Who is the Andou of video games?

Who is the Andou of video games?

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What a cunt.

Who is the Endou of videogames?

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>You'll pick ally, right user?

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I fucking love this asshole. Kaijis mom is CUUUTTEEE!!!

This cunt

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he did nothing wrong

If you think Andou's bad you should fucking read the mahjong ark in the manga.

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I had my doubts about an arc in Kaiji with no gambling but it's so good. Kaiji's mom is adorable.

>finish kaiji s2 last night
>the pachinko part goes on for 16 episodes and is the last challenge

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Arcturus Mengsk

That reminds me, I still need to watch the Tonegawa anime.
And the best part
>Kaiji back to square one

The bog arc dragging on for too long is practically the only thing that holds s2 back as being fucking god tier. Even then it's still great but holy shit it's like 5 episodes too long.


>s3 never

It's kino. Ichijō is a top tier villain. Did he ever show up in the Tonegawa anime? I forgot all about it.

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It being so long really makes the release when the fucking ball finally goes on amazing though

>decide to keep reading manga after anime
>it's a fucking mahjong arc
I couldn't make heads or tails of what was going on and had to drop it
feels kinda bad man

Is it worth learning how to play Mahjong so I can watch Akaji

I think he did

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Yea Forums pls go and stay go

yeah but you don't really need to know how to play

kaiji has always been a Yea Forums anime

Oh really? Is it not that important to know how the game is played? I thought that a very large part of the manga is only Mahjong.

yeah i loved it but one more challenge would've made it perfect.

also i wish other anime did the proverbs of kaiji thing

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I had the opposite reaction. You can only build tension for so long before it starts to get frustrating and deflates all the buildup. If it wasn't for how great the cee-lo/chinchirorin arc was it would have almost ruined the entire season for me.

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I started akagi but dropped it 10 episodes in to learn mahjong, it's not really necessary to watch it but i think you lose a lot

Anyone else want to gamble after reading this?

love this motherfucker

I think so. I'm biased though since I already knew how to play. Mahjong is a fun game.

Never have I watched balls spinning in a pot be so tense

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The weird part is that he's always a douchebag so it's not like he actually betrayed you since you know he WILL betray you. The monk guy on the other hand is a bitch.

I still remember that episode 17 (I belirve) is ENTIRELY about the flippers blocking the balls, nothing else no resolution, no plan nothing, just 24 minutes of
>please watch the movie we promise it's good
I understand there has to be a filler episode or two but at least make a recap episode or something if you truly have no ideas.

I'd love a season 3 but with how the later parts of Kaiji are structured it'd be hard to fit it into a neat little 24-26 episode anime run. Everything after part 2 is basically just one long continuous meta arc which would be impossible to condense into a single season, but if you broke it up into multiple seasons there wouldn't really be satisfying "break" points to end on. Having an entire season just for minefield mahjong would be a tough sell.

Looks like no one posted yet, so here goes

what are some games that last forever?

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>easily surpasses the original series

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He did Nothing Wrong

Why is this shit being reposted? Is there a remake?rerun?eceleb?

Is Season 3 ever going to happen? There's a new movie in 2020.

Minefield Mahjong was the best arc

When Hideki Tanuichi gets out of jail in 50 years

he was right pragmatically though

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Keep reading,one poker is god tier

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Nah. It's fun but it lacks the tension of kaiji.

English manga release?

The 16 episodes of build-up is all worth it for the fucking end.



The manga is far, far away from where the anime currently ends, and the next big arc of the manga is only animated in pachinko machines.

When are animeonly shitters going to join the master race and read the fucking manga already?

p e r s i s t e n c e

because kaiji is one of the few anime with god tier execution in every aspect.

The manga will only get worse in the pacing regards.
At least the mahjong game is fun. The button pressing game on the other hand, is fucking painful to read.

The Bog is a god-tier arc. Ichijo is based.

Rumor has it read: "Yea Forums says" that the original composer is/was in jail and therefore s3 never.
Also, the anime was in large parts about promoting the movies and those supposedly flopped, if memory serves.
>There's a new movie in 2020
Huh, well maybe there is a chance then, after all.


I can usually into mangas but a big, BIG part of why I like Kaiji is the soundtrack. I can't imagine the manga hitting the same highs at all without that fantastic OST

yeah, briefly

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The Washizu arc is another example of Fukumoto not understanding the concept of pacing. There's never going to be an anime adapation for the end of Akagi because he dragged it out so long.
>Akagi manga is roughly 300 chapters
>Over 200 of them are the Washizu arc

basically, they have a certain amount of time to assemble a tenpai hand (1 tile away from a winning) and then they each take turns drawing from the pile until someone gets a winning piece, which they say is like walking through a minefield

I tried reading akagi but I didn't know literally anything about mahjong and I just felt completely lost

Who was in the wrong?

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It is, Madhouse did an amazing job with it. I don't even mind that the early arcs wer enever properly and fully scanlated because the anime is so good. But you're waiting for an adaptation that will likely never come and missing out on some great gambles because of it.

