Fact: Yea Forums loves the Fate franchise
Fact: Yea Forums loves the Fate franchise
Other urls found in this thread:
god I wish that were me
If Yea Forums did, then this thread would be more popular.
>inb4 OP samefags it up
>no boner
I know.
familiar feeling
shota is shitttttttttttt
Shiki is best TM shota.
Reminder that his first time was in the hospital after his accident with one of the nurses
This cute autistic darth maul is the single best thing to come from the franchise.
Fact: Yea Forums loves literal shit and will act proud about it.
>literal shit
careful with the projection scatfag
Why are Gacha bugmen shilling their shitty series so hard?
one more..
Fact: Hews has been caught shilling on Yea Forums and /vg/ on multiple occasions.
Because it gets you to seethe and blubber impotently every single time without fail and you know it.
literally who?
>Fact: Yea Forums loves the Fate franchise
I wish I had older sisters, instead I had annoying younger sisters
*turns head*
What did you just say, Reddit?
FGO killed the typemoon/nasu i loved
>make a perfect design with scathach
>make her not for you
Wtf TM?
Shotas with BIG DICKS
please stop spreading such defaming claims about me
Why do we have multiple gachanigger threads a day?
Go play your slot machines and quit posting, you absolute sub-humans.
straight shota is shitttttttttttt*
I never liked fate to begin with.
Now I hate it even more.
At least the porn is good, and that's the most important part of any franchise really.
thank you
because these are the games Yea Forums plays now.
is there any worthwile shotaxshota doujin?
Shota is cute
I find myself working I was the women in those pics desu
I only like it for the hentai
Fuck that pic
>In work as a waiter
>Taller collegue starts to bully me cause I'm a manlet
>Boner for 4 hours
I wish I was still working there
>gay footfag
>literal chinese drawings
americans everyone
>t-they're just drawings
It would make more sense to call him literally anything but an American since those drawings are legal there and not nearly everywhere else
but it's an american mindset
These are my favorites. dai's doujins are great too.
he's been on an /ss/ kick lately hasn't he?
Onee-sans are predatory creatures. Very vicious
Fact: OP wants a "stealth" /ss/ thread because he's too retarded to use the internet.
>shota and loli illegal in yurostan
>meanwhile freedom in america
Yea Forums loves women
do you see euros complaining about it?
there you are
it isn't that complicated lol
ty user
Isn't loli and shota actually illegal in some States? Because it sure as fuck isn't in EU.
Nah I'm a leaf and despite supposedly bring degenerates people despise loli/shota here
You mean woman (male).
>expecting some delicious ss
>the faggots come out of the bushes once again
Now i want the real SS to eliminate you queers
Not as vicious as little girls
Based Tsukichad.
Nu-Fateshitters don't stand a chance.
No need to be so cross little guy
If you think Fateshit is good, you must be delusional.
>not being a based footchad homo
I wasn't calling you american
I was talking about the other user
Men's feet are gross
I can safely bet that i'm bigger than you manlet. Of course there is the offchance i'm not but the chances for that are quite small
please fuck me.
Uhh yeah?
Euro's aren't allowed to dissent or they get sent to gulag.
Whatever you say sweetheart
Check these too. They're fap fuel for your heart.
Only if you promise to be a good boy
feet are for degenerates
The Shikis are the best TM in either gender
How insecure do you gotta be that someone calling you "little guy" on the internet makes you start screeching REEE I'M TALL
Like no one cares bro lol
wow thanks user!
that's a lot to read, really appreciate it
Apparently you did enough to reply
And what yuropoor shithole are you from that isn't in the UN? Also,
The only game from the series I played was Fate/Extra. Even with those short and ''bland'' dungeons I thought it was pretty good, loved the combat system, story was interesting... and don't get me started on soundtrack.
From my understanding, all recent Fate games are Dynasty Warriors clones, and I am not interested in those.
>calling europe shithole while living in america
thanks for the laugh
I'm just pointing it out, mini man
The most important fate game is gacha shit that barely constitutes a video game.
The US is also in the UN, you realize that right?
And nobody gives a shit about the UN, period. Come back to me when this shit is being discussed in the EU Parliment or something, you utter mong.
