Is Ryo autistic?
I see
>Sony started a kickstarter campaign on E3 stage to beg for money to develop shenmue 3
>take millions of dollars from cucks
>Sony signs multi million dollar publishing deal immediately after
>keeps the money
I see, looks great.
sony is only paying for the advertising, that's it
I'm glad that Shenmue 3 is finally happening, though it's still disappointing that the animations are still are stiff as they were in the first two games.
SONY are likely helping with the PS4 port
they didn't sign anything
That guy reminded me of him
I don't get it. You boomers are excited about a janky ps2 looking game?
shenmue was never good
Exactly what I had in mind when I saw him
Looks like garbage. That Kickstarter campaign looked 100% like a scam.
No, he's Japanese.
This game will never come out, just like FF7 remake
Why they change Shenhau face she looked better here
No, he's Japanese
It's not really a scam, more that the developers are likely still inexperienced when it comes to developing current gen games.
I see they are doubling down on the style of Shenmue 2. Well good thing I didn't buy the remasters.
>The combat isn't bamham trash
Thank god. Hopefully it feels more precise to control, I loved training with masters in the first two games.
Looks like shit.
How long does the first and second game take to finish? I would probably explore everything and try to do it all.
>That two hour walk through the mountains
I've never seen a move to bold before
so bold*
why does this look so bad?
How the fuck did this make it into the trailer
The first game can take about 16+ hours, mainly due to time spent waiting around. Shenmue is more of a life-sim game in some aspects.
Still haven't played Shenmue 2 but from what I've read its twice as long as the original.
all these dreamcast faces, all these stiff characters and plodding nonsense dialog. it really is shenmue
He's holding a strap. You see him gripping it in the next shot.
He's holding it via a rope around his hand. open your eyes.
I like the visual style in general but good god those are some fucking horrendous facial animations. they go beyond stiff - they're badly synced and erratic.
Same thing. The only country that comes close to being as autistic as Japan is Germany, hence World War 2.
shenmue 2 is fucking massive in comparison to 1. I didn't know that shit was possible on the DC.
I couldn't beat 2 fight as I was near the end, the entire game just burned me out, but the first one was fine for me. Hopefully this isn't boring shit like 2.
What the FUCK IS WRONG with those faces?
Why is japan turning into Bioware too? either it's too realistic or it's this weird inbetween cartoon shit.
This ruin everything, I would have been so glad if only they nailed the characters but instead the backgrounds are fine?
Fucking hell
If this was a Sega game why not use the Dragon Engine? This shit looks awful. Characters look like Clayfighter's and the animations are worse than games on PS2. Unreal Engine is cancer.
It's not really a Sega game. UE4 is great as long you have the skills for it. These people clearly don't
right as I was*
The problem is that S1 and S2 was phenomenal for its time but this looks like garbage by modern standards. At least it will give the hardcore fans more of their story.
IDK why they would go with Korean MMO style cartoon faces instead of just realistic faces.
Shenmue, while dated, was going for a realistic appearance... the only people who will play this are nostalgia fags for Shenmue, why change the style?
Hey little stupid zoomer. This is how Shenmue is. igaf if it looks outdated or strange, THIS is how i always imagined Shenmue 3 to look. Suck my dick, day one buy.
I wish it didn't have the "Unreal fan game" look
It's not really a Sega game. Yu Suzuki probably just licensed the rights to Shenmue or something.
>le zoom
Faggot I bought Shen 1 on release day on DC. This isn't at all the artstyle Shenmue was going for.
Looks stiff as fuck
>Faggot I bought Shen 1 on release day on DC.
No, you didn't. You were crapping your little diapers when Shenmue released. This game looks like Shenmue to me and it looks fucking good too.
Acquire eyesight.
the games look is looking less and less like Shenmue's original look.
you're blind due to old age, thats OK, I was young when Shenmue came out so I remember it pretty clearly.
I really hope Deep Silver delays this game for an additional year. It looks like it just needs a little more time to cook.
They need to hire a facial animator.
eyesight 0%
They game could be a 8bit adventure game for all i care i just want a good closure to the story
So...yes, then?
>Deep Silver
OH OH....
>joke character throughout the entire game is revealed to be one of the strongest in the end
What other games do this? I'm a sucker for this trope.
yeah, I hope they don't announce it as an Epic Store exclusive or something equally retarded
Does Shenmue ever have a place anymore in a post Yakuza Zero world?
Yeah because Yakuza isn't an adventure game.
Shenmue 1 and 2, sure
What's so good about this series?
>those janky as fuck combat animations
People were actually excited for this shit.
As a guy that is a fan and still has the original on DC from release week and the sequel on Xbox, this looks rough. It's HD but the animations are all 'off'. The higher definition really brings to light the limitations of the team working on this.
