

Attached: 0FA5D684-EEFC-43CA-B16F-EF06755506A1.jpg (2761x3078, 3.31M)

Other urls found in this thread:



The fuck is this Sonic Heroes 2 or some shit?

The EQG World is boring.

is this supposed to be sonic heroes HD?

hontoni desuka ome watanai demo oishi kogena domo assai yomu

SEGA has never full on remade a Sonic game before.

I would like the next Taxman project to make a good game out of that Heroes hack for Sonic 2, or maybe pick up from where Xtreme dev team left.

Of all the games why heroes instead of fucking adventure??

Just because Xtreme was a classic game doesn't mean it was gonna turn out good.

>Splatoon looking font
>06 loading screen
>Mania sprite at the bottom left
>Heroes pandering
Is this Aarons new meme leak for the upcoming event?

Attached: 1533016809512.png (528x600, 145K)

>Sonic Adventure Remake
>Sonic Adventure 2 Remake
>Sonic Heroes Remake
>all in one HD Remake Collection
please let this happen

Attached: 1542685845537.gif (312x390, 1.87M)

of ALL the Sonic games they could remake, there is no way in hell would they pick Heroes

Attached: Rouge1.png (1900x3100, 878K)

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I buy this cause segas stupid enough to remake a game everybody hates

Why the fuck would they choose to remake the one that's fundamentally flawed? Get serious, if they're remaking anything it's adventure 1

Because Heroes is a much better game.

>that "3D Sonic fangame tech demo"-tier background

big jej

Attached: 1529990042241.png (693x1101, 24K)

Sonic Adventure DX.

>yfw a year ago 2 leaks tried to pass that Heroes was going to be remade with the Lost World/Forces Engine.
>yfw if it actually does happen.

Attached: 1510029807590.gif (200x174, 2.21M)

Wish they had the balls to remake 06


Attached: unknown-16.png (1392x1433, 876K)

That's not a remake, it is an enhanced port.

The fuck are these nigger drawings?

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Heroes with good physics and changed level design would be pretty nice

Attached: swimsuit_whisper.png (2022x3000, 992K)

At that point it would be a new game.

I would definitely buy that day one if it happened

Attached: e3ecef99f09503f63280f33ca08e2f94_3_1_art.jpg (7680x5648, 1.44M)

nobody cares

Yeah, like Remake 2 and Re:sident Evil.

I know but I mean the concept of it, the whole "2D Sonic with interactive background for more routes" thing, the whole game was like in alpha after all.

Literally just remake every Sonic (shadow leves too for SA2) level in all three games (adjust Heroes levels for 1 player) in a revamped version of the gameplay of SA2 and they have an easier job and a better game.

I don't even know if Taxman wants to remake a game like that.
I can tell you Stealth would rather just make SA3.

>06 Now Loading... logo
Fuck you

Is this Sakura?

Adjusting Heroes levels for single player is a somewhat daunting task. SEGA would he more likely to shove heroes gameplay back into the Adventure stages..

Ironically, the only thing they "enhanced" was the character models while the lighting and textures got completely fucked


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All Heroes haters are retarded.

Attached: unknown-26.png (804x867, 175K)

Show off something other than your shitty render and we'll talk

This would be based, but it's obviously a fan render. Nu-Sonic Team would never be able to pull it off anyway. Maybe if they still had the team behind Unleashed and Generations, but those days are long gone.

Attached: modern sonic fans.png (1026x1026, 29K)


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That's a long loading screen

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Attached: Amy red carpet dress_20180213_010533.jpg (960x1248, 66K)

What a clusterfuck. Mania Sonic sprite and 06 loading arrows at the same time? A render of the stage on a black background with some generic font showing the name of the zone? Heroes' Sonic 2-inspired intro card was far more stylish.

Attached: Screenshot_2018-10-23-08-23-13.png (1920x1080, 602K)

Why are all these humanized Sonic girls so fucking terrible?

It's a shitposter from /sthg/


Fake news. Sonic games don't have loading screens anymore.

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I had a weird crush on Amy in that dress when I was like.. 12 or so

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>Derailing a Sonic thread with bad waifubait pics
But it’s natural for these threads to go this direction, I guess

>green hill again

>every asset is remade in lost world and forces' shitty blocky art style
>all the games are based on lost world's engine like forced was
>the english scripts are rewritten by pontaff
>roger voices sonic
Careful what you wish for.

Attached: PANIC.jpg (532x532, 40K)

No Love Deep Web

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>casino calamity never ever

jesus fucking christ lmfao

Why remake Sonic Heroes?

It's not even good Sonic game

I would have wanted an Adventure 1/2 remake but this is fine if it's true

Attached: Human rouge_20170929_011212.jpg (1020x1632, 100K)

This, Drummond or nothing.


Adventure was already remade.

what event?


oh i forgot that sonic show is this month. Too bad the only thing shown will be the sonic movie trailer and news for teeam sonic racing. Imagine a sonic adventure remake though. Its confirmed now that our sonichu lord said he wants to remake sonic adventure

This is bullshit, a modern Sonic game would never let you play as a character other than Sonic.

>Marina sprite at the bottom left
Uh, user...?

SXSW is in a week and some people are banking on a new game being announced as well as a TSR trailer and probably a trailer for the movie

user, did you have a stroke?


This is obviously fake as sonic team would have already announced it

If there was anything to show, sure. Otherwise they would wait until next week to announce something

god I hope so

I don't know if you're pretending to be retarded or actually are, but that's Sonic.

He said MANIA retard


Attached: Im retarded.gif (240x180, 2M)

>Next week is a sonic event.
>The week after that we will surely have a smash direct.

at least this month wont be boring.

What is this supposed to be?

Attached: 97fcd4daa9b482a8224fa9fbec9df618-sample-1.jpg (530x726, 180K)

a fat pink cat sat under a table

It's Seaside Hill, though.

Her "other hammer".

smash is out so autists need to fake leak something else also furries should die

Look at all those Eggman's Robots!

Definitely, I'm looking forward to both of them and hoping they release a TSR demo as well

Please God no

Attached: 1552068180742.jpg (575x1024, 46K)

I'm asking about OP's image. This pic isn't futa btw sorry
You're not wrong but my dick gets hard for furry porn, especially for vidya ones like amy and I can't really do anything about that

best girl.

