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Snoy. is now american
Sorry to break your bubble and shitposting plan OP.
Report people like this to clean Yea Forums
never got this one, it just looks retarded and i can't bring myself to be annoyed let alone insulted by this even as a sony fan.
Was Sony too complicated for nintendies to think up?
That's before day 1 patch.
>can't spoiler the n in Sony
I stand corrected. That would have been perfect.
this >violence good
>nudity bad
I have a feeling California is behind this
First post truthpost
lmao Snoy
So what? Sony allows playing uncensored version anytime you want. You blew it OP.
Snoy is very fun if you say it in prof. Frink's voice.
oh no, some visual novels with no gameplay and static images I can look everywhere on Internet, this is horrible.
I don't understand what people's problem is. It's a ugly white whore's butt. Who the fuck cares?
Probably what most anti-sony people sound like, truthfully.
They also censor cute Asian butts and tits though.
All the good ones get filtered.
Playstation isn't Japan anymore, it's in Commiefornia.
There's still Sonygros
Was there a scene where they showed Lady's ass?
I saw a screencap in the other thread but I can't find any related video.
Big surprise, this thread is swarming with sick in the head, hateful, pure evil microsoft sacks of fanboy waste spreading LIES and HATE. You are deranged, mentally ill, and full of horrifying evil and hatred.
That's what microsoft shills are typically like. Dumb, delusional, constantly wrong, full of hatred, hypocritical, and mentally ill.
You can clearly see how Microsoft fanboys lie and distort the truth to reinforce their delusions and fanboy hate. Or they're just dumb and ignorant.
Friendly reminder to Microsoft fanboys that you pioneered cancer on all platforms and you earned all the hate you get.
These crazy, delusional, constantly wrong, worthless, malicious Microsoft fanboys are a pestilence. There’s never been a group of more vile, stupid, insane fanboys in the history of console gaming.
They didn't, their version is untouched
Sony simply understands that only children play on Console, thus it's in it's place to censor naughty bits so dear soccer mommy don't start screaming. While mature men always play PC, and can handle it.
This has to do with the fact Switch has a really low frame rate. Any platform where it's 60 looks lacks bounce.
Nintendo even more, why stay silent about them?
Is it censored on Xbox?
That was a glitch they fixed later
>While mature men always play PC
t. teenager with a fedora and cane
Sony has done nothing wrong in ridding us of degenerate filth. This will encourage more of the male population to go out, mate and flirt with real women. This needs to be done.
Even the fuhrer agreed that nudity and degeneracy was a plague.
>not posting the Director's Cut
that webm is good evidence that "hitler was right"
Huh what are you saying, it's been 6 FUCKING MONTH since we bitched about the censoring of japanese games by Sony?
It's not submitting, they're literally forced to do this or their game isn't getting published on PS4. There's no discussions with Sony involved here.
What, you thought it would only happens to anime """""pedo""""" game? Oh you poor gullible fuck.
>mentioning the disgraced Treehouse
Fuck real women. Figuratively.
Imagine being so butthurt to make image like this.
Where's the video?
Imagine falling right for the trap so easily.
Another day of Sony butthurt. I can only imagine what will happen next gen.
Needs more sun.
Proof that they fixed it?
Even if its something as harmless as an ass shot, censoring it in this rated M game made for people 17 and up filled with blood and gore and whatnot is dumb
If there wasn't an ass shot to begin with here, then no one would be complaining
The game didn't need this ass shot, but because I know its there, and I know some faggots out there are preventing me from seeing it, I know wanna see it more
Something like this isn't a big deal, and it wasn't a big deal until some prude made it a big deal and absolutely had to censor it
Lol, Nintendo should shame themselves.
Good one? That one is racist. I mean seriously as a black man that doesn't offend Sony fans that just pisses me off. Good thing it was banned. This is 4channel not Yea Forums. Take that shit to Yea Forums
>M rated game
>can't show non-frontal nudity
I don't, I still criticize Nintendogs. But at the very least they don't censor third party games like Sony does. Sony goes out of their way to fuck over Japanese developers.
Also every single game from the right side is available on the PC. Uncensored. Unlike the Senran Kagura on the PS4 which is censored.
Nope. It's the soft-engine/physics. It can be switched on and off on the PC/Switch but it's permanently disabled on the PS4.
the fuck
over it
Oh no. You can't look at a butt. What ever will you do? Surely we can't just treat women with a basic form of respect and NOT see them as walking flesh lights! This is an injustice!
No one stay silent about them, where have you been? Many Nintendo fans have criticize Nintendo for censoring their game as well. The photos you are using are from the Wii U era where a lot of people were more active with their voices. They have even less censorship today so that is why you don't hear them more often.
It got filtered alongside the Nintendo / toddler contraction.
fpbp best post
the fragility of man never ceases to amaze
Still better than Bayonetta, pathetic tendie.
Keep seething while we play a real hack and slash with depth instead of a baby's first hack and slash filled with qte.
I feel sorry for regular gay people, these degenerates ruin it for the rest of them. Hard to keep the "we're just like everyone else" when you've got those disgusting freaks parading around.
Fuck off tranny
imagine being so butthurt because you know its right. sony has fallen so fucking far and caved to sjw garbage
Light burka will never not be funny
i get the lens flare on pc even with it turned off, whay gives?
Whatever you say sonny. Don't let mom find out you're on an 18+ website or she'll take your games away
Eat shit, bigot.
Wow, just wow. Sony ruined videogames forever.
