stakes
Fuck off.

I know musical taste is highly contemptible on this board, but the remixed Devil Trigger is actually the best track in the game. Almost everything else was either boring or mediocre but the dubstep remix is actually good and better than the original song

>remixed Devil Trigger is actually the best track in the game
It's total shit.

That's wrong though

No U. It's garbage like most of the music in 5. Devil Trigger and Cavalier Angelo theme are the only good ones. Despite V's version of the fight being shit.

agnus is nico's father

Is it just me or is there almost no music between missions 7 and 8. Even with SS rankings I'm only hearing ambient noise music.

>Beating Vergil with RG
So satifying.

It's not the same music

DMC5 has electronic music that is actually cheesy, your dubstep "wub wub" parts as you called it are not all that there is to it. For example in a boss song you have the above, and it is mixed with some parts that sounds like something from the disco. Japs are doing that often with their music and i like that mix of genres. On the top of that you get the female vocal which sound very dramatic.

Such mix is not monotone, it's very over the top but it is fresh to ears and goes well with the tone of the game.

I opened up DmC soundtrack again to remind myself how it sounds like and it is no terrible it's okay but it is entirely standard and forgettable. That's why i like songs from DMC5.

Is this worth playing standalone if you've never played any DMC games nor really care to?

>Get hat
>Dante does the fornite dance

Cringe as fuck.

look mummy i made a shitpost

>Tfw nowhere good to discuss actual gameplay
>Plebbit is plebbit
>No general
>Yea Forums threads are retarded lore and story garbage with nostalgiafags

>+greatest combat system in genre
lol no, most of its mechanics are still from the ps2 era

bayonetta doesn't need a 2001 lock on to do most of her moves, this a thing that you homosexuals bashed DmC for fixing and I keep laughing now that DMC5 is back with the old system, I guess you enjoy outdated trash

whats to discuss? Press and mash buttons at random, and keep holding the stick until you get to the next part of the movie.

>oOT is a bad game because L targeting.

I'm up to Mission 7 but it's been a bit underwhelming so far. The level design has been really generic and the story hasn't hooked me. The gameplay is ok.

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/vg/ has a thread up

so fucking based

also MJ is /our guy/

is dante one of us?

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PS3 era games have aged like literal dogshit. Not a single one of them still looks good.

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>not a single response
Guess it *was* just shitposters.

dante has a job

>zombie apocalypse
>plant apocalypse
Guess we need a game where someone on twitter said something for *real* Yea Forums stakes.

>Point of no return
Thats waaaaaaay too early to have sex and raise a kid. 25 more like.

I mean the game literally fucking tells you that when the first one shows up. You're more than a little dumb.

Can I go back to mission 11 and get the base kalina ann if I'm in like 18?
or is time travel not allowed?

Well mine didn't tell me, that's for sure.

I thought the same thing but maybe he had tutorial messages off? I don't know if it tells you that otherwise

I really loved this game. Dante has so much shit going for him it makes my head hurt. Only real problem is that chapter 20 was too easy. I get that 19 is supposed to be the "real" final boss, but 20 felt trivial. That being said, devil hunter is extremely easy anyway, so maybe it's harder on son of sparda.

Mission-select, main menu

Why does capcom insists in making their characters so fucking ugly lately? Literally the only character that looks good in this game is Lady

>yfw Dante put on the Faust Hat

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they scan in faces, and real life faces aren't pretty like PS2 anime faces

>Literally the only character that looks good in this game is Lady
Dante and Nero looks good too

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kiddie diddie time

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>geryon fight

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Must suck being straight. All the guys are hot.

She has like 5 lines, wtf are you talking about retardo

Sure about that mate?

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>Finally understanding SPLIT MYSELF IN TWO

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hes too good looking WTF

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I want to play this game but I want to finish DMC3 first but I just made it all the way to the first Vergil fight and then somehow my saved disappeared and I'm demoralized. It was great too, I just don't have a lot of time.

>Literally the only character that looks good in this game is Lady
*Literally the only character that looks bad in this game is Trish

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someone needs to add Nero's first DT finger when you pull it in mission 20 to the end of this.

Nero looks ok, Dante looks like a man in his 50's with a middle age crisis
They could at least pick someone who looks the part, Trish is just a disgusting old hag instead of the hot bitch she was before, and the worst part is that they still try to sell her as such
Jesus christ, is this pick supposed to prove me wrong are are you memeing? he only looks half as good as the real deal

Dante looks like my dad with a white long hair in this, kek.

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must be uncomfortable having such a sexy dad

>You can change battle OST between the characters
Now I can finally listen to crimson cloud on every battle

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>boring ass story with no stakes
Maybe because of how similar it is to 3's story? And even 3's story wasn't too different from 1.

Journey looks ok.

>Comparing DMC V and Sekiro
>Being salty that DMC V gets good reviews
Retard levels are off the chart

Journey is cell shaded. Cell shading flat colors doesnt age.Look at wind waker vs any other Zelda

i hope you're also hot, like your dad

>button mashing
t. perpetual D rank brainlet

>Secret Mission 10
It feels like it should be obvious, yet I'm not sure what to do.

i kinda look like karlo baker but i'm fat at the moment

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I just keep getting bored by the game.
Played for two hours and it didn't suck me in at all.
Was just hoping the missions would be over, so I could quit.
Had the same problem with Bayo and Bayo 2 too.

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Nero looks so much like my cousin it's distracting.

>can only get my style meter as high as S, never SS or SSS

Usually by the time it reaches S all the enemy's in the fight are dead, what gives/v/? I just wanna be stylish. Is it because enemys on normal are just to weak??

Christ same here. If my cousin dyed his hair and ditched his glasses, and lost his tan, he'd be a dead ringer for Nero.

maybe she is rotting because of some demonic bullshit

There's something a little warming about seeing hell prides get a promotion. They're such wet training dummies in DMC3 but here they're a credible threat in groups.

both are shit

Does anyone else find level design boring? It’s so tedious to traverse the levels in this game. Also, I hate the story and the cutscenes. Other than that it’s a good game.

where do those scenes of Vergil hanging in the van come from?

you're ignoring context and the climate in which these games were created, the reception of a product is always connected to the time and place of release because the mindsets of society shift. But I imagine it doesn't matter what response you get.

