What do you think about Warframe?

What do you think about Warframe?

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I can't tell if that's pineapple or soursop.
Cute dress

Gameplay is unfun.

pina colada

are you into health food?

That's harsh user some women are pretty sensitive about the size of their breasts

>yfw the community managers you're working with are just male neckbeards who acte prude during devstreams

Attached: 1542865175231.jpg (437x431, 28K)

The game is a grind feast , the comunity is ok though.

PiƱa colada*

Fun to play, not horribly deep, yet opaque as fuck for newbies. Fun devs, fun community.

total clusterfuck of a game

Are the percentage bonuses on riven mods the same or random? Like, can two of the exact same riven mods have different values?

what an ugly bitch.

>fun devs

she's going to age like milk

I am into champagne

she looks like she fucks black men

It's too bloated to get into.

she looks like she has sex in public

its fun until you complete the story quests

He asked one (uno) question you idiots.

I think DE needs to find a new community manager. The current one is too old, same for her weird girlfriend.

Post robutts next time if you want to talk about them.

jesus christ she's aging like milk

This new frame is legitimately disgusting in how sexualized it is compared to frames with that aren't morbidly obese.

It's a F2P action game. It's okay but is kind of grindy and spammy

the same way think about you OP: I don't

The visual design is abhorrent. I never see anyone mention how ugly every single enemy and frame is. Everyone is a globby, fat, pointy shitshow with no coherent flow or appealing look. Gameplay is a waste of time, as you have to run through every level as fast as possible to grind for shitty items and cards that take days to craft unless you pay jew-dollars. Why do people waste their time with this shit heap day after day?

it was fun when it wasn't layers upon layers upon layers of grind
like, grind this for that thing you need for this other thing

I think it would be better if they focused more on actually fighting instead of just zooming from point to point taking pot shots for XP.
The only things that encourage some semblance of actual gameplay are bosses, which are done rarely after starting out, and the data vaults which consist of me saying "STAY PUT FUCKS" and moonwalking to a computer.

gameplay gets repetitive
also infested with trannies youtube.com/watch?v=VNfC7Bgq9ig