ITT: You nostalgia you lose
ITT: You nostalgia you lose
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every time this picture is posted I see Planetside maps with SoI toggled off
Anyone remember that et game?Why could he strech his neck?From the footage of it I couldn’t tell if it was a top down game or platformer.
If Halo would take off his fucking moon shoes the series could have gone from decent to great
>tfw the best part of your life is over
>not surf utopia
This is bullshit. I never heard a main theme playing CS. Just silence with the clicking and beeping noises.
me too brother
Judging by OP the point of this thread is to post things that are too new to be nostalgic yet, so if you feel any you lose? If so, video related.
let me spam you with my folder while I'm waiting for my clothes dryer to finish
>Ywn drop at moisty mire again
>Ywn play the game without build austists and their shot guns again
why even live
>clothes dryer
what's wrong with a drying rack? are you in such a hurry to dry your clothes or what?
my nigger, Desert Strike and Ninja Gaiden were my most played games as a kid
oh and let this ost accompany your journey to a better past
this is an 18+ board
Not that guy, but I prefer a dryer because as it tumbles my clothes it takes out the wrinkles and softens the fabric.
Everything I put on a drying rack dries wrinkled and crunchy.
Now if I could dry my clothes outside in the wind that might be a different story.
season 1..... home
well yes, I'm going out and I have nothing to wear so that's why I'm waiting. Also, I don't like being dependant on the weather/radiators with drying my clothes so I bought a dryer. It's cool, but don't believe any "ready to wear once it's out" stuff, you still have to iron.
forgot the link
I get that its one of their home Conts but man. That makes me sad to see.
I hope we gave those barnies a hell of a fight.
can confirm, the difference in how soft dryer-dried stuff is, is incredible
you don't know how rough your clothes are until you dry them in a dryer, it's amazing and actually surprising
>nothing to wear
you've only got one set of clothes?
>dependant on the weather/radiators
is the temperature inside of your house freezing? normal room temperature is sufficient
I remember playing this one with my dad on Amiga, split screen. I was like 4 or 5 then. Good times.
Man, I forgot all about Primal Rage. Remember going to Chuck E Cheese and getting my ass kicked as Blizzard.
I'm pretty bad at managing and timing clothes washing
Also, no need to convince me that it's impossible to dry stuff without a dryer. I've been rack/outside drying stuff the whole life. It's perfectly fine. But last year I thought I'd give a dryer a try and I like it. It's cheap to run, it's faster than normal drying. If you have enough space, why not. The only downside is, mine is pretty loud. But it stays in the basement so not much of a problem.
It's just an improvement, like an electric kettle vs a regular one.
not letting this thread die
only got to play this on ps demo from some magazines, sweet black cds
>CS 1.3 is now a zoomer game
Did I miss some new meme?
Do like I did and end it all. It's the only way.
this one I had no idea how to play. All I wanted was to play as the big guy and never figured out how to. Playing games when you didn't know a single English word had its charm though.
no, but you missed this post
>I never heard a main theme playing CS
best part: playing with trains
to this day I replay this one every 1-2 years on dosbox and the shitty controls don't even bother me
Friendly in Cherno?
brb 15 mins, don't die
Take me back. I remember thinking this was the best games were gonna look.
as a kid I imagined that this game had retarded physics because it wasn't exactly earth gravity on the ring
Is this a more modern port of battle chess?
I've neve beaten the 2nd world.
>tfw looked at red queen first
did you ever look at a girls ass and thought "nice" and then when she turns around and you see her face you see some ugly old hag and shrug?
Lost hard - I'd lost sight of this game for years, never remembered the name
your welcome, it's death rally
this one, on the other hand, gave me nightmares for years
by the way it's funny how Desert Strike had green helicopter, and Jungle Strike had a sand-yellow one
>Do like I did
Pss. There's OpenDune2.
My nigger
I know, I tried it, and yet I prefer the old dosbox version with Amiga music
The CD version had slightly nicer graphics than the non-CD version. Both randomly freeze under DOSBOX so they are unplayable.
More a limitation of the graphics.
It deserves a modern remake. Full rendered 3D. Being more inclusive and let 1/2 of the pawns randomly be female. 1/10 knights randomly female. 1/40 of bishops. 1/1000 of kings.
this shit is hilarious, you can tell some autistic poketard went through the hurdles to patch this up thinking it would look "kino" when it just looks like exactly what it is, random screenshots from a mediocre-looking game.
this shit is hilarious, you can tell some autistic retard went through the hurdles to reply to this thinking he would look "smart" when it just comes off as exactly what it is, seething autistic whining nobody cares about.
>take 5 seconds to laugh at a retard
>retard gets mad and can't find anything more clever to answer than ctrl+c ctrl+v
loving every laugh
That the pubg map?
okay my clothes are ready so this is the last one from me, take care guys
>people are nostalgiafagging over teldrassil
Glad you fell for my (You) bait.
I knew you'd reply. You did it because you're mad that someone saw how retarded you look for even coming up with such an opinion on some pokemon autist's collection of images.
A normal person would scroll past it.
A less normal person would reply with a simple "what's the point of this image?"
Then there's (You), the autist that made everyone know his position on the spectrum.
It was green in desert strike to make it more easily seen by the player, kinda like how they made Luke's personal lightsaber green in return because of tatooine
It was sorta a half joke half visibility thing for it being yellow in jungle
So you were merely pretending to be retarded here ?
Got it.
Do you have the regular version? I don't think I have it saved anymore.
It hurts. I miss the game but I'm too old for that shit now.
Fucking Romero, what a genius
>Playing 1.6 in computer studies class effectively turning it into a lan party
Fuck I want to go back
FUCK this stings
Man the high difficulty opponents are insane
Imagine peaking in CHILDHOOD
I want to fuck an old hag. Is there something wrong with me?
My nigga. Used to play this stage a ton with my friend because his shit laptop couldn’t run normal maps.
This image really helps make it apparent how stupid the terms are in Chess. Midget king, moving stone tower, killer old man in robes. No sign of a horse on the Knight. Art has to at least interpret the metaphor of Chess a little to look decent.
I had to game boy version of this and it was legit. Downloaded Nuclear Strike but I still haven’t checked it out.
Daily reminder Minecraft is turning 10 YEARS old soon
>Imagine that pathetic existence of thinking you peaked in CHILDHOOD when only reason you think that is because you had dysfunctional family to begin with
i still miss him
Just checking, you are agreeing with my previous post right?
If you're not in it for the queen's ass, you're in for the wrong reasons.