Honaka is fat and disgusting!

Attached: DEAD OR ALIVE 6_20190307224701.jpg (3840x2160, 1.18M)

Other urls found in this thread:!XqZETSKT!KzV4GU6y-7skurHi7joCIQ!wyQXgabQ!3D7TsTXx_i9gWt4R-aAY5A

Fucking cow.

Attached: jiggle.webm (1920x1080, 2.19M)

Marie has been a bad child, I want to punsh her thoroughly.


Attached: 1551949588677a.webm (556x600, 555K)



Attached: marienavelingus.jpg (2400x1291, 625K)

dog fuckers!XqZETSKT!KzV4GU6y-7skurHi7joCIQ

Attached: 1523810831426.jpg (640x956, 100K)


More like this!

Attached: Moar Marie.jpg (458x518, 64K)



>was thinking of buying the game just for Marie
>it costs a fucking fortune
Too bad, I hope xtreme on the switch won't be as expensive

Attached: 1528586958984.gif (268x540, 2.97M)

Attached: cuddly_kitty_by_n7_rose_dczcjpd-fullview.jpg (1600x900, 107K)

You'll have to import it so it will probably cost a lot as well. Even the occasional sales aren't that much.

Attached: DEAD OR ALIVE Xtreme 3 Fortune_20190110124736.png (1920x1080, 2.21M)

That's nice

How much are import costs?

Buy my game.

Attached: 0AE03603-6D84-4879-B267-6F242AF1ED4E.jpg (1024x576, 40K)

go for it man , i dont have a switch nor i wanna buy one and the ps4 version is getting censored so go ahead u will enjoy it. lassst time i import a game was something like 65€for the game + 12€ (import ,shipping,etc) is not that expensive

Anyone else getting input drops when playing online?

Take a look at Play-Asia for an idea

do you have the gif where the pointer pokes Marie's butt by any chance?

Attached: 1541459330503.gif (540x480, 2.42M)

F2P version when?

Nope, sorry

Attached: 1546222000881.jpg (960x720, 67K)

How is the ps4 version being censored specifically? If it's minor I'd rather deal with that than low res on Switch

If you want it on PS4 import Fortune and buy the upgrade DLC

Here you go

Attached: 1549461568459.gif (268x530, 2.94M)

They are removing the 2 Fan items that let you control the wind and create suit malfunction/destruction on command along with lifting skirts and jiggling boobs/but. They are also removing the items that let you adjust the jiggle physics. No word on if certain bikinis are removed.

Attached: what are we gonna do on the bed.jpg (1920x1080, 432K)

thats a lot of the good stuff

All still included in the Switch version.

that one! thanks user

Attached: 1539324754972.jpg (3840x2160, 1.3M)

>shirt lifts up just to expose navel

That's the best part


no pajamas on the bed please

Attached: 1545840616836.jpg (3840x2160, 541K)

Attached: dd18qso-e9f82ad9-ee52-463f-a03e-fe6e19754656.png (1440x2560, 2.59M)

Attached: T-that's a big...bed.png (1920x1080, 2.22M)

based N7Rose he learned how to use Blender just to make Marie renders

Attached: 1537286644602.jpg (1280x1232, 269K)

if only he would render navel lickings

The Honocow is a majestic creature.

Attached: 838380_20190306152814_1.png (1920x1080, 1.63M)

Why is Marie undisptutedly the best girl?

Marie is the embodiment of perfection

Attached: 1528423893893.jpg (2778x5120, 1.4M)

Because of her efficiency as a murder machine.

Attached: 1552100035974.jpg (1080x1920, 258K)

Raping Marie

a well oiled machine

Attached: 1551640406135.gif (1892x1050, 1.66M)

So, for DoA VV, does anyone know how to earn hearts for the dual photoshoot thing where you can buy set items? I just got back form a long hiatus and google does nothing for me, i assume it's from an older update.

i wanna do so many things to her

there's some thing where you click a button where you set how long you want to wait and then it levels up the heart level between those 2 girls and you get a few points for set pieces

Attached: benis bacation.jpg (1920x1080, 249K)

Attached: 1548383985132.jpg (3440x1440, 493K)

Such as..?

For me it's these two.

Attached: 1551964391404.webm (1202x1174, 2.96M)

Thanks, i guess i'll put my favorite grills in there for now, Ayane and uh, Marie, Nyo, Honk or Kasumi i guess, are there any special events for characters with a history like Marie and Honk or Ayane and Kasumi?

>Steal my game.

FTFY. Piratechads always win baby.

Attached: 1451414049252.jpg (853x480, 279K)

not that i've seen. you just level then up and get some extra points and shit. then you just switch characters and do it all over because you only get like 50 set piece points every couple levels

For me it's these three.

Attached: the iconic trio.jpg (1200x1080, 317K)

shitty taste

mostly shitty taste

Attached: 1537102457556.jpg (2560x1440, 1.57M)


Attached: 1551447328448.webm (584x1016, 2.38M)

Got it, thanks.

Attached: DOAX-VenusVacation_190309_204522.jpg (1920x1080, 425K)

Wait, what

Attached: 1521427214742.png (500x600, 10K)

New Brownskin girl fucking when?
Japan just worships whites

cuck her for my right hand

Dead or Alive? More like Dead on Arrival

Marie isn't even a loli anymore, she has shapely breasts, they're like B cups. If you get rid of the pig tails she will look like an adult

Attached: doa_calendar___july_by_bakuhatsunousagi-d81fbo8.png (1003x955, 1.72M)

I love that they all have a scene together in 6.

For me it’s Nyotengu

Attached: 00D1072A-640A-48F6-9407-2C8BDF050412.jpg (576x1024, 73K)

not sure about that

Attached: m.jpg (1364x768, 101K)

Tina is a total sub

I hate how attractive I find this stupid bird.

What is it?

