Q2 Strogg > all other versions of the Strogg
*pling pling pling*
why were enemies in older fps's more interesting?
Trashy horror movies unironically.
tfw no quake mod that makes these dudes attack while running
It really did feel like a horror game.
I remember playing this and not even realizing it is about invading an alien planet, I thought it was some futuristic dystopian Earth.
It would be even more a pain in the ass to deal with them.
My favorite were the regular grunt guys. I felt bad for them when I killed them and they died screaming and struggling on the floor, riddled with bullets (including one bloody hole straight through glass of their visor). They looked like poor Stroggified humans who lived and died the bleakest lives imaginable in Q2's dark future
you can double jump off their heads anyways
Super Shotgun'd them, not even hear a scream.
You could double jump?
Didn't remember that.
>never heard a scream
Yeah I've always hated "gibbing" enemies because it turns all those cool death animations into poofs of nothing but blood mist with just random pieces of meat flying around. It's never even accurate body parts nor is it proportional to the amount of flesh that would actually be in the body you just destroyed
it's a big part of multiplayer
>Played quake 1 and 2 for the first time a few years ago
>Had an absolute blast with Quake
>Ended up kind of slogging through Quake 2
The weapons were cool, and the levels all being linked together was neat, but I dunno, something just felt lacking.
quake 2 was so fucking boring, at least the engine gave us good shit like soldier of fortune or anachronox
It was a 90's game so....
Ooh i see.
wish more games had strafejumping
I just mean even when I played in the 90's everyone was like "oh SWEET you can GIB enemies" and I was more like "yeah fuck that, gibbing looks retarded"
Maybe it would look good today but devs don't seem to do it anymore, probably because the realistic graphics would make it too disgusting
Quake 2's encounter design doesn't put you between a rock and a hard place as often. Doom 3 does which is why its unironically a good game
>metal sharpening sounds coming from behind a wall
well played
might be how the levels are structed, since q2 has you coming back to previous levels at times so they're sort of connected
*takes 3 seconds to fire after click*
Quake 2 is pretty sluggish in comparison to Quake 1. The weapon switch animations annoy the fuck out of me, and the level design in Q2 doesn't feel on par with Q1.
I fucking love Q1 though, shit's like a perfect FPS.
Why didn't the invasion ships just stay orbiting over the opposite side of the planet from the Big Gun?
Strafejumping, straferunning, and bunny hopping are signs you're playing kino.
Then they wouldn't hear it's bad ass theme
I fucking love the OST for Quake 2.
>slogging through Quake 2
more like strogging lmao
>that guy that landed so close to the objective but got stuck in a wall
Eldritch autistic faggots forever btfo. Chad Strogg> Retarded tentacle monster with nigger in their name.
got em
What are the chances of ID doing a new Quake 5 after nu-doom 2 releases.
Depends on whether or not QC even goes well and if it motivates them to do another single player Quake game.
In Q4 some of them looked goofy or too clean, I much preferred the dirty industrial feel of Q2
We should/more than likely will get a sequel/spiritual successor to the first Quake.
I want more weird shit that has tons if soul again.
We have to build this special room where our captured prisoners that went mad will crawl under our regular room.
the Strogg probably forced them to move into its range by attacking them with other ships. Or the humans didn't anticipate the big gun being right there already facing them when they came in. Then, in the chaos of it shooting down their carriers and flagships, they couldn't effectively coordinate a big move to the other side. There are a million possible ways an invasion like this could become FUBAR.
I'm probably wrong on some of this because I haven't played in ages
I think they didn't even know about the gun.
what are the original stroggs like?
Fuck off eldritch fag, Quake is about body horror cyborg aliens and not you're autism time portal castles and other retarded shit.
ugh the movement in these games is too fast
got you didn't i
We just don't know.
I loved that. That's the Stroggification process (turning human soldiers into these guys ) being viewed from outside the "assembly line". If you follow the miserable crawling guys around with noclip, there are all these machines down there that will crush them and torture them on their path
Outside of QC and the expansions fro Q1, nothing really expanded on the first game's theme.
Depends on what you can do with it.
I always heard it as YOU'RE SPECIAL.
They never anticipated a Strogg defence weapon, also these were first generation reverse engineered starships that are probably really shitty to maneuver. The background of Quake is pretty brutal that after the Strogg invasion of Earth it unified every nation completely where everyone was working around the clock to reverse engineer strogg technology and create an attack force as fast as possible to counterattack.
How can my gpu even handle this
Nobody knows. Maybe the Strogg started as an AI that exterminated or merged with (like cyborgs) the species that created it, and now continues to seek out new planets to expand to and new lifeforms to study / incorporate into its cyborg army.
The Strogg are just the Borg but spooky. You can do much more interesting thins with Quake 1's setting because of how open ended it is.
