Still no solo mode

>still no solo mode

what the fuck? do they think it's fun for me doing 90% of my squad's damage every game?

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So much of the game is build around squads. Solo woulnd't be good

I wish they add some classic Tdm or dom

I just want a solo mode so I don't have to get forced with retards in squads who think they can run off and get kills only to die against a 1v2 leaving me and the other guy to be at a constant 1 man disadvantage

>start game
>play 2 minutes
>start game again
>match starts
>uninstall game
>complain on 4chins
Goddamnit Respawn, fix your shit already!

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Stick to playing it on console if you have a below average PC
t. wanted to play on PC but have potato tier computer and had to migrate to PS4

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they are painfully slow on updates, i do hope solo is coming this month because its unplayable when my friends online

>b-but its built with squads in mind..!
stfu shitter nigger, go get carried somewhere else

I get a solid 60 fps on max settings, performance ain't the problem.

>guy runs off alone
>ping that I'm on my way to their banner
and the sequel
>jumpmaster passes to you
>ping an area
>guy that originally gave you jumpmaster splits and goes somewhere completely different
I have a lot of fun with this game when it works but its hard to get a squad that will stick together, let alone a skilled squad that will stick together

>Solo woulnd't be good
t. shitter who just wants to be carried

T. Retard
It crashes randomly on any PC

play titanfall 2

Doing 90% of your team's damage every game means you're getting tons of kills and shooting tons of people that sounds awesome.

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Radical Heights is the better game.

I didn't play much Fortnite, but I always preferred solo when I did play. That said, I play a lot of Apex and I don't understand how people think a solo mode would even work with the way this game is structured. I've had quite a few times where I've been on my own for whatever reason and it's not nearly as fun and your chances of success are next to zero. I mean I guess that's because you're still fighting squads, but I'm just not convinced a true solo mode would be a good idea.

>Solo mode
>60 Wraiths in the server because she has the objectively best solo survival kit.

>He doesn't mute his team, drops solo and wins the game by himself

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>making shit up
60 hours played, didn't experience 1 crash or disconnected
at most it's those laggy slowmo servers you get once in awhile where i just instantly quit as soon as i land and queue up again

retarded opinion

ok cliffy

yeah bro that ult is totally sick for solo play :^)

lifeline would be better

That's my exact situation right now. I'm good enough to get plenty kills but I'm not good enough to carry the team. It can get really frustrating when matched with beginners that don't know when to fucking push after I get downed by an enemy with 1% health left.

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>no escape or mobility

This game need an X (NO) ping, I'm tired of seeing a retard run head or start a fight when they shouldn't and there is nothing I can do to stop him

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especially because of her passive

Is Apex the easiest BR out right now?

How come this is F2P but Overwatch is $60?
It's probably not a very good game tbf (to be frank).

How about enable denying on friendly heroes when their hp is below 15% regardless of statuses?

easy how?
It's easier to win since you only have 20 other team to defeat, instead of the usual 25 to 99.

>Solo woulnd't be good
It'd be great to keep yourself from matchmaking with scrubs that likes to separate from the squad, die and disconnect like OP.

As obvious as it is that the game was built around team play, I still think there's a way to put a solo mode in. Rebalance the classes for solo, or maybe have entirely different solo characters? They'd have to do something cause it would lose a lot of what makes it fun if they just stuck in a half assed solo mode.

Either way, I think it's fairly clear that respawn has no interest in doing that right now. And really, maybe it's okay this game is just for team play and they continue focusing on that instead of being pulled in conflicting directions. There's lots of other games that are fun by yourself.

>i-i-it works for me
Dumb nigger. The game is full of technical problems. Take a fucking look at the official forums. Apex is kept together with fucking duct tape.
This shit might be even worse than Anthem.

No it isn't.

it means my teammates do nothing

The respawn and ping system, which is the most unique aspect of this game when compared to other BR, is only for squads.
Then are the skill which half are also built around squads.

I have a 2080Ti and still get those DXGL errors up the wazoo

solo mode; just make every character start with no abilities, and you find abilities on the map.

I've had people disconnect when they've died literal feet from a respawn point. I wiped the enemy in all of 15 seconds and the dude was gone.

