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Why do you make this thread every fucking day?

no girl has ever asked that of mebecause the answer is obvious. I'm fat and weird. No girl wants anything to do with me.

I do and its not all that great. Familiarity breeds contempt.

Talking to girls is sexual harassment and I don't want to be a creep so I never talk to girls.

I hate girls.

I'm ugly, tired and hate people

i went on a date with a girl back in high school and apparently she really liked me

too bad i ghosted her lmao

Girls are only worth it for sex, literally.

Closest chance I have is this brown Arabian girl in my class who talks to me all the time because she has no friends and speaks broken English.

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Because I have a boyfriend

jews and niggers

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Shut the fuck up. Don't remind me.

I do have a girlfriend(male)

Because I have a wife.

because girls can't love other girls

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Thats actually depressing.


But I do.

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I already told you. Why do you keep asking me? Are you rubbing it in, bitch?

my last relationship was the complete disaster.
it lasted 2 years and i regret every second of it.

I don't like people

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cuz im not /fit/ yet.

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is he as ugly as you?

I'd rather have friends instead, to be honest. Someone who shares my interests and hobbies and views.

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because relationships are a fucking joke and i refuse to engage in them

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I'm busy.

I'd rather be the gf desu.

give up all my time and money and get what in return?

because I have a oneitis
it's fucking ridiculous but I can't help myself

How is that even possible?

Because I'm gay.

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she died and I don't have the will to go through that again



>that RGB noise
It makes it so much more relatable
Where my niggas at?

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Because I don't want a girlfriend. Also the girls I'd want to engage in sexual activities with don't exist.

Because girls have never been easier to reach thanks to the digital age, so they culturally created a society where any ugly/unatrractive man can be accused of sexual harassment for hitting on them to artificially cull mates without having to interact with them

You need to change your mindset too, being /fit/ alone isn't enough. Trust me.

Because I'm not into femininity.

I see lots of fat ugly ass dudes in real life with GFs (or even married) though?

Degenerate shithole I live in doesn't have enough pure conservative girls who genuinely want to be wives and mothers.
The only girl I know like that is my friend so I hold on to that shit. Don't bother telling me how retarded I am.

Playing Rayman with her on switch and LMAOing at ur lives

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