Remember when Playstation 1 was targeted at young cool adults with diposable income and their club culture and with young adult pseudo-realistic 3D graphics? And how they target Nintendo 64 as kid's console with infantile games? Well, that's what their agenda was all about, that's what "young cool adults" do nowadays, being gay, marxists and transgender.
Sony ruined classic gaming, ruined SEGA, Nintendo, Arcades. Thanks God for Xbox, the only hardcore and traditional gaming console;
>. But at the very least they don't censor third party games like Sony does
Sony censors visual novels. Nintendo censors both third party games like Fatal Frame and even own first party games. They are more harmful than Valve and Sony censorship.
>I don't get to see an asscrack. MUH SJWS
Yea Forums will be clean once Sony is removed and banished to its own board to wallow in its own filth. You trash spammed anal vore for a year.
Why does sexual stuff offend people so much for?
>Oh no. You can't look at a butt. What ever will you do?
google it? it not hard to find a woman's bare ass or more online
and if its that easy to do then why bother censoring it?
censoring doesn't do anything, it accomplishes nothing, so why bother?
Eat a bullet, tranny.
How so? Making gaming gay parades is not exclusive to Sony only.
Is OP's image real?
Good. DMC characters are too close to anime to be forgiven of their inherited sin.
>this much cope from sony ponies
how does it feel to be the platform of choice for sjw's, trannies, furries and faggots
>"We're not going to take your games away, bigot!"
>Proceeds to take the games away
>"Get over it, incel!"
Of course, it's traditional and hardcore to have no games to play.
>I don't get to see an asscrack
pc and xbros do
basednyboys dont
This, I hope talking about Sony games will be banned. It's not fucking fair they won another gen.
So wait, it's only on ps4 and not Xbox or pc?
>its ok if sony does it because other companies do it too
>Talking about don't games
What games?
Jump off a building tranny
Give it five years time and you won't be able to find an ass online anymore.
>basednyboys dont
see lying won't help you, Sony is winning another gen.
Yes. The PS4 version has a massive random lens flare over her ass crack because Sony is based in Commiefornia.
dang it, boy.
>it's only not ok when Sony does it
video games. Check dictionary if you are too stupid.
that scene is the same in all version though
Nintendo co-owned Fatal Frame with Koei Tecmo. Sony actually do censor third party game like Senran.
It still boggles my mind that Xbox of the big three rarely censors anything, being an American company. Is it just that gooks are homosexuals and censor anything remotely erotic?
Sex sells way more in the west than it does in Japan, so I guess censoring it would be retarded.
what settings do I have to turn off to disable this crap?
Xbox believe that a majority of gamers (not all but most) still jerk off in their parents basements to anime sluts.
>Sony censors visual novels.
Senran Kagura is not a visual novel.
Fatal Frame wasn't third party. It was a KT + Nintendo SPD game. Same way how Bloodborne was a FROM + SIE Japan Studio game. Stop trying to be so sleazy you disingenuous little cuck.
Valve isn't "censoring" anything. Steam is just a digital distribution platform. You're free to sell your games elsewhere if they get removed.
It's because of soilents transexual and feminist hambeasts that this shit it getting censored
>hold down ps button
>turn off ps4
>use money to buy pc
That's how.
>Nintendo co-owned Fatal Frame with Koei Tecmo
Nope, they never did. You must have really bad taste if you play Senran. Nintendo censors even own first party games.
>Xbox believe that a majority of gamers (not all but most) still jerk off in their parents basements to anime sluts.
They don't believe, user.
They know.
While Xbox have Traditional videogames, like Halo and the 2D masterpiece Cuphead, Playstation 4 has marxists jewish Naughty Dog so called exclusives where you play as a jew, a lesbo, or a jewish lesbian.
>It still boggles my mind that Xbox of the big three rarely censors anything
That's because they don't really have anything to censor seeing as they don't usually stray deep into the lewd games and such.
I think their last big censorship job was Conker.
Read you retard
>Ask what games
>Responds with no games
>Valve isn't "censoring" anything
Senran Kagura is more visual novel than video game. I don't understand how you are ok with FF because it's first party game. Looks to me like goalposts moving.
It's photoshopped
Imagine the next gen graphics bull dyke and gays.
Yes and? Delete it obviously. It doesn't actually fix anything in the game.
>Pro version is uncensored
I'm a PChad
If you don't know what video game is or too dumb to use google don't expect me to spoonfeed you.
Give me one valid reason why censorship is a bad thing.
>Nope, they never did.
They do.
Why is it always sonyfags that don't know their shit?
Hey faggot. You're implying it's the Americans that are censoring it when it's the fucking nips doing it. Obsessed and over your headpilled.
Is Lady censored?
>censors butt
>doesn't censor the exposed bellybutton
this is disgraceful
>You must have really bad taste if you play Senran
You're not even denying the fact they censor it. What kind of bullshit are you trying to pull off?
>Doubles down
Come on lad, you're not supposed to reinforce the no games meme.
because censorship is bad
>Senran Kagura is more visual novel than video game.
You're the one goalpost moving with that sort of talk you westacucked tranny.
>I don't understand how you are ok with FF because it's first party game
Can you read you piece of shit? Because I acknowledged from the very first post that Nintendo at least isn't censoring the third party games meaning they're not fucking over the Japanese developers last second like Sony is.
>defending censorship
The absolute state of Nincels.