Attached: Bugs BUUUUUUUGS.jpg (642x513, 112K)

>New Brownskin
What's the point of it if she can't top Lisa? Light-brown, short-haired sexy tomboy, how do you defeat that?

Attached: 1538848984550.jpg (2160x3840, 1.7M)

Stop being underage and figure out what a mega is. Lurk moar

finally someone i agree with

Attached: exactly_my_point_by_verasoul-d5hn9u2.jpg (1280x720, 132K)

I'm sad my girl Momji is missing

Attached: DOA.png (3840x2160, 2.95M)

Any link for that scene?

VV nude mod videos

Attached: 1547194137658.jpg (1200x675, 104K)

cause lisa sucks. mila is the tom boy. just give her a tan and shes perfect

She looks like Elsa Jean, as in she probably fucks black guys

I know what a mega link is, I want to know what the contents are. I'm not downloading another 20GB of dolphin porn.

Attached: Ugh.gif (400x300, 3.25M)

Its all shitty mp4s and one webm, not worth it

god damn thanks for the reminder man !

KT bikinis when ??

Attached: 232d44148a0621632876aaca52e50487.gif (300x170, 422K)

No. You don't know what mega is you utter retard. You didn't want to click because you thought it would immediately download.
You have no idea what you're talking about, graduate highschool.

it's not going to hurt you to click on the mega link itself retard. in this case it's not some big ass passworded zip which would be reasonable to be suspicious of, but a folder link with a bunch of small crappy mp4s and a webm. you can test that out in 15 seconds even on amerifat garbage internet.

Not particulary but it's somewhere in that video

lilterally trash

Attached: 1547973392641.gif (480x480, 1.91M)

>start video
>disgusting fucking frenchslut speech
>close tab


i wish i was marie rose

Is it really? I hadn't heard about any PS4 specific censoring

Attached: 1551664530048.jpg (2560x1440, 624K)


that's worse

Not sure if it was a menu setting but one one stream the guy was fighting Marie and hit her with the Break Blow; the camera was distant like in every version but there was also a big lenseflare over Marie's face now (PS4).


Attached: Nazi Hitomi 25.jpg (2445x1620, 449K)

where is the DOA6 SFM porn?

I'd Schnell her strudel, if you know what I mean

Attached: SONY CENSORS NAZI GERMANY.jpg (1600x900, 143K)

Nobody has the game. Certainly not anyone who was interested in the attractiveness of the females and the potential for porn.

Attached: 5ba5db6e6697522bd6fba2d41fcb52f8.jpg (1280x1920, 386K)

So, NiCO. Is she actually just a baby faced 17 year old girl, or has she scienced herself to appear younger and she's actually older than Helena?

She's canonically the youngest DOA female now, younger than Luna and Ayane

I'd help her propagate the masterrace

Attached: Nazi Hitomi 32.jpg (2478x1704, 1.75M)

I'll go with these two.

Attached: 2019_03_04 - 05_58_02_06.jpg (1920x1080, 217K)

She should be the oldest but look the youngest. Honk should be the youngest since she acts like an oversized loli.

Why do I want to tittyfuck a bird?

Attached: FF80B1BC-0492-4FF5-B5DB-95A0955BEBE4.jpg (850x1208, 259K)

Hear me out on this, okay?
>Another flat character, but true flat this time.
>Shortest character.
>Emphasis on showing skin and practicaliy.
>Brown/Tan skin.
>Tribal motif, think Sui Youbi.
>Combat is more hold and throw based to make up for being physically weak, with special stances based on animals/predatory tactics to bridge the gaps. Like a smaller Tina + LeiFang or something.
>Broken english, simpleminded in nature.
>Could easily lead her into the story with some tribal law or animal curiosity. Like Bass or whoever goes to her country for a fight and she follows him onto the plane out of curiosity.
>Can easily work perfectly in interactions with other characters.

Her fucking a bbc in that outfit would make me explode


Attached: Nazi Hitomi 1.jpg (1707x1080, 630K)

Because you're a slut.

Ayana is nice too

Attached: B0C1A672-1C8C-4258-B559-A8921EC70DC5.jpg (576x1024, 64K)

I'll take a big tits scarred tribal girl instead.

Attached: __milla_original_drawn_by_menoo_meno1921__c087ca628184f85019c188cebfd6f35d.jpg (1210x1600, 161K)

Who this

stop with the sluts
post pure maidens

Attached: 838380_screenshots_20190303141532_1.jpg (1920x1080, 409K)

Why do all of the bikinis have a paizuri hole?

Kinda sounds like Cham Cham.

First crush


Well, that's always great too. Can we get a toned body then?

What's a Cham Cham?

Worst girl


God I love her

Nazis are cringe


>Can we get a toned body then
That would be great but it's up to Team Ninja willing to do a unique body model.

Attached: __milla_original_drawn_by_menoo_meno1921__26384bc18f2c51760d4a5e57ce6f2362.jpg (1400x989, 141K)

So, how is the game? I enjoyed DoA5 quite a bit.

Hugo Boss did great uniforms

How can you even ask that question?

Attached: 71 - V13U8be.png (1080x1920, 1.79M)

>>What's a Cham Cham?
See image, whether she's flat or not depends on the artist i guess, i hope she makes it into the new Samurai Shodown.

Attached: chamcham.jpg (466x640, 59K)

It's DoA5 with a few gameplay changes (which you won't notice if you're a casual), less game modes (no tag), less costumes (also with the worst costume unlock system to date), and less characters (random mexican and anime girl added over momiji). And Ryu's armor looks dumb as hell.

Tldr play 5

Attached: DOA6-1.jpg (2471x4320, 1.94M)

Kokoro makes my kokoro go doki doki

Attached: 6602243F-B22B-42C7-BE39-9AC25A59B059.png (378x453, 249K)

The gameplay is pretty good, arguably the best in the series. Also has a good amount of tutorials for beginners and a very detailed info box (frame data, range measure, etc.)
Surrounded by the usual business bullshit like pre-order exclusives, season passes, and grinding mechanics.
It's still missing lobbies but they're supposed to be put in soon. Hopefully real soon because fighting games have their largest amount of players early on.

