Who did you plan on romancing in Persona 5? Who did you end up romancing?

Who did you plan on romancing in Persona 5? Who did you end up romancing?

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your mom rekt lol



I went into the game blind and figured id play it safe with Ann.
Ended up choosing Makoto, so I got beat up on Valentine's Day.

I want to sexually assault Ann

No one. Fuck women.

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>Fuck women.
That's the idea, incel.

>Who did you plan on romancing in Persona 5?
>Who did you end up romancing?

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I planned on Futaba initially but then she turned out kind of boring and I lost interest.

The booty calls from my teacher, however, kept me interested.

None because I have a real girlfriend you loser.

No one and No one. Who gives a shit about romance?

I didn't know since I got it when the game came out; went with Hifumi. I was gonna replay to get someone else and do ng+ stuff but then I realized the game was shit and stopped playing.

So I never played a Persona before 5 and I didn't know what my options were. At first I was pretty into Makoto until I found out Kawakami was an option. When Futaba got introduced later I was interested in her a bit and also Tae. Ultimately I picked Kawakami and am satisfied with my choice, especially after we snuck off together during the Hawaii trip.

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>plan on romancing
>end up romancing

coudn't help it, Makoto and Joker make such a cute couple. Plus she's got a giant ass

>Who did you plan on romancing in Persona 5?
>Who did you end up romancing?
Nobody, I dropped the game about halfway through.

Was going to bang Kawakami because cakefag but not into the maid thing, moved to doctor lady, tempted by Makoto but still had that cakefag urge. Ended up with doctor lady. Prime goth, cake pussy.

I had no plan, because I didn't spoil any of the game for myself.
Went with Makoto so that I could tell Sae I was boning her sister.

Planned on Kawakami, changed my mind to Makoto, settled on Futaba

I had no plans going into the game. Anne is the one I decided to romance at the time and now she is the love of my life.

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>Ended up

Exactly this, Kawakami came off as a lazy beta bitch and Haru came off as a classy woman who just wanted someone to like her outside of being rich.

I didn't plan anything. Ended up romancing Ann because it was the first of all links that got to the romance choice. She was very cute, i don't really care about the romance anyway.
Fucking hate Persona threads because it's always waifu talk, but i guess it's the main selling point of the game for many.

>i guess it's the main selling point of the game for many.
it definitely was for me. saw a random IGN review about Persona 4 saying you can date the girls and i stopped the video and went to looking for a copy.


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Makoto but I was locked out because I was a retard and thought the game went on til March so I didn't level my shit up enough.
I ended up with Chihaya the Mystic chick

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Well i understand it. Not many games where you can date a girl without it being just a dating simulator with no actual gameplay. It's just not my thing, but i still liked the game.


Best girl

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i don't know why the Japs don't do it more. dating sims and JRPGs are two of the things they're best at yet they never seem to have any mind for combining them. what's the point of cute girls if you can't date them.

Similar situation with the doc but also found the teach more interesting and straight forward.

Went into it mostly blind
Settled on Tae pretty early on.

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>romancing your imouto

That's the best part

Tae, but i missed a flag and got friendzoned.
Ended up with Makoto, Hifumi, Kawakami and almost Futaba but i ran on the fucking 9th rank.

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It's coming
Part 6 is being posted tonight at around 6ish
Don't miss it
You won't want to

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Went in blind, no plan.

Torn between Futaba, Makoto and Tae.

Went with Makoto, regretted it. Will do Futaba if I ever replay it.

Bless you, Sae-user.

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Wanted Chihaya and went with Chihaya. Long blonde hair is my absolute favorite feature on a girl.

Thanks, man
Hey, just curious, what exactly constitutes as "NSFW" content? Enough for the jannies to get pissed?

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Finally my highlight of the week! Just use a thread with enough posts so it's not too obvious.

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My brother literally did the same exact thing, even dated the same girls. How did you two "miss" the romance option? The game spells it out for you and even asks if you're sure.

i dont think jannies care about what gets posted text wise, its more about pictures than anything. what they consider SFW is anyones guess, i've been banned for all kinds of inane shit before.

I don't know, maybe i advanced the S.link too fast and got to a question i didnt have the stats for? i really don't know how i fucked it up, i just know it ended platonically


She's amazing. Getting the items from her at the end really got me.

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Playing for the first time now.
Planning on romancing everyone
Probably will miss two or three of the girls' social links as I gradually fuck up my schedule.

Futaba when it's playable on PC

focus on kawakami first, seriously. her later perks allow you to go outside after you fuck around in the dungeon, giving you so much more time for the other bitches.
hifumi is also great, since she lets you swap out party members mid battle.

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I had it narrowed down to Kawakami, Makoto, and Haru, but I went with Makoto in the end.

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Alright, but let's say I post a naughty pic of Sae with her breasts out, and something lewd is being done to them, but there's no nip, is that okay?

Ann is a dumbo bimbo thot slut skank rapemeat whore!

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Get Chihaya to 7 as quick as possible. She gives you the ability to build social links without it costing time.

Gotcha, keep an eye out on Persona threads between 6:00 and 7:00PM Central

depends on the janny, desu. spoiler it and hope for the best, but i would expect a 3 day vacation.

Ryuji best girl.
Bottom Text

I love that file name, holy kek!


Is that why he always asked me to go to bed?

everyone and everyone

but i love tae

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Tae was gonna be my second choice

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Planned Futaba but after meeting Kawakami at the beginning there was no turning back

>there are people on Yea Forums who romance only one character

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harems are for degenerates

I only love Anne so why would I romance anyone else?

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>being a cheating fagit

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>End up
Kawakami. But I wanted to cuckquean her with makoto and the other milfs. Couldn't do it to her though, especially since her ability is so OP.

Futaba was so god damn cringeworthy. Hearing her refer to life with "exp"/other videogame terms and saying "kek" made me want to skip persona dialogue for the first time ever. I could tolerate Rise's shitty writing, but Futaba's a whole new level of bad.

Was planning makoto cause she has a great ass
But currently undecided

>Who did you plan on romancing in Persona 5? Who did you end up romancing?

Tae friendzoned her. Fucked Haru, 3 playthroughs.

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>finally decide to play P5
>it's still like 40€ on ps4
I'm not paying that much for a v*deogame

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planned to romance Makoto, ended up with Hifumi

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Makoto. Too bad her actual character was complete shit and her confidant was unironically the worst in the game so it soured me on her otherwise outstanding design.

>Ended up
Haru, though only because she was the last one remaining by the time I friendzoned Makoto. Kawakami on my second run. Both were cute.

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Ryuji or Yusuke, ended up with Tae because she was the only girl I liked. If only Makoto's sis and the boys could be romanceable...

>Planned to get Fuuka
>Fell in love with Mitsuru

>Planned to get Chie
>Fell in love with Naoto

>Planned to get Makoto or Haru
>Fell in love with Kawakami and Haru


>Makoto, Kawakami

>Kawakami, the nurse

I know its been talked to death but the student relationships were dogshit only the adults were good

See, this guy understands. Hifumi is an okay substitute though.

Thanks for the tips.
When and where do I access their links?
I'm only at like 5/20 or so.

I wanted to go Ann second playthrough but the whole "really REALLY" made me reload and romance Makoto again but only because I turned Tae down

The party members in P5 were pretty fucking garbage compared to the two games before it. They come off more as co-workers than friends, especially compared to 4 where everyone always wants to hang out together.

Hifumi and Chihaya come in later, sometime in summer i believe. Kawakami is a bit earlier, pretty close to where you are now.

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>lets an "I love you" slip
>call her out on it
>instead of backtracking and playing it off she doubles down
>this is somehow a bad thing
You're an idiot and undeserving of her anyway.

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Kawakami you get through an event after clearing the second palace. After you do the event, talk to her at school to get her number, then call her from Leblanc at night.
Chihaya also makes an appearance in an in-game event while leading up to the third palace and you can start hers pretty much right after that if you can. However, you need to do a Mementos mission before you actually start her confidant.
Also keep in mind both are expensive. Kawakami requires 5k yen per time you hangout with her. Chihaya requires a one-time payment of 100k yen before you can even start hers, in addition to the Mementos event. Get into the habit of figuring out what the best money exploits are and abuse the fuck out of them because you will need them.

Stupid bimbo.

This isn't a bad thing and that's why I love Ann but that choice of words was poor and it reminded me she was a teenager and I'm way too old for that shit

How can you stand this chick.
>Lets go raid a dungeon (mall)
>Being with you gives me bonus stats in confidence
>YAY I leveled up joker.
and she never stops. But then again... she is cute

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Her dialogue is super embarrassing but it didn't really make me dislike her. She's also short and would make an amazing cocksleeve. I bet she's really loud during sex.

fuck that cafè looks comfy

based rapemeat poster

Tell me about your fantasies user.

I have to play it yet but I decided I would go for Makoto ever since the first trailer she appeared in.
I fear I will end up going for Futaba because Makoto according to Yea Forums brings the whole game down somehow, in general she seems to be the most criticized charachteer of P5

I disagree

>Who did you plan on romancing in Persona 5?
Tae because she was a sexy doctor and those legs could kill a man

>Who did you end up romancing?
Kawakami because she's a sweet woman who deserves all the happiness in the world

Tae is still my #2 though

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>Makoto according to Yea Forums brings the whole game down somehow, in general she seems to be the most criticized charachteer of P5
That's just Yea Forums being contrarian. She's the most popular girl.

If I do a second playthrough I will probably go with Makoto

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I blame most the student confidants basically being 30% the girl and 70% some other person's business so the romance point usually just comes unwarranted.

At least Kawakami/Tae's transitioned more smoothly into the romance point relatively speaking.

If I had known about Haru ahead of time I would have waited for her though.

I knew nothing about the game going in. Romanced Ann. Regretted it when Makato showed up. Regretted it even more when Haru showed up.

Who is the better romance option between Yukiko and Rise?


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Kawakami is a fucking thot that only normies who only played p5 and calls it their favorite despite not even playing the other games romance with. Haru is absolute goddess tier

Yo Yo Yo

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>Who did you plan on romancing?
>Who did you end up romancing?
Ann, because I missed Takemi's romance option like an idiot.

First run
Makoto, Tae

Second Run
Haru, Haru.

Haru was robbed by being introduced so late.

Ai is a cunt

Was going to romance tae, as the game went on and I unlocked the electric chair, I got makotos Ultimate melee weapon and gun, soon then got to start to like her and level her up more, The game was literally forcing me to be come a makotofag.

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Came in expecting to really like Makoto due to songs of praise from others.
Found Makoto to be the worst girl in the game, and ended up with Futaba instead. I liked the notion of helping a girl still coping with the loss of her mother.

We're all out.

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I beelined for Kawakami but found her kind of underwhelming. If you don't have a maid fetish it's rough.

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Afrobull on Twitter

>Who did you plan on romancing in Persona 5?
Ann, Makoto, Haru, Tea, Kawakami
>Who did you end up romancing?

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Makoto because you can't date Sae

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Makoto and Kawakami

Now when we get to Switch port with more options

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I went with Makoto my first playthrough, but on newgame+ I went with Haru. Sucks shes only available in the last month of the game.

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Planned to go for Tae. Ended up with Hifumi.

Let's be honest, Makoto and Futaba are both redpilled.
Ann and Haru are so bluepilled that they would enjoy BBC bf.
So only Makoto and Futaba are good choices.

Actually made me feel bad about cheating on her in NG+ when I was going for the harem postgame cutscene for romancing everyone.

I wish sae would peg me and make me lick her heels clean

i want this silly girl

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>Futabafags are stormiggers
How surprising.

Those lobsters are for VISUAL APPRECIATION ONLY!

>Why yes, I did romance Ann/Haru, how did you know?

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>Game shit on racism
>"Waah why aren't my fictional characters racist?

I don't even know who that is supposed to be.

>BBC bf
It's literally impossible for blacks to have a Asian gf, the fuck are you on?


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Kawakami, turned out she's a literal whore, dropped like a sack of fucking potatoes.

You forgot that Naomi Osaka exist right?
If you look good, don't talk like a retard, anyone can date anything, the rest depend of rivals or social pressure.

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>chilling at friends place after hanging out all day, now going to drink with the boys
>saefag finally posts part 6

what a nice Saturday I've had so far, cant wait

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And she's an ugly fucking abomination.
Why the fuck anyone would sentence their children to life of niggardry is beyond me.

Fem yusuke it seems

I went with Hifumi. Girls in the main team are kinda meh.

>Japan in persona 5 is the same as Japan IRL.
Also, if the "based" black men can have white wife, they can also have japanese wife, as it does happen. Japanese women are attracted to educated people, that's why notorious black artist there have japaneses wife.
Obviously the niggers into the hood culture have no chance in Japan (except with gyarus maybe) but the rest aren't out in advance.

And you're Fabio? Somehow I doubt it neckbeard incel. You'd fuck anything with a hole. Not the guy you were responding to btw.

I knew it was gonna be Futaba since she was known only as Splatoon-chan.

I don't even know how they can hope to top her in future games.

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Damn, i wanna smash me some jap puss and make nigglets.

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>And you're Fabio?
No, but at least I'm not a filthy nigger lmao
>You'd fuck anything with a hole.
>Not the guy you were responding to btw.
Sure you're not, faggot.

Her being ugly isn't due to the black race retard. Both parents are ugly, obviously she inherited their ugly physical features.
Look at blasian like Amina du Jean

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>Look at blasian like Amina du Jean
Done, she's an ugly half-nigger. Anything else?

Makotafags you've à containment board

Say the amerimutt

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Pic related

Ann is too sexualized, Futaba is too much of a little sister figure, and Haru has that ugly forehead and shitty haircut along with barely any pressence. Makoto is just right.

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USA isn't the only country in the world, faggot. I'd say you are an Americunt yourself, judging by your obsession with niggers.

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why would you use mutt as an insult when promoting a biracial person. just seems to undermind what you're saying. its like if i were defending blacks against racist but called the person being racist a nigger.

Pointless thread is pointless.
In reality, you're all neet who've zero chance in Japan.
This is what will happen to all of you if you go there.

>zero chance in Japan.
Double wrong, because I wouldn't live in Japan even if you paid me.
Go be a nigger somewhere else.

Go back to plebbit

It was you who brought them in the first place Btw, only fags would call good looking women ugly

Nice try, not my post. I know very well all sane people despise niggers.
>good looking women
More like ugly nigger spawn.

Don't be mad that the "asian gf" meme is losing its steam.

>retards taking the bait

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>wouldn't live in Japan even if you paid me.
why not man, it seems really fucking cool. the jap schoo girls wear skirts as all girls should. lots of cool conventions. cool food.

what's not to wander about a foreign country aimlessly to?

