Just beat the Witcher 3 and it's expansions and I'm looking for a new game to play...

Just beat the Witcher 3 and it's expansions and I'm looking for a new game to play. Debating whether to buy Kingdom Come: Deliverance but the reviews seem pretty mixed.

I'm unsure if all of the negative reviews are coming from the "tHeReS nO pEePlE oF cOlOr dAs RaYcEeS!!1" crowd or if its really just a mediocre game. Thoughts and opinions please?

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Mediocre game.

It was buggy on release, and still has a few here and there. If you played STALKER and got through the bugs in that game, you can get through the bugs in this game.

Please elaborate friend. Shitty gameplay? Storyline? Leveling system? Or maybe all of the above.

its a fun game but has some bugs and is very demanding

Its one of those games that have some techincal issues but have lots of detail and heart put into them.

If you really want a massive game that you can lose yourself in, with great atmosphere music and effort in the right places(think new vegas for the last point), then go ahead. You won't regret it.

Kingdom Come is a great game but it's definitely a more subjective taste. If you're really into medieval stuff, you'll love it (even if the lack of crossbows and to a lesser extent early gonnes, but understandable as to why they're not there, is a bit glaring). If you're willing to get used to the combat system which is a bit more difficult than other games, you'll like it. If you're not insistent on things being all magical and such in your rpgs, you'll like it.

If you want a more fantastical experience, a more easy-to-get into experience or you really aren't into medieval stuff, you won't enjoy it.

Original game is great, definitely go for it. Expansions are what is mixed, there is a good one and pretty shitty one, can't now remember which is which. Vávra got bitched about the DLCs pretty hard here too (Czech here) so you can be sure it was not because of SJWs, since they are nothing but a marginal minority here.


The combat relies on you using directional feints and strikes which is quite tricky for some people to get a handle on. I'm one of them, i love the game but it led to me doing very different things around combat and suffering a lot at times until I got the hang of it. But I actually think this works in your favour. It gives you a very different attitude to combat and how you approach it, fighting off more than one person can be very difficult and you can easily end up getting hacked to death slowly as you try to recover and get injured. So you pick your fights, set them up, run away a lot, and so on.

>since they are nothing but a marginal minority here
They're a marginal minority here too, they just won't shut the fuck up.
Plus they control silicone valley, and therefore the feed of information to the stupids.

After getting like halfway into the game and hitting a stuck main quest that remained stuck no matter how far back I loaded an old save, I gave up.

It's a fantastic game (with some modding and a lot of performance tweaking) but was probably released about 8 months to a year before it should have been.

Now, whoever the genius is that decided to push releasing the mod tools back behind ALL of the DLC deserves to be fucking hanged.

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I think the reasoning was to make modding tools actually usable for normal person. Thus more time before their release.

Not him, but:
>Shitty gameplay?
Your character becomes a god very quickly, combat and economy is broke as fuck. Quest design is where the game excels with a lot of them being very open ended and does not handhold the player very much. Hardcore mode is 10/10 and really makes you appreciate the amount of detail they put into the environments.
The characters are alright and it definitely gives the vibes as if you're watching a good movie in the same setting, the second half kinda falls apart and is mostly filler or set up for Game 2.
>Leveling system?
It's pretty much a 1:1 of TES with the occasional one-or-the-other perk choice where one perk is usually much better than the other.

Game is flawed, atmosphere and setting really carry it though. I'd wait until they release all the DLCs and a definitive edition though.

Game itself is pretty meh, combat can be swingy but is easy to cheese once you get your strength score high enough, half the quests are fetch quests and it's still very buggy.

That said it's a very well made map/environment, and it is very atmospheric. It actually gets dark at night, pulling out a torch will ruin your night vision for a little bit, and the background sound design and music is great.

I wouldn't pay $60 for it, but it's probably worth 30 or 40.

This. I really enjoyed the game, but it’s definitely not going to appeal to everyone. I haven’t played it since launch, so hopefully they’ve gotten a lot of the bugs sorted, but the only technical issues that really irritated me were the draw distance, and the FPS drop in Rattay.

That being said, it’s the most immersive open world game I’ve played in ages, and I really liked their use of vague area quest markers, and getting lost riding around the forest trying to poach hares.

It’s also interesting to compare the in-game locations and characters with their real life counterparts.

The writing often gets overlooked, and is much better than I expected. Hans Capon’s arc from obnoxious faggot to premium-tier bro is particularly enjoyable.

>the quest where you party all night with a priest yelling about protestant reforms
10/10 great game.

Thanks for the feedback anons. I believe I have enough info to make an informed purchase now.

