This series is doomed, isn't it?
Mirror's Edge
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Yes. EA don't do single player games anymore.
Is Catalyst worth 3 britdollars?
It ended with first one
No it's shit.
it's actually fine
Someone post the webm of the ai comparison to shut this cuck up
>muh AI
the parkour stuff is the only good part of these games. stop cherrypicking shit
No it wasn't you tasteless faggot. It was the very definition of soul/soulless.
And the parkour was hold R2 to awesome in the new one. Even the doc for the first one was better than all of catalyst.
Enemy encounters and combat are still part of the game, you dumbshit
>forced combat
The game lacks when this start to become a thing, the first mirror's edge started to suck in the final missions because "muh combat". The game just has combat because casual gamers would be bored without shooting and breaking things.
It's a perfect recipe, maybe it's best EA floundered.
There weren't supposed to be a tv adaptation?
>one game 11 years ago and nothing else
>have really bad vertigo
>tfw mess up a jump and fall
>sweaty palms
I loved this game and still liked the sequel, despite some of its setbacks.
Would I like another one? yes.
Would I be worried about its quality? yes.
>the final missions because "muh combat"
There was no such thing. The only awful combat is in the parking of the boat.
Combat in mirrors 1 was "lol I grab a gun and shoot them like it's a shooter"
2's was objectively better cuz you actually has to fight niggas not just gun them down.
>game trying to shove the fact that this "clean and crime free city is bad" down my throat
>end up liking it instead
It has really solid mechanics but bad combat and mostly bad level design. So the same problems the first game had.
I never used a gun in the first mirrors to kill. I just used a gun to destroy the servers in the final mission.
I liked 1 even if it was a flawed gem but goddamn does its design make my penis the big penis
That is actually a very cherrypicked shot. Catalyst does look marginally better than ME 1.
The real problem is with the ultra modern and sleek environment design in Catalyst, which just ends up looking a bit plain in many areas.
What do you mean? If they pay you only 3 brits to play it I think you should raise the quota, maybe add two zeros
The parkour is mostly the same from the first game so if you digged that you probably get enjoyment out of Catalyst too.
Just remember to turn off runners vision and other view obscuring garbage, that shit ruins the game.
Performance aside, I think the first Mirror's Edge was a much better looking game - Catalyst was too shiny and reflective for its own good, while one was incredibly clean and aesthetic.
>a bit plain
There are a ton of areas in the new city that look unfinished altogether. Like they're using the original blockout and slapped some color on it. I think the original has better aesthetics even if the graphics may be technically inferior.
Do not talk shit on ME1's level design you heathen.
The Edge, Flight, Jackknife, Heat. The only good levels in the game.