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A man of culture.

Who's taking the bait of who?

I don't even know anymore

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none cause im not a gay

all of them

>Who did you plan on romancing in Persona 5?
Kawakami because of how everyone wouldn't stop talking about Kawakami being the best shit ever

>Who did you end up romancing?
Chihaya. Also her and Tae were the only chicks who I didn't find annoying, I'm glad I tried this game because now I know that Persona just isn't for me personally.

>Game has anti racism message through Ann
>Game is popular among leftists
>Game is popular in resetra, thousands of post being excited about joker being in smash
>Akechi perform a Michael Jackson move in his all out
>"why isn't my nippon aryan game anti niggers?"

Fags from resetra and stormniggers baiting each other while both fall for it by either fake outrage based on misinterpreted shit while the other side try to make people believe that every japaneses somehow hate black people.

>all this /pol/ bullshit
shut up and post more Anne

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>>Game has anti racism message through Ann
i didn't really even notice. and why use someone like Ann, a white person, instead of maybe an African immigrant who people would actually have negative perceptions about. i can't imagine anyone treating Ann badly for looking like a hot blond piece of ass other than the Jap girls who are jealous because they want to be her but that feels more like flattery.

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>i didn't really even notice
You'd have to be an actual retard to not notice that and realize it's 99% of the reason she's treated the way she is in the beginning of the game. Hell, it doesn't even stop after Kamoshida. Like in Hawaii the girls only want to hang out with her because she can speak English and they can't.

I thought she was treated the way she was because she was a foreigner not because of her race.

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>Ann, a white person, instead of maybe an African immigrant who people would actually have negative perceptions about
You're fucking retarded, literally /pol/brainwashing, Ann is a quarter white.
The "/pol/ is Hispanic" meme is real.
Also hafu of all kind go get shit on at schools, the anti white bias isn't noticeable in the japanese media but at japanese schools it definitely exist.
Ann represents that since more whites immigrate in Japan than other non asian races, there is more part whites 'going to schools than other races.
Ryuji literally stated while Ann was asleep to the others that she was bullied and had no friend beside the girl because of her foreign look, and the others stated that it's horrible.

Now I keep imagining Ren railing Futaba while Sojiro is still there
>So boss, hows business today?
>HAA haa HAA
>Oh you kno-

Shut up, Jew.

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all you makotofags make me sick
everyone else is ok but makoto is hot garbage

Planned on Kawakami, or possibly Sae if she was available. I went with Futaba for my first run though, I just went with who I felt the most connection with

>screaming /pol/ boogeyman like a retard even though i didn't even say anything pol related
Why do people have to act like mouth breathing shitposters instead of just engaging in discussions?

Sae user, where are you?

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Only /pol/tards would call a quarter white japanese woman "white"

waiting for the pc release

It's almost time
getting in shower now, when I get out I'm posting it
If this threads dead by then, hit te next persona thread

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Planned for Kawakami, ended up with Takemi

Actually, nvm, fuck it
It's time
Get in here boys

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aww yiss

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How am i supposed to know what her genentic makeup is unless they specifically mention it in the game you braindead monkey?

Alright, here we go
Part 6
Hold on tight
>You swear to god...
>You are this
>To snapping
>So guess fucking what
>The higher ups have decided that they want the Suzuki-Amayato case wrapped up as soon as possible
>They're tired of all the media attention it's giving the SIU
>So they pulled a few strings and now that Banayato cunt is being tried by the end of week
>Which means the whole legal process is getting sped through faster than a stop sign in a car chase
>Of course, this has fucked EVERYTHING for you
>You barely even had this guy's file arranged and now you're getting thrust into fucking court with him
>This jackass
>Oh my god
>"My rights are being violated!"
>"I never knew that skank!"
>"This is all a [Expletive] Conspiracy!"
>"That Prosecutor C*nt's got nothing on me!"
>Every time he goes on the news you just wanna put a bullet through your head
>Fucking parasite journalists keep hounding you for info
>Following you like hungry dogs
>While you're walking on the fucking sidewalk no less
>"Niijima-san! Is it true that-"
>You can't answer that question
>It's confidential information
>You fucking idiots
>What part of that don't you understand?
>You had to wade through these cunts on your way to the courthouse today
>You spent all day there
>Battling it out with Banayato's dick of an attorney
>Of course, his lawyer isn't nearly as much of a buffoon as he is
>He's one of the best money can buy, apparently
>And it shows, since this bastard must've memorized every single fucking code in the entirety of Japanese law
>"Well, you see..."
>"Actually, your honor..."
>"If you'll refer to Appendix A of..."
>That slick little rat
>He actually tried to have the case thrown out at the fucking arraignment
>Some bullshit about "insufficient evidence" or whatever
>Totally caught you off guard
>You had to scramble just to stop the whole thing
>It wasn't even that clever of a move, you just-
>You shiver

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I planned on Makoto, then the writing made me hate her as a character. I went with Tae instead.

>You just can't stop thinking about your little... problem
>The heat...
>It's the worst it's ever been
>It follows you everywhere
>At home
>At work
>On the subway
>From the moment you wake up you're in a constant battle with yourself
>A constant battle to not give in
>A constant battle to just get through the day
>That fucking Akira
>Ever since that night where you caught him and Makoto again, he's all you can think about
>That charming smile
>His messy hair
>Those lean, firm thighs that could crush your head like a walnut...
>It's getting worse and worse everyday
>Ever since your... "slip up", your body's been wanting more
>Craving more
>Hungering for another release
>Especially since Makoto's out of the picture...
>...And you are Akira are alone
>Alone in that big, empty apartment
>Alone with no one to catch the two of you rutting like pigs
>Skin against skin...
>Body against body...
>Your sweat soaked limbs locking in a sinful embrace of lust and passion...
>"...And with that, this court is ready to proceed. Counselor?"
>Your screams echoing through your steam filled apartment...
>Your cries of pure bliss as he hammered into you his muscular thighs and-
>You snap out of your lust filled haze
>You're in court
>The judge looks pissed at you
>"...W-What's going on?" you ask innocently
>"Is the STATE ready to PROCEED?" he annunciates
>Oh, uh
>Y-Yeah, you're ready...
>You shuffle your papers and stand up awkwardly
>He groans
>You hear a snicker from the back of the room

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>Saenigger beginning his spam
I'm out

>It's only been a couple days since Makoto left for her little college trip, and you're already at your limit
>The quality of your work's taken a real a downward turn
>You can't focus on ANYTHING
>That little incident in court wasn't the first time that's happened
>You almost blew a witness testimony yesterday because you couldn't stop imagining Akira eating you out on your table
>You were shaking right there in court!
>And of course, the director's pissed about this
>"...What the hell WAS that? What, were you off in wonderland or something?!" he yells
>He's real miffed about your performance today
>He called you into office after court to yell at you
>"You looked like a fucking rookie!" he says
>You try to apologize
>You're sorry, you just...
>Y-You didn't get enough sleep last night, and-
>"I don't CARE what your sleep schedule is, Niijima, I expect results! You've been here for what, 3 or 5 years and you can't even preform basic court procedure?!"
>You bow your head
>You're sorry, boss!
>Please don't take you off the case!
>I-It won't happen again!
>You swear!
>You hear him groan
>"Ugh... this would've never have happened with a male lawyer..."
>You bite your tongue
>You do everything to hold yourself back
>You breath heavily as he decides what to do with you
>"...Alright, Niijima, one more chance. If I get one more slip up out of you, then you're out, got it?"
>You bow deeper
>"T-Thank you, B-Boss" you sputter
>You're fuming
>You move to leave his office
>He stops you
>"Oh, and Niijima?"
>"I don't think I need to tell you what'll happen if you lose this case for us, do I?"
>You grit your teeth
>Of course not, boss...
>"Good, good... shut the door behind you"
>Sure thing
>You prick...

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They do mention it brainlet, you literally never played the game.

>You shut his office door as calmly as possible
>Even though internally you're fucking seething
>That piece of shit...
>You're already acutely aware of how in danger your job is
>He doesn't need to remind you
>You're already under enough stress at it is
>All the pressure
>All the heat
>All the little knots of anxiety in your stomach
>It's all weighing down on you
>You feel like you're dragging around a 100 pound weight
>You're constantly exhausted
>Never focused
>You can't sleep at night
>You shamble through the day
>Surviving off nothing but cheap coffee and greasy fast food
>You can't think straight
>You feel awful
>You're constantly on the move
>Moving from office to office
>Building to building
>QUADRUPLE checking documents to make sure no one fucked up anywhere
>Having papers thrust into your face every 5 seconds
>Making phone calls to brain dead idiots
>Every *RING* *RING* echoing in your throbbing head
>No rest
>No respite
>Not going home till late at night
>You've got a constant migraine
>Your blood pressure's skyrocketing
>Constantly having to switch gears between working your ass off and daydreaming about Akira
>Splashing cold on water on your face to stop yourself
>Having to waste time reapplying your makeup so you don't look completely decrepit
>Hearing your coworkers make snide comments about "the office Christmas cake" rotting
>Watching them sit back and relax while you're working yourself to the bone
>Grinding your teeth down to the gums
>Wanting to scream
>Wanting to shout your lungs out
>Throw yourself out the window
>Beat your head against the wall
>Rip your eyeballs out of your fucking skull and stomp on them till they're nothing but a pile of-
>"You know, you shouldn't grit your teeth so much, Niijima-san. It's not good for you" you hear

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>Who did you plan on romancing in Persona 5?
No one going in since I started pretty much blind, but I had seen that there were quite a few options so I tried to wait as long as possible before committing. I ended up going with Makoto.

>"You wanna say that again, cunt?!" you say reflexively
>You turn to the voice
>It's Akechi
>He holds his hands out
>"E-Easy... guess you're feeling the crunch too, huh?" he says
>Wow, Goro!
>How'd you figure that one out?
>Was it that "detective's intuition" of yours?!
>He chuckles nervously
>"W-Well, we all get a little stressed sometimes, Niijima-san... I personally like a nice massage whenever I'm feeling the pressure. Maybe you'd like the same?"
>A massage?
>Some greasy fag digging into your back with their oily hands for an hour?
>No thanks
>Getting run over by a train sounds more stress relieving than that
>"Well perhaps it's not for everyone..." he says
>You rub your eyes
>You can hardly keep them open
>"Are you feeling alright, Niijima-san? You don't look so good..." he says
>You sigh
>...Thanks for your concern, Goro, but
>You're fine
>Just a little tired is all
>"Maybe you should leave a little early today, Niijima-san. I'd hate for you to become another Karōshi statistic" he suggests
>No, no...
>You've gotta be ready for tomorrow
>You can't afford another slip up like today
>If you wanna win this case and keep your job you've gotta get busy
>You work better from work anyway
>There's less... distractions
>You shake your head
>Just don't think about it, Sae
>Just don't think about it...
>...You'll just have to hunker down
>Pour some coffee
>Grab your laptop
>Stick your drive in and-
>You feel around in your pocket
>It's empty
>Oh what the...
>You rummage through your pockets
>You dig through your purse
>Can't find it
>Son of a bitch...
>You must've forgotten your drive when you were rushing this morning
>Now you'll have to go home and get it
>Fuckin hell...
>You grab your shit and mutter something about being right back
>"Well I'll probably be gone by then, but, um... I guess I'll see you tomorrow then. Best of luck to you in court, Niijima-san!" he says, forcing a smile

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>Shamble onto the subway
>Looking like disheveled mess
>You take a seat and rest your head on on the side rail
>It feels like the whole world is bearing down on you
>And you don't have the strength to support it
>It wouldn't be so bad if you could just get some rest
>A break or something
>But there is none
>Not even in those brief moments where you manage to drift off
>It'd be nice to just go home and relax, but...
>You can't
>Not while Akira's there
>You've been avoiding the apartment for that very reason
>You don't wanna be alone with him...
>...N-Not that you're scared that something's gonna h-happen or something!
>I mean
>A horny, stressed out mess like you all alone with a cute little teenage stud like him?
>H-How crazy would that be?!
>No, you're just...
>Worried, that-
>...You might s-stress out and...
>Y-Yell at him or something...
>A pent up woman like you shouldn't be anywhere Akira
>Who knows what could happen...

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Had no one planned when I went in. Ended up going with Makoto. Kawakami, Tae, and Chihaya almost won me over though. Shadow Sae though.

They mention that she's "one quarter american"? where, cause i don't remember.

>...Christ, it's cold
>Even on the subway
>You're having to curl up in your seat just to stay warm
>Is this cold front ever going to end?
>It feels like you're in an ice chest
>Do they got the fucking AC running in here or something?
>"Shibuya. This is Shibuya" you hear over the speaker
>Oh thank god
>Leave the subway car
>Ride the escalator up to the surface
>Alright, now you just need to get to your apartment and-
>Step in a puddle
>That's odd
>Why's the sidewalk all wet?
>There's puddles all over it
>You feel droplet of water fall on you
>Look up
>The sky's dark
>Darker than it usually it is
>Another drop of water lands on your face
>You wipe it off
>...The hell?
>Is it rain-
>A crack of thunder rings out
>It starts pouring rain
>Oh fuck!
>You're caught in the middle of the downpour
>Jesus Christ!
>It's fucking freezing!
>You sprint to your apartment building
>Almost tripping like 5 times
>Passing by people who all remembered to pack their umbrellas
>You finally get there
>You stop to rest under the door awning
>Out of breath and shivering
>You're absolutely soaked...
>You try to wring out your hair and clothes as much as possible
>You're still wet as fuck
>Ah jeez
>Fuckin weather...

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I think it's british. I don't remember exactly when it's first mentioned in all that dialogue, but the fact is brought up in the 7th palace when sweet-talking the poolside pedo

>Try not track water through the lobby as you head up to your apartment
>Your clothes are still dripping as the elevator arrives on your floor
>You shiver as you turn the key to your apartment
>Get in
>Shut the door
>Cup your hands together and blow into them
>Even you're apartment's cold
>Gotta turn on the heat!
>You go over to your thermostat and turn the heat up
>It clicks on and you feel the warm air start blowing through the vent
>That feels nice...
>You set your keys down
>Oh hey
>Here it is!
>You pick your drive up off the drawer
>Guess you must've left it when you were heading out the door
>You overslept so you were in hurry
>The one time you manage to actually drift off for awhile...
>Well whatever
>No use in thinking about that
>You turn around
>At least you got what you came-
>Your eyes shoot open
>Your jaw drops as you take in the scene before you

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It's under her description on the confidant screen in the menus. It says she's 1/4th American, not British.

Ok my bad.

