I still fail to understand why would a combat android need an outfit like this

I still fail to understand why would a combat android need an outfit like this

Attached: NSSlor8.png (246x538, 321K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Why wouldn't it?

why would a combat android need an outfit at all?

It leaves the wearer exposed, that and the fact it's clearly thin fabric, not real armor.
because straight men exist

To please humans, duh.

and that's why you'll never make successful games.

Isn't her body itself the armor?

I still fail to understand why would a faggot like OP need to make a thread like this. But, here we are.

a e s t h e t i c s


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The androids are intended to look like humans. If they needed to wear armour to fight, they would look less human. As such, armour is built into them.

She's made of metal already dude, how much more armor does she need?
It's the human's fault for making the androids submissive sissy slaves that can't stop loving us that they dress like that in the first place.

She doesn't wear armor, she IS the armor.

They think humans are gods, they want to be like humans. Human beauty is something godly beautiful for them.

To look attractive and welcoming to any surviving humans.


why are people forgetting that she literally wears an armor in the third playthrough?

Attached: sketch-1552145499224.png (1134x1080, 1.03M)

She's designed by androids who are trying to emulate humans, just as their creators did for them. This is how they view the human body as it once were, before they all got wiped out by disease.

Anal with 2B!

Because I never played the game I just look at the porn.

Weebs need it.

With an ass that big, I doubt you could reach it unless you were black

keeps the gay away

Reminder that the people who complain about toxicity and other dumb SJW shit on here are Canadians and Australians. If these two shitholes get completely banned from Yea Forums then the quality of the site would improve.

I'm more curious why only Japan is allowed to do this while the Western stdios doing this, they will be critisized for it 100% for sure.

>people who complain about toxicity and other dumb SJW shit on here
No one here does this unironically

I'm so sick of 2B everywhere. She was great, but the constant posts with her made her bland, like watching the same single porn clip every day for years.

I need more of DLC A2 in my life

Attached: IMG_2739.jpg (1920x1920, 548K)

And A2 is better anyway.

2B and Quiet from MGS5 are a message, symbolic one.

Japan is being consumed by cancer similar to the one in USA and Germany. Its just a response to Japan entering new stage of cancer, that the USA has passed several years ago.

I know its a bait thread but it is actually the biggest difference between the mentality of western and japanese game designers
Japanese devs dont need a "reason" or "logic" to do something. They do something because they think its a good idea. thats why western games are stale

Heres the designer of Resident Evil 7 talking about this. around 24:50

To boost more.
Yorhas are gorgeus, Yorhas have incredible fighting skills, Yorhas get shit done.
When you see a Yorha you know everything is going to end well

Canadians do it unironically
Australians do it cos they have a pathological need to fucking with people and shitpost


What a fag

Attached: eb7d3cd0ec043aac5e00aa6510ed6814.jpg (850x1202, 117K)

Because it looks cool.
Doesn't need a narrative reason, if you want muh narrative read a book.

>I still fail to understand why would a combat android need an outfit


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>ITT things fags will never understand.

Just fucking play the game and stop being a secondary

If you actually played anything other than automata you would know that's, teenage Nier's armor. You fucking dipshit.

Goddamn there's too many secondaries

Why not buy a fuckdoll? you're not poor are you? They even come with internally heatable skeletons these days and cost less than a VIVE pro.

Because we need a fapgame

I'm waiting on waifubots.

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Because they want you to masturbate.

1. It's far more likely that he played the other version
2. he was talking about A2, not Nier. There's literally no reason to mention this
No one cares if you liked Taro before it was cool, get over it

The full lengh 15 min movie where she is in the lab getting tested for maximum durability and combat reaadinsess by fucking a series of rougher and rougher sexbots is pretty based. I have it on my pron drive at home

And? The armour was still DLC you fucking dunce so nothing he said was wrong.

>Being a secondary is cool guiz

Yeah, I'm gonna call bullshit, user

2B loves black Cock!

