/ourgal/ of 2019?

/ourgal/ of 2019?

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imagine taking a whiff from inside one of those boots haha

post blonde edition


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Dios mio...

>did you just smell that? Do you have any idea where that's been?
>up your butt?
Almost turned the game off right there

Why are people so triggered by that line?

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No, because nu-Claire exists


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Claire is waifu of the year, Nico is best bro. Hence /ourgal/

Please stop bullying my mommygf

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>Commits so hard to being trashy that it comes back round to being cute

Isn’t that the Yea Forums dream?

>Lady is waifu of the year

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>all these faggots fawning over 3DPD
2019 is setting out to be a sad year for Yea Forums

jesus fucking christ how is she so ugly

Doesn't that mean real-life girls? This is still a videogame we're talking about

Her face and hair is literally Makoto from SF3.

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Not a fan of her accent.

It doesn't count when they use a real girl's face and body to make her.

Too bad they're real this time

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Japs know nothing about Jewish people, this bitch is so far from Jewish she'd probably be a Christian Zionist

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>Japs know nothing about Jewish people, this bitch is so far from Jewish she'd probably be a Christian Zionist

Ashkenazis are super liberla, and love to both adopt and race mix. Very plausible to get someone like her who's 1/4 or 1/8 black or something.

You know Drake? Half Jew. Tons of guys like that.

It must be like vinegar haha just for laughs haha

same second noice

what is wrong with her VA? is that redneck accent she got?

I chuckled, why you guys have to be so uptight?

Lady is best girl of DMC

They've been doing this for well over a decade. It counts.


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I know a hipster girl who looks like her.

EX color only

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>an entire decade later
>lady is still best girl

It's ok to like jews when japs make them

two entire decades later

Tattoo removal mod when?

this but unironically


SIX million, goy, never forget that


You will have to try harder to get my rare pepes

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Do not give that faggot a (You). It's a pasta from a previous thread.

What does Nico do? Just shows up with the van to buy things out of?

>durrr juice baad

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mod for removing tattoos when?

>Backalley inbreed redneck
Now give me those (you)

Oh shut the fuck up.

Her mother was jewish and the creator of Dante's pistols. And her father was Agnus. You do the math.

Trump loves israel

>And her father was Agnus.

So it's true that Nico ends up a bad guy? I don't want that to be true.

Shut up shut up shut up. No. Take your politics and get lost. Both of you. You are NOT ruining DMC threads.

Nah. She said "screw him".

>So it's true that Nico ends up a bad guy? I don't want that to be true

Literally the worst character in the series.

yeah but magapedes are retarded

She has a shit ton more personality than Kyrie, Trish, or even Lady. And that's saying a lot. Looks aside, I never expected to like her as much as I should have.

>shit ton more personality than Lady

nigga u serious?

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Agreed, but she barely makes an appearance or does anything.


Central character of 1. No way fag.


Dude, fuck that, 3 is literally her game and she's such a focal character. Lady in 4-5 does nothing, but whatever.

why did her clothes change in this cut scene?

Hey that's just my opinion m8.

>Donte is a slut who fucks everything that moves and we're supposed to like him
>Nero is loyal to his wife

She basically called Nero a homo.

I am actually amazed at how wrong you got it. Before the Nightmare explains it:
>Nico is not blood-related to Nell.
>Nell had a son similar to Dante in personality named Rock
>Rock's father divorced Nell after Rock lost an eye playing with a gun
>Rock's father married a woman with a kid named Ashley, no blood relation, they're step-siblings
>Ashley hooked up with a guy named Agnus and had a kid
>Kid's name is Nico
>Ashley dies of a terminal illness after Agnus bails on the family
>Rock adopts Nico, Nico calls Nell her grandmother due to considering Rock to be her "real" father."
She's some weird brown mutt, but she isn't Jewish.

Well I'm idiot I guess. I'll take the L here. Also she isn't Jewish after all? She just has a jewish sounding name?

Her accent is physically painful to listen to.
from the south, btw.

She has the Jewish-sounding last name because she's adopted by Rock Goldstein, the son of Nell Goldstein. She outright attributes her engineering as being an attempt to succeed Nell's work, so of course she's gonna use that last name.

The Japs probably think it's a cool sounding American name and don't know shit about western Jewish family names.

He's a good boy

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coz they dont like that they like butt stuff

wow didn't know there were homosexuals in the south too, learn something new every day

fuck is up with that janky animation

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That's the best joke of all.

she uggo and looks like she'd eat poopies for fun