Lighting braaaaps

lighting braaaaps

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the braaap game has changed

Lady has a better ass.

Yeah i said it.

Fucking California

Lady best girl

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I hate them too user. I hate them too

Also protip: if Sony headquaters are in Claifornia, and the Japanese version of DMC5 on PS4 is uncensored, guess what? Its not Sony. Its Capcom. Otherwise Japan would have to comply. Just saying.

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I think its not them. Sony Japan would have to concede as well.


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if this is actually in the game, and not a mod, then im buying the game RIGHT NOW.

Hey bro, that's before the patch

Smelly dumb Snoy scum.

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I just played this scene on PC, it was had the purple lens flare for me

XBONE version has it too now. If you can play DMC5 without updating thats whats causing it

in the options menu on PC you can turn off lens flare and apparently this problem is alleviated

That's a glorious PC mod senpai.

I'm a Californian (formerly Missouri)
what're your thought of me?
I hate this place btw.

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This. That shithole has fully censored DMC5 PS4. Fuck California and Sony HQ California.

No it's a mod

I like the one with the light more

It's Kino.

get out user. get out while you can

So just uninstall the patch then.

Yeah but then there is no lense flare.

>this guy will never play bloody palace

So just install it later when im all done looking at ass

I don’t know why, but this bear makes me want to flush my allergy meds down the toilet.

That's right cuck put yourself in the cock cage after your bull let you have some fun :^)

I can't.
This state essentially dries you out of any extra funds unless you make 60k+ a year; and good fucking luck getting a good paying job here.

Didn't DmC have Donte's ass on camera uncensored? I wonder what the reason for this double-standard could be.


Yep, fuck California with a rake.

start sleeping with fat chicks for extra cash. For God sakes man save yourself

I wonder if KLK gets censored on niggerstation 4

>it's a mod
>the only option that matters is the lensflare option
>some idiot that doesn't understand ini files copy and pasted all of his settings instead of the 1 line that mattered

Wait guys

Do you realize that if Yellowstone blows, California is wiped out?

Wtf i love volcanos now

>Snoy cucks

Can't wait for all the SFM porn

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Changing settings in notepad isn't a fucking mod retard.

Too far north to kill Cali

I really want to move to Wyoming bro...
I hope one day I can buy land there...
Will probably become homeless here though....
Shitty state dude.

So is there anyway to fight this?

If the changes are external and not from the in-game menu or the launcher menu then it counts as modifying the game.

Please secede so we can nuke you already.

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Are you retarded? Playstation HQ is in California.

Are you retarded?
If Yellowstone erupted it would literally wipe out most of the continental US.

This is unironically a good thing. Maybe they all go into some unholy Satanic California orgy and give each other AIDS and die.

Dude, when you change the settings ingame it writes them to that ini file so the game can read it on boot and apply the appropriate setings. That's how programming works, or are you saying the game mods itself everytime you launch it? Retard.

And nothing of value would be lost

You can't disable those lens flares in the in-game options. Why you seething bro?

I'm seething because people think adding a line in an ini file is modding a game. That's just plain retarded.

Going Xbox Pro and Nintendo Switch next year, fuck Sony.

Except you can you utter fucking retard.

I'm gonna unironicly pray for you user. Godspeed

>knowingly exposing others to HIV will no longer be a felony in cali
>the measure also applies to those who give blood without telling the blood bank that they are HIV-positive
Is this real? WTF is wrong with mutts? Why hasn't anybody nuked you sick fucks yet?

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>You can't disable those lens flares in the in-game options.
Yes you can you fucking mongoloid.

Exactly fool, so explain why the Jpn PS4 version of DMC5 would be uncensored.

Yes you can.

>lumping all Americans together with fucking Californians
Nigger, just about every state in America hates that cesspit.

This is the state senator that wrote the bill

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Because they realized Japanese devs got angry when they told them what they can do in their own country.

this xbro shitposting is much funnier anyways

If California is so bad, why does it have the highest GDP of any state?

Because they decided to censor the game only for mutts to not break any laws.
Japan has no such laws so they don't have to censor the game for the nippons.

Because Capcom has enough clout to tell the official licensing/publishing on Sony to fuck off and not mess with anything for their own continent. Capcom already self-censors with gore due to CERO, but I can't remember them letting first-party publishing ever push them around.


If China is so bad, why does it have the second-highest GDP on the planet?

>my dad works at Sony guise

Yep that's modifying your game. Which is only available on PC.
All those GTAIV mods that affect the car handling and weapon recoil are all just couple of lines in the .ini

You are all turbo fucking mega niggers. If you disable the lens flares in the options you still get censorship. Pic related. You need to edit the file if you want to disable the lens flare on this particular scene.

Eat a barrel of dicks you stupid faggots. And then kill yourselves.

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That’s before the patch moron:

>implying the rest of america is much better
Just because your state isn't as cancer-tier as commiefornia is doesn't mean it's not shit when you still allow people to vote wihtout ID, still mutilate infant's genitals and still wage war in Israel's name.
Go suck a dick nigger.

Even Plebbit isn't defending this anymore.

How do fags like him even get elected?
The population must be ultimate cucked retards to vote for idiots like him.

Hopefully he gets AIDS and spreads it to his friends.

>state has a higher GDP than any other state in the US
>has a higher GDP than most countries on this planet
>wanting our cash cow to leave and not the burden welfare southern states

>ask a question
>no answer is good enough

If California left, their gdp would plummet. Also the army would rape them for good measure and force them back in.

Trannyera arguing the DMC5 is a weebshit anime game and should be censored

I'm from MA, and I'd MUCH rather we lose corporatist shitholes like California over most of the south (sans Alabama, fuck Alabama).

