How do you recreate this? How do you go back?

How do you recreate this? How do you go back?

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It still exists, we just have different priorities and responsibilities these days. Our time has passed, we're older now. Swap halo for fortnite and I'm sure a bunch of highschoolers could relate.

Treading too much into your past is not a healthy thing for a man to do. And xbox 360 sucked anyway but halo 3 was good

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halo mcc pc is getting announced next week so we'll be able to relive these days again bro :)

It's going to be through Microsoft's shitty app store, though, isn't it?

>I'm so old, people now want to go back to times when I wanted to go back to my childhood

By replaying Halo 2 instead of 3.

yes, which they are supposedly revamping

Change soda to beer

jesus, how old are you?


yikes, and you're still here?

3 more years before you become a boomer user

Not him, but you're here forever.

You can't escape. And even when you do, you'll be back.

I get fuckin heart burn now

I still have these Friday nights. Me and my husband send the kids to a sleepover or to their grandparents while we order takeout, play vidya, and fuck all night.

>halo 3 custom games all night long
>local pizza joint with some coca cola
>while taking a break to eat dinner, tune into adult swim
simpler times...

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The fuck is your problem? You can still do this. Only this time you could get beer and weed

That’s nots how that works

la hacía mierda

>Newfag doesn't get the 35 year old boomer meme
Gonna be a y i o o f k e s from me

This time it's sad and pathetic

What should I play, watch, eat, and drink tonight for comfy Saturday night?

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coh2 and some china food

Back to the lowest point in gaming history?

>one day i get really nostalgic for when i got my 360, live and gears of war, bepis and pizza etc
>pick up xbone and gears and headset
>modern gears is shit
>no one talks anymore
>play it for an afternoon and never touch again
2007 was peak gaming man, maplestory and xbox live was mu life

If you are a tranny, why and how were you allowed to have kids. If you are a girl, why are you pretending to like video games? Did it start with trying to be like your dad or brother? Or are you trying to be one of the guys for your husband. We alll see through it btw. Like every single male on earth sees through it.


Says who and for what reason?

>this time it’s sad and pathetic

Explain why you think this. Really curious. You are likely in for some very rude awakenings

replace console with pc, pizza with chicken, coke with vodka and halo 3 with squad.

>get pizza
>get soda
>get xbox 360
>play halo 3
Thats it

how did you forget newfag?

order domino's
drink coke
play halo

Man pc gamers are such a sad bunch.

That's the popular opinion

Popular opinion among who? Everyone on earth? What demographic are you talking about. Because if you poll everyone on earth on any given night I promise what the average person is doing is far more sad. So be specific. And what do you think you should be doing instead. That’s the part I want to hear

same deal with ps4, no one talks; and the few that do are bumbling burnouts talking to someone in the background. No community, no soul, no bants; might as well play with bots.

playing halo and drinking syrup is sad and pathetic no matter what age you are

>t. No friends
Everything can be pathetic it you do it alone.

Playing halo specifically? I don’t even play halo but how is that sad if someone enjoys it? How old are you Christ. Protip adults do what they please, because they can young fella. I’m just trying to get into the mindset you have. What sort of life do you live that playing a video game for a night is sad and pathetic, and yet here you are on a video game board?

This was all of college for me. Sprinkle smash, fall out 3/new Vegas and borderlands in there too. But I'd also be very high as I don't even remember college all that much.
Xbox with the original halo is where most of my nostalgia lies. I had no priorities back then. No addiction to meds. No bills. No stress besides being an awkward teenager.

>Xbox 360 instead of Wii
>Dominos instead of Little Caesars
>Coca-Cola instead of Pepsi
>Halo 3 instead of Super Mario Galaxy

How do I rekindle the magic? Smash Ultimate with people on the couch?

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I felt more stress by far as a teenager then as an adult, personally. It was mostly imagined stress, sure but I felt it. I have my shit together as an adult and I am rarely stressed about anything. As a teenager my gf breaking up with me(that I had been with for 2 weeks) or not being invited to a party felt like the end of the world. I feel much more in control of my adult life. Just my experience

Are you a middle-aged soccer mom?
>little caesars
Shit cardboard """"pizza"""""
Literally known for being second fiddle.
>Super Mario Galaxy
Shit 3D platformer.

So let's recap: You're an ugly middle-aged single mother who can't afford anything, so you consider Little Caesar's a treat and buy Pepsi because Coke is too expensive.

Make some friends in VRchat, get Parsec, and you can relive it maybe.

but its a new meme and its 30 year old boomer

Yes. I recently played it with my brother. We played a lot of Melee and Brawl growing up. It felt just like old times.

are you retarded or an esl why can't you understand a basic sentance

>Are you a middle-aged soccer mom?
we're talking about 2007, retard. Not 2019

>Shit cardboard """"pizza"""""
Shit contrarian """opinion"""

>Literally known for being second fiddle.
>"le it's not as popular so it's bad"

>Shit 3D platformer.
>"if it I give my shitty """opinion""", then I win. Haha BTFO lol xd"

What? Plenty of people played wii back in the day. I personally thought it was awful but just saying. Also I’ve heard that Mario was pretty good. Fair points on the pizza and drink being garbage but women can “afford” anything because it’s rarely their money they spend, and when it is their money they pay no care to it(because there is always some beta who will give them more). Not that guy btw your assessment just seems shit. If anything that’s a poor white dude

Assume I’m both and explain it. Because either you weren’t clear or you are in fact an idiot

>doesn't even know hot to green text properly
Don't forget those Capri-suns for soccer practice, retard.

