Why was Rape Day banned on Steam? Rape happens.Even more often than other forms of violence...

Why was Rape Day banned on Steam? Rape happens.Even more often than other forms of violence, so why is killing in video games OK, but rape is a big NO-NO? What is the logic behind such decisions?

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Is that picture real?

>south carolina
not surprising desu

Because society has turned rape into the worst possible thing that could happen to a person. You're not gonna catch anyone admitting that death is actually worse.

it's a black guy so probably

not surprising desu

Because we had this fucking thread since yesterday shut the fuck up

>death is bad

Humans are programmed to seek happiness, hedonism is literally the meaning of life.

I'm an agnostic theist, but there's still a chance that it's the end of everything and thus the end of our biological goal of happiness.

You can recover from rape and pursue happiness still, nothing is worse than Death.

Rape simulators shouldn't be sold. The game was created to cause controversy. Stop being a degenerate faggot.

Shitty games deserve to be censored.

name 1 (one) thing that is worth living for, 1

Rape Day

Cheesesteak subs

There's a George Carlin joke in there somewhere.

Because as a large online marketplace you are totally fucked if something you sell happens to trigger Visa and MasterCard.

How's highschool

Outliving the rest off the miserable wrecks that inhabit this planet

can't make this shit up

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Because women and their whiteknight hangers-on are a bunch of whiny crybabies.
It's not about violence or sex. It's about violence or sex against women.

If you make Prison Rape Day about buttfucking a bunch of men against their will, no one will care.
If you make Call of Duty: Chick Warfare and the hundreds of mooks you brutally gun down are all women instead of men, it'll be inundated with complaints of shocking violence against women.

well that's true, like outliving your rivals and enemies

If Steam removes it: They're hypocrites, their adult game policy is worthless and Yea Forumsalve fanboys got BTFO

Either way, I won.

Hail to the king, baby

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Yeah, I'm tired of this shit desu.

Male bad
Female good


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Because it was shoveware, steam should start removing low quality garbage more often.

Based retard

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i partially agree with you. but by the same logic as i see it, the opposite of happiness, and that which we should seek to minimize, is suffering. rape can cause different forms of suffering, and some of which will be long-lasting. some deaths are immense suffering, and some none at all, some are bad but quick, and ultimately after death there is no suffering. im not going to say rape is worse than murder, but i will say factually there are things much worse than death

oxytocin, dopamine, and serotonin/3

>when the bait doesn`t work the first five hundred times.
Anyway, hows the weather on Tienanmen square?

You responded, so it worked

Because there are plenty of things worse than death. Death is easy, that's why the concept of a "mercy killing" exists in the first place.

I'm not gonna write paragraphs on the difference between trauma (instantaneous forming of structures in the brain) vs your basic conditioning. To be frank: The current first world has insulated women from the threat of rape without conditioning any form of it can only create trauma. Not "trauma" as a buzzword, but the actual physical affect that trauma has on the brain.

hylics 2

I wish someone would mercy-rape me already ;_;

>all these disgusting rapists who want their rape game
Disgusting. Do us all a favor and kill yourselves

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a single (You) is cheap as fuck these days, put some back into it and get yourself some real "put me in the the screencap" bait.

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Rape is a meme.
>receive dick from an unattractive male in a hole that's literally made to receive dicks
The only reason women hate it so much is beacuse rape is basically theft, especially if an unattractive male does it.
No one likes being stolen from.

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jesus he looks horrible

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>i decide how traumatic it is to have someone forced on you
>women only hate it because they've lost value
>women view their sex as their value

lmao this reeks of single-child incel entitlement, sorry the real world got too complicated what with other people having their own wants and desires

What you dont take into account is their offspring that will take power and make even worse decisions for you.

Clearly Rape Day influenced his behaviour.

Hence why games like this need to be banned.

Because of it's name and how it was presented.
There are other H-games on steam with much more hardcore content.

Are pedophiles and rapists worse than murderers?

he`s one with cosmos.

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Prove me wrong, numale.

Yes, because they rape the innocent who haven't yet had the chance to set up their lives and it's not their fault they exist.
No, because adult men get raped mostly in prison and criminals suck, and adult women are horrible sub-people.

>women view their sex as their value
This is true.

This is dumb as fuck that's like saying people only don't like being hit because it's embarrassing.

You sound like some ugly loser who some how did such disgusting mental gymnastics that you are somehow the victim even if you rape someone just because you are ugly.

I believe it. I know people who work education. Children who commit crime are protected. The amount of rape that goes unreported is fucking insane.

>because they rape the innocent who haven't yet had the chance to set up their lives
Just walk it off nigga and be happy you're alive. How is that worse than death, lmao kill youself.

Because rape is a sexual act. If sexual acts are seen as less appropriate through cultural prudishness or through the ambiguous mysteries of sexual behavior that make people slap a big fat "nope" on the issue just in case as well as those slippery slope believers who think it'll lead to further degeneracy, acts of sexual violence are seen as doubly so. Blood, gore, and death are depicted for different reasons. A game can have rape in it, but to have the player simulate rape for the purpose of their own sexual gratification puts it into a different category than violence.

>prove that I can speak for every woman on earth
>prove that real life is like my anime and women don't actually care about sexual assault and rape

sorry dude prove to me you're not a single child with an overbearing mother who sheltered you from the world now your only perception of women is anime and television shows

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Keep crying, numale. Rape is an inconvenience at best and when a very attractive male does it it's enjoyable to women.

girls should play Rape Day to learn how to not put themselves in situations that could lead to rape.

t. I read a couple screenshots from a /pol thread now I'm the expert on women

must be those damn roasties making your life so hard


Because it had 'rape' in the name. There are plenty of other games that are fundamentally rape sims, a lot of them on Steam right now, that are smart enough to not have rape in the name.

Remember a decade ago, when out of the thousands of japanese porn games that are basically rape sims, somehow the west found and threw a shit fit over 'Rapelay'? That game never even left Japan.

No and No.

There's a whole bunch of things worse then getting raped. Like you see those videos of people in mexico getting flayed or having their hearts cut out with knives while they're still alive.

Oh what am I saying, having someone sweat on you and leave a few bruises is totes the worst thing ever.

>N-nuh uh!

At least you focused on the important parts. :^)

>rape is bad b-because it's bad and women want to convince everyone it's the worst thing in the world and we all know how honest women are bro xD
Penis in vagina WORST THING EVER

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Which games on steam are like rape day?

Not that guy but you're triggered as fuck.

>women are liars
>I know because they give me a ton of play and I spend a ton of time around them :^)
>people forcing you to do things is okay

How do you feel about socialists then?

>projecting user writes a detailed insult twice in two replies, is actually describing himself
>I'm n-not projecting


A very attractive male does not need to rape someone they can have a decent personality and have consent normally. I fail to see why you getting 0 pussy makes me a numale you ugly beta bitch.

>actually has someone demonstrate the flaws in their logic
>can only focus on being insulted
>on Yea Forums

Okay newfag I'll stop railing on you, but when you want to address the conversation hit me up.

>bro rape is worse than being slowly cut to death with rusty blades

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Rape = potential pregnancy from someone with bad genes.

On an instinctive level this is extremely unacceptable to women, whose biological purpose to give birth to the children of the mate she carefully selects.

Each pregnancy damages the body and makes it harder to appeal to higher quality mates, this hurts their gene pool.

Humans are still HIGHLY instinctive, it's why the NPC meme pisses people off so much. They don't wanna be reminded of this weakness.

projecting again, sweatie

Well, there is mental scarring and society always holds sex as the most sacred act ever. It's not a mystery that people take rape as an internal burden, plus it happens frequently in civilized society where one would expect none of those things to happen.

it is
rape leaves you alive and you have to live the rest of your life with it
if you get killed then you're dead and have nothing to worry about

Ok, numale redditor.
Imagine if you were a woman. Would you rather get fucked for a few minutes or get slowly killed with blades by a mexican cartel?

Maximum butthurt.


It's because biologically speaking an rogue male forcing his genes to pass on is threat to our species. When mating becomes simply a matter of domination, something men can easily accomplish, then what genes would we be selecting for?

This is where the horror is so strong with women, the idea of passing on dead-end genes is a threat greater than death.

>On an instinctive level this is extremely unacceptable to women, whose biological purpose to give birth to the children of the mate she carefully selects.
*gives birth to half-black baby*

Nah, it's not careful selection. Never was, that's cuck fantasies.
It's just that a pregnant woman with no man to provide for her is in deep shit.



