These faggots refuse to admit they were wrong

>These faggots refuse to admit they were wrong

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Does the game not have microtransactions?

It does but they are not needed

It's more along the lines they were treating it like it would cripple the gameplay. It does not it's literally just sitting there 1.99$ for 100k if you want if not just play the game like a normal person.

e-celebs make a living off drama. why do you care?

I think the most embarrassing part is that op watched 25 minutes of inane youtuber shit.

okay but there's nothing wrong with shitting on microtransactions in a singleplayer game. Regardless of how non-gameplay affecting they are, they shouldn't be there.

They are still right. Any micro that gives you gameplay advantages is kikery at it's most insideous. OP is a shill for free.

>It's only cosmetics
>It's optional DLC
>Just use one save file
>It's small stat boosts you don't need it (you) are here

Next thing you know it will take a year to level up without it

>game devs make you pay to unlock reviewer mode
>reviewers upset
wow what a story

So they weren't wrong then.

That doesn't make them right to be in a full charge 60 dollar single player game.

>oh so the game has no mtx?
>no, it does

>you don't REALLY need it
>it's just cosmetic
>what are you, poor?

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That's generally assumed when someone begins talking about microtransactions.

>ITT: People defending e-celebs
>Retards arguing that MTS don't matter when they do

The absolute state of Yea Forums

Don't try to save face now shillstein. I pirated this game btw. ;)

OP is the one giving them views, judging by those progress bars.

need magnet link



Is this the DMC porn thread?

mtx suck
deal with it

So they weren't wrong

>I feel dirty after using a normie meme

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