Terrible bait, the game is 90% cringey cutscenes and barely any gameplay.

only retarded nigger faggots like donte

time has passed? what do you mean lmao

yeah, did the same thing and I really enjoy it.

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Yes, the levels are completely dull. Same problem as 4. DmC actually had good level designs.

It has in-game documents and an entire "history of dmc" vid in it just for people like you. Go for it if you think you would enjoy crazy action.

> if the yamato can separate man from devil
If Dante knew that then why he wasn't suspicious about V?


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This. This bothered me so much. Did they not even think this line through?

Jesus he's so handsome

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He actually gives me Devilman vibes.

Why is Nero's fuck you okay while Donte's isnt?

Because V was fucking weak, he sought he posed no threat, the only real threat was demon vergil.

Context and delivery

donte's was too forced. also donte is a fag

No, I mean how the fuck did Dante KNOW V's story when he only told trish? And you cant argue trish told him, because Dante doesnt realize V is vergil unbtil its too late.

Emotional impact. It's one thing for someone to drop swear words in a cheap bant contest, but another thing for someone who's trying to stop his only family from killing each other and his dad is being an obstinate ass.


I didn't get that either. I was waiting for someone to break the news to Dante, and his reaction, and what he would do.
But then he just shrugs to Nero, signalling how he always knew.

>Boring ass story with no stakes
Did you miss the part that Dante had to stab himself and gain his own version of Sparda just to beat Urizen
>Boring ass locations copies from DmC
Don't know how similar they are but I don't remember a demon tree and a fight in a field in DmC
>Lady and Trish are just there
They got destroyed by normal Urizen and provided input. This is like saying Rodin or Enzo were just there.
>Few memorable soundtrack
There's a couple there. The only bad ones I remember is Cerberus and Vergil's last fight being bad.

Breddy gud

I haven't played the game yet. Is V fun to play? Is he shallow? Please tell me he isn't.

Execution. I also don't like swearing in DMC though. I would prefer if they patched them out.

>Counting story in a game's evaluation


He's really shallow in lower difficulties. Style meter, style rankings and enemies being lenient makes this happen. He's great in DMD though.

Heh yeah epic cuhringe. Two tickets for Captain Marvel Please!!!

Even though it's really stupid, that was actually pretty much this one theory I had several months ago. Now I don't think Trish is THAT bad looking in 5 that I would say she's "rotting" but it was something similar. I thought that maybe when Mundus created her he might've used some other random woman or female demon as a "template" and then just shaped her look like Dante's mother with demonic magic bullshit.Then after all these years have gone by, she started to revert back into her normal form.
But I guess that theory's out the window not since she looks the same as her in the flashback.

Attached: mommy.jpg (2560x1440, 311K)

>if v
learn his combos. read book and use his dt stuff more.
>if nero
dont stick with one arm. use and destroy them more often.
>if dante
switch styles and weapons faster and more often.
>if any
dont get hit and taunt more

How do I do Drive as Dante? When I try to do the input, he just does a Stinger instead.

>imagine Trish getting pinned against a gray wall, that's the same color of her fucking boring bitch-ass character who imperonates moms becuase she's literally an unholy wretch with no dignity whatsoever, while at the same time the demon-whore who suckled Mundus' big red tri-balls and had so much piss-stained demon cum splurged all over her hair, it got dyed blond, is being fisted with pizza up her matrix-2000 black fetish pants ripped apart, so hard the term yeast infection gets a new meaning, and with her last whoreish, skanky, breaths she coughs up the crusty, hell-cum out her ps2-octagon mouth, leaving her dark soul unfilled, yet her ass stuffed to the brim

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Just got DSD and noticing all the changes to the core moveset. It's a little awkward to have things like Aerial Rave and Shredder be built into basic combos instead of being unique style moves. I'm not sure how the summoned swords work unless they only show up in Swordmaster or in DT.

back and forward

Why would her wear clothes like this with her twin shota sons on her house? Do you guys think she was raped by demons before dying? hahaa...

story in vidya is impotant, and dmc 5 had good plot.

Yikes. Can't handle the truth about his pathetic weeb movie game.

Outside of the last part, It's pretty good to me.

Well, I guess retardation goes through the whole family. And plotholes.

Do I hold the Y button while doing that? Because if I hold it I do a launcher, and if I press Y afterwards I do a stinger.

I checked out and stopped paying attention to DMC5 because the trailers were as cringeworthy as DmC. How annoyed by the tryhard dialogue am I going to be if I try to play this?

afterward you need to charge it

Would've made sense if he recognised the book and some of the manerisms at some point and that was a plot point

tranny face

I thought it was pretty obvious to Dante and he probably also told Dante the story. Remember when Dante talked about the job at the start? Where it cuts off before V can say Vergil's name. I thought that's where he said it.

Don't play it.

Very. Nero is Donte 2.0 and V just recites emo poetry he wrote while cutting himself the entire time. And you'll probably hate Nico the most.

Eva looks like one of these super rich housewives who spend their time shopping, eating in fancy restaurants and other rich housewives' birthday parties.

Someone please post the picture of Vergil reading a book to Nero with dante_embarrassing,jpg on the cover

Yeah i haven't played the game and i can tell. The game isn't getting memed nearly as much as RE2re.

>farming rorbs in mission 13
>with DT Nero

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can anyone upload their save file after mission 17

its under
Steam\steamapps\common\Devil May Cry 5\win64_save

>mfw i countered vergil with devil bringer

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It's just Rebellion except your swordmaster moves are now basic moves and instead swordmaster controls summon swords

Also you can hold triangle to get summoned swords that stick around when you switch weapons, DSD is pretty crazy

How long do they stick around?

Depends on how many upgrades for it you've bought and how long you hold down the button, but for the longer charges quite a while

It does eat up 2 bars of DT when you start it up, though

Just the main menu stuff.

I dont know if it's just me but I find it a bit harder to JC with DSD, Might be because I'm use to doing aerial rave on O instead

you must be joking, vergil can do it all in dmc4 se, just du some yamato combos,throw in some judgment cuts and summonung swords and then do some rolls with beowulf

Dislike something good and popular, check. Yea Forums in a nutshell.

That's fucking cool though.

i kinda miss the puzzle game like one and three.