Attached: egggg.png (801x485, 87K)

I need to see whats down there post link or artist name

>HBH are designed after a Sentai team
>Pink is traditionally a girl

I’ll take it from here!


>Sonic Heroes HD remake
Yeah, why not, I mean, the game was pretty solid

Leave it to me!

Tails make me solid if you know what I mean haha


>SA2 remake
>Get to see Rouge bouncing again

>wanting a remake
>not wanting a simple remaster so they don't fuck everything up

All the more reason to remake it, and make a good version.

Attached: 1548018773095.png (483x617, 171K)

Solid makes me tails if you mean what I know kkkk

Reminds me of Sakura.
Fitting, as they're both useless bitches.

It was entertaining for 15 minutes then everything else felt like a chore, this is probably the only Sonic game that would benefit from a remake.

how the fuck are people attracted to tails
he's a fox
a CHILD fox no less
unironically kill yourself, like I'm going to do if they're actually remaking Queeroes

Agreed, Heroes/Generations/Unleashed are the only good 3D sonic games.

big gay

>iizuka talks about remaking Adventure
>lol let's remake heroes
I know it's a fake leak but Sega would be retarded enough to do it

Replace Heroes with SA2.

y wouln t earth grvaity push eggman up amnd away



Are you mad? Do you want modern Sonic Team anywhere near those?


Is this your first day on the internet?

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You are using this image incorrectly.

>everyone loved sonic mania
>continue to make shitty 3d games
I dont get it

Honestly though, if Heroes was made competently, it would be pretty solid.

Layered level paths and being able to switch between characters on the fly are good ideas. If they worked on the level design, overall gameplay, and made each team genuinely unique and not just playing through the same game 4 times, it could work.

Attached: consider_the_following.jpg (500x502, 58K)

gravityh push eggman foirward

>Smash Direct

No way. April at the earliest.

Gravity doesn't push user, it pulls

Only Japan knows what's best for Sonic, even if they're wrong.

Sonic Direct when?

>could work
It already did. They should put their "efforts" quotes because talking about sonic team into games that actually DO need polish like the Adventure ones

wrong when ur in space

>Just fix everything
Why not just make a new game at that point?



Basicallly what said. Adventures was garbage, while Heroes felt like a really good adventure (no pun intended).



Your ass.
Sonic Mania is bad as fuck, no real sense of speed at all. Shitty level design + a boring slow as fuck motion-based speed engine that doesn't work because the stages are shorter than your dick size.

Hereos is just Adventure except they raised the speed to retard levels without tweaking the controls to compensate



Attached: 1537112003046.jpg (357x362, 40K)

The 16th

>short stages
What Sonic game has sense of speed to you anyway?

Attached: 1435351281520.png (641x549, 446K)

I sincerely hope you're just replying to yourself and someone isn't actually retarded enough to take the bait

Attached: ugh.png (516x564, 469K)

Sorry I'm in a replying mood lately, it's not even the most retarded post I've responded to today

's all good

Attached: 1510351262693.jpg (840x1154, 76K)

Heroes is an underrated masterpiece. It doesn't need a remake.

>Heroes is an underrated
I agree.
I like heroes, but this is overrating it to high hell.
>doesn’t need a remake
user, I’ve played it recently (not finished it, yet), but, it’s rough around the edges. A remake would be nice, as long as it’s being done by a good developer and modern Sonic Team isn’t touching it.

People still need to make Mania in 3D aka Utopia but don't trigger autists with "muh open world that isn't final" to ever get these niggers to appreciate a fan Sonic game again.

Bumping before the thread dies, post what you want to see for TSR next week. Could be stages, new gameplay footage, whatever

Attached: team_sonic_racing.jpg (1024x576, 134K)

I keep forgetting it exists so I guess I only care about music remixes

They show off those customizable cars that was leaked to be a thing in the game.

Alright, any songs in particular you want to hear get remixed?

I want to see that too. I'm hoping they actually change the appearance and aren't just repaints

not really, I guess some tunes from the handhelds since they don't usually get enough love. Was great just getting the sonic battle and advance mixes back in generations


Heroes has only a few cutscenes. And characters share levels. And progression isn't based on an large complex narrative. They just go from location to location without much logic or sense. Which allows deevs to produce the game modularly.

It's one of the more budget forgiving titles in the series.

can someone explain the appeal of sonic kart games?
even sonic riders was fun and original but really I want to run as sonic racing other characters without using any special equipment

Attached: 1545261969692.png (451x675, 372K)

I would be willing to give heroes another chance if they made different stages instead of recycling so much, made the stages either longer or have alternating routes instead of just set piece after set piece to let each member do something and of course fix the controller scheme because the original was garbage

Isn't this an actual character in Fighting Vipers?

Would love Rush music to get remixed, but I doubt they picked a stage from that game unfortunately.
The driving is fun and they're pretty fast paced compared to Mario Kart. Highly recommend playing Transformed.

>Sonic Heroes Remake
I'd rather an actual sonic adventure 3

even mk8? 200cc looks faster than fzero at this point
but my point stands, doesn't anyone want a racing game where sonic.. y'know... runs?

Basically it's a better Mario Kart
>but really I want to run as sonic racing other characters without using any special equipment
So play Forces Speed Battle or just play Mainline Sonic games. Canonical or not Sonic has to be the fastest racer and thus everyone else is pointless.

Honestly speedrun in Sonic with other characters on screen to be must feels retarded. It's literally asking for Melee all over again, shit players at Sonic died and leave the community because pros are too good at playing the game based on skills and exploits, like TF2.

Yes. Honey the Cat is the fursona of a character with the same name in FV used as a cameo fighter in Sonic the Fighters before she was scrapped, and then readded into the game with the HD port later on.

I'm not shitting on sonic kart im just asking what the appeal is.
better then mario kart how? I'd just like to know
I get that the other characters shouldn't be as fast I wouldn't mind them in cars or boards or even if they all have theri own special equipment.
but it's stupid seeing sonic, the fastest thing alive, not running past everyone on his own two feet and driving a car of all things

Sonic canonically likes a challenge. You'd understand this if you wasn't a zoomer. Why else would he even be playable in Riders for?

He was challenged by Jet to be the fastest thing alive, but ONLY on feet, and Sonic didn't like that, so he attempted to prove him wrong. No matter in how it's done, Sonic wants to be the fastest in ALL types of ways, not just on foot.