37 here and feck off newfags

>literally can buy any of these things today
>"b-b-but how do you go back?"

get a job bitch

>not gamefuel
fake gamer

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What a fucking shitty friday night, that's depressing

>we're talking about 2007, retard. Not 2019
If you were middle-aged and ugly back then, you still are now.

>Shit contrarian """opinion"""
Objective fact, you mean. Hard concept for a mong like you, I know.

>"le it's not as popular so it's bad"
There's a reason why it's not popular, retard.

>"if it I give my shitty """opinion""", then I win. Haha BTFO lol xd"
You having a stroke? Is the lead in your tap getting to you, food stamper?

I'm 36 and want to go back to 2004 just to play Halo 2 at launch

this, but in 1998 and with fighting force and a playstation

just because it's pathetic doesn't mean i've never done it or never will do it again. if you're doing something pathetic that's a waste of time it's a gut feeling called shame and if you can't relate to this common sense feeling then your either a child, autistic or you're going through the most boring mid-life crisis ever. grow some shame stop defending pathetic behavior.


>never got to play Halo online because helicopter parents thought Xbox Live meant I'd be paying to allow cyberpedos to pinpoint my location and hunt me down and and rape me to death
>got a PS3 and LBP a few years later; the closest thing I have to OP's experience is fussing with literal autists to help me move a box so I can get that new costume for Sackboy or try to collab with some snobs but they'd just delete anything I make
It's an abstract kind of feel.

Can you just explain what exactly is pathetic about it though? Like is it playing a game, or that specific one? Is it having a beverage, or that specific one. Really curious as to your mindset. I don’t enjoy either of those things but if my friend said he spent a night that way I would just think, cool. Not my taste but I’m not seeing where pathetic comes in, or sad. Please elaborate

>Implying a wageslave has time for video games

>there will never be a launch event like the 360 had or when halo 3 released
Man, I still remember going to the Best Buy near me and it was like a huge party. That shit was so fucking great. I moved away and visited a few years ago and found out that that particular Best Buy had closed down, as did the Taco Bell close by that everyone at the launch event went to after they got their copies.

People were mixing their Game Fuel bottles with the Mountain Dew from the soda fountains, the place was packed.

Now...that same outlet area is pretty much desolate.

Never in my life did I understand the movies of those people wanting to go back in time to relive their youth...until I parked in front of the building that used to be Best Buy, now completely empty...and look to the side to see that the building that was once the Taco Bell didn't even exist anymore.

Some of my greatest vidya memories...nothing but a stained mark on a building in the shape of the Best Buy logo and an empty patch of concrete...

Why is life so cruel?

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shit happens.

there was this tree in a park nearby where my mom and dad lived, where my parents first met as kids. after being together all throughout the years, they officially became a couple in freshman year of high school and carved their initials into the tree they first met by. that carving stayed there all throughout high school and even when they went to college together. 30 years later, after having moved to the other side of the country many years prior, my mom passed away. my dad and i went back to the neighborhood they grew up in to look at the special tree that signified the beginning of their life together, only to find that the entire park had been torn down to make room for some apartment buildings.

material things can vanish easily, what's important is that the special memories that those objects represent stay alive in your heart, user.

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you're drinking straight up sugar sitting on your ass playing a videogame. doing these things runs contrary to what any organisms goal should naturally be in life and any goal most people might set for themselves which would often run parallel with any instinctively based goals. it might be that you don't think less of your friend for doing these things and that's probably because they compensate for their destructive behaviors in ways that offset it so you don't feel ashamed to have them as a friend but i don't think that makes the behavior itself any less destructive or pathetic.

Why 2007? Will it move up to 2017 in 10 years at 2029?

Ok you hate surgery drinks. I do too. Fair enough I guess(though plenty of other shit people do that’s bad for them, you think it’s pathetic having drinks with friends? That’s bad for you too). But sitting on your ass playing video games? Do you even know where you are right now? Are you seriously on a video game board shitting on anyone playing video games? Why are you sitting on your ass doing that? How is that any better

You are literally sitting on your ass drinking soda and eating a pizza, it’s just insanely unhealthy. The next day you will be in a much worse state than when you started

I don't want to go back to being 5'7 and 240 pounds.

1995 and Command & Conquer for me. It's gone, man. All I have is the wrinkly poorly translated Finnish manual of the game that I've still somehow managed to keep all these years (it was one of the first games to come out with a localized manual). The "Notes" page has my scribbles of tanks and whatnot.

God, those were the days.

Looks awful. I spent 2007 playing with my PS2.

The friends I made during the 360's heyday were the best I've ever had. I almost wish the Xbone's godawful launch hadn't pushed me to PC. They all stuck with Xbox and now we don't even talk. I bought an Xbone last year to play MCC and try to reconnect to no avail. Now whenever I play their GTs just taunt me.

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You're an adult now. Act like it. Get a job and move out of your parent's house.

I try doing this with fighting games but I end up not eating or drinking anything the whole time out of extreme focus
Wish I could go back to WoW launch day/ expansion launche days, those were prime junk food eating hours

*rubs hands together*

it's not any better and I'm also not defending my life choice to do so or anybody else's

Imagine actually buying this shit.

imagine being a pleb

I'm the parent now. It's my house. Lets get you out of those diapers, okay?

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who is this semen demon/whale?