Can I move the camera in older games with mouse or was it only included in this one?

Oh okay. I was looking for summoned swords in the moves list and upgrades but didn't see them so thanks for the tip about holding down triangle.

It's also powerful as all fuck just like everything Dante gets with DSD and sin DT

>Fighting Cavaliere with Cavaliere
>Every single hit he tries to land gets parry'd by the weapon

>boring ass story with no stakes

Dante and Vergil coming to terms with eachother as well as Vergil embracing his human side more was well worth the wait. Not entirely sure what you want out of a story but this complaint is based on personal bia therefore it's void.

>boring ass locations copypasted from DmC
I was thinking more copy pasted from the rotten vale in Monster Hunter World but I wouldn't expect a shitposter to know his stuff. I agree with locations being lackluster nonetheless.

>anti-climatic final bossfight
Now this is shitposting. Play on an actual difficulty for once.

>Lady and Trish just there
We knew they weren't playable half a year ago - why is this a complaint?

>very few memorable soundtracks, WUB WUB final boss theme
Another shitpost; this game objectively has the best soundtrack in the series. Boss themes are top notch and EX taunts have cool music.

There, I replied to your shitty bait, Barry.
Play your faggotfantasyXV already if you love it so much.

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Keep in mind that swordmaster moves show up under the style in the skill list and not the individual weapons

It's been a long time since I've played 1 or 3. What puzzles do you mean? I only remember those spike gauntlets from 1 where you had to light up the symbols in two different hallways. That was not fun.

Perhaps Dante thought that V was about to finish off Urizen, not to fuse with him and that makes some sense why he was so passive about it.

holy fuck, the fight with vergil was insane. i am not looking forward to it in son of sparda mode.

Vergil: No
Nero: YES!!!!!
Vergil: Okay
Why can't DMC games just have good endings

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you cant just go though hallways. you have to actually explore and collect items to open up paths forward.

Don't fall for the Bayo meme, it's extremely cheesy and boring. The only good thing is some mob fights.

>>very few memorable soundtracks, WUB WUB final boss theme
>Another shitpost; this game objectively has the best soundtrack in the series. Boss themes are top notch and EX taunts have cool music.

The sheer amount of absolute top notch songs in the game is amazing.
The previous games had 2 or 3 absolute top of the chart songs and the rest were good, in this one almost every song is amazing and the best ones are brilliant.
Def on par with Metal Gear Rising on the epic ost department

This isn't just a level design thing in 1 and 3, the structure of the games' stories facilitate this. Both games have you traveling through one large location. By contrast, 4 and 5 kind of feel like you're just going through a bunch of disconnected areas. Even once you get to the tree in 5 a lot of the interior looks similar, so it doesn't ever really feel like your progressing from a start to an end goal. It's something 1 and 3 have over 4 and 5 for sure.

>Vergil is raping all twitch streamers

How are those puzzles?

where do I apply the new costumes?

Guys I'm playing mission 13 as Dante and I think I'm stuck. I drop in to the room with 3 of the monster spawners and a Nero showed up but after clearing everything I can't go anywhere. I can't go down the middle hole or even pick up the health and DT orbs due to invisible walls. What do

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restart the mission, it bugs sometime.

You forgot the fact that they didn't stop fighting at all, they just delayed it.

I'm still mad about how weak king cerberus and Vergil v Dante's was though.
Since the familiars had good tracks, and a lot of good tracks existed

Turned of the tutorial repsonses.
I didn't realize it till i played with V and found the 3d secret mission.

I found the glowing spot,but nothing was happening till i moved the camrea around and the "x' prompt poped up then went away.

I kept playing with the camera till i figured out what was happening lol
Then i realized what that blood drawing was in the hotel playing ass nero and then face palmed hard

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I had that but the game just let me clip through where the hole was supposed to be. Guess they have a few kinks to sort out with online play still.

So they worked like what, 5-6 years and this is all we got? Very disappointing

He raped me too though

Just like what You guys seems to forgot that V needs to explain a lot of shit so Dante would take the job. Remember, when V said a powerful demon is about to be resurrected and he needs Dante to stop it. Then Dante just brush it off, saying he heard it so many times and it turns out, the demon is weak for Dante. Then V says this demon is a concern to Dante, where the scene cuts off just before V said the name of the demon.

Or do you guys need it to be a cutscene?

Quit mission, go back to mission, play it with a different character, then go back with dante

Anyone got images of nero that'd work good for an icon?

Itsuno did say the he liked DmC and wanted to do a sequel for it so instead he just shoved aspects of it into 5.

This is by far the most based thing I have ever seen in a video game holy shit
The timing too, right after that laughable """documentary""" came out

Attached: DevilMayCry5 2019-03-10 00-47-37-600.jpg (1920x1060, 403K)

>that entire Nero speech at the beginning of Mission 20

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This scene felt like an attempt to replicate the Lucifer intro, only dialed down a notch.

Ok so, am I the only one who has no idea what I'm doing ?
I understand absolutely nothing about the combat. The characters feel heavy, I have tu run to get close to ennemies, I just don't get it.

To me it felt like the final, ultimate jab at the brokeback mountain comparison Ninja Theory pulled

I think the speech itself is good but it's not set up correctly. I sorta hope they brought Credo up at some point in the game before the speech.

Can I play this game without playing any of the other DmCs or should I play 2 > 1 > 3 > 4?

So, finished story right now.

Can we all agree that DMCVI should be about Dante & Vergil teaming up in the underworld for defeating Mundus once and for all and Nero in human world fighting the invasion launched by him?

It could end with Nero in charge of defending the human world, Vergil as king of the underworld and Dante eating pizza living life quietly.

Final battle the three of them together vs Mundus, 3 eyes against 3 guys.

Attached: tenor (9).gif (318x129, 448K)

It's weird too. It's like people knew about Dante's whackiness overload in 4 so they did this and then immediately dropped it. Dante was like "I'll take this" then he was serious again.

so what Virgil and Dante just ignore the fact millions were killed?

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>run through a boring landscape
>kill the same enemies for the 1000th time with the same combos
>repeat until AMAZING BOSS FIGHT
it's a love hate relationship with this game. overall the game is too easy even on the higher difficulties and dante is boring as fuck to play compared to V and Nero.

skip 2 and dont call it DmC

Yes, there's a quick rundown of the story. 2 is so skippable even the summary gives it less time than the damn anime.

