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Other urls found in this thread:

derpicdn.net/img/view/2017/5/11/1433716__safe_artist-colon-marsminer_oc_oc only_oc-colon-pone keith_2fort_bridge_colt_crossover_engineer_human_male_question mark_team fortress 2.png

but quake is easy user

not that it's comparable to CS in any way

>never played quake

>Guy who says VALVE BAD is a weeb but also possess as an old FPS fan

valve drones on suicide watch

t. never played quake

t. somebody who has never actually played quake

>never played UT

>OP is a screenshot of another post
can't you write you fucking retard?

>he's never played quake

Half decent FPS, but ultimately inferior to its competitors (Unreal, Quake, etc.)
Half-Source Engine demo, half-cinematic garbage that was sold without multiplayer and was the biggest push for online DRM for retail SP games.
Half-decent puzzle game that only lasts a few hours
>Portal 2
Shitty cinematic meme experience which showed why Portal was only a few hours long
>Dota 2
Russia bait riding on the coattails of 2012 trends with an interface that's still garbage even after Source 2
Another lazy Counter-Strike version that fully strips away all that people enjoyed from 1.6 to satisfy the autistic tactical e-sports crowd because they'll buy crates and digital stickers
Half-Decent FPS that popularized the world's worst trends in the industry today with those lovable cosmetic microtransactions and Valve's current iron fist on what custom content is allowed on their servers.
Solely the brainchild of contracted employees, reinforced by Valve's chasing of hero shooter trends with L4D3's development until it silently died on the altar of VR

Unironically their only good IP is Ricochet, which legitimately holds up as one of the greatest LAN party FPS games to this day. Ricochet 2 when.

I assume you meant "poses". You know you can like anime tits and shooting heads both, right?
Pretty sure many tryhard FPS players are massive weebs.

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Refute this valveniggers

>Despite all the shitflinging in this post TF2 got at least called half-decent
I legitmately believe the main reason why the game still persists to this day is because of how much love and effort went into the game over the years.


Why are you on this personal crusader to hate Valve?

You realize you aren't going to change public opinion that these games are considered good, so what do you hope to achieve my making the same thread? Why don't you just enjoy games in that time or at least make threads about games you like?


This but unironically. Valve games are all naff and have always been.

see im not the only one

No one really cares that a few contrarians hate Valve, stop wasting your time making these threads. Valve games will be regarded as classics and there is nothing you can do about it, just go play games you enjoy

> a few contrarians
more like almost all the fps community and people who arenot normalfags.

>Anno Domini 2019
>pretending to enjoy Valve still
CounterStrike and TF2 aren't popular anymore, you don't have to keep lying.

>argumentum ad populum
oh so you're underage

Weird cause CS is one of the most played games right now and Quake is dead as fuck, so yes a few contrarians

Top 5 most played steam games right now, meanwhile Quake no where in sight

its like subhumans normalfags play cs instead of a real fps like quake or unreal.

Half-Life was actually praised because it wasn't doing cinematic and story elements in a time when this idea was becoming more popular. Everything in Half-Life is introduced naturally in-game. Ocarina of Time has more cinematics and text than Half-Life does, and that is a pretty straight-forward game. Disc games, and especially JRPGs like Final Fantasy deserve the credit for popularizing story and cinematic games. Half-Life is a natural progression of gameplay-based games, like Mario or Doom, expect it expands on the Duke 3D philosophy of utilizing more realistic environments as a vehicle for "levels".

Yeah, pic related is true in RETROSPECT.

What's your point? You want a bunch of old boomers to come out and compare the games to contemporaries? Might as well compare modern medicine and physic.

0/10 post user jesus get your shit together

imagine being this brainwashed
the point is that valve games ruined gaming forever.

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>shilling for chinkstore
Hope at least you paid for it.

seething valve drone play real fps like quake and doom or unreal or duke.

>it's THIS thread again
how many times week? I know it's been daily

Do your part,
expose the chinese slave epic -shills

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how does it feel that valve games will never be respected by the fps community?
hl and cs are halo or cod tier of shitness.

Half-Life was fine.
Portal was a college student game included in a value package.
Dota 2 is nu Valve.
Artifact is nu Valve.
CS was shit on the same way Doom fans shit on Quake.
TF2 was their last good game.
Goldsrc > Source
>90s > 00s > 10s Valve

keep shilling more see

>japan devs win again
what does japan have to do with valve

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how valve drones will recover after this thread?

People who say tf2 and are easier than quake have clearly never played quake

Esp tf2. Tf movement is way harder to learn, let alone implement to your advantage

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*Tf2 and cs

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>dumb anime poster
Thanks, didn't need to read the post.