Man I'd love to watch a movie about that shit
that wasnt the assembly line, it was the plant where they turned prisoners of war into nutritional paste suitable for the artificial digestion system of stroggified grunts, to provide their biological components with nutrition
games made by a handful of underpaid computer nerds instead of multi billion dollar corporation churning out soulless cashgrab garbage tailored around marketing and societal trends
What are some other games that feature body-horror cyborg people? I feel like Quake and Doom are the only ones who do it right.
Add tits into that and its my fetish.
God I wish body horror comes back with modern graphics
I like how this room is a "secret" but easily accessible.
The Strogg we see are a leftover construct warmachine that decided to self preserve itself. We have no idea what the original creators were or if they're even alive anymore because what makes up the Strogg is a conglomerate of multiple aliens all butchered with cybernetics.
Wasn't that DNF basically?
Doesnt really fit with the biggest boss in Q2 sitting in a throneroom with concubines
Again nobody cares about you're autistic eldritch garbage. Go play that Cthulhu game or Darkest Dungeons for tentacle porn you faggot.
to be fair, a throneroom with concubines is just a 90s thing so it probably isn't "canon"
Quake 1 didn't even feel like it had a plot. It felt like they made all the monsters and levels first and then tried to write some vague story (delivered in occasional text / subtitles) as an afterthought.
It's almost like some horrors are better left unexplained.
You give Doom more plot and some demons are either UAC creators or parasitic viruses rather than simply Hellish creatures.
Just an easter egg
Maybe it inherits some of the human-like traits of those it Stroggifies (or maybe a Stroggified champion like that just never loses them). Probably it's more like we're just not meant to understand the Strogg, how they think or why they do what they do because it makes them feel more alien and frightening.
game was lame compared to the first but that music holy fuck
Oops I thought you were talking about something else
Which are skills none of the Q2-Singleplayer-only-faggots have
Does Q2 have any texture mods that are worth of installation.
Amazing that steam version still doesn't have the music
MP is free though
I played it as a kid and my version didn't play any music. When I played again later and my new copy did have it, I thought it sounded really out-of-place and detracted from the horrific themes and designs seen in the gameplay, so I muted it.
But I sucked at games back then so I wasn't running around super fast having fun twitch-blasting enemies like how you're supposed to. The music might've felt more appropriate if I'd played like that
>nipple clamps
Why would you play Q2 MP though when you have Q1 Duel/TDM scene, CPM in generals and QC for noobs to start with?
Even Q4 with Q4MAX is a 200% better game than Q2 MP would ever be
The Chad Strogg...and no Strogg gf.
Try the "Berserker" source port
because q2 is more active than all of those games except for QC which is shit
also CPMA is a poor man's quakeworld
>has weak hitscan attack with exaggerated windup animation
>also has a triple grenade attack that does lethal damage with almost no windup, an ambiguous animation that can be obscured by particle effects when shooting them, and can even be done while they are in a pain animation
>the ground zeros expansion gives them the ability to spam their grenades around corners
Low key the most bullshit enemy in id's classic games
These guys are the most bullshit
stop pretending you have played a milisecond of any of these games you read and post about in the thread
>Low key
go back to twitter, nigger
i play quakeworld duel and quake 2 ctf on and off
>just a severed head in a little floating fighter plane
love the feeling of the early levels of Q2 with the radio transmissions, showing that you are basically the only fucking person in the entire sector
blacksite area 51
system shock 2
i changed my mind the most bullshit enemies are beam grunts from q2 the reckoning, because every time you walk into a room this happens
>was hugely into quake games
>never played the Q2 expansions
Quake 4 really failed to capture this aesthetics. I wonder if it is even possible with modern graphics, if it was made by actually talented developers.
professional video game developers, rather than nerds. that's literally it.
id software was nerds. professional video game developers are not nerds.
installing them on steam, whats the best quake2 source port?
I want as vanilla as possible with just modern conveniences
yamagi quake 2
Yamagi Quake 2 for SP
Q2PRO for MP
That is unironically right. The game was not made to be a story experience dumb dumb.
Unreal > Quake
that stroggification bit in q4 is overrated
dude in front of you only screams when getting carved up then just stops and protagonist man just kinda grunts and yells a little in response to it
>zoomers will never experience the glory of grapplehook laser mine capture the flag
I hope you like turrets
I only ever played the first Quake 1 expansion, found it really good. How is the second one and the Q2 expansions?
Unreal 1 is really cool, but it has problems. Like most of the guns in Unreal feel bad to use, and some of the level design is super annoying. I remember the water temple being just no fun, and then there are huge stretches of just running forward in giant areas.
Sup fag.
>picks the worst tribes
Just played through Unreal, it sucks ass and everything is a bulletsponge.
Wolfenstein and Doom came back, how the fuck is there no Quake game about cybernetic alien body horror feudal aliens? 4 was fancy looking, but such a dissapointment in every other way.
So you kill your tortured demented ally's Duke 3D babe style? Put them out of their misery
can't we all get along?