No, I already get it. Just finished the game and was trying to connect the dots in my a bit retarded and sleepy mind. I was confused of Dante's behaviour.

I don't really want a DMC6. I think the ending of 5 of Dante and Vergil going to the underworld together is a perfect mirror to 3's ending. I just wished Vergil felt more responsible for Urizen and the cast sorta saw it as punishment.

>no future additional content outside of Bloody Palace which they could easily fuck up by making it have set floors instead of random once’s
>no real boss rush mode
>very few secret missions and they all suck
Game was fun to some degree but where the fuck is the Vergil DLC if they’re gonna jew is out of him being playable again

Try harder faggot.

DMC5 is 10/10. 11/10 when Vergil becomes playable.

>toggle breakpoints in cheat engine
>Vergil is listed in 03 but softlocks the game if you try to switch to him
He's in

Attached: DevilMayCry5 2019-03-09 01-56-34-47.jpg (3840x2160, 1.13M)

>dante is boring as fuck to play compared to V and Nero
Dante's fun factor is dependant on how well you master his arsenal and switch shit on the fly and keep flowing. What I'm trying to say is, get gud.

Don't play 2. DmC DE is an alright game if not a bit grating to me.

>dante is boring as fuck to play compared to V and Nero.
Lol what the fuck are you smoking, the opposite is the case

Is there a specific forum or something I can browse to read about datamined shit for this game?

Level design could've been better, both in setting and layout

should i try get the secret ending by playing human difficulty or just wait until hell and hell?

Needed more city levels, I liked subway and dante's levels

I think the issues would be fixed if common enemies have ranged attacks and bit more aggressive since it doesn't fully keep you safe in the air. It makes you more proactive. Some of thr mage types are too slow to cast would be fine if the characters doesn't have incredibly broken tools.

Why did Patty make a cameo over Lucia?

Attached: patty.jpg (1920x1080, 288K)

How does Kyrie accept a father in law that rips off his own son arm?

Attached: gigachad.jpg (800x450, 32K)

Reminder that there are people that unironically think the game is a 4/10 because they got casual filtered

Attached: frida likes where this is going.png (349x378, 221K)

I think the setting is good enough. Layout should've been better. Would've helped make it more memorable and take away some of the monotony of fighting.

Considering DMC4 was originally launch PS3 it's not that surprising

play son of sparda and dante must die to get your wish. i promise.

Honestly I don't like the Balrog so I avoid using it, but that's on me. Other than that there's little reason to use his ranged weapons when you can close the gap with Trickster so easily. I just think he's clearly an older design with a million tools and half of them you don't even have to use.

Nero just feels more fluid and fun with his grapple, slower and heavier swings, and his gimmick-arm.

ratchet and clank ACIT looked alright
Man I feel nostalgic looking at PS3 and 360 shit now, all the years people touted them as the cutting edge

Only finished through DH but does Empusas or Hell Cainas get ranged attacks in SoS or DMD? That would be sick. Is the style meter mroe strict there too?

>how are there no stakes

none of the characters undergo any real trials throughout the game, except maybe V. There's no set up for any real conflict that wasn't already done in DMC3

Dante is there for just the wahoos like in DMC4
Nero but he's also more edgy due to muh Arm.
Virgil is Xehanort and is readily forgiven for causing not one but two wholesale massacres, just like Xehanort in KH3
Trish and Lady are bystanders and have no relevance to the plot. You could remove them and nothing would change. The same goes for Dante, too. It could have just been Nero, V and Virgil and the plot could stay largely in tact.

Using the bike to slice shit never gets old

Has anyone datamined the end mission photos yet?
I need the DMC5 version of that picture that unlocks from Mission 18

Attached: vergil powerade.jpg (384x512, 36K)

I just finished it and I enjoyed it a lot, definitely more than 4, probably more than 1, and I don't know if I think it's better than 3 yet. I have a feeling my opinion of 5 will get better as I replay it where with 3, though I still think it's great, my opinion of it lessened when I replayed it. The final boss was kind of shitty though, but mission 19 was a lot of fun, and I'm glad that the ending at least didn't just have Dante and Vergil make up because Nero told them to and then everyone just lived happily together, which is where it seemed like it was going after the final boss. I wasn't too upset about Lady and Trish not having much of a presence, but I avoided any info about the game leading up to its release, so I wasn't sure that they'd even be there, though I expected Trish to be there at least. Lady's cute in this game too, and I'm glad after she looked so bad in 4.

anyone get increased stutters/choppy frames in mission 15 a lot? im on gtc970/i5 6600k and been playing fine on 60 up til now

How long until turbo's modded in

Nero underwent serious emotional change and growth you're just ignoring it with buzzwords to prove your point.
Dante is there to further Nero's character, he's obviously always there for the YAHOO COOL BABY but there's reason for his presence.

>caring about the story
The game is an absolute cringe fest. Here's your you. Can't wait to get home and play all night.

Lady looks like a fucking monster.

Attached: Desktop Screenshot 2019.03.09 - (1920x1080, 587K)

>+greatest combat system in genre

that's not ninja gaiden 2 you fucking idiot

She doesn't look like a monster to me. She looked like a pig in 4.

Like I said, the story could have just had Nero, V and Vergil and very little about it would have to change.

Never played NG, but I don't have an Xbone and I always heard odd things about the Sigma versions. Should I just go for sigma?

whats this game's causal filter this time around?

not yet

Attached: rip.jpg (1920x1080, 259K)

>Dante can do summoned swords now
Poor Vergil.

>Game doesn't save my cleat for some reason
>Have to do mission 20 again
>Actually dying and losing motivation to actually do it in one shot

I killed this shit last night, why do I have to do it again!?


desu kinda disappointed in the story, i enjoyed the game but nothing really happened throughout it all and the whole payoff was a cliffhanger

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>these graphics are literally PS2

Attached: this is how a PS2 game actually looks for you deluded faggots who never played PS2.jpg (640x480, 67K)

>Nero's rage during the last 3 missions
JYB should get an award for his performance.

