Oculus Quest

>50 launch titles including beat saber, robo recall, rec room, in death,superhot and similair experiences
>basically it's own gaming console

Why the fuck wouldn't you be excited about this?

Attached: oculus-quest.jpg (1840x1035, 217K)

Other urls found in this thread:


I can't imagine the specs would be that great for a dedicated device designed to rest on your face.

It's a overclocked snapdragon 835 with an active fan cooling it.
You can do a suprising amount of stuff with a mobile processor if it isn't stuck in a 5mm thin device

Attached: d&b.webm (1066x600, 2.7M)

that's why. I already have a beefy computer, now let me use it

I would rather pay more to have more freedom. Trying to segment an already small user base seems like a bad idea.

Technically, the idea of the Quest is that you get more freedom (of movement). One of the biggest complaints people had/still have about most VR headsets is the cord breaking their immersion, and the only other option for wireless is that $300 adapter for the Vive.

Besides, I'd bet even money someone will figure out how to get ReVive/OpenVR/whatever else running on this thing so you don't have to be stuck with the Oculus store.

So it's basically switch like hardware but instead of 720p its much higher res and needs to run at 72hz. That's still going to be trouble for a lot of games

Why would I be excited about this?

>400$ VR console vs 1500$ PC VR setup
>no cables (unless you make your 1500$ VR setup a 1800$ VR setup with wireless attachment )
>no need for wall mounted sensors

I find it pretty interesting user

I'm getting a psvr for cheap on a modded og ps4 instead, you folks will never get how this whole buisness work.
Buy hardware only if no choice, buy for dirt cheap, download for free, wait a couple yrs, ALWAYS!
Jesus motherfucking christ.

enjoy your shit tracking and 180 degree camera

if you need to press a button to do a full turn its not real VR

Just buy a WMR, they are 150 on sale with the controllers most of the time.

I already played superhot once, vr is not a large enough incentive to sit through that pretentious bullshit a second time.

Not that user, so OK, Lenovo wmr is cheap. I have good pc. And what neat things I can do with it?
Anything besides porn.

If you can can actually mod your games on this thing it'd be worth it alone for a portable beat saber.

You can play pretty much any SteamVR game
the tracking is comparable to the Vive
FOV is very high (if you switch the front and back head cushions)

Playing games seems like the obvious choice. Anything run through SteamVR should be compatible with WMR aside from some possible controller difficulties.

I'm hijacking this thread

I plan on building a PC for around 2 Grand. I would love to get into vr, especially flight and race simulators.

Is it true there are vr goggles now that can scan your room size and somehow encorporate that in the game?

Which goggles should i get?

inside out tracking is not comparable to vive tracking.

I see. I always thought those are just cheap imitation of vive/rift. Will keep on eyes for it.

2g american dollars, or euro or pound?

it is very comparable to Vive tracking. The whole "can't track controllers behind you" is a meme

2g American dollars. Just on the pc, not counting vr or other things

i use wmr, it is not a meme.

Can someone explain to me the different vr headsets? Like are the more similiar to consoles where each has its own system of peripherals, games ect or are they more like mouse and keyboards where they all do the same but its user preferance?

wmr = poverty vr. vive/oculus pc = good grde vr. Pimax and some others i can't remember the name of = AAA VR

OG PS4 isn't very good at VR, fair warning.

These analogies are not quite right, but at the moment it is closer to user preference with most games working between all of them. You will however run into issues where a game was made for a specific controller and won't work with another even though it will run.

Thats better than what i was expecting honestly. I hope the companies and developers keep it so they all work.
Can you tell me more about the controllers? Do some games not work because they dont have enough buttons or what

Does this supercede Oculus Go entirely, or is Go still better for movies (porn)?

>WMR = poverty
only if you're buying the Lenovo/HP models, the Odyssey+ has the best screen of any given VR HMD besides the PiMax
Only good if you hate Facebook or buy the Pro edition with Wireless
Best controllers, but the headset is otherwise meh
Great FOV and resolution but otherwise overpriced chinkshit

t. Used all the headsets for hours at a time

Valve is putting in effort to keep things as open as possible so they can make money selling games to everyone. SteamVR enables compatibility with all head set. Oculus/Facebook is attempting to create a console like environment, but for the moment this has been prevented by third party software ReVive, that lets you play Oculus Store games through SteamVR. The goal of the Quest is likely to keep tighter control over their exclusives.

Rift has more buttons and the grip sensors that the Vive doesn't have. Vive has touch pads rather than analog, which I know caused people trouble with Fallout before mods since you had to use them to scroll the menus. WMR emulates the Vive controller by default, so you may end up using the track pad for movement instead of the analog stick that would be a better option. They also only track in front of your face, so games where you need to move your hands out of your field of vision may become more difficult. A recent SteamVR update enabled nice controller mapping, but it isn't backwards compatible with games made before the update.

So which one is best for VR porn?

This is better than the go in pretty much every way

>6DoF instead of 3DoF (Go can only track the direction you are looking, not your own location in space )
>2 controllers also tracked in space
>physical interpupillary distance setting, the Go's lenses are fixed
>slightly higher resolution and 72hz instead of 60
>OLED vs LCD display
>30% more powerful processor that is also cooled by a fan, The Oculus Go only had a heatsink

The only argument for the go would be the lower price

>Besides, I'd bet even money someone will figure out how to get ReVive/OpenVR/whatever else running on this thing so you don't have to be stuck with the Oculus store.
Absolutely not going to happen

If you're just watching 360-degree porn videos, you'd be best served by GearVR or some other phone setup with some good headphones. If you own an onahole or want to play porn games like VR Kanojo or whatnot, Vive has body trackers for deeper immersion.

>buying a VR headset just before the Valve Sonic is revealed
Enjoy overwhelming regret

Carmack already confirmed that you aren't stuck to the Oculus Store. You can get costum APKs working just like the Go. Obviously something would have to be made specifically for the go