The people who invented the term toxic masculinity was an American men's advocacy group. The proto MRA's that thought that America's masculinity had become fragile and predicated on violence and trying to feel better than other people and wanted to return to a purer, more true form of masculinity.

The fact people get mad at the term tells me they're probably just angry teens, or they've never looked into the term and it's usage and origins and think that it's a decrying of all masculinity.

Not that i think you degenerates like this sort of stuff, but just noname55 dropped a 20 long loop of 2B having a threesome with starchild and 9S, with alternative clip being with 2 dogs.


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>the in-game explanation is that the androids mimic all facets of human culture they obtained from relics, including the ideaslistic sense of beauty
>this is why all the female androids are modelled like 10/10 babes

I wonder, if our society collapsed today and mankind became extinct, what will future androids be mimicing?

Someone post the boston dynamics with the latex titties.

2B cosplayers.

>ideaslistic sense of beauty

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why do we hate noname55 now?

Did you play the game?

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Well, they don actual combat armor when scenario D (IIRC...?) comes along. This is just a scouting mission outfit or some shit.

We hate anyone who is popular or respected regardless of their work and quality.

Yes I know that there's official text Kainé fucking jacked it and that the scribbles that the Shades had were Angelic script for the DNA structure of ATCG, but that doesn't mean I need to fucking profess it to in every fucking NieR thread just to show that I'm just as much as a Taro fanatic as everyone else. Was it so hard for you to accept that I wanted to say DLC instead of Nier's outfit?

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>in the third playthrough
Stop perpetuating that meme. Everything from the first factory mission to Ending E is a single playthrough. You don't press "New Game" to play route B, you press "Continue"

Hello secondary!

>If you acttually played the game that was never released in the US you would know that's the main character's armor.

Attached: Tuba.png (1000x1000, 336K)

>taking advantage of the cosplay to hide her bad life choices


Because yorha are made to be as aesthetic as possible to boost morale.

Probably that Studio FOW video

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I don't understand
gonna need to post more pictures

cute outfit

so people like me would pay money for the game and play with one hand

alot of people like me

why would a combat robot even look like a human?

It doesn't, yoko taro just likes pretty things, and there is nothing wrong with that


Is there anywhere I can play original Nier besides PS3

nobody mentioned toxic masculinity except you

living rent free etc

>I can't look up stuff

Because she's an android?

Attached: Dirty Robutt.png (300x698, 256K)

Uh, have you not heard the expression, "Dressed to kill"?

>because normal people exist

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>I still fail to understand why would a combat android need an outfit like this
Because it's hot.

>be scientist
>making battle robots
>tech so good you can make them look however you want and they'll be 99% as efficient

what the fuck do you think some nerdy scientists are going to make it look like?

>Studio FOW

Exactly that one. Those guys are god tier. I've got the Harley Quinn dog ons and the Code Veronica Umbrella Corp I Bio-Impregnation expiriment as well.

why is this bitch so chonky

user, your original argument was that he did not know whose armor it was because he did not play other Yoko Taro games (which is absurd since the only game that armor appeared in was not released in the West, so you can easily play all Taro games and never see it), not because he did not do Internet research. You are moving the goalposts.

Good taste

shit taste, noname is a god

imagine how effective a hot naked android killing machine would be

link plse

Sure the gif isn't meant to imply a "DEAR GOD NEW NONAME" and not "fuck it i'm outta here"?

Nigga, they gave you the fucker's name.

Attached: Angry Robutt.jpg (902x1024, 100K)

What in the fuck is a Secondary now.

link plse

To trick foolish humans into playing a game

Imagine being this pretty and ruining your body like that


Attached: No emotions fagit.png (500x504, 132K)

>terrifying face
>man arms

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link plse

Nigger she is the armor.

And I fail to understand why a man would want an open wound where his dick used to be, yet here we are.

Yet you think that he was supposed to know he was American.


Attached: Concerned Robutt.jpg (334x363, 88K)

link pels

Well, at least he's being polite about it.

Sure but a name was given so searching it shouldn't be too hard.