>no stakes
I suppose a skynet AI piloting drones with the skills of the best ace of the time in order to create a state of perpetual warfare across the globe is no stakes. Sure it's not on the level of the V2, but it's definitely on par with Megalith or SOLG.

Casual filter is something difficult. V is the easiest to mash with.

not V himself, just his boss rush

V is hot

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I loved 5 but Id like 6 to have some sort of newfags as protagonists, instead of direct sequel. you feel me niga?


He does. I do think he deserves abit more better dialogue. Dante and Vergil have fitting godlike dialogue compared to him tbqh.

>greatest combat system in genre which alone makes this game 7\10
the combat is phenomenal, they really improved over everything, too bad the enemies are braindead and it’s too easy to get SSS and stay in the air indefinitely

>boring ass story with no stakes
I couldn’t believe how bad and whatever the story is, it’s like they went out of their way to make this look like a complete filler plot.
>boring ass locations copypasted from DmC
I wish it was copypasted from DmC, that game had morphing scenarios, weird use of colors, verticality, every level looked different. This one has three tile sets (streets, sewers, demonic) and every level is sbout destroying qliphoth roots to progress.
>anti-climatic final bossfight
Ultra rehash boss fight
>Lady and Trish just there
>very few memorable soundtracks, WUB WUB final boss theme
The three main tracks work better in the game than I thought they would

Okay how the fuck can you think this game is bad because it's difficult?

I'm only on mission 10 and I barely play games anymore, have literally never played any DMC game before, but I selected Devil Hunter because I figured I might as well get a game that will make me work for it since I'm spending $60. It's a lot of fun but I'm not having trouble at all. I spent a gold orb on the second boss, the angel thing, because its giant AOE got me near the end but that's it. I still got an A on that mission.

I'm not bragging at all just saying, as someone who is new to the series and not a "hardcore" gamer I am not having issues. How the fuck can you give this game such a low score for being "too hard". Human mode must be just giving you wins and you still complain?

I feel you, nigga. Set it in the future where there are a lot of demon hunters. Be a mission type where you hunt demons in unique areas, with puzzles, with an underlying main story.

why is he so perfect lads

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cause he's a bad boy

Who did this?

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It's not hard on DH so I don't know what that guy is saying. It's weirdly forgiving when enemies can't even touch you in the air until mission 15 or something.

His JUST hair fits him perfectly for some reason

>not satisfied with Itsuno’s OC, user wants ANOTHER generic Devil Hunter instead of the legend

you are part of the problem, DMC5 would be much better if it was just about Dante like the best in the franchise, DMC1 and 3.

Just saw Nero in Mission 4 and it was starting myself from not ten minutes ago doing everything I just did and it even used my PSN name

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He looks weirdly alright in most shots. Still pissed he doesn't look like Dante though.

Attached: who.jpg (1280x720, 34K)

he didnt knew V was part of vergil,if he did knew why he tried to stop V when he was going to resurrect vergil?

do you want consles to commit suicide?

it doesnt have to be a generic OC. nero already made it in 5, and what else is there to do with dante and vergil?

6 could have nero's daughter or something, or another spards relative

>Last battle heme is YET another remix of Devil Trigger

DMC3 still reigning supreme

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>Dante is there for just the wahoos like in DMC4
His brother who he thought dead and gone for close to 20 years is back and fucking everything up again. He's lax about it but as things go on it's obvious he's been taking the situation extremely serious from the get-go even if he's acting like he's not. Also he's trying to protect his nephew and keep him from bloodying his hands with his father's blood. Also Trish and Lady got wrapped into the whole thing and used as batteries because he wasn't strong enough to stop Urizen; nero saved Lady already and that's the only Dante didn't immediately go after her too like he did trish. Dante has plenty of reasons to be here.
>Nero but he's also more edgy due to muh Arm.
It's the arm but also Nero like Vergil has a complex about being weakness. He couldn't save his adoptive parents, Credo, or the people who were possessed by demons pre-dmc4 and it haunts him to this day. Vergil ripping off his arm was bad as it was but he did that in Nero's home while Kyrie and the orphans were a few feet away. Nero was bleeding out on the floor and if this guy decided to kill his family there would have been nothing he could do about it. Dante, the person he looks up to the most, calling him dead weight cut him deeper than you might think. So yeah, he's gonna be pretty angry and sore during the game. All things considered he was pretty chill for most of the game until things started getting serious which makes sense.
>Virgil is Xehanort and is readily forgiven for causing not one but two wholesale massacres, just like Xehanort in KH3
Ehhh I can agree somewhat with this. Dante was in full 'kill my brother brutally' mode the entire time with Urizen but once Nero stepped in that all went out the window, so yeah feels like he got off a bit easy.
>Trish and Lady are bystanders and have no relevance to the plot. You could remove them and nothing would change.
Agree but their not the focus of the story is on them so it's permissible.

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DSD is fucking lame it just ruins your muscle memory for edgelord shit, can you replace it for sparda/rebellion in later playthroughs?

>Dante is there for just the wahoos like in DMC4
Holy shit how can you be this fucking dumb. Did you just go into another room any time a cutscene started? Did you play the entire game blackout drunk? If your goal was to get (You)s you succeeded, good job.

Attached: DanteV.png (1278x625, 960K)

so whats the best metal arm and why is it Gerbera? giving nero a way to move in the air is a big deal.

no, have fun


someone make a loop gif of dante doing the crotch grabs pls

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Learn to adapt nigger that's what Dante is about

I'd be glad if this was the case every time, instead of having to look at variations of xX_D0NT3_T3H_D3M0N_K1LL4_Xx

*seems lax
*complex about being weak
**but they're not the focus of the story so it's permissible.

fuck cant type to save my life today

gerbera is easily the best arm for fun

gerbera P01 (deluxe edition exclusive) is even better cause it keeps the mobility of normal gerbera but has different no movement input actions, it goes straight up (if on ground) or straight down (if on air) instead of just having the front blow of normal gerbera

His actual face itself is handsome, he only looks legit bad in like 1 or 2 shots. His hair isn't that great most of the time and is too poofy/big on top, so it kind of distracts from his face.

