What game has the best Orcs?
What game has the best Orcs?
da wun wif da greeeen wun init
>see this
what do?
Those are some weird looking biceps
>eyes drawn on top of hair
Imagine being so blind as to miss this mistake.
I REALLY like this picture
Can't go wrong with Skyrim, friend.
Why is her right eye falling off her face? is she melting?
>*sticks finger down throat and makes her gag*
heh, gotcha!
Gib modlist
That orc is too pure and wholesome.
>tumblr nose
>never got that ork game from the top lads that did space marine
I wanted to WAAGGGHHHH!!!!!
What dick size do you need to have ?
It's an anime thing made on purpose so you can see her eyes clearly.
I hate anime
Why does she have 2 bellybuttons?
> orc thread
fuck off furfag
Always imagined every orc girl having a massive crotch jungle
Then he would have drawn the bangs to not cover the eyes. Face it, the artist just fucked up.
Fuck that shit, orcs should be orcs instead of green elves.
Mah nigga.
Nope, it's an actual thing, though it's not really all that prevalent.
but... they are green Mer in Elder Scrolls....
I want to fuck a furfag
That's a green-skinned human, not an orc.
ask for it's source
That's not an orc. It's just a human with green skin.
It's a thing for artists to fuck up? Yeah, I'm not disagreeing with that.
Yeah I know, but they deserve a distinct look since unlike the other mer, they are cursed.
>replying to bait
>replying to shit tier bait
It's fine orc girls are muscular and tight
>the game has the orcs as literal pig women
I mean, i'm not against it...but okay
>the kobolds are dogs
nani the fuck
Now I have one more favourite tag thank you OP.
Japan's version of D&D listed kobolds as dog-like and now that's ingrained into Japanese media.
i'd fuck a dog
guys im so fucking sad right now
Mods don't count.
ITT green elves
close tumblr
i want to go on adventures with a cute orc
>I'm too much of a brainlet to install mods
thats an oxymoron
you're a retard
that's redundant btw
Female orcs are for marrying and making lots of half-orcs with to build a better future.
you're an oxyretard
>be kissless hugless virgin
>go to work as always after a long night playing imagination
>rock up a little late, rest of the party are already gone
>decide to get some coffee and grab a solo quest before the boss notices
>see tall, thunder-thighed green goddess in the dining hall
>always wanted to be with a green girl after seeing drawings of them in the fortune imagebook
>decide to approach her and enchant her with how culturally enriched and open-minded I am
>"H-Hi m'lady, are you new?"
>"Mm" she grunts
>just stare at her wondering what to say
>"I have many orc friend"
>she just looks at me confused
>fuck fuck fuck fuck
>"can I get you a coffee?"
>"No. I have coffee."
>hear some elfags laughing behind me
>storm off so she won't see my tears
>write a note on the public messageboard in townsquare that all orcs are disease riddled skanks and rapists that need to be irradicated
>town guards arrest me as I post it
>get fired from the guild, town crier announces every hour how I'm a bigot and hands out drawings of my face to everyone
>stay at home and jerk off to orcs in the imagebooks all day, living off the salted chicken my mom makes me
my mom and gf on the left
>that comic where the men of the town send the children/women/old away to hind in the mountains so they can surrender to the coming female orc army and get raped
the leader of the army spares them from the raping as reward for their bloodless surrender
too lazy to search it now, but I guess the artist was flick
No, it's because it's not part of the original game. You can't say Skyrim has sexy orcs just because people made their own much improved models and some sex mods.
Halfway between these two is ideal. Anime sameface is lame but you don't have to convince yourself you want to fuck a gorilla to appear cultured.
But the vanilla orcs are sexy too...
body of the right
face of the left
You guys may enjoy your rape fantasies now, but when a muscular dominating woman actually goes too far and actually rapes you and you're left crying in the police station waiting for some clean clothes and when you're at the hospital taking the rape kit to see if you've caught something and when you have to go home to your parents and pretend everything is okay when it's not don't pretend you didn't bring it on yourselves.
What a cute
What kind of a fag would go to a police station and snitch? I'd go ask for seconds.
>being so weak that any woman can actually overpower and rape you
Hit the gym, musclelet. Men have such a ridculous inborn physical advantage that there's almost no excuse.
thats because rapists arent good people
i want to be an orc womans manwife
jokes on you I would stay with her forever.
You don't have anywhere near her strength, don't even try to bullshit us.
Now I know what women mean by rape fantasies. I want to be overpowered and greened by strong woman, but not in real life, that would be scary.
All "aesthetics" and no strength. Easy.
Mommy, where do Half-Orcs come from?
When I mating pressed your father into submission, sweetie
Why would I go to the police station after sex with my wife?
Poor children, would be hated by both races for how weak and stupid she is.
Lawl, bullshit.
