user! HAHAHA! You have won the Twisted Metal contest! So, what is it you desire?

> user! HAHAHA! You have won the Twisted Metal contest! So, what is it you desire?

Attached: tm4.jpg (335x188, 15K)

For TM3 and TM4 to disappear from everyones memory

my anus to stop hurting

I wish for you to be a jar of mayo for my sandwich.

I want a new Twisted Metal that isn't as serious as the reboot or Black but isn't as wacky as 3 or 4.

>Wonder why TM3 and 4 are considered awful
>Enjoyed 3 and 4 a lot as a kid
>Replay TM1: actually pretty decent, but tedious combat, nice maps, fucking DARKSIDE
>Replay TM2: everything is amaizing except for when the game failes to register freeze or shield inputs
>Start playing TM3
>Controls are awful
>Levels are boring
>Weapon and vehicle design is trash
I'm not sure if I'll even finish this one.

I wish a good game for ps4

You got it! No one will ever be able to learn Psyshock or Calm Mind ever again!

For my sinus tachycardia/heart palpatations to fuck off.

Its been two months now and it still wont go back to normal

>sinus tachy

Had this before bro, caused by a virus, took me like 6 months to go back to normal. Shit fucking sucks when your just sitting down doing absolutely fucking nothing and your heart suddenly goes to 130 BPM. Hope the docs at least gave you medicene to help keep things chill while you wait for your heart to recover from it. It could be gone in a month, 2 months, 6 months, hell its pretty random but i read somewhere it never lasts longer than a year.

We found a suitable heart donor, but it's your mother.

Heh, nothing but love.

Its not a new heart I need its a fucking long pain waiting game for when it decides to fuck off

Thats a pretty tame twist they were shitty moves anyway

A sandwich would be nice. Give me a sandwich, any k8nd as long as it doesn't have mayo.

The standard fare. I wish to be the little girl.

Losing Calm Mind would actually cripple a lot of Special setup sweepers.

You're a little girl, but you get raped non stop by some fat old guy.

Wishes? I wish i knew that earlier!

Well shit, didn't think I'd actually win. I wish I knew what to wish for.

a gf

Kill all niggers, fags and trannies death note style

Congrats! She's mtf transgender. You better enjoy suckin cock

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To know how to perfectly phrase a wish to a supernatural being so that it won't be corrupted next time I find myself in this situation.


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For you to become a girl and fall in love with me.

Sorry buddy, no refunds. Better luck next year.

Granted. I've fallen in love with an idealized projection of you and criticize you at every corner for not meeting up to standards that I have arbitrarily placed onto you!

Here you go one ham and cyanide sandwich.

Goddammit. Meant to reply to

Thats fine, time to fuck.

Granted, but you never ever find yourself in a situation where it would be useful for the rest of your life.

Kirby Air Ride 2

I want the new American McGee Alice game to be funded with American having full control of the production

Granted, but overspending means the game is never released.

I want a new twisted metal going back to the basics with some gritty characters and stories, but still having some campy characters and endings to balance

>start a thread
>don't keep it going with fun monkey's paw wish granted posts
I really wish OP would stop being such a fucking faggot.

B-But Dragula.........

TM4 objectively had the best gameplay.

I wish American McGee's sister came back safe and sound