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Because Steam doesn't want people to think they're enabling games about rape.

Naw dog, you're actively misrepresenting or inactively misunderstanding my argument.

>say that rape is worse than dying
>somehow I'm advocating for torture and mutilation

I'm sorry but your brain is fucked dude.

>torture = being killed
>rape is not a form of torture

You're so dumb I wish I had one of those wojak pictures with a black hole for a brain.

Yes, I am mad that literal nobrains like the actual niggers advocating rape are allowed to breed and probably simultaneously blame the world for creating fucked up women.

Once you're raped and it usually lasts a few minutes, it's done and you don't have to worry about it anymore.

Getting tortured and slowly killed lasts relatively long, is unimaginably painful and surreal and you have absolutely no control of it.

Natural selection does not inherently favor mind and intelligence.

Your genes aren't aware society is thing, it selects for survival in the wild essentially.

Brute strength is something women highly select for.

>"gives birth to black baby"
Well you're the authority of selection in women makes any sense. Clearly to that woman, the black man is a worthy mate even if everyone else knows it's a huge fucking mistake. The "judge" of "bad genes" is the woman and "bad" in the case of the woman is subjective.

The NPC meme pisses people off because it's a non-response in the form of the tired "sheeple" mentality people grow out of along with their teen angst. You can call anyone an NPC for anything and lower the discourse.

Angry numales will dismiss this even though this is as close as you can get to what's actually going on during and after rape.

>and society always holds sex as the most sacred act ever
not really though considering the amount of casual sex the majority of normal fags have

>it's done

Take a psych class dude.

What do women think about reddit spacing?

Does this attract mates?

I must know for personal reasons.

Murder is not always quick, numale.
Answer my question, pussy.
Would you rather get cut up violently for 5 minutes by insane mexicans or have sex with an unattractive male?

You do realize a significant portion of rapes end in murder right

Writing properly makes women hate you.
So they hate reddit spacing on reddit, but love it here.

They're made to wreck what's good and spread what's bad.

Being too lazy to construct proper paragraphs =/= reddit spacing, retard.

only incels are defending this game
prove me wrong protip you fucking cant

>Yes, I am mad that literal nobrains like the actual niggers advocating rape
No one is advocating rape. It's simply not the worst thing that can happen to someone, not even close.
You're so angry, numale.

This isn't making any sense.

Again, answer my question, numale.
Would you rather get killed by a mexican cartel or get fucked in the pussy?
That's all you need to think about and you'll quickly understand why when shit goes down you'd much rather take a dick than experience the stuff you see on liveleak.

>get cut up and die and it lasts 5 minutes
>don't have lifelong trauma because you're dead now
>get raped
>live with it the rest of your life


Calling anyone an incel means your opinion is worthless.

>it's why the NPC meme pisses people off so much. They don't wanna be reminded of this weakness.
Everything you said was correct except this. People hate the NPC meme because it's fucking stupid and extremely arrogant, like the sort of retard that calls other people "sheeple". It's not an instinctive response, it's annoyance at an inherently fallacious argument. It's a fallacy because its premise states that if you attempt to argue against it, you are the subject of the argument and thus cannot speak against it. It's a circular, self-devouring wank that has no logic to sustain itself.

>here's a choice based on reality
>you get to choose do you want to be raped or cut up for five minutes until you die
>a choice that rapists and murderers give you

dude you're a real hole-in-the-head sorta stupid

one time i fucked my grand pa

Holy shit you're such a triggered little faggot lmfao. You wouldn't even be here if your whore of a mother didn't rape that homeless guy. Keep crying bitch boy, your tears are delicious.

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This. Rape is bad, but if you absolutely must do it, have the decency to murder the woman when you're done.

Go back to kindergarten and restart your education from square one.

No woman on Earth would cry rape if it was this guy doing it.

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Significant, but not most. It's probably like 3%. It has nothing to do with anything. Try again, numale.

>yes, I am mad

Holy shit dude your mom shoulda hit altf4 on your life

Lots of rape victims are killed.

My sister would, the face is alright, altho a bit too square. She loves a good beard but she has nothing for too definite muscles.

>If you disagree with me, you are the boogeyman I have selected as everything wrong in the world

Be honest with yourself, numale. I know you want us all to think you'd rather be the poor mexican guy in a liveleak videos than have a penis in your vagina, but you know that's not true.

My first post addressed the concept of mercy killing and why it exists.

Boom, we're fucking done here. Seeya brainlet.

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Nice, now we only need to get rid of the rest of the shovelware. Based Steam making the first step in killing the low effort cancer.

My cousin was raped by what you literal fags would call a Chad and want to bang yourselves, and she definitely did not enjoy it.

This fucks with numales' minds.

Ask her if she orgasmed
Most "victims" do

You should be raped and then subsequently murdered for being such a weak, stupid little insect. You deserve worse :).

Boohoo bitch.

>creates a hypothetical situation that'll likely never happen
>you have to pick one of these two horrible things to happen to you
>me picking one changes how trauma works
>me picking one changes that once you're dead you don't have trauma
>me picking one changes that once you're raped you don't have trauma the rest of your life

Go read a book you fucking moron.

That makes no sense. You still haven't answered my question, but you know the answer.


For me, it's the In n' Out Cheeseburger. Fuck all of you non In n' Out fags.

>my sister
>my cousin

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To start with, no she didn't. Second, how in the fuck does an involuntary response caused by physical stimuli and not by conscious actions mean someone "enjoyed" being raped? Are you fucking retarded?

sorry i hurt your feelings you giant baby

How's highschool

Imagine getting this worked up from text on a screen written by strangers. A fine representative of braindead leftist trash.

Rape is somewhat bad and there are things much worse than rape.

>122 posts but 57 IPs

Have you actually not come around to the realization that creating a false dilemma has nothing to do with the outcomes of murder and rape?

If I pick one you'll still be wrong.

Everyone will die. Not everyone will get raped.

>For me, it's the In n' Out Cheeseburger. Fuck all of you non In n' Out fags.
Holy shit, what a faggot. Everyone knows that Chick Fil A is #1.

Chik-Fil-A is overpriced garbage and the patrician burger is Carl Jr's sliders.

how's middle school :^)

You're doing the same thing, numale.
>and she definitely did not enjoy it.
I believe you. It's like when you get your ass brutally beat in an unprovoked street fight. You don't enjoy it, but you move on.

Just passing by and thought I'd remind you that "numale" isn't an insult that came from here, it was brought here by the original wave of literal redditors /pol/ begged to come over during the original GG shitstorm. Anyone using the term is, in likelihood, either one of these redditors or a newfags that came after that and is attempting to fit in by copying them. It's the same place the "cuck" spam came from, as these redditors were too scared to call people faggots and wanted their own insult.
Just thought I'd share. Carry on, faggotrons.

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Because Rape Day was not as much of a game as it was straight up trolling.


Because we live in a society

Because you can't turn rape into engaging gameplay.

It's either gong to be-
A- a QTE
B- 'Press X to rape' followed by an autonomous action of two models awkwardly rubbing together
C- a minigame that breaks all immersion.

>Agnostic theist

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You've stopped making any sense a long time ago. Cool down a bit and try again.

Anyone else curious about how many women in these threads are against the "rape is worse than death" and feminist/liberal talking points in general?

Inb4 "hurr durr, no girls on the interbuttz". Every so often I see females in these threads speaking out against this shit and it actually warms my heart and it recenters my mind back in into a more reasonable state (everyone isn't out to get me), instead of (ME TRIBE GOOD, YOU TRIBE BAD *monkey screeches*")mentality. Same goes for minorities speaking out against the phony equality regressive leftists keep pushing on the world.

everyone will die, not everyone will get slapped in the face
i guess getting slapped is worse than getting killed

Lol, a lot of rape "victims" who achieve orgasm during rape struggle with cognitive dissonance on account of those feelings
Everybody tells them that they should be traumatized by the event, that rape is the absolute worst thing that could happen to a person, and they cannot reconcile those feelings with the fact that they felt sexual pleasure during the act
Maybe people should stop making it out to be such a big deal

I disagree. There's enough evidence in Japanese games with actual gameplay, that it CAN be done. Rape Day of course really doesn't have any gameplay.

They truly are.