On orders from Snoy California HQ
Why does everyone want porn in their games? Does seeing a nude body make people feel like more of an adult or something?
Imagine being a loyal sonyncel the kind that got a Vita at launch, bought all the VN and JRPGs, made countless threads shilling the Vita.
Then Sony literally attempts to kill those genres because they want to pander to western liberal progressives.
t. I am that loyal sonyncel and I'm fucking mad.
Be sure to cover your eyes if a half naked lady is on the screen, guys. Don't compromise your core values and be like those misogynistic girl fetishists.
user, both are wrong but Nintendo isn't overstepping boundaries by forcing third parties to comply.
What game
That doesn't answer me question. How does society benefit from not having this scene censored? How does this make the world a better place?
This. Nobody in America cares either way but Japs think all gaijin are prudes.
What are you talking about? Sony isn't a Nip company. Sony is a pozzed westacuck California based company. Even the Switch outsold the PS4 2:1 in Japan.
>they no fucking over the Japanese developers
they do, they fuck themselves, last time I checked they are japanese and inherting Tecmo and censoring their games is horrible. You are fucking inbreed mongolid you know that do you?
Samurai Warriors
yes they do. tecmo is the third party, just like From Software, just because they released games together with Sony/Nintendo in the past doesn't mean they are not third developers still you fucking censor Nintendo loving cuck.
Sony is willing to destroy the japanese industry if that means Nintendo dies along with it.
Nintendo basically quietly stopped that practice after XCX, Tokyo Mirage Sessions and Fire Emblem Fates weren't as successful as they wanted them to be in the West, partly because of censorship.
So in that regard, this image is a few years out of date as the positions are now flipped.
>just because they released games together with Sony/Nintendo in the past doesn't mean they are not third developers
You don't know what third party means.
>Sony isn't a Nip company.
It is, they are getting best Japanese support and even last months Sony beat Nintendo in Japan sales.
I remember how this picture triggered Yea Forums
Sony can AFFORD to kill the Japanese industry. They have a hold on the ENTIRE west.
any video of this?
Well no shit a japanese company will make an office in the country where they sell the most fucking products you dipshit.
It’s not about making the world a better place it’s about giving your customers the same experience as other platforms.
>someone said oppression on tumblr
>must be serious
Why does Japan now think that the opinions of some SJW nutjobs represents the western market as a whole?
Not finding cosmic lights descended by the holy order to shield our weak impulsive innocent eyes from such lewd and heathenistic imagery funny. I say sir you need a better sense of humor.
Yeah the problem is little shits like you would defend something like this.
It's an insult the Japs came up with because they got pissed off. Personally I prefer Sunny D.
>quietly stopped that practice after XCX
Not really, they censored Smash.
>inb4 it's not third party
Irrelevant, censorship is censorship. No excuses will help you.
Apparently, you don't know what third party means.
>they are getting best Japanese support
But they aren't. Which is why they had to move out. Again PS4 didn't even get released in Japan simultaneously. It was three months late.
Reminder that first party Sony games are now just westacuck walkie-talki feels-a-thons like GoW, Detroit, Last of Us, Uncharted, The Order, Ghost of Tshushima etc. while games like Gravity Rush 2 get murdered in their sleep.
>caring about little shitty island country that don't buy games anymore thanks to mobiile
>or the entire western world
There is literally nothing to defend.
Nevermind. I cant read you said it was funny my bad disregard
Why don't you own an Xbox One X yet, Yea Forums?
What do you mean now? That's always been their policy.
Why are sonyfags defending this? What the fuck is wrong with them?
Nah dude I'll just laugh at it since I'm not beholden to the pozzed Niggerstation 4 and Cali Snoy deciding things for me.
Top looks more Marvel-esque desu
Because most whites are globalist shills, and they're submitted to us whites since post WW2 when we raped them with two nukes.
Since now most whites are cucks, it's logical that japs follow the same trail.
Because the controller sucks ass and it has no games.
Are you stupid? How can you blame them for thinking that? Besides the obvious thing of their California headquarters saying that (and they may actually believe it given they tend to live in a bubble)
If they were to look at any western gaming news site you know exactly what they'd see. Complaints about "misogyny" etc. If they were to look up what people on one of the biggest forums are saying then you bet Resetera will be near the top of that list or shoved in their faces from the California office.
They think that because those people are the most vocal and their opinions seem to rise to the top.
That's not how it works, cupcake. Give me one reason why censoring this scene is good at all.
>But they aren't.
How so? Even Atlus is release new games for it while ignoring to bring Persona and Catherine on Switch. Capcom released DMCV on PS4 but not on Switch. I don't even have to talk about Bloodborne. It gets most Japanese games combined.
Because I've got a classic xbone. I'll just wait for the next Xbox since Microsoft is the only company that cares about backwards compatibility, apparently, so any 1X enhanced games I can play there.
Autism. I'm saying this unironically.
Which is why this order is coming from Sony Playstation HQ which is in... California.
defending what?
>Ignores PC gets japanese games from switch and PS4.
How convenient.
>xbone controller sucks ass
So this is the power... of true snoycels?
>posting images from three years ago
A lot can change in three years, user.
Not him
but moral annoying busy bodies do not equal the entire western world. Sony could kept being sony and they would have the real West audience and the small remaining Jap audience that foolishly still by consoles from a backstabbing company like Sony
Brand loyalty.
That's pretty much it.
It unironially makes the world a freer, better place by showing that you can make games about things you want against the howling of narrow minded ideologues who think themselves so important and higher than others that they believe they have the right to determine what can or cannot be made or viewed.