Shenmue is much more cinematic than Yakuza. People would eat it the fuck up in the west.
I just hope it has the 'soul' and magic of the first two games
Shenmue is more about creating a "simulated" world while Yakuza feels more about being a fun action game. Both are still different enough that there is still an audience for both.
>Unreal Engine is cancer
yeah, it's the engine's fault
>merely pretending
They need to polish the lip sync/ mocap animations, but everything else looked 100% fine with me. The models/ environment I feel capture the spirit of the older games enough that I don't find it completely jarring.
Looks better than I thought it would. I'm honestly pretty excited for it now.
the facial anims are worse than the ones on dreamcast wtf
UE4 is trash. Not a single game on UE4 look as good as REmake 2 let alone DMC5. UE4 is laggy, a resource hog, and everything look like it's made out of clay and shiny. It's a damn shame almost every modern fighting game was made using that shit with high latency. Only the new SamSho benefits from it because SNK's previous engine was even worse.
This video is all bullshit. Funny how they blame consoles for UE games looking like shit when Horizon blows anything on UE4 out of the water while also being open world.
I just don't understand how anyone saw Shenmue 1 which at the time was a hyper realistic dark wushu vs karate story and turned it into an absolute cartoon with the second game. I mean it wasn't even anime, it was a fucking cartoon. And now they are going Stephen universe with the shit. Fuck this.
They're very stiff and don't have many points of movement, hopefully that is something that gets adjusted.
ryo and shenhua look too different
zhao looks too young
one job
Anyone hoping that you never get to have revenge on Lan Di? I feel it would be a great way to troll the Shenmue fanbase.
Disagree, people in the West eat up the Micahel Bay type of cinematic. Shenmue is far too autistic and "boring" for most Westerners which is part of the reason the first two games didn't exactly sell well.
based tom
Ryo looks like a flip. How hard is it to get the main character correct
Shenmue III
why dis game look like it coming to dreamcast in 2019
Since there will be more games anyways they should just turn him into a massive troll villain. Every time you think you will be able to beat him he somehow escapes or maybe you never even get to fight him ever at all.
because you are a zoomer
No, he's just focused on his quest for vengeance.
As long as I've waited for this game, please delay it however long it takes to fix that fucking animation.
>watermarks on the last still
Unreal engine? Seriously? Shit looks like a Unity project so far.
They better have some good idea about a new combat system, the old system just modernized wouldn't be enough.
Basically Skeletor lol.
*Flies away*
Honestly i'm suprised they seem to be making everything from scratch instead of working with the Yakuza engine
I agree! Shenmue 1 had a great atmosphere but 2 just feels off in tone. 3 will be fine because honestly by now I'm expecting magic n shit but the shift between 1 and 2 was jarring.
2 wasn't comfy but a part of me feels it was trying not to be - trying to rip Ryo from his hometown and into somewhere crazy and new.
Maybe Sega would not allow for it?
>Hurr why does this kickstarter game not look like modern AAA titles?"
I kinda dig the stylized characters. Animation is choreographed well but stiff in its motion. Pretty hyped regardless.
The driving force behind Shenmue's direction was being top of the line for its facial animation in particular for its time. No shit it's not going to be to the same par as something with a big budget behind it now, but doing something about the facial and character animations to keep them from being jarringly bad isn't too much to ask.
I may be remembering wrong but I dont think there's been a non-Yakuza or even non-SEGA game that used the Dragon Engine yet. I dont know if the RGG staff is okay with it even though Nagoshi worked under Suzuki during the DC era.
Yakuza is a pure moviegame with some action moments.
Bros this shit looks booboo
The realistic style graphics contributed a lot to the immersion and atmosphere, couldn't they just use yakuza's engine or even the original games with better textures
>The realistic style graphics
Ryo has always looked like someone straight out of an anime.
>old trailers said ps4 and steam
>new trailer says ps4 and PC
>deep silver
say hi to your new EPIC GAME STORE exclusive...
fuck yu suzuki
>HK, Kowloon
now what the fuck are we going to do in a mountain village without arcades, darts and gambling
Is Ryo's original english voice actor confirmed? It wouldn't be the same without him.
Probably heard people complaning that 1 was too slow.
fuck epic
You're as mad and delusional as Jones. I have 2 dreamcast you goddamn idiot zoomer.
>Not a single game on UE4 look as good as REmake 2
Paragon looked better than both of those, it looks so much better you have to be an actual retard to not be able to see this. The game was shit, but it had better graphics any any crap that Capcom shat out with their overrated RE Engine.
?? whats was the big deal about this game again? and didn't it die or something before the second game came out?