>It's Akira
>In a towel
>Nothing but a towel
>His upper body naked and exposed
>His lean stomach and chest on full display
>Evidently fresh out of the shower
>His hair wet
>Water droplets trickling down his neck and into chest down to his abs
>His smooth, toned abs...
>You're speechless
>He is too
>Neither of you say anything
>You just stare at each other for what feels like forever
>Finally he speaks up
>"Oh, uh... Hey Sae-san! What are you doing home so early?"
>You blink
>You blush
>Your mind goes blank
>You struggle to come up with any words
>You mumble something about forgetting something for work and coming here to get
>"Guess you got caught in that storm on the way back, huh?"
>Oh, uh
>A bead of water drips off your hair
>"Yeah, it got me too. Had to get in the shower just to warm up! You wanna hop in? Should be plenty of warm water left..."
>You blush harder
>N-No no...
>You're just here to pick up your drive and leave
>G-Gotta get back to work, you know?
>"Well you're at least gonna change out of those clothes, right? I mean, they're soaked"
>N-No no no!
>You're fine!
>T-They're not THAT bad
>And you're pretty sure you don't have that many clothes left...
>"Well just put what you're in the dryer then" he suggests
>No no...
>That'll take too long
>And you really should get going...

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>no sae route
The only problem I had with this game. You can fuck your teacher but not your friend's sister? COME ON


>He frowns
>"Oh come on, Sae, It's freezing out there! You're gonna get sick if you go back out there like this"
>You're struggling not to stare at the water dripping down his abs
>"It'll only take a few minutes. What's the big deal?"
>He shifts the way he's standing
>You notice something else shift too
>A bulge under his towel
>Your face turns completely red
>"A-Alright, fine, sure! Just get off my back!" you sputter
>You look away
>You realize you just yelled at Akira
>"...I'm sorry, I just- ...today was kinda rough, a-and..."
>You struggle with your apology
>Akira walks closer
>Way closer
>"You don't gotta apologize, Sae-san, I understand"
>He places his hand on your arm
>You look up at him
>He flashes you that cute smile of him
>Your hearts skips
>Oh G-God...
>He's so close
>You can feel the heat radiating off of him
>Like a pulsating star
>And his smell...
>So clean...
>He's only a few inches taller than you, but...
>You feel so tiny compared to him
>It's kind of intimidating
>...But also really hot
>"Just let me know if I can do anything for you, Okay?" he says
>"...A-Alright!" you squeak
>He lets go of your arm and walks to his room
>You hear him shut his door
>You're left standing alone
>Stiff as a statue

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>Throw your clothes in the dryer
>Slam it shut
>Turn it on
>Lean against the wall and groan
>Oh god...
>Of all the fucking days to come home
>Of course you had to get caught in a torrential downpour
>And of course...THAT had to be the first thing you saw when came in
>You feel your knees buckle a bit
>Goddamnit Sae
>Why didn't you just leave?
>You got what you came for
>This is exactly the kind of scenario you DIDN'T want to be in
>With Akira
>Handsome, fit, fresh out of the shower Akira
>With his messy, wet hair
>And his cute jaw...
>F-Firm Chest and m-muscular arms...
>And that smooth, toned stomach that you just wanna run your tongue down
>Getting lower and lower until...
>It was taking every inch of your being just to not throw yourself into him right there
>And kiss his cute little lips...
>N-No, Sae
>Stop going to that part of your brain
>You already had to change your panties because they were so soaked
>And not just from the rain...
>D-Don't go ruining these now!
>You were lucky just to find them
>You've got practically no clothes left
>Your closet
>Your dresser
>They're both empty
>The only clothes you have left are in the laundry room
>And, well...
>It's not exactly a wide selection
>All your suits reek of sweat
>And everything else is either in the wash or needs to be
>What you're wearing now, well...
>It's not exactly appropriate

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>The only things you managed to find were a pair of shorts and a tank top
>Little, tight shorts and a low cut tank top...
>How embarrassing
>You can't go out there looking like this!
>It's... indecent
>But it's the only thing you could find
>Makoto's usually the one who does the laundry, but
>Since she's away, that's kind of fallen to wayside...
>I mean, she's obviously not doing it
>And Akira's supposed to be a guest, so...
>I guess that responsibility lands on you
>And you haven't exactly been around to do it
>Either too busy working or avoiding this place
>I guess you've got no one to blame but yourself for this mess...
>Notice a nearby blanket
>Hey... here's an idea
>Grab it
>Wrap it around yourself
>Yeah, this'll work
>You'll just cover yourself up with it
>Say you're cold or something
>...Which you really are! So...
>It's like killing two birds with one stone!
>This way you can cover up AND get warm at the same time!
>Good thinking Sae
>...Of course it probably won't take long for you to start feeling the heat
>What with the heater running and... Akira being around
>...Maybe it's not such a good idea after all
>Ah whatever
>You'll cross that bridge when you come to it
>Right now you're not gonna think about any of that
>You're just going to sit down
>Relax a bit
>And wait for your clothes to dry

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>There's this one thing that's been bothering you
>Back there
>When Akira was real close to you like that
>It felt like there was a... voice
>A person
>Like another you
>Like someone trying to tell you to just... give in
>A cacophony of whispers compelling you to jump him
>Like some sort of... being trying to take control
>Hijack your body
>Your mind
>Make you lose control
>And you felt compelled to let it...
>The only thing stopping you was your mind putting up a fierce defense
>But if Akira had been near you any longer, you're not sure if you could've stopped it
>It was... eerie
>It was only for a few seconds, but
>You didn't like it...
>You shake your head
>Well whatever
>No use in thinking about it
>Probably just your imagination or something
>That's it...

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>Leave the laundry room
>Plop down on the couch
>Been a while since you sat down on this thing
>At least it's felt like a while
>You've been on your feet a lot ever since this Banayato case started moving forward
>Whether it be in court or just moving about
>Your legs are sore as hell
>Your back too
>You've barely had anytime to just sit down
>And whenever you do it's either on those hard courtroom chas r or that rickety old rolling chair they gave you for your desk
>Sitting down on something actually soft feels nice
>Especially with this blanket wrapped around you
>You yawn loudly
>It feels so nice you...
>...might actually...
>...get some...
>The TV suddenly turns on
>Your eyes flick open
>Huh? What?
>Look over
>Akira's holding the remote
>He's got some clothes on now
>"Oh, uh, sorry Sae-san. Did I wake you up?" he asks
>Wake you up?
>Nah, you weren't-
>You weren't sleeping
>Just... resting your eyes a bit
>"Oh, Okay. Do you mind if I watch something in here?"
>Yeah yeah, go ahead
>He sets the remote down and goes in the kitchen
>You rub your eyes
>Man, did you really almost doze off there?
>Getting caught in that storm woke you up, but...
>I guess you still are pretty exhausted
>Hear Akira rummaging around in the kitchen
>"Uh... Sae-san?" you hear Akira shout
>"Where do you keep your skillet at?" he asks
>Your skillet?
>Why would he need to know that?
>"I'm, uh... making something" he says
>Making something?
>Hold on
>You get up

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>Go into the kitchen
>Akira's in there digging through your cabinets
>He's in a t-shirt and some pajama bottoms
>See a bunch of stuff laid out on counter
>What the?
>What is all this stuff?
>"I went grocery shopping today" he explains
>Well you can see that, but...
>What's all this stuff for?
>He pulls some pans out of the cabinet and smiles
>"I'm making curry!" he says
>He sets them down and starts washing his hands
>"My guardian, Sojiro-san, taught me how to make it. It's kind of his specialty. You know, besides coffee"
>Oh, uh
>He turns to you
>"It IS okay that I'm doing this, right? Cooking in your kitchen?"
>Yeah, sure, you don't...
>You don't care
>"Awesome" he says
>He turns away and bends over to grab something
>Your eyes focus on his butt
>You feel yourself blush
>You look away
>Of course that part of him has to be cute too...
>You clear your throat
>"So, uh... you said your guardian taught you how to make this stuff?" you ask
>"Yeah, Sojiro really knows how to make a good plate of curry. I mean, that's what Leblanc's is, really: a coffee and curry joint"
>He stands back up and puts some spices on the counter
>Coffee and Curry?
>That... doesn't really sound like it'd go together well
>He laughs
>"You'd be surprised" he says
>You guess...
>You never really tried it before...

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>"What I'm making now is some vegetable curry with a little Honey and Nutmeg. It's one of my favorites. You want some? It'll probably be ready in a little over half an hour"
>Oh, uh
>No, no, that's fine
>He turns on the stove and starts mixing shit together
>"You sure? I've been told I make a pretty mean pot!"
>It sounds good
>A lot better than the burger and fries you'll probably end up picking up, but...
>You'll probably be gone by the time it's ready anyway
>"Hmmph. Suit yourself" he says
>He turns around to grab something
>Notice he's gotta a little spice or something in his hair
>Point it out to him
>He picks it out
>You watch as he licks it off his finger with that tongue of his
>You see his mouth curl into a smile
>"Mmm~" he moans
>His eyes twinkle as he looks back at you
>"Thanks Sae-san"
>You feel your heart skip a beat
>Your cheeks go red
>N-No problem...

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Tae or Hifumi, then Haru showed up and the rest is history.

>Sit back down on the couch
>Rub the bridge of your nose
>This crush of yours is really starting to get out of hand
>Well, you say "getting"
>I guess it's already done that
>It's just...
>You can't stop thinking about him
>Everything about him just drives you wild
>That smile
>Those eyes
>Those cute little ears that you just wanna nibble on...
>You can't help but swoon every time you're near him
>What you wouldn't've given to be those spices on Akira's hand...
>Hear footsteps
>Oh, shit's he coming
>Act natural, Sae
>Act natural
>Straighten your back out and sit up straight
>He comes out looking down at his phone
>He looks a little troubled
>"You heard anything from Makoto, Sae-san?"
>Not really
>She texted you the first day she got there, and the day after
>But beyond that, you haven't really talked to her much
>"Yeah, same here. I've been trying to get in touch with her, but so far she hasn't responded"
>Oh, well...
>You're sure it's nothing
>Probably just busy is all
>"Yeah... busy chatting up college guys..." he says
>Oh, Makoto'd never do something like that!
>She's a good girl
>"I know, it's just... I get kinda lonely, you know?"
>You know how that feels...
>"What you'd say, Sae-san?"
>Oh, uh
>Y-You mean...
>You're s-sure she'll back to you!
>"Yeah... I guess there's no use in obsessing over it... Oh well..."
>"At least we have each other, right Sae-san?" he jokes
>He sits down and starts flipping channels

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>You feel like a coil ready to pop
>Being reminded of the fact that you and Akira are VERY alone together is doing nothing to quell the raging inferno between your legs
>This blanket of yours is starting to feel more and more like an oven
>Just don't think about it, Sae
>Just don't think about it
>Makoto is... miles away
>And you and Akira are... alone
>...She'd never know if the two of you were rutting like wild animals
>She'd have no clue that the two of you were making steamy passionate love for hours
>Doing nothing but fucking each other senseless
>Swapping spit
>Screaming each other's names
>Furiously groping every piece skin you can get your hands on...
>Every sound
>The creaking of your bed
>Your labored cries of passion
>The steady, rhythmic beating of flesh against flesh...
>She'd never hear any of it
>You could get away with so much and she'd never know a thing...
>B-But that'd never happen!
>Not in a million years!
>A-Akira is... a good boyfriend!
>And YOU are a good sister!
>A good, responsible, repressed, horny wreck of a sister
>Who wants to do nothing but pounce that total hunk of a teenager sitting across from her
>B-But that's fine!
>...You can control yourself
>Y-You're in control of your life
>You can control your life so well that you're one the verge of being fired at work and constantly miserable at home...
>You're a real paragon of self-control...

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>"...And in other news, the Banayoto trial is moving forward, though it's gotten off to a rocky start..."
>Look up
>Akira's got it turned to the news
>They're talking about your case
>"Hey look! You're on the news, Sae-san!"
>A picture of you comes on screen
>Your hair's all messy and you have bags under your eyes
>Oh god
>Is that really the best image of you they have?
>"Many are saying that Prosecutor Niijima Sae's performance so far has been lackluster. Some have even called it "embarrassing" and 'low energy'"
>L-Low Energy?
>"Your thoughts, Ora-san?"
>The camera pans over to another anchor
>"I think I'd have to agree with them, Awano-san. I mean, I've been in there. I've seen the way she moves. The way she talks. It's like she's sleepwalking. She's got no bite to her. Almost everything she says is a jumbled up mess. She can't get a single point across. I felt embarrassed just sitting there. She's borderline incompetent! It felt like I was watching a grad student in there! I mean-"
>He laughs
>"Is this REALLY the best the SIU can muster? It's pathetic. It feels like a joke. Banayato-san's one of the most prolific members of this whole fiasco, and they can't even get one of their better lawyers to take him down? It's- *laughs* it's quite frankly a travesty, and I'm really hoping they get someone else, because if nothing changes soon this is shaping out to be a disaster. Quite possibly one of the biggest in Japanese law history"
>"Well I don't know if I'd go that far, Ora-san, but yeah, it is a bit concerning. I really hope that, uh, things turn around because if they don't, then I'm not seeing a good outcome for all this"
>"You can say that again!" the other anchor says
>"Right, right... Well anyway, coming up next..."
>You tune out of what he's saying
>You feel yourself start to seethe

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>Those jerks!
>How dare they!
>A "Grad Student"?
>A fucking "TRAVESTY"?!
>Those sons of-!
>You try your best to hold your anger in
>You start fuming through your nose
>...You are trying your fucking hardest in there
>You work harder than anyone
>At the fucking SIU!
>Who the HELL do those JERKS think they are trying to criticize you?!
>They have no CLUE what you're going through!
>Oh what
>A girl makes a few mistakes in court and suddenly she's "incompetent"?!
>So what if you've been a little... distracted lately...
>And... sleep deprived
>...And jumpy...
>Y-You're still fit to take this case!
>You're still able!
>I mean, this... this is...
>This is nothing!
>You've faced harder cases before
>Like that guy who shoplifted literally everything from a convenience store
>This is a fucking cakewalk compared to that
>It's nothing!
>It's easy!
>Oh who are you kidding
>This case is a fucking train wreck!
>And it's all your fault!
>You idiot...
>You waste of space...
>You hopeless, ugly, neurotic wreck of a woman!
>What the hell were you thinking thinking you could take this case?!
>I mean look at you
>You're practically on the verge of collapse!
>Now you're gonna fuck everything up for everyone and that dirtbag's gonna get away with it!
>All because you couldn't suck up your damn pride and tell your boss you're too much of a hormonal and emotional wreck to function around other people!
>That you're too fucking horny to think straight!
>G-Goddamnit Sae...
>How the hell are you gonna fix this?
>How are you gonna keep your job?
>How the fuck do you stop yourself from becoming the FAILURE everyone thinks you are?!
>G-God fucking damnit...
>You wish you had never taken that case
>You wish you'd never become a lawyer at all!
>You wish you were never bor-

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>You're broken out of your trance of self loathing
>Akira's staring at you
>He looks concerned
>"Are you alright?" he asks
>What, you?
>Y-Yeah, you're...
>You're fine
>"You don't look fine" he says
>Well it's just, uh, ya know, you, um...
>"Is it about what those guys said on the news?"
>What, them?
>You don't-
>Y-You don't give a fuck about what those dicks said...
>"Then is it about the case you're working? It didn't sound like it was going well..."
>He looks genuinely concerned for you
>I guess you weren't really doing a good job of hiding your feelings there...
>You sigh
>"Look, Akira, it's... it's nothing, really, just... stress, is all... Nothing you'd want to hear about..." you say
>"Try me" he says
>You look over at him
>He's looking at you with those big, innocent eyes of his
>Ah jeez...
>I guess it wouldn't hurt to vent a little...
>"It's just... this whole thing was dropped into my lap, and I-if I mess this up then..."
>You struggle with your words
>"...E-Everyone just wants so much out of me, a-and I don't wanna let any of them down! I want to do good, it just... i-it just gets so overwhelming at times, you know? All the stress, the obligations, the responsibility... I'm not a robot, I'm not a machine, I have limits... everyone just expects so much from me, and I feel like total crap whenever I let them down, it..."
>You sigh
>"...It's one of the worst feelings imaginable. To let someone down. To let everyone down. To have people depend on you and you not be able to hold up your end of the bargain... Its awful. It's indescribably awful. And I feel that every single day..."
>You feel a tear roll down your cheek
>Oh jeez...
>Come on, Sae
>Keep it together
>"I-I'm sorry, I... I know I must be rambling, I-I just-"
>"No no, that's fine! You don't need to apologize, I know what you're going through" Akira says
>He does?