>try to be a good manwife
>cook meals every day and keep the house nice
>she hates the food and destroys all my hard work in less than an hour
>she's always out plundering or drinking
>comes home drunk and starts hitting me
>plead for her to not do it in front of the children
>she says it's her home she'll do what she wants
>as soon as I wipe the blood off she demands I come to bed
>makes me suck on her clit while she calls me worthless
>she cums almost immediately and rolls over to sleep
>silently slip into bed unsatisfied
>she eventually finds out I've been cheating with the elf girl who delivers the milk after hearing about it at the tavern
>comes home fucking furious and calls me a slut
>explain I have needs
>She grabs my throat and the kids start crying
>call for help
>town guards storm in
>demand she drop her weapon
>she gets taken away screaming how I won't get a cent
>Governor of the shire grants me half of her coin and armaments with a monthly payment of 5 gold
>also get full custody
>they find her the next day in a gutter, having cut her own her off with an axe
>end up raising orc children with elf girl as the step-mom
I still get angry stares from other orc girls but they're haters
Bodybuilding for aesthetics is not the same as bodybuilding for strength, manlet.
Thank you, I enjoyed reading this, user
>no armpit hair
is it kind of fucked up that I wish girls could grow hair that high up?
How do orcs talk? Can they speak "human" without sounding like wuv you retards?
good but
>ywn have rough, unprotected sex with a thicc, fit girl while she role-plays as a orcess
And you have neither, kid.
could you survive being crushed by orc princess ass?
40k orks are the best
>spend all of 3 seconds being intimate
>don't let your partner ever cum
>beat them daily
>wonder why they fall for the big titty elven bullettes
orc girls are pathetic
why does the fucking autistic 3d fag show up every single time
nobody fucking cares about reality you fat fuck
literally any size since anime girl pussies shrink or expand to comfily accommodate their mate's penis
/fit/ manlet detected.
Doing 5 curls every week isn't bodybuilding, buddy.
office worker orc!
cheating isnt the right answer
>anime girl pussies shrink or expand to comfily accommodate their mate's penis
that's literally what real girl's vaginas are like you virgin holy shit
what's the fantasy equivalent of Dr Phil?
That's called The Amazon Press you retard.
Wizard Phil
oni are better desu
the amazon press is a completely different position to the mating press
Pretty sure those become loose and unusable after the 100th dick. Don't even try saying "b-but pussies go back to their original tightness after three years of zero use!" because it'll only make you look more retarded.
What would an oni need mtg card for?
Wise man Phillip
the only thing that will realistically loosen it is age and a lack of exercise.
Large insertion can do it (think fisting and comically oversized dildos) but dicks probably won't unless she's taking loads of different dicks and having really rough sex.
Your average girl is gonna fit like a glove.
for an excuse to bully the nerds sexually
is it true Warcraft orcs and DnD orcs cant breed with elves?
She just wants to collect rare elf cards
sauce pls
>completely different
>bully nerd
>get cards
>sell cards for $
>spend $ on dinner date with nerd
All muscles and tissues wear out from overuse.
To make her future husband get a better hobby
none of those are mating presses
I want to see those cuties kiss!
nice and cute
>Doubling down.
Unless the elf is smart and plays pauper.
Yo, BB. Did your shit get nuked from tumblr? I don't see your blog no more.
can guys itt tell me if cum is stored in the balls?
i asked a guy and he said it isnt only sperms so where the fuck does it come from?
I'm not him but I would also want to know this
I only see a Panda?
>raw us fuck
also your link is no good
>raw us fuck
this will never be a reality
>also your link is no good
lmao you can't even beat the panda
Canonically all Warcraft races are able to interbreed.
Pic related: Half-Ogre/Half-Night Elf
here you go hitomi.la
is that still canon? i know orcs and draenei can still breed but not every thing else
I was being ironic user, stop spoonfeeding so much.
nah it's alright
>wen dem 'humie boyz be fetishizin us as anime girls
The question has been brought up at a blizzcon and that was the answer. If radically different-looking races from entirely different planets can interbreed, it's implied that anything is possible.
Hot. Source?
What was it? As soon as I clicked it was baleeted.
oh god, I would..
have we seen these mixed raced things in game?
There's enough half-breeds in warcraft that they can, they just don't want to make a model for one and say whether it's a rape baby or if a orc and blood elf loved each other very much
Are fucking ANY of these female Orcs actually from a video game?
God I want to milk her
who plays fucking video games
orc shemale getting fuckmachined in the dick
why do you ask?
You can be an orc slut in Kingmaker. There's a lot of modders who add orc portraits too
Plague looks like he rather be smashing pokemon
Because this is Yea Forums. So post video game characters, not Orc OCs.
Artist is SquarePeg3D
oh lad
v hasn't been about videogames in a while
who made this?
You're a swell fella, user.
Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup has some fun orc stuff.
As you proceed through the dungeon you'll find gangs of orcs. There are regular orcs, warrior orcs, wizard orcs, and orcish priests. Normally the orcish priests will simply try to fry you with divine power but if you're playing as an orc they'll instead attempt to convert you to their religion. Accept and they will leave you alone.
By following your new religious doctrine (i.e. killing shit) you'll gain useful powers, such as invoking said divine power and walking on water (which normally slows you down) but it gets really interesting when you reach a three star piety rating. When you do orcs you meet in the dungeon will sometimes join you on sight and occasionally may surrender if you're about to kill them. If they do they will act as your personal army. They gain experience and "evolve" into more powerful orcs. You can give them items you don't want. If they get lost, you can teleport them to your location. If they all die, there's a chance that reinforcements will arrive. Alternatively, you can bring orcs back to life, but is quite expensive.
This type of playthrough is colloquially known as "Orc Jesus" for reasons that I'm sure you can see.