He's too trapped in his consolecucked mindset.
>>Ignores PC gets japanese games from switch and PS4.
Name some relevant japanese exclusives on PC.
>it's ok when Nintendo does it even though they started it
Oh no! A lens flare!
Sonyfag here this shouldn’t be defended anyone that is a fan of Sony should be pissed unnecessary censorship of a m-rated game is disrespectful to your customers and just shows how little they care about giving a quality experience.
I'll probably go Xbox next gen unless Sony has some fantastic exclusives, but that controller is still complete trash. The shoulder buttons are way too stiff and can't be held down, the Dpad is clunky, and it's way more awkward to hold down more than one face button.
Most PS4 owners are niggers
niggers don't have fathers
they project their daddy issues onto a corporation "giving" them games
bada boom
bada bing
Which is a japanese company.
user, Capcom isn't even making exclusives for ps4 anymore and except for Persona Atlus doesn't really release games on ps systems anymore.
>it's ok when Nintendo does it even though they started it
They don't do it anymore, though. Sony does it.
You can play uncensored on PS4. Are you mentally handicapped or something?
Staffed by Americans.
>moving the goalpost this hard
sonyfag here, i'm not defending this shit company, fuck them and fuck censorship
have sex
Cope with what? My non censored steam version since I would never buy a piece of shit console? lol. gas yourself.
imagine being so fucking braindead that you can't understand simple shit like why censorship is bad.
Don't they teach you kids history in school anymore? What the fuck.
>Name some relevant japanese exclusives on PC.
Who cares about exclusives? Name some relevant third party Japanese exclusives for the PS4. Keep in mind that even Atlus, the last company that was making games exclusively for the PS4, is now porting their games to PC.
Sony lost its Japanese presence with the abandonment of Vita and California transfer. Now they're focusing on westacucked moviegames while censoring Japanese third party games.
Headed by japanese people that make all the decisions. Don't be a fucking cuck. This has nothing to do with americans or we wouldn't be the biggest producers of degeneracy in the world.
You're not a sonyfag unless you unconditionally love Sony. You're just a fan.
>shoulder buttons are stiff
Ill agree they could be better. Not sure how it is on the elite controller
>dpad is clunky
Nigger what? It's perfect, I play every 2D platformer with it. Are you sure you're not thinking of the 360 D-pad?
They do. See Smash.
Yeah, Persona 5 and Catherine Full Body are not games.
>guy post image comparing Nintendo and Sony
>post counter image showing censorship on Nintendo
>...y-you are moving goalposts, y-you are deflecting!
Californians aren't Americans.
You can't wash away your responsibility like that.
gore good
nudity bad
>can't put your thumb over it without it being at a weird angle
>diagonals feel terrible
>buttons are way too short
>hurr durr sony gets all the japanese gaemz
Yeah but PC does too, from PS4 and Switch
>uhh uhh b-b-b-b-but what about exclusives
That's moving the goal post sonyncel.
>Persona 5 and Catherine Full Body are not games.
I literally said except Persona. As for Full Body, chances are Sony paid for that considering it wasn't an exclusive to begin with and the original went to PC.
>Who cares about exclusives?
People you idiot. When Japan release exclusive games for you, that means they do fucking care the most about you. You must be really dumb.
>Name some relevant third party Japanese exclusives for the PS4
Persona 5.
Where is your answer?
>Yeah but PC does too
No, it doesn't hahaha, you didn't get Bloodborne, Persona 5, Gravity Rush, those are Japanese exclusive for Sony.
feepy beepy
It's funny that when boomers complained about videogames being too violent, almost all consumers told them to fuck off
Then women started complaining about videogames being too "sexist" and half the community immediately caved
>When Japan release exclusive games for you, that means they do fucking care the most about you.
Implying. It means either they can't afford porting the game to PC because the AA industry in Japan is dying or Sony paid them to keep it on the PS4 because otherwise their pre-built PC is useless.
I strongly advice you to cope. Especially when Sega makes Atlus port Persona and SMT to PC.
Two of them are also first party games owned by Sony.
Using your logic Nintendo gets the most nip support of them all.
It's only censored on 1 platform. A jap owned platform. How is this an American thing?
Sounds like your little shit hole needs some "Freedom".
why do faggots do this? why can't they just be normal people that just like dick?
>When Japan release exclusive games for you, that means they do fucking care the most about you
>this emotional investement
Anyway compared to PS3 era Japs are more likely to release a PC multiplat than a PS4 exclusive these days.
Now with the recent censoring fiasco that bridge is further burned.
>Persona 5.
>Keep in mind that even Atlus, the last company that was making games exclusively for the PS4, is now porting their games to PC.
First party games.
>Persona 5
Read above.
I’m glad we have based conservative companies like Sony
wont atop me from playing my early 2000 eroges
What do you mean? PC already has Persona 5 and will, in time, have all games. Such is fate.
I can’t understand who would willingly live there
Reminder that Final Fantasy 7 remake on PC wouldn't need any censorship.
They are not developed by Sony, they are released from third party devs.
Sonytrannies are amazing at mental gymnastics I'll give them that.
>implying it’s going to come out
Kusony betrayed us.
Why should we ever think good of them again?
Why should we ever support them again?
I ask you Yea Forums, all this loyalty we gave them before and this is how they repay us. With a cold stab in the back.
Fuck kusony and fuck the West.