>girl on right: /pol/
>girl on left: discord trannies
>boy: Yea Forums
When was the last time a country listened to the UN? Serious question.
Who the fuck even listens to the UN? It's the worlds biggest most powerless entity ever
>be yuropoor
>get woken up by call to prayer
>eat shariah breakfast
>walk down the street to your job, careful not to step in human excrement
>get mugged by gang of urban youths
>get run over by truck of peace
i used to like it. now i don't even know anymore. i probably liked tsukihime and ufotables adaptations far more than fate and what nasu did afterwards, save for mahoyo.
mahoyo tl when..
it's amazing how the american ignorance is that intense lmao
I feel sad for you
US won't listen because we have a backbone, meanwhile , euroshit countries will bend the knee to their jewish UN overlords.
Anime > VN.
>He psyops for Israel FOR FREE
Yikes! I've nothing against my American brothers.
I sure do, I enjoy the expansive lore and character interactions.
>Be American
>Go to school
>Get shot
>Not even by some "invaders"
>Just some retarded white kid
>get btfo
>y-you're just stupid!
How is pointing out the jew organized migration crisis pro-israel, faggot?
>be yuropean
>go to school
>get raped by migrant classmate
Anything that artificially creates dissent between western nations benefits the jews, you surface level reddit visitor.
>/alter/ is just Yea Forums 2.0
Can't deny the truth.
My point since you're clearly too retarded is that even white Americans kill each other like niggers
>thread devolves into /int/-tier shitposting
Post more shotas, you dumb faggots.
>Anything that artificially creates dissent between western nations benefits the jews
So what you're saying is that /pol/faggotry benefits the Jews?
I don't have any
as much as I wish I did
Of course, but europe is quickly becoming non-western, and they are simply sitting idly by while it happens.
>i get all my news from america from CNN
Of course, who do you think started muttposting to begin with?
Yes. Petty squabbles between otherwise like-minded individuals only serves to keep them compartmentalized, blind with anger/sadness and ultimately, harmless and incapable to change anything.
Shota are only cute when they have realistic sized penises for their age, not matured ones like most people seem to give them.
no thanks
No only shotaxadult is good, even better if it's an ugly bastard.
>t. pedophile AND gay
This, small with foreskin
Have one then. You should lurk the shota threads on /cm/ if you want to have a shota collection.
The stupid questions thread on /g/ is another source of cute shota pics.
>feet are for degenerates
>posts feet like a degenerate
I'm just helping a shotafriend out, even if he's degenerate.
Based. That also applies to their hip size.
My absolute negro, nothing has come close to the overall atmosphere of Extra and it saddens me we wont get something that great again since the CCC translation is basically vaporware at this point.
Well, there are some great girls in it.
>not liking /bbs/
Yea Forums go home you are drunk
Why can't all job interviews go like this?
So is it banned in the EU or what?
I love porn a lot that's for sure.
EU? No.
Maybe UK, but even if it is I doubt they give a fuck unless you set up shop outside of your house and try to sell Asanagi doujins or something.
>half of that artist doujins is raep
What did he mean by this?
I'm not drunk I just really wanna tease a cute boy
That's interesting, I took it for fact that it was banned over here ages ago
Yes to both. Some retard in the UK got busted a little while ago.
Would you hyperbole addicted retard niggers learn proper fucking English?
UK doesn't really count as EU at this point
I thought the artist was a girl.
More for me then.
Got a problem?
Oh yes, foreskin is essential.
>he thinks he's leaving
I'm not from the UK silly
Then what point are you trying to make? Demographics are similar, as are public policies.
This image would be so fucking hotter if it wasn't a kid. If they were bullying an adult that'd be way better. Shotafags, like lolifags, deserve the bullet.
Only straighties like /ss/ though
Not illegal in spain
No need to be so mad cutie
Kill yourselves Gacha insectoids
Vanillafags have no right to get pissy when one(1) picture doesn't pander to them.
>implying gay shit works on me
i'm gay myself, I just don't like shota shit.
based spaniards then
I was asking questions, not trying to make any points. I think you are a bit confused
Illya is cute, cute!
They are, if they're realistic enough.
