RE2 is my favorite game of all time

>RE2 is my favorite game of all time
>the REmake feels like it should be the ultimate full circle for me
>comes out
>people love it
>im told for the time its been out it has not quite matched REVII's numbers
>now DMC5, a series that never sells more than a couple million already has more all time players on steam than REmake 2 made in this whole month

I just wanted it to be the best ever Yea Forums. I wanted Capcom to say "this is it, this is our best RE"

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All the dmcuck shilling worked

Re7 has more casual appeal, and it was basically using PT as marketing. It was to be expected that it would sell better. I think RE2make is the best Resident Evil.

For what it's worth though, DMC5 is the best game Japan has put out in many, many years.

I want to fuck Umaru.

dumb hamster poster

Cute hamsterposter!

Who the fuck cares about sales numbers?

I feel you man. I feel you.

RE2make is pretty good. I'm having a lot of fun with it so far and it keeps things interesting by having subtle changes here and there that make you go "Huh, this wasn't here in the original".

Attached: Umaruthinks.png (540x304, 149K)

>A game is good because of sales.
And all the years of shilling and company boot licking on this site have finally paid off.
Congratulations advertisers.
Congratulations Mods.
Congratulations moot and hiro.

Ever since RE4 I wanted an RE game with its OTS gameplay but the centralized yet not fully linear hub design of the older games. REmake 2 is exactly that game. Now they just need to bring back the grid inventory and include key items in it instead of a separate category.

Capcom, and i want them to like what they did with RE2

Fucking Forgotten Soldier scenario had some bullshit in it.
There's also no reason to pick up any other weapon than Lightning Hawk, rest of the time you spend crafting SMG ammo and 'nades.

I was surprised to learn devs actually put a lot of stock into Metacritic ratings, too. There's an RE2 roundtablle discussion from the devs celebrating their release and they talk at length about how well it's received on Metacritic on how surprised they are they broke a 90.

You forgot "we did it bros"

Dumb pcfags realize capcom games sell better on playstation right?

Wasn’t remake2 made on a tiny budget? They did pretty good all things considered

we did it bros

>meanwhile like four threads crying about censorship on the PS4 version
>when this constantly happens with release after release
Every single game practically is coming out across PC/Xbone/PS4 and you picked the absolute worst choice to play them on just because it's what everyone else is doing.

Attached: simp1.jpg (460x355, 28K)

PS4 version of DMC5*

And they all will buy it for ps4 :)

Am I supposed to seethe over that or something? I'm playing the exact same game on a system I don't have to worry about content being cut from or paying extra for an online service that isn't even very good. If you went Xbone you'd at least have better performance on the newer model and the online service people always knew to be worth the money. I don't really care from a brand perspective, though, I'm just letting you know your choice has resulted in the most inconvenience when it comes to playing the exact same games everyone else has.


You couldn't be any more of a lemming.

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>Wasn’t remake2 made on a tiny budget?

I would like to know where people get this info

remake 2 outsold 7's lifetime sales already u falseflagging lying retard

He isn't wrong though. The vast, vast VAST majority of people will be shown the ass thing and say "oh lol. Thats crazy. huh." Then go right back to not giving a single fuck about it and play the game.

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Proof? Should be easy you are pretty confident.

You're right about that, it isn't really a big deal, but this kind of thing happens with PS4 constantly and I don't understand how it has the brand strength it has for being far and away the inferior way to play any given game in a climate where everything goes on everything.

>best RE
>that atrocious camera

>responding to a fucking tripfag instead of filtering him immediately

>"this is it, this is our best RE"
Just wait until RE3make or 8.

RE2make while great is worse than the original