Go back to school, homie. :^)

>It's like when you get your ass brutally beat in an unprovoked street fight. You don't enjoy it, but you move on.
It is different, at least for women getting raped, because we are raised to cherish the intimacy of sex. To be treated that roughly in a spot of their body they've been taught is for no one's use that they do not approve of is horrifying on a deep level to them. It's a feeling of powerlessness and a sense that they can no longer feel safe ever again, because with that powerlessness they're afraid any stranger they pass could do the same thing. Whether it's warranted could maybe be debated but there's no questioning the psychological damage is very real, user.

These arguments are full of people who are clearly selective in how they recognize nuance and apply slippery slope logic.

>woman with a family gets raped (or at least the modern american definition of rape)
>can have support from all of them, can have many things to live for and make herself and others happier
>woman gets killed
>traumatized children, the lives of relatives and father changed forever, no one can get over it ever
There's so much more to life than having someone do something horrible to you.

Which rape victims are you talking about? Which specific cases make you feel this way?

That's true. Where the problem arises is the kind of absolute retard that thinks because there are WORSE things that can happen to someone, there's nothing at all wrong with rape. That kind of contrarianism is middle schooler-tier stupid.

I don't understand all this drama. Rape is worse than murder.
I was killed once. I came out pretty ok.

Do you just bait for yous?

Not everyone will get raped.
Tell that to my wallet after the divorce. HEY OHHHH


The fuck? Expand on that.

It's more about the implications of having a game centered around putting a gun in someone's mouth and forcing yourself on them.

I agree with you OP, think about it like this,
when you're in a violent video game is presumed to be the case that you are the hero killing bad guys or monsters or whatever, but if that's not the case you are competing against another group of players.
It's really hard for me to explain but. If it's a scenario where you are killing innocent people, i am not really sure why. But when it comes to rape is suppose a lot of people see it as a bad thing because you are making a conscious effort to go and do that it has more to do with a power stance and typical it's a women. You're in control so it's bad, i guess.
Well i just assume it's more personal than just killing someone if that makes any sense. I really can't explain this phenomenon let's just say people are retarded and need to relax because it's just fiction.

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No I'm not like OP.

>Think the odds or there being something rather than nothing are higher, but am open to all ideas

I kind of want to play it. Where can I buy this shit and why hasn't anyone pirated it?

>argument is entirely based on name-calling
>calls others childish

perhaps the solution is to execute all women who get raped
it's the only merciful thing to do

The power of rape depends on who, where, and when.

This is an argument about what's worse. You like many other numales believe rape is absolutely the worst thing that can happen to you and I've mindfucked you so bad and proven you wrong so many times you're actually starting to write absolute nonsense.

A rusty blade and getting your balls cut off or penis in vagina.

The point is rape is bad, but it's nowhere near the worst thing that can happen to you. Why is it so difficult for you to accept this? You know it's true.

fuck off china man

sex should be sacred and whore like you should be killed

You're on to something that a lot of people have trouble understanding and articulating: A good guy kills bad guys while a bad guy kills innocent people. A bad guy rapes people while a good just wouldn't. The action of killing is seen more widely as a means to an end soon you can find it morally bad, but it's a more complex issue then just rape since under no circumstance would anyone but a bad guy rape.

>nothing is worse than Death.
You are so supremely stupid.

lmao okay bud but i don't think you were participating in the argument you think you are despite at least three people trying to course-correct you

fucking dummy

>society always holds sex as the most sacred act ever

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Not that guy but how old are you and how long have you been using Yea Forums?

Life is in itself the potential for happiness.


Watch this and weep

I'm still in the womb. How's it going?

I think they mean legally. Sex is legally complicated and protected. You can't even pay for it in most places.


If I raped you up your ass but gave you a reacharound while I did it you'd probably orgasm too, but that doesn't make it any less awful. What the fuck is your point?

Mercy killing literally exists. That in and of itself PROVES that there is shit worse than death and that it can even be preferable to the shit some people go through

I don't know about this game, but doesn't rapelay exist?

>That in and of itself PROVES that there is shit worse than death
and rape is not one of those things

>because there are WORSE things that can happen to someone, there's nothing at all wrong with rape.
When did I say this and why do you keep saying this? Rape is bad, but there are things that are objectively orders of magnitude worse.

People who desire euthanasia are mentally ill.

You keep ignoring a completely vital fact:
Happiness may very easily dip below 0. And when it does, it often goes much deeper into negatives than it ever went into positives.

That'd make it a little less awful, honestly
Also, anal rape is worse than vaginal rape; sodomy is unnatural and dangerous

I read the real article. That guy was 20 and the rape victim was 61, but they weren't related. The quote is real, though.

This is genius. How has no one thought of this?

if rape is so bad and death is preferable, why do men have over 4 times higher suicide rates than women

>he says, sitting from the cozy, central-heated comfort of his unlit bedroom...er sorry, "control center".


I'm not sure what you mean by this. Are you saying that we shouldn't look for new rape games or that the conversation should never be brought up again as a Japan only game from over a decade ago is somehow the same as a 2019 game steam refuses to sell?


Pretty good, raping chicks left and right

It is relevant to how easily baited you are into going full in on these debates and why you fixate on the word "numale" like you just learned it.

>Because society has turned rape into the worst possible thing that could happen to a person. You're not gonna catch anyone admitting that death is actually worse.

Can anyone logically explain why society makes rape worse than murder? I mean when you die you're permanently dead for the rest of eternity (at least that's what we believe). While rape is temporary? It doesn't make sense

projecting again

well it seems like his arguments made you pretty upset

I agree, as a femanon I wish the government made mandatory to kill me if I was raped, better to be killed than go on with the scar.

>I agree, as a femanon I wish the government made mandatory to kill me if I was raped, better to be killed than go on with the scar.

Are you being serious? Are the mental scars that bad?

You're mindfucked and you can't stop replying to me.

By your own logic I just made you upset.

Mercy killing is a choice, like having consensual sex. Being murdered and mercy killing are two completely different things.

>Are the mental scars that bad?
>actually asking this

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>Can anyone logically explain why society makes rape worse than murder?
Not society as a whole, just women.
Rape is obviously bad and it should be illegal and punishable by law. It's not worse than murder however and it's absolutely not the worst experience a human can have.

Everybody looks at me like I'm some kind of monster when I say that rape victims should just kill themselves, but honestly, it just makes sense

Gamers, business men, and men in general all worship women.

Women like being raped 99% of them cum during rape and it's the best orgasm of their life

>Being such a weak human being you'd rather give up and die than to overcome adversity
You're right, we'd be better off without cunts like you.

Rape is literally the number one fetish among women.

It reeks of truth, and you reek of mangina. Gross bro.

Because, despite the narrative that games don't cause violence, no one truly believes this. Deep down, everyone thinks that games have an influence on our culture. And no one wants to be the one who contributes to the culture of rape.

>rape ruins a woman and turns her into an incapable mental wreck forever
>25% of women have been raped

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Why do women have the right to have double standards when it comes to abuse and discrimination against women? They will defend and protect themselves but when it comes to the opposite sex (males) they don't even care.

And sometimes when you ask this they'll go into victim mode and say that women have it worse than men.

And this same type of attitude happens in even casual conversation and it's not even about abuse. For an example a girl will say she works harder than you without knowing the other person (who is male)

Nah I was pretending to be retarded in that post

>actual rape apologia ITT
fuck this site, you're all fucking disgusting

Yes you shitlord. Imagine someone stronger than you who desired you roughing you up a little but without any serious injury.
Worse than death.

>name 1 (one) thing that is worth living for, 1

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Imagine some big strong woman pulling you into an alley, pushing you up against a wall, and FORCING you to penetrate her without even asking for your permission
How awful

user, there are literally people on this site who've been sexually abused and molested from single digit ages and have turned out
way better (sometimes even perfectly fine) than women who had one night stands and called it rape later because they regretted it.

How in the hell do you explain such a radical difference in the human experience without putting the blame on social engineering or social conditioning?

"Rape is worse than murder" is literally the result of first world coddling. It's literally the same fucking reason rich mother fuckers jumped out of buildings during the great depression, because those fuckers were used to such a lax, higher standard, that they could not handle an existence with ANY DISCOMFORT.

Ask yourself this. If this shit is a horrible as people make it out to be, then why didn't the world burn down in flame thousands of years ago?

Why didn't every civilization on earth immediately collapse thousands of years ago?