It's more over the top than mario kart.

All of those are a straight up improvement. The newer games colorful art style are a return to form after the adventure games started the realism meme

>better then mario kart how? I'd just like to know
The items are much better balanced, it's faster, second one had a ton of ambition with the transforming vehicles and morphing tracks whose control schemes and physics were unique unlike mario kart where you drive underwater the same as you did normally but you're slower now. That last one is a bit hit or miss with people though

Finally some actual fucking sense on this god forsaken website. My man.


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>you wasnt

This. It also has more weight and feels more like driving a car, while mario kart is a lot more ‘bouncy’ for lack of a better word.

Why? Wouldn't you want that, user?
>AAAAAAAA Sonic Help Me!
>You've become a big time villain, Baldy McNose Hair
>See ya later, alligator
>Sonic drops to earth, survives and just takes another ship back up
>End Scene

If Heroes was better how come I never finished it?

>16 minutes later
>still loading
it's a Sonic game alright

Post benis

idk. My best guess is because Sonic Heroes just really needs a few tweeks to be good and because it was one of the first Sonic games on a non-Sega console.

Thanks for the nostalgia trip.

>yfw Neo Metal Sonic have a true boss fight before Metal Madness and Overlord.

Attached: 1551617547598.png (597x707, 307K)

This is most likely going to be a sonic run tier mobile game if anything at all.

wrong thread foolish bot.
anyone knows how what this bot made? i'm curious.

Kill yourself JustPassingThrough.

Attached: Bronies, this is your mindset.png (307x157, 28K)

>roger voices sonic
the previous sonic va's were worse. the last one had that retarded inflection, and the adventure one was fucking awful

Attached: 41d.png (1024x768, 593K)

yeah i think riders is a better game overall which is why i was asking.
I'm aware why sonic picked up a board, the game shows you. but a car? it just doesn't look natural.
sonic riders did it better and is part of why im even asking about this kart game
I haven't seen gameplay faster than 200cc
>balanced items
okay THAT sounds interesting

Kill yourself JustPassingThrough.

Attached: Bronies, this is your mindset.png (307x157, 28K)


Why do sonic threads always start out decently active but then just lose all steam out of nowhere? Do we really have that little to talk about?

Yes, Transformed is very fast paced

Because so many different flavors of the fanbase exist now and because they don't always give a shit about any new Sonic projects unless it's for shitposting fuel

>but my point stands, doesn't anyone want a racing game where sonic.. y'know... runs?
I would have loved Unleashed style games to have a multiplayer versus mode. Forces would have been an excellent time to add it with the custom avatar shit, but SEGA is retarded as always.

That picture is retarded. 06 loading screen andc Classic Sonic. Anyone who believes this is retarded.

Based and fuck the zoomers that don’t know Heroes is the best Sonic 3D game

If sega really consider remake this game some day I would honestly seriously consider getting back into sonic. Say what you want about heroes, it's a very flawed game but at the very least the stage designs and overall story and atmosphere felt like a mix of classic with modern which puts it above other mediocre dogshit titles like shadow the hedgehog and sonic and the black knight/secret rings/06, only unleashed being a better game in that time.

I miss when Sonic games had multiplayer modes. Even Sonic 06 had a 2 player co-op mode.
Lost World and colors half assed it.

Would be pretty based, id love to see heroes done well. Oh wait, it’s sonic team, so it’ll literally be even worse.

This. The problem is that it's designed like a Mario ripoff, the Classics looked nothing like what Lost World tried to emulate.

I kinda hope so, even if Heroes was shit.

Attached: whirrrrdotmpreg.png (2024x3384, 177K)

Fuck off 4channel please forever, then end your pathetic life

Heroes have everything to be a good game in competent hands.

You lucked out that I walked out for errands you spatic kid. Thanks for wasting my time not making any argument.

> it just doesn't look natural.
Just like a blue rat. Or a midget plumber, or a furry bandicoot, or a literal yellow pizza pie when he crossed over with Mario in a Japan only game. You have 'tism mate, it's nothing but that. We already had other games that did what you're asking for, it would be different if Sonic R or Speed Battle never happened.

Heroes is literally a zoomer era game. It's literally in the start to mid point of when all zoomers were ~6 years old, and it was the first Nintendo pandered to Sonic game in the series. Fuck off false flagging Zoomer.

damn SA2 battle really was peak sonic huh?
if you can't understand the context of a supposedly fast creature driving a car instead of using their own established speed then you're pathetic mate, it's nothing but that

I didn't have a Gamecube, but I still pour countless hours in SA2's versus mode with its pitiful 3 stages.

I don't want Sonic to sound like he could be my dad, okay?

i recently played sonic heroes and it was absolutely abysmal when compared to SA2

you already said this two other times, can it

why is the op speaking in japanese?

Out all Dreamcast games that I bought or made a burned copy, Adventure was the only one that I never finished. That game was not that good, it had very uneven quality.

the dreamcast only had 3 stages??

Heroes is right on the border between boomer and zoomer. Boomers were probably still in their childhood fandom, but were entering their teens, and Heroes may have been the first game to make them start thinking that maybe they don't like Sonic anymore. But younger boomers probably had it right in the middle of their sonic fandom as well.
It's a bit early for zoomers. The archetypical zoomer didn't start playing games until the 7th generation, but zoomers who started early may have it as their first sonic game.

There's a reason the GC version is called "Battle," user

>Sonic Forces was supposed to be the sonic redemption game
>It's garbage
>Sonic Movie
>Looks garbage
>Sonic Mania remains at the top
Jesus fuck what did sonicfags do to deserve this. When will Sega realize that 3D Sonic is shit and just double down with the Mania team?

Attached: 1454951815839.png (542x520, 168K)


I would rather have any new Sonic game be about fishing than having to collect the emeralds in Heroes one more time in my life.

i never had a dreamcast, i guess that makes sense

>I haven't seen gameplay faster than 200cc
The gameplay is 200cc at base. It seems slower because the tracks are designed with that speed in mind in addition to a worse framerate(on consoles).