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>"Yeah... I mean, I can't possibly imagine your situation, but I know that feeling you're describing. Having people expect a lot out of you, and you not reaching their expectations... it sucks, doesn't it?"
>Yeah, it...
>It really does...
>"You know, my parents, they sorta... kicked me out after I got into a... scuffle... with the law..."
>Akira has a criminal record?
>"It's a long story, but it's... basically the reason why I'm here in the first place; why I'm living with Sojiro-san and going to Shujin... no other school would take me..."
>He shifts in his seat
>"I remember, after it was all said and done, when my parents came to pick me up, and the guy there told them my situation... the look on their faces... it made me feel horrible. I felt so much like a failure. Like a disappointment. Like a... like a bad son..."
>You hear his voice break a little
>"You know, when I moved here, I thought to myself 'This is it. This is the end of my life'. I didn't have any friends. Sojiro-san was cold. Everyone at school was scared of me. And I didn't have my parents to turn to... I felt awful. I felt like a waste of a human life..."

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>He sniffs
>"But... but after a while I... started to get over it. I made new friends. I started going out more. Sojiro-San opened up and started teaching me all this cool stuff. I adopted a cat. I met Futaba-chan. I met Makoto. I met you! I started to really feel good about myself again..."
>He brightens up
>"And while things may still not be that great with my parents... I'm actually really hopeful about the future for once! My grades are good, people at school like me, I'm in love! I... I'm actually happy... The happiest I've been in a long time"
>He stands up
>"And look; I-I don't know your situation, I don't know how bad things really are but... I know that feeling. That feeling of hopelessness... Of despair... Of feeling like a failure... It can really drag you down"
>He steps closer
>"All I'm really trying to say is... you shouldn't hate yourself for not for being able to live up to others' expectations, Sae-san. You're only human, you know. You're not perfect"
>Yeah, but...
>It sure as hell feels like you need to be sometimes...
>He rubs your shoulder reassuringly
>"It'll be alright, Sae-san. You can do it! If nothing else, then I believe in you" he says
>You pat his arm
>Thanks... Akira...
>He smiles at you
>"No problem!"

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>You never knew Akira had such a tragic backstory...
>He seemed really choked up talking about it
>You've never seen him open up like that before
>Hell, you didn't really know that much about his past before that
>You always just assumed he was a normal kid
>It was... kinda nice
>Hearing about his struggle and how he overcame it
>It was reassuring
>And getting all that off your chest also made you feel better
>It felt... good
>Being able to open up and talk about this stuff
>It was sort of like a, uh...
>What's the word?
>Yeah, Catharsis, that's it!
>It was sort of... cathartic talking like this!
>If only you could do it everyday...

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>"Oh jeez!" you hear Akira say
>What, what is it?
>"Your shoulders, Sae-san, they're... really tense" he says
>They are?
>You feel him feel around on your shoulder
>"Yeah, they're all knotted up and stuff, your neck too... Is work really stressing you out THIS much?"
>Y-You know how it is...
>He starts feeling around on your other shoulder
>"My God... is this not hurting you, Sae-san?" he asks
>Well, yeah it kinda hurts...
>...A lot
>Your neck's always been sort of tense
>You've just learned to deal with it
>"Man, no wonder you're so stressed out..." he says
>You shrug bashfully
>"Do you at least take anything for it?" he asks
>A couple of aspirins usually make it go away
>At least for a little while...
>"Well... How about a neck rub then, Sae-san?"
>You're dumbstruck
>A w-wha-?
>"A neck rub!" he says happily
>A neck rub?!
>I-Isn't that kinda... ya know...
>"Nah, it's not weird. I give em to Sojiro-san all the time whenever he's stressed out!"
>Well, yeah, but-
>"It wouldn't be any weirder than masseuse, a total stranger, doing it"
>He move behinds you
>"C'mon Sae-san, I promise I won't hurt you!"
>It's not that, it's-
>"You'll feel way better!"
>N-No no!
>S-Seriously, you're fine!

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Planned on Ann, ended up with Futaba.

>You feel his hands grip the base of your neck
>He starts rubbing
>O-Oh G-Ghod...
>You feel the knots in your neck start to untangle
>With each unraveling sending shivers down your back
>And goosebumps down your arms...
>"That feel good, Sae-san?" you hear
>"Y-Yheah..." you mumble
>It feels sooo goood....
>Each little movement of his fingers is knocking loose pockets of tensions all throughout the back of your neck
>And all that tension is dripping deliciously off your shoulders and down your body like beads of warm sweat
>It's like all the stress is literally melting off of you...
>It's amaaazing~
>"I'm gonna move out more towards your shoulders now. Is that alright, Sae-san?"
>"S-...S-shure..." you mutter
>His hands slide outwards toward your collarbone
>Soon that same feeling of relief spreads to shoulders as well
>As well as another very familiar feeling...
>Your breath hitches
>His hands are like magic...
>You can feel him everywhere
>It's like he's massaging every part of your body
>Your scalp
>Your stomach
>Your feet
>They're all tingling with delight
>As well as one o-other area...
>Your limbs go limp
>Your face turns numb
>Your mind becomes fuzzy
>You're pure putty in Akira's hands
>A blissful block of clay being shaped and molded...

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Started for Ann, stayed for Kawakami after realizing Ann was just that generic vapid bimbo eye-candy character (every game has 1) with zero personality so that she appeals to everyone while not standing out enough to offend anyone.

>It's too good...
>You can't stop him
>And you don't want to either...
>Every movement he makes is setting your core on fire
>Stoking the flames in your stomach
>Creating a raging inferno...
>"That good, Sae-san?" you head Akira say
>You can't form a single coherent thought
>All you mange to say is some murmured gibberish
>"Heh, Yeah..."
>His voice moves closer to you
>You feel his breath on your ear
>"I guess you really needed this, huh?" he says huskily
>You still can't bring yourself to say anything
>You're too lost in the sensation of it all
>Pain you didn't know you had being uncovered
>It being almost immediately relieved
>Akira's powerful, strong, m-masculine hands digging into your soft, supple flesh...
>It's all combining to form a feeling so pleasantly sweet yet simultaneously unsatisfying
>Like a finger is slowly and delicately winding up a coil in your belly
>Each twist getting tighter and more pleasurable than the last...
>Just waiting for that final pop...
>It's intoxicating
>You're drunk with pleasure...
>You feel one of Akira's hands slide across your back
>"Wow... looks like you're tense all over... I guess I could go a little... further if you want. Would you like that,-"
>You feel his hot breath on your earlobe
>You press your thighs together and whine like a dog
>Akira chuckles
>"I'll take that as a yes..." he says

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You feel his hands slowly and delicately creep to the ends of your shoulders
>Brushing against the straps of your tank top
>Pushing them off your shoulder and around your arm...
>You're utterly powerless to stop him
>He could do absolutely anything to you right now
>And you'd let him...
>"You're so tight, Sae-san..."
>He traces his fingers delicately across your collar bone
>"But don't worry..."
>Your skin prickles under his touch
>You feel his hot, soft breath on your sensitive neck...
>"I'm gonna loosen you right up~"
>Oh G-God...
>Any signing of resistance in you is gone
>You close your eyes and lose yourself completely
>Akira's breath closes in
>His mouth getting closer and c-closer to your d-delicate flesh...
>His soft, supple lips latching onto your-

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>Akira's ringtone blares loudly out his phone
>He takes his hands off of you
>The bliss of his touch goes with them
>You come back to your senses
>"Hello? Oh, hey babe!" he answers
>Your mind immediately catches up on the last few minutes
>Your mouth gapes in horror as you realize the situation you're in
>O-Oh my god-
>"Yeah, I'm good, me and Sae are just watching TV"
>All the heat suddenly crashes into you all at once
>You bite your lip
>Fuck Fuck Fuck-
>"What about you? How's Morioka?"
>He turns around from the couch and starts chatting over the phone
>You're left to hyperventilate in your seat
>Oh God...
>Oh God!
>"Oh really? Well that sounds nice..."
>Eye the laundry room door
>"Uh hey, can I call you back? My battery's sort of low... I know, I know... It won't be long, I promise... Okay, I'll see you in bit. Bye!"
>He makes little kissy noises over the phone before hanging up
>He turns back around
>"Alright, where were-"
>Of course, you're not there
>The only thing left on that couch cusion is your blanket

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-No one in particular
-Haru, every time.

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>working 2 jobs
I have never met a thot that was employed more than part-time. Try again. inb4 "lolwhore" because that never actually happened and they made a big production about how it never happened if you actually read the fucking text.

>You scramble to dig through the dryer
>Come on Come on Come on!
>You find your clothes
>Still wet...
>You slam the dryer shut
>God damnit...
>God Damnit!
>"Sae-san?" you hear
>Uh, y-yeah?
>"Something wrong?" he asks
>Oh, uh
>N-No No!
>E-Everything's fine!
>You just
>...You t-thought you heard a... b-bang or something in the dryer...
>...It's k-kinda old, y-you know?
>"Oh, alright! Are you shoulders feeling better?" he asks
>A burst of heat shoots through your veins
>You wince
>"Y-Yeah..." you mutter
>Much... better...
>"Mmkay, well that's good. Glad I could help!"
>Thanks a lot Akira...
>"I was gonna do more but then Makoto called and... uh, wait a minute... Oh Jeez, hold on"
>You hear him leave
>Huh, that's odd
>Why did he just-?
>Oh who cares
>It doesn't fucking matter!
>What matters is the fucking cookout going on in your gut!
>You press your legs together to try and stop the heat radiating off it
>What the hell's wrong with you?
>Why the fuck did you let him do that?
>It all just happened so fast
>One minute he's emotionally opening up to you and the next he's squeezing the back of your neck
>Touching all the right places to make you purr...
>You're practically swimming in your juices here
>Every vein in your body is beating like a drum
>It's all echoing in your ears
>You feel like a bomb ready to blow...
>I guess this is all your fault
>You let him do it
>You love it when guys open up and get all sensitive like that
>It makes you feel closer to them
>More connected to them
>More... intimate
>And that situation certainly was... intimate
>At least until Makoto called

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>That stupid Makoto...
>Every time you're close to getting some she has to go and ruin it...
>If she could stay in her place like a good girl and let you get a taste then-
>...W-What the fuck?
>Where did that THAT come from?
>What are you SAYING?
>You should be THANKING Makoto for calling when she did!
>I mean
>W-Who knows what could've happened i-if she didn't?
>You could've done s-something stupid!
>Like, uh...
>T-Tweak something out of place!
>...Or let Akira grope your naughty tits while that mouth of his left hickies on your-
>You grip your head
>F-Focus, Sae!
>That would NEVER happen!
>There is NOTHING between you and Akira!
>You're just... IMAGINING things like always
>Just you getting a little... e-excited by Akira's massage
>Probably made him uncomfortable with how weird you were acting...
>Just a stupid, ugly old woman getting excited by a man touching her...
>Actually entertaining the idea that anyone could want her that way!
>It's ridiculous!
>...But why can't you stop thinking about it?
>Why can't you get the image of your naked, sweaty bodies out of your mind?!
>Why won't that stupid, annoying voice in your head telling you how good it'd feel just shut the FUCK UP and let you-
>"WHAT?!" you yell
>Akira's taken aback
>"Oh, uh... sorry, did I-"
>No no...
>You apologize and make up something about stubbing your toe
>"Oh, okay, um... Hey look, can you do me a favor? Can you go in the kitchen and make sure that pot doesn't boil over? And while you're in there do you think you could cut some vegetables up too? Sorry, I know, it's just: Makoto wants to talk and I really can't focus on two things at once, you know?"
>You sigh
>Yeah, sure, Akira, whatever
>"Thanks" he says
>He walks away
>You notice one of your tank top straps hanging off your shoulder
>You push it back up and leave

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>Start chopping shit up in the kitchen
>Try to push all the lewd thoughts and desires out of your mind
>Just don't think about it
>Just don't think about it...
>Notice the pot of curry cooking next to you
>Lean over it
>Looks good
>Smells good too...
>Your stomach growls
>You'd love to stay and actually eat some of this, but...
>As soon as your clothes are ready you're out the door
>...Of course, if they aren't ready by the time this is, you could always snag a bite of it
>Maybe get a chance to sample some of Akira's cooking
>If it's as any good as he says it is, then it'll probably be pretty tasty
>And if he's as great in bed as he sounds then when you two hit the sheets afterwards you'll-
>You splash some cold water on your face
>Agh, fuck...
>You turn off the faucet and rub your eyes
>This is getting worse
>This... "voice"
>The one from before
>It keeps getting louder
>Telling you all the lewd things you could and should be doing with Akira
>Sending warm little prickles through down your flesh whenever you think about him
>Making your mind all hazy...
>It's like your brain's being pulled in two different directions
>Is this what going insane is like?
>It sure as hell feels like it...
>Just don't
>Think about it
>You DON'T need this
>Getting off is a luxury
>NOT a necessity
>You don't NEED it
>Just take a deep breath...
>And let it go...
>You tough through your intrusive thoughts and go back to cutting

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>Get done cutting all the vegetables
>That's done
>Now what?
>Do you put them in?
>Akira didn't say anything about that
>Just cutting em up...
>You hear him enter
>"...Yeah, I'll make sure to tell her. Alright, I love you too, bye"
>He hangs up
>You turn your head and ask if the vegetables are okay
>"Hm? Oh, uh-"
>He stops
>You turn around and face him
>His eyes are wide
>You see them look you up and down
>"What?" you say
>He smiles and shakes his head
>"Nothing" he says
>What, do you got something on your clothes or-
>Oh fuck!
>Your clothes!
>You don't have your blanket
>You're... exposed
>In your tiny little shorts and tank top...
>Oh god
>No wonder he was-
>"So, you were asking about the vegetables?" he ask
>Oh, uh
>"Y-Yeah!" you stutter
>He comes up next to you and peers down at the curry
>"Alright, these looks good"
>He starts adding some of the shit you cut to the pot
>You lean on the counter and watch him
>You ever had an itch?
>A really, REALLY, bad one that you just can't scratch?
>That's what this this feels like
>A hot, painful itch that just won't go away
>And you can't scratch it because to do so would be a sin
>A morbid, twisted, delicious sin...
>You press your legs tighter together
>He just looks so sweet!
>With his handsome face and strong arms...
>And those pretty eyes and adorable, kissable lips of his...
>He's the perfect mix of both cute and handsome
>Having to just stand here and watch him is driving you wild
>It just makes you wanna...
>You rub your face in frustration

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>implying her tits are bigger than a B-cup.