Attached: TwoBe.png (1000x1000, 326K)

The same reason cars are built and designed to have aesthetic appeal, because it's fucking nice to look at you mongoloid.

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Yeah, i know.

Trannies can't think straight for shit, bro.
Don't bother.

I need an outfit like that.

That's why you did not invented her

That's a pretty detailed FF8 tattoo. Wonder how much they spent on it.

link plz

>nice to look at
>posts a maserati

I like it. I really hate tribal tattoos, writing, stars/paws/generic bullshit, but a detailed tattoo like that are artful. Do you also hate yakuza tattoos?

Attached: yakuza-dragon-tattoo-sleeve-7-ideas-for-men-jpg.jpg (600x897, 168K)

Fuck off you gay faggot

guess male characters should have skimpy tight outfits too then

You can find it user. I believe in you.

Attached: Emotions are prohibited.jpg (356x750, 172K)

lank plse

I want to make babies with 2B after marriage while holding hands and being leglocked and kissing.

because it looks sexy

Attached: Prohibited emotions intensifies.png (356x750, 388K)

to everyone who responded "because it looks good" or "because its sexy", remember when gamers threw a fit and forced Squeenix to change a game because a male character was too sexy

Attached: Mobius-FF-Shot-03.jpg (1669x876, 226K)

ugh, have you played the game?
I have a tattoo thats covering my whole left arm and the only reason I got it was because the person who did it is a kinda famous artist, who started working with tattoos.
I love the art and the good thing is, since its not a subject or one of those braindead "lets get a tattoo of something I currently like!" tattoos, I can't grow out or tired of it, unless I grow tired of tattoos in general, which I probably wont.

9s doesnt wear a sexy outfit

to trigger roasties like you


Nobody remembers that.

lank plox

>to everyone who responded "because it looks good" or "because its sexy",
why do you think those are the same people as those who complained?
i think the answer to op is because its sexy, and I wouldn't mind left either.

stop being a closeted fag

>why don't they have fancy forklifts!?
I don't know, ask their marketing team.

Did you try yet?

Attached: 2P and 2B.jpg (768x1024, 149K)

>mfw playing the game now
>Know that the humans are all dead
>really want to just know the twist, but I spoil myself on EVERYTHING
Convince me to not google the plot synopsis right now

Attached: 222071F7EA934269B8AFFE21C4478690.jpg (344x393, 68K)

This. A tattoo of that level of detail requires dedication, money and will. It's not some "teehee look at me" or "ohmigawd i'm soo crazy" shit. Tasteful, well done tattoos are nice to look at. I won't ever get one, but i don't automatically disregard people with actually great art on their body.
Honestly it feels like an /r9k/ meme about MUH PURITY these days, and of course memelords need to say
to signal that they're a real user, just like
>shadbase/asanagi/dahootch/popular porn guy regardless of his skill

lol what gave you that impression?

Play the fucking game

Attached: Lazy Robutt.jpg (757x1024, 128K)

Humans has more trust in sex bots, than terminators.

Even if the humans are dead, some of the current characters may or may not still die. You don't want to know that.

give link.

YorHA is humanboos.

dude are you nuts?
9S is the poster child for any pedo fantasies every middle aged man or milf can possibly have.
And then there's Adam and Eve...

I need you to put in a little effort.

Attached: 2B and 2P.png (660x1000, 595K)

maybe people whould have remembered if theyd stuck with the sexy outfit

speaking as a faggot myself: you're wrong.

9s is a cute boi and I should be able to put him in sexy outfits

noname is goat. His WoW shit is god tier.

FF8 was good.

no thank you

pls gib link

Because the creator "really likes girls", he said.
I respect that. I prefer when the authors are openly honest about the fanservice instead of trying to hide it with dumbfuck excuses as to why their girls are dressed like whores.

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Doesn't restrict your ability to move while fighting, it's pretty standard.

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But why though?

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heels defiantly would

Literally bot brothel.

I still fail to understand why would a scanner android need an outfit like this.

