The PS4 version has been censored

The PS4 version has been censored.

Attached: Devil May Cry V.jpg (306x165, 6K)

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No it hasn't.

Sucks, but I'm not about to throw my copy away because of two butt cracks.

Yes it has. It censored nudity.

Not it doesn't. Quit lying.

Attached: 1552146864422.jpg (1564x1916, 394K)


Prove it.

My copy is coming in a few days, I'll report back once I get to the scene in question.

Attached: F5A69FC0-A95B-4415-967F-674B3BD51E5D.jpg (1024x576, 82K)

Hopefully /ourguy/ will spread the word and make Capcom fix this.

Attached: photo.jpg (900x900, 159K)

You're probably part of the same group of dumbass's who believed the fag from empire actually got jumped.

Just watch this cutscene on every platform, they all have lensflare.
That aside, believing this shit to begin with shows what a fucking retarded faggot ass board Yea Forums is.

i had a that shining light on PC version

Not an argument retard.

For me, it's not about the butt scenes. I personally don't want to support censorship.

>using pre-release footage without the patch
snoygros will do everything to defend their masters.

>t. incel
Have sex.

Yes, it has.

Attached: dmcv.png (740x948, 465K)

I did. Still dont want to support censorship though.

What a dumb decision, now I'm just going to pirate the PC version and NEVER buy it. Originally I was going to buy it on PS4 and PC just to show support but there's absolutely no way I'm paying for a piece of art someone with no talent has fucked with for no good reason.

So? Just dont install said patch. Easy.

It's funny seeing Reddit now care about Sony censorship when it's a game they like. Get fucked they all deserve this. I hope Cyberpunk, the next GTA and FFVII remake gets censored up the ass for the English release.

Because they know everybody is going to be playing that version of the game.

Attached: laughing cat.jpg (1024x860, 83K)

>Sony forces their censorship shit
>Forces the company to do it for all versions
I hate this fucking game company so god damn much. What a horribly retarded situation.

Japan version is still fine isn't it?

those games you mentioned are shit anyways

This. It's pretty obvious VII will be changed even if Sony didn't go California. Like the cross dressing.

Attached: 341.png (1535x460, 46K)

2018: "haha stupid weebs your animu games get censored get fucked"

2019: "oof"

>pedofags doing mental gymnastics to pretend loli censorship was the same issue

Mentally ill

Nope, their censorship policy affected games that were japan-only and had literally no chance to be released in the west.

Attached: sunny.jpg (1024x576, 78K)

If Trish's and Lady's faces didn't matter then this won't either. Anyone who owns a good PC and a PS4 will get the PC version anyway, and no one has an Xbone.

Oh no I know about those but I mean specifically for Devil May Cry.

>you have to miss out on seeing other players on the PS4 version just to play uncensored
the PS4 version is objectively the shittiest.