Race/class of your toon?
Race/class of your toon?
fucking based
do you think the demon fox watches whenever naruto bangs hinata
human warlock
female dwarf paladin with red hair and the two long ponytails that flop around when a heal is going off
leveling holy/prot
will off-tank the fire imps in MC and the suppression room
female dwarves are the most cancerous retards in wow. when im horde i always take time out of my day to kill them and only them if in a group just to send a message. If im unfortunate enough to be playing alliance (which is my fav faction apart from female dwarf players) i never invite them to my groups a second time, not as a general rule but because they always warrant my ire through their memefaggery.
human mage rolling through here, fuck gnomes, and fuck minmaxing
have sex
Troll Mage
>female dwarf prot paladin
I see you plan on leading the meme squad
Soon, lads
hope you enjoy healing in a dress
NE druid or HU paladin, I haven't decide yet.
Fem troll warlock
Undead rogue
Female orc warrior
Male tauren shaman
Female undead priest
Female troll mage
maximum autism
Healing is necessary for any class capable of doing so in order to acquire gear. Mr ret paladin will have to pay his dues as a healer to earn his ret gear.
etween raids he can enjoy playing with his warrior hand me downs in battlegrounds, but every Tuesday he'll be back to holy.
oh sweet catasummer child
tauren shammy
enhance while leveling, resto for raiding
undead warlock or dorf paladin
Would prefer Night Elf, but I have to play horde, so Tauren it is.
Alliance is more open to feral druids, and the cats look cuter, so would really like to be a Night Elf.
Only problem is I only know the horde dungeons, and I HATE dwarves actually feel disgust, and the other alliance races are also really lame. Only like Night Elf.
Wish Night Elves could join horde.
What's the most hilarious retail cope you've heard, lads?
Human mage or dwarf hunter. Hard choice.
>Playing WOW in 2019
>Calling your character a 'toon'
>being a zoomer
>not playing excellent games that have aged like wine
Be in bed by nine junior
will it be mandatory to level a hunter or mage alt so you can farm gold in dire maul and keep up with the inflated AH prices?
I'm older than you and I played based Everquest while your utopia slowly killed itself.
Now, FF 14 stole all your game's ideas is way better than yours.
UD Priest
Since i fully believe they will put out progression server of some kind as it would be insane to not capitalize on that money over time. Priest has some of the least annoying changes over expansion cycles and usually ends up in a good spot. Shadow just gets better and more useful. If DIsc isnt good Holy is.
Tell me my age then
>tfw hate retail WoW
>tfw want to play a harder, more immersive version of WoW with a real community like Vanilla
>tfw want to raid and PvP
>tfw only like hybrid dps specs
Am I fucked? Are rets, shadow priests, and ferals really that bad? I don't care if I'm a nightfall slave, I just wanna raid and eventually get some sick loot...
I'm gonna say 32, because i'm 33.
Usually UD rg but I've been enjoying WHM in XIV. Considering rolling priest or mage but then I'd technically lose my raid experience wouldn't I? Wat do bros
Female Nigh Elf Holy Priest
Human frostmage
>Non-nerfed dire maul to farm goldcap in a week
>No Pallys in the opposite faction to dispell your nova
>Warrior is the most played class in vanilla and you will get to aoefarm all the warriortards like mobs
>Free gold with water and portals
>All guilds want one
>I can level any professions I want (like engineering) and even twink a warrior because of the money I get
>After getting some raid gear I can just respec to shatter and blow up noobs into oblivion
Troll shammy
Hey, I can melee!
>I'm so old I started on EQ!
>btw XIV
can't make this shit up
Ah, Everquest. The shining example of people that were too young to know what they're talking about, but grabbed the first thing they heard anyway.
>No Pallys
most feared class in vanilla wow pvp. not even horde racials can make up for it.
Depending on the faction my friends go for.
Either Dwarf warrior or Undead warlock.
Tauren Rogue
NIGHT ELF HUNTER or maybe Orc I don't know yet. I like NE animations more.