They're not conservative. They're pozzed. Californian Snoy allow faggots, trannies and Jew dykes in their games but censor something that would be appealing to heterosexual men.
It's like GAR, originally a typo that kept being used because it filled the language void we had when we wanted to talk about the now usual censoring policy of Sony without having to write multiple words to express the concept.
Now when you see Snoy you know it's someone talking about Sony's latest censorship policies and he only had to write four letters for it.
>>Persona 5.
Read what? Your butthurt? Where is PC version? Or Full Body? Why Yakuza 6 is still not on PC but on PS4? I thought they don't care about Sony.
>released by developer
PC fanboys are really dumb
Yea Forums will only be clean when Sony and Nintendo both fucked right off, the (You) facebook shit gets removed and faggot mods being replaced with competent people.
>First party games.
Released by Japanese third party dev. Ouch :^)
kek at Resetera censoring this info
>COPE with non official faggot parade
Nigga, it's libshit trannies trying to censor everything. Al Gores wife was the one behind all the vidya censorship back in the 90s.
>they are released from third party devs.
Jeez, you sonyfags don't even know your own company. Japan Studio is owned by Sony in their entirety, its a first party studio the same studio also Co developed Bloodborne which is an IP Sony also owns.
They're first party.
>that's what "young cool adults" do nowadays, being gay
A lot of stuff is oriented to gay people because gays have lots of money, thats why you think being gay is "cool" because they are on media a lot, is not an agenda is capitalism.
believe it or not even resetera admits this is silly, that tells you how bad Yea Forums is.
Nintendo fans are queers and Nintendo loves queers, Sorry :^)
Literally this: Have fun with the PS5, cucks.
>Miracle Girls Festival
W-what is this?
Because you seem to have just woken up from a long coma.
Nintendo hasn't been doing the censorship thing. With the Switch they decided to focus less on their family friendly image and have been letting Japanese devs make their Japanese games completely uncensored.
Sony decided to get really into censorship in the past 6 months.
They have never, not once, spoken out against this shit. I don't feel sorry for regular faggots- they want this and/or don't give a shit.
If it ever comes out, it'll be censored and you can thank the consoles for that.
post the photo of the parade faggot not even a third as bad as the sony parade
>Where is PC version? Or Full Body? Why Yakuza 6 is still not on PC but on PS4?
They will port them. Like every Japanese company so far. And no amount of seething will help you.
Again, one company, versus the entire industry back in PS3 era. The Japs are not these emotional psychopaths like yourself. They follow the money, not vague fanboy loyalty.
Recent censorship will only further the Japanese abandonment.
SIE Japan Studio were the co-developers for BB. You're a fucking retard lmao.
>Nintendo hasn't been doing the censorship thing
Yes they did. And they did it even now with Smash censorship. Sony at least doesn't censor relevant games. You must be Nintendo drone or some censorship defense cuck.
not even donkeys?
good, because DUNKY can die already!
It's real
Snoy is just a typo made by a Japanese twitter user that became a meme
yeah, it's worse, Nincels even want to fuck themselves
>they will port them
I'm sorry but argument straight up your ass is not an argument. If they don't care about Sony they shouldn't even release games first on it. Your logic is broken.
No, western games get a pass.
this is why japan should get the final say in any and all matter regarding THEIR system THEY fucking MADE. also, original devs should get final say on shit like light beams.
sorry tranny fucks!
Yeah, just like Witcher. On PS4 I can actually see tits and asses, show me the same on Shitch.
You let them censor even one thing, they'll censor everything. It's been proven time and time again, but of course Yea Forums and normies kept screeching "it's just stupid Japanese titty VNs! Nobody cares!"
And now we're repeatedly seeing big name mainstream games being censored. How many times must we prove you never give an inch because they'll take a mile?
It's because they aren't based out of comifornia.
Why Nintendo fans defend censorship so much?
they closed the thread
BASED and snoypilled.
But it's the Sonygros
Daily reminder that /pol/ is not welcome on Yea Forums. This will encourage white reproduction and thus is the ultimate truth.
If you disagree with this it's time to end it all.
where? Show one post.
When did nintenddies become based? THe fuck is going on???
cope harder faggot
It's not Capcom. It's Sony California department implemented a global ban of nudity forever in any sony video game content
>b-but Sony
This is just sad.
ps4 is for kids and fifachads who don't like no virtual women
>no argument
>hurr cope
Easy defeat
>>it's ok when Nintendo does it even though they started it
>even though they started it
This is where ya blew it tranny.
you can play uncensored version of DMCV on PS4. Argument discarded.
It's because you see them and you just say no.
And that's number 5
>Something like this isn't a big deal, and it wasn't a big deal until some prude made it a big deal and absolutely had to censor it
This is the part you're unable to get.
they begin censorship before Sony also see
both sony and ninty went insane;
sony locked down hard because of trannies getting their roots into sony CEO shit
ninty just said, meh fuck it, and said boobs are ok because they remembered they are a JP company and boobs are ok in JP.
so fucking mad after getting btfo
Playstation is American now dumbass.
dude, that censorship was NA only.
that was also the 90s, which you OBVIOUSLY needed to post a fucking video to understand because you didn't EXIST before 2000.
Doing it again tranny. You won't save your hide fomr this one anymore.
bland fanboyism, also they are children.
lmao god bless nintendo and sega for not jumping into this gay cringefest
Is it censored or not?
>Snoy defense squad shows up
>no argument
>u u tranny!