Where would they even begin when when they put this on?

Attached: 26E5A18A-9745-4A90-8FE4-D76328988BFE.jpg (1000x563, 261K)

Legs, then neck, then arms, and finally they tuck their tits in

>Eliot might actually be my jam now
I can't stop playing as him, Kasumi was always my thing wtf

Attached: i dont deserve this.jpg (800x449, 77K)

No visible zippers. There must be a catch on the collar somewhere out of sight.

Attached: 109 - GPDD0Y6.png (1080x1920, 2.08M)

>playing as any male character other than Ryu in DoA

Attached: 1254537647.jpg (278x350, 28K)

Why does she look so much better in DOA6?

Either that or it’s really stretchy

Because Kokoro isn’t a titty monster unlike Honkers

Attached: 3782799F-BDE5-42EF-A577-2B45D685838F.png (800x990, 954K)

They figured since she's a hapa, she should have the same face as Hitomi, aka: Best Girl

ive spent 200k+ hearts or whatever they are called and im yet to get ayane ... the funny thing is i got honkers on my first roll ...

Attached: 1.jpg (1920x1080, 581K)

Am I the only one who isn’t sexually attracted to Marie?

I mean she’s cute but doesn’t get me excited

Attached: 101D1D22-E60E-4C04-9B61-AD17FA80014C.jpg (375x640, 60K)


It's not that she's so superior to any of the others. But most of the other girls are fairly similar physically, so their fanbase is divided by their personal preferences. Anyone who wants a petite girl is stuck liking Marie or no one (maybe NiCO now, but she's still new), so it just seems like a lot of people like her. Once a few more flatties arrive, Marie's fanbase will be diluted, but TN doesn't seem willing to revisit having a character be that petite again.

Attached: __marie_rose___by_d0a_girlz_go_wild_dcxfns9.jpg (701x1226, 158K)

>game full of titty monsters
>only care about the one with nearly no tits

We need more characters with more A than T

Attached: C6E94289-7CB6-473E-A6DB-141D9A6B56DB.png (285x804, 58K)

They ruined Kokoro

I hate them

Attached: 1516765760519.png (1080x1920, 1.54M)

Old hag

Attached: 1AE50137-DC19-4D9C-B01E-91526824551F.jpg (1024x576, 57K)

>Kokoro doesn’t just have a cute round face
>But she also has a nice rack now


i rarely like small chests but i still think Marie is superior to the other girs and other petites like Nico or Nagisa just don't do it for me. i don't like her because she is petite i like her because her overall design

Attached: 1531449223330.jpg (675x1200, 104K)

So you like her because of her thick ass?

So she's a Disgaea character?

DoA needs to improve their boob physics by a lot.
A patreon porn game has more technology than a game known for it's boob physics.

Attached: WLsmthr.webm (1324x944, 2.65M)

Attached: WLBounce.webm (782x1080, 2.68M)

They ruined Kokoro

Attached: 1492970109694.png (1080x1920, 2.48M)

Is Tina good in this game?

HOLY FUCK, I’m in love

Attached: 1B704BBB-D323-43B6-9D1C-483D21409C9B.png (1009x2000, 354K)

Sauce me? Is it never ever early access?


Good boner fuel

Wild Life
>Is it never ever early access?
Worse. It's a never ever patreon scam. Animation gallery is still hot as fuck though

Attached: 838380_20190306094620_1.png (1920x1080, 1.42M)

Wildlife, it's early in development on patreon, free builds are available but it's censored, patreon builds are easy enough to find with google.

worst character design yet.

I love ass jiggle, but this is too fat.

Anyone else saving DOAQuest until after the launch costume parts bonus ends?

Pics for proof

Attached: 25C133C1-1B92-498B-96AE-5D59C86BAD44.jpg (522x522, 110K)


Agree. She turns people into pedos.

>she will never come back

Attached: B6F3A651-04CE-41F4-A648-0F0D997AFDEE.png (283x788, 249K)

No, seriously. Kasumi has less jiggle than that. Honokas butt is too fat.

Agree her popularity is not based on her body type but on her design. gothic lolita is very popular and commonly used on 2D but rarely on 3D

Do you get to date the girls in xtreme 3 with that owner mode or is it cuck shit?

not all paraphilias are mental disorders so it's fine

All the new VV girls were explicitly stated to be non-fighters so they won't be in games outside of it.

Some of the girls want to bounce the owner like Nagisa, Misaki, and Fiona. But the other ones just treat him like a manager

What are the gameplay changes from 5 to 6?

I don't understand shit about DoA mechanics so it looks the same to me, except for slightly better graphics and less content.

Attached: download.png (1280x720, 930K)

Oh so the shitty OCs. Just let me date Hitomi already.

Nor should she.

I read it was permanent, or rather read that someone claimed it was permanent by citing a KT employee, which honestly is not very reliable source judging by all the bullshit pre-release.


Isn’t she with one of the guys, I forgot who

The right bumper thing is the biggest difference, and no tag-team.

I hope so because Quest is fun, but if the modifier goes down by even 10 times on the 14th, I'll never unlock anything after that.

Critical stun is more normalized in terms of launcher height. You get regular and counter heights.
The meter system which includes break blows (supers) and break holds (counter hold that works on anything)
New type of stun, fatal stun, which can't be held out of unless you use a break hold. There are only a few moves per character that apply fatal stun as a result.

head pats, cuddling, holding hands, all degenerate stuff like that.