I liked how it was sort of like how the legend of akagi is one long night with washizu, but being so long winded and then ending in a couple chapters seemed like it was not thought out at all

Washizu's subordinates.

I think this is where I stopped reading back in a day because scanlations slowed down.

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I don't mind waiting. If they did the Tonegawa spinoff surely they'll do a season 3.

>Gambling King Zero's first arc is like Kaiji with varied gambles, puzzles, and betrayal
>Second arc is a fucking boring treasure hunt with no danger
>Third arc never

I liked that episode. They kept the intersections with the main Kaiji plotline few and far between, so when it happened it was always pretty good.

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no that's real and old news. I've never been able to find any info on how long his sentence is though. also from what I understand, japan has such a strong "drugs are bad" culture, that no one will want to work with him in the future either animenewsnetwork.com/news/2012-05-22/death-note/kaiji-composer-taniuchi-arrested-on-marijuana-charges

you should pick it up, I thought this was by far the best akagi arc

>Fan of Akagi and Kaiji
>Found out about Ten by chance
>Cried like a bitch at the ending

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You would think, but the next major arc has existed for a while in pachinko machines only, broken up into something like 13 one minute segments segments. It's worrying.

the tonegawa anime was great. changing the narrator felt like heresy, but his weird sudden english grew on me after a while. still wish we could get more kaiji though

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should I watch?

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Nothing has yet to top this moment for me.

>no one will want to work with him in the future either
Yeah, that's basically the damning factor here. I thought he might have even been out already, but nobody working with him would make no difference in that regard.
The question is, does a potential anime project get axed over a composer not returning? That's the part I am not sure about and which might be exaggerated.

Ten kind of disappointed me. I went into it thinking it would be about him trying to get away with cheating in the most high-stakes environments but he just ended up being a mahjong prodigy who played clean.

Minefield mahjong has some great moments. Also my favourite line in the entire series.
>Kaiji (to himself): You piece of shit! Do you want to die? Do you actually want to be killed, you fucker?!

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I remember looking for it and I believe it was something like 16 years or something, at least it was double digit. I remember being surprised because it was way too long for the a amount of weed he actually had.
Don't take my word for it though

I've only read a tiny bit of Ten but isn't his technique risky? Like what if someone else started with 2 1 man tiles?

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is the author obsessed with mahjong or japanese?

I've never enjoyed an anime that much without getting what's going on.

Hugh stop being so fucking edgy

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It's hilarious and better than the main show... so yes.

again this is just what I've heard, but the "DRUGS BAD" culture is so strong it also taints their past work and stuff. but we got tonegawa, so maybe that's not actually the case, who knows. though as fun as tonegawa was, the music in it was pretty forgettable, and it always stood out when they used clips from kaiji and it had his music in it

Usually you expect douchebag characters to have heart of gold, it was actually surprising that Dio was just an asshole.

blessed kaiji thread

reminder that kaiji-kun is moe

Ten is a really fucking weird manga because it completely changes its artstyle, focus and tone as it progresses. In the first chapters it's written and drawn like a comedy manga.

It lacks a lot of the flair of Fukumoto's later work and Ten is pretty boring or even unlikeable as a protagonist but the entire thing is worth reading just because old man Akagi is in it.

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I watched the first 2 eps but it has that weird Japanese old men humor. You know the kind of Game Center CX where everybody suddenly laughs for literally no reason.

If Kaiji's mom pulls off some kind of high stakes gamble in this arc I'm going to fucking nut.

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look at that captain tsubasa physique

Akagi the fuck are you wearing

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I really hope so user but its very unlikely. You really should read the manga.

Wait, Kaiji's mom is revealed? Fuck I gotta catch up

is the kaiji anime good enough to just skip those parts of the manga? I've watched it a few times, so do I just start with the 3rd arc, or did the anime skip anything I should know about?

The author has like 6 manga series about mahjong going on.

I watched most of the Akagi series. Is Kaiji the same shit or does it use a game that I can actually understand?

How is this vidya related?

He only does the tenhou trick like twice in the entire manga.

You can just go ahead and continue with the manga.


Kaiji uses a lot of games (rock-paper-scissors, a card game, a lottery, dice games, pachinko) and actually explains all of them extensively. The fun of Kaiji is him thinking outside the box to rig the games in his favor.

Why is the narrator so kino?

The Kaiji anime does not involve Mahjong. Part 3 of the manga is about Mahjong.
The anime can be watched without knowing any games beforehand.

There's only a single mahjong arc and it's only after the part covered by the anime.

In addition to Kaiji is in actual danger that you see unfold much more than Akagi. End of S1 is a bloodbath.

Sakai Burai Kaiji: Death or Survival on the Nintendo DS

Thank you very much. I definitely enjoyed a fair bit of Akagi, but not knowing how to play Mahjobng made things really rough.

From watching the anime and then continuing with the manga, the only note that the anime seems to have skipped over is that in the rock paper scissors arc, in the manga Kaiji gets branded with a hot iron when he gets sent to the losers room. That's it.


>we got shitty mahjong instead of uno

That was the only time in a piece of fiction I've read where I got legitimately furious.

