It's on sale on steam, how good is it compared to dark souls?

It's on sale on steam, how good is it compared to dark souls?

Also Nioh thread I guess.

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it's great, I put 200hours into the ps4 release.

It’s total shit compared to souls. Save your money.

Is it ever going to drop below £20? I only really pay £10 for games so I never regret them too much.

great game gameplay-wise. The enemies and backgrounds are a little bit repetitive but it's not too bad, IMO.

Yeah ? Give 3 arguments.

it has fantastic combat, much faster paced than DS, lots of great and shit bossfights, a wonderful atmosphere and a shit story representation with good character representation. it's definitely worth its price

Its 50% off right now and comes with the dlc, price is already low enough for a purchase as is imo.

Have you ever played 360 Ninja Gaiden games? It feels like weird bastard son of that and of Dark Souls/Bloodborne games, it is also WAY harder. Tbqh i like it way more than From Softrware games, but the loot system is fucking annoying.

Yeah I saw, but that's the price it always is. I don't usually play DLC with games, DLC is one of the reasons I don't pay as much for games these days.

Possibly after the release of Nioh 2, when it's on sale then.

why is it 80 fucking gigs

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1. It’s shit
2. It’s shit
3. It’s shit
I’m not going to debate you faggot. I gave op my opinion he can take it or leave it.

it's shit faggot, stop posting
a barry thread died for this

Worse level design and more unfair deaths, imo.

Still didn't stop me from putting 80 hours into it though.

kill yourself
fair enough

Do you like Diablo 2?
Do you like Bloodborne?

If so, then yes, absolutely play it. If you don't like Diablo, don't get it, because it's more like a Diablo than it is a Dark Souls game.

Makes it seem like you don’t like it because it doesn’t have “souls” or “blood” in the title tbqh

Attached: nioh_okatsu.jpg (1240x1754, 1.22M)

It's a big game

Pretty decent. Don't listen to hurdcure faggots that will insist you play without onmyo magic or ninjitsu, it's a game meant to be cheesed. It's no fun getting dick slapped by one shot kills.

>let's take nothing good about Dark Souls and also turn it into an autistic loot grinder cheesefest

fits Yea Forums's demographic perfectly but is a shit game

>those dual bosses missions
I know those are supposed to be optional challenges but this is some shady shit right here.

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Imagine that every boss is the Capra demon boss

This. It's fun figuring out builds that fit your own playstyle. The people who dictate that you have to play build X are people who've never tried out anything else. You can "cheese" the game with any build. I was playing a rifle/cannon build for example after playing through it once normally. The game is also meant to be done on higher and higher difficulties (because you have to finish the game once to unlock the abyss and two new rarities), so by the time you finish all the missions on normal you already have a good idea which kind of playstyle fits you to go absolutely ham.

awful song awful game

I'm a big soulsfag and I ended up reselling Nioh, personally. The combat itself is fun but the game gets bogged down by uninspired level design, low enemy variety and the godawful loot system.
Depending on how cheap you can get it for it's probably worth a try at least.

the melee combat is way better than souls
the exploration and level design is worse
it's a great game with some flaws

>unique game that takes nothing from dark souls except the controller scheme and the third person view
>"wtf why is not like dark souls?"

why don't you play the hundreds of Souls clones then? in comparision, how many third person hack & slay rpg games are there?

yeah nah it's a souls clone. except bad. pretty much lords of the fallen but it's okay because it's weeb

name one thing that is unique to dark souls and not any other genre, which nioh also does.

Cheap Souls knock-off, but decent enough if you have some time to kill.


youre trying to cope with finding ways to find how nioh is related to dark souls?

Soul purists need to be dragged into the street and shot in the fucking head

>that three minion wave+Yuki Onna, Oda Nobunaga+the Portugese Nigger mission... in WotW or WotN
hahahahahahahahahahaha no fucking way

Maria is a fucking nightmare. It's like they saw Maria from Bloodborne and said "alright guys, I want this boss but with even more bullshit".

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the later dlc bosses are much worse

>feel like I have a ton of blacksmith recipes
Jesus fuck there's a lot of them.

tanky humans dashing around while shooting projectiles before instakill grabbing you: the game

Most of the stuff you have to get from the abyss farming Hanzo anyway, just get what you plan on using
the best thing about the game is that you can actually become a boss with proper build management

There's a difference between using everything available to you and cheesing bosses with Sloth, defense down, and kusarigama spam.

Not him, but the shrines are basically bonfires, and you can pick up our lost amrita/souls after death and lose them if you die again. Not to say the game isn't unique, but there are very clearly similarities between the games.

git gud

sorry you couldn't win tryhard loser

Sloth is almost fucking worthless on WotN anyway.

>you can pick up our lost amrita/souls after death
That was a thing in D2 which I'd say Nioh has more in common with than souls.

It's fucking worthless once you get to Yuki-onna, if we're being honest about the kind of shitters that depend on that stuff.

I liked it a lot. For some people the quantity of random stat rolls on your gear are a huge turn off, but I love that shit. Specializing for massive wind damage, jumping my run speed up to 80%, negating elemental damage entirely, all that build fuckery is my jam. I also really appreciate that the game makes great use of a wide array of buffs and debuffs that remain effective on bosses and higher difficulties, if you build into it. Makes for a lot of variety in how you approach everything.