No wonder they censor games on Nintendo. Nincels would probably even know how tits looks like.
What did you expect, sonyfags aren't too find out the truth.
Nope. You cannot.
Well, Nintendo were there but they didn't go full degenerate.
>just when Capcom is having a comeback Sony decides to force their censoring bullshit on them
When are those retarded chinks going to adopt PC as their main platform?
It's a festival for girls that has miracles in it it's a dance game iirc.
Nintendo defense force arrived
If you play Playsation guess what: your gay
When Sony stop paying then I suppose.
>makes up shit
>gets called out
>doubles down
Keep it up tranny, let's see when your sperging causes you an aneurysm.
see Why so mad over Sony winning another gen?
It's uncensored on the PC and Xbone. So the Snoy's shitbox isn't the main platform.
That was unironically the best scene in all of uncharted. Shame that the rest of uncharted 4 was boring as fudge
Sony died when they announced the pspro. Anyone still left buying their shit is a fool
Did you retard just randonly picked posts? I was shitting on them. Go back to the server and reeducate yourself how to d/c properly.
I'd be fine if it was only westcucks and americucks getting censored. I have no problem with importing.
But why the fuck did they have to include japanese versions too? What the fuck is the purpose? Did I waste all that time trying to learn moonrunes?
That's pre-patch bro The ass is gone from the Niggerstation 4 version.
Makes up? I even posted source of Nintendo censoring games long before sony you queer. Hahahaha
No one has posted a video of the uncensored Lady scene, just the same screenshots every thread.
I'm guessing it's fake.
>Biggest producers of degeneracy in the world.
No, you export feminism and wokeness now.
Snoyncels are too afraid to mess with PCbros because we have the uncucked version.
and you can remove patch. Why are you so dumb?
Phony Gaystation
good, fuck incels and virgins
Has nintendo ever censored an M rated game? That's the reason why people are mad about this you autistic snoy.
Lady scene has a lens flare because it was intentional there.
Trish ass scene is more subtle and didn't meant to be censored.
>he still doesn't understand it
If I wouldn't know any better I'd say you're just some ESLnigger who used the wrong wrods but you made it pretty clear by now that you're just plain retarded.
Nope, Lady is censored on PC.
I'm here for Smokin' Sexy Stylish action baby.
If I wanna look at Trish and Lady's buttcracks I'll do so (a lot) when the blender porn drops.
Stop bitching and go smack some demons around.
This, every single nintendo or sony game thread is just filled with console war shit and wojak memes, at least in other threads anons pretend to have played the game.
But nothing will change, in the next couple days Yea Forums will be filled with OHNONONO and NINTENDO WON threads and the mods will just delete all other threads with actual substance.
>M rated game
No game should be censored. See
Understand what? Your analpain, and lack of argument other than hurr ur retarded? Hahahaha
>already so broken that simple words elude him
Seeth harder tranny.
See Besides, the master race doesn't get censored like the console shitskins even if they attempt to. Pic related.
Broo that's pre-patch, stop coping lmao
PC is now censored both Trish and Lady scenes.
Gtfo stupidass nigger tranny
You and your kind dont deserve rights
Fuck me it all looks like nonsensical squiggles. Why can't we just have fan translations or uncensor patches instead?
Guess that explains why Sony is censoring then
what are we arguing about im just calling you a faggot because you dindt post the pic because you know that sony parade is irredemable so COPE
PC can't get censored because we actually own our games and systems
Just so you know the "NINTENDO WON" threads are falseflag threads just like current BoTW threads.
now post video, hot photoshopped image.
>pressing one button or not downloading patch
Yeah, you are retarded.
>can play it uncensored
>decides to play censored
PC version is censored though, just like countless games on steam.
>censoring buttcracks
truly a new level of pathetic
>unironically censoring an M rated game
>the absolute state of nu-Sony
>just don't update your game lmao
The absolute state of Sojastation.
So, PC, XBox and PS4 were all censored for the west?
I posted image of more Nintendo gays than we can see on Sony parade. I bet you are queer too since you defend them.
No only PSOY4.
Seeth harder retard. You only have yourself to blame.
>can't post video
There were no flamboyant Nintendo employees at that parade.
why are people saying PC is now censored?
Are you fucking retarded?
>shoots himself in the foot
>"no, you are the retards!"
You blind nigger
what would happen if you saw a buttcrack
snoys are seething and spreading missinfo.
>projecting this hard
i asked you for the official parade of nintendo for comparison of OFFICIAL parades whats wrong with that? you where the one that deflected
Yeah, that's your "argument". Thanks for agreeing with me, retard.
Did the nigra harnesses the power if ozaru
Being in the army gives you super powers according to naughty dog
i was wondering where it was anons....
Men would instantly have to desire to perpetuate rape culture and maintain the oppressive patriarchal system. By depraving them of sexual stimuli, we ensure the safety and empowerment of women.
Nice try fuck off Brazilian
That doesn't even make sense.
its just that you have the ability to mod it BECAUSE your PC.
but dont worry =)
trannies will ruin that to by banning you for unlawful editing of software when they rule GABEN with an iron fist too!
Let me get this straight:
If you update the ps4 version this scene will have those lens flare in it? Are you serious?
>trannies will ruin that to by banning you for unlawful editing of software when they rule GABEN with an iron fist too!
It always baffles me how little people on this board actually understand about PC.
Steam isn't the PC. Steam is a store. There are multiple. If Steam falls another one will take it's place. One that offers what the audience want.