Basically it's legal because who the fuck wants to step up as the arbiter of whether a drawing is cunny enough or not? Imagine a job offer for that lmao.
you are a literal idiot, gtfo
You said the UK doesn't count as the EU. What are you talking about?
>implying anyone here actually plays fgo
Japan isn't in china, you faggot.
I think we are safe
Shotas with BIG DICKS in them
>all you have to do is watch porn and decide if it's loli/shota porn or not
That along with being moderator of "disturbing" things on google and facebook are my desired jobs.
>h*ws h*ck
Gross as fuck.
>A photorealistic oil painting with artistic merit depicting the brutality and cruelty of child rape would be banned
>But ryona Japanese Shadman oppai lolis wouldn't
Shit taste.
Remove yourself.
Hello, I am Yea Forums
I dislike Fate. This thread makes false claims about me.
Please delete this thread, Thanks.
ultimate shit taste
I only love Saber. And Sanzou.
Stay the fuck away from my shotas, you reddit tier /ss/fags
im pretty sure it's just the unending fanart and porn that Yea Forums likes from the Fate franchise, while a smaller amount like the lore behind it and the visual novels and "maybe" the figurines.
The rest is absolute garbage and an unhealthy cashgrab.
One of the girls or the kid?
I want to whack those women in the skull with a golf club and take that shota away to safety
cringe faggot
Who's the girl in the body suit?
Would you a 33 y.o shota?
>no follow up to that pic
/ss/ is the gayest shit ever.
Loli + dilf is the true patrician taste.
I like the two
>tfw by the time incest and seducing young boys will be legal I will already be dead or a grandma
It's not fair
Why not loli + shota?
Loli with anything other than baby dick shota is fine, but I like it best when it's either a middle aged man or ugly fat fuck doing the fucking. The series for the image you posted is fantastic. Can't wait to see them all pregnant.
I remember when stuff like this happened to me in school. I was pretty young and these girls who were probably 5 years older than me would tease me and one time made me sit at their table at lunch time.
But I'd always try to avoid them and push them away.
God I was dumb back then.
post more Saika
Absolute garbage taste. If you had said loli I would have agreed (its all trash instead of oppai) but you had to go there.
Not like you're any better.
shotas are cute. /ss/ is garbage and is only liked by people who have micropenises because it's the only porn they can self-insert to.
I love my wife.
why is female pokemon GO protag such a degenerate pedophile according to Japanese fan-artists?
Based taste
seething lolifags
You can like more than one thing involving shota you turbo pleb
Only one of those is a lolifag, moron.
Reverse image search this and you'll find a lot more
Loli is absolutely 100% banned in the UK. Thing is, everyone knows it's dumb as fuck and even the police aren't out there trying to catch people looking at drawings.
It's the sort of thing police will only act on when they absolutely have to. Which means you've either done it in view of them, or they've got access to your computer (usually because you committed another crime) and seen it on their.
Even then, people who get caught looking at lolis almost always get off with a slap on the wrist. No prison time, no court hearing, no real punishment. Just a "caution" which means the crime is so insignificant that if you admit to it you'll be told you're a naughty boy then get to go home.
t. Someone who got called a naughty boy then sent home.
These laws are rarely, if ever, enforced.
Just don't be stupid and start viewing it in public.
For some reason i'm not attracted to nudity, i only enjoy tightly covered bulging body parts and perverted touches.
As soon as they take off their clothes i just switch to the next thing inline.
am i retarded?
Where is mama!?
I cant tell 99% of the fgo sluts unless i see them in their normal outfits.
macro shota
Reminder that the UK flipping out over loli is why we got the breast expansion dungeon crawler delayed so hard.
I used to think so as well
Then I found this exhentai.org
Good taste, too bad 99% of male gts content is vore, gore and feet.
So how they catch you?
Just name me this artist retard
One of the women!
You are shit user
Left a torrent on overnight which they partially managed to download off of me.
The mad part is, picture related is what they got m me for. I think it was 20 or so pages of this. Not even kidding either.
When the police came, they were asking me about some torrent from 8-9 months prior and I couldn't remember anything about it. They took my computer and had it for almost a year and this is all they came back with. Since she's a school girl she is probably underage. The choices I had was get given a caution which is literally nothing (wont even show up on a criminal check) or go to court and fight it out which could have taken ages. I just took the caution and since then have used a VPN.