Attached: 1531071986006.jpg (991x839, 156K)

Is made thic by the Nic

More NICO in her leotard please

Attached: __bass_armstrong_and_nico_dead_or_alive_6_and_etc_drawn_by_gtgt_nishiteyaru__b89f5a2308d612d1bfe77a3 (1688x2317, 3.86M)

Attached: DOA6 2019-03-08 23-18-01-82.jpg (1920x1080, 1.06M)

Does Mary Rose have the firmest butt of the DoA girls?

Hit me up when they add best mommy. I'm tired of dumb same face moeblobs.

Attached: miyako002_by_maro03363-d95mfg1.jpg (1191x670, 144K)

Attached: DOA6 2019-03-08 23-17-05-90.jpg (1920x1080, 557K)

In the base game yes, but in Venus Vacation I think Nagisa beats her ass

Literally who

Mommy Momiji

Goddamn. I'm so angry this will never be a thing because of Nips shit taste.

Does Snoy know that a young girl with a leotard that all but screams canon vag slips is plying her trade on their system for heterosexual males all over the world?

Attached: 1551970649518.png (1920x1080, 1.82M)

Disgusting Pig

Attached: 1542140222904.png (1500x2500, 3.16M)

Attached: 1552139146374.jpg (3840x2160, 929K)

Best mommy.

Iktf, I wish I could kill every single Mariefag.

Attached: 1533795424976.jpg (1920x1080, 381K)

Imagine just pulling that bit right in front of her snatch and grinding it on her RAW

Attached: 1439867624555.gif (227x165, 721K)

Attached: DOA6 2019-03-08 23-22-03-29.jpg (1920x1080, 1.06M)

Hmm, tell me more. Nagisa has a firmer behind than Rose?

Glad to see that Nico doesn’t suffer from a puffy vulva

Marie is firmer and relatively larger

Attached: 1551657998252.png (568x552, 109K)

Her model is really Marie with Misaki’s face

Attached: F0C5D964-7094-4FDF-B601-85B2F2DA28F5.jpg (480x360, 27K)

>20 hours of grind later
>179 points on one NiCO costume
>not even the one I wanted
Kill me.

Does all of it makes the game worth?

Do you have a screenshot of a more normal pose?

Attached: MUH DICK.gif (400x304, 1.95M)


Lisa's iddle stance the sexiest thing ever.

Attached: DOA6 2019-03-06 23-46-04-35.jpg (1920x1080, 517K)

Sorry, can't help it that she's perfect for a loving relationship.

Attached: 1536939176096.png (1920x1080, 1.96M)

Speaking of canon slips

Attached: Marie X3 Hiel Dance Butt Closeup .webm (1280x720, 2.86M)

Attached: BF290FBA-6FE4-4940-8518-A5303F36F3E5.jpg (750x422, 43K)

Imagine being this much of a low test.

Attached: 320b87bca28fba4e0d66633963e6c5a6.jpg (564x798, 81K)

Attached: DOA6 2019-03-08 23-12-34-18.jpg (1920x1080, 732K)

>small firm butt
>best face by far

Can we agree Mary kills the thicc degenerate trend?

It's good to see Bass and the other lads are having so much fun with the new girl

Attached: 1551931369542.jpg (1920x1080, 359K)

they are fixing it

Attached: DOA6 2019-03-08 23-16-08-80.jpg (1920x1080, 662K)

Screenshots of her ass, user

Attached: DOA6 2019-03-06 23-38-33-56.jpg (1920x1080, 1.34M)

Yeah, but the person that came out with this system must commit sudoku.

you are late we agreed on that long ago

Attached: 1551742883124.jpg (675x1200, 86K)

How, and how long does it take?

Only if you're actually going to play against other people. It's got the "new game" boost in population for now.

Ohhh I see, I think I will stay with DoA5LR until 6 catch up in content then.

>DOAquest where you have to get 8 greats in a row with Raidou
>No restart button

What's the point of these quests?

Test muh dick

Still better than the Phantom Delude challenge in Valkyrie Drive: Bhikkhuni

Costume parts/gold/encyclopedia entries
Sometimes they're fun, and also a free way to play as Nyo/Phase 4

Anyone got a honoka folder with x3 and venus vacation stuff?

I'm going to marry Nickel Cobalt.

I want to milk this dumb cow.

Attached: DOA6 2019-03-07 21-47-48-67.jpg (1920x1080, 569K)

based and birdpoop-pilled

Attached: ayane.jpg (603x868, 222K)

>Kokoro never got involved in the autistic adventures of Honoka and MR
Missed opportunity

Why the Nico posting stop

i need Marie lewds to kill some billions

Attached: watch me milk this cow.jpg (881x448, 72K)

Kokoro didn't act as autistic as her DOA5 counterpart this time.

Attached: DOA6 2019-03-06 10-11-19-59.jpg (1920x1080, 701K)

>Pirate the game on PC
>Use cheat engine to unlock everything
>Fuck Judaism

I'm going to rip Marie's head off!

You want to marry a living battery?

Attached: ed496e0e9929de12f8674dbf12648ca1111.webm (860x586, 684K)

touch the cow

I need to get back in the game and take new screenshots, also she barely has any interesting costumes.

Attached: DOA6 2019-03-07 22-01-47-19.jpg (1920x1080, 425K)

Leotards are my fetish outfits so any of it is fine

I'm a console pleb... I am sorry.

check i added screenshots
im going to add a Honoka folder just like the Marie one soon

Attached: 1526066435397.jpg (2079x3101, 1.5M)


Is there any actual point in playing this

Tekken has better gameplay
Tekken has lili

Attached: doa.jpg (1280x1852, 512K)

Lei is and always has been best girl

Attached: 1541845912344.jpg (1080x1920, 410K)

Too much weird shit and juggles.

>those honoka x dog webms

Attached: Atago.png (1000x1000, 606K)

Thanks for the upcoming honoka folder user. Any ETA on that

Fap fuel

We need more doujins.