If only it had been a walking simulator like GoW 2018, then it would have been fine.

>defending Cali

whats up with americans and sexual shit?

Good thing they no longer matter since neoGAF died.

I live in California. I can safely say that nuking San Franciso would be a favor to the rest of us.

Weird, isn't it? All these Ameribrahs hate California but watch all their damn movies.

>vote wihtout ID
Holy kek, user, how do you have such an inflated fear of a non-existent issue that you lump it in with support for fucking ISREAL?

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I haven't watched a major Hollywood movie in literally half a decade.
And I haven't paid to watch one in almost a decade.

I'm glad I'll never be this stupid

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Lets hope they get LOTS of forest fires and draught this summer!

I mean China is almost literally running on slave labor from their own people. High GDP because the sheer amount of citizens they have can produce cheap products at a quick rate and sell them at lower prices than market value. Cut some environmental corners and some labor laws and you have the perfect formula for a high GDP nation that pays its citizens (on average) less than 4k a year.

I guess China isn't so bad if you like being monitored 24/7, being forced to conform to China's norms (enjoy that social credit bro), or even if you like living in smog cities, substandard health care (in most places), poor waste management, liter. God forbid you go and live on the country side where deodorant isn't a thing. The list can go on forever.

China is hell and if you think that you can go there and get away with anything you are very much mistaken. The only way China isn't so bad is if you're a high ranking government official that can sit on their ass all day or if you are in a tech company, and even then, you're liable to go to prison for spying if you leave China.

I don't know if you can tell user, but my post was obviously facetious and was meant to take the piss out of that other retard's argument that high GDP = good place to live.

I havent been to tue movies in ages but cant fucking PG13 movies get away with an ass shot?

Nice fake picture
Based Sony would never do this


California is the America of America.

I don't think we should nuke them on the count that it could kill off the rest of the state, poison or blowing up all of just San Fransico would do the job, build a wall around the city so no one could escape and then destroy it, their influence would then end.



>All these people mad over potentially spreading AIDS not being a felony
>Yet nobody is pushing for potentially spreading any other infectious disease a felony

It almost seems like morons get baited by intentionally context-less scraps into fighting for a side that doesn't actually care about anything they talk about.

>blood banks now have to throw out all donated blood that originated from California
Mine you they probably should've been doing that in the first place.

>How to spread the common cold/the flu
Cough on someone
>How to spread AIDS/HIV
Get close to someone, earn their trust (kek), and fuck them

Gee, I wonder why one is seen as a major violation of someone's trust and the other isn't.
Hmm, makes me want to put on my thinking cap.

>inflated fear of a non-existent issue
40+ million people voting without being citizens of the country or paying taxes is a pretty serious issue.

Spreading AIDS is so fucking difficult that you either have to be completely fucking retarded or doing it on purpose.
Spreading a cold requires coughing, while having an uncontrollable cough.
You're retarded.

I'm a noob. Where, which file and what line should I change to disable the flare for that scene?

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Of course, we go by the honor system here in america, that's why you don't need an ID to do any other number of important things.

>It's ok to get AIDS while playing gore game but a pixelated butt-crack is crossing the line



What did Alabama do?

Imagine being this triggered over a virtual ass. Nothing but sad virgins, all of you.

Not to mention how much more dangerous AIDs is compared to a common cold, I think user-kun is either baiting or retarded

Thanks user

good thing aids will eventually be cured so then you can stfu about it

>China is almost literally running on slave labor
>Makes almost everything, probably including the computer you're posting on and the clothes on your back, on behalf of American/European corporate entities who can't use good old-fashioned American slaves anymore

Everything is running on effective slave labor, friend. China's a nightmare, but it doesn't exist in a vacuum and you personally benefit from it.

Her scar should be bigger and more noticeable.

He was elected in Cali, he has to be that faggy minimum.

It was the best state before it went to shit. It is starting to degrade and fall apart. This stuff takes decades.

It used to be republican, but then the Dems took over.

no, you're actually completely correct. I just guess what I was trying to get at was that you are giving up a relative life of luxury benefiting mostly from their labor to join worse conditions. That was before he told me he was being facetious.

Maybe he's a faggot who has AIDS.

Right, but you do realize that that's not a benefit for the people actually living in the country, correct?
If you were low/middle class in China you'd be much worse off than you currently are being low/middle class in a western country.
Much like being low/middle class in California is much worse than being low/middle class on the east coast or in the south, mainly due to the ridiculous cost of living.

That's true. Venezuela used to be pretty good 20 years ago and now its on fire.

>Much like being low/middle class in California is much worse than being low/middle class on the east coast or in the south, mainly due to the ridiculous cost of living.

>Talk to my friends in Cali
>Ask them how they can be poorfags living in studio apartments yet still own $1200 iPhones
>Apparently fucking EVERYBODY in California pays monthly for EVERYTHING, from phones to TVs, to their rent, to fucking grocery subscriptions
No fucking wonder none of these niggers can ever move up or save any money in life if they're spending all their monthly income paying more than they need to for a bunch of shit.

>Playstation has the worst version of 4
>Playstation has the worst version of 5
imagine not only losing Bayonetta but DMC as well

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You're completely missing the point. It's about the fact that a rated M(ature) game got censored. The fact that it even got censored at all, is the issue.. They are doing this to attract some edgy kids to play the game and also to protect them.

this can't be fucking real

both are shit

I'm pretty sure real estate alone is the issue. I live in the Bay Area and a studio apartment is easily pushing $2000 a month now. If you want a one bedroom apartment that isn't in the ghetto it goes anywhere from $2500 - $3000+. If you want to buy a house you need to be a millionaire.

Unfortunately it is

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