Chaining stickie bomb jumps is skillful as fuck


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What does Nippon have to do with this? Most of their games are casual visual novels or some weird hack and slash games

>every fps has to be quake
>if it deviates even slightly that means its casualized
quakefags are literally autistic. Like not even joking here

valve drones are retarded shitting on quake?

>Dota 2 is casualization of RTS genre
Why the fuck someone would think that? The only thing it shares with RTS is the UI
>Casualization of FPS
CS was unique in 1998 and it's still unique in 2019
>m-muh quake

Quake is a good game, but not every shooter needs to be quake to be good

old school fps are the only good fps retard.
>Quake is a good game, but not every shooter needs to be quake to be good
keep deflecting nigger.

To everyone their own I guess, I like those games so take that for what its worth

Oh and I forgot to add this, have a nice day user

Attached: Bait.png (625x626, 65K)

try harder on fitting in, your new is showing

>participating or instigating a flamewar

>I like those games so take that for what its worth
>that means they are as good or better than quake

what should i use my dragon slayer skin on


It’s easy to say what you don’t like. Why don’t you try saying what you do like?

i like old school fps like doom, quake, blood, turok, unreal, duke, shadow warrior.
i hate modern garbage like cs, halo, half life, serious sam, fear, crysis, nu doom, cod, overwatch.

Yeah that's nice and all, but what does Japan have to do with all of this?

nah dude.



any single rollout on any map you can think of in TF2 takes more skill than anything in quake
>hurrr me press space repeatedly bunnyhopping is le hard!
quake boomers are pathetic

keep crying valve zoomers. someday you will play a real fps.

>tfw you hit that FAT fucking rampslide on process as soldier

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really makes you think

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But arena shooters are dead, you're shitposting instead of playing them, you basically killed the genre.

>Why the fuck someone would think that
Because retards think DotA killed WC3 ladder and subsequently every other RTS

Quake is pretty easy literally easier than TF2

How comes nobody ever gave Riot any shit when they had that much more employees all for ONE game and somehow never released anything else.
>inb4 boardgame

we did

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chu mean bruh

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Hey guyizz Remeber l4d?? hahah

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Man this reminds me of this youtube.com/watch?v=xw-jSymE76o


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I'm pretty sure you got zoomer mixed up, he's supposed to be all about Fortnite and PUBG and Apex Legends, maybe Overwatch, y'know, newest games on the market

Cringe but also redpilled

This schizophrenic again.
Post rpgcodex screenshots already.

glad other people agree with me.i cant wait for the moment half life and cs are considered as casual and cancerous as cod and halo or fortnite.

Based Tsugu poster is correct and redpilled

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see few people like valve games in this board

>shitposting for the sake of shitposting
The absolute state of (You)

Yee, what'cha gonna do about it?

tell me what valve games have over id software games or other old school fps.

You think you can respond to my post without my explicit permission you stupid fucking nigger?

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I mean yeah tf2 got fucked but before f2p it was easily the best multiplayer fps, I can't imagine what anyone would think is better. Also Portal is arguably a perfect game, something that portal 2 lost by trying to scale up to full game size

>Also Portal is arguably a perfect game, something that portal 2 lost by trying to scale up to full game size
Fucking top-tier taste my nigga

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If its so good then why is quake so fucking dead then?? Im probably better than everyone here at both quake and cs and the only thing that separates them in skill is what you need to focus on and how fast your reflexes should be

I like them, their gameplay may not be as fast, but its still smooth and such, I like half lifes story and TF2s gameplay and classes, CS isn't my cup of tea but it does what its supposed to do, all these games do what they are supposed to do and are so radically different from Quake and the like that comparing them is something only a sperg would do, and that is without mentioning Portal and Dota which are completely different games in every way

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>diversity and inclusion
Thank fuck they finally cut their own throats. Can't wait to see that company go down in flames. Hire more based on diversity, make it all intersectional faster.

Attached: GabenVR.png (720x673, 477K)

can we admit valve games are bad please?


>all these valve drones crying
great thread

>I mean yeah tf2 got fucked but before f2p it was easily the best multiplayer fps
I can't imagine the kind of retarded narcissist one has to be to consider a game losing its $20 price tag to be something that "ruins it"


>blaming the company when consumers are the ones setting the trends
It's not like there's any point in wasting your resources on a masterpiece when you can just shit on a plate and normies would gladly eat it up.
Only SJWs and passion-driven projects dare to go against the "flow" and we all know how that usually works out for them.