Attached: 51535867_p0.jpg (699x1000, 384K)

I want to play a fighting game not a juggling simulator.

a man of taste

Are down attacks hard to pull off or am i just a shitter?

First we need better artists!wyQXgabQ!3D7TsTXx_i9gWt4R-aAY5A

If it wasn't for context i wouldn't know they were from DoA.

is it true that DOA doujinshis got banned from Comiket?


next thursday, youll drop pieces only for your current character

I want her to shock my balls then suck them better.



Hell yeah

Attached: 53231482_p0.jpg (750x1000, 130K)

My most powerful orgasms have been to her, even though I don't really consider her to be my favorite. Perhaps my dick is wiser than I am.

Attached: 1466396140959 (1).jpg (1920x1088, 215K)

Oh that's interesting, at what rate I wonder.

You should listen to your dick.

Attached: lei 9.png (720x1280, 1.16M)

I love Chinese girls

Attached: lei_fang_12_by_darkspong47-d9fn1q1.jpg (1920x1080, 410K)

When DOA6 Last Round comes out, I'm planning on learning Leifang to go with my usual duo of Ayane/Bayman

Attached: e9e72a1ae8b329d9a075d1de4fb6feb71534772527_large.jpg (200x200, 15K)

Shit, didn't realize that image was so small

Attached: z_5c7546827c5bf.jpg (1920x1080, 301K)

I've been maining her since the first game. She's fun.

Attached: DOA1LeiFang.jpg (857x2232, 197K)

This Thread has to much Pedo Idiots that want to fuck Kids like Marie Rose, Honoka, and the new shit tier Nico.

Christie,Helena,Tina,Rachel and Lisa. Them are the real Deal and Jackpot.


As much as I agree with you, why do you type like a teen retard!? You ain't make us look good with that.

in jail

which one of the billion doa games is this

> Honoka
> pedo

I said it before Ill say it again, no game has ever been so polluted by such awful characters as DOA has.

why should i write a full novel lol

Milk of the mega variety

>Christie,Helena,Tina,Rachel and Lisa.
literally japanese turds

Attached: 1552053949665.jpg (5987x3366, 2.15M)

cry moar,

Marie and Honoka saved DOA.

you must be dumb. honoka was made for pedos who wants some tits. she is a child. the voice, the outfits,the haircut,the behavior wake up.

If you don't get what I mean maybe you're an actual retard. Still good taste tho.

Maybe those girls should wear some more leotards if they want me to pay attention

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dude you now that voting was rigged and you needed to pay to vote?

Attached: Is dis nigga serious (1).jpg (960x540, 123K)

They didn't save shit. The series was never in such dire straights and even if it were, pic related.

Attached: sometimes-dead-is-better.jpg (400x226, 19K)

Daily reminder that Marie Rose is 200% fully capable of beating the absolute fucking shit out of each of us, even when holding back.

>what if she started lifting?

Pray. A lot.

defintly to much pedos in this thread

>what if she started lifting?

Attached: 1529128317518.jpg (1982x1620, 1.49M)

bullshit she has what 35kg on her hips.


My friends say I literally look like Honoka.

>I hate all these new waifubait DoA characters!
>I much prefer Hitomi whose only goal is to marry Ein/Hayate
>I much prefer Leifang whose only goal is to marry Jan Lee
>I much prefer Kokoro who is just an autistic retard
>I much prefer Lisa who was created as fapbait in a spinoff
>I much prefer Kasumi because she kicks high

shut up nigger

PIC(tits) or GTFO.

Honoka seriously feels like somebody's fanfic character

>Oh she's totally Raidou's daughter and that makes her super important an Ayane's sister
>She totally mastered everyone else's moves
>And she has the biggest rack


He's right, though.

I kinda like her, took me years to warm up to her though, i had the same train of thoughts as you do but she grew on me unlike the retard Kokoro.

>purple rapebaby
>outcast ninja
>trains to become the best to overcome her curse
>eventually playable in ninja gaidens

>pink rapebaby
>this hand of mine is burning red
>copies moves instantly
>moe schoolgirl with appropriate voice
>new record in tit size

>implying Raidou would stop at just one rapebaby

Honoka donates her milk to charity. She's a good girl.

sounds like she is from some japanese fighting game made by japanese people for japanese peope

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What's the difference between a hold and a critical hold?

Honoka is based off Ai Shinozaki

Attached: Ai Shinozaki.jpg (720x1080, 103K)

Porn or just gravure?

Attached: nyan.jpg (654x560, 58K)




Critical holds come out of critical stuns. They function the same otherwise.
In case you need the rest, hi counters holds are holds pulled off with better timing. Hi counters do more damage.
Break holds use half your meter to counter any attack and out of fatal stun. They barely do damge, if any but reset to neutral.

And Nico is based on Ai Uehara based on her fat armpits and short chubby figure

Attached: (400x600, 30K)

NiCO is flatter than Ai.

This fap goes out to you user

Wait this a more fitting image.

Attached: 76da54da60c6ca8cbdb072d4171e3a12--asian-woman-asian-beauty.jpg (682x1024, 63K)

No not really. She's actually bustier compared to Marie.

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Is it just me or some quests are stupid impossible?
Like, "hold 5 mid kicks".
Absolutely no one in the whole fucking fight kicks. Not even if I just stand there taking nutsacks to the chin and do nothing but try to hold mid kicks.


>It's a "hi-counter juggle" mission but the AI just stands there like a sack of potatoes

How do you take pictures in the tub? Don't tell me it was some limited-time event.

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is this a boy?

i think

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I can't believe you've got me fapping to Marie

not that hard to believe actually

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I hate all these Nico and Tina players so much god dammit!!!