How in the hell are we enjoying a modern civilization built on those old civilizations if they didn't collapse immediately?

Rape and getting into a violent fight with someone are literally the same. Both situations get both people injured. Rape you get a little bruised up and you get sexually penetrated and you survived. Meanwhile a violent physical confrontation can be just as traumatic, right? Worse case scenario you get knocked out. Why can't we make physical confrontation just as bad as rape?

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It's a combination of factors. Women are physically weaker than men so society steps in to side with them more often, we're protective of them on this subject. Also a raped woman could become pregnant with her rapist's child. Women are also raped more often than men, or at least it is reported more often than men and feminist groups have been encouraging men to come out against their abuser too.

But yes, it is a double standard, but double standards form around real differences.

Honestly, it's less about women being cunts and more about men being cunts to each other.
A great deal of men will take every chance to shit on others to make themselves look better. As in, shitting on entire mankind except self.
Women shit on individual women and backstab each other, but they still band up to fight for womankind.

MRAs tried to even up the scores, but they got laughed at.
Often not by mad feminists who feared for their privileges, but by numales who wanted to "masculinity signal" by showing how much they respect women and laugh at idea of fighting for rights of men.

It's not that women don't suck, but a great deal, if not most, of anti-male sentiment comes from males.

Video games.

So you don't mind then if a guy fucks your ass right? It's just a hole, so who cares, right?

Humans are programmed to reproduce, happiness is just a reward system

>tfw no one makes a aaa quality game where the player (male) gets raped by big burly men

White women can't be raped rape is sexual assault + power

>Rape happens.Even more often than other forms of violence
That's exactly why.

The ass is not made to receive dicks, in spite of all your highly progressive miseducation has taught you

What would you rather have? Someone beating the shit out of you into a bleeding pulp, the perpetrator gets a misdemeanor. Or, some man rapes you only having a few scratches. The man gets 20 years to life for it. What is seriously worse? The dude raping you is just looking for a nut. Meanwhile the actual violent confrontation could have seriously killed you?

That means it should be even less traumatic for you then.

>Why can't we make physical confrontation just as bad as rape?
Because being attacked and used for sexual pleasure is worse than just being attacked. I sure as hell hope courts try people who stab people, hold them down, and shit in the open wound worse than people who just stab people. I mean we have multiple definitions and words for the act of ending a life for a reason and they're all judged differently.

The big problem with it is that it still frequently happens even in civilized society and that's why it hits quite close to home. You know the whole story with if shit is in the toilet it's fine, but when I wake up and find shit on my dinner table then we have a problem.

If it's so much worse than death or even murder, why don't all rape victims kill themselves?
It's weird that for example suicide rate of transgender people is higher than rape victim suicide rate.

Is being transgender worse than being raped? I mean, if rape is worse than murder than surely most rape victims would commit suicide because surely rape victims would much rather be dead than continue living.

That's not the case, though. 30% contemplate it and only 13% attempt it, but we don't have a percentage on successful suicides, but we can guess.

We know men are much more likely to successfully suicide so it's only logical to assume that of those 13% only a fraction actually goes through with it because most rape victims are women.

Either way, weird, huh?

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>What is seriously worse? The dude raping you is just looking for a nut. Meanwhile the actual violent confrontation could have seriously killed you?

You seriously sound mentally warped and retarded if you can't get why rape would actually be worse to most people considering what it entails

I was molested as a young boy and I turned out relatively normal.

If anything all its done is turn me into a complete pervert. With sex addiction

Sure I hate the guy who did it and if i saw them I'd probably stab them in the dick. But other than that I really dont give a shit

Yes, similarly driving my car into the pond is less traumatic than the car-port because reasons.

there is no game about murdering people slowly
as in following an individual, being aware that their are human beings with free will and fear of death, then slowly plot to take that away with a great set of details
Name one(1) game where you can follow an innocent person, stab them in the throat and watch them puke their blood for five minutes

>If it's so much worse than death or even murder, why don't all rape victims kill themselves?

Being alive and having no limbs or no eyesight is pretty shit, but people manage to struggle and survive through it, same goes for this. Also some rape victims do kill themselves, or end up severely mentally scarred from it.

Men decide everything in this world. Women are only as privileged and powerful as man allow them to be.

Men care about women and children than men. It's all there is to it.

>Get forced to have sex
>The same as being punched once in the throat which can fucking kill you.

>Black man can't get a gf
I thought we all liked the BBC

So the guys defending rape here, I take it if you had a gf or wife you actually gave a shit about, and you saw some guy raping her, you wouldn't care, since it's no big deal right?

My post is serious. Can you elaborate? People get attacked daily in big cities in very horrible and heinous crimes but since it's so common amongst men no one reports on it. But, OH OH, some girl gets raped and barely gets any bruises or scratches and somehow her life is somehow traumatized.

I've been attacked by a bunch of Mexicans and it scarred me for life.. So why isn't my violent moment not as bad as rape?

If i saw someone purse-snatch my hypothetical gf or wife i would give them a savage beating.

This is why the conversation isn't over and the case isn't closed when it comes to sex and violence in video games. It's inconvenient to admit it here, but the difference in simulation in terms of user input and quality will increase and become more realistic. I don't think it'll change people much for the worse, but I really don't know. What if a game was able to feel just like war? Would it be possible for some people to develop PTSD from it? Would it make some people more violent? It's easy to say know because I want access to this game, but the honest answer for everyone is that we just do not know.

>Get forced to have sex
>The same as being knocked out, choked out, being stabbed to death. Multiple drunk people at a bar attack you, stealing your wallet and car keys, people curb stomping you to death

I'm not bothered when I see a homeless guy pissing on the street, but I'd be bothered if a homeless guy pissed on my carpet.

I'd much rather take it up the ass than get brutally murdered. If I had a vagina it would be a no brainer.
And you know male ass is not the same as a vagina. Getting fucked in the vagina is nothing.
A mouth is just another hole, but I'd much rather get fucked in the mouth than my ass.

I'm not saying rape isn't bad, but there are worse things. That's all I'm saying and you're so angry.

Why not join in on the rape user?

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more like
>Hows the massacre in tienamen square?

>Thinking that something is worse than another thing means that said thing isn't bad at all


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You got my attention, explain

no one is saying rape is fine
or are you saying murder is no big deal
if you saw someone murder your wife/gf, you wouldnt give a shit
it's just murder, he didnt rape her so it's fine

Yes, the same as getting fucked in the mouth is better than getting fucked in the ass.

I don't get it, are you agreeing with me? I meant that it's worse to be attacked than raped.

Steam has a reputation to keep and decided it didn't want the scary rape game in its catalogue. I'm sure you can play it another way if you really cared, it's not some illegal game as far as I'm aware.

actually based


I'd give a shit
I'd change locks in my doors and cut all contact with her

Is it?
There is no prostate anywhere near mouth.

Oh ok that makes sense. And to be fair I'm sure there's some situations where rape can be as worse as a typical violent attack. Like they get the entire package of being beaten the shit out of the person and rape them. But I mostly agree with you too

Not that guy but they're already treated differently legally. The ability to kill and rape in a video game are treated differently for nuanced reasons like

More accurately, it's like somebody pulling their car into your driveway without consent v. driving it through your living room. Not sure what point they thought they were making there.

only an extremely sheltered person would think rape is worse than murder

>Sure I hate the guy who did it and if i saw them I'd probably stab them in the dick
It's normal. Of course you hate him. I also hate an older kid who kicked my ass really bad in high school and I want to find him and fuck him up.
I was traumatized a bit by that beating. It made me mistrust people and I do worry about getting my ass beat again. When I'm alone outside at night I look over my shoulder all the time.

Honest question, do you guys really think it's chinese shills and not just shitposters? I called some dude a dumbass virgin and he called me a woman and I'm pretty sure he wasn't baiting. I've also noticed people have stopped using Reddit as an insult since 2016 and replaced it with Discord. What's the deal?

Again, I'm not defending rape. Why do you keep repeating this? Rape is bad, there are other things much worse than rape.

>So why isn't my violent moment not as bad as rape?
Because you're not a woman. This is unironically the only reason why.

>Rape is bad, there are other things much worse than rape.
saying that means you're a rape defender and probably a rapist as well
that's how these people operate, they are immune to logic

So it says that you can buy the game on the site rn but it's refusing to connect to humble bumble. Did it get taken down that fast?