Depends. If you're a Soulsborne fan you're going to find the game garbage and you must avoid it at all costs.
If you like action games or action RPGs you're going to have a hell of a good time; in fact is one of my favorite games this gen.

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I didn't even get sloth until WotD, by that point it still let me casually get some of the crusher titles while I was just playing through.

There are more diferences in the mechanics than similarities. Shrines are like bonfires? You can't warp between shrines. Onimusha had you level up at shrine save points. Lose your armita when you die? Amrita and gold are different currencies. Depending on your guardian spirit you can actually keep most of your amrita on death. There are also items and shit to recover the whole batch easily and I would also argue that the mission based structure heavily changes the meaning behind losing your shit on death.

Similarities sure, but it is just as similar to dozens of other games so why the fuck fixate on the one?

why. that makes no sense other than soulsbourne fans being braindead and immature

sorry that concept was imagined before 2000 even hit and done with another company. fucking retard gamers thinking they know ANYTHING.

1. Nioh and Soulsborne share some similar gameplay mechanics but at the end of the day they're different games; Soulsborne fans only want Soulsborne-like games so they feel like they were tricked into playing something they didn't want.

2. The things that Soulsborne fans like the most about Soulsborne are:
- Lore
- Atmosphere
- Interconnected world
- Invasion-style PvP
Nioh lacks those four things

I still have to meet a Soulsborne fan that didn't hate or at the very lest just disliked Nioh.

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it's not soulsborne fans
it's PC only dark souls fans
people who played demon's souls and bloodborne arent like this

are you fucking dumb?


are you?

kek keep lying to yourself moron.

it's pretty clear that Nioh would not exist in its current form if not for the popularity of dark souls

oh look it's a dark souls fanboy

I've never owned a console in my entire life and I've put almost as many hours into Nioh as I did with the whole Dark Souls trilogy (about 400) Hope the sequel comes to PC sooner.

bloodborne is my favorite game of all time and i enjoyed Nioh quite a bit

will say that it's not exactly up to par tho


I bought a ps4 just to play BB and I arguably like nioh more than all the soulsborne games although I love them all, really. I normally only play on PC.

So do I get a prize now or something?

Soulsborne fans are all the same. It doesn't matter which one you like the most, you are all equally cancerous.

As you said, they are totally different games.
Nioh is an action game with Diablo loot. Soulsborne are totally different games, with atmosphere and exploration at their core.
I do like Soulsborne better, but Nioh is still good for what it is, although the endgame is ridiculous as it focuses a lot on loot and gear..

not our problem that you're too contrarian to enjoy the greatest franchise of this generation

>Nioh is still good for what it is
That's the problem: Soulsborne fans are unable to understand that a game can be good without being a Soulsborne game.
That's why they're shitting non-stop on Sekiro.

KT games never go on sale for more than -50%

Way better than DS2 or DS3. It takes Ds bonfire system, with missions instead of hubs and connected areas, with Team Ninja combat. Buy it.

If Nioh 2 comes out, I presume Nioh 1 will drop it's default price, with which a 50% sale could possibly reduce the price close to 10 pounds.

KT jews don't lower base prices either, the 2016 Berserk game is still 60$ + DLC on top of that.
I want to get it but the DLC are never on sale and the game is never more than 50% off

And even when it was riding the coattails of Dark Souls' popularity, Nioh was for all intends and purposes a commercial failure.
1.3m sales on PS4
800k sales on PC
That's 2m lifetime sales for a game available on the biggest and second biggest gaming platforms, in an age where 3m sales get entire studios closed.

I don't understand why a sequel was greenlited. Is KT that desperate to go bankrupt?

well, shit

Do like me and just change your Steam to russian for cheap prices, I just got Nioh Complete for 465 ruskie onions which is about 7 dollarydoos

Attached: ruskie prices.png (506x415, 50K)

So $25 is probably as good as it's gonna get? I played it on PS4, never bought the DLC though so I want to double dip but $25 still feels pretty steep.

Are you seriously having trouble wrapping your mind around that or are you just goofing around? Nioh's making budget isn't in the tens or hunderds of millions, neither is marketing, it was a big hit for them, especially since Team Ninja's prior titles have performed rather poorly.

It's the best you'll get in the near future unless KT somehow changes their ways despite being notorious to be Japanese jews that don't change their ways.

>Nioh was for all intends and purposes a commercial failure.
>I don't understand why a sequel was greenlited. Is KT that desperate to go bankrupt?
it was their best selling game of all time
what should they make if not a sequel to their best selling game

Are the visuals as red tinted and monocolor as the preview footage hints at?

wat how do i do this


Russian VPN, you use it once to change your Steam to russian, input fake russian address as your Steam data after that and it will remain in russian. Then you can always keep buying in Russian prices even without VPN as long as you choose ruskie ruble as currency on checkout.
If you checkout even once with dollar, it will change your Steam back to murrikan and you'll need to do whole VPN thing again.
I've been doing it for 5 years now and not banned.
Haven't even checked out in normal currency in like 2 years.

Attached: steam years.png (294x188, 30K)

>it was their best selling game of all time
Bull fucking shit
I'm going to need a source on that, broski