That was the most painful shit after everything in the previous arcs

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sorry, it's good but it's NUMBAAAA TOOOOOOO

Kind of felt forced to me. The idea they would betray Kaiji was almost too far fetched for me to believe.

im surprised no one has said porky



Where's Kaiji season 3? I hear it would involve mahjong but I already watched Akagi so I'm good to go

Hold on. Tonegawa got an anime? Sweet.

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hopefully chang and mario's story has ended and they never show up to dick kaiji
too pure for this world

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It's really fucking good.
Here's a scene with absolutely no context.

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It's more comedy focus. Lacks all of the intensity of Kaiji. However, if you wanna see Tonegawa struggle to lead his men in black and please his psychopathic boss, then it's your type of anime.


Honestly if the current arc isn't the last one in Kaiji and he somehow gets cheated out of his winnings again it'll be really depressing.

So, has anyone in this thread seen pic related?
It's one of my all-time favorites.

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I want Kaiji to end with one final gamble against Hyodou in his completed underground kingdom.

It definitely won't be the last one. The whole point of him amassing the wealth has been to go after the top of Teiai. Other than something unforseen happening like Fukumoto disappearing there's no way Kaiji doesn't end with a rematch with Hyodo.

There needs to be a payoff for saving Kazuya's life too.

The first half kinda just left me in a confused stupor, but once it reaches THAT halfway point.
Jesus christ.

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What? You haven't seen "Once upon a time in America"!?

Yes it's great. Theatrical release is optimal though.


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Likely not happening. Read the thread.

How unrelatable h-ha ha...

What if Hyodou is kaiji from the future?I mean They're both human trash and have long hair

>He hates the four hour director's cut of "Once Upon a Time in America"
Get a load of this faggot!

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Is there a bigger retard in the series than Ebitani?

I'm usually one of the staunch "always read the manga" people because I prefer the medium, but Kaiji's one of the exceptions where the voice work (esp. narration) and sound design alone really put it above the original.
Just watch what you can and continue from there.


How he went from pointy nose to mr peanut nose?

I've never really bought the angle of Kaiji wanting take down the big bad guys considering his whole character is that he's a loser who just wants easy money. I feel like it'd be crappy writing if he just wants to take down Teiai for the sake of justice, but I guess he'll end up doing it because he'll never be safe otherwise.

Who is the Kurosawa of video games?

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really hard punch

That's why he's the best.

its pointy from the side and peanut from the front
someone post it

Real life

Generally I prefer the manga but the Kaiji anime is a great and loyal adaptation. Well worth it. there aren't even proper scans for half of the very first arc on the boat.

The manga is well worth it too, though. Really sells how grimy the underground is.

post FKMT reaction images

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I was just thinking Kurosawa was overdue a mention
Highly recommend it, but remember there is no sequel

The same way Akagi bodt became a rectangle,his nose is just a metaphor, every Kaiji bad guy has a big nose.And hyodou gave Kaiji good luck, remember when he gave Kaiji the winning lottery paper?Kaiji will be the leader of the yakuza or even teiai

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Kinda want to get into these. What should I read, Kaiji or Akagi?

my favourite guy, loved his hair

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Kaiji is better overall. Especially the anime.

They're both great but Kaiji is a lot easier to get into.

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Kaiji is more accessible if you do not know Mahjong.

Kaiji unless you know the basics of mahjong

If kaiji and akagi end up in gambling contest who would win?

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minefield mahjong was great
worth (kind of) learning mahjong for

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akagi if you know how to play mahjong. it's way more exciting


Takes a real fucked up person to enjoy these shows.

Know any resources to get started in mahjong.


always the same answer
Akagi would win, Kaiji would survive

It's definitely not done out of a true sense of justice, but he turned his winnings from majong immediately into a match with Kazuya so I think he wants a rematch with Hyodo. It could be him riding the high of the gamble, but he did the same thing with his initial winnings from E-Card too. It's not so much justice but revenge.

I think initially just wanting easy money and an easy life was where Kaiji was at but people aren't calling him a gambling addict for no reason. At this point even if he doesn't want to take money from Hyodo he's going to want the rush of the gamble either way.

This. Holy shit this.

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It's basically poker but with silly pictures. I played Yakuza 0.

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care to elaborate oh morally superior being?

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Kaiji is far more accessible and tense due to the wide variety of games and how razor thin everything is for him, but Akagi is great too.

Check the pastebin in the /jp/ thread
Wikipedia article on japanese mahjong is actually fairly good too

This is what I used to learn youtube.com/watch?v=hlnC2rgIPrc
Other tutorials skip over tons of shit to try and get you playing sooner but you just end up confused if you do that.

Are there any other manga that capture the essence of FKMT gambling manga? I've already read all his works and Liar Game, which was fantastic.

Mostly the themes it explores and how it attracts desperate and flawed people to it.



Man, Kaiji has a god-tier soundtrack. Recommend some other osts similar to this


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Thanks senpai-tachi.

>fuck this guy for literally saving our lives
>sure, he survived two deadly gambling sessions but he will fall for this!

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Fukumoto's best work coming through

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Death Note's OST was co-written by the guy who did Kaiji's and is equally as good.