It's like Oblivion, only modern and in a historical setting. Comfy/10

Literally the best game ever made.

This guy nails it. Wait for their "GOTY" edition, hopefully by then they'll be done patching the questlines, mod support will be in, and they'll have made another pass at optimization. Also,


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I seriously can't get the hang of combos.
Practically all my strikes are parried, dodged or riposted. Drunk peasant or armoured knight. It doesn't matter, and that is with 20 in strength, agility, endurance, weapon skills and all masteries being paid for.
So I'm basically just clinching, or riposting my way through the game.
I've heard someone suggest tiring enemies out before doing combos, but at that point I can kill them in a few hits anyway.

The AI is too good at dodging/parrying to be able to reliably do combos. Clinch+head attack with a warhammer+the skull cracker perk is the way to go

Oh fuck I forgot about that, that was such a good questline. Godwin is absolute bro tier.

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Well, I just don't know if I missed some vital point in doing combos.
I can get maybe one or two strikes in if I feint, but any further strikes, feinted or not, will simply not go through.

Great game, if you liked the witcher 3 this is the next best thing but more survival aspects and firstperson set in a realistic world obviously, but as an rpg it plays like witcher 3 or oblivion

It’s an incredible game though it won’t appeal to everyone.

The game is pretty good, but also it's a really slow boil, you really need to take your time with the story and the mechanics. You won't be able to freely explore until after 4 hours or so, and even then you wouldn't want to. Combat takes some time to get used to, and you really need to train with the Captain guy from Rattay, otherwise you won't be able to do a perfect block or combos and feints.
The game got a lot of criticism because of the bugs, I personally didn't encounter any significant one, I never had to reload a save, and the game crashed only once in 120+ hours.
The save system also needs some getting used to, basically the games saves on exit, when you sleep or visit a bathhouse and get the full service. To manually save you need to consume an item that is fairly expensive when you're just starting out, but you can brew it with alchemy. I didn't save scum so I didn't have any issues with the save system and by the mid game it was a non-issue.
In conclusion it's an RPG that takes some time to get going and you need to get used to a lot of mechanics, but once you do it's pretty fun, also immersion is top-notch.

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>can't use combos
Unironically just get gud.

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Its pretty trash, too much focus on hyper realism. I dont need a fucking animation for picking up literally everything. I dont need headbobbing and awkward as fuck movement because its "realistic". Its not at all on the same level as W3 if you're looking for a fun game. If you're looking for a medieval sim then I suppose its fine.

>right click so you hit them with the pommel
>while they are stunned do the combo Cpt. Bernard taught you
>do any other combo
>do the combo that involves a lower left slash and two stabs
>do any other combo
>wait until you get a riposte
>do the Bernard combo
>follow up with any other combo
Dude, you just need to plan ahead and git gud

It's really good if you like roleplaying.
If you're the kind of person who modded skyrim to add hunger meters, having to find places to sleep at night because it was too dark and such, then you'll probably love it.

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+Unique combat system. It really makes you invest your time in learning how to use it, much like wielding a sword.
+Lots of heart put into it's world. It maintains a strict aesthetic and it's clear the Devs truly cared about what they were making.
+Immersive as all hell. There's a surprising diversity of settlements, ranging from pastoral villages to swampy dung hamlets to even a small town. Then you can explore the catacombs of a cathedral or bandit hideaway in a cave.

-Archery is fucked. Too easy.
-Combat isn't for everyone, I definitely don't blame people for not getting into it. Doubly so for lockpicking.
-Some of the quests are really stupid. The Devil's Skull one stands out in particular.

It's Eurojank, but a damn good game. It's a breath of fresh air from AssCreed trying to make it sound like Greece was full of gay Indians before straight white male Romans ruined it, or yet another fantasy game that tries to ape Final Fantasy.

>It's a breath of fresh air from AssCreed trying to make it sound like Greece was full of gay Indians before straight white male Romans ruined it

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>Archery is fucked. Too easy.
I still remember when almost everyone kept complaining how hard it was.

Attached: KCD - People can't aim.webm (720x480, 2.92M)

I remember one of the first mods that came out was a dot crosshair for archery.
Fucking casuals

It's good. Especially if you like history. The beginning is hard because you are a filthy peasant. Follow the main quest until you get unlimited free training from this guy.

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>The combat relies on you using directional feints and strikes

Is it like Mount & Blade or is there more finesse to it?

Is give it a 7/10

Much more finesse.

Theresa is such a sweetheart a shame you can’t go further with her.

The game was really comfy.

Attached: KCD - Comfy Night.webm (1280x720, 751K)