Attached: angery_deadbeat.png (411x458, 425K)


Punch Line > Tomboy > Buster Arm > Rawhide > Overture > Gerbera > Ragtime > Helter Skelter

I’m still mad he doesn’t look like Dante

is cavalier angelo this game's credo? i can't think of a boss in this game as good as credo

>no more prop shredder on one button, have to do a delayed combo A just to activate it
>forced majin mechanic for DBZ power up thats just clunky to use outside of a sandbox
>can only cycle through your weapons as vergil historically and this time you have like 5-6 as Dante each side
yeah really needed to have summoned swords when a DLC character will inevitably have them.

>7/10 without negatives
>lists negatives
This math doesn't add up.

fuck off to your discord, cuck

whats the best boss in this gayme

whats so good about rawhide?

>overture that high
>helter skelter that low

git gud

The only thing i find dissapointing in this game is how it doesnt give closure to Sparda, like what the fuck happened to him? is he dead? did he just fuck off for no reason?

dont forget the retarded amount of cutscenes after each drip-fed gameplay segment

Fuck this cheap ass "character action" game and just check these dubz, babycakes.

Attached: doublesguy.jpg (248x249, 14K)

They tell you he's dead in the first game


Anybody gave a high res shot of Dante moonwalking?

you’re not supposed to use everything at the same time all the time like combo mad videos, relax and play stylishly

You could always toss Dante and use Rebellion or Sparda instead

I heard you can replace it with Rebellion and Sparda in subsequent playthroughts. Not sure if it's accurate though. It's still funny that people complain about DSD when they were begging Capcom to stop making a Rebellion clone.

You didnt play the game


Helter Skelter is pretty good against the Scissor Bitches actually

>I play DMC for the story and environments!"
said no one ever.

Did anyone else bust a nut when 'Flock Off' started playing during the fight with Griffon?

I did.

>mfw 'Psycho Siren' starts as well

Attached: 2dde7540937ba526f6b968cb07fd8987.gif (301x300, 949K)
>capcom is considering porting this to switch
>already had ps4 version for physical autism
>considering getting PC port once I upgrade
>know there will be a specal edition one day
>see this fucking story which would mean I could combo on the go.
Please capcom don't port it to switch, I dont want to buy 3+ versions of this goddamn game to satisfy my autism.

to bad the swords are pretty meh.

I hope we move to grandpa Dante and Nero’s twin girls soon, I fucking hate Nero and his personality.

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They are fucking amazing and really helpful to set up Real Impacts

That's not a reason to downgrade them.

DMC3 had an unironically great story.

>is he dead? did he just fuck off for no reason?
We've known he's dead since the first game. The fuck off reason will probably be expanded on in the Sparda game we'll get at some point. Probably something to do with trying to lead Mundus away from his family.

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>wanting to play a 20-30 fps dmc

so where the mods at

Jesus, I can’t even imagine how bad DMC5 would look and run on a Switch, it’s just not feasible, unless they say “fuck it” to the quality, make it 30 fps with drops, no lighting or shadows etc

dmc3 was just pure kino

DMC is not about story, but they could at least try to make the enemy threat actually hype to fight against, like DMC3.

Wouldn't have thought that DMC5 sells better than RE2. Are DMC5 sales good or RE2 sales shit, I can't tell.

He probably died like how V was dying. He didn't have his demonic power and it fits his vanishing act. He's strong so he survived for a 2000 years.

Where is the crack?
I have a shitty laptop and I'm poorfag but I need to know if I can even run it before blowing a part of this month's food budget

i keep braking it and it fucks me gameplay up since i forget i cant grab while its on.

I find them better on SoS. Common melee guys need a ranged attack though. I'll keep saying it, especially when enemy step is too easy.

RE2 sold amazing on consoles, I think. PC always has lower sales, though.

pretty much but even he is a porr mans credo.

Someone said that wasn't an option but that's good to know.

Maybe because they care more about making a game than an inferior movie.

you wish.

If there is another DMC, I don't want to see more Dante&Vergil on the spotlight again. Just make them more relevant (and playable) Trish&Lady characters if anything.
That storyline is already done and finished, it was pretty done in DMC3, in this one they dragged it for a bit but it ended up being alright so fine.
But if they were to make another game with them as the focus it would get boring.

>Dante has very few missions
>I’m already overwhelmed with Balrog’s default move set
>keep hearing it gets even more complicated with the new sword

M-Maybe this franchise is not for me anymore, I liked the simpler DMC3 days where I did full playthroughs with a single style and only had to think about a few weapons at a time, his skill set feels bloated since 4, I’m just not good enough for it...

Attached: 243874CE-7C31-47DB-91B2-52CCEEF65382.jpg (900x870, 83K)

gave me DMC1 PTSD

Attached: Fucking_spam_on_B.jpg (207x251, 5K)

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anyone got the non denuvo exe?

Does this game have Bloody Palace, or will that be DLC?

theres no crack, capcom leaked an exe that had absolutely no denuvo implementation and people are using that
it's on csrin


Pretty sure Mundus is bitch tier to Dante & Vergil at this point. Wouldnt even be fair if they both double teamed him.

Free DLC, comes out in april

6 should have Patty using the moves and weapons she learned from Dante. She can start with Alastor and Spiral.

You realize you can play like you want? I only use two guns and two swords and only switch between two styles. Literally no one can play Dante in his full capacity. You can easily get constantly SS ranking by just learning one sword and one gun and use them to their fullest.

I don't need more Vergil, I like him, and he is the fan favorite and all, but just dredging him up again and again isn't necessary. I have no problem with Dante keeping the spotlight though, I like Nero, but Dante is the heart of the series to me and I don't like the notion of him being put aside.

Balrog is the best weapon in the game, you pleb. You can easily get S rank with it alone

>Literally no one can play Dante in his full capacity.
Donguri can

? What do you mean. You play Dante for most of the latter half. You can also just use one style and pick weapons that you like. You need for 4 guns and 4 weapons if you don't want it.

meme words, opinion discarded


It was cool what they did with nero at the end but I think the story wouldve been better if urizen was actually just a big bad. If vergil was actually trying to help everyone defeat urizen in his own way, instead of being a man child about no power and cant beat dante. Like we couldve had a great epic ending where Vergil comes in and saves dante and nero, knowing full well that nero is his son and the three of them then defeat urizen together. Or maybe dante and vergil reunite and fight urizen together but are still beaten and then nero comes in with his new devil trigger and saves the day. And after that we couldve still had vergil wanting to fight dante and nero stopping them from killing eachother. And V couldve stuck around as his own character. He really grew on me.