Facial proportions and (especially) colors in all the npcs here is out of wack though.
It's ok though, i had literally 0 expectations for this, so i'm glad at least the combat animations look fluid.
Ooga booga. Zug have question
that would be any switch release ever
You blind.
The map on Shenmue II is way, way bigger than Shenmue's. But the story isn't much longer than in the first game.
It looks like its actually going to play pretty similarly to 1 and 2. I still wonder if it's gonna have the same control scheme. I bet there are gonna be complaints about this game feeling dated...
Personally, I prefer 1 to 2 because 2 moves around too much imo. I hope there is better pacing this time around.
2017 ryu was perfect, should have left it alone there.
Looks awful.
> doing all the hidden and misseable side quests in shenmue
Absolute mad man. Shenmue 2 in particular is completely cryptic.
shut up nigger
Dead shit game but it had better graphics than any RE Engine game. Gears 4 does as well.
There's nothing fucking complex in paragon rendering wise.
its only 1 of 3 locations in the game, the other 2 cities are going to be more like hong kong
shenmue 2 is much longer when you consider that you are actually doing stuff the whole game and not forced into random wait for this event sections
We waited 15 years for this senile crap?
Why does every character in this game look like a fucking doll.
it looks like fucking shit
literally NO SOUL compared to the original games
Guy has 2 knees
It looks exactly like the dreamcast graphics, what are you talking about? Did you even watch the new trailer?
we regressed one whole year
this is the exact amount of shitty that I want from shenmue
i'm hype now
Imagine waiting nearly 20 years to get something that looks this bad
KH3 and FFXV all over again.
This. Didn't expect gameplay footage
Nothing matters
Just release it
Nothing a simple sweetfx cant fix
No he's just gay
The exact same thing can be said for any Capcom game, you delusional retard. Even if you think that's true, it has far more complex graphical rendering techniques than the RE Engine games.
>this graphics
>Those faces
>Nearly 20 of development
The funniest thing is that fans is going to eat this shit up.
you're a pure retard for believing this
It's what I want. Otherwise it wouldn't be Shenmue. I also want the terrible english dub.
They shouldn't have bothered. I love 1 and 2, and I want 3 to be as impressive as those games were years ago.
I now understand why Japanese video game developers insist on never making video game characters look Japanese. They look absolutely horrific as CGI characters.
this breaks zooms zooms brain
1 and 2 were ahead of their time and were made with a budget that was unheard of at the time for videogames. There is no way a kickstarter game will deliver in today's era. I have seen chinese based games more impressive than this ugly lame excuse of a game.
I see...
Looks worse than ps2 tekken desu.
Looking good so far, hopefully this sequel won't lead into another disappointing "revival" cash grab.
Please, just... don't fuck this up
Those side-characters look like fucking Yakuza rejects from the PS3 days.
The animations and character designs look like shit but fuck man it's been close to seventeen years guess I can put up with it.
Sega wouldn't allow it.
The Dragon Engine is pretty weak anyhow, basically gives you PS3 graphics on a PS4.
I always wondered what the correct answer for this was.
Should I choose the one that we are together so that I really appreciate and care for her?
or let her have the other one, but would it show that I didn't care and only saw her as a friend?
Ironic since Yakuza games still have PS3 graphics.
> I have 2 dreamcast
And the only thing that proves is that your English is atrocious. You have two Dreamcasts, cool. That doesn't prove that you bought the game day one. As someone who imported the fucking game day one, Shenmue 3 looks like it'll be fairly faithful to the original two games, maybe to a fault. It might be a dated experience but I'm going in looking for more Shenmue 1 and 2, this will probably deliver.
my dick
The graphics to this game are so strange. Its like you got cartoon looking characters living side by side with realistic ones.
When you think back on it though the games seem pretty clearly made in a way to show off what games at that time were capable of graphically and immersion wise. The industry has come a very long way since then so its not to say they aged like milk but they very much were a product of their time. Not bashing here, don't know how else to put it.
We aren't fighting Lan Di are we.
Most humans do.
I like that they retroactively fixed his jacket to make it look more like the Dreamcast one.
If Ryo fights Lan Di, he's going to die. So obviously not.
> Anons expecting a game made on a small budget to look like RE2 or FC5.
Some people have unrealistic expectations.
>small budgets can't look good
It's not that it's budget is small or that it isn't Far Cry 5 tier, it's that it looks bad. The developers keep changing all the characters faces for some reason and every change makes it look worse.
Unless it blows people out of the water, I don't think a fourth would have the same momemuntum, thus I hope this is the end of the saga as well.
2017 looked best to me. i still like 2018 and 2019 though.
I mean, Lan Di would still obliterate Ryo within 5 seconds in a fight. It's seriously uneven.