Tranny pls
Skip to 1:43
Nathan Drake showed up to a PTA meeting to complain about the lunches that the school was giving his daughter, and then Michelle Obama jumped him.
PC =/= Steam
I removed both Steam and Denuvo after I bought the game.
They're console shitskins. Their demented monkey brains can't fathom freedom.
I JUST played this scene on the PC version user. It looks exactly like that
>Regular gay people
Fuck you. Homossexualism is inherently degenerate. There are no "regular" gay people. They are disfunctional by virtue of their nature.
>Nero's new Buster is basically Exceed but instead of fire it fucking punches whatever the hell your are fighting
>Now have to juggle two timings at once now because Max Act
Holy fuck end-game Nero is so goddamn fun.
Why do we even care at this point? They've already made her ugly as sin so getting any fanservice out of her is pretty much impossible to begin with.
That doesn't make any sense. The game is rated M17+ by the ESRB
Why the fuck are they censoring it?
Jesus christ our society is fucked
They are not normal. That's the point
He wanted to save us user. He wanted to eliminate the threat before it consumed us.
Can anyone please confirm if the Lady scene is censored or not?
Except most people here, including sony fags, are not defending this.
Because sony want sjw in their community
and that is why everyone on PC is frothing with anger over Epic store? RIGHT, FUCKING BABY? steam might DIE! OOOOOOOOH NOOOOOOO!
imagine if it did and you could only buy new games from Epic store. you would, because its all you have since no one sells games solo anymore.
Some games are tied to Steam only
See this
How can I play it uncensored? By not downloading the day 1 patch? That's pretty lame.
Americans have always been prude af, this would have happened even without SJW's
The Lady scene seen to be censored in every version now.
The PC version will probably be modded to take the lens flare away.
Are you okay user?
How the fuck he shoot himself? You can play uncensored version on PS4 anytime, he rekted you.
yo just run physics at the framerate nigga
nudity = reproduction = bad
violence = numb to endless war = good
Lady was never uncensored. The lens flare is deliberate.
Yeah, we have to thank censorship cancer on Valve and Steam to Nintendo.
Is this true?
Bait harder faggot
>Just never update your game for the free DLC its coming out and you can play it uncensored guys!!!!
Snoy is a core value of Yea Forums
This guy understands how the agenda works
No nigger, you literally don't know what third party means. A game whose trademark you own, as well as fund as well as have your first party developer work onto (in BB's case it's SIE Japan Studio) is literally first party IP owned exclusive game.
You're a stupid fucking nigger.
For some reason this reminds me of Nintendo vs Sega in the 90s, but about blood.
Then where did that screenshot that everyone keeps posting come from?
literally read this thread the snoys are in full damage control
It's a shop you absolute retard incel.
Yes, you will find many articles and comments outside of Yea Forums, confirming it.
Don't believe Sonygaf, they always lie.
I fail to see the issue.
You can mod out the lens flare on the PC.
seething nincel detected
please don't treat fags as one homogenous group, you don't see most gays because they don't do this stupid shit.
source: i like willies and i don't like those parades
It's a setting, not that hard.
remember when people cried about censorship without mentioning this mentally ill, brainwashed notion of "sjws"?
yeah, that was a better time.
>the best defence Sonygaf could come up with
Just the games designed for westerns, ie resident evil, dmc, dark souls.
You soiboys and your shitty taste for gray, brown, repetive gameplay, terrible writing, and correctthink are far worse than the biggest weaboos.
I don't know but this is what it looks like on PC.
Turning the setting off doesn't remove it in that cutscene apparently
I changed every possible setting on PC. The lens flare is always on Lady's scene no matter what.
>even 3DP are mad
Not that particular one.
Weeb incels should all be shot. They're like 1% of the population but they think all game should cater to their horny pedo taste. Sorry incels, but gaming is yet another place you're completely unwanted and if censorship is how we get rid of you then so be it.
What was the causation of crying before the tranny phenomenon then?
If it’s censored on every platform before modding why are you tards only mentioning Sony?
That's not very tolerant of you advocating for killing. So much for the tolerant left.
So in short:
Lady's ass has a lens flare (can be disabled with mods)
Trish's ass has no lens flare
Lady's ass has a lens flare
Trish's ass has no lens flare
Lady's ass has a lens flare
Trish's ass has a lens flare
Self-appointed moral guardians have existed as long as people have, but for a (relatively) recent example, look up Mary Whitehouse
Pleae decapitate all Californian gringos at the Sony HQ and their pugs
I can guarentee the ps4 version was meant for pc xbox release but capcom fucked up why would they censor lady but not trish
Because it was censored fully on Sony systems and then it later came to others. Plus you can disable it on PC, you can't on ps4.
id love to met you irl you scawny basedfaggit
>Triggered magafag crying on what he thinks is his safe space
Either you are PCmaster race or you're a cuck. Simple as that gaystationeers
Because Lady's ass is in the forefront of the shot and the source of lens flare is actually in the scene. Making it a comedic shot like KLK.
Trish's ass is barely visible.
Quality b8 retard.
proof please, cuckstation user.
>liking dick
You're just releasing your sexual frustrations. It's ok user, nobody will have sex or love you but we're still here to laugh at you and the things you say.
I don’t think that word means what you think it means.
ladys ass is censored on your version you are playing a censored version and defending it
Are you really so young that you don't remember the 90's?
Oh wait of course you are, look at this thread.