I mained a shadow priest from vanilla through wrath, and did well even at the start, though I had a guild that was open to me proving myself as dps. So, depends on who you get in with, I guess. We weren't a hardcore guild though, and only cleared through half of BWL, so take from that what you will.
Human Aff/demo warlock and Tauren Enh Shaman as my two mains
M8 you might want to reread that again.
kek @ that image
BASED retadin
A hunter, I think. I don't want to experience fighting for gear as a hybrid again.
tempted to go Dwarf Priest for ultimate comfy
also, does anyone else feel like it's going to be canned or delayed like fuck?
with the layoffs, lack of communication and the huge amount of bugs in the demo of one small zone I imagine it's not gonna make it on time, and if it does it'll be bugged to hell
Sometimes I wish Undead players were actually classified as actual undead so I could bitch slap them with exorcism and holy wrath.
Imagine being such a fucking brainwashed activisiondrone you're still willing to pay money to play a 15 year old recycled version of a game.
The layoffs were largely the company parasites. If anything, the people who would actually support the fags that complain about griefing being booted is a massive step forward.
Salty Human:
seems like shadowpriest is the most useful at out of all 3. I prefer ret, but I wouldn't mind spriest. how good is undead vs troll spriest for pve and pvp?
they were in beta
anything not a human or gnome
I just play private servers
Human / Ret Paladin because it's the most chad race class spec combo
cringe and gaypilled
based and nazipilled
nelf mage
>he wants to play a ret paladin
>i-i better bring up raiding viability!!!!
get used to what happens in this webm
no I read it properly. you're saying it's a good thing that you're not fighting against paladins. horde have to fight against paladins. I'm saying that the horde fear paladins.
is that a reck bomb? what happened here?
>no world pvp
if im not getting gear to wreck peoples shit out in the world with them why bother getting gear from raids at all.
Female undead warrior, prot
Always was a fan of the full flip they do for their big hit. And with warriors that's the spammable sunder armor. Which means this tiny little no-muscle think with a crackling voice gets to dodge dodge block block party the giant terrifying things while doing sometimes 2 front flips a second. Pretty cool
lmao horde and trannys always lose
I'm maining female night elf priestess and service my party's fat throbbing cocks after the dungeon is over
A priest. Human, Nelf or dwarf?
Tauren Hunter is the most based combo ever. It's the mark of a true intellectual.
dwarf faggot nigger
Male Human Mage
>Troll/nelf Hunter
>Skinning/mining on fresh
>At 40, buy mount with skin money, drop mining and skinning for engineering and herbalism
>Get to 60, farm DM, pick herbs, make lodzemoney
>Shit on people in world PvP and AV
Rate my plan lads.
this video makes me want to roll a restokin
dwarf hunter/rogue
fucking dumb as fuck
the fox probably uses clones to go fuck people too
better start prepping your face now because in 4 months it's going to be shit on constantly by hunters just like him
Troll's probably slightly better for pve, though will of the forsaken is amazing in pvp, and you also get devouring plague. I'd recommend undead.
>Human Warlock
>Dwarf Paladin
>Gnome Warrior
>Nelf Priest
I am ready to MEME
Depends on which faction I end up in.
It's either an Orc Warlock or a Dwarf Rogue
What does this tell about me?
I wish this guy would release his replacement audio
two seal of command procs that both crit along with a melee, and judgment crit because he was effected by HoJ
don't need reckoning to oneshot squishies
The AH will be inundated with lower level materials, m8.
Better to run alchemy/herb and mass produce swiftness potions. Everyone always has a need for them, and swiftthistle is an unreliable mat to get.
kek. fucking destroyed. thanks for telling me. you reckon that the paladin still had most of his health left at the end of that fight?
i made this image
if you're playing anything but dwarf priest in vanilla you're a fuckin idiot
lmao good ruse.
