Thoughts on Ace Combat 7?

Thoughts on Ace Combat 7?

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Pretty good, took me about 15 hours to beat the campaign, haven't played any of the multiplayer. I haven't played any of the other AC games though, so my frame of reference is pretty limited though.

A culmination of all the best elements of the series with some new things like clouds and wind that take it to the next level. Surprisingly fun multiplayer. The story is the weakest part, but it makes for some fun moments like anything with Mr. X or the Stonehenge defensive.

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I've only played AC4, is it all downhill from there?

Down slightly (5) and up (Zero) and down (6) and down (AH) and up (7).

Belka did nothing wrong, free Belka.

>5 is worse than 4 meme

I liked it but it had way to many "AND THEN THIS HAPPENS WHOAH" missions that turn the original objective on its head, makes playing a dedicated ground attacker or air to air annoying

i like shooting mr x he was such a dickhead

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Pretty good I stopped playing vidya a couple of months ago but came back to this and it's pretty damn good.

This is True. I played a couple of missions but the muh plot twist is kinda annoying.
>mission briefing tells you mostly ground targets.
>select good old A10
>AND THEN here comes jet fighters going full speed, making your A10 useless..


>Down slightly (5)
>despite 5 having more variety in missions and more missions in general, more interesting crew, more natural progression to being ace of aces and more planes

>inb4 "it's too story-heavy" complaint again
There's like 3 missions max that have you do nothing for story and it takes around a minute every time.

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Imma let you finish but stealth bombers are the coolest designed aircraft of all time

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Makes my peepee hard

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My first ever AC and i loved it
Might actually buy the dlc if they add some interesting planes

doritos have nothing on forward swept wing aircraft

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solid game. Story is all over the place (even for AC standards), but gameplay, missions and some characters are pretty good

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Exactly what advantages do reversed wings provide?

>more interesting crew
If you think sheer obnoxiousness is "interesting", sure.

The core gameplay is basically the same in nearly all the games. With exception with the assault horizons.
There are slight gameplay tweaks in other titles. Like 5, 0, and 6 gave you squad commands. 3, 5, and X had branching missions. 0 had a "style" meter which determines the aces you encounter. 6 gives you allied support.
If you liked 4 your going to like 7 and the others.

not many, they look cool as fuck though

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They look cool

>push eject
>get sucked into engine

So basically, reversed wings = lower speed but more maneuverability?

what would a UAV need to eject user

Its a drone.

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regional airliners > fighter jets

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It's more interesting than literally nothing in 4.
Even if you count Yellow Squadron, that's just Y13 and a girl that had a crush on him.

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After looking at the reviews I can safety say it could be a franchise ender

and it's pretty much useless if it stalls, and the wings have a tendency to rip off if you go too hard, there's a reason there's very few fighters that use the design

I preferred that, it felt more like a real fighter squadron. No one IRL is gonna be yammering on about MUH WHITE BIRD OF PEACE and OH NO I HAVE TO KILL PEOPLE during a mission.

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>Not even a ramjet

It had the best launch sales in the history of the franchise.

My first playthrough was on hard and I beelined it to the A10 thinking ill need a good ground pounder. First time attack was a wake up call. I definitely think 7's time limit is challenging compared to the other games.

I want her to do pic related to me

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Patrician taste user

How long until it ends up in the hands of the Iranians?

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>they had to scrap the game a few times
>Daredevil didn't exist till really late in the cycle

Kono seems like a really nice dude. I wish those Shonen fags didn't bully him, but they got their garbage with Jump Force, I guess

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not too long because the us will just sell it to them to keep that sweet oil flowing

Don't get me wrong - I like 5 a lot, but 04 and Zero have a lot more memorable missions.

And pissed off long time fans the most with underhanded business practices.

that's just modern videogames in general sadly, I don't think you'll find any videogame outside of indies or nintendo stuff(and even they're getting bad about it now) that isn't filled to the brim with mtx and timed exclusive garbage


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>know everybody has a joystick just to play these games
>these people are your most loyal fans
>they buy all your games
>code the game to not run with any joystick except the over price chinkware exclusive joystick they made for this game
>has one of the worst campaigns in the series to date
>dogshit port

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Way to out yourselves, reddit.

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I made Long caster a sandwich

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I'm just over halfway through the campaign. I'm very impressed so far. I've been playing these games since circa 2002. 7 is just as good as 4, 5, and Zero.

>more planes
Splitting special weapons up by pointless plane variants is a shitty way of bloating the roster

Literally nobody buys flight sticks specifically to play Ace Combat unless they're retarded

>And pissed off long time fans
[citation needed]

>Playing Ace Combat on PC
That’s your mistake retard Ace Combat should’ve stayed on consoles.

So how long will it take me to grind that multiplayer shit?

>called Valkyrie
>no gerwalk

Its trash

Personally how I played AC7 is that I did all of the Campaign shit first then went on to the multiplayer. Played a match and unlocked the multiplayer upgrades then spent all the MRP I got from completing the campaign challenges n’ shit and didn’t need it grind for anything else.

>mechshit in AC
>implying it's possible to do Macross well with standard PC controls anyway let alone a controller

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Nobody should support Sony in any way after they moved to commiefornia and nobody own Xbox so PC is the only sensible option mate.

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There are a few thousand Xbox players on AC7 mate. And seriously you’re that mad that some company moved their American headquarters to Cali to not support them? Get out of the basement user and stop getting all uppity about shit you see on a screen.

Check out the game Robotech: Battlecry. I'm sincerely surprised there's been no effort to ever port it or use its combat system in a new game.

PC lets me change the fov, that user is retarded tho, probably the same fag that tried to force the shit on mom boobs thing

>And seriously you’re that mad that some company moved their American headquarters to Cali to not support them?
No but since then they started censoring games and I'm not gonna support censoring.