>"You know, I'm actually surprised at how well cut these are, Sae-san"
>He looks over at you
>"The vegetables. They're cut really fine. Do you cook a lot?"
>Yeah, actually
>At least you used to...
>Back when you were his age you used to cook dishes for Makoto and your dad all the time
>Some were good
>Others... weren't
>You were really quite the chef
>Even after you had to start looking after Makoto, you were still into it
>Always making stuff for her to try and eat...
>Her favorite when she was a kid was always egg drop soup
>You made it for her all the time...
>...Of course, once you started working that all changed
>You were too exhausted to cook whenever you got off work so just started bringing home take out
>And since then, you really haven't gotten a chance to flex your cooking muscles
>What happened with the vegetables was just muscle memory you guess
>"Huh, I guess that explains all these pot and pans and stuff" he says
>You got those thinking you'd be cooking all the time
>But since then they've mostly just been gathering dust...

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>"Well that's very interesting, Sae-san. I never really figured you for the cooking type"
>You awkwardly shrug
>He starts stirring the pot with a ladle
>"I never really had that trial and error experience. Sojiro-san's always looked over my shoulder whenever I was learning to cook. I've had a few slip ups, sure, but I've never really made a 'terrible dish' before."
>He holds up the ladle and tastes some of the curry
>"...'Course, there's always a first time for everything" he says
>He holds it out to you
>"Do you mind if I get your honest 'chef to chef' opinion on this, Sae-san?"
>You shakily grab the ladle from his hand
>Alright, Sae
>D-Don't do anything stupid here
>Just... try not to think about the fact that part of his saliva's in this
>His sugary sweet saliva...
>You taste it and hand it back to Akira
>"So? Is it godawful?" he jokes
>No no!
>It's... pretty good, actually
>Great, even
>It's one of the best things you've tasted in a while!
>Akira chuckles
>"Oh come on, Sae, don't flatter me"
>No, seriously
>It's really good!
>He shrugs
>"I still think it needs to cook more. Maybe bring the flavor out of the carrots more. That and a good stirring..."
>Well, you think it's good enough as it is, but...
>He's the chef
>He knows more about it than you do
>"Yeah... I only wish *some* people could get that through their heads..."

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>this thread
Persona newfag here. Does this happen often?

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>He shuffles a bit
>"I've been trying to... 'teach' Makoto for awhile on how she can improve her cooking, but... She's just kind of stubborn, you know?"
>She can be at times...
>He leans in and speaks lower
>"Don't tell her this, but... I don't really like her cooking. I just sorta pretend to to make her happy"
>"It's not that it's bad or anything, it's just kinda..."
>"Yeah, that's it. It's got no real flavor to it. A lot of rookie chefs have that problem. I really don't even like to eat anything that isn't made by me or Sojiro"
>He rests his head in his hand on the counter and looks up at you
>"That being said, I... wouldn't mind trying some of yours, Sae-san~"
>He smiles and winks at you
>His dark, greyish-red eyes piercing your soul...
>You clear your throat and avert your gaze
>"Y-You probably wouldn't like it anyway, I'm... r-really out of experience..." you stutter
>He steps closer
>"That's fine. You'd be surprised at how good people who are out of experience can be... especially once they start to get back into it~"
>He steps even closer and leans in
>Your can feel his breath as he speaks
>"Who knows... you might actually end up teaching me something, Sae-san... A lot more than Makoto ever could~"
>He leans in closer
>His lips parting ever so slightly...

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>Who did you plan on romancing in Persona 5?
>Who did you end up romancing?

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Makoto but ended up not romancing anyone because I was playing on Merciless and grinding > romance.
This was before I knew of the Reaper farm btw.

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>"S-S-Speaking of M-Makoto!" you sputter
>You stumble back a good distance away from him
>"H-How is s-she?" you ask
>"Oh her? She's fine..." he says
>He walks closer to you
>You keep backing up from him
>"D-D-Did she have s-something to say? I-I-It sure sounded like it!" you stutter
>A bead of sweat drips torturously down your neck
>Akira keeps closing the distance between you
>"Only that she's enjoying Iwate... that and she'll be staying a day or two longer..." he says huskily
>"Yeah, apperantly Twelve Monks is having some big speaker show up... They extended her stay just so she could attend... Guess that's another few days where it'll be you me, eh Sae-san~?"
>You swallow hard
>Your butt bumps into the counter behind you
>Akira closes in
>Nowhere left to run
>He's got you cornered...
>He moves closer
>His eyes focused intently on yours
>No matter how hard you try you can't look away
>Out of the corner of your eye you see his hand sliding along counter
>Getting closer and closer to yours...
>"You know, I really enjoy your company, Sae-san... I feel like I learn something new every time I talk to you..."
>He stops
>His waist is only a few torturously long centimeters from yours
>He's practically pressing you into the counter
>The only thing you can do is lean back against it
>"I'd really love to... get to know you better~"
>It's taking every muscle
>Every bone
>Every nerve in your body to not throw yourself on him
>He's so
>Every inch of your flesh feels like it's on fire
>...Maybe you should just-
>Bad Sae!
>Oh god
>You gotta get out of this
>You have to get away from here
>Away from Akira!
>You NEED to find a way out!
>But how?!
>Come on, Sae, THINK!
>Find a way out
>Find a way out...

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this is the first time i'm seeing it. assuming you are talking about this dude's wall of greentext.

>rejecting even 2d women

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>"Uh, H-H-Hey! Um... H-H-Here's an idea!" you sputter
>"H-H-How about I t-take over in here and y-you can go relax on the couch? It just needs to be s-s-stirred, right?!" you ask desperately
>Akira looks confused
>"Well... yeah, but I was still planning to add a little more spice-"
>T-That's fine!
>Y-Y-You can do that!
>"I'm... sure you could, but-"
>J-Just point em out to you!
>You'll put them in!
>Y-Y-You won't mess it up!
>You swear!
>"I'm not worried about that, it's just-"
>...J-J-Just go in the living room and let you take care of it
>He scoffs
>"Oh come on, Sae-san, it's my meal, you don't need to worry about-"
>You snap
>You pant
>Akira's taken aback
>He looks hurt
>He takes a step back
>"Oh, um... A-Alright, Sae-san... I'm sorry if-"
>Oh god!
>Oh no no no you didn't mean to-
>"It's okay, Sae-san, I understand... If I at all made you uncomfortable, then-"
>I-It's not that!
>It's just-
>"I get it. If you need some time to yourself to... think or whatever, I totally understand, it's just-"
>Please, no!
>Y-You didn't mean to-
>"It's fine, Sae-san. If you don't... enjoy my presence, I'll gladly-"
>That's not it!
>That's not it all!
>You just-
>He stops you
>"It's fine. I get it. You've already got enough to deal with with your job and stuff. I don't want to distract or stress you out more than you already are"
>Just listen!
>You never meant to-
>He bows
>"I am sorry if I at all distressed you, Sae-san. It was never my intent"
>He turns to leave
>"If you need me for anything, anything at all, I'll be in the living room"
>Don't go!
>You weren't trying to-
>He's gone
>Your words fall on deaf ears
>You're left standing alone in the kitchen

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>You slam your fist on top of the dryer
>You're in the laundry room now
>You went there to see if your clothes were ready so you could escape this hellish mess
>They weren't, of course, but that's only a footnote on your growing panic attack
>You grip your head and try not to hyperventilate
>Just keep calm, Sae
>You slap yourself
>Agh, fuck...
>You rub your face
>Why did this have to happen to you?
>Why you?!
>Of all the fucking nights to come home WHY did it have to the one where you screw up EVERYTHING?!
>Why can't you just act normal?
>Why do you have to lust over your little sister's boyfriend?
>Why did you have to act like a total BITCH and tell him to FUCK OFF when he was probably just trying to be nice?!
>Why, after all this, do your insides still feel like they're swimming in molten lava?!
>I mean, you could've just ruined things forever with him!
>You start to pace around
>And that's not all
>What if you fucked up things between him and Makoto?
>What if he doesn't want to hang around with her anymore because her sister's too much of a FUCKING CUNT?!
>Oh God...
>You really screwed things up here!
>How are you gonna be able to face him for the rest of the night?
>For the rest of the time he's staying here?
>How are you are gonna salvage things between him and Makoto?
>How do you make sure that he doesn't break her heart?
>How the hell are you gonna be able to stand up in court tomorrow knowing that you could've just ruined EVERYTHING with the last scrap of family you have left?!
>You start legitimately hyperventilating
>I mean, fuck! What are you supposed to do?!
>Do you apologize?
>Try to smooth things over?
>Tell him that you were just stressed out or something?
>But how do you do that without sounding ingenuine?
>That you're just making it up to spare his feelings?!
>How do you-
>Your foot catches on some clothes and you trip

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... really? You really don't think anyone can make a better girl than Futaba? Is that your thing? 15 year olds that act 11 years old and spout memes non-stop and show no sign of attachment or affection? Futaba was a waste of a character slot. They just needed a hacker for the story and she was built around that idea, instead of being built as an actual character then adding skills and later. She is literally filler for memelords. Like this twit here, only half as old.

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>You try to catch yourself but end up falling anyway
>Your knee slamming against the hard linoleum
>You grip it
>"What the hell?" you mutter painfully
>You steady yourself on the floor and grab the offending garment
>You hold it up and examine it
>T-This is Akira school uniform!
>His black jacket and undershirt
>They're all wet
>Probably from getting rained on earlier...
>You breathe in, getting a whiff of it
>The smell...
>His cologne
>The one he's always wearing
>Cherry Blossom...
>That and s-something else
>Something raw...
>It's amazing...
>The dampness of the clothes is only making the scent stronger
>More pungent
>More enticing...
>Your grip on it tightens
>Oh god
>N-No, Sae, don't-
>R-Resist the urge to...
>You shove the clothes in your face and inhale deeply
>Oh God~
>His clothes
>They reek of Cherry Blossom, Rainwater, and Teenage sweat
>A savory, aromatic cocktail of musk and pheromones...
>So potent
>So familiar
>It reminds you of your first time
>When you were a teenager
>On that rainy day in the sports shed just behind the school
>With the Cherry Blossoms blowing outside...
>It's intoxicating...
>You cough
>Oh god-
>You throw the clothes down on the floor and cough harder
>Oh my god
>What are you doing?
>What the hell is wrong with you?!
>You cough the aroma out of your lungs
>Jesus Christ...
>What would your parents think if he saw you now?
>What would your father think?
>What would ANYONE think if they saw you now?!
>Shame washes over you
>Good lord...
>You're disgusting
>You're a fucking degenerate

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>Planned for
>Ended up with

No regrets but next playthrough is futaba for sure

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Whoever wrote this greentext is a massive tranny just sayin
I don't even like the accusation since pol ran it into the ground but it's just "being seduced as a girl" roleplay, total gender dysphoria

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>Stumble out of the laundry room and back into the kitchen
>Practically limping due to the fresh bruise on your kneecap
>Reach the pot of curry
>Peek over the wall at Akira
>He's sitting quietly in the living room watching TV
>A-Alright, Sae
>Y-You can do t-this
>You shakily pick up the ladle and start stirring
>Y-You'll, uh...
>Y-You'll f-finish up his curry for him and b-bring it to him
>By then, you'll have c-calmed down enough to m-make a convincing apology...
>You'll smooth e-everything over, and then FINALLY get back to work!
>You can
>You are STILL in CONTROL!
>Y-Y-You just need to keep a c-cool head and f-focus..
>Don't think of anything else, j-just-
>F-F-Focus on the C-Curry-
>A-And the ladle-
>And the-
>A-And the-
>A-A-And the-!
>You turn the sink on and splash some water on your face
>This is FINE
>You just need to REFOCUS and GET A GRIP!
>A little cold water always-
>Its not working
>It's not fucking working
>It's not doing anything
>You're not refocusing
>You're just getting your face all wet!
>You keep splashing water on your face but it doesn't work
>You splash so hard some water falls on the ground
>Why isn't it working?!
>Why the HELL isn't working?!
>The one FUCKING time you NEED to calm down and you CAN'T!
>Why isn't it working?!
>Why is God punishing you?!
>"Why are you torturing yourself?"
>Your eyes shoot open
>Your blood turns cold
>A chill runs down your spine...
>"W-W-Who said that?" you ask

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I was planning to romance Anne but when I immediately fell in love with Makoto when I saw her following me.

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Hey what the fuck keep posting

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I fell for the Makoto meme and wished I romanced Tae instead, she's best girl by a wide margin.

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> We will never have a real Sae confidant conversation like this in the game
It's not fair...

