vermintide 2 is having a free weekend. Why aren't you mayflies playing and witnessing true elven superiority
Vermintide 2 is having a free weekend. Why aren't you mayflies playing and witnessing true elven superiority
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you managed to fag up a fun game good job
She can gobble my cock
Because I have to go to work in a couple hours. Still I play the game kinda frequently
there is literally nothing wrong with playing elf unless it's a shadenigger
I don't have any friends to play with and I don't want to play with randoms and bring the team down with my terrible playing.
I got it in the humble bundle. It's a lot of fun. Only thing that I can complain about is there's only like 9 levels and the game is dead so you can only do quickplay. Also the items system is confusing. Why does recruit say max power level 100 yet I keep getting items higher? Is it saying even though im 250 it's artificially capping me like I'm at 100? Also veteren feels like a huge jump from recruit
>Is it saying even though im 250 it's artificially capping me like I'm at 100?
>Also veteren feels like a huge jump from recruit
it isnt
chests scale with your level, the higher your level the higher power the items you'll get from chests. you can only get items up to power 100 from chests gained on recruit but commendation chests go up to 300. Just keep playing veteran, it might be a bit rough but if you learn to block and push you'll be able to clear it easily in due time.
>being an heretic
do you even witch hunt?
I have l a bit less than half your playtime with all achievements, step it up senpai
Already played the new map a few times yesterday and I'll probably play it some more this weekend. The boss during the tavern brawl was a surprise desu
i got 100% in the first month with 177h of playtime what are you even saying there were no hard achievements in this game
What's the best secondary weapon for slayer?
Still 2h hammer?
I don't care about achievements. I'm missing the Sienna and Legend related ones because I don't like how Sienna plays and I don't like to play Legend: it's full of tryhards.
I don't think I've seen a single sienna in 20 hours of play
Which is why i told him to step it up. He said he doesnt like sienna which i dont blame, but legend is ezpz and the tryhards are in champ more than legend, ive seen
I still have to be insta-kicked for joining a match while playing IB or any Elf iteration on Champion, while that happened a bunch of times on Legend.
I liked the first one a bit when it first came out, but then they started adding a bunch of extra loot shit and the second one seems to have really ramped that up. I don't really like having to min/max and farm drops and shit in games. plus I hear the second game is kinda dead
>plus I hear the second game is kinda dead
You heard wrong.
The game is pretty active and you can get into a match almost always get into a match right away.
>convocations' finale with full tomes and grims with pub shitters
good lord there's fucking nowhere to dodge without getting hit, plus only a single globadier needs to spawn to fuck you.
because it'll probably make me wanna buy it and I'm trying to save up
What boss? I played it today on champ difficulty and didnt get any boss during the brawl
>wanting to play wit ha bunc hof f2p brainlets
Short List of Grudges always cracks me up.
During legend a rate ogre spawned towards the end and all the other shit that spawns didn't stop.
who is the artist? i like the rendering techinque
>ends in 23 hours
was to late i guess
Killing rats and northlanders is fun
>Queen Kerillian the First
>that smug sense of rightful superiority
>that horrid scottish accent
lads, I want to fuck the elf.
Too busy playing Tales of Berseria instead.
Hold still Wutelgi
deep rock galactic is the superior coop experience
Anyone want to post their steam ids to play together?
It definitely has the potential to be.
Just needs more weapons and maybe some more boss encounters like they've teased on the roadmap.
what's wrong with shade
Depends on the playstyle. I used to prefer greathammer but i'm starting to use the axes for hordes and use warpick for caving kazaki skulls in a single blow.
I play both
I've played it a bunch, and I would be playing it during the free weekend to play with newfriends, but DMCV just came out and it's eating up every free moment I have.
> not playing legend
At this point, legend is the only way I can have fun, any other difficulty is so easy it becomes tedious and boring
man i love playing elf but waifufags turn everything they touch into shit. kerillian is a dirty warrior like the rest of the crew. not some half naked whore
On a somewhat related note, anyone played the closed beta of the “not D3” warhammer arpg?