Why don't you go drink your juice box, incel.
You can disable it on PS4. Why shitposting hard? It's just corporation user.
Lady has a scene just like the Trish one where her ass is visible when she gets cut out of the demon. Has that been censored too?
incels are the real degenerates of society. They'll literally fuck anything if it'll let them. Therefore they are, infact, pedos.
Inhuman filth. Glad to see video game companies move away from catering to their undeveloped mindsets. Possibly because incels never make it out of their parent's basement and therefore don't have money to spend on videogames, unlike liberals.
Only on PC.
Nope, play it on PS4 and has no lens on Trish
Damn ya got me
Alright, idiot, dial it back. Have you ever seen japanese porn? Try to think before making these knee-jerk reaction threads, we're not your babysitters.
Dude I am married with 2 kids but whatever enjoy having other people decide what you can and can’t see.
Lady was never uncensored, are you retarded? And we can mod the lens flare out for that scene.
But you're the biggest incel in this thread. Why would you lie like that?
Imagine giving a fuck about this.
>t. day one pirate
Dumb Yea Forumsiggers
this takes me back to the good old days in the ps3/360 feud
Sorry lad, Snoy version got patched
Sorry I just wanted to fit in. Anyway fuck censorship
What the fuck else would you expect from a country that censors its porn of all things?
Married to your body pillow with 2 glue covered japanese cartoon statues doesn't count, kid.
The irony is that the Wii fucking slaughtered them in sales while they thought the Wii was garbage.
But yeah good times.
According to California law it does.
capcom patched it if this was sonys hand they would have censored everything at release this is 100% capcom this time
Wii wasn't a gaming console though. It was a single-mother spawn calm control device.
>Still making excuses
It's over user-kun. Wii won it's generation by a mile whether you, me or anyone else likes it or not.
PS4 is now objectively a bad idea to own. You get inferior versions of games with cut content.
How the fuck do we get Cuckifornians to back off?
Any proof?
the Japanese version wasnt censored.
Amerimutts love censorship too much and most of them have become SJWs. Too late. You are actually the same as those commie Chinks
It has Bloodborne, whereas the Bone has nothing.
Actually Xbox did
>Wii wasn't a gaming console though
That's all it did so of course it was a gaming console.
That's like saying Trump isn't the president
and what with upcoming future patches snoy? patches will be require for dlcs and game bugs and all the data will intertwine you fucking idiot
>Bone has nothing.
Bone has the asscrack in DMC5. Bone is literally getting the good versions of games now while PS4 is getting the shit versions.
The 360 came in last that gen.
I didn't know this was an edit. I'm slightly disappointed.
What is the original even trying to imply? Why would people ask her to make sandwiches?
Then why are other versions lacking the lens flare in the Trish scene? It doesn’t add up clearly just the image of an adult women’s butt crack is poisonous to California’s
>Bloodborne or Trish's ass
Wow what a hard call to make.
Didn't you retards spend like 9 months shitposting about her being an ugly tranny anyways?
So is this pic shopped or is the lens flare disabled with mods?
It is.
>Thinking Yea Forums, a website infested with magacels would care if a women was ugly, had a penis or anything else
They'll complain she's ugly but still get mad when they can't see her bobs and vajin
then how come japan sony isn't censored then???
Getting uncensored games is a million times better than any individual game can be. This is not going to be the last game that does this, PS4 is now the censorship platform. PS5 will be too.
Do regular straight people feel embarrassed during Mardi Gras?
>Getting uncensored games is a million times better than any individual game can be.
I guess that makes sense considering none of you play games. I'm confident saying I KNOW you haven't beaten DMC5.
So censored they don't even have games?
>I'm confident saying I KNOW you haven't beaten DMC5.
What does that have got to do with anything?
360 was the best console that gen and it's the best console even now
I would honestly have no games at all than have censored games. Censoring entertainment is an insult that cannot be tolerated.
>I was right
RROD machine isn't the best anything.
Microsoft shills aren't even trying. Still pushing a console that doesnt even function anymore...
For the last fucking time no
Yeah. So? Literally what does that have to do with anything? We're talking about Sony censoring games, not me beating games.
It's not.
>Getting uncensored games is a million times better than any individual game can be
No. No it isn't. You can just jerk off the uncensored footage online if you must, you loser. Or any of another billion pornographic images online. But PG-13 rated hints of nudity is not "a million times better than any individual game" unless you are really far gone down the "masturbation and playing video games are one and the same thing to me" road in which case you need serious help.
Thanks America.
Literally Austin Powers-tier nudity censoring, what the fuck.
What happened to that talk of videogames as art? Shouldn't we respect the vision of the director?
Why aren't the journos jumping on this?
Not that guy but you sound like such a fucking resetera cuck
You just described Yea Forums in a nutshell. The "gamers rise up" group is just made up of degenerates who have 0 place in society. This is where they draw the line, some pixelated T&A because thats literally all they have. It's the closest to the real thing they will ever get so naturally they will fight tooth and nail over it.
>muh resetera boogieman
And you sound like a retard who reads One Angry Gamer and watches TheQuartering.
No, you fucking retard. Considering uncensored tits to be more important than good games does not make me a 'resetera cuck". It just makes you are massive fucking loser. Even by this site's standards.
Sounds like you hate free speech.
Man up cucks. Or better yet just join the 40%.
butts are now free speech
Thank you for the laugh
Man up to what? Being an incel that jerks off to video games? On what fucking planet is that "manning up"?