Y'all got a torrent file yet?

If you die it's over, there is no pain or anything. If you get raped, you have to life with the trauma and shit for the rest of your life. Feeling nothing > feeling pain.

Real pedophiles
cover their asses. They attack everyone that isnt a child molester like them. That is why.

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That's not the reason rape is seen in such a bad light you moron.
Murder can be justified, rape can not.

Why is rape not allowed to traumatize someone? I don't disagree with you on everything else though.

There are in fact people so fucked in the head they think assaulting their sister or cousin is acceptable. Since they are under 18 this shit is often kept secret from the public. Kids commit plenty of crimes. They are too young to publicize.

Depends on how badly you were beaten. There are light beatings that shouldn't tramatize you. There's no light rape. It's binary.

Why not just shoot up some cocaine?

>Why is rape not allowed to traumatize someone?

I'm sure there's some levels of trauma behind rape, without a doubt. But making it seem like it's a lot worse than a violent confrontation is such a joke. And it's unfair that since a woman got raped it's somehow worse than anything in the world.

>Feeling nothing > feeling pain
If rape is worse than violently dying why does only a relatively small percentage of rape victims kill themselves? Why don't all or at least most rape victims commit suicide?

This is actually making a pretty good point on the topic. The act of killing can be used by all sorts of people, good or bad, as can torture. Rape is an act civilized society finds so evil that under no circumstance does a good guy rape. It's funny that in even children's media there has been rape implications where the bad guy (supposedly) gets what he deserves, but never is it the good guy raping a bad guy.

If I get beaten really badly by say 5 men or a man I had no chance of defending myself against I have to live with that trauma.
It happens all the time to men and not just men, but also teenage boys. Is it worse than death?

This guygets it

>There's no light rape.
If you gave affirmative consent while drunk--which I understand is not legal consent--and participated actively in the sex act, then that'd be comparatively light rape to somebody who had their teeth smashed in and was orally fucked unconscious.

dunno. Maybe therapy works or their basic survival instincts are too strong?

I think you can say so.

To live is to feel pain, get used to it, fruitcake.

I'm sure it's all very young people saying that you are better off death, since they don't understand any of the implications of that, probably the same cynical "nothing ever matters brah, life is meaningless" crowd.

>rape can not be justified
Evil woman gets raped.

Murder can indeed be justified. But let's compare murdering an old innocent man to raping a woman. Why is rape worse?

There would be some heavy implications if every story ended in the good guy fucking the bad guy in the ass.

That doesn't answer anything.

>There's no light rape. It's binary.
so getting gangraped by a pack of niggers is the same as a 2 minute rape by some tiny dicked chinese man

Not that guy, but as far as video games are concerned, a game about pulling a trigger and graphically ending a life is more palatable than a game where you just beat and abuse someone endlessly in a surprisingly complex game that's really a cruelty sim.

Right, so we can agree that getting beaten really badly and raped is equally bad?

>Implying those males aren't self proclaimed feminists, shooting down anything that threatens their sacred cow.

Also I love how people like you come out of the wood work and make it impossible to fame this situation as a sin from females and feminism. You always find a way to turn it on it's head where males are the main aggressors and females are still the victims.

I mean it's not like there aren't a bunch of yahoo answers pages with women asking other women how to entrap males into relationships to divorce rape them so they can live the easy life on someone elses dime AND PEOPLE FUCKING GIVING THEM TIPS ON HOW TO DO IT.

And there definitely isn't entire subreddits of females with thousands of members who exchange tips and tricks on how to tamper with condoms and screw over males with child support.

And women NEVER EVER EVER help eachother learn how to self harm and take photos of themselves to give themselves an auto-win in legal disputes.

You're implying that rape victims are doomed to a life of unhappiness, which couldn't be farther from the truth.

>They attack everyone that isnt a child molester like them.
Why would they attack everyone? It would weaken their ability to scapegoat.
They pick one target group, vilify it, blame rapes on it, then hide outside this group.
Catholic church is a perfect example of a pedo organization at work. Though now that it is very slowly being purged, we may see other scapegoats and other pedo cults.

Pedophiles love religions because they offer all that they need:
>access to victims
>explanations for weird behaviors
>explanations for weird children behaviors
>pretense of goodness

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>2 minute rape by some tiny dicked chinese man
This is actually worse for women.

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>then that'd be comparatively light rape to somebody who had their teeth smashed in and was orally fucked unconscious.
What that user is trying to say is that the long lasting shame and trauma of rape is still there no matter what the circumstances of your rape were, and less about the physical harm. They're separate things.

>evil acts are justified if performed on evil people
t. american justice system

>Murder can be justified, rape can not.
that doesnt make any sense
if murder is acceptable as a punishment, then why not rape?
when is murder justified according to you?

>If rape is worse than violently dying why does only a relatively small percentage of rape victims kill themselves? Why don't all or at least most rape victims commit suicide?

This is something I honestly don't understand. Why do rape victims kill themselves? My guess is being raped as a child can be a contributing factor and or it could be familial incest situation

It would make Batman make more sense.

Yea Forums changes its boogeyman every few years

>Maybe therapy works or their basic survival instincts are too strong?
i guess rape isnt that bad then
you cant treat death with therapy

So you're saying me getting my ass kicked unprovoked by a mentally ill pro MMA fighter is worse than getting killed? I know you know this is not true, now think about rape.

Rape isnt worse than murder but rape is a form torture which can get you more jail time than murder to begin with.

Everyone know murder is bad but you have a lot of people saying rape isnt that bad or trying to make it seem like not that bad. "atleast you were not murdered" Its a crime that is either taken very seriously or not seriously at all. You have to treat it worse in society or else it would never be taken seriously as it already struggles to be (male prison rape rates, low jail times, rape kit back logs)

>some women suck so women are doing all the evil
Learn to logic nigga
Women suck, but they don't shape society all that much. If men didn't backstab each other, women wouldn't sheepishly ape them.

>>Implying those males aren't self proclaimed feminists
This only supports my point.
Plenty of cucks who will eat any shit, as long as it came from a female anus.
It's not women who make prisons, mandatory military service, retarded expectations of masculinity. It's cucks who want to prove to women that they're better than other men.

I never got the drunk = rape shit, sure if they're out of their mind drunk but if being drunk means you can't consent then I've been raped plenty as has at least half the world's population

Dear god, someone understands. Thank you based user

>Maybe therapy works or their basic survival instincts are too strong?
So dealing with rape is better than being dead for the vast majority of rape victims.
If rape is so unimaginably bad, surely survival instincts would simply not be enough to stop them from killing themselves.

consent only applies to women and children
legally women are the same as children

You're moving the goalposts if you're the same user.

Murder can be justified if it's an evil person getting killed. For example a child molester.

Raping an evil woman can then be justified in a similar way.

Just look at that face and tell me there's a single lucid thought in there.

This. It's literally "you laugh at me because I'm different, I laugh at you because you're all the same" for the new generation.

>all of this shit could have been avoided if valve didn't fucking allow porn on steam
What was even the point of allowing porn games on steam if all we get are shitty rpgm cuck games from japan. Fuck everything that has come from this change of policy.

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Because in cucked countries regret=rape, funny how despite trying to make people more aware of rape that only makes it more trivial.

>Shitty asset flip game with Out of box UI and claims its going to be the next GTA

Game was pure trolling and steam doesnt need to put themselves at risk of both legal and societal blow back to put it up. The game can still exist, its not banned from existing just that they wont host it. Just like rape being illegal its illegal to force someone to sell your product

Right because rape is done for pleasure. It's one thing to kill or justice torture someone, but sex is a personal, pleasurable act that when combined with violence is nothing but sadistic and purely cruel as you're trading their pain for your sexual pleasure in the most direct, primal way. It's more fucked up than a hero tracking down the one who murdered his family and kneecapping him before finishing him off. We understand that he inflicted extra pain his one pleasure his own sense of justice, but forcing himself on him to derive sexual pleasure would be sick.

is a rapist a moral person if they only rape evil people?

