Did you refund DMCV yet Yea Forums?

Did you refund DMCV yet Yea Forums?

Attached: 1.png (651x373, 48K)

Yep. Gotta send a message, and it will get cracked soon anyway

it's already been cracked

even better, where?

schizophrenia thread

What you have to is refund and buy over and over, because of Steam's policies it takes a lot out of Capcom's pocket.

Can’t even reach main menu due to some bugs. My pc barely meets requirements anyways. What a shame.

It doesn't need to be cracked, an entire denuvoless exe was leaked.
And what a fucking surprise there is a massive increase in performance in the leaked version.

I don't know, just search fireden

wait, the pc version is censored too?

ah, so you're the retard that has over 7 pages of tits and ass screenshots on his steam profile and wrote entire paragraphs detailing the fan service of a game in a review

I never bought it in the first place.

>small light covers up nudity in scene where you couldn't see anything anyway

well, time to refund and pirate am I right bros?

Imagine being this triggered by lens flare.

Attached: 50423F5E-E848-43A3-9D1C-7D23DD7A2C43.jpg (470x470, 12K)

It shouldn't be too hard to mod the lens flare out, but people only care about whining on forums instead of tinkering nowadays.

There’re some screenshoots showing both uncensored if you mess with the options.

no, you can just turn off lens flare in the options and it shows anyway
i just turned it off before playing, together with bloom and motion blur, because i fucking hate that shit in games. never had anything censored, then i go online after beating the game and a bunch of people are mad at censorship and i'm just confused

>wait, the pc version is censored too?
Yes. I thought you would realized that the Sony Censorship thing is over blown. Just like the Nintendo one was.

That was the most pathetic attempt I've ever seen

Wrong, the PS4 version is more censored and you can even disable the partial censor on PC.

>sjw snoy censorship cancer metasizing to other platforms
why are snoy and SJWs such literal cancer?

holy shit, thank God I didn't buy it
fuck snoy