This shit would be fixed if Respawn would add a cooldown for starting a new match when you quit, or track quits and start matching quitters with other quitters. I imagine they'll do something about it, but I'm surprised they didn't anticipate this issue to begin with.

You mean titanfall 2?

Everyone would just choose Wraith.

there's a wraith in every squad now, what's your point?

It would just be boring fighting against 59 other wraiths.

yo any eu niggers wanna play

I can't wait until Wraith gets nerfed into the ground, the tears from streamers and tryhards will be so fucking delicious

>"doing 90% of my squad's damage every game?"
>is really that shit ass player that does less than 10% of squad damage.

Great post OP.

what is her problem?

Actually a good idea, and would be fun to experiment with different ability combos.

Imagine liking APEX LEGENDS so much you want a solo mode against bots. o i am laffin at your life

if this isn't projecting I don't know what is

I think this should've been the case from the start, but have custom characterization, i.e. the player builds their character and then chooses their ability which can be changed later -- or pick up an ability in-game.

hitbox too small
run animation is imbalanced compared to everyone else's
tactical skill is very safe and easy to use and makes her the best flanker other than a skilled pathfinder
passive makes her almost impossible to flank
she outclasses every other legend
main problem is the hitbox though, that's why most of the "pros" pick her

>eliminate a squad
>going to loot their boxes
>10 more squads show up to finish you off
>this happens 9 out of 10 times

>i-i-it doesn't work or me
Retarded poornigger, maybe get a fucking job and buy hardware made in the last 3 years before crying about crashes on your toaster fucking 3rd world filth

>do something
>wow wtf
>do the same thing
>die again
>do the same thing 8 more times
>die every time
wow this is entirely the game's fault and has nothing to do with me

Literally the worst aspect of this game, by the 3rd squad my group really can't do a fucking thing and we get one shot.

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Late game any gun fight will attract other teams

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>60 Bangs

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Just drop solo

it isn't bait, it's the truth
if you do the same thing over and over, get negative results every time, and continue to do it you might be retarded
finish off the squad, clear out and get somewhere relatively safe, heal up, and then clean up scavengers that show up

>just 1v3 every fight

git gud

The real and only problem Apex has is Respawn are making the same mistakes and aren't giving the PC version a proper dev branch.
Every update is going to focus on consoles because it's easier.
Every update is going to ignore the problems on PC.
They're going to get vocal PC player's whining about Wingkeeper destroying the game and "balance" it for consoles because according to THEIR data, it's actually underperforming if anything.
They'd be much better off making Apex a console exclusive for at least a year or so, looks like it plays perfectly well there.

It's easy to 1v3 bots but if you 1v3 against decent players you will lose, even the best players will lose most of the time to 3 players who know what they are doing.

who the fuck plays BR on console except 12 year olds?

whenever we see a player dropping solo, we land right on top of them and fistrape them within 5 seconds of the match starting. it's a good time

I agree with you, I was just being an ass.

>Know I'm trash
>Teammates worse than I am
>They both go down
>*disconnect at the speed of light*

>Go down because I'm trash
>Disconnect before I can hear them crying about how bad I am

who /fuckthisshitImout here?

12yo's are the majority of BR playerbase

>They're going to get vocal PC player's whining about Wingkeeper destroying the game and "balance" it for consoles
user... I've got some bad news for you.

Imagine being this much of a pussy
I never quit until my squad is completely down and out or my banner times out

>60 Mirages

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They're honestly the worst kind of people

My friend sucks complete ass and I hate playing with him. He’s one of those druggy types who pops Xanax and smokes weed while playing . He sounds like he’s having a stroke and won’t shut up while I’m trying to listen to footsteps.

best voice line in the game

I'm sort of talking about future updates but that's why I've stopped giving them any hope
Ironically buffing the Wingman for hipfire and not recognising the Peacekeeper exploit is just so amateurish. You could forgive the netcode issue since they were starving before Apex and hired a senior engineer soon after but this happened with TF2 as well.

i quit once i realize this games netcode plus its garbage models with EPIC PIXEL PERFECT HITBOXES make it so you cant hit anything'ala quake champions

>capsule hitboxes mean positioning and momentum is more important
>sniping becomes high energy instead of headshot or nothing
but let's just give the robot thick invisible thighs because he can occasionally grapple

you know that bullets are projectiles in this game right, my aim was shit too until I started to lead my shots

I read an article this morning that said they specifically nerfed those two weapons. I forget the specifics but I know overall damage and hopup bonuses were reduced for both, and for at least the Wingman hip fire penalties were increased. And for at least the Peacekeeper they've reduced how frequently it appears.