There's Usogui and maybe Tomogachi Game.

Death Note
just look up the composer and see what else he's done besides DUDE

>Mahjong - Not even once


My jam.

madhouse should really pic this up, it is perfect for anime

Now watch Akagi.

Part 4 is certainly the weakest of the lot. Part 5 also drags the game on for way too long, but at least it's more interesting. Still prefer part 3 over it though.

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the hell is it even about?

zero escape series, especially 999. and yeah death note as well

They believed Kaiji was a fuckton rich and that he would forgive them later.
Both are too stupid to live and it’s no wonder they end up indebted

going through one-poker hen as we speak still


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I take it then it doesn't get better after the first volume or two. Felt pretty disappointing considering how perfect the ending to the original is.

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My nigga

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Damn now I gotta watch this knowing Gesu no Kiwami Otome did the opening.

Early watamote but with a 40 year old man.

Savior Game is the worst game in the manga by far. Minefield Mahjong and One Poker are fantastic though.

But really, you already knew this if you are getting into a Fukumoto work. He literally wrote a 20 year arc in Akagi.

It's always fucking weird to see how "normal" his style used to be

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A loser having a midlife crisis
The first volumes were at least funny, it only goes downhill and gets a bit samey
It's only really bad because as you said, the original ending is perfect

It's basically a manga about a loser who tries to find a purpose in life in the weirdest way possible

I would agree but I think it was ruined by the sequel.

He even appears in the Kaiji S2 opening. Hell, there are cutscenes for the Kaiji pachinko animated by madhouse instead of getting a S3. Fuck you madhouse.

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Top 10 anime battles

i also want to add that the soundtrack alone is enough reason to watch the anime
really complements the animation and situations

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My nigga. Death note is the closest thing I can recommend.

The problem with the narrator is that he spoke too much during the first episode

yeah there's a few songs in there that have always given me a bit of a kaiji vibe youtube.com/watch?v=8nVkPZOyzBE

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I finished Akagi recently, what a fucking ride. Jesus christ. Nothing could've prepared me for Washizu in Hell, including the fact I knew in advance there would be a Washizu in Hell arc.
This phrase hurt like a bitch because I know what happens in Ten.

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I'll never forgive the Japanese government for putting this genius behind bars for several years because he sold a bit of weed on the side. He should be out by now, but I'm sure his career has been completely ruined.

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I thought it was a bit much when it takes 12 chapters just to draw the starting tiles for the final hand.

I remember downloading the Akagi anime back when it was being subbed by Triad and waiting for months for a new episode. I was like 14 at the time and knowing I lived long enough to see the manga end, and even getting a pretty great dorama adaptation, kind of feels like a weird milestone.

>another example of Fukumoto not understanding the concept of pacing
As amazing as it was in the end, the amount of padding and recap in Akagi can get downright stupid. I know he did it to keep Kindai Mahjong alive but still, man.

Eh, I saw it coming. Japan doesn't understand the point of life debts.

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He's a fucking gambling addict, the only place he can beat the last high he got is by facing Hyoudo.

I have no fucking clue how the stakes can be higher though, he literally already risked his own and his new friend's lives.
Is it going to involve his mother and families lives?

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We saw those two under the burning pressure of the gambles, unlike the 45ers.
They wont dick Kaiji, thats not in their character.

Very likely

>Is it going to involve his mother and families lives?
Of course

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They've already put their lives on the line multiple times. They were there with Kaiji when they risked everything, and are being chased down by Teiai along with Kaiji, so it'd be very bizarre for them to go that way.

>Reading a series about a bunch of degenerates killing/enslaving others for a cheap thrill and the bad guys always win

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The pickling arc of Hancho is absolute FKMT kino.

Please delete this image


A showdown with Hyodou seems inevitable, but I just wonder if he'll manage to escape his mother's apartment. Bike helmet guy seems like a bit of a red herring, but it'll either be him trying to escape with the helmet on, or it's a fake out and he'll use his old friend's apartment to hide or escape or something.

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Who's that in the picture?

They had no idea that Kaiji lost almost his entire fortune to Serizawa and Endou and believed he was running around massively rich. They were fucking stupid and that's the reason they were in the pit to even begin with.

Kind of wish Ishida's son came back in some regard. I felt bad that Ishida asked Kaiji to save his wife and he never did, but Fukumoto seems to have forgotten that plot point entirely.

What if Hyodou is related to Washizu

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Didnt he retcon that part of Ishida’s debt was from his son?

whatever happened to anime about MINDGAMES

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I really want Akagi to show up in Kaiji just as a throwaway cameo at some point.

I want to hug her


I think it was the other way around, Ishida died on the bridge and his son had his debts compounded into his own which is why he was in the pit.

There's season 2 of that kakegurui anime on right now which is about gambling

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I honestly thought for a second that the "all the yakuza underlords across the world gather for the ultimate gamble" plot point in Zero was leading to some kind of protagonist vs protagonist gamble tying Fukumoto's mangas together.