>and introducing... TEAM CLASSIC!
>now you can play on team classic in 2D stages with classic stages from the 5 years in the 1990s that sonic had a slightly different design!
>You can even do... GREEN HILL ZONE!!!!!!!!
>Classic Sonic will also appear throughout the other character's gamemodes to remind you that once, for around 5 years Sonic used to look slightly different!
>Sonic's hilarious twitter account will say hilarious meta jokes throughout the game like "WOW LE WENDYS GOOD FUCK PROFFESIONALISM I'M SO SELF REFERENCIAL XD"
>coming to the xbot, the ps4, and the switch!

Attached: maxresdefault (85).jpg (1280x720, 196K)

I'd totally buy Big's Big Fishing Adventure 3 desu, but only if it has nice water

actually power characters make the special stages in heroes easier, but yeah

>b-but Mania team can't make anything new!
Oh wait ST can't either lmao

Attached: 1502812880824.jpg (600x1103, 292K)

3 stages for each style of gameplay. 9 stages in total
SA2:Battle added a lot more, 21 stages in total.

power characters make the game more playable in general since speed types handle like lubed up shit on ice and the level design is not accommodating at for for it

Kill yourself JustPassingThrough.

Attached: Bronies, this is your mindset.png (307x157, 28K)

Oh uh Barneyfag's bot is on the fritz again

Always though Brawl sonic was really ugly

Why is SEGA so scared of the Adventure games?

Takes actual effort, unlike boost games where they can just make a hallway and call it a day.

Attached: 1547798658022.png (854x1335, 641K)

They were their most profitable games and Sega doesn't like having a lot of money
Also then they would have to stop doing the insencere meta tumblr shit

I've always wondered, why barneyfag and not franklinfag?

Fuck off


They lost everything of the first game so they would have to start over, making sonic gameplay shouldn't be that hard but you have 3 characters that have completely different gameplay and a chao garden, it would take a ton of effort to make a semi-faithful remake and we all know they aren't pulling that off. It's not like they could capture how comfy SA1 is anyway.

Adventure takes a lot of time and effort to make. You need to really account for what the player will/can do at any given moment, as opposed to "he's somewhere in the corridor". Sega also doesn't have the talent to pull one off anymore. Besides, investing the development time for something half the fanbase will hate, and a single player experience to boot, is a hard sell.

Boost is easy, "here's-a-corridor-and-off-you-go" low development drivel, and frankly the only reason Sonic has seen any light at all, because of its short development cycle and low budget requirements.


Power characters in general have a tendency to be handled poorly in games.

Often, they add stuff that only the power character can break, just to force the player to need them. And often, power characters are really slow and unenjoyable to play as, and may jump too low, so they don't really work for anything except the places where the developers are forcing their use. And in Heroes, they force use by making the enemies take way too many hits. At most, an enemy should take two hits, and the power character bonus should be to kill them in one.

oh god damnit I just noticed it too

Jason > All

>One of the most iconic loading screens ever
>Use it in a shitty shop and expect no one to notice

What if Sega did a remake combining the best levels of SA1, SA2, and Heroes into one game?

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I play Sonic games for the story user, not for the gameplay.

>Boost is easy, "here's-a-corridor-and-off-you-go" low development drivel
It's ironic how on the first boost formula game it actually felt really nice the get a good score, I played some of it on the 360 and you actually needed to get good to get the best out of the game, it wasn't perfect of course but it made boost gameplay have this nice japanese action game feel, for me Generations was a massive step down in that area even if we have hits like Seaside Hill, let's not even get started on Forces. Mix that with the production and I can see why people consider that the last good Sonic game these days.
>because of its short development cycle and low budget requirements
The moment this became true was when the franchise lost it, sad how not having to sell hardware with well done games caught up with them eventually.

Fuck you for making me notice it

Last time they tried to make a game in that style it almost killed the series.
Don't know why no one mentioned that to you.

>Best levels
So, none. Got it.


Attached: 1546653392239.png (465x510, 380K)

the haunted mansion and the forest were good

Just the level themes then, Mystic Mansion is cool

Attached: Cf9EpavUkAMX2_z.jpg (609x223, 59K)

They were NEAT. To call them good is a real stretch.

Based. Heroes as a whole was a much better experience than adventure 1 and 2, especially because those were only fun when you were playing sonic/shadow, whtich makes what 1/3 of the game?

Don't know why they'd use that sonic mania sprite for that loading screen...

Also, fuck Sonic Heros, Sega will probably make a remake somehow worse anyways...

>play heroes
>absolutely hate the game but force self to play it all the way
>finish it
>now remember it as the most fun i've had out of all the Sonic games
W-Why does this happen?

>06 is SA3 meme

fuck off

Heros and Shadows are just as much "adventure 3" as 06 is.

Unleashed is "Adventure 3", damn thing is even called Sonic World Adventure in Japan.

Wasn’t there some rumours about this remake before forces even came out? I really hope it’s true, heroes just makes me happy for some reason. I guess we will see at sxsw

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They did that, it was called Sonic Generations

Oh of course, that's why none of those games got any sequels after the worse attempt at 3 happened :^)

Sonic Retro confirmed Sonic Team said that was very early thought idea that was instantly scrapped. You might as well call Rush Adventure and Mania Adventures Adventure 3.
It's not about the fucking name, it's about the fucking gameplay niggers.

Is that an actual level? 3D fangames have better fucking level design.

yes youtu.be/Y5Cn9Ra1kwo

Attached: 1551570148487.gif (400x297, 1.62M)

>see screenshot of a 3d level where you can see one corridor
>hurr durr its level design is awful
Now, I'm not defending it, because it is awful, but you shouldn't judge an entire level based on just one small picture.

Who made the courses in All Stars transformed? If we pair him up with Hirokazu Yasuhara and a good lead programmer (Taxman) we can have a good game no matter how the rest of Sonic Team fucks up, it's THAT simple.

You can’t judge an entire level, but you can presume if the developer is making even a tiny section of a level with that level of low effort, abhorrent shit, that the rest of the game probably didn’t fare too well


>S rank

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Let him come,
On his way to despair,
So says the doctor,
So says her shattered grace.

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Attached: sasdxz.jpg (399x332, 26K)

So it's Mania the living proof of how the B-team excuse for mediocre games is bullshit?

Heroes has more room to improve

If anything, Mania is the proof that SEGA of Japan refuses to get their collective heads out of their asses and give people what they really want from Sonic.


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I know but I have seen apologists of other franchises say that a game is supposed to be not that polished or something like that just because it was made by B team, when in this case it BTFO the bigger project with probably half the resources or maybe even less, I think it has happened in Pokemon but I can't think of anything else right now. Makes me realize other vidya companies should step up their game.