Story was serviceable enough but had a lot of potential for more drama and a more climactic ending.

Surprised the moderators haven't deleted this shitpost yet

Just use sparda + less guns

Yeah what this guy said. The games have always been this way, you can use 1 sword to get S ranks if you concentrate on parries and skillful dodges. I can't wait until I can do
Balrog and Cerberus with RG for maximum martial arts

That wouldn't have made any sense. Okay so there's this new bad guy named Urizen way stronger than Mundus? Where has he been all along?

Goliath never touched me when I was using Gerbera, it's great to stay airborne

this is me, but at least you can block out things you dont want in his loadout.

Vergil's a shithead though, why would he help others out of the good of his heart like that?

Nah, no one can play DMC5 Dante to his fullest. You have 8 weapons at the same time combined with 4 styles, you can switch to devil sin instantly and out of it instantly if you get SSS rank and do a quick action for free without losing bar. Not to mention the devil arms, they are more complex than ever. Just comparing Devil Sword Dante to Rebellion in 4 and 3 for example. And Devil Sword Dante may even be the easiest from the 4 devil arms dante uses in the game.

I like that V reads Auguries of Innocence when he'd reading poetry in a fight. I've always liked that poem.

Because Urizen was interfering with his business
or some shit, idk

In fucking hell. What, there are no more demonic threats now because Mundus is dead?

Donguri can. No limitation you apply to normal plebs like you and I apply to Donguri. He was already playing with mods just to have more options available in DMC4. A game he's made his bitch so hard that any livestream he does turns into a style compilation in one take.

Holy mother of cringe. What the fuck were they thinking?

Attached: 624.jpg (613x691, 53K)

>not played a DMC game since 4 came out on 360
>boot up DMC5 a little bit nervous that it's just not gonna be as cuhrazy as i've gotten older and slower
>flop through the tutorials
>use my 100k orbs to unlock combos for Nero
>Lock and Load Remix starts

feels good to be back in it lads

They wanted a DMC4 moment before everything went back to being serious.

Bless you

Goofy stuff isn't new

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more like based

DMC4 never made me want to look away in fucking pure cringeworthy moments

I laughed out loud anf shouted "based!" So loud my girlfriend inquired.

>literally struggled with virgin on DH last night
ok bud

Idk. Maybe he got over it? To me, when we all first saw the scene months ago where vergil takes neros arm and it is very obviously vergil, I guess I forsaw vergil only doing that cuz he wanted to destroy urizen and save everybody. And I thought this cuz he seemed to hesitate after he took the arm, as if it pained him to hurt his own son like that. Hell it couldve also been that he wanted to get the fruit so that he would be king of the underworld and could hold back all of hell from wreaking havoc on the human world (and also beat dante). I naively saw vergil as more heroic. I still like what we got tho, even tho it was anticlimactic.

who gives a shit about all that garbage
gameplay is all that matters

Correct. It's his first playthrough. Wait are you seriously doing this? No fuck that. You win. I'm outtie

I explained "wow this game is crapin curazy" when this happened, my wifes son couldnt believe Im enjoying this game so much

>+greatest combat system in genre which alone makes this game 7\10

Attached: 1529446927708.jpg (960x731, 122K)

Has it been cracked already?

Cant believe an autist like you could have a gf

funny how the game came out around the same time as leaving neverland.

Not really, Capcom left an .exe file in a steam repo thing only for devs and had it set to public instead of private, so people went ahead and got that, it even removes Denuvo

>Virgil stabs himself and V comes out
>Dante stabs himself and theres no D
You literally cannot explain that

Google before posting here you dumass

>Devil Sword Dante may even be the easiest from the 4 devil arms
I don't think so, having to summon swords manually makes it clunkier than any other weapon.

>yamato and rebellion is the same thing

yet another win under my belt, it doesn't get any better than this

I barely survived this shit on DMD. How do you even play as V? He deals no damage on DMD. Are there hidden mechanics like staying closer to your summons to do more damage?

Attached: DevilMayCry5 2019-03-10 07-28-06-13.jpg (1280x720, 221K)

That's your problem then.

its because dante has the bigger Dick

How did vergil get out of the underworld again? Like did I miss when they explained?

Royal Gay user found

>I didn't listen to any cutscenes or read any docs

you have to use dt non stop with him, never stop reading the book and summoning shit

Vergil wanted to split his human side from his demon side so his demon side could act unrestrained and become powerful on its own

Pretty much. If you didn't use trickster to have a battle of anime dashes, then you're a faggot

>tfw forgot you could charge DT completely because I'm constantly taunting in combat
this probably won't fly above SoS

You can still do everything while summoning swords, king cerberus has that very same limitation on all its lighting moves. Balrog has a timer and two fighting modes that weapon is ridiculous. I really can't say anything about the potential of Cavaliere. If you can't cancel some of the moves there might be not that much to it.

i used swordmaster for all of DMC3 my first playthrough, really regretted it.

imo dmc5 is goty unironically

game is fucking glorious. my only complaint is that couldve had more puzzles and story too similar to 3 and 4

I'm so glad they made the recovery on Trickster's dashes quicker than they were in DMC4 in this. I always hated having to cancel the end of a dash with a RG block just to get out another dash right after in 4, Dante feels so much less sluggish now that you don't have to do that.

Most fun weapon in the entire series

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I suck so much but I'm having a lot of fun.
>tfw getting the Sin Devil Trigger

Trickster is worse. You don't have air combos with it.

That is precisely why Dante stabbed himself
Not an argument
And what did Dante want?

This. Its a charge weapon that's actually fun to use

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How has no one the complaint that you can't switch devil breakers on the fly with Nero. This feels like DMC3 one style only all over again. This is about my only legit gripe with the game together with V being not fun to play.

Just use another weapon


What do you want them to do, wish everyone back with the dragon balls? They both went to the demon world to destroy the Qliphoth and they'll likely stay there for a long time if not forever.