Attached: confused engie.png (900x850, 498K)

HL n Portal were fine

But FUCK sequels

What is Gaben doing nowadays anyway?

Artifact while the core game play was gud IMO, it was not what anyone wanted or expected from valve and thus lies where if belongs.
But lets assume valve sacrificed a high skill ceiling for fun in most of their games, what makes that a bad thing? A lasting player base is more important to a company than keeping an impressively high skill ceiling.
In saying that I still enjoy playing quake, cs, and tf2. They're all great FPS games in their own right.

Attached: they promised me so much.png (857x436, 595K)

Imagine being so butturt by Episode 3 officially confirmed to never be a thing that you lash out blindly.
Imagine being so retarded the only criticism you have is calling something casual.

Can I get an amen?

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>Japan devs win again
Don't get me wrong I'm not gonna imply Valve makes super hardcore games or anything, but Japan is basically the industry leader when it comes to casual cinematic games.

spending his steam money

You don't think anyone one here is seriously mad that Episode 3 is never happening do you?

People wanted Episode 3 when Valve still knew how to make decent games, now it's a bit like being mad that fucking Bioware won't make a new Kotor game. Nobody who seriously loved Kotor would EVER want to see Bioware or EA for that matter ever go near that series again.

>But lets assume valve sacrificed a high skill ceiling for fun in most of their games, what makes that a bad thing?
A game can't be fun if it has no skill ceiling save for a selection of genres like farming sims or puzzle games that aren't inherently competitve. "Fun low skill ceiling fps" is an oxymoron.

Speaking as a once big fan of TF2 and now someone who defames Valve at any chance given, this argument is still stupid and floppy
>HL forces a story over gameplay
HL gameplay is rough at some parts(On A Rail & Xen onwards specifically) but nobody with a brain argues it's perfect. It's still really fun to take seriously as well as mess around with, though the puzzle aspects prefer first playthroughs above all else. This user is implying that jap games are perfect, which is just a clear bias, since nobody would attempt to prove something like that.
>Portal is easy and forces story over gameplay
Though the Portal story is excellently done in multiple ways(though, failing in others obviously) to say the gameplay aspect was ignored is just ignorant. It was revolutionary for the time and still redefines what we think of puzzle games. It's sequal also expands on it's 3D aspect while giving tools for people to mess around with it themselves. The story is good, yes, but you'd have to be facetious to say the gameplay is bad.
I agree on Dota 2, Artifact, and CS. It's clear there was a point in time in which Valve cared less about gameplay than money. I could say the same about jap devs that release cookie cutter VN novels, or do those "not count"?
This is just an example of a game that lived so long it saw two sides of an industry. It can be argued it introduced lootboxes into the western games market, but realistically those have been around forever and it was only a matter of time. That, and it really cut down on the community customization + modding Valve used to be known for, really the only game that does that today is Minecraft. Still, it's dead now so it's best to remember it's golden age, yea?

Anybody using their noggin would agree this user is clearly arguing something they don't agree with just to prove their original point. That, or they don't play games at all and just picked an arbitrary "side" on an internet video game forum.

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Are you autistic or something? Casual competitive games can be a blast. You've never played a boardgame or a sport or whatever with your friends without taking it too seriously?

I talked about low skill ceiling games not casual games retard. Learn to read.

Sorry, I'll correct it:
Are you autistic or something? *Low skill ceiling* competitive games can be a blast. You've never played a boardgame or a sport or whatever with your friends without taking it too seriously?

>he thinks quake is hard

Attached: omyfuk.png (493x276, 37K)

technically TFC is the second game in the series

Quake is literally not hard at all, it was like the first color television programs. People came to gawk at what had just been invented

Attached: finished on hard.png (219x97, 10K)

L4D/L4D2 are the only Valve games that have actually aged terribly
I can't imagine I once thought babysitting retards was once fun or engaging game design

>board games
>low skill ceiling
are you retarded? kys

>board games
You've never heard of fucking chess?
>low skill ceiling
Yes? Kicking a ball with your foot isn't hard unless you are a damn cripple, that's more or less why the entire god damn fucking world does it.

you're too retarded to even differentiate between skill floor and ceiling. stop posting.

>Love and effort
You mean for the first 3 years until the mannconomy update. The game has been just a literal dumping ground for ugly outsourced steam workshop community cosmetics since valve has 2 developers who still barely work on the game at this point.

Hey, you were the one who claimed board games can't be competitive and that sports can only have a high skill ceiling.