An official Sonic classic heroes would be incredible

B team is irrelevant, the entirety of sonic team is a literal E team


isn't that the team chaotix game

The person who made the level design for Adventure 1 & 2 doesn't want to do them.

That person? Takashi Iizuka, head of Sonic.

That makes it even more embarrassing for Sonic Team

>the arrows in "Now Loading" haven't moved
>the Sonic sprite hasn't moved
>16 minutes later still on the loading screen
>Sonic's arm is bending in an odd fashion

Based and fake

Did he went on vacation while they were making modern sonic levels in forces

Sonic DASH 2

Attached: 1510192987208.jpg (1199x362, 75K)

So how come no game after Sonic Adventure 2 has managed to copy that game's comfiness and Chao Garden features?

>Hero Campaign
>Villain Campaign
>True Ending campaign
>Raise chaos and unlock new minigames/gardens
>Get rare breeds and forms of chaos depending on how you raise them
>Unlock upgrades by backtracking previous levels

Fuck man, I don't care how jank it was, I just want a proper sequel.

Attached: 1548387110868.jpg (569x506, 44K)

>Chao Garden
guy who made the AI, left Sega

That's just sad

That already exists, it just have sonic boom in the name

Really? I really love the Brawl model, personally. I like all the slight realistic details on him, he looks great with middle mouth, and I don't like that Smash 4 Sonic's nuzzle takes more space of his eyes, nor do I like that his hands are unnecessarily sightly bigger.

Oh, and it helps a lot that Brawl Sonic voiced by Jason.


Attached: the tech-savvy butt-snout amorous grandpa toothy shows off his flipphone.png (675x733, 630K)

double check Generations, that's "Game designers" not "Level designers"

They will undoubtedly do a sonic adventure 3 at some point. Maybe in 3 years, maybe in 10, but they have realised that there is demand for it now, and that the current direction of the 3D side of the series is a dead end

We will never get even an spiritual sequel because characters that don't play like Sonic aren't allowed anymore, and Chao Garden is deader than Michael Jackson

this is fake, OP admitted it :))))

Attached: niggar.png (601x752, 345K)

Ryan > Jason > Roger > Shartz

jaleel> all

>Roger’s voice
oh my god. Who fucking cares? Besides the guy who’s eggman now does a good job. I honestly don’t think he’s ever had a bad VA outside of SatAm and Underground

Way past based

Attached: 61F644C1-7C1E-414B-8FE8-D6FB8CBBF1E2.jpg (400x320, 19K)

Ryan > Jason > Jaleel > Literal dog shit > Roger > Power Gap > Shartz

>all the thread saying fake and gay in their own words

I love the Chao gardens. It added a lot of replay to the game

No, Chaotix had two characters that were literally tethered together, the heroes mod has you able to switch your lead character at any time in the stage, so you can use their abilities.

>not rating sonic schoolhouse or sonic CD VA

それは私ではない、私は英語を話さない。 そうかもしれませんが、それを読むことができます。 いいえ、私は少しだけ英語を知っている、そして私はグーグル翻訳を使用して英語の質問のいくつかを日本語に翻訳する。

Attached: 1525699200313.png (160x224, 6K)

Martin burke from the OVA too


There is no "Level Designer" distinction

Ryan > Jason > Martin > Jaleel > Literal dog shit > CD > Roger > Power Gap > School House > Shartz

I dont think a single person in this thread genuinely believed it. I mean, if it was smash or pokemon then you had a point


If they remade Sonic Heroes, the loading screen would've been completely different. The whole game was inspired by the Genesis titles, including the loading screens.

Attached: 105504-sonic-heroes-windows-screenshot-level-objective-loading-screen.jpg (1024x768, 49K)

Note that the Forces level designers never worked on Sonic before and were from other Sega departments.

Based and voicepilled

I don't get why they don't drop Roger already he has all the cringe from the worst of Ryan with none of the charm.

Ryan is literally THE voice for sonic. It isn’t nostalgia, whenever anyone does a sonic impression it’s always of Ryan. He’s literally the perfect fit and I’m eternally seething that sega got rid of him

I have a feeling Sega knows the move is going to be so shit that they believe they're going to have to put out an actually amazing 3D Sonic game or suffer the death knell of the franchise.

Why is it so hard for fans to accept that sega tried Adventure 3 with 06 just because it was a mediocre game? It has references for it with the chao poster, it introduced a new hedgehog just like SA2 introduced shadow, it featured different characters story mode, it had the same style of world outside stages, the list goes on.

Reminder that Heroes is objectively a terrible game by all means asides the music - something that every Sonic game gets right.
Anyone who thinks otherwise is filled with nostalgia and can't see how terrible
>Running down straight corridors
>Watching your team grind down rails
>Being blocked by doors and canons/fly rings to give you a reason not to just use the speed character and remind you you're actually playing a game
>Team Vector being the only team that actually changes the formula yet somehow being the most tedious to complete

I meant movie.

It's just denial.


No really? You don't say? Could've fool me.

Attached: 1551050241002m.jpg (853x1024, 165K)

I agree, there really is no reason for Sega to remake a slightly above mediocre Sonic game. That goes for any of the 3D Sonic games that aren't Adventure 1 and 2. These games aren't classics that everyone would love to see remade like all of the older Zelda games or something. Heroes wasn't that great back then and a remake wouldn't make the game great now.

Okay. Isn't that just Encore mode in Mania though?

それは私じゃない。 さらに、フレームは追加されていないため、画面は動かない

I dont think people think it's a wonderful game, it's just that it stands out in the mid of the amount of mediocrity we got in that era, no matter how much of a die hard shadowfag you are, shadow the hedgehog was literally horrible and the other options were shitty spin offs until we got unleashed


I agree and I don't even have any nostalgia for Adventure/Heroes but not only he makes Sonic sound like a teenager (they forget that Sonic is like 15 for some reason), he makes stuff like the lines in the final shadow cutscene over the top but believable which is necessary for a franchise like this (I'm sure Roger saying those lines would sound sarcastic or something like that). Apparently SEGA pulling off something right the first time then doing it wrong later is a tradition.


>he doesn't like 30yo boomer Roger Sonic
The real question here is when the fuck is he gonna voice classic Sonic too?