I love fantasy but from what if seen, it’s too D3 to my liking, that and being a new game with probably no end game is a big no no
no, but what's it called? I might want to keep my eye on it.
>Squat simulator
>Deathwing is so broken it doesn't have health pick ups
Why there is curse of bad 40k games for 8 years at this point?
can you headshot the baby on the stormfiend or is the whole baby considered a headshot?
I'm pretty sure it's inquisitor-martyr
Chaosbane, it has Kerillian and Kruber copy.
It's a weak spot. It deals extra damage (a fuck ton if you stab it as shade) but doesn't trigger on headshot effects like the ammo refund
There is also a slayer and a “not” teclis high elf
Game looks ok, might buy if less than 30usd
>GW kills the setting and replaces it with fagshit AOS
>make extermly popular videogames that could have bring people to warhammer
I litteraly started 4 armies since total war warhammer and vermintide
All bought on ebay and such, and I would have loved to buy them from GW
What a bunch of retards
I don't like AOS but some of the models they are making for it are pretty awesome. I have bought a few because I like the painting and modeling part of the hobby more than playing games. Also, GW isn't making the games. They are selling a license and studios like Fat Shark are free to choose the topic.
>mfw "The Obese Megalodon"
>things are all quiet around helmgart
>several patrols worth of chaos warriors, maulers, and a fucking legion of blackrats all interrupt your drinking
Fucking hell.
doesn't change the fact they allowed the rights of WFB after killing it, knowing there would be people that could loved the setting so much, they may wanted to buy their shit
>TFW you flamethrower into mass of northlanders and skaven.
Dwarf second class is based
Sorry i don't know
>Actually giving a shit about achievements.
Zoomer detected.
Is the big boi hammer still the best weapon in the game? Haven't played this game in ages.
It looks like another boring, gay L4D
>VT thread
What a fun weekend. Are the cosmetics any better?
Don't understand all the hate for Elf. I carry the fuck out of any game I join as Handmaiden. Shade I only use to fuck around in Champion with since having an all potions trinket plus pressing F deletes any boss in less than 10 second bar Trolls. I'm sorry the rest of you get shit-tier Kerillians with greedy elven throats gobbling down all the green they see.
>showing off circles with bots
>Horrid Scottish accent
I can confirm that its a West End Glasgow accent
There are shitters for every character but elf has the ability to perform the best imo solely because of shade and its ability to delet all bosses, even troll dies super quick cause of the extra backstab damage. Its also partially the fact that its a good meme.
Don't worry, you'll be playing with bots as well once legend becomes too easy with actual players.
the class generally attracts the worst players, and it ticks off all the fag's checklists
>mainly ranged
>outcast character
>self healing
>ridiculous special auto delete you don't even have to aim
sienna has some overlap, but doesn't have the same appeal, because there are other mechanics you have to manage.
>>ridiculous special auto delete you don't even have to aim
Tracking on trueflight volley and Sienna's pyro fireball were nerfed several months ago already. Shooting them in a random direction will end up in a waste of the ult more often than not, so it forces you to lock them on a target first now, and figure the trajectory if you want to shoot past an obstacle
Waystalker has to be her worst class, her F a long time ago used to delet chaos warriors, pyro used to be the same way and was more reliable but now it only works with headshots I think. With handmaiden you have more dodge range and shade just has more damage. Waystalker just is more reliable special removal I guess.
>Waystalker just is more reliable special removal I guess.
You act as if thats bad. During a horde or bossfight specials are absolute menaces' especially warriors, and being able to just look at them and press F is good.
Nothing like getting wasted while killing ratmen.
Yea Forums is notoriously bad at video games and simultaneously horribly biased when it comes to this particular fictional race.