>You turn off the faucet and turn around
>No ones there's
>It's just your empty kitchen
>And a low haze...
>"H-Hello? A-Akira, is that you?"
>No response
>None at all
>Your heart's racing
>"...Is s-someone here-"
>"Why are you making things so difficult?"
>You shriek
>It's a voice
>A feminine voice
>Someone's in your apartment!
>You grab a knife off the counter
>"W-Who's there?!" you shout
>W-What the-
>"Why do insist on making your life hell?"
>You jump
>You face the source of the voice
>"Don't you wanna keep your job?" says another voice behind you
>You turn around
>"Don't you wanna feel good~?" says one to your side
>W-What the-?!
>You are suddenly barraged by host of questions
>A cacophony of voices assaulting you from every direction
>All asking things like
>"Why are you so high strung?"
>"Why don't you loosen up a little?"
>"Can't you feel that ache between your legs?"
>"That burning desire?"
>"Don't you want it go away?"
>"Why don't you just go with the flow?"
>"Have a little fun~?"
>They all land on you at once
>It's too much to bear
>You take your knife and shove it out threateningly
>"S-SHOW YOURSELF!" you yell
>The voices cease
>The room is left silent

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This is correct

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>A puff of black smoke seemingly materializes
>Growing larger and larger
>Fading into existence
>Taking a human shape...
>You blink rapidly to make sure you aren't seeing things
>The specter doesn't disappear
>Instead it starts to fill out
>Refining itself
>Smoothing out the edges
>Adding new colors
>A fleshy pink
>All being painted like oil on a canvas
>Forming a portrait
>A picture
>A human being
>A flesh and blood person materializing right in front of you
>The smoke clears as the figure is revealed
>A woman in a skimpy black dress and wide black hat
>Her body adorned with tattoos and thick, black makeup
>Looking eerily familiar...
>She opens her caked eyes and smiles at you
>"Hello Sae~"
>Your jaw drops, as well does your knife
>The sharp metal clinging on the hard linoleum...
>W-What in the name of God-
>The woman leaps forward and presses her lips to yours
>Her slick tongue invading your mouth...
>You push her off and stumble back
>Coughing and wiping her lipstick off with your arm
>She laughs
>"Resistant as ever, eh Sae~?" she mocks
>Her voice is low and sultry
>Distorted yet smooth like oil...
>You wipe the last bit off with your hand
>"Who are you?!" you demand
>She laughs again
>"Don't you recognize me~?"
>She leans in
>"Look a little closer~"
>You examine her more thoroughly
>The grey hair...
>The earrings...
>The slight hint of wrinkle...
>Oh god
>It's you!
>It's you if you dressed like a cheap whore!
>Some sort of distorted mirror image with glowing yellow eyes
>It's uncanny as hell...
>"So, you're not totally braindead after all. I was starting to get worried~"
>She cackles like a witch
>You're too stunned to say anything
>H-How is this possible?
>What the hell is going on?!

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dumb bimbo

>She backs up and presents herself to you
>"I am thou, thou art I. I am your Shadow. Your true self. A being birthed from your twisted desire~"
>Your true self is a trashy prostitute?
>She chuckles
>"Oh you are soooo funny, Sae... but I can see how'd you think that, given how hard you've tried to suppress me~"
>She starts to circle around you like a shark
>Her gloved hands tracing fire on your skin...
>You shake her off
>A-Alright, sure!
>She's your... s-shadow or whatever!
>"But why are you here?" you ask
>"What do you want?"
>She takes a step back
>"I'm just curious... Why are you in here slaving over a pot of curry that you aren't even going to eat when you could be getting plowed like a fucking rice field?"
>The vulgarity of her words make you blush
>"W-What are you talking about?!" you sputter
>She looks you dead in the eye
>"I'm talking about that hot stud of a teenager in your living room. That cute boy and his long, hard, juicy Cock~!"
>You jump at her words
>A devious grin appears on her face
>"Oh? So you noticed it too, huh~? Well I can't blame you... I've been focusing on it all night as well..."
>She guides you to the edge of the wall outlooking the living room
>From there you can spy Akira sitting on the couch
>"...Especially in those cute little PJs he's wearing... They hardly leave anything to the imagination~"
>Your eyes focus on a very noticeable bulge around his crotch
>A bulge that you've been trying to ignore all night...
>You try to look away but you can't
>You're mesmerized...
>The shadow's voice worms itself inside your ear
>"Say, how big do you think that pecker of his is anyway? 7 inches? 8? 9 even..."
>A drop of drool falls from your mouth
>"I guess there's only one way to find out, huh~?" she says sultrily

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>Y-You mean No!
>You tear yourself from the sight and turn your back to the shadow
>Y-Y-You don't NEED to know that!
>Y-You don't W-WANT to know that!
>You would never... D-D-DO something like that in a million years!
>B-Because Akira i-is Makoto's boyfriend!
>A-And there is NOTHING between the two of you!
>"Are you sure about that? It seemed like he was pretty interested earlier~" she says
>"Oh don't play dumb with me... I saw how he was feeling you up in there... Felt it too. Those hands of his are pretty great, right? So nimble and strong... I have the feeling they're made for a lot more than neck massages, wouldn't you agree~?"
>A pang of heat shoots through your veins
>You wince
>The shadow chuckles at your discomfort
>"T-That was nothing!" you say
>I-It didn't mean anything!
>There was nothing there
>I-It only seemed that way because of how s-sensitive you were!
>You were just imagining things!
>"Oh? Just like how you were 'imagining' things all those other times too? That time when you were washing dishes... That time where he jumped you on the couch... That time where you almost kissed~"
>Her words echo clearly throughout the room
>They echo clearly in your mind...
>"It seems to me like he's been gunning for you for awhile now... gunning to get a taste of that Pussy~"
>She steps forward and aggressively gropes your crotch
>Her hand gripping you like hot tongs
>You push her off and stagger back
>Your face is completely red
>She chuckles
>"So tight... Akira's gonna LOVE that~"
>She continues to laughs you try to compose yourself

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damn dude see someone about your autism

>"S-Shut up!" you yell
>Akira does N-NOT want you!
>Y-YOU do not want Akira!
>A-And even if you did, you couldn't DO anything about it anyway!
>He's already taken
>He's your little sister's boyfriend for god's sake!
>So it's wrong!
>So it's illicit!
>"So what? It's nothing you haven't done before... I remember you used to do it ALL the time when you were in high school~"
>S-She's exaggerating!
>I-It was only one or... t-two or three times...
>"You still stole them away... Still went behind their girls' backs just to be with them... Still cucked some of your best friends~"
>T-That's different!
>THIS is different!
>This isn't some bratty school girl's latest boy toy
>This is family we're talking about!
>Your baby sister!
>Your Imouto!

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>"Oh, Makoto? The same Makoto that's been living off you like a parasite for the past 5 years? The same Makoto that violated the VERY clear rules you set up when she first got a boyfriend? The one who probably lost her virginity on those cute little bed sheets you picked out for her as a kid? THAT Makoto?"
>You're too stunned to say anything
>She continues
>"Or was it the one who imposed that her new boyfriend start living with you? The one who keeps parading him around, showing him off, wrapping him around her arm like some sort of trophy? The one that LOVES to flaunt the fact that she has a boyfriend and you don't right in your face? Was it THAT Makoto?"
>You try shut out her words but you can't
>"The same Makoto that disrespected you in your own home? The one who had the audacity to yell at you, her guardian? Her caretaker? Her sole provider? The same Makoto that made you walk out in the cold whilst she got the pounding of her life? The same Makoto that made you sit and listen to her getting dicked not once, but twice? The same Makoto that moaned her little lungs out while you were in the other room pathetically humping your dresser? The one that's far, far away having the time of her life at her dream school whilst you're here piddling away your miserable existence? Is THAT the Makoto we're-"

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Still far less autistic than the shit I've seen in Danganronpa threads.

>She chuckles deviously
>"Sounds to me like she's got it pretty good... a little too good maybe... Success does breed arrogance, and she is becoming quite the little show off... Maybe it wouldn't hurt to... knock her down a bit, hm~? Give her a taste of the sour side of life..."
>Your voice trembles
>Y-You don't want to do that...
>B-Because you don't c-care about any of that stuff!
>You're sisters
>You love eachother!
>You're all you have left!
>You're supposed to look out for each other, not... s-screw around behind each other's backs!
>"Why are you defending her? She hasn't exactly done you many favors... In fact, from where I'm standing, she seems to be the only thing standing between you and getting a nice, hard Fucking. A fucking that you desperately need... Not very sisterlike if you ask me~"
>S-Shut up...
>You do NOT need it
>You are NOT listening!
>G-Go Away!
>You turn your back and try to ignore her by going back to stirring

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>It doesn't exactly work
>"Oh come on..." the shadow says
>She wraps herself around you from behind
>Her light, delicate hands tracing your stomach...
>"Wouldn't it feel good to put down that bitchy prosecutor persona and let your inner woman out? Give her a little breathing room? Make her purr~?"
>She snakes her mouth around your neck
>Breathing hot and heavy on your throat...
>"Come on, be a little bad... Why don't you drop that ladle, take off your top, saunter in there, tug those cute little pants of his down, and get a taste of what of you really want... I promise I won't tell anyone~!"
>You're not doing that!
>That would never happen!
>That never c-could happen!
>Y-You're happy with your life!
>You're... h-happy with Makoto and Akira
>And they're happy together!
>"Oh come on, you really buy that bullshit?"
>"Don't lie to yourself, Sae. I see the way he looks at you... You really think that he's content being with a dead fish of a girl like Makoto? No... No, what Akira needs is a woman. A REAL woman... Someone who can REALLY show him a thing or two... If you think he sounded great the other night, just wait till he's been with you a few times~"

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Goro Akechi.

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>T-This is ridiculous!
>You could never betray your sister like that!
>"Why not? She's practically begging for it by the way she's acting... bringing him around here, shoving him in your face, leaving the two of all alone... Sounds a lot like a challenge, don't you think~?"
>She stares you down intimidatingly
>Her mouth curling in evil smile
>Her voice taking a more sinister tone...
>"If you ask me, I think it's about time she got what was coming to her. That she got punished. Shown who's boss..."
>Her yellow eyes glow with intensity
>"If it were up to me, I'd already made that little bitch sit there and watch while I took what I wanted. Watched her cry as I rode his dick. Drank her tears as I drained his balls dry. Spit on her writhing little sobbing body as I dragged him away for more... That'd be sure to put her in her place, hm~?"
>T-That's sick!
>That's twisted!
>That's horrible!
>That's disgusting!
>"It's what you really want, isn't it? Deep down? I mean, I should know. I am you after all~"
>You don't want that all!
>You just-
>You start to tear up
>Y-You just want to be a good sister!
>A good guardian!
>A good worker!
>You j-just don't want to let anyone down!
>You sob
>The shadow comforts you
>"You're already a good sister, Sae. Sacrificing everything for Makoto so she could live a good life... You've already given so much, what's wrong with taking a little back for yourself?"
>What's wrong is that it IS wrong!
>You're not supposed to want this
>You're not supposed to have these feelings!
>"Why can't you understand that?!" you cry
>She rubs your shoulder reassuringly
>"I'm only doing this because I care about you. I don't wanna be mean. I don't wanna see you run down. I'm only being this bad because you made me this bad... But I can go away. All you have to do is-"
>You push her away
>"G-Get the hell away from me!" you shout

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>"Oh come on, just one little taste of his dick! It doesn't have be a big one... unless you want it to be~"
>S-Shut the hell up!
>"You want to apologize to him, right? I know a pretty good way~"
>She lewdly makes an "O" around her mouth and sticks her tongue through
>You turn your head to look away but you can't escape
>It's like your perception is focused on her no matter what you do
>Your sense of space and position is all out of wack
>Her voice is the only thing that's coherent
>"I know you're aching for it... Why not just accept the inevitable? Stop being so uptight, loosen up a little bit... I want it, he wants it, you NEED it... Why not get a taste of what you're missing? Why not give into temptation~?"
>"Is it because you're a cuck? A wimpy little cuckquean too scared to take what she wants? A doormat? I don't think daddy raised a doormat, did he?" she mocks
>You feel your blood boil
>This is all her fault!
>Ever since she came into your life, it's been a living hell!
>A nightmare you can't escape!
>Always hot
>Always bothered
>Always wanting to take the heel of your stiletto and just shove it through your eye!
>It's unbearable!

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Why can't girls get to the fucking point so much drama holy shit it's like a fucking twilight harry potter fanfiction I get that erotic literature especially thrives on the build up but I don't need her to uweehh~ and stomp off autistically about 100 fucking times before they even kiss get off the faux emotional rollercoaster for one fucking minute moody little shit stop pretending to be a fucking enigma of vain feelings and progress the plot before I break a fucking window

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>"It's a lot better than it was before, isn't it? At least you aren't a cold dead husk of a woman anymore, hm~? At least you have a little fire in your veins. A little juice. Doesn't that make you feel good? Doesn't it make you feel alive~?"
>If this what feeling alive is like then you wish you were dead!
>You wish were just a machine
>A computer!
>A robot that does what it's told and only what it's programmed to do!
>Not some fleshy, weak woman who keeps messing everything up with her personal shit
>Not some girl who can't exercise enough self control to sort her own life out
>Not some stupid old spinster that hits on guys nearly half her age and cries herself to sleep at night...
>You start to break down
>Why'd you have to be born with emotions?
>Why'd you have to be born at all?!
>Why couldn't you have just-

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>You shriek
>Your entire body jumps
>You feel your foot slip out from under you
>You fall forward
>Utterly powerless
>The entire world seeming to collapse around you
>Your balance failing
>Your head jerking forward
>The lethal edge of the counter rushing forward and slamming into your-
>You're stopped
>Everything comes back into focus
>You're in you're kitchen
>In front of the stove
>Ladle in hand
>Your eyes mere inches away the cold, hard surface of the counter
>You blink
>W-What the-
>"Ah jeez, that was close!" you hear a familiar voice say
>It's Akira
>Only Akira
>The Shadow or whatever is gone
>It's just him supporting you from behind
>"It's a good thing I was here, huh Sae-san? That could've been bad! You really could've hurt yourself..." he says nervously
>I guess all of the that just a hallucination
>A daydream or something
>You were just in here by yourself the whole time...
>You feel Akira adjust his grip on you
>Your eyes bulge
>O-Oh G-Gohd...
>The way he's holding you...
>He's got one hand on you your hip and the other on your stomach
>Your slick, sensitive stomach...
>His warm fingers digging into your soft belly
>Just a few torturously short inches away from your breasts
>Your s-sweaty, n-needy breasts...
>His other hand's pulling your hip close to his waist
>Close to his groin
>Close to the one thing you've been avoiding all night
>The hard, f-firm bulge thats currently pressing into your backside...
>"Sorry I startled you like that, Sae-san; I know I said I'd leave you alone! It's just... I was thirsty, a-and I thought I'd just get some water, but then I saw you looking all out of it and I just thought that- well..."
>He shifts a bit
>His dick shifts too
>You throw yourself off him and stumble forward onto the counter
>Your hands shakily grasping and trying to gain balance...
>You don't need it
>Y-You d-don't need it...