Undead Paladin.
imagine if he had this
He's a plate class so my guess is he was sitting around 5k. iirc tanks could hit 10k with AQ40/Naxx Gear + flask
My guess is the paladin had about 2k hp left
My friend and I were in a top tier guild in retail and he did clothadin in raids and blew all his dkp on ashkandi + plate gear from bwl/judgment
he could one combo most classes that weren't plate. mages were 100% dead in a stun as soon as blink was used
For me, it's the spirit Troll warrior for maximum health regeneration.
Undead Rogue
not him but is that not what HoJ means
ironically i played NE priest on retail, I'd still reroll dwarf in a heartbeat now
>I wish this guy would release his replacement audio
the one where it says "austin 360 just whipped your ass" is from professional wrestling
I found out the hard way that if your class can heal and you want to raid, you're healing. I wanted to be a ret. Thought it would be like a warrior, but I can occasionally toss out heals if the raid needs them LOL Also the GM's GF is already the 1 shadow priest we need :^)
God damn she is hideous.
desu, Hand of Justice is okay on a Paladin, but generally speaking it was better on a warrior. Seal of Command had a maximum proc rate of 7 procs per minute so beyond making sure you were able to squeeze out 2 procs in a 5 second window it wasn't incredible.
Hand of Rag tho was fucking disgusting on a paladin because judgment gear had lots of spellpower along with solid melee stats, provided you did not wear GM gear. Even then, a mix of judgment/conquerors + gm gear was the best for min/max
>those keybinds
Dwarf Paladin
I recognize some of it but im pretty sure replacing every sound effect is a pretty tedious process
Ret paladins do shit dps, but amazing burst
Shadow priest legitimately did nothing and wasted precious debuff slots on the boss. Neither are brought in real guilds to PVE
anyone who tells you either are viable in pve legitimately never played the game at any kind of competitive level, and is seriously tricking you
vanilla is not a flexible meta, wow classic is probably not the right fit for you
t. ret paladin
I'm planning a dwarf paladin too. I'm not too familiar with the dwarf 10-20 zone so I was thinking about heading to elwynn forest at level 10 to do the higher-end quests there before heading to westfall. but as a paladin, will I have to stay in the dwarven area for the class quests or can they be accepted and completed in the human zone too?
I'll be rolling Ally lock with Engineering as one of my professions. What should my second profession be if I with to get gold? Eventually I'll probably have to pick Tailoring for the Bloodvine set but we'll see how it goes.
I always liked Mining and it has an obvious synergy with Engineering but I heard I can run Mara for Ghost Mushrooms.
Female Night Elf Druid.
On an RP server.
Without ERPing.
more accurate now
dwarf retadin or dwarf arms warr for pvp purposes?
Rock, stone and grudgepilled.
I'm not sure, I mained a UD lock in Vanilla so dwarf is completely new to me
>Shadow priest legitimately did nothing and wasted precious debuff slots on the boss
Warlocks were solid dps and they benefited from Shadow vulnerability or whatever that debuff was called.
Pretty sure you can do your class quest in either SW of IF. At 20-something you get the quest for a sweet 2h mace and it takes place all over the world, the first part being in a farm in Westfall.
I remember Verigan's Fist. As a paladin I'll be leveling a bit slower than others, so hopefully people are already running SFK by the time I'm ready for that part.
and? half the time warlocks were only able to shadowbolt, corruption was not allowed unless you were specifically SM/Ruin
>I want to go back to the way things used to be!
>Immediately minmax the shit out of it and shit on other players who don't minmax
Vanilla wow is just autistics chasing glory days
Thats what you went for raiding spec till BC to do max Damage.
The only time you wouldn't take warlocks is if you plan on min maxing your raid for speed running. Mages Wars Rogues Couple hunters for tranq couple Locks for COE and COR.
Otherwise Shadow Vulnerability is a nice damage increase for locks.
The only downside is that SFK is a royal bitch to get to at low levels. At least you can rack up a few flight paths early.