Attached: 1378463804954.png (477x342, 183K)

If we get one more fucking "Boost to win" game I'm gonna fucking scream.

Just fucking have him control normally. Stop making the game feel automatic and simplistic.



honestly the dedicated run button from lost world would offend me more

After seeing how they responded to boost2win with giving Sonic a run button it will be funny to see what they come up with next.

Sega genuinely asked jaleel to come back to voice classic sonic during the development of generations, which is why it seems like many of the cutscenes and shit were cut because he was meant to talk originally


Attached: gazou_0290.jpg (300x396, 28K)

Oh don't get me started on that. Lost World was a travesty. What the fuck is the lost hex? Who the hell were the Zeni? Why was Tails such a fucking prick?

Reminder that Jun'ichi Kanemaru > Americans

Didn't they also want to bring back Ryan for Generations but he turned it down because he wouldn't get paid enough?

Why the american ones don't stick while this guy has been doing Sonic forever?

「私のものではない」ということは私によってはなされなかった。グーグル翻訳に入って何かをタイプすることが人々にあなたが私であると信じるようになると思わないでください - この記事の作成者。

That's just how JP voice acting industry works.

Sorta, the heroes mod has three characters and sonic heroes nostalgia, i enjoy encore though, but something more similar to the heroes mod would be enjoyable

Attached: tata.png (1525x915, 1.92M)

Jfc stop, this hurts to read N6-kun

でも、私は正直です。 正直に言うと何か問題があるのでしょうか。また、今のところ、私は私のユーザーをBlueBlurと命名します。

Unleashed is a boot game you fucking moron, it's called world adventure because each level is based on a real life place

I always thought it was weird in a series where the whole shtick is the characters run fast, that they always put them in vehicles for the racing games

They wanted him to leave his union, and also scrapped the adventure sonic character from the game


Sanic's 2fast it wouldn't be fair otherwise

Attached: cuckles.png (287x426, 10K)

Kill yourself JustPassingThrough.

Attached: Bronies, this is your mindset.png (307x157, 28K)

>ban evading

>/sthg/ pretending to like heroes now just to give their latest meme project validity

This fanbase is starting to feel like some kind of inside joke

>latest meme project

>meme project
what did i miss this time? though now i'm thinking of the SA3 facebook page.

Attached: 1547061322164.gif (400x300, 1.99M)

is sonic 3d blast actually good I can't remember it's been years

A fake leak is a potential upcoming project if you're autistic enough to believe it's real

If you are interested the director of that game released a mod that does some improvements, it's called director's cut I think,

I think sonicfags are ridiculed more these days than horsefuckers

Is mlp even relevant anymore? Seems like one of those boards that became obsolete kinda fast like /vp/

>Is mlp even relevant anymore?
It's got one last season that's gonna be finished by November at the latest. And then then the next gen starts two years later.

Saturn version was the best official version, it was a decent experiment. But was the "06" of it's time.

The Director's Cut though, ain't bad. It's also on Steam Workshop.

No they aren’t relevant at all, which is why I don’t mind them. They used to be incredibly obnoxious and the height of mlps popularity but now they just keep to their little compound

>the 06 of its time
was it really that hated

Sumo Digital made the stages for it. Honestly after seeing some of the course in TSR I wouldn't mind seeing them try their hand at making actual Sonic stages rather than race courses

thanks for the info

Jason Griffith was, by far, the best voice actor for Sonic. You can deny it all you want, but it's absolutely true.

Attached: 1511042142697.png (372x334, 134K)

Yeah, it was derided as "ruining the Sonic formula" in all the magazines back in the day.

When is the panel? Are we getting a trailer for the movie or not?

All of the Sonic Heroes setpieces are beautiful, a remake could capitalize on that.
That's assuming Sonic Team can even make a game as good looking as Generations anymore. Something tells me they can't.

Sumo Digital, they cut their teeth on the amazing OutRun games they made. Which are still great to this day.

It honestly is not a bad idea

Literally ruined your own hoax. Good job retard.

I can't deny it but at this point I'll take anything over Roger

Next week
No one knows what the panel will have beyond, "The Future of Sonic". Which the last time that happened, we got the Mania Plus & TSR Reveals.

>make the scenery of the saturn version all polygons
>add a horizontal camera movement so precise platforming looks more 2D
Maybe it would have been less divisive this way? The graphics of the special stage would fit better too.

I love me some low poly

Attached: low poly.jpg (1280x720, 72K)

Low poly sonic is unironically my favorite design

Was kinda already conceptualized for the Mars project.

3D Blast was a game that honestly needed another year (like so many Sonic games), but was made in the start of the Sega of Japan vs Sega of America feud.

Sonic Xtreme should have been a polygonal 3D Blast with new levels, in all honesty.

Attached: 320px-Sonicmars.jpg (320x240, 51K)

they didnt fuckin make outrun 2, they ported outrun 2 over to the consoles

booted up 3D blast and just realized that the theme they use for the intro cutscene is reused again for sonic adventure at the start of the theme park level

Glad Mania team is full of tasteful individuals who understand it, must be why I dislike generations/forces classic Sonic too since it's literally the opposite of low poly sonic looking all soft round and shit.

They didn't have this problem with Eggman because every previous VA for him is dead.

I'm sad.

Sonic reuses some quite obscure music at times. I can’t think of any specific examples right now, but it’s a trend for sure

Eggman literally has never had a bad voice actor honestly, every single one of his voices has been memorable and well performed

If Sonic Xtreme was actually completed, it most likely would have been something like Sonic Robo Blast 2.

Jason made sonic sound dorky and like he was high all the time.


Yeah, they made the ports. I didn't say they made OutRun 2, I said they made OutRun games, which they did. They learned everything about how to make a great Arcade racer from them.

From the promo material it does look like that but more 2D with some Z axis sparkled in, sounds fun and a pretty much a step forward from 2D Sonic (technically at least) but the eye fish shit and how it looks so slow in casual gameplay makes me realize how far it was from an actual game.


>3rd grade or something
>be fastest runner in grade
>man, that intro to Sonic Heroes is cool
>have idea one day
>grab friend's arm and burst into the fastest sprint I can
>he falls flat on his face into the mud
>he couldn't go fast

Attached: 1548374212906.jpg (369x387, 35K)

Debatable but I can respect your opinion, even though I don't agree



Also I hate how everything looks so blocky, literally anti-Sonic but it's nothing that couldn't have been fixed though. no wonder how the most known demo is just a field.