Who's to say the Strogg aren't trying to use slipgates to expand, sorta like scalebearer
fuck you I laughed
Why do the Strogg have a nazi space castle and more importantly why did the developers of Quake 2 wait until the game was almost over to introduce a level that wasn't a metal hallway or cave?
Because you're slowly making your way through their defences to you get to the higher up elites who sit in their fancy castles in relatively safety
The nazi space castle is the only part of Quake 2's campaign where it felt like the level designers actually gave a shit, shame that the rest of the campaign couldn't be like that
Imagine if Quake 1 had actual bosses and a decent mellee weapon.
And maybe alt fire modes.
some don't take lightly to mods for "improvement" stuff around here and all but
I'd love these kinda mods if you could toggle on and off almost everything. Let me choose what is changed
I don't know how in-depth it is, but 1.5 does have a menu for disabling or tweaking at least some functionality.
>Go to rule 34
>Search for Quake / Quake 2
>Mixed feelings
When I was younger I thought they just attacked you with a light beam.
there will never be enough porn of the quake 3 gals
quake champignons kind of expanded on that with Athena.
quake champions can suck my dick. non canon.
Athena never even made it to the planet, she got stuck in her fucking capsule until she got Niggurath'd to the arenas.
You can suck my dick, if id says it is, it is.
nu-id isn't id. they don't get to decide canon.
last canonical id software game is Rage
just look at the credits of id games then and now
if you think they are the same company, you are a retard that falls for brand names
meant for
every game is non-canon then because every single id game has a different staff
it sure can user, though the E3 doom or whatever presentation by Id implies they want to connect the dots.
A quake universe if you will.
I think her lore suggest she ended up in a wall like and ends up in the arena.
what about Tank Jr?!?!
Words cannot even describe how much I fucking love QII soundtrack.
Still the best Quake, fuck all the naysayers.
It's as-generic-as-possible late 90s industrial buttrock. Meh.
go back to Yea Forums you hipster
Begone cuntlerino. Back to Yea Forums with you.
>if you distinguish between quality in music at all, you are Yea Forums
here's the type of thing you actually wanted if you like q2 soundtrack
Guys, guys, guys... what if there was a Quake game that started with strogg before a shambler comes along and rips apart the latest Makron so now it is humans vs strogg vs Outer Gods
I like KMFDM too, but stop acting like a typical turbohipster turd-monger from Yea Forums.
fat nigga
im not acting hipster in any way
it sucks.
Fucking this
Too bad Quake 4 lost the touch that Stroogs had back then
Ur mum sucks. Dicks.
PSA: the new 90s throwback shooter from 3D realms was revealed a few days ago. uses a modified Q1 engine. Trailer here:
Man, I do really think that the strogg universe of quake has a very good lorethat can be easily expanded
I do really think that the scrapped Doom 4 should have been with Quake and the stroggs invading Earth instead. Even having more survival horror than pure action
that enemy with the blade arms moves way too fast
cautiously optimistic about this, i hope they don't think to sell for more than $20.
>Even having more survival horror than pure action
why, the fuck, would you post shit like this in regards to the name "Quake" what the fuck is wrong with you people
survival horror
Top music right there
I use it to do exercise but I don't recommend to hear it while driving
id wanted to join every id game into a huge lore
kinda what a big damn id nerd fan would like to do
bcuz action quake and lithium and railing fags on q2dm1
The fewer parts that I liked from that game was how they horrorifically used humans and living beigns as part of their machinery
Well, QC is kinda based on the first Quake lore
>kinda what a big damn id nerd fan would like to do
who the fuck are you to dictate what other people would like to do? subtletly and taste are concepts 1000% lost on zoomers all you think of is this fucking mega mash up mountain dew garbage
Could be a spin off
Beign a simple human living in a huge metropolis just when Strogg start their invasion and the player has to escape to somewhere safe first and then start fighting back (and near the end ends up joining the EDF to fight back against those fuckers) would be a good idea for a game.
>this shit that has nothing to do with quake and nothing to do with the feel of the games or the intent of making them should use its name for a spin off
go play your switch joonyer
Try the motherfucker Gladiator from the expansion packs
One of the hardest enemies in a fps
I expected way more than having the player feet's cut off and then having the rest of the body wielded under a huge metal thing. It doesn't even make sense
>kill me
>make it stop
>let me out
ANONS help
I'm not a native speaker and never could understand that announcement, (female) audio loop at the start of the game.
For me it sounded like' CRITICAL OPTIC'. But it doesn't make any sense. Can somebody explain that?
It's literally at the start e1m1, near drop pod.
Tits in advance.
Well, QC lore do explain that extreme body modifications with technology makes the modified beign feel closer and attracted to the Older Gods from the arenas. Most probably the strogg were a military race that used too much cybernetic augmentation and one of those older gods corrupted them, and now it's acting through them to expand it's dominion over the galaxy
computer updated