I mean death is acceptable as a punishment while maiming or flogging is seen as wrong in a fair few Yank states. I bet if you asked crims whether they'd prefer to be whipped or do jail time a decent amount would pick the former

>it would never be taken seriously as it already struggles to be
Doesn't this simply tell you that it really isn't as bad as women and whiteknights want you to believe? It's not worse than murder and murder has always been taken seriously.
You're actually delusional if you don't think it's taken extremely seriously.

yeah i guess torture isnt as bad as some people make it out to be because we as society still practice it and many support it when it comes to people who may be innocents

>Rape happens.Even more often than other forms of violence
Prove it, faggot. And I don't mean bitches that changed their mind the next day and retroactively revoked consent, I mean police reports, hospitalization, and rape kits substantiating the claim.

Even so, it's foolish to say that it's 'binary.' I was raped as a kid by my babysitter's son--mind, he didn't penetrate or hurt me, I was just too young to oppose his advances or even to know what he was doing. I wouldn't say that I was 'traumatized' and I expect that I would have been if he had been violent or if I had been older.
Not all rapes are equally traumatic, physically or emotionally.

And then clown world is "I'm not like the other girls". It's all basic bitch trash.

That never really made sense to me, odds are at a party or whatever both involved are drunk. If two drunk people are fucking are they legally raping each other?

>a male-dominated society being dismissive of rape is proof that rape isn't that bad
wew now there's a hot take

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>In the city filled with sluts, divorcees, welfare queens, sociopathic manipulators and used up slags, it seems that justice is asleep
>But there is hope, a hero who wears no cape but a trenchcoast: the Duckman

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If both the man and the woman are drunk, but conscious, how is it rape? Can it be argued that maybe he's the one being raped?
Apparently alcohol makes it impossible to do what you really want and make the choices you actually want to make. Is the man really committing rape then?
Why are drunk women treated so differently from drunk men?
Is it rape if a drunk woman is the one who initiates sex with a drunk man and how can any of this be proven if both are drunk?

>If two drunk people are fucking are they legally raping each other?
no, it only applies to men
women arent legally responsible for anything they do

It often comes down to who instigated and how the sex happened.

Is a murderer?

Either way, my point stands. Both rape and murder can be "justified" in exactly the same way.

Not that guy but maybe I missed it, how do you justify rape?

>a male-dominated society being dismissive of rape
If you actually believe this you're insane.
Rape is objectively seen as one of the worst things in the world, next to child molestation.

not that guy, but how do you justify murder?

Because men are the last socially acceptable punching bags left.
A man can protest having half the skin on his dick flayed off and be met with laughter.
A woman fucks someone and kind of regrets it and she's an oppressed victim.
Men are more disposable than ever nowadays, never forget that.

Rape is a misogynistic hate crime. Violence is something anyone can do to anyone, but rape is a result of constant male efforts to normalize rape and hatred of women. We have rapists in the White House and the Supreme court but we would never have a murderer (veterans don't count because everyone expects there to be death in wars).

Violence is everyone v everyone. Rape is something almost only men do, mostly to women, and millions of men all over the world are constantly coming up with excuses for rape, molestation and harassment, and ways to mock and threaten women who complain about these crimes.

Do you shed those same tears for males getting raped in prison?

yes, and the AIDS they all get as a result

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>Rape is objectively seen as one of the worst things in the world,

Men were allowed to rape their wives until quite recently in the US, and sex criminals get away constantly. THey even become president.

women = children

I truly believe that murder is worse than rape, you have to be retarded to think rape is more justifiable than murder though, since you get nothing out of it unless you're just fucked in the head. A killer is chasing you, what would you rather do?
a) Shoot them with a gun
b) Rape them

Nope, but then again one of my dearest wishes is that every convict in America escaped simultaneously and killed every prison guard on their way out.

well if you're capable of raping them, then you probably dont need to kill them

Self defense. Court ordered execution. War between nations. All the shit that happened in Max Payne. I'm not sure how you're supposed to rape in self defense, why I court would conclude someone must be raped, people putting down their weapons and raping each other as a war game is absurd, and rape wouldn't get Max Payne very far.

>Men were allowed to rape their wives until quite recently in the US
This should tell you something. I think you know what, but you'll immediately reply with "patriarchy" because you're a mentally ill redditor.
>and sex criminals get away constantly.
No sources, no statistics, no facts, nothing.
>THey even become president.

People like you will never be satisfied. Just look at the reactions this game has caused and seriously tell me you're a victim.
You are the eternal victim.

and yet we have people ITT saying that it can't be that bad because most rape victims don't kill themselves

You don't need to rape them either if you're looking at it that way.

since you're fine with executions and war, why wouldnt rape be used as a punishment
or an interrogation method

I'm not sure if anyone in this thread has ever even seen a woman. On one hand it's hilarious, on the other it's scary how they have the right to vote.
Anyway, I rarely see any games that depict death as anything else than self defense. Only thing that comes to mind is "Hatred" and that game has been ridiculed to death.
What was the last time rape was used as self defense?

>This should tell you something.
What should it tell? Do you genuinely believe it's okay to force sexual intercourse with someone who doesn't want it?

You did miss it, go back a few replies.
Rape can be justified the same way society often justifies murder.
For example raping an evil woman.

Vast majority of casual-sex-havers don't have AIDS.
Not even the san-francisco weirdos who dress in leather in public.

>rape their wives
it's absolutely crazy that this is a thing
if you marry someone, then you should expect to have sex with them
it's not rape
dont get married if you dont want to fuck them

I just realized that this mindset is exactly why it's OK to rape children in christian and muslim societies.

Pregnant girl in alley this morning, needle hole in burst condom. This city's afraid of me. I've seen its true face. The streets are extended gutters and the gutters are full of cum. And when the drains finally congeal, all the vermin will drown. The accumulated filth of all their sex and murder will foam up around their waists; I'll look down on the whores and politicians and ask "Fancy a shag?" And they'll scream "No!"

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>dissing mandatory service
Who will keep you safe from invaders?
Also I don't see women fighting for equal draft
>dissing prisons
I agree prisons need to shift from revenge based justice to redemption based justice but I also see a shitload of people men AND women applauding and wishing RAPE on people who get sent to prison especially for sex crimes.

>Just look at the reactions this game has caused

Automatic defending and complains of censorship, because today's conservatives and libertarians are motivated mainly by pure sadism and want bigotted, hateful and intentionally offensive things to have as much exposure and legitimacy as possible, while anything that rejects bigotry and discrimination is relentlessly hated and demonized (like the reaction to Sony celebrating Pride day).

>Also, anal rape is worse than vaginal rape; sodomy is unnatural and dangerous

Many species of animals (male) sodomize each other to express dominance or to bond with group members.

Plus you have a prostate in there that will make you orgasm and is a natural part of your biology. You sound like a prude.

Because the rapist derives sexual pleasure from it in a way that's direct and easy to prove instead of vague and more formal like traditional punishments and interrogation methods.

It's not as bad as numales like you think it is.
Murder is objectively worse.

>it's scary how they have the right to vote.
I'm more scared that men, aka the ones who initiated 99% of all wars, the ones who commit the majority of all crimes, have the right to vote, desu.

I don't recall one of the Ten Commandments being "Thou shalt not rape." One of them is "Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor," however, so women who make false rape claims are literally going to Hell while rapists can repent and spend eternity in paradise.

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torture is useless for interrogation since people will say literally anything to make it stop. there's a reason that so many people "confessed" to being witches during that period of history

If woman marries you you're not consenting to her raping your ass with dildo every night. Marriage is not consent to sex.

yea im gonna go ahead and say that's false, especially now that transferring an std is no longer a felony in cali

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And this is why I don't listen to right-wingers screaming about Somalians and Latinos raping White women :)

>I don't see women fighting for equal draft

I don't see men fighting to reduce the percentage of women (30-40 %) who experience physical harassment or worse in their lifetimes. If you can't show compassion, you get no compassion, that's how it works.

>it's scary how they have the right to vote.
If you're talking about women, you're 100% right. There's a reason they were kept out of politics for thousands of years.
It's like giving children the right to vote. Massive mistake.

Are you implying at LEAST 25% of modern women aren't incapable of being good life partners?

A massive minority of men who commit rape see any consequences so it's only fair if women get in a few hits.

So is this game any good? I've only played Japanese Visual Novel Rape games such as Rapelay, Itazura Gokuaku, Semen Inferno, Euphoria.

How does this game hold up in terms of story and quality rape?

>Also I don't see women fighting for equal draft
Most are against the draft as it's toxic masculinity in action that sees men as brutes first and people second.