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Kojima is a pretentious hack.

What do android farts smell like?


High heeled boots are a must

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>I still fail to understand why would a combat android need an outfit like this


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Some do, and IRL some go beyond that, and look like actual faggots. You should go to a pride parade

If a human survivor was fond, who would be more possesive of it, YoRHa or the redhair twis?

Watch Ghost in the Shell (1995)

The ones on the right are all better.

>implying 3D ever acts rational
Just give up and succumb completely to the superior dimension that is 2D.

I always thought this shit was retarded.
DESU this should be a case of "Fragile masculinity" that some dudes have, instead of just accepting and know that women and bi/gay dudes like seeing dudes in less clothing. It's no big deal. I know a fuckton of girls who cream their pants with DMC3 Dante's "belt-bra" outfit, or the Prince of Persia being shirtless most of the time, among many others.
Sexiness and fanservice is not something bad. It's overly sensitive people who complain about it.

That's why you weren't involved with making it.

Not if the robot was designed to fight in them

Attached: Scary Android.jpg (1920x1080, 367K)

Because it's a cute, and interesting outfit that is also inline with the over all art style of the game.


I bet you also call ZUN Shanghai Alice.

>japanese automaton is an android
I'll give this image that


You're a liar user, there's literally nothing new on his Discord or Patreon page.

You can can literally see her whole ass

not him but it is a cute outfit

>plump jiggly butts can't be cute
Fuck off Ireland.

If you self destruct

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The best 2B is 2B with black nail polish.

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They didn't censor him because of the players, the censored him because the women on the dev team were uncomfortable with him looking like that.

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I'd be uncomfortable too if a character's back profile was practically naked

Isn't 2B evil and you kill her?
What a shame.

Hey fags. Can I play the original Nier on my PS4?

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Don't you fucking talk about 2B like that I'll fucking kill you A2.

Depends on how publishers react according to the sale numbers of NieR:A. Maybe they'll give us a port for ps4/ps5

Nope. YoRHa operates as a sort of black-ops organization of the regular army. They intentionally send out suicide recon missions to see what's going on on Earth. Or somethin like that.

You don't like sexy back?

Attached: to forever sleep, to feel pain no more.jpg (576x1024, 108K)

>I still fail to understand why would a combat android need an outfit like this
it's explained in the game
replay it and pay better attention



For pepe hard

y u lyin tho

I concede

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robo-organic relations and interfacing you double meatbag


probably Goku desu

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you don't have to understand anything, yoko taro wanted to design her like this

how would 2b react from being randomly groped by a human?

2B would be too amazed that there's a human alive at all.

guys, should i finish this finaly or finish valk chron 4?

Attached: 2017-03-18 12-30-17.webm (460x398, 902K)

Emotions are prohibited

I'm curious how androids would react to a human too.
Wish they did a sequel where somehow some humans managed to flee Earth when the virus appeared and then came back 11 thousand years

>hey ill try finishing this game

too brainlet for nip programming

Don't hate me 2B, hate the cultists around you who keeps pushing you everywhere. You're like seeing a comedian one like, except he's suddenly in everything.

Finish what? The game?...The Webm?

link pls

Should I finish WITH that webm?

>Keep getting advertising for "game of the Yorha" whatever that means
>Endless porn / fapservice
>Gameplay videos look like a weeb's wetdream
>I need to play through three times?

How do I play this game without feeling dirty?

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>2B will never let you rape her and show no emotions
Just kill me

You wear a skirt for the huge majority of the game. Also, the second time you play it's a lot faster, and you play as the boy, and the third one is all new stuff.

>How do I play this game without feeling dirty?

Attached: dont-forget-to-wash-your-foreskin-26310068.png (500x579, 179K)

>comes to Yea Forums and complains about "weeb" games
kys. Just play what you like or don't

>american robots are ugly one trick pony, trash cans
>japanese robots are multi-functional and are representations of peak human beauty

It really makes you think.