Google skill floor and skill ceiling moron
How the fuck did people who don't know fucking shit about video games find Yea Forums

I'll refute the one's I care about
You mean decent puzzle game, nuff said.
>Portal 2
Also decent puzzle game. Improved on the original with new mechanics. Cinematic experience? What drugs are you on?

Hang yourself shill
derpicdn.net/img/view/2017/5/11/1433716__safe_artist-colon-marsminer_oc_oc only_oc-colon-pone keith_2fort_bridge_colt_crossover_engineer_human_male_question mark_team fortress 2.png

Attached: Bronies, this is your mindset.png (307x157, 28K)

I don't even know why you are so fucking obsessed with this pointless semantics argument. I don't give a flying fuck what you want to call it, the simple fact remains that competitive games, high skill ceiling, low skill ceiling, no skill ceiling, and whatever else skill ceiling that exist withing this entire fucking universe it dosn't matter, it can still be a hell of a blast if you just want to have a fun time with your friends. and you aren't autistic enough to take everything super seriously.

and no one of this valve drones played quake.


this thread is still up? must be a slow week.

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>fuck 2
what did 2 do to you?


Free Tibet


HL2 has done more damage to gaming than any other game, Valve has done more damage to gaming than any other company. Reminder that Gabe said it was a bad thing that developers used to have to release games complete and playable without a patch on consoles because they had no way of patching it yet Valve drones fell for the fat kike's brainwashing and think automatic updates are a good thing.
>muh sales
Oh wow, a sale on a fucking download. Anyone that uses Steam or pays for downloads is a casual and not a real PC gamer.

>Anyone that uses Steam or pays for downloads is a casual and not a real PC gamer.

Attached: Okay.png (680x875, 383K)

>Valve has done more damage to gaming than any other company
vale is the only reason PC gaming even exists today retard

I will use this thread for better purpose.
Does anyone have link for that one gmod TF2 video, where things go all well and nice for some scout on 2fort, but then in the end video suddenly does 180 and becomes horror. Scout is hunted by some pyro in skull mask, there are some time stop stuff going on, and video ends abruptly.
Can't remember it's name, and searching Youtube for anything but concrete name of video/game is waste of time.

>thinking quake has a higher skill ceiling than tf2
imagine being so fucking delusional or you know just baiting for some (you)s cause you're a autistic fuck that has nothing better to do with your life.
top this faggots

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I got bored of Half Life 2 when I had to go through most of that highway section. Namely, I dropped it when I got to the lighthouse and it crashed on me. If I wanted to rooty-tooty point and shooty faceless bad guys with cool voices, I'd play FEAR.

>he actually never played quak


>how to tell if someone is underaged


>he's a duck that says "quak"

I'm getting a sense of deja vu, was this post made before?
This one? youtube.com/watch?v=ZncNge8LIL4



it's at times like these that I want to thank weebs to remind me to hate them


Don't worry user, the cutscene in the jrpg you are watching will be over soon and then you can go back to actually playing the game instead of shitposting and waiting for it to be over.

>muh in game cutscenes are better
says the valve drone

Considering they aren't 50 hours long. Yes.

>unskipable cutscenes are better
valve zoom zoom


So like most jrpg's then?

And I thought my hate for valve was crazy.
Keep fighting the good fight OP.

Based valve drones should know that their kind is not welcome here.

No, not that one for sure, it wasn't in parts, and pyro wore... Pyromancer's Mask? It looks like animal's skull, I think it's halloween cosmetic.

im not alone valve niggers
everytime a half life, cs, portal, tf2 thread is made i will keep posting the same images to remind you the damage this company has done to gaming.




look all these tears

NuValve is garbage but you're a contrarian faggot and probably miserable if you unironically think all this.



what the hell is this thread? It's not like Valve fuckin' forced these trends upon the industry or whatever, it was everyone else who decided to follow this shit and do it in a half-baked fashion. Goddamn schizoids.




I'm ashamed to admit that I count Half-Life among my all time favorites yet my experience with the FPS genre is extremely fucking limited besides. I haven't really played any of the (other) classics since I was never really that into the genre.


>doesn't even mention based DoD and Ricochet
what a faggot

>New players have troubling aiming while shooting? Lets make the spread go up the faster you're moving
It's amazing how this never gets attention. Call of Duty got a lot of shit for popularizing a style of gameplay where A.D.S. was necessary to actually hit anything. But in practice it's pretty much the same thing as crouching/walking in Counter-Strike, except that you hold Mouse2 instead of Ctrl/Shift. Even fucking Halo is more respectful of the player's ability to move and shoot at the same time.