>hear blightstormer rambling
>hold down F and aim around until it highlights the fucker in red
>correct your aim and release
That's exacly why the class is useful
Why should I play this over the first? (which I have)
I haven't played since the new year, but I think the appeal to bad players is still there, regardless of if it is not as broken as it used to be. from what I've seen most bad players will pick the easy class because it's less to worry about, but still end up shooting you in the back one way or another.
that said I've played with some damn fine elf players who basically carried the team.
I'm waiting for my gf to finish downloading it.
>Got drunk while going on the pub crawl with friends
Fun as fuck
Of course Saltzpyre is a shushy drunk
what's her problem?
I have close to 1k hours in this game, playing together with my brother and a friend of ours. I usually main waystalker and I think I do pretty good on her (altho I do play more or less every class except anything Kruber out of personal taste). However, if I'm not playing Kerillian, anyone joining as her will invariably be a shitter, at least 19 out of 20 times. I do agree with you
She's off-topic. Please talk about Vermintide.
she's a gremlin so she's on-topic
Its because dwarves are fat, short, hairy, and autistic making it the neckbeards race of choice.
Sorry loser, I have friends to play legend with
How do I know when I am ready to go past veteran? I'm too afraid to die
Why does everybody hate AoS? how is it different to regular WH?
Friends are for shitters. Also, Ironbreaker > Slayer > Ranger.
>kills armor with the 2h axe or 2h hammer
>kills massed infantry with the 2h axe or 2h hammer
>kilols bosses with the 2h axe
>has the hp and damage reduction to survive even in the most fucked up situations
>can use the handgun aka the best anti-special weapon in the game
Once you go Kruber Merc or Ironbreaker Bardin, you can never go back to playing other shitty classes or characters.
>I carry the fuck out of any game I join as Handmaiden
a lot of handmaidens think they're doing this when what's actually happening is that they're F-ing all over the place and redirecting enemy aggro away from themselves and towards the team.
Confirmed for shitter
Do you take a lot of random damage? A simple as it sounds, making sure you don't get knocked down out of stupidity is the most basic thing to you need to succeed in champ/legend.
>Do you take a lot of random damage?
Does that mean I am ready?
> friends are for losers
Don’t cry when your silly bots refuse to grab grims or tomes
Be sure you're not into the terrible habit of shooting through teammates with no consequence, champion and higher has ranged weapon friendly fire
>champion and higher has ranged weapon friendly fire
Might as well, the jump to champ isn't that big anyways. You get friendly fire but on champ I think it's only 10% of the full damage.
>Brace of Pistols now require reload
Already own it and it runs like shit on my toaster. Also the scoreboard encourages terrible play.
How the fuck does greataxe kill hordes?
Wait what, pretty sure i haven't noticed anything different with them.
Yep, no more spamming your bow through the frontline, you elf scrub
To be fair it's just 10% the damage in champion and 25% in legend
It used to be 25% and 50% before it got nerfed
use heavy attack my dude
BoP now has a "magazine size" of 12, and you have to "reload" as in sling new pistols into the brace that get taken from the ammo pool. To make up for this they hit A LOT harder and they now fire an actual bullet that can pierce targets like handguns do, so I'm pretty happy with the change myself
The problem with the game is how repetitive it is and how pathetic leveling feels.
I played over a year ago and I remember that you almost did like the same damage after 15 lvls or so, which enhances the repetitive feel.
Its fun, but needed way more levels and better lvling system/scaling. You basically played the game after 2 hours regardless of your progress
Cahrged attacks and lots of movement. 2h axe KILLS hordes extremely fast, faster than any other dwarf melee weapon. The problem is that it has dogshit cleave, so you have to constantly keep moving.
On the other hand, the 2h hammer kills hordes SAFELY requiring pretty much zero movement, but significantly slower than the 2h axe.
This is, of course, in the case of Ironbreaker. Kruber Merc can buff the 2h hammer to a retarded combination of horde killing speed and safety.
But I can't go full sentry-turret near an ammo-pile anymore and it upsets me dearly, how can this be Sigmar's will?