That's pretty lewd, user.
They send Lolice at you
>Ywn be a cute shota's new pet
>Hwn show you off to all his friends
I'm pretty lewd! I want to tease boys!
What do you think would have happened if the girl seemed even younger?
movie next week, bros!
I'm going to do you a solid, user:
That IS pretty lewd!
>you will never be a mommy who pampers her son with unconditional love
>he will never tell you what to dress in and how to do your makeup
>he will never give you a collar to wear and show you off to his friends to make them jealous
Where'd you get this picture of me
Holy shit. Sometimes I'm glad I live in a third world shithole and stuff like this never happens to me. Cops are too busy with real problems like gangs and drugs.
Let me tease you!
Nice Facts in this thread.
Nothing. People with thousands of pictures of real CP get off with slaps on the wrist in the UK these days.
The police in the UK are so underfunded that they simply don't have time to deal with every crime to the full extent. And a drawing of a kid isn't considered serious enough to waste so much time or money on.
Forget it's name, but the artist is Jingrock.
Is Extella Link any better than Umbral Star?
user, that is not video games! I'm not sure I know what to do in this situation but that seems against the rules here, I don't think you're allowed to do that!
Why is the UK government so incompetent?
Brexit would probably deal a killing blow to it.
>Since she's a school girl she is probably underage.
Glad I don't live in a monitored first world shithole.
Imagine if in the future they arrest people for watching anime
I tried getting into FGO but I didn't like the gameplay and iirc it has an autoplay button which is shit
post wholesome /ss/
and your favorite /ss/ doujins
>Since she's a school girl she is probably underage.
But that's wrong. It's drawn lines. Not an actual person. What insane person would say a sketch is considered a school girl?
Thanks for your insight, it's interesting to read
Good, honest people don't want to be politicians in the UK.
I liked that story a lot, thank you!
I don't supposed there's any more?
Yeah, it was flimsy as fuck. Even the police interviewing me knew it and 90% of the interview was the two of them trying to get me to admit to something more serious because although they found nothing on my computer which they had for a fucking year, they were still trying to trick me into admitting to something else.
One thing I remember them saying was something like "maybe you downloaded something like Star Wars but it wasn't Star Wars and was CP". They were actually trying to get me to admit to doing this and things similar to this.
They basically knew they'd wasted almost 2 years on a few drawings and just kept trying to beef up the charges against me.
The fuckers even tried to keep my computer afterwards (police can technically do this in the UK in certain circumstances, usually they'll sell it at an auction) but I had a lawyer with me who sorted that shit out.
Politicians in the UK think drawings are the same as real people. Which is why loli is illegal in the UK.
>Politicians in the UK think drawings are the same as real people.
Most "normal" people do, actually.
Funny, but its pushing that way across the pond too. In certain states, they just say it is CP, just because.
I say, if that is true, then arrest everyone who owns zeppelins houses of the holy, it has naked children on the cover.
I'll be sure to keep an eye on /d/ in that case, thanks!
i enjoyed nasu sex scenes and overall fateshit like any other person here, but i'd rather shitpost about it than have a constructive conversation
it's pretty much just the uk
>/ss/ fags are even gayer than gay shotafags
Good thing the janitor nuked your sissy discord ERP.
Also anime isnt banned in the UK since there is fanservice of school girls and underage characters in general?
>artist took down all her Red + Pokémon art because it "doesn't excite her anymore."
Why does "I don't like it anymore." have to mean "Now you can't view it anymore?" She probably got shamed into doing it.
It's not even all of the UK though. Loli is legal in Scotland.
>no boner
fucking shota faggot
based skirt-wearers
I don't. FGO is a pretty awful game with a mediocre script. The fanart being good doesn't make the franchise good, unfortunately.
Awful game as well. Rock, paper, scissors with terrible, repetitive dungeons.
Cookie cutter musou with PS2-era graphics and a script that's so pandering it would embarrass even a Fatlus fan.
Summer astolfo in fgo this year.
I loved the Fate franchise before it went full cashgrab.