>introduce girl to kaiji
>she gets hooked
>bog introduced
>"what the fuck it's pinball?"
>watches a little more
>"there's no strategy to this what the hell"
>goes on for multiple episodes
>those multiple fake out endings
>we finish the season

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What a cuck

Zero part 3 when?

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always makes me giggle every time

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Akagi is still alive during the time Kaiji takes place, fuck you

but user,Akagi is fucking dead


I'm lost having finished Fukumoto's works, Liar Game, and One Outs

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Sad that kaiji never settled the debts of ishidas family as promised.


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I never thought watching people play fucking Rock Paper Scissors, a fucking made up card game with simple as fuck rules and a fucking pachinko would be so entertaining.

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only if you've seen Kaiji. anyone who sees this and then goes back to Kaiji is going to have the entire tonality ruined by seeing what's depicted here.

shits based and ebirolled

Caught me off guard when Kiryu's voice actor appears in Akagi for 1 episode.


the best thing to do is read the manga for the bog and then watch the best parts in anime form

this thread right now. . . it's litty

>the hell is it even about?

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Since there were already multiple times with regular weekly threads for people hosting a game (Risk of Rain, Secret Hitler, now S4 etc.) what if we started doing the same with Restricted Rock Paper Scissors? And yes, someone made a working game based on it.

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Sure why not,link the game

The absolute mad-man. Tonegawa arc was fucking mental.

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After the first restricted RPS arc, over half the "gambles" in Kaiji are basically continuously fucking with any expectations you might have had.
>Arc that consists purely of walking across steel beams
>E-card almost kinda counts, but Tonegawa is cheating straight from the get-go
>A fucking raffle box
>Waiting an entire arc just to decide when to catch some dice
>Dragged out Ocean's Eleven type heist where almost everything is planned ahead of time
>Playing gimped Mahjong for an entire part
>Worst game show of all time for an entire part
>Semi-interesting but dragged out card game for an entire part
And now there's not even gambling of any kind involved.

gogem pls.

I'd be up for it actually. Game is a lot of fun.

I still say TOO BAD FOR YOU KAIJI a lot

E-Card is still the high point of the series for me, but the rest of it is really good too.

Ive watched kaiji and akagi and read where the anime left off for akagi, should i do the same for kaiji?

RRPS is a fundamentally boring game though, especially if you're not actually wagering anything real. The magic of Fukumoto is he takes really simplistic games and makes them exciting with high stakes, crazy meta strategies and visual metaphors.

Wait, when?

Why not some mahjong on tenhou?

>tfw have the zawa emotes from before googem threw a hissy fit and had his gamed pulled off of steam
I am mad I didn't get the rock emote though

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It's a pretty fun game, but it's semi broken by the fact that you can abuse the timer if you work together with someone. It also really ought to have more players to make working out the remaining cards a bit harder.

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Where can I download it?

Episode 8 and 9, he's Kawashima.

Post YFW kaiji just straight up mutilates his ear off

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And more brutal than ever!

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That's the link to it.

I guess I could host the server, but should I use default rules or the ones I made after tinkering with all that shit that are supposed to be as close to actual Kaiji as possible? (No new mechanics and the game doesn't give you any turn / time limits, instead we can just use general time limit of 1 hour for everyone).
I haven't played the game once yet though.

Well I mean yeah, but it still has a potential to be funfor different reasons.

I can't find it on steam, didn't know it was there.

I can just delete turns and timers if people want it.

I still can't believe he's back. I both love and hate Endou so fucking much.

I also found part 4 pretty boring because it's mostly just bickering between the two characters about wealth and corruption that it gets pretty exhausting to the point where I'm just speed reading till something interesting happens. Doesn't help that I don't understand the rules of mahjong and the fact that they're playing a modified version of it makes it even more confusing. I just prefer it to be in anime form because of how great the music and voice acting is that without it I don't feel much tension.

What the fuck is his problem?

One Outs

>I can't find it on steam, didn't know it was there.
did you miss the part where I said "before googem threw a hissy fit and had his gamed pulled off of steam"? he got mad steam wouldn't let him put a link to his patreon or whatever in his game and so he made a huge stink and made them take the game down

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Oh, hi.
Been a while since I played it, so not sure you'd have to do away with turns and timers entirely. Maybe just force some kind of sudden death mode after a while where both players can't keep agreeing to back out or something. But, hey, just an idea.

Ano.... Is the live action adaptation of liar game any good?

If you mean the mahjong part, then I suppose you mean part 3. It really does get better as it goes along though - I wasn't sold on it to begin with either but it gets really good. Although you'd certainly do yourself a favor learning the basics of mahjong. The basics (which are mostly all you need) are not as hard as you're probably making them out to be.

Sorry, I can't fucking read apparently.

You can't change rules mid-match.
I can host a server if we get at least 6 people.
But I dunno if I should use default rules or delete turns and timers and just end the game manually as an admin after an hour or something, or just when it pretty much stops beacuse no one does anything.


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He takes his job very seriously and has a lot of fun doing it.


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>kaiji blanco (incompleto)
im dying


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>send 1000 hitman to capture kaiji because his retarded son lost a gamble

Teiai crooks deserve to be bullied. Based Endou.