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>You wish were just a machine
>A computer!
user I didn't come for this feel

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>Warm shivers shake your body as you try to support yourself
>It feels like every organ in your body is contorting into a tight knot
>A bundle of nerves getting more and more tangled...
>Y-You don't need it
>You DON'T need it!
>"Sae-San? Are... you alright?" you hear Akira ask
>You manage to pull yourself up on the counter, facing away from Akira
>Your legs shaking
>Your entire body shuddering with lust
>You don't need it...
>You do NOT need it!
>"Is... something wrong? Something I can... help you with?"
>You struggle to hold yourself in
>You can't bring yourself to face him
>You can't bring yourself to form a single word
>You can hardly even think
>The only thing that's coherent is the raging fire in your crotch...
>You don't need it...
>You DEFINITELY don't need it!
>"If you need any sort of... assistance, I'd be glad to... give you some"
>Don't think about it, Sae
>Do NOT think about it!
>You're fine
>You're calm
>You're cool
>You are IN control!
>J-Just... PUSH IT all out your mind!
>Just... t-turn around, and m-make it all go away!
>T-Tell him you're... F-FINE!
>You don't NEED it!
>"I am a guest here, after all. I'd do anything for you if you asked... Especially if it's something you really needed~"
>Another wave of desire hits your body
>You nearly double over
>You don't need it...
>You don't need it...

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>You close your eyes and start to pivot around
>Your teeth grated
>Your breath shaky
>Your knees trembling...
>Y-You don't need it...
>Y-You d-don't n-need i-it!
>You finally turn around to face him
>Your eyes still shut
>Your body still quaking...
>A-Alright, Sae
>K-Keep it together...
>JUST... t-tell him you're okay,
>G-Go get your clothes,
>And leave...
>You can do it
>You ARE doing it!
>You don't need it...
>You DON'T need it!
>You take a deep breath and open your eyes
>Akira's staring at you intently
>Gazing at you with you with his deep, crimson eyes...
>So innocent
>So cute
>So unbelievably sexy...
>He tilts his head to the side a little and smiles
>"Well? Is there anything you need me to help you with?"
>He breathes lowly
>You pounce forward, grabbing Akira by the collar of his shirt and pressing your lips to his

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/pg/ here, this retard got banned for 3 days for doing this on /vg/. Let's see how this [place handles this.

>So good~!
>Your mouth desperately smacks against his
>Kissing him fervently and almost violently
>Your tongue desperate to find an opening
>Akira seems surprised by your onslaught, stumbling back
>Trying to stop you
>You hold onto him, eagerly macking at his lips
>His soft, juicy lips~!
>Finally he stumbles back into a cabinet
>You press him against it, desperately trying to lock with his resistant mouth
>"...easy, Easy, EASY!" he says between kisses
>He pushes you back, holding you at bay by your shoulders
>The sensation of you kissing him painfully disappears
>You open your eyes
>You're briefly broken out of your lust filled haze
>You realize what you're doing
>O-Oh my god...
>W-What have you just-?!
>"Finally had enough, huh Sae-san?" Akira chuckles
>He snakes his arm around your waist and pulls you close
>"Not that I mind, I just wish you had done it a little sooner~"
>In one swift move he suddenly closes the distance, passionately slamming his lips onto yours
>You moan into his mouth, returning the kiss and eagerly accepting his lips as he takes control
>Your limbs going almost limp as he asserts his dominance
>Fireworks erupting in your mouth...
>It's amahzing...

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Haru is really cute, but her character is squandered potential. Hopefully, whatever Persona 5 R is will give her more fleshing out.

Just report the fag and move on

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Nigger did you seriously just reference spongebob

I'm about going to fight Nyx in Persona 3 FES
How should I do my preparations?

Yo this is impressive, is this the power of real autism

If you do multiple different playthroughs to date a different girl each time, you're a faggot. If you really wanted to be loyal you'd just stick with the same girl every time.

Aren't you fujos all busy sucking off Goro cosplayers?

Autism is a hell of a drug

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>You feel his tongue try to enter your mouth
>You don't even try to put up a fight, eagerly accepting and wrestling with your mouth's new visitor
>Your spit mixing and getting all stirred together...
>He tastes even better than you thought he would...
>His spit's like nectar
>So young, so intense...
>So... boyish
>It's like pure energy
>Every taste is driving you wild
>And there's more than enough to go around...
>You can't even remember the last time you made out with a guy like this
>It's been so long...
>...But you remember all the motions
>Where to put your nose
>Remembering to breath
>The right way to move your tongue...
>It's all coming back to you
>Akira starts to get more aggressive
>He leans into you, pushing you back and simultaneously pulling you closer to him
>You try to match his pace, but it's no use
>He's totally dominating you
>Not that you mind...
>Eventually you get pushed back so much that you're back on the other side of the kitchen
>The two of you swapping spit near the stove
>The bubbling pot of curry next to you
>He briefly separates
>You watch as he turns the eye under the curry pot off
>"Sorry, it was just kinda nagging in the back of my head, you know?" he says
>O-Oh, uh
>"T-Thaht's fine~" you slur lustfully
>A bit of drool drips down your chin
>"You're a real good kisser, Sae-san. Where'd you learn to do all that~?" he asks
>Your already blushing face somehow turns redder
>O-Oh, well...
>Y-Youh know...
>"Mmmm, I bet I do~" he purrs seductively
>He's eying you like a hungry predator
>He suddenly pushes himself back onto you, ravenously devouring your mouth with a new intensity
>Running his hands over your body
>Up your back
>On your shoulder
>Behind your neck...
>You run your hands through his messy hair
>Feeling the sweat and clean softness of it
>It's incredible...

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>He suddenly gropes your ass
>You squeal with delight
>Pushing yourself even closer to him as he manhandles your rear
>Your crotch pressing up against his
>Your hips lewdly gyrating and lightly humping his
>Sending shockwaves through your body every time they collide
>You hand moves downward toward his dick
>Desperately groping it through his pajama bottoms
>Your mouths connect like magnets
>Sloppily and furiously making out
>Nothing held back as the two of you explore each other's bodies
>Desire begins to well up in you
>Every inch of your being wanting touch him
>Feel him
>Taste him
>Every part of him...
>A rush of adrenaline shoots through your body
>You feel like you're going to explode if you don't do anything
>If you don't feel it
>If you don't touch it
>If you don't just get a taste...
>You need it
>You NEED it~!
>You summon all your strength and flip him around, pinning him against the counter
>You pant
>You gasp for air
>"I-I hahve-, I-I-I wahnt t-to-"
>Akira doesn't say anything, but smiles smugly
>He puts hand gently, but firmly on your shoulder
>Pushing you downward
>Your legs shaking as you lower yourself...
>You get on your knees, tugging down his pants until-
>His dick springs out, landing and resting on the side of your face
>O-Oh god...
>Akira's dick
>You can feel the heat throbbing off of it
>The long, hot, meaty rod....
>He's not exactly m-massive or anything, but
>You can definitely see why Makoto was moaning so hard the other night
>Akira firmly grips the back of your head by your hair, peering down at you expectantly
>His eyes glimmering through his glasses
>You know what to do
>You shakily grab the base and the lick your lips
>You're practically salivating

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>You run your tongue from the base up the shaft
>You shudder
>It's been so long since you've done this
>You forgot how great it was~
>He so clean
>But there's still that hint of musk
>The taste...
>It's like that musk you got a whiff of earlier was a given a solid form
>A delicious, meaty form
>So intense
>So mouthwatering...
>You run your tongue along it again, kissing the head and softly rubbing it
>Akuira grunts
>He grips your hair tighter, glaring down at you and breathing heavily as he gives it threatening little tug
>O-Oh jeez...
>You're teasing him
>I guess guys his age are pretty impatient when it comes to this stuff...
>Oh whatever
>You don't mind
>This is the best part anyway~
>You wrap your mouth around his dick and start sucking
>So good~!
>You start really getting into it, rhythmically bobbing your head around his shaft
>Slobbering over his warm meat...
>Akira groans approvingly, playing with and rubbing your hair with his hand
>Pulling and pushing the back of your head in rhythm with your bobs
>Making him feel good makes you feel good
>Reeally good~
>Your mind goes numb
>You lose yourself to the haze
>Your tongue sliding and licking around his delectable cock
>Licking up every drop of savory precum you can
>One hand on the base pumping, and the other between your thighs
>Pathetically rubbing yourself through your shorts
>Desperate to find some relief as you slurp on his dick

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>Eventually, you feel the inevitable start to happen
>Akira's groans become more intense, with him harshly grabbing the back of your head
>You feel his dick start to tense up in your mouth
>O-Oh Gohd~
>H-Here it come-
>A flood of hot semen shoots from his dick
>The sweet, salty spunk flooding your mouth
>Your mouth is coated with Akira's jizz
>You swallow as much you can but it won't stop coming
>There's so much~!
>You pull away, coughing as he continues to spurt
>His hot, sticky cum landing on your tongue and face
>Finally it ends
>You look up at him
>Your face messy
>Gasping for air
>Dribbles of spit and and semen dripping off your tongue
>Akira smirks down at you, admiring his handiwork
>"Jeez, I figured you were eager, but I don't know you were THIS eager, Sae-san" he gloats
>You say nothing
>The only thing you can do is pant, meekly gasping through his cum as your eyes meet his
>"How about we take this somewhere more... appropriate, hm~?"
>You pant
>You're dripping wet

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Lmao the gorofags there are embarrassing and easy to bully

>The next thing you know you're thrown onto your bed
>Akira's imposing body looming over you
>At some point his glasses came off
>He's peering down at you with his beautiful, exposed eyes...
>His mouth goes to your neck, kissing and sucking your sensitive, sweaty flesh
>You moan, doing your best not to squirm too hard as he moves his way down
>His lips reach your chest
>You feel him tug at the base of your tank top
>You lift your arms up and allow him to pull it off, exposing your breasts
>His mouth immediately goes to your nipple, licking and sucking while his hands squeeze your tits
>You bite your lip
>You can't handle it
>You're so sensitive!
>Every little movement he makes is driving you wild!
>The ferocity
>The intensity
>The friction of his mouth sucking and pulling and nibbling and squeezing all over your tits is amazing
>It's like a million little fireworks exploding in rapid succession
>Traveling from your chest to your arms to the blood vessels in you brain
>The sparks falling deliciously and pooling together
>Adding to the raging inferno down below...

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Whenever someone posts a Goro cosplayer we make fun of them.

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>Eventually he moves on from your breasts, kissing down your stomach
>His hot breath sprouting goosebumps all over your belly
>His mouth swirling around your belly button and moving further below...
>He stops at your waistline
>His eyes meet yours, asking a question without speaking
>You know fully well what he wants to do
>What's about to happen
>Your lip trembles
>You shakily nod and cover your face, trying not to let him see how flustered you are
>Akira begins to gently and torturously remove your shorts, pulling them down around your thighs and past your knees
>You press your legs together to make it easier
>He pulls them off, your soaked panties following soon afterward
>You gasp as your womanhood is exposed to the air
>It's a slick, oozing, sopping wet mess
>Your legs spread by instinct
>You cover up your face with both hands in embarrassment
>You're now fully nude on your bed
>Exposed to Akira's leering eyes

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>unironically using akira
when i thought this couldn’t get more autistic

>Akira takes a swipe at your dripping cunt with his fingers, putting them in his mouth to taste your slickness
>Through your fingers you see the same twinkle in his eyes that you saw earlier when he tasted those curry spices
>"Mmm~" he moans lowly
>He begins to delicately kiss up your thigh, leaving a trail warm saliva
>Your legs squirm, but he holds them steady with his strong hands~
>His mouth gets higher and higher up your thigh, getting closer and closer to your-
>He stops
>His face a few painfully long inches away from your womanhood
>He does nothing
>Nothing at all
>W-Whaht's he do-
>He breathes hotly onto your snatch
>The painfully sweet fire rises through your belly all the way to your head
>You grip your face even tighter
>Akira continues to do this
>His moist, warm breath fanning the flame
>He's teasing you
>Your entire body squirms in unfulfilled pleasure
>You whine like a dog
>Tears roll down your cheeks
>You go crazy with desire
>"P-PleAsE~!" you sputter
>You are absolutely shaking
>Akira chuckles
>"You're so cute, Sae-san~" he says
>He dives into you
>Sparks of electricity shoot through your stomach
>G-Good God~!
>His tongue digs into you
>You try to hold your moans in but you can't
>It feels too incredible
>It's like Akira somehow knows EXACTLY where to touch
>Where to lick
>Where to kiss
>The right way to move his tongue in and out
>Exactly how to make your clit tingle in delight...

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>It's not long before you feel the Inevitable build up
>The long fuse burning out toward the bomb in your belly
>The taste of relief you've been craving all night..
>Your muscles twitch
>Your entire body shakes
>Your mind swirls in a fervor of heat and pleasure
>You're gonna-
>Y-You're gonna-
>Y-Y-You're gonna-!
>You explode
>A flood of juices pour out of you as you climax
>Akira eagerly laps them up as your body is rocked with pleasure
>Waves of sweet, sweet relief traveling through you
>From the soles of your feet to the pores on your face
>It's absolutely incredible...
>...But you want more
>You pant as you come down off your orgasm, your hands trembling around your face
>Your body's drenched in sweat and juices
>The sparks of bliss still lingering on your flesh
>Your mind clouded with steam...
>You let your head fall back on your sheets, trying to collect your breath
>You feel like a pile of mush
>A sweaty mess of flesh and pleasure
>You could almost slip away right here...
>...But you can't
>The itch is still there
>Almost stronger
>More intense
>You feel better, but...
>The burning desire still lingers
>There's still some sort underlying tension in your belly
>Something deep inside of you
>Something primal
>Wanting more
>Craving more~
>NEEDING more...