>elf scrub
Ironbreakers are the real FFfags. Elfchads at least have to aim their shots while IBs just hold left click and kill evrything in their path, both rat and teammate
>speedrun for rng loot: the game
nah pass
Its slow as fuck to charge up and swing through though.
Yes, I'm afraid you have to join the light staff pyro Siennas crying over there
Stop running into the flames you green circle hunting asshat. I have a flamethrower out looking down a narrow hallway at a horde, if you can't tell whats about to happen you need to off yourself.
Beastmen soon, fellow ratslayers.
Use your little stubby legs to dodge the rattos while you swing the axe. 2h axe requires more efficient movement than any other dwarf weapon.
You cant fucking do that. You have to like one and hate the other
I don't even main IB but if I had to stop firing every time an absolute fucking retard like you jumps in front of the flamethrower for those sweet little green circles, I wouldn't use the weapon ever again. I'm already holding back the horde on that side, go fucking fight elsewhere
Its the journey not the destination
Loved the game, but leveling was a complete chore and the items were a little confusing. Too bad there was also only like 7 levels. My friend stopped playing with me after like a week
You get 800 base exp per mission regardless of difficulty now, so leveling is a non-issue anymore. Also there's 13 maps in the base game, 2 in the first dlc and 3+1 in the latest one
I heard the game is a mess. Some bugs from the alpha or beta are still in there or something, I also don't like a lot of the design choices FS made.
It had 13 levels on release. That said, I would have appreciated some exp bonus for characters lower-levelled than your highest level character.
>all these fucks complaining about lack of levels
>when there are fucking 4 per act in the base game and a 13th for the finale
>before adding in 2 more for bogenhafen and 3 more for ubersreik and the new one for drink til you drop
what is the worst level and why is it convocation of decay? Piss easy level with a balls crushingly hard finale
Don't forget about Fortunes of War. They also said the new binge drinking one will make a return for events and free weekends and shit, but I kinda wish they'd leave it in the normal weekly event rotation
warpick is a bit janky at first too until you get used to it
really fun weapon though
Is the game still shit Yea Forums? I played it for like an hour then refunded, think I played the beta too for a bit before it came out.
I have the absolute worst luck with Athel Yenlui.
Fuck that map.
Aw fuck that, I used to love standing next to an ammo crate and going apeshit with those things
I'll never like Athel. Seems to have some of the worst patrol spawns, boss spawns and the whole wide forest section is annoying when your team takes too long.
Dual axes and dual hammers or dual axes and pickaxe is the only worthwhile setup for Slayer.
I fucking hate screaming bell if just because I'll see that fucking thing one out of every five levels when i've yet to even see the 2nd level of bogehafen ever. There is nothing interesting about the level.
Did they do anything to fix the abysmal hat drop rates?
I remember joining so much chinese cheating lobbies at the start because of that 1.5% drop rate
Depends on what you mean by shit. Its still the same game but most of the bugs have been fixed and balance is decent.
it's a flawed gem. you're right that it's plagued by bizarre bugs, some poor design choices, and sketchy performance, but at its core it has one of the best combat systems i've ever seen. in spite of how much i bitch about it and how fatshark is the worst dev ever, it still keeps me coming back.
also it's not exactly polished but it's come a long way since release (it used to be so bad you couldn't go 10 minutes without a game-ruining bug) and the balance is finally in a good place.
>be at that part where you have to walk down a narrow path between the cliffs
>a stormfiend spawns
love this game
I haven't even seen Empire in flames since 1.0. I don't know if it even still exists.
fuck Natural Bond shitters
That part and when you jump down out of the cave in the congested forest bit and you hear a chaos spawn scream.
are you a genuine retard?
why are the characters in this game all butt fucking ugly beyond belief
i understand its the apocalypse but they literally look like their faces are melting off
How is it? I heard it was sorta like killing floor or sanctum 2. Sorta tower defense/waveclear vibe.
what do you mean? kruber and bardin look normal and the elf's face is always covered. only sienna and saltzpyre look ugly and in sienna's case it's mostly because of her magic addiction.
it's left 4 dead with customization, rpg elements, and surprisingly deep melee combat.