I want to be NiCO and get molested and groped by 4 anons, like in those iiniku ushijima videos

>it's a "middle punch counter" quest
>against Tina and La Mariposa
>Get grabbed six times in a row

>it's a "defeat all enemies in upper stage" episode
>boat map

Attached: rage.jpg (259x194, 7K)

I wish I was NiCO and getting manhandled by tall anons

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imagine nico's face next to a huge smelly, veiny, ugly looking fat heaving cock

I have the absolute same haircut/outfit on Nico.
Gutto tasto

Is it just me or are holds impossible in this game?

I'm playing tutorial and I'm getting stuck on all these hold quests.

I can do all the offense-related tutorials just fine.

Tell me more.

Can i request this with them in the original wrestling outfits and reversed positions?

Only try and hold the last hit of the combo.
Release guard between the second last hit and the one you hold.

This. Ai is the reigning Queen of gravure, so it only makes sense that DOA, which has always taken a lot of influence from gravure, would try to cash in on that similarity.

Attached: HonokAi.jpg (566x435, 75K)

>Spotted the Amerilard
Some women don't automatically overflow the tub when they get in it, burger.

Attached: 33 - soqw3DV.png (1920x1080, 2.45M)

some women don't drown in it, either

They don't look alike at all.

Don't discriminate against short women, user.

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I'll do that when you stop discriminating curvy girls.

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>what if marie started lifting?

Attached: Screenshot_20190310-104324_1.png (1440x2288, 2.29M)

Then I wouldn't mind her so much.

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I don't discriminate against curvy girls. Ayane is my favorite DOA.

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I want to have low class sex with this high class slut.

Ayane seriously needs breeding.
I can't get enough of her butt in DOA6. It doesn't help that whenever you win as her the camera aims up from a low position and you can see it bouncing all over the screen. It's hypnotic.

What would "low class sex" entail?

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Marie is a big turn off for me. She makes my dick small

Have you played DOA? Who’s your main?

That's disgusting

Lots of bodily fluids, plenty of anal, sloppy blowjobs and dripping creampies.

You had me until anal my dude.
If you want to have low class sex with Helena, it's hardcore lustful rough mating press sex with lots of grunting, licking, nail-digging and sloppy french kissing with balls deep vaginal ejaculation as she creams herself on your dick and begs you to fill her with your filthy cum in French.
Anal is gross.

Attached: 1533356117791.png (3840x2160, 3.46M)

>anal is gross
That's what makes it perfect for Helena! Her spreading her cheeks and asking for cock up her ass is too much for my penis and heart.

>x3 folders disappearing


I just don't like it.
I'll never see the appeal in anal.

Attached: best girls.jpg (3840x5120, 3.03M)

>Anal is gross.

All DoAs are buttsluts user, they're anal only until their wedding day.

Wrong, the DoAs all have selective lists of things they love, and sex positions they are made for.
Trust me. I'm an expert in these matters.

Attached: 1.jpg (1024x1765, 133K)

Means you're probably not a pedophile

Please elaborate in detail then

Tell me which and I'll give you quick rundowns.

Attached: 6.png (1080x1920, 1.53M)

>they're anal only until their wedding day
Yeah maybe when it comes to humans, dogs can take whatever hole they want whenever they want

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they'll be up again reducing file sizes because 15 GB won't be enough

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We do it without anal then! There's plenty of other dirty lewds we can do with Helena.

You could rub your cock and balls all over her pretty, pristine, noblewoman face.

most likely gay tho

Attached: 1537741167814.webm (1280x720, 959K)

I would do that after having been down her throat or deep inside her vagina.

Tina, Ayane, Lisa, Kokoro

I hated that video so much.
It made me feel so guilty and awful.

You are a man of talent and wisdom.

Lisa's not a tomboy. Not really. It's good that DoA doesn't have a brown tomboy because if they did then my dick would be shooting a beam of semen so powerful it would destroy planets. I mean Lisa and Mila already make me so hard my dick's matter isn't on the periodic table.

Can you give me a rundown on Rachel?

Years ago, I fucked around with this girl a lot. She would blow me, I'd eat her out and titfuck her, she would even get on top of me and slide her wet slit up and down the length of my dong. She would never let me insert. Maddening.

Valentine's day rolled around and she texted me, I hadn't heard from her in a while. She wanted me to come over and I agreed. We drank together that night which was unusual. I got her to the bedroom and was expecting some blowjob fun or etc.

She does the thing where she slides up and down me like normal, but after a few minutes stops and puts it inside her. My head explodes. Finally devirginizing this girl I'm in heaven.

"You're so tight" I say.
>Of course it's tight, it's my ass!

To this day I still cannot understand the mental gymnastics involved in letting someone fuck your ass to save your virginity. I'm like, uhh, isn't it like you lost your virginity extra?..

this shit got real autistic real fast. Are any of you cucks even higher than D rank?

I cant finish the video without cumming. Same with the momiji one

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>playing DoA

What is it?

Thanks user


Attached: Defiance.webm (1280x720, 1.18M)

Why are the nipples so big?

>rush final mission
>dude pick one ninja and fight Raidou
>same endings for all three

The fuck?

I remember Phase 4 eating up an entire hour plus some of my luck in DOA4.


Is she getting Zack'd?

Tina likes anal. No way around it, she likes it in the pooper and is proud of it. Her favourite position is cowgirl (obviously) and likes rough, sweaty sex. If you're not behaving like an animal, grunting in her ear, grasping her tightly, and fighting for dominance then she isn't having fun.
Ayane is sassy, quick witted and sharp tongued. You have to be able to answer her challenges and beat them. Loves having her legs and butt massaged. Favourite position is standing sex from behind, and even though she'll never admit it, she loves being spanked.
Lisa is pretty much like Tina but without the anal love. Is also into threesomes (with Tina) and if you can get Mila on board so as to dominate her with Lisa, then all the better.
Kokoro is a cute gentle hearted girl so you need to be caring, loving, gentle and doting. Lots of hugging, kissing, hand holding and such. Favourite position is any she can look into her lover's eyes while doing so. Her secret kink is dirty talk and being called a naughty girl.