Attached: really makes me think abi.jpg (596x413, 65K)

Somehow this image looks more fake than "prepare to drown bitch" version

Easier to move in. moving fast in high heels is something that training will build. test it out, you'll beat marathoners at their own game after practicing at the track for a good year or two.

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I know you've never been with a girl with heels, so I'll just tell you that heels are fucking deadly.


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There's actually no fanservice besides the character models themselves. You also play as the guy for most of the game.

>American side:
>hideous, deformed aberrations reflective of social justice egalitarianism- nobody is neither better nor worse, everyone is entirely the same organic mass of similar direction
>Japanese side:
>beautiful, elegant, various, defined in their own element, anthropomorphized higher intelligences with personalities and different direction

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>I can't suspend my disbelief because I hate seeing women butts!

girl's butts are cute, fucking retard. Go back to jacking off to furry shitting dick nipples or whatever.

Because sex sells. And incel virgins gobble it up.

>double meatbag

suck my dick

A man needs a name.

Heh. Stupid secondary. You just don't get it. This is YOKO. FUCKING. TARO. It doesn't "get" good, thats the point buddy, YOKO TARO. A mind as feeble as yours could never truly appreciate the genius of YOKO FUCKING TARO. The tedious combat represents the tedium in our lives, and being constantly interrupted to go play the hacking minigame symbolizes our desire to escape from the tedium, but only into another form of it. There is no escape, just like there is no escape from BASED YOKO TARO bringing us on his LOONY MAD MAN WILD RIDE yet again! You secondaries will just never get it!

Elf a best

I'd destroy the guild girl's pussy.

Cuz Yoko Taro wanted and likes cute girls.
That's your canon answer.

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>the tedious combat represents the tedium in our lives
I swear to god this actually makes sense even if it's not on purpose. Especially when talking about the first Drakengard

It wasn't intentional in the beginning. Taro wanted to make Drakengard more of an on-rails shooter ala Panzer Dragoon, but Squeenix forced him to incorporate Musuo-elements into the game due to its popularity at the time. Cavia wasn't used to producing games at that scale, so this fucked up the developmental cycle and made Drakengard 1 the garbage it is today. It's funny how a repeat of the same thing happened when Taro was developing NieR.

Thats racist. Reported.

A man receives an answer


we are perpetually trapped in a never-ending spiral of life and death

Yohra androids are a new version, but they come from a line of "sex androids".

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Bless the people who make/port 2B into other games.

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She’s a robot you fucking idiot, she herself is the armor.

>he doesnt know the difference between "robots" and "android"

Why you retards dont even bother to do some research before making those stupid pics?

Not all robots are androids, but all androids are robots

I wonder if 2B and A2 would have liked us humans.

Attached: Grand Theft Auto V 06.11.2017 - (1920x1080, 1.62M)

lonk plorx


>It leaves the wearer exposed, that and the fact it's clearly thin fabric, not real armor.
I don't think they cared all that much about armor considering they are agile and blow themselves up.

Glory to mankind.

lmao men are so fragile

Is this that weird tattoo hating meme?
Why does Yea Forums hate tattoos so much?


Because they look bad? Because you're mutilating your sking? Because it's an example of an impulsive decision made by dumb people? Hating tattoos is normal, you won't get a job if they see you with one

incels have a weird obsession with women who don't conform to their standards of femininity. its the same thing with dyed hair

Just how much development time went into her ass?

Women had that censored, actually.

>all my personal opinions means nobody should do anything I decree bad!
You must have a very boring life to be able to focus your energy and attention on this complete nonissue.

[citation needed]

you dumb anime game playing ass niggas know god damn good and well you contribute to this so stfu.

This post couldn't be from another woman who doesn't play the games, now could it?


disagreed. she still gets me going

>The women on the dev team felt uncomfortable
>MFW literally any girl I know'd compliment guys backs and asses.
Seriously, what? HOw?!

nigga where does it say women?

I want to give A2 a bath.

Throw the enemy off?

I really hope taros next game will include pregnation

they dead tho

read nigga read