>Not all rapes are equally traumatic, physically or emotionally.
I never claimed that.
People cope with it in different ways, and will change based on the circumstance. It

It's not a mindset. It's objectively true. Women are no different than children.

because Rape Day was a false flag

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>Also I don't see women fighting for equal draft
Funny, i see only women fighting to abolish it for everyone completely.

I'm not saying otherwise you absolute mongoloid, I'm asking why you think it's okay to do so.
>It's not as bad as numales like you think it is.
Why are you calling me a numale? I asked you a fucking question. How is it that you can say how bad it is or isn't? Were you raped before?

It's not a contractual agreement that you lose all agency over your body.

Both are correct. In fact, only hermaphrodites should be allowed to vote. You need to be both sexes to get the full picture.

It's rape if you currently do not want to have sex. Not everyone is a constantly horny degenerate.

>tells a falsehood
>calls it true
Oldest trick

But who has won in the end?
>intentionally offensive things to have as much exposure and legitimacy as possible

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Yes. I was in prison with some dumb ass nigger who gunned down his stepdad because he told him to stop eating all of his eggs one morning (we'd always joke that you should watch out for this dude around easter...)

yet he was still delusional to think he was gonna get out and live with his mom.

he also randomly pulled up on me one day needing to "AXE" me a serious question.

And it was whether or not his HAIR WOULD GROW BACK ( he got a bad haircut )

He looked young (19), but was like 36...seriously one of the dumbest mother fuckers I met.

His name was Neil...I forget his last name...but they only gave him like 11 or 14 years for his faggotry.

>Who will keep you safe from invaders?
Professional soldiers
Certainly not wasting months of lives of young men who are still getting their lives together.
It's not a coincidence that countries where mandatory service is a thing have median women make more money and hold more power than median men.
In Singapore and Russia, employers actually discriminate against men who haven't yet done their military waste of time and may randomly become unavailable for work for a few months.

>Also I don't see women fighting for equal draft
Why would they do this shit? Why would anyone make their lives worse for no reason?
Women are less cucked than cucks. They don't try to fuck over women as a whole to "prove" a retarded point, unlike military bootlicker retards.

>but I also see a shitload of people men AND women applauding and wishing RAPE on people who get sent to prison especially for sex crimes
Roasties go berserk around rapists, but it's generally men who dehumanize other men who commit lesser crimes.
"Tough on crime" retards tend to be men.

Existence is suffering. A final death would be a sweet release.

I don't think toxic masculinity is a problem here. Completely deleting month for people's lives to have them indoctrinated into retarded patriotic ideals is kind of a bigger problem desu.
Mandatory drafts should be abolished worldwide

>If you can't show compassion, you get no compassion, that's how it works.

>Implying I can't pull up counters to this that will put the ball back in your court.
>Implying tit for tat justification isn't an eternal ping pong battle that can go back to the very moment humans crawled out of the primordial sludge billions of years ago.

>I'm asking why you think it's okay to do so.
I don't think it's ok to rape. I just think murder is far worse and that rape is not as bad as women and numales want everyone to think.

Because there is no reason to have it except as a simulator for people fucked in the head. If you play games solely as killing simulators you are fucked in the head too. Killing makes sense in the context of good gameplay or compelling stories, rape does not.


I wish I could find this guys shit...but you can't type in first names, just first initials...If I could break it down by complex I could find him...but there is no way im going to find a now nearly decade old news story...I dont even know what town it was in...(Was in AZ though for sure)

You have to ask? It's babby's first Ren'Py project with screenshots of some ugly 3D models. There are obvious ESL-style grammatical errors in the screenshots they used for the store page, so I don't have much confidence that the rest of the writing will be much better.

The one post in this thread that makes any goddamn sense.

Murder is justifiable i.e. self-defense, war, survival

Rape is NOT justifiable

Men have given you everything you have today. All the power, privilege and rights. They were given to you by men and your status in this world as a woman relies entirely on the will of men.

Just remember that the will of men has a tendency to change over time. One way, then the other.

Stop believing in memes and check stats.
Even if you pick the cherriest of cherries, you're still left with blacks having 4 times the AIDS infection rate of whites, which means that white rate must be below 25%.

>incels: the thread

That's what a christian priest says before he tries to impregnate a prepubescent boy.

>Men are more disposable than ever nowadays
No. Men have it easier than ever. In old days men were slaves that lived in coal mines and were left there if they died.

then why do many movies and tv shows get away with showing rape?
it's far more likely for someone to accidentally stumble upon a movie or tv show with a rape scene than it is for someone to accidentally stumble upon a rape game

>Men have given you everything you have today. All the power, privilege and rights
>They were given to you by men
So this is the kind of imaginary world right-wingers live in, huh

>Automatic defending and complains of censorship, because today's conservatives and libertarians are motivated mainly by pure sadism

Look at how you're sounding you're generalizing people. "Sadism" takes all forms and shapes. Just because you disagree with someones political beliefs not every fucked up thing in your life revolves around the opposing political party. This is why no one takes you seriously you lack life experience.

To end the tale though. I was friends with a nigger in there (despite other races not being supposed to interact largely) because that nigga played Suikoden 2. Lol...he was in there for murder. Some low level wanna-B hitman shit. Killed some Ratheon missle employee guy for some reason...anyways...he got 14 years...was supposed to pay 4million is restitution (for the lost wages of the guy he killed to his surviving family) but somehow got it down to a mere 400. LOL "Justice".

Bottom pic seems like a fun ass party, bet they're a good time.

Slaves were pretty valuable, though.
Nowadays men aren't even needed for families.

>fat person on team scary liberals
Does Zyklon Ben know that Sarah Palin drank a big gulp on stage to the applause of Amerifats and the burger-in-chief provides all you can eat fast food for athletes? It's strange that the republicans are the pro-fatass party and the dems are the anti-jewish party. Trump even said so himself.

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>I don't see men fighting to reduce the percentage of women (30-40 %) who experience physical harassment or worse in their lifetimes.

What the fuck am I gonna do, become the Punisher and hunt down rapists?

Because using it as a mechanism to advance a plot is not the same as a rape simulator.

Cause movies they are showing rape is bad, games you are in control and are the one raping people

>then why do many movies and tv shows get away with showing rape?
Because they frame as a bad thing that it is and show it most of the time from the POV of the victim you're meant to sympathise with.

Killing is incredibly easy to justify.
Defending others.
Resisting illegitimate authority.
Being a soldier in general.

All of these are very common in games.
However many games feature unjustified killing as well, and no one bats an eye. And therein lies the hypocrisy.

That has literally nothing to do with that post. The rape in those movies is never justified, retard. It's always considered a bad thing.

not spending a saturday anonymously arguing that rape isn't that bad could be a place to start

Rape isn't erotic and is hardly shown, mostly implied in these movies. Rape in a game where you play as the rapist and the goal is to rape is different.

rape is still considered a bad thing in Rape Day as far as I know

women are subhuman and thus raping them for your own satisfaction is always justifiable

Attached: christcuck get fucked.jpg (1258x1143, 769K)

What were you in for bro?

This is bait, right?
>Rape is a misogynistic hate crime
>normalize rape hatred of woman
>orange man is a rapist
>Rape is something almost only men do
Rape can and has happened to both genders, ya twat.

Attached: Why are you here.jpg (586x720, 82K)

killing can at least be justified sometimes. How can you justify rape at all?

but if you're saying Rape Day was removed because rape is unjustifiable but they do it in movies despite being unjustifiable, why are those movies and tv shows allowed to operate and be aired?

>Tfw I'm so desperate I want to fuck this old co worker lady because she's got a nice big ass and short as hell

I'm so fucking lonely Bros. I've turned to traps and now this. I want to fuck a cute girl.

>Rape can and has happened to both genders, ya twat.
True, yet it happens disproportionally more to women. Same way as despite police killings affecting all races, it is blacks that are affected disproportionally more than others.

>Also some rape victims do kill themselves, or end up severely mentally scarred from it.
You'd expect it to be a big percentage of people, but it's relatively small.

the "murder" doesn't just serve as a punishment for the criminal, it's ostensibly supposed to make society at large safer by ensuring they can't inflict any more harm. society doesn't benefit from evil people being tortured

>google it
>mfw its happened more than once with niggers
Also yes they were related

Attached: nigger rapist 8.png (1143x595, 600K)

>rape is a result of constant male efforts to normalize rape and hatred of women
aand stopped reading there
you have no idea what you're talking about

>True, yet it happens disproportionally more to women.
Not in 'murka, where most rape happens in prisons.

