What's the lord of the rings of the video games?
I really miss times when they still made games in this setting
What's the lord of the rings of the video games?
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There's like 20 genetic fantasyshit games a year user.
Dragon Age
>boring fantasy setting
>shit writing
>gay dwarf sex
Once when I was a little kid I was fucking around on the password screen and I managed to load up a late game save that had fully decked out characters. My older brother was amazed.
Nothing will ever come close.
gba games for two towers and return of the king were fun little diablo clones, the fellowship gba game was trash though
Lords of Midnight.
HD remake when?
I don't like shit writing.
if there was any game in need of a remake it's that one
Melkor did everything wrong.
This. OP must not be looking in the right places.
What are some video games that take you on a wild and unexpected ride? e.g., ever17
Games for this feel?
Book did it better
I disagree, this is one of the few things the movies did undeniably better.
it's not a good setting for games
Not really
Aragorn comes in time to slay some orcs
Crying not loud enough
Many others small details
This game sucks giant dicks but the music is top tier.
Imagine being this much of a brainlet.
best lotr game coming thru
Dragons dogma came close but it had that same animeish to it but if you haven’t played DD then I advise you play that. That’s the only take that gets the same sorta feel.
Contrarian... oh yeah I forgot where I was for a minute.
Yes, but I mostly got same feelings because of world not being density populated in dd, just like during of third age in lotr
I liked The Hobbit adventure game best.
And I also think the hobbit is a better book than lotr
this is going to be a disaster
Oh fuck me in the ass!
My numenorean boner is growing STRONGER!
I don't really like LOTR but I fucking loved War of the Ring.
Numenor is going to be full of niggers, don't kid yourself. This show will only exist to subvert everything Tolkien put into his work.
Maybe if the amazon tv show does well the Tolkien family will stop being such cunts and allow an original RPG to be made.
Rangers of the north wasn’t bad. Shadow of Mordor was okay and shadow of war was just more of the same shit.
Unironically Warcraft
Well your opinion fucking sucks.
>thinking book>movie is somehow contrarian
Same. Ever play the ps2 game? It was on GCN and og Xbox too. I loved that game as a kid. I think it was pc but I’m not sure.
That article was proved to be fake. It’s the tolkien family who are allowing this to be made after the shit show that was the hobbit. There won’t be niggers in numenor screen cap this.
If you can dig into Mount and Blade play The Last Days. Fantastic Mod, very true to the spirit.
Ah yes the Tolkien (((family)))
Christopher has been put out to pasture and the rest of the family are clearly going to be greedy cunts without him gatekeeping as best possible
No I meant the cunt not liking the 3 kino movies was contrarian. Tolkiens writing style was a product of his time. A bit too detailed not enough flash and flare. All substance and no style. The movies got the perfect middle ground.
If you are yank then you won’t know. But they are extremely protective of the Tolkien works. Get informed.
From what I gather LOTRO has a shitload of locales from the book to explore and look around; i'm thinking of downloading it just to wander for a week or so. They even have little spots like Bonfire Glade from the Hobbit
CHRISTOPHER was, he has "stepped down" as the head of the estate and some literally whos have stepped in
LOTRO is fun to run around in, for sure.
Dragon Quest.
dragon quest's continued rooting in basic gameplay elements and storytelling, the way they've cemented certain brands of mythological races in video games, and they way their influence on the culture is so impactful that a lot of the elements to their franchise are practically considered public domain.
also their long as fuck.
I like how they went true to the books instead of the movies, you don't see that very much. Weird how my two favorite LoTR games are both mods, this and Third Age Total War.
>wrong warps are valid speedruns
>password algorithm deconstruction/abuse is not