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at first i was going for the teacher, then i had to buy some medicine and got horny for some legs

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>You hear Akira grunt, positioning himself between your legs
>You peel your head off your sheets and look at him
>O-Oh God...
>His dick
>It's already hard again
>Rock hard
>Throbbing long and thick in his hand...
>He takes off his shirt and throws it to the side
>Through the darkness, you can see his toned muscles shimmering with sweat
>Dripping off his stomach and down below...
>Your loins reignite, burning with a new intensity
>You realize what's about to happen
>The event that this entire night's been building up to
>The thing you've been wanting ever since that first he pressed you against the counter when you were doing dishes
>On your bed
>No one to stop you
>No one to interrupt
>No one to witness the sin that's about to be committed
>A sin so sweet and unspeakable
>So unbelievably wrong yet so right
>One that'll damn the two of you for eternity
>One so amazing that you're shaking just thinking about it...
>Akira stares down at you
>Seemingly calm, but with a wild and feral look in his eyes
>"You ready~?" he asks
>Your words fail
>You can hardly knod
>Your legs spread wide on their own
>Akira grins wolfishly and triumphantly
>You flinch as you feel his head probe against your lips
>You close your eyes in anticipation
>Every nerve in your body is standing on end

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>He shoves it in all at once
>You cry in pleasure, your insides adjusting around his length
>It's been SO long
>You suppress your moans as he pushes himself further inside you, his dick stretching out your tight insides
>He buries himself to the hilt, leaning over you as his dick presses against your cervix
>He slowly pulls back until only the head is in before slamming the rest back in to you
>You try to cover your mouth but Akira stops you
>"I wanna hear you~" he says huskily
>You concede, your hands tightly gripping your bedsheets instead
>Akira resumes, thrusting in and out with long, powerful strokes
>Each more powerful than the last
>Your moans grow louder and more intense with each thrust
>You feel like your whole world is being rocked
>The friction of his bumpy dick sliding in and out of your slick folds
>The pounding of his cock against your cervix
>The feeling of being filled with something so thick and hard...
>It's f-fucking incredible~!
>It's like bolts of lighting striking your body in rapid succession
>Each setting off shockwaves emanating out from your very core
>Waves of mind shattering electricity coursing through you
>You can hardly contain yourself!
>Akira hits your G-spot
>Your nearly scream in delight
>Akira grins deviously
>He liked that
>His pace increases
>Hammering you harder and faster
>Trying to hit that spot with every plunge
>You start to thrust up at him as well, your hips moving on their own in rhythm with his
>You can't control yourself!
>Every inch of your skin is scorching with pleasure
>Your insides are burning up
>Your brain feels like it's melting
>I-It's just too much!
>Your senses are being overwhelmed~!
>His slick abs rubbing against your stomach
>His hot sweat dripping onto you
>The feeling of his balls slamming against your ass...

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>He suddenly yanks you closer and jerks you up by your thighs
>You shriek as you're dragged across your bed, powerless to stop him
>He hoists your legs up on his shoulders, pressing back into you even deeper
>Your body shakes with the impact, your tits bouncing
>Akira's sweaty hair falls in front of his face
>He pushes it back, revealing his eyes
>They're glowing with intensity
>He leers down at you deviously
>You're completely at his mercy
>He begins to jackhammer into you, plunging deep and greedily with each thrust
>You can barely keep up
>You're practically drowning in bliss
>Each of your moans is louder than the last
>You're practically screaming with each thrust
>Every blood vessel in your body is pounding
>Your heart's beating out of your chest
>The coil in your belly is growing tighter and tighter
>Twisting and turning and squeezing around you insides
>You've lost all control
>Every hang up or objection you had is long gone
>Your mind can't even remember any of them
>The only thing it can think is about Akira
>Everything about him
>The closeness to him
>The warmness of him
>The way his chest moves
>The way he grunts in pleasure after each push
>His cute face
>His tight muscles
>His hot dick absolutely wrecking your cunt...
>Akira leans down and locks lips with you, passionately kissing you as continues to pound you
>The taste of him is indescribable
>You can feel every inch of his being in it
>It's like everything you love about him is joining together
>All mixing
>It's like you're drinking a cocktail of everything that's him
>A delicious, intoxicating, mind shattering glass of Akira
>One that you're drunk off of
>One that you could drink again and again and never get tired of
>One that's guaranteed to leave you absolutely wasted...

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I love Anne!

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>You feel your insides start to scrunch up
>O-Oh G-God...
>It's coming
>What you've been aching for all night...
>The scratch
>The release
>You feel Akira's dick start to tense up too, his teeth grating and his legs tightening
>He must be close as well
>He throws himself entirely into fucking you, your whole body spasming around his cock
>He doesn't let up
>He just keeps pounding
>The coil in your belly grows tighter
>It's at it's limit
>So are you
>You can't take it anymore
>Your whole body tenses up
>Your legs start to shake
>Your face scrunches in delight
>You're gonna...
>Y-You're gonna...
>Y-Y-You're gonna..!
>The coil springs loose
>You let out a soul piercing scream
>"Aaagh~!" you hear Akira groan
>A flood of hot cum shoots inside of you
>Every shot of tension in your body releases at once
>The bands of tangles all fall loose
>Pure, unadulterated, raw pleasure shoots in every direction
>To your arms
>To your head
>To the very tips of your toes
>They all explode in delight
>A tsunami of relief and euphoria crashes into your body, accentuated and enhanced by the hot, sticky spunk filling your womb
>Explosions go off in your head
>You taste sparks
>You see stars
>You feel the whole universe converge and ignite your head
>Your cunt is filled to the brim
>Semen and juices pouring onto your bed
>Your toes curl
>Your eyes spin
>You feel every drop of pleasure from the tips of your hair to the taste buds on your tongue all the way down to your feet
>Your vision goes white...

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Imagine being so autistic you post shitty erp smut for an hour.

>...The whiteness slowly subsides as you return to reality
>You're sticky, wet, exhausted pile of mush
>Your flesh is still tingling as you regain your senses
>Even after your initial climax your entire body is still singed with delight
>Like the embers of pleasure are still burning even though the fire is out
>Still making you moan lowly...
>Akira collapses on top of you
>His warm body colliding and joining yours
>The sweat and juices sticking the two of you together
>You feel his heartbeat through his chest
>It's perfectly synchronized to yours
>It's the only sound you can make out in your ringing ears
>Eventually he rolls over, his softened dick pulling out of you and letting more juices leak on your bed
>He says nothing
>You say nothing
>You couldn't even if you wanted to
>You can only pant as you feel you feel your eyes start to droop
>Your wrecked brain shutting down...
>Every muscle going dormant..
>The only sound being your breathing as you drift off
>The warm, comforting embrace of sleep enveloping you...
>Carrying you off to a land of soft pillows...
>And sweet...
So, that was part 6. What did you all think of it? You know how much I love feedback!

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>Sour grapes

Oh I don't really like hags sorry

>I fell for the Makoto meme
All this Makoto regret. I thought her Confidant would turn more people off from her. It promised helping her become less of a robotic stick in the mud and instead has her snoop on some random dumb cunt and get vindicated for it. When Makoto told me I had to meet some threshold to impress that bitch, I sidelined her Confidant.

I'm not really sure. I friend zoned Ann and Kawakami already. I'll pass on Ohya and Chihaya. I haven't met Haru yet. Takemi, Makoto, and Hifumi all seem good. Futaba idk yet

Is Anne a size queen?

What are the worst threads on Yea Forums????


Harem ending was great. I'll pick up the remake if it lets me fuck Sae too.

I didn't go in with a plan. Makoto.

All girls are (And That's A Good Thing)

I would like to clear some things up
I am not autistic, nor am I a woman, a homosexual, a transsexual, or anything of the like. I am a relatively normal person.
I am simply a writer. Nothing more, nothing less.
I write because people enjoy my work, and I enjoy pleasing them, as well as the practice I receive doing it
If people did not enjoy or want my work, I would not create it
I understand if you do not enjoy my story, but please do not insult me for it, as I would never do the same for you.
I am sorry if my style of writing is not to your personal preference
I am sorry if you did not enjoy my story
And I am deeply sorry if I have caused
you all any distress
That is all

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I personally do not read your posts but I agree that you do not deserve to be insulted. Keep doing what you do.

Was playing on romancing Ann or Futaba but Tae stole my heart.

Thanks once again for sharing! I really like the tension during the first half of the part. You've depicted the lewd part a bit too much for my taste, but i enjoyed it nevertheless. Maybe you should reconsider the time/day when you dump the story.

>would like to clear some things up
>I am not autistic

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I unironically can find fun in all those types of threads except console war threads because i'm a PC fag. c

That was fucking hot saefag, lots of haters this time but you have a way of writing that keeps me glued to each post, I dont really care if I'm autistic for it, I enjoyed it thoroughly and appreciate the attention to detail you give to it all. Great work! Looking forward to more if you plan on it

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Why does that matter PC gets dragged in all the same

you're clearly autistic. but if this makes you happy, then go for it

I guess i'm not paying attention by the time PC gets dragged in. its usually arguments of "they cost too much for a good one" or "they don't have games as good as nintendo and playstaion".

I always dump at around 6ish, because he last time I tried posting earlier, only a few of my readers saw it. Nevertheless, thank you for your kind feedback
Thank you, man. I know one particular poster did not like that I was building tension so much, but I felt it was necessary to make the sex scene more impactful and meaningful. I do have two more parts planned (Part 7 and the epilogue) after which, the story will end. After which, I will begin work on a new story involving Makoto
Thank you both for your feedback!

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Nah, you’re totally a fucking autist.
In fact you’re a turbo autist of SR quality. Not quite a 5* shitposter like Drive-by Kamoshida but a healthy 4*.

Regardless, God bless you.

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I'm not, really
Now believe me, I know this is a very bold claim to make after posting all of that, I know this is an odd thing. But I don't do this out of an autistic desire to continue, I do it for fun

>I know one particular poster did not like that I was building tension so much
It's ok because the fug was long enough
Still a very dramatic and angsty style but writing is usually a therapeutic act so you do you

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>Kawakami (will romance her in my next playthrough)
I wasn't expecting all these Haru patricians here though, you're still okay Yea Forums


>I am a relatively normal person.
This doesn't add up.

>Children with Autism may struggle with self-awareness.
>...autism begins with impaired reflective self-awareness.

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Believe what you like to believe, but I am normally functioning individual outside of this website

Why do you feel the need to defend yourself so hard.

Looking forward to it! Ignore the haters, you have fans

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The stories are fine just make a pastebin and stop shitting up threads.

Oh right, almost forgot
A very kind and generous user has drawn art of my story!
Here is his rendition of the scene in part 1 where Sae initially catches Makoto and Akira

Attached: IMG_3867.jpg (640x549, 60K)

It's not like this thread was going anywhere anyway. Just a shitty waifu thread. I only shit up those
And I do have a pastebin if you're interested

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>shitting up threads
Can you honestly tell me this thread was doing fine as it was? It's the same shit everytime, wait till the next persona thread is up and I promise it will have nothing you haven't seen already

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I thought I was going to romance Ren because I enjoy painting myself but she was just too deadpan and schizo/autistic for me. I ended up falling for Hanako.

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I like them desu


not bad, how many did he make?

>I'm totally a normalfag, I swear!
Face yourself.

As of right now, this is the only finished piece. There is another in progress, but it is not done, and I would rather not force him to show off work that is incomplete. I was originally going to link to his DA, but the presence of certain individuals have dissuaded me from doing so.

That's fine, save it for part 7. give him props for me, more content is always great

I will be sure to do so, user
And also, I am just curious:
What do you all enjoy about my story? Is it the content? The premise? The way of writing? The erotic scenes?
What specifically do you all enjoy about it?

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Great read mate, cheers. Really enjoyed it.

It happens every few weeks. the other parts are great. Don't mind the grammar and it's nice fanfic.

Not the guy you're asking but personally I dig the style or narration you use. The way you write using an inner monologue works well.

Personally as I mentioned earlier, the attention to detail, those random references to the game really add to the build up. Something about your style of writing keeps you reading it too, i dont know how to explain it, it just works with the style you'd expect to find on this site, very easy to read, it doesnt read like a generic fan fic you'd find elsewhere. I hope that makes sense.

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The buildup

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When I first played the game, I was kinda dissapointed that you never see a more casual Sae during her confidant. Your portrayal of casual Sae is funny and somewhat relatable. I also like the little details you put in the story like the incident with Shido for example.

We'll, thank you all! I like knowing that people appreciate little stuff like references and what not. I took some creative liberties with Sae's character and personality, but I tried to remain faithful to the game's portrayal as closesly as possible. Hearing that people enjoy the build up as well also makes me happy, as I consider a necessity to make the more erotic scenes mean something
I'm really glad you all enjoyed Part 6, even if the General reaction to it was negative by others. I cannot say when I will start progress on part 7, but I will be sure to let you all know!

I've updated the pastebin, as well

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Go be gay somewhere else.

Why was that one part deleted?
How long has it been deleted?
Should I repost it?

I really did like kawakami but when i met Chihaya i knew she was the one. I never looked back

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Dude you're autistic as fucking hell just accept it. You can't do something like that and then say "normal by the way" you can't huff glue then say "I'm normal accept for my glue huffing addiction". I don't care what you do or where you do frankly it's not personally hurting me. But you can't after all that say "normal person btw".

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Maybe janny. I would advise against it so you aren't forced to go on vacation again. Maybe just have the pastebin ready in anyone asks

Well alright, I already uploaded the pastebin so that's covered

This fag is the only reason I’m in this thread.

Well this threads about done, see you around saefag, today was a great day for me and part 7 was the icing, thanks again

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Literally why would you ever not

I'm glad I helped complete your day, user. People like you and everyone else of my fans are why I write in the first place. What motivates me to continue.

Thank you, as always, for you wonderful and supportive feedback

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Dont listen saefag youre great at what you do, plus remember whos insulting you, just a bunch of retards on Yea Forums trying to seem above everything


I'll try to keep that in mind, man

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I liked the culmination of everything, but personally felt the Shadow Sae part came out of nowhere and went in a bit long.

Ignore the fags and keep doing you. Everyone who frequents Persona threads knew this was coming.

Cool, thanks for the advice.

Yeah, originally it was intended to be a much shorter scene, but I have tendency to make things longer than I intend (like this part in general, for example). I just like playing around with the idea of a more evil, sultry Sae. I think it turned out well, but if you personally disliked, I understand.

Oh, and it may have felt too long because I had to split a few scenes because I failed to realize I went over the character limit

>i'm not autistic
>i just spent an hour autistically waiting for the post timer to expire for an hour


I think the reason it felt odd to me was that it was the only supernatural occurance in an otherwise very grounded and “real” narrative. It felt out of place and kinda went on a while so it stood out.

>Patience is autism
Based retard

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>Now when we get to Switch port

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Well, it's meant to be somewhat vague. You could interpret it as her shadow literally talking to her, or as Sae being confronted by and dealing with her inner demons (with the aesthetics of her shadow, of course). It's as literal as you want it to be, really. But I understand if it seemed jarring.