Because they aren't rape games. They aren't even rape movies.

These mental gymnastics are hilarious as fuck when Murder and Rape falls under the same case of assault. Its literally only shun because its sex related.

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But she's gone, user

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You're probably trying to bait, but whether you intened or not everything you wrote is accurate.


Goth girls with fat tits

>but if you're saying Rape Day was removed because rape is unjustifiable
I didn't say that at all. The goal of Rape Day is to rape, the protagonist of the game is a rapist. No movie has a rapist protagonist raping people everywhere they go. That's the difference. Rape in movies isn't justified in the context of the movie, the character being raped is seen as the sympathetic victim, no one is blaming that person for being raped.

Women get raped in prisons too, you know. And in mental institutions. Mostly by guards/personnel, who are males.

if there was a movie that was filmed from the perspective of a rapist going around assaulting people then it would get the same reception that this game did

>I don't see men fighting to reduce the percentage of women (30-40 %) who experience physical harassment or worse in their lifetimes. If you can't show compassion, you get no compassion, that's how it works.




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Women get raped more and if you dislike anything relating to women or don't support them then you're a bad person in today's society

Weebs won't reply to this

Vast majority of prisoners are men

All the result of women's work and strikes.

Not every prisoner is raped. Also the vast majority of rape occurs at home, and by a person victim knows.

It is since it normalizes the idea that men are expendable fighters.

>"Boys you can break. You find out how much they can take. Boys carry on. Boys soldier on."

Okay, I'll concede my point for context but what I'm not understanding is why you are okay with limited the type of games people are allowed to purchase and play in their privacy?
>rape can't add to or help create a compelling story
>The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

The answer is simple. Like Hatred, the only reason the game was created in the first place was to make money on its controversy. Outside of the premise that you can rape people, the game has nothing else to offer.

sexual crimes against men not being taken seriously is a direct result of the "toxic masculinity" that people complain about

I'm not. I couldn't care less if it was removed or not, but I understand why it was.

T. American

people can purchase what they want but nobody is obligated to host it on their storefront

And yet one has the entire social, political and media sphere playing defense force for them while the other doesn't.


Women have given you everything you have today. All the power, privilege and rights. They were given to you by women and your status in this world as a man relies entirely on the will of women.

Women gave men life and let them live as parasites to them instead of killing them. Male independence was made by women and they can take it away.

Fair enough. I totally get the reasoning for it but I just don't agree with the decision
especially when Steam lets us filter and curate our own store so most people could go their entire life never knowing a game like Rape Day even existed on Steam
True but I still don't agree with the decision to remove it, especially since, like I said above, Steam has provided good filtering tools so we'd never even have to see games like this

>Its literally only shun because its sex related.
You're close. It's only shun because muh women (children.)

>All the result of women's work and strikes.
You're delusional if you believe this.

> I turned out relatively normal.
You're on here so I kind of doubt that.

>And yet one has the entire social, political and media sphere playing defense force for them while the other doesn't.
Indeed. People have often gone through some great lengths to defend the most of the time male rapists and discredit/shame/threaten/victim blame the most of the time female victims.

the prison rape meme is a myth
think about it; do you actually think people would want to get shit on their dicks and have a rep for being a faggot? there is no man ass that can ever replace the convenience, cleanliness, privacy, and lack of being gay that your hand provides.

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I am very pro everything goes, but I am ok with this. This was a sack of crap with virtualy no gameplay and falls squarely under the “straight up trolling” category. Just because steam has been inconsistent on enforcing OTHER straight up trolling games shouldn’t give this one a pass.

and its not even violent rape.
Also something like 42% of reported rapes are fake for either attention or revenge purposes

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>Rape has a greater long lasting effect on people than murder or death


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idk man murder is pretty permanent

>All the result of women's work and strikes.
Perhaps but obviously enough men supported those movements.

Same reason I don’t need Netflix to offer gonzo porn, as long as xvideo is freely available.

>le change one word and copy paste
It doesn't even make sense because none of that is true. Women are children. Weak, small, act and sound like children.

Stop relying on your inane ideas of how things work and actually read up
Prison rape isn't for fapping, it serves the same purpose as beating. It's often done with objects. Great vast majority of rapes on men are done by straight men.

Hatred is an actual game with gameplay.

>enough men supported those movements.
unsurprisingly, not that many.

It's only 10 years user.

And most important of all, treated like the children they are.

I guess that makes all men either gay or pedophiles

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rape day is banned because its a low effort trash meant purely to sell on controversy

there are plenty of other games featuring rape available on steam, such as Evenicle

Hope this helps :)

>implying sexual crime isn't treated inverse of "innocent until proven guilty"
>Implying social media sharks don't go into full witchhunt mode when there's even a hint of sexual blood in the water.

Well even if its western shit, a half decent western rape game would be a breath of fresh air.

>tell someone to read nonexistent gay shit
>not even giving a C I T A T I O N
Typical faggot nigger, trying to pretend he's straight

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Why isn't copious amount of murder and violence controversial than and only rape?

Good luck with that. All of fucking japan has made, what, 3 good rape games?

>sexual crime isn't treated inverse of "innocent until proven guilty"
>social media sharks don't go into full witchhunt mode when there's even a hint of sexual blood in the water.

dont ask me im just as misanthropic as everyone else who actually understands logic

Because the general public is far more accepting of mass murder than rape. Is this news?

Because men consider violence OK as long as it happens to men they dislike.

Women suck, but it's men who fuck shit up in the end.

What do you gain from lying? It's not even good bait, you're just pretending to be a retard.

>I couldn't get a girlfriend and I was gonna get some

fuck off with your misandry you useless cunt

>What do you gain from lying?
Nothing, hence i didn't. What do you get from lying?

Why 10 years?

You're delusional if you think those things don't happen.

I really hate when you guys type like this. This has to be like the 10th time, within the time span of 2 hours, that I have seen this form of typing. I see what you were trying to say, but please go easy on my brain cells.

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>Rape is more mentally damaging than death


This. Rape is okay if you’re a man getting raped.

10 years until a god Ai takes over, the majority of the public will not know what is and isn't real, the time where there is 100% not enough food for us all if pop increases stay the same and collapse of culture and the internet made it so we have mini cultures that impact a whole society.
Also if you are wondering we could have a god ai right now since the tech does exist it just has to be a client server like situation where the ai siphons resources from normal computers though a worm.

It's not misandry, I just want men to stop being such backstabbing cucks.
MRAs almost got that idea before they turned out to be just copers who want to tip their fedoras to "masculinity".

Men should band up like feminists and shriek in unison. This works for women, fatties, trannies, jews.

Not all mercy killing is consensual.


So to add on to the god ai thing.
Lets say a worm must connect 1,000,000 pc to a p2p network. The worm takes resources like cpu power, ram, and disk space to give power to an ai. The ai would not be on a server but hosted by the affected pc's. Let's compare the ai to a torrent file. A torrent is only online when someone is giving data to support it. So the ai is hosted by computers affected by the worm. It's like this since if you killed 99% of the pc's hosting the ai, it can use the worm to get more pc's to host it anyways. Here is something a bit simple to get it into perspective: lets say a worm virus makes it's affected victims host a torrent file for a game. The devs of the game try to kill the worm but as long as one computer keeps hosting the torrent it will stay alive.
Also with more tech increases, people will become pc's. With crisper making a pc a brain lobe you could use brain power to host an ai. (In the future you could send and receive files from thoughts alone.)

user, I'm gonna level with you. You and me aren't the only ones in this little shit flinging match between us.

There are onlookers and lurkers who browse these threads to watch blood sport unfold between screeching autists on the internet.

PEOPLE WHO CAN MAKE JUDGMENTS FROM OUR BICKERING. Do you honestly believe you're clever just because you blatantly lie in response to me pointing out social media shitting itself in response to sex crime ACCUSATIONS?

The last 10 years didn't just disappear.

How do you think that makes you look to onlookers watching us fight? Do you think it makes them want to join your cause? DO you think that's gonna win fence sitters over to your side? Do you think that it's not gonna push more moderates away from you?

like it or not this is the meta game of shitposting on this site. So either get your story straight or face potential blood shed in the future, because let me tell you something People aren't as stupid as you think they are

Because it was a shitty visual novel with awful 3d models and looked like some homeless slavs tried to make it?

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My friends
My cat
My family