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Hyodou himself specifically said they only need to "appear to be fair". He doesn't give a rat's ass about actually being fair, and he's certainly not going to let anyone run away with billions of his yen because his dumbass son made a retarded gamble behind closed doors.

>Ebitani Empresario (Langosta)
This is fucking art right here

It's the best arc so don't give up!

Yes without a doubt, part 3 and part 5 are bonkers. Plus part 3 is mahjong so you shouldnt have any trouble getting it

That's kind of a running theme with Kaiji. Nothing is ever truly fair. It's just rich people taking advantage of addicts and morons. The only major game Kaiji's played that was in his favor was THE BOX, but he got blown the fuck out (You can probably argue some Rock Paper Scissors matches and the high beam count as 'fair' maybe but they're never really against the high stakes gamblers of the elite upper crust). The people Kaiji gambles against cheat because they have the resources to do so. They're not stupid enough to actually give up their money to chance.

>Alice in Borderland(mediocre but sometimes it's good)
>Tomodachi game(fun enough at the start but gets boring quickly)
>Kakegurui(trash but good art)
I wish I knew more

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I wish I had that image on file of the guy rewatching Akagi three times and slowly realizing how batshit insane what he's doing is. Even with games that you don't fully understand FKMT has this way of portraying things as tense and full of impact.

This one?

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There's Gambler Parade but I can't speak for the quality. People will recognize the art from Dangan Ronpa

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>No one knows what Akagi is doing

One poker is kino pleb.

There's another one but yeah that's pretty good.
This is the one


I found the first 2 episodes utterly boring but I can see why people could like it. Just check whether the first episode makes you laugh or not

There's a part in Ten where Akagi does the same thing except he jacks a triple yakuman.

why would you show kaiji to a girl, it's one of those anime women will never understand

I thought FKMT had its fair share of fujos

>Just check whether the first episode makes you laugh or not

That's the problem. The first 4 or so episodes are really bad. It genuinely gets better and better as the season goes on.

When are we going to see Kaiji's imouto?

>the nose
Every time.

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wasn't it the debt that he paid to bail the son out from underground?

Honestly the fact that RPS is the first game in the series is kind of brilliant. It shows it will make you shit your pants even with the simplest of premises.


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I was surprised how good this was.

when i first started kaiji i was half asleep and after the first few episodes i just played this on repeat for like half an hour


akagi i mean

>when you realize the song was about Old Akagi instead of Young Akagi

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Second season OP song has got to be the most unfitting song ever.

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Season 2 ending was kino


Reminds me, I feel like there was some pretty nice ED song or something for a live action version for Akagi, that I now can't find for whatever reason. Pretty vague I know, but if someone knows what I'm talking about, please help.


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Easy on the carrots, Akagi

I hated it at first, but now it's one of my favorites.

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Could be worse. It goes full retard after the part they use for the OP.


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Akagi is still my favorite anime.
Did a new sub ever come out for it? I only ever watched the OG hard subbef episodes

What did he regret again.

You will watch Triad and you will like it. I'll have you know it's a relic of a different time for fansubs, a piece of forgotten history.
In all seriousness though, yeah there's a DVD release using Triad's subtitles, softsubbed. It's on both AB and the usual public tracker.

I always assumed it was all the crazy stuff he pulled when younger.

>kaiji s1 will never get better quality than 576p

Is this the Kakegurui thread?

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This right here is a fucking travesty. All those delicious thicc lines look great in even a measly 720p. It's really too bad they never bothered to give it a proper release.

Was it kino?

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>zoomers don't know who this is

FKMT content in a non-FKMT artstyle is extremely jarring.

>betrays in literally every single timeline

Absolutely no one can stop this mad man

If Kaiji was on a mahjong table with Akagi, Kaiji would end up with a low, but positive score, while Akagi ends in first place.

are any of the kaiji/akagi movies any good?

Is Mahjong really the national sport of Yakuzas as it portray in every anime/manga?

I don't know about Akagi, but the japanese Kaiji is awful, while Animal World is alright, if you ignore the absolutely retarded clown stuff.

Akagi is a 10 episode series. I think it's pretty good and it covers more than the anime adaptation.

mahjong is a "gamble" that is actually a high skill game, so I suppose yes.

Good shit

Pretty sure Luna did.

even if you dont understand mahjong, watch akagi

Mahjong is a gamble with just enough skill to trick you into thinking that you're in control. Even the best player in the world can't win if they never draw good tiles.

it is very hard to not draw tiles to build a playable hand if you play optimally and make good decisions.

To a degree. I did without knowing jack shit my first time, and while I still enjoyed it, I wish I had saved my first viewing for after I learned the basics. Most of it still goes way over my head, but learning the ground rules doesn't really take that long and it'll make you both a lot whole lot less lost and also appreciate what an absolute madman Akagi really is.

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>the way he wins

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True, but it still comes down to luck (a lot of the time) for even the best. If a couple of players are both aiming for an optimal wait, it can all depend on whether they happen to get trash draws and get stuck in the mud.

I need finish up Kaiji. I got kinda bored watching the pachinko machine arc and never finished it. The prison dice arc and the roof crossing/emperor card game arc were fucking kino.