>stormfiend is literally an upgraded rat ogre
>easier fight than the rat ogre
What the fuck did fatshark mean by this?
I usually roll 2h axe and dual hammers. I dont think 2h axe is top tier but its so much fun I can't not bring it. If you block cancel the 3rd hit in the light combo it's amazing for taking down chaos warriors, marauders and blackrats.
Push attack with spear feels so damn good when you get a nice big swarm of those little shit slaves.
VT as a whole has some top tier OC.
Personally i think foot knight kruber outclasses merc kruber once you figure out how to block cancel with halberd and are pulling you special evey 15 secs out or less.
But kruber can also use the xsword which is pretty great all around. Plus that nice decap sound.
>dirty warrior
>doesnt want to get her "dainty elf feet" dirty
Yeah athel just fucking blows due to the fact that its so much more open compared to the rest meaning you can quickly get surrounded also fuck plague monks too. Also garden of morr due to people not knowing the enemy spawns are based on how quickly you cut the chains for the bell
Boon of shallya or barkskin are where its at.
I'd much rather fight a rat ogre than a stormfiend.
>bait them into using flamethrower
>dodge to the side and pound their head from range while your allies beat the baby on the back
Ez every time.
>rat ogre
>if you have aggro don't get smashed or bitch slapped
>everyone who isn't targeted can spam career skills and bombs to stagger while they're nuking him
>it then switches aggro, turns 180 degrees and instantly does overhead smash for half your hp
>585 h
>never played as all 5 heros
pure autismo
>IBB thinking he's hot shit
literally playing on easy mode, BUT, you're not wrong.
Because my computer drops to 0fps when a horde comes in. My computer's not even that bad. I'm running DMC5 and MHW at a solid 60fps. Any ideas?
Im an elffag but ocasionally I play salt just for brace of pistols. That shit rapes specials and are pretty accurate.
vt2 has dogshit optimization and is heavily reliant on your cpu. most you can do is turn down every cpu-related setting and hope for the best.
also dx12 runs better than dx11 but the game will micro-stutter until you've played for long enough to build up a cache.
Try to block every single attack. Block works 360 degrees, even if it doesn‘t look like it. If you suspect something is behind you and winding up a strike, block.
If a rat is charging at you, don‘t gamble that your attack will be faster than the running attack of the rat. Just block the hit and then kill it.
Not taking damage is more important than dealing slightly more.
Don‘t overuse push block. A normal block also staggers your enemy after they hit you and that‘s usually enough to dispatch them. Don‘t waste your stamina on two pushes and get downed afterwards.
If there‘s too much shit in front of you, dodge away. Bind dodge to a seperate button instead of having it on space as well.
Dodging has different distance for each weapon and decays after a few chained dodges. Dodging while blocking should keep you alive when you‘re in trouble.
No one likes fucking elves, not even other fucking elves. How much of a fuck up do you have to be to be the stereotypically attractive race, and yet still untolerable. Too horrid to even be a trophy squeeze.
>join a quickplay in progress
>spawn in and im standing in the middle of warpfire with 3 stormvermin pounding my ass
>wipe because it takes 10 fucking minutes for two players to join your game in progress and the director decides that is when it should give you a chaos spawn, a horde, a stormvermin patrol, three assassins and two globadiers
So I hit 3 drinks, got a 3 hungover, but then I drunk just 1 ale and had 3 drunk effect again. Was that a visual bug or did I still have the effect of 3 drinks
Theres a trait that allows you to have all three potion effects at 50% reduced time.
I think only passing out resets the drunk/hangover counter. Not 100% sure on that though.
Should I even try if I have nobody to play it with?