>vergil stabs dante in 3
>no d and alighieri
>vergil stabs himself in 5
>v and urizen
I guess it was yamato's character arc

>Not an argument
Yes it is. Both Dante's dialogue and Morris' and Nico's letters state why it is how it is

I guess they wanted that feel of wild card randomness to his combat, twist

Dante had his demon side dormant at that time and stabbing him is what activated it

Vergil already did the same by summoning Temen-ni-gru in DMC3. Dante doesn't give a shit.

This isnt bait btw. I was actually curious.

My dick was harder than diamonds when I tried the Tomboy. Shit feels so fucking good. I also love fapping to tomboys.

You're a dumbass. Dante asked why his father gave him Rebellion. He made a distinction that it might be different that what Yamato is able to do.

They get stuck in the Underworld. I think Dante blames Vergil but it's his brother. It should've been mentioned though when decided to get stuck.

>pinnacle of gameplay in a genre that is entirely about gameplay

did you mean to post this to [email protected]

I could understand if Devil Breakers would break after a while of usage but you can keep them forever as long as you play well. If you want to use another one you need to deliberately break your current one.

i agree desu

I enjoyed it, but I actually found it less fun than DMC4.
Also V is a mistake of a character.

Do we know what the EX taunt is? or none yet has unlocked them?

It's literally never explained why Vergil is still alive.

It's just weird dances.

In the skill list I believe it is referred to as sword formation and upgrading it makes them last longer.

They never explained how Dante got out of hell.
Maybe it just doesn't matter

Just put a reshade on. Game will look great with it

Yes we know

I thought their final fight was in Mallet Island, which is in the human world? How Vergil survived Nelo Angelo 3 can be chalked up to the fact that he exploded like the other fights and the last one is barely different.

so are dante and vergil stuck in the underworld

>no stakes
It has quite literally the highest stakes of any DMC game.

They never show a corpse at the end of DMC1. It is now retconned that Nero Angelo never actually died after the final battle with him, he just teleported away. And After Mundus was defeated, Vergil turned back to normal, but with his body fucked up. Then he did this shit with the tree in DMCV to regenerate his body.

they can come back anytime but they are trying to distroy some shit in the demon world before they do

Even the anime is more canon than 2. Literally nothing that was in 2 was used. Everyone thought Sin Devil is Majin form when it first appeared in a trailer but it was something completely different. Even in the recap they literally only mentioned 2 for a second.

Not with Yamato, but Nero probably doesn't realize that.

DELETE THIS!!!! REEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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>he can't enjoy campy and cringy dialogue
maybe stop taking videogames so seriously, they're made for kids and teens after all

It's explained in the prequel novel, Dante found a dimensional hole that he came out of. Lucia and Matier also appear for a bit.

I fucking hate V, he's not fun and I feel like I'm just waiting for nightmare to be available to buttrape everyone. Also his stupid fucking chapter, you know the one, is fucking garbage

I was hoping that after this scene it would cut to Trish looking real unimpressed with Lady filing her nails or something to spice up the levity a bit.

Probably. How the Yamato works is completely inconsistent. Dante says it can open holes to the Human World but Yamato only does it randomly. Probably stuck there until a writer decides that they want either of them back.

Anyone save that pic of concept art Nico?

2 is begrudgingly accepted into the timeline. That part was likely not explained just due to the fact 2’s existence would have to be acknowledged again.

Dude, people have been complaining since it was revealed to be that way. Capcom’s response was that Dante already felt like the character that had access to everything, so they wanted to make Nero’s gameplay about using what you have available at a time and thinking about the risk / reward of breaking the weapon to use another one, I’d like to have them forever too.

That chapter is so easy on DH. Just pick Shadow and you'll plow through it. Always pick the sword weapon.

>tfw have to replay V levels for secret missions and orbs I missed

V's music really grew on me.

Is there a reason given for why V's summons can't kill demons on their own and why he needs to finish them off himself?

they’re loooong dances that give you tons of style meter. Not really practical but funny

>Probably stuck there until a writer decides that they want either of them back.
so middle of next game in 2030 then?

V is boring to play as, Neros devil breakers aren't that fun except pasta and devil buster, motorcycle and Mr Faust aren't fun, nunchucks are great but their sword master moves are gay, still a solid 9.5/10

maybe because he wants the fruit for himself, and plans on backstabbing everyone at the last second

yah, for me too. When the chorus kicks in as you reach S, it feels good

V's summons are "dreams" of Vergil's memories of them when he was Nelo.

You have no idea how popular MJ was in Japan, I see.

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>you’ll never play a DMC again with Dante as the sole and main character
I don’t hate Nero but I’d rather just play Dante. Give Nero his own spin off series or something.

>pasta is fun

DMCVs music mechanic needs to be in every fucking game. Holy shit it's like they figured out the out through science how to trigger everyone's "in the zone" state. It's fucking magic dude

Vergil's last fight as Nelo Angelo was still on the human world, so when fucked off he fucked off to somehwere in the human world

Where's Mega Buster and Pasta Breaker faggot?

>Nation of pedophiles idolizes a pedophile


>Agnus Redux
I take it this is your first DMC.

Pasta breaker is fucking great, that and devil buster are the only 2 breakers that are really fun, buster is kind of cheating considering it's just a more fragile version of Neros arm in 4. Punch line is alright


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Everything has to have the fortnite dance user. Its stupid, but this is the time we live in. Just accept it.

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This is the only true cringe in this thread.

It's the best battle music out of the 3 imo.

I might be alone in this, but Nidhogg gives me more trouble than anything else in the game. Fuck this wormy cunt.

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RE2 sales are within expectations, it's DMC5 sales that are going crazy, the series sold well during the PS2/PS3 era, but DMC5 sales are probably going to break all the records for the franchise

Fuck you bait. Stop using Dexter for your shitposting.

I just beat it on DMD with D rank. I feel your pain

There's so much going on in his bossfight so I don't blame you

>Fortnite dance
Please be baiting.

Makes me so sad, it’s like making a Batman game and only allowing you to play him for 1/3 of the time, the rest spent on Robin.
This track is fucking best

I believe it was Rebellion that did that.

>Michael Jackson

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>tfw S ranked that mission on my first try

>The guy who jobbed to Devil Hunter Vergil so many times that he said he was debating using orbs to continue and cheat the fight
Post yfw you're better at DMC than Donguri

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Is there any reason they can't finish off demons on their own?

Bravo user. Bravo.

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