What is the hardest boss fight in vidya history?

What is the hardest boss fight in vidya history?

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SWTOR bridge boss

Hibachi from DDP



Dark Fact

Emerald Weapon


blade wolf

The Demi-Fiend in Digital Devil Saga II

Iron Mike Tyson

Rin Kaenbyou

Not hard.

Sans or Flandre Scarlet :)

Does artificial difficulty count? If so, any boss from Sticker Star is a candidate.

First thing I thought of was the Rodin fight in Bayonetta 1.

The Devil in GH3


The Darkest Lord from Miitopia

my crippling depression haha

Asura from Radiant Dawn is a bs fight

Use sprinkles you retard

I do, but even then it's still hard as fuck.

asylum demon

NOT using the right 'thing' during boss fights was were the fun was you coward

Through the Fire and Flames from Guitar Hero 3

my dick

Final boss of Jet Force Gemini.