Sup Yea Forums

Sup Yea Forums

I'm making a game.
This is what it looks like so far.

Tell me how I could improve it some more.
Here's the download link and a screenshot.

Attached: Untitled.png (1282x759, 28K)

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Shill on reddit fucko

Fuck reddit.

>Sup Yea Forums

Wow looks like every other generic pixelshit cancer game on steam where they expect you to pay 20 usd for it even tho for that money I can buy wither 3 goty
The world really doesn’t need more mediocrity user
Go all out with something someone wants to buy or go home

For example? Also I'm selling it for 4.99

fuck you faggot

Attached: b0d.png (289x457, 115K)

>Tell me how I could improve it some more
For starters, use a green that doesn't burn my eyes. The sprites would look better with an 1px outline that would make them more distinguible from the green background.
Second, the field is too big and makes the game too easy. Make the DoF smaller or add more enemies to make it harder. Make the enemy's bullets last longer too.

We need more tactics games like into the breach

you again

Pick a color.

You again!

Attached: C-658VsXoAo3ovC.jpg (800x450, 46K)

A darker tone of green would do the work. An alternative would be making the sprites bigger so they become easier to see, but that would be too much effort.

You're using 720p right now, right? I like to use 1080p, even for 2D games. If you think that would display too much of the world at a time you can always increase the size of each tile/sprite (and therefor detail) to compensate

It's impossible.

I already have a scale variable but I'm not gonna use it because of how horribly it would fuck things up.

Can you put the camera closer?

Not really. I can scale everything up though but that would be immense work. I could make the resolution smaller.

>Shadow of the Chungus

Attached: 1551205134238.png (100x100, 9K)

>I could make the resolution smaller.
Maybe that could help, although personally I think the problem is that there are too many empty areas. Before modifying the game to such a level try adding more objects and enemies and changing the background color to one that makes the sprites stand out better.

You could also ask for help on the amateur game thread at /vg/. It's full of people like you working on their own indie games.

I'm also making a game too using C++. I'd like to show off my game too but I feel like shilling it on Yea Forums like you do would make me look like a gigantic faggot. I'm thinking about offering it for free as a labor of love to the video game community though so that might alleviate the hatred. If your going to sell your game you might want to think about talking to a PR firm or you'll look like a shill.

Attached: _Juror_02_Intro.gif (64x128, 7K)


I made the fireballs a bit faster so now the game is a lot harder.

>I feel like shilling it on Yea Forums like you do would make me look like a gigantic faggot
Nah, it's ok as long as you're honest with your shilling. 100x better than the daily AAA shilling and outrage threads.

No offense but it looks very much like a first time game maker game. Would recommend making 5-10 very short, low effort games and not putting too much dev time in one game. Helps you learn skills and improve a lot faster.

>Shadow of the Chungus

kill yourself unfunny meme spewing Yea Forums nigger.

This looks really fucking lame user. The sprites are too small and don't stand out from the background, the overworld has no thought put into it, like you just scribbled random tiles over the canvas. Plus from what I've seen there's nothing to do with big chungus, so what was the point of calling it that?

>making video games

how could we let this happen