Pretty much the kinkiest woman in all of DOA. Leathers, whips, handcuffs, lipstick smearing, sweat, facials. Looks like a dominatrix but isn't against switching every once in a while. She loves the feel of body contact so it will be a very sweaty and hot affair filled with rubbing and touching. Loves pronebone, and also loves tying her lover down and teasing him for hours with her lips and mouth. Will deepthroat.

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>you can't rotate the grills anymore

Helena, Kasumi, Lei Fang, Nico, and Marie

>Kokoro is a cute gentle hearted girl so you need to be caring, loving, gentle and doting. Lots of hugging, kissing, hand holding and such. Favourite position is any she can look into her lover's eyes while doing so. Her secret kink is dirty talk and being called a naughty girl.
Thats my Kokoro


Rachel confirmed best girl.


>Loves being spanked
Well, I know what I'm doing tonight

>bullshit she has what 35kg on her hips.

By calculating calculating calculators, she can easily maximize her weight into powerful hits, times infinity.

Did you get your invite to their wedding?

Attached: 311730_20190131100941_1.jpg (2560x1440, 933K)

How much fisting can we expect on their wedding night?

Helena is a high class lady, so every move must be perfect and romantic. A nice candle light dinner with top notch wine, with lots of loving gazes and smiles and compliments would put her in the mood, which will allow you to lead her to the bedroom, which she'd love if it was covered in rose petals, and initiate a most intimate and romantic lovemaking session. Lots of foreplay, caressing, "I love you"s and stuff like that. Favorite position would be upright straddle.
There are times, however, when Helena just doesn't care for the high class routine and just wants you to take her and make her yours. This is when deep, sloppy french kissing, neck kissing, loud moans, and all manner of sticky, sweaty sexy stuff would occur. Will probably put herself on all fours and offer herself doggystyle.

Kasumi is kind of like Kokoro. Loves lovey-dovey stuff, hugs, kisses and cute stuff like that, but is also receptive to kinky stuff, as long as there's cuddling afterwards.
Sometimes though her bitchiness comes forward and will love riding you cowgirl while giving you a disdainful look with those cold, tsurime eyes of hers. She doesn't mean it though, it just gets her super horny.

>Lei Fang
All the sex session would be one competition. For everything. Who cums faster, who pounds harder, who has more energy, who can make the other beg first, and things like that. Expect to be exhausted by the end of it.
Very easy to bait into kinky stuff. You just need to tell her that you don't think she'd be able to and she'll fall for it hook line and sinker.

Molestation fetish. NOTHING gets her wetter than you surprising her from behind and groping her tiny, plump, curvy plush body. Loves to feel a rock hard bulge against her leotard-clothed butt. Heavy into grinding and rubbing before getting mating pressed hard until she convulses from orgasm. Squirter. Very emotional and talkative during sex, a far cry from her usual stoic personality.

>Marie Rose
a shit

Attached: 1468797100758.gif (392x400, 1.33M)

>Expect to be exhausted by the end of it.

Attached: Lei Fang.mp4_snapshot_00.25_[2017.05.21_21.38.33].jpg (1920x1080, 173K)

B-but then she exposes herself completely!

What about Mila?

I don't agree on the Tina one, actually it's ok my Tina would be more into passionate love making and dirty talk than most girls.

Marie has amazing body and all but I really don't like the servant crap. She should be a rich spoiled girl.

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quality writing

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She's hired help and her body is a 2x4

Thanks, Taco

Where would i be able to get DOAX3 Collectors on the Switch for a fair price?

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>B-but then she exposes herself completely!
And she loves it. She wants to relinquish control for at least just a couple of minutes and be taken by the man she knows won't do anything bad to her.
Sweet adorable Mila loves an equal relationship. It'd be a very wholesome affair. Lots of giggling, kissing, I love yous and stuff like that. Lovemaking wouldn't be just an intimate thing for pleasure but she also loves having fun, so whenever ends up being less sexy than she (or you) thought she'll laugh and joke about it. Absolutely the cutest and sweetest yelps and moans.
Since she's friends with Tina, she'll fill her mind with dirty thoughts, positions and erotic fantasies, so she'll ask you to try them out with her.


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Atm? Probably a jp version off a jp hobby site like playasia or ami. Good chance the english sub ones are sold out

The black dude in your pizza smelling gif is named Taco
Actually no wait, he's Earl.

I would probably just sit and look at Helena exposing herself, making her stay in that position for an extended amount of time, making her more and more embarrassed.

I wouldn't do that for very long, unless you want to hear some VERY dirty, taunting and insulting French.

Attached: 1533360363641.jpg (2406x3254, 480K)

Best taste

what about my cute little Kaiserin?

Attached: DOA6 Screenshot 2019.03.07 - (1920x1080, 3.63M)

>Wanna do it again?
Muh dick

What if I want to hear some VERY dirty, taunting and insulting French? Besides, if she really want it, she should lower her head, raise her butt and ask for it.

>Molestation fetish
This. Nico's dead pan expression and small stature basically screams molestation, even more so than Marie because the latter actually encourages you to do her.

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Post more Helena. Or Honoka. Or Nyotengu, whichever one you prefer.

Her victory line is my favorite. Worse is diego.

I don't think my dick would be big enough to satisfy Rachel bros...

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Hitomi loves exciting stuff, like sparring and then immediately after having post-workout sex, or even more dangerous stuff, like having quickies in discreet places around her college, or you sneaking into her dorm at night to spend all night with her. Regardless of how lewd she is, she's very giggly and sweet, loves it when you look into her eyes, and her most curious kink is that she loves having her face touched, whether it's when you're holding her face for a kiss, or you holding her face when you pound her missionary position. It makes her feel loved.
Also she ALWAYS wants to do it again.