Development was lagging and the programming team was a skeleton crew on an impossible-to-program for console. I think they got rid of the fish lens later on, but I'm not certain.

Attached: SXT_Tiara_Gameplay.gif (160x100, 815K)


go read a book or watch a movie then nigger.

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i kinda want a sonic game to put that loading screen back, just as a joke





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Attached: Sonic Heroes.png (676x474, 86K)

In Sonic 06 maybe but in the Storybook games he made him sound like an anime protagonist. And even then, he was much more tolerable than Roger. He just makes Sonic sound like he's screaming every time he's speaking.



Kill yourself JustPassingThrough.

Attached: Bronies, this is your mindset.png (307x157, 28K)

Will you shut up and stay banned already?


This isn't the movie Sonic, fake as fuck

>people complaining about this
If Heroes is so bad, then wouldn't it actually be one of the best options for a remake? So it could have massive improvements over the original?

Attached: 1506351864235.jpg (300x224, 19K)

Funny how Sonic went from sounding chill af and sometimes even kinda classy with Jason to the polar opposite right now.

this is fact



Let's be honest if Sega made a poll for Jason or Ryan for the next game we all know who would win

>Seaside Hill

I am so tired of that shit as Green Hill.

Well yeah it's literally just Green Hill on a beach.

Yeah but the music

Palmtree Panic
City Escape

Emerald Hill
Botanic Base

Angel Island
Seaside Hill

Emerald Coast


What about Tidal Tempest?

It's a first area/level rate

This, but unironically

How can angel island be overrated if it's barely used? People only want it so much because of how underused it is compared to Green Hill.

>City Escape
>Not overrated

Move aside, here's the real list

Route 99
Emerald Coast

Angel Island
Green Grove (Unironically)
Neo Green Hill
Seaside Hill
Leaf Storm

Green Hill
Palmtree Panic
Leaf Forest
City Escape

The rest are either unmemorable or bad.

What the fuck am I even looking at.

a /vg/ poster with too much free time

How? Heroes has terrible padding by making you replay the game 4 fucking times and is even more slippery and uncontrollable than 06. You probably haven't played Heroes in years.


I don't get it

since they put in sega characters from across many of their franchises, now that it's more popular do you think they'll add in kiryu from yakuza in this new sonic racing game?

No, it's Sonic only this time around

There hasn't been a sign of anything apart from a semi-basic sonic characters roster, I hope they show something unexpected (can be literally anything and I'll take it) from that game at the event.

ooh like a comix zone course

I'll stream it just for you, right now if you want. Just say the word.

Keeping things realistic since I'm sure the game is still Sonic only content, I would love a group of stages based on Angel Island landmarks. Maybe Windy Valley, Mystic Ruins, and one more if they don't use Sky Sanctuary again. Maybe also emblems as the new form of the stickers Transformed had.


Heroes>Sonic X
Heroes>Sonic at the olympics
Heroes>Speedy Gonzales

>>Hero Campaign
>>Villain Campaign
Mostly because it was just a forced set up that really only worked when half of the newcomers were bad guys

>True Ending campaign
Has literally been fucking shit with Heroes, ShTH and 06, glad it's dead.

>>Raise chaos and unlock new minigames/gardens
>>Get rare breeds and forms of chaos depending on how you raise them
Main dev directed Unleashed and when it got bashed to hell, he quit SEGA

So in essence, it's a combination of
>Jap devs like with Pokemon, likes to remove key elements from games because "lol why not"
>Said passionate devs quit the shithole that is SEGA

Sad but true.

I don't hate it but Brawl's model looks better because the shading is basically just a slightly grittier version of his box art from the classic games, just tweak it a bit and it would be how Sonic's lighting should look in future games.


Attached: loads shotgun.jpg (1024x576, 90K)

Why wouldn't they remake the bad ones? Why remake good games when you can fix the bad ones.

Yeah that's what I thought. Coward.

>So it's Mania the living proof of how the B-team excuse for mediocre games is bullshit?
There was never an A or B team. Stealth clarified that a little after Mania released.

The Hero and Dark campaigns were a late addition, since the only playable characters were suppposed to be Sonic, Knuckles and Eggman. Which shows how most of Tails and Rouge levels feel bland. Shadow only had 4 stages, Sky Rail was a Sonic level, Radical Highway could have been Sonic trying to escape from the Gun,while both White Jungle and Final Chase are reused assets from Sonic's versions and felt weaker versions from those

With a good enough team, sure. We don't have that anymore.

But even then, why start with Heroes instead of SA1/2?

Sonic the Hedgehog was a CIA - MKULTRA - freemason project used in conjunction with autism-causing vaccines to prevent 90s youth from ever radicalizing with anti-government sentiment.

Attached: 1535975986903.jpg (369x312, 22K)

Friendly Reminder all new "3D" Sonic games are going to be made with Lost World engine unless they scape it, and make a new one instead.


Enjoy your gutted Adventure "Remake".

Attached: 1549240563020.jpg (1047x968, 392K)

Sonic the Hedgehog was made by jewish japs wanting to sell their low end arcade ports machine

Because they know the expectations for the Adventure games are way higher so they start with something safer.


Is that image cropped MLP shit? What's going on?

>Doesn't have 4channel X
Pathetic. Yes it is newfag.


you're retarded and blind

This is wrong

Boost games are just as expensive to make than adventure titles

How can I tell that you’re underage just from one post

Hedgehog Engine is just a lighting engine

it has nothing to do with gameplay retard

Attached: Dw9QsBMX4AAwF2a.jpg orig.jpg (1024x746, 65K)

Not that user but it certainly explains both why the levels were super short and why the controls are complete shit. I'm not even sure the lighting was improved as shown from the end result.

>she is an actual human and they fucked it up

Unleashed and Generations are Hedgehog Engine games dummy, he's referring to the games that used the lighting engine since it's inception. The gameplay networking of those games that allowed massive levels with that lighting engine to work at maximum efficiency was gutted out because Nintendo's systems can't handle it because it's so shit. That's likely why the HE2 was even made at this point, to make it compatible with Nintendo hardware.

If you took the cat features away, its not too inaccurate.