I really wish that wasn't as good a description as it is

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Akagi is weird in a good way. Early on it's enjoyable watching him shit on everyone but some time through Washizu i somehow started rooting for W even though i knew that he'd lose. Manga was a real wild ride and i wish they'd fully animate it but with composer gone it probably wouldn't be the same. I want Washizu to go full on Akagi and shit fury on Kazutaka just to see his reaction to being out fucking skilled everywhere.

Sure, but getting to a playable hand still doesn't mean you'll win. There's not much you can do if your opponents keep getting to tenpai in the first few turns. Even if you avoid them masterfully, that won't make you win. Mahjong's not like chess. It's not even like poker where bluffing is a much bigger part of the game. The difference of skill in mahjong only becomes apparent over the course of dozens of games.

It gets a lot of shit for being boring or whatever, but looking at it as a heist/bank job made it a lot more enjoyable for me at least. Well, some hate it, some love it I guess, but give it another chance.

which is why precisely why a hanchan is 8 games and you play a bunch of hanchan

I thought it was still good, I just fell off and forgot to keep watching for whatever reason.

It'll involve all the debtors in japan

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Fuck this guy, seriously.

Everyone always says they like the chinchiro arc the best, but I thought it was kinda lame how his plan boiled down to "grab the dice out of his hand when he uses them".
I dunno I like Pachinko better

It was crazy even for Kaiji. The chance of his plan working out was barely higher than his chance of winning had he just played normally.
>fake haku had to be in the wall
>at least one haku in his own wall to put into his hand
>at least one haku in muraoka's wall AND he has to not include it in his hand so he'll discard it
>ideally his hand needs to feasibly incorporate a wait on the tile being concealed by the fake haku

it's worth it, keep watching

>kaiji beats him with his custom dice

>"sit the fuck down"

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Cee-lo arc is easily the high point of the entire anime. Just perfectly executed at every step.

Pachinko arc can be argued as one of the weaker arcs. After all the planning it boils down to MORE BALLS GIVE ME MORE BALLS

I mean, I guess that's what it technically boils down to but the build up is god-tier and there's more to it than that. Kaiji almost grabbed the dice when the foreman tried to psyche him out at first which would've been game over.

the fuck is cee-lo?

watch kaiji, study a little mahjong, then watch akagi, then read saki

Human Mahjong arc when?
Human uno arc when?



Wait, what? Is the bumplimit at 500 or have we passed it and your bump is completely pointless?

hello /jp/
yes, Yea Forums threads autosage at 500

That facial animation is the only good parts of that show.That and that pop star girl.

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>the fucker was this close to torture that old man.
fuck that was funny and scary.

watching the bog arc in one go is the kinoest of experiences.

I started reading this but it was really boring and I realized I'd be better off watching it because at least then the waifus would be colored, voiced, and animated

Season 3 WHEN?

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Pretty much this stupid fuck

I remember after watching the first act in Kaiji I thought every major side character was going to turn out like those two from the ship. I'm glad they didn't and Kaiji meets some true bros as the story goes on.

Read the manga

Can I just continue the manga from where the anime ends or is it different enough I should start over?

Praise your Pachinko overlords goyin

Just start at part 3 of the manga.

Never. You're getting non canon Tonegawa comedy and you're gonna LIKE IT damnit

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You can continue with the manga perfectly fine. Only difference in the manga iirc is a couple of cut pages, otherwise it's entirely the same. Read up on the basics of mahjong before starting part 3 though.

Watch Tetsuya

Before I started watching this show someone told me the artstyle could be a big turnoff but I actually really love the way it looks. Do people think it's ugly? I wish more animes looked as distinct as Kaiji.

man i wonder what made them do tonegawa, like if kaiji/akagi were Fate levels of popular I'd understand, not complaining though

I see people say it's ugly on Yea Forums fairly often
I love it though. Manga admittedly isn't the best art, but Madhouse translated it extremely well.

it's right here youtube.com/watch?v=4SGBX3xKwFo

One: there's no cute girls, so that turns away 90% of the anime-watching population.
Two: it's very sharp and angular, with very exaggerated facial features, and the list of people that are supposed to look pretty are very small. Honestly it feels like the majority of the characters are supposed to be ugly in-universe, even. Compare this to the average artstyle where the eyes are the only defined feature, and things like noses are straight up non-existent. A character's only considered "average" by way of having no defining features, even if they look flawless otherwise.

Maybe they think it's ugly, but I think that the majority of them take one look and say "eww, that's too different from what I usually like" and then never look again.

Though, the manga isn't perfect. His art can be pretty stiff and undynamic, even if all that takes place is people sitting in chairs.

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i stopped reading kaiji mid one poker hen. how much more shit has been translated? might go on a binge.

all of it

>there's no cute girls

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I can't call her one, because she's Kaiji's one true waifu and I'm not into NTR.

Gotta love the lovingly detailed close-ups of playing cards or mahjong tiles though.

Fukumoto's never really been known as a technically excellent artist. From what I've heard he was fired from his first job as an assisant mangaka because he can't draw. He succeeded on the strength of his characters and stories.