>female druid
At least get the lore right and roll female priest/warrior/hunter
all 4 available classes to gnomes equally
people who weren't retards minmaxed in the old days
It's more interesting to play something that doesn't completely fit that cookie cutter
The goal is to shun and avoid minmaxers like the plague. They're just human garbage, so it will be no big loss.
tauren shaman
step 1. Roll on new server
step 2. Identify the tryhard guild(s)
step 3. Avoid them at all costs
step 4. have fun with a fun guild and watch the tryhard guilds disband after wiping on a boss and the raid leader screeches into discord and everyone gquits
Tauren anything is the mark of a true intellectual.
Undoubtedly based, and dare I say, REDPILLED?
Everyone knows Tauren Rogues are the sneakiest.
If I do end up playing classic I'll be happy to play any race/class except human/nelf
or watch your guild accidentally turn into a raiding guild once you manage to get 40 lvl 60s and it'll be shits and giggles for a while as you steamroll through MC. Then somewhere down the line people will take it more seriously and turn your fun guild into a legitimate raid guild, people will only log during raids if at all, and the fun dies.
it was amazing, truthfully they shouldve kept it. Would have been fair considering how amazing the undead racials are.
Exactly the same as me :o
Once debuff limit is raised, you want WANT exactly one Dwarf Shadow priest. Their debuff will boost your overall raid dps more then if you had the extra warlock once you have 3-4 locks and when put in the lock group they offer health regen for unlimited lifetapping.
fun guilds and competent guilds are not mutually exclusive. I'm truly sorry that this is news to you.
Which shaman tier set is the most aesthetic?
yep, my guild in vanilla easily cleared all the way up to c'thun with almost zero problems. We killed vael in one evening, huhuran took 2 weeks.
Only TE took us awhile and half the time we were all wasted in raid
Orc shaman.
Troll mage.
Ah, a fellow patrician and wow genius.
dont ever roll on my shit ill kill you
NElf Feral Druid
Kill yourself
based, redpilled and everything in between
best race and best class
>like the alliance areas because they're more comfy and they look nicer
>like the horde races more because they look cooler and are way more interesting than humans
Please help me choose
No, HoJ stands for 'Hammer of Justice', the Paladin's 5 second stun ability.
Level to 60 as Alliance and then faction change.
I have one of every Horde Race (including Allied) and Class.
Not all are full Lv. 120 though.
My main will be an orc shaman, but I will also have a troll warrior, orc warlock and tauren druid
>want to roll human pally
>don't want to be just like every other fuck who had the same idea as me
I want to be unique, bros...
Literally the worst race for lock you retard.
So what's the Yea Forumserdict? If you had to choose only one, which would it be? (this includes every xpac all the way up to retail)
the troll hunter i never made since my dumbass friends didn't trust me not devolving into a huntard
that is all
Do you prefer Deadmines or wailing caverns?
>those annoying quests outside instances but inside the elite area that nobody does
>no shared quest item loot sharing
>absolutely USELESS talents
What are some things you'd like to see changed? Purism autists need not reply
Yea i also hate gnomes
just roll female dwarf pally if you want to be a special snowflake
>>those annoying quests outside instances but inside the elite area that nobody does
Is it really so hard to just say
>guys, I have X quest, can we do it quick before we enter?
I never had any issues with it, especially if you could share it.
Proud female human prot warrior or troll I don't know please help
For the Horde!
>picking an A or S tier race/class
>admitting to everyone you are complete trash and need every advantage you can get
>proceed to claim you don't play games on "easy mode"
Alliance = Yea Forums
Horde = Reddit
Right now, probably a dwarf paladin. I am a shitty player and instead of being able to fight back in pvp, I just want to be a pain in the ass to kill.
Female Tauren or Dwarf of any class.
dwarf paladin
Undead mage I guess
200% convinced that i'll go fem dwarf paladin but that might change before classic is released
I might go alliance, i really have no idea
Even in tbc and on private servers i've played horde
Do we have an EU roster already, bros?