That is absolutely not the problem he's talking about though, it's the exact reason why Wraith is meta with her naruto run and fat characters are irrelevant, on top of sniping being so unsatisfying for most people. Even the Mozambique suffers because of it.

Stop baiting retard

Oh and fire rate has also been reduced for both.

100 hours played and 0 crashes.

Imagine sitting around waiting for the clear loss when you could be in another match already.

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Why are you friends with him then?

>60 on max
>not playing 90+ on low
fuck off, you deserve every crash

sniping in this game is retarded
wingman is literally a better longbow, scout is better off used as a semi auto rifle with a 2x at most

>nose rings
I think I'm going to throw up

Why do all pro streamers main Wraith?

>teammates getting fucked up by a squad in the distance
>keep getting downed and I revive them
>ping for a retreat
>they keep thirsting
>they both go down
>don’t revive them

Yup you honestly deserved it, I’m not going to die trying to save two brainlet fucks.

post full pics

Imagine rolling over and quitting when something gets difficult

are you mentally challenged?
anything below 100 is shit-tier for shooter games

Have I ever told you the definition of insanity?

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I think Mirage has to be my favourite character in Apex. He somehow balances between being a cocky asshole and an endearing stuttering retard. Plus I like his passive and his ability (Ultimate not so much)


>ping for a retreat
>they keep thirsting
This shit is infuriating. Like I'm not the best player but I can at least identify when we're getting fucked up and there's an opportunity to regroup.

He used to be normal until he became obsessed with SoundCloud rappers and retarded nigger culture

The gunplay and movement is good enough for a decent solo mode

Rarity is not at all related to balance, and is a retarded idea they've got stuck in their heads. There's a good possibility they're never going to make a good game if they never think it through and realise that just means you spend more time looting till you get it, and then proceed to not loot.
If it was actually balanced and ammo was rarer, then you'd have situations where you'd bite your thumb and dump your gun for another or risk going dry just because of ammo. Ammo being more important than armour and burst damage would be an ideal meta.

>Increased hipfire spread
Doesn't affect ADS, which is broken because ADS has NO movement penalty, which is almost unique to the wingman so there's no real difference between aim or hipfire. Also the spread increase is marginal.
>Decreased rate of fire
Not only is it not a big decrease, it actually IMPROVES accuracy because the above hipfire is negated and then some for people who panic fire a bit more than they should. They actually buffed the gun.
The real problem with the wingman besides accuracy is how it has more damage than all guns but the dedicated sniper in the same caliber, while outperforming it still. There is no reason for a gun to bring the TTK down so much by raw damage alone.

>Decreased rate of fire for shotgun bolt
Good, except there's an easy to macro exploit where you shoot, reload, holster and unholster at the same time to animation cancel and shoot again immediately.
And again, it does 100 damage average on a clean hit, easily bringing the TTK down to rock bottom, making teamwork and positioning fucking irrelevant, and hitbox discrepancy even worse.

But on consoles it's fine, because you have auto-aim. You even have auto-aim related mechanics e.g. Mirage's decoys and invisibility. Nevermind the PC version.

Anyone got some ideas for new modes?

>persistent battle royale
>throw 50 new people into a tiny map
>once 25 people are dead, another 25 will be thrown into the server as a new wave
>rinse and repeat forever
>hazards will constantly black out sectors

I've literally won games after being rezzed with the beacon thing.

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if there isn't a way to win people won't play it

I have never played this before. Is it generic trash?

So it never ends and there's never a winner? I don't even care about winning, I just like to play, but this still sounds like a bad idea. And then there's the issue of loot generation. Not technically hard to do, but hard to do in a way that makes sense.

>dat tummy
>dem cut scars though

Would you?

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HOLY, that pressed thigh meat. jesus h christ

At that point you may as well just play Titanfall 2.