Attached: candygif.gif (293x480, 28K)

Absolutely based, his performance from Brawl to Black Knight was easily the best Sonic.
Obviously Drummond since he's more popular. I think he's good too, but not as good as Griffith.

Fuck off, your Fischer Price shit is a horrid bastardization of the classic Sonic style. Unleashed, Colors and Generations perfected the modern Sonic style and now those artists are long gone.

what does that make unvaccinated anti-government sonic autist like me?

Attached: 1532631242740.png (750x726, 571K)

>Drummond only appears in like 3 games
>still the most iconic sonic
How did the do it

Man, do Sonic fans just like getting mad?

Attached: run.jpg (292x173, 6K)

He was the first official in-game English VA for Sonic. Plus his performance was pretty decent.

If your favorite franchise split into 20 different gameplay styles and mediums and half of those were shit and the other fourth were mediocre, you probably wouldn't be the happiest fan either.

It's weird that out of all gameplay styles Sonic Team still hasn't tackled open world.

I'd love a Sonic Unleashed sequel without Werehog where the gimmick is that you actually can run around the world and enter levels seamlessly from hub sections. I always thought it's what they going for, or at least should be next logical step with Sonic.

Hell, you can even use Tails as a mean of fast travel.


I think it might be SA2 mostly, for all the shit people give to that game being memorable is the least of its problems, even with the voices drowned out by the music it sticks.

Honestly, I'm not sure open world would suit sonic very much, the speed emphasized gameplay would probably clash with the open world gameplay.

They need a way to make Sonic 2fast4me without the inevitable 3 mile long levels that Sonic Team have to make to justify it.

Sad as it is I think Lost World had the right idea. It was just handled poorly. Really poorly.

Attached: City Escape.png (750x650, 57K)

Get this faggot outta here

Attached: Activated7.jpg (581x423, 73K)

Boost gameplay feels like such a dead end gamedev-wise - entire setpieces for levels that are literally several miles long are instantly made pointless because players zoom past them in less than a second

Attached: tumblr_odhvifuBon1sg3g3so1_400 (1).gif (320x240, 1.97M)

Attached: sonic physics fail.webm (728x408, 356K)

Sonic was rushed as all mother fuck in Brawl. It explains why a lot of his moves look the same and his last minute inclusion in Subspace.

>the speed emphasized gameplay would probably clash with the open world gameplay.
Can I ask, how, exactly? The one time playing these types of games with slow ass characters for slow ass backtracking, you get the only character that can travel to these points in mere minutes with ease.
Not saying I'm asking for this, just thinking what are the downfalls to something like this other than the near 30 year old concept of "get to the goal".

If real then neat cause man Heroes a godlike OST

Attached: 1470812569331.gif (256x192, 187K)

If by open world, you mean something like Odyssey, then the speed might suffer as a result of heavy emphasis of exploration. It will end up feeling a lot less like Sonic, and a lot more like a slightly faster Mario Odyseey. Also, it would be designed by Sonic Team.

For me it's frog Forest

Attached: Dance3.gif (225x324, 3.36M)

>It will end up feeling a lot less like Sonic, and a lot more like a slightly faster Mario Odyssey.
>like a slightly faster Mario Odyssey.
So like how Sonic 1 was just a slightly faster Mario 1.

Attached: A wise man once said....png (1366x768, 794K)

Attached: Sonic Utopia.webm (480x270, 2.79M)

It is so hard to do anything with even the slightest level of precision in that game, and the "open world" isn't interesting at all to traverse.

Utopia isn't open world, that's just a test level to play around with the physics.

Attached: Sonic Utopia Open World.png (845x598, 76K)

While I love everything about Utopia, the open-ended level design is its worst aspect. Obstacles are few and far between, and the goal is very easy to get to.
I mean, Sonic 1 isnt the best the classics have to offer. I dont mind incorporating exploration and alternate paths (like in S3&K and SA1) but with a collectathon, you cant really incorporate speed because the core of a collecathon game is to encourage the player slow down and pay attention to the environment around them. In the two other games I mentioned, exploration is second, it enhances the level design and overall experience but is not the core of the gameplay.

and yet nobody listens

But why is open world = collect-a-thon to you? It's kinda weird people think of big spaces = collecting things, that's not what GTA or other RPGs are.

Why can't it just be a open level with objective challenges for you to complete?
Like a bigger version of those Tony Hawk games but better.

You went with the Odyseey comparison, so I assumed you meant something like that. I think something that might be close to working with Sonic the Hedgehog could be a Mario 64 kind of game where you do different things in fewer, but larger levels. I don't know if you meant open levels like that though.

>You went with the Odyseey comparison, so I assumed you meant something like that.
I never mentioned it though, that was this user . I was the poster than he replied to.

Both are me. I assumed you were . Regardless, a Sonic game in a Mario 64 format is probably the best shot at an open-ended Sonic Game. If you mean open world like Zelda BOTW open, then I have no idea how that could work.

>This song's actually broken up into pieces that play at different sections of the level
God damn, I love this game, despite its flaws.

Here's more OST Kino
Hard to believe one of the worst things in the game has one of my favorite tracks in the whole franchise.

Now I have to boot it up, and replay the game. This was my favorite of all the OST in the game.

Spooky themed levels in sonic games always have the best music,

Roger is the perfect BOOM Sonic.

It's just a shame we'll never get anymore of the show for him.

He’s the perfect Adventure era Sonic, Ryan is the perfect Sonic. His Unleashed and Black Knight performance solidified that.

Jason did Unleashed and Black Knight

You absolute fucker

Attached: flat,800x800,070,f.u5[1].jpg (626x800, 45K)

This happened

Attached: Shadow is still misunderstood.png (599x855, 924K)

boobs should be bigger

There are over 250 characters named 'Sakura' in fiction, you gonna need to be a wee bit more specific there, laddie

What I wouldn't give to hear AoStH Robotnik in an official Sonic game

does he have brain damage or something?

Attached: Shadow.jpg (500x741, 176K)

Shadow is the best Sonic character.


Attached: 1505703539811.jpg (480x480, 14K)

>I had an awesome dream like this once

Attached: 1441475686517.jpg (600x600, 40K)

>Nintendo's systems can't handle it because it's so shit
If the 360/PS3 could handle it I seriously doubt the Switch couldn't

shut up faggot

Alright Eggman let's get this party started


>that last panel

Attached: 1542588607435.jpg (492x489, 68K)