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One poker arc is finished and it's about 50 chapters into the next arc.

I really like ten because it shows the gradual evolution of his style.

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FKMT's style certainly got better over the years but my main gripe was how the noses would be off most of the time on the "straight-on" angles. The noses just aren't long enough which is off putting, which is something Madhouse luckily avoided in both Akagi and Kaiji.

>I can't believe you made me wait for a ball to fall down a hole for 7 hours
that about sums it up

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Ten himself ends up looking worse in the end though. His hairstyle was so crazy at the start and by the end it's like he just can't be fucked drawing it anymore.

First ever appearance of Akagi is jarring too once you've actually seen his own anime.

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To be fair i also thought this, still enjoyed it but it is strange to think about.

Jesus Christ, those proto-FKMT noses are horrifying.

fuck off normo

the minefield mahjong is even worse in that regard. youre reading 13 volumes of dudes playing a boardgame in the same tiny room. still imo the best arc.


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>when kazuya peels the haku

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that kaiji running panel has big meme potential

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thread made me start reading FKMT again, haven't read kaiji since ch 200 of one poker

Okay I have only watched/read Kaiji
What FKMT work should I read/watch first and in which order?

Yea Forums Play rock paper scissor


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watch akagi, then read ten, akagi and kurosawa

akagi,zero is good only if you have 300IQ,strongest man kurosowa,ten

>watch Akagi
>read Zero
>read ten
>read Akagi
>Kurosawa whenever
Did I get it right?

I want to enter that pig

ten/akagi if you like mahjong
kurosawa for maximum suffering
shin kurosawa is bit shit
gin to kin is great but no idea if its translated

I was too retarded to make sense of Akagi, but it had some very, very solid moments, I absolutely love the OPening and the second ending
Kurosawa is a fun, little, complete story that would make a good anime, I haven't really read Zero and Ten yet.

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The emphasis is on the ‘er’ in ‘number’. Why would say ‘numbah’ when what’s funny about it is that he’s suddenly pronouncing it in perfect English.

More like best work of manga in general.

>No cute girls
But Kaiji's mom exists.

Attached: Kaiji_mom.jpg (210x240, 29K)

If I read Akagi from the beginning, will I learn mahjong enough from it to continue without any supplementals?

No, not at all. Even if you know how to play reading Akagi is a bad way to try and learn strategy since the characters constantly cheat and/or have literally supernatural luck

akagi starts as a novice with 0 experience in mahjong as well. i think there was some sections where he gets basic rules explained to him as he plays.

I've made a shoddy attempt or two at learning mahjong before, didn't understand a lick of it from Akagi.

best option is to watch Akagi five times over the course of a few years until the wall you're slamming your head against gives way

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When will kaiji end

When Kaiji brings down all of Teiai in a high-stakes game of Tic-tac-toe that for some reason is played using a massive machine constructed specifically for that purpose.

when kaiji wins against hyuudou for the ownership of all of teiai

in a game of uno

When kaiji plays yugioh against kaiba

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I know,But when is he gonna beat hyodo

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idk in two chapters or so



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mmmm sexy


I hope FKMT never dies.
I wish the soundtrack guy for kaiji was never sent to jail.
I wish pachinko isn't all we'll ever get for season 3.
I wish I understood mahjong.

I loved in tonegawa when he just walks in and its rigged for him to win

Kaiji is the most relatable thing

zawa zawa

I want an edit of this with exodia mixed in

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It's weird to think about old people watching anime let alone playing games from said anime.

Literally Big Smoke

You can do something about that last one.

Why'd he go to jail


>he fell silently

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>ywn play high stakes uno
I don't know if I should be relieved or sad

Mahjong is not hard to understand. You don't need to memorize every hand. Just learn the fundamental gameplay

>that episode where the foreman goes topside, gets a suit, then goes to a bar & grill place and orders a huge beer and gulps it down to fuck with the heads of all the salarymen eating there on break
What a master troll. Loved every episode with him.

So does like Fukumoto make up all these crazy gambling games or something because I never heard of most of them. E-card looked like it would be fun.

They typically don't

I tried to get my mom to watch death note for shits and giggles but she couldn't get through one episode because "The faces don't move"

I think old people are literally incapable of enjoying anime aside from the rare exception

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i dont know most (or pretty much any) yaku, but just knowing the basic ideas got me through

I saw one of those exceptions yesterday at the book store
There was a guy that looked 60-70 just sitting in a chair with a stack of slice of life manga next to him, occasionally chuckling
i hope im like that guy someday

I'm learning moonrunes at the moment.
How much harder is it to learn Mahjong to understand the ark after the anime?

>That ending


To add to this the first time I looked up live action tutorials they were all shit because they focus way too much on details so I felt overwhelmed and gave up. The second time I tried to learn it for completion in yakuza 0 and there the guides actually get to the point. Search yakuza mahjong guide on youtube.

It's painful when you consider how amazing the dice arc is

That was my reaction most of the time. I mean, there are "nothing happened" episodes, and then there's bog.
Still one of my favourite anime.

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Is It still being translated?