Then she will insult you hard and long while shaking her butt to entice you.
She'll play with you but don't expect the French lady to submit so easily every time. If you want her to submit, you'll have to make her.

Diego is chicano trash. I hate him.

Attached: tumblr_paq9uuuFtF1uzuha5o1_400.gif (268x478, 2.14M)

Why is the story mode disjointed?

Why do some characters have prologues while the others have like later chapters unlocked?

I'm so grateful to have such a beautiful wife

How can one man have such good taste?

Tina and Lisa?

Out of all the girls, Hitomi has most friendly outgoing personality. Best girl


wall slamming

Attached: leifang_10_by_minmin51-d71hvu1.jpg (1920x1080, 430K)

I prefer Phase 4 because she's fun to play

To give the new favorite character tons of horrible to read fan service.

"Story mode" has basically ruined fighting game "stories." Such as they are. I miss personal arcade ladders where everyone gets their own plot lines. Now thanks to STORY MODE only a handful of characters get any focus and the rest of the cast get reduced to cameos.

Gonna run some PS4 lobbies

Or Tina

Hitomi always looks happy and cheerful, it's adorable.

Tina is more sexy and playful. Hitomi is more cute and playful

Why can't any modders ever make a decent vag?

You may disagree, but this is a very worthy opinion

Attached: 1551112208283.png (1920x1080, 1013K)

They have to see one first.

>tfw stuck in D rank and just passed by a Hitomi player with a 17-win streak
>preceded to get my ass handled to

Wrong Tina is the perfect mix of both cute and sexy combined.

How would Hitomi react if she had a really thick veiny dick, with a big head and a heavy set of nuts presented right in front of her face?

She would probably be a little surprised at first, But she would start giggling and teasing it, before going hard on it very playfully while teasing it

Attached: 1551118941477.png (1080x1920, 2.15M)

There would be no reaction. She already has a set of her own.

X3 Hitomi is hotter than DOA6 Hitomi

>no one asked for Christie
Not surprised though.

Attached: 67365125_p0.jpg (1448x2048, 409K)

Lmao cuck

She would hurt you while touching herself

Well we all know how Christie would be. She'd play and toy with you, tease you, bring you to the edge but not let you go on. You'd be broken and reassembled a thousand times if you did it with Christie. She'd show you the connection between pain and pleasure, through bites, stinging slaps, scratches and all manner of painful kinkiness, some of which WILL hurt more than you'll be comfortable with.
I like to think however that she has another side where if you (somehow) manage to pin her down she'll become much more kitty like instead of her usual snake-ish self. Of course she could take you down and continue breaking you in, but the girl does enjoy a change sometimes.

Attached: christie.png (1000x1331, 1.22M)

She'd probably enjoy not having to be the lead for once and would even challenge you to show her what you've got.

Attached: christie_04_by_xeexk_db56sj7.jpg (805x1920, 759K)

It would be nice to see her relax.

Attached: ch.jpg (1280x720, 151K)

It's because she has an actual navel and is allowed to let the girls out to breathe occasionally.

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Attached: tumblr_p9dc5xyqJb1uzuha5o2_400.gif (268x600, 2.99M)

This early on you're gonna run into legacy players who will demolish you on their way up to their appropriate rank. Keep it up and you'll climb up to where you belong as well.

>You're not giving up yet are you?

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Attached: hitomi.webm (826x720, 2.35M)

DoA 6 girls dont have navels?

Nope. Just losing consciousness due to exhaustion and dehydration

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Attached: helena2.webm (1066x720, 2.93M)

seriously though. Chinese girls.

Attached: 1500448920176.jpg (1920x1080, 219K)

Nope. The navels in 5 and Xtreme aren't perfect by any means, but at least they have depth and a bit of detail. The navels in 6 are literally just darker patches on the stomach that look like they were painted on.

I wish i could get these angles and fap at the same time.

If only actual chinese girls looked like Leifang

Attached: 1552030118264.jpg (1920x1080, 647K)

I've seen some real cuties.

Attached: chinese.png (1280x720, 1010K)

Attached: 1551851662271.webm (1280x720, 1.28M)

True. There are cute ones, but non like her

What DID Nyotengu tell her?

Oh weird. They are like barbies

You can if you're a ninja.

Attached: helena4.webm (1066x720, 1.78M)

Hitomi a cute

Penis penis penis penis

That if she wants to become stronger she needs to massage her tits(or have her tits massaged).

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I got some work to do

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Fucking cow.

This actually shows off Helena's hips nicely. I wasn't too attracted to her before, but this changes my mind.

I wanna behold Kokoro's ba jis

honk honk

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How are you supposed to play her? Hardly anyone ever plays her so I don't know except from one guy who was skillfully using holds on me.

I hate her stupid face and pink hair so much

She's very defensive.

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Boobs too big

Holy shit, no wonder they reduced it. I can really see the difference now.

The thing about Lei is that, while she has a lot of fun tricks, she also sort of requires you to not be shit at the game.

Attached: lei suit.png (1280x720, 1.18M)

The thing about Lei is that she needs a thick rock hard cock pounding her silly and filling up her Chinese womb

Im willing to accommodate.

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Attached: kokoro.webm (1280x720, 3M)

True. You have to be good at reading

Is that not the case for all the characters?
>completing tutorials and get to the end of beginner
>that was easy
>start immediate
>get stuck on chaining
At least I know where I am now.

Thats a private show meant for her love

>private show
She's showing off to an entire casino

It's a tai chi thing.

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So just play against every single character and know all their moves? Is there an easier way?


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well you also have to be able to read your opponent.

Attached: dead_or_alive_5_last_round__lei_fang_close_up_1_by_darkspong47-d8y7etq.jpg (1920x1080, 387K)

Thats kinda the thing about most fighters. At least know their BnB

I want Kasumi to look at me as if I were lower than trash.
god I love her eyes