Just don't use pings and don't bother with resurrecting people? Wow, so vital to the game you fucking idiot.

cuta mean guaranteed crazy
you never put your dick in crazy


Didn't know about the cut scars. Huge red flag, so maybe I wouldn't date but I'd definitely fuck.

Are you me?

Ummm user crazy chicks are the best lays. You just don't get in actual relationships with them.

Not even the cute ones?

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But the data indicates that people don't really play to win. They enjoy killing players in quick succession or hiding to gain the longest survival time and to get into the top 3. If there's a mode where undergeared players are thrown into a blender, then that's enjoyable for the existing players, because its like a powertrip to them.

btw we won that game

I'd let her sit on my face, if you catch my Tokyo Drift.

carry me faggot

to show off their kunai

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>do they think it's fun for me doing 90% of my squad's damage every game?
Yes, otherwise you wouldnt get to brag about it. its fake new tho

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>be gibraltar
>match up with some russians
>one plays bang, one wraith
>they're terrible shots but at least they don't shout at me
>actually make it to the last 3 squads
>kill a squad outside of the ring
>teammates survive but I get knocked
>wraith puts down a portal to the edge of the ring
>crawl through while bang looks for enemies
>get helped up and get a kraber from wraith
>bang drops some med kits
>wish I could say thank you more than one time
>kill the last squad with a kraber headshot and gibraltar artillery
>russian guy uses his mic for the first time
>"good job user"
>couldn't have done it without them

why would anyone play solo?

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I hate getting killed because I randomly got shit loot. No problem with dying because of skill, but when you literally can't find a decent weapon, or any weapon at all, that's not fun. Doesn't happen often, but I feel like it would in a mode like this. I also don't care about winning because I never do, but I do feel like there has to be SOME endgame.

yeah but the pseudo roulette wheel gambling for a chance to be supreme winner that makes your money brain make happy juice is what makes most people play the game in the first place

I got my first crash at around 120 hours
its completely random

They can't even tell you anything because they're in their own group chat instead of game voice. Pretty sure they can't hear you either in this scenario.

I've had at least 20 since the game came out. It also runs like shit for what it looks like. I have to run it at low-medium settings with adaptive resolution to get it to run even remotely stable. I have no issues with any other modern games and can run them at High-Ultra settings. RE2 and most UE4 games run absolutely fine and stable. Far Cry 5 even ran well on High, if not perfectly. Even Titanfall 2 runs great.

Still love the game, though.

>they're in their own group chat instead of game voice
Good. I'm tired of getting bitched at by tryhard bitches because of dumbass mistakes that they made, putting me in impossible situations.

It must be great playing this game with friends over discord. The average squad you run across is disorganized and retarded as fuck.

I really don't know why people do this. You're not going into BR games with the expectation to win every game and statistically it's unlikely. Not sure what people are angry about.

I stopped playing with randos and only play with friends now, it's the only way to have fun
Good players play with their friends, you'll always play with retards if you play solo

My friends are retarded and disorganized too, but we're having fun screaming MOZAMBIQUE HERE and making jokes.

>Get a squad that sticks together
>progressing through the map takes forever because newfags
>First encounter is either elite-tier or decent-tier but elite-tier is just a block away and kills us afterward
Fuck these games

Im playing on x1 and most people with mics all sound 18 and over. Idk

Scout being a close to mid range weapon is ok tho. But yeah longbow being so shit is criminal

It does

>looting everything before picking me or another teammate up
>taking my shit THEN respawning me
If you do this go fuck yourself in the mouth with a taser. I always pick up my teammates first before doing anything and you should too

It does I play on PS4 and you have to hold R1 then choose no, this also works on land with different options like telling your mates you're going somewhere or you are defending an area etc. dunno about PC tho sorry

>drop on agreed location
>one dude decides to leave after he loots one house while we ain't got shit
>reaches the other part of the map and dies 1v3
fuck randoms

>play Pathfinder
>have loads of fun swinging behind enemies' flank
>zipline across the entire map

pc got it as well but no one uses it

Why did Valve drones think Ape Legend would overtake Fortnite?

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>he used the streaming budget at more than Low (2-3 gb)

You mean why did EA run out of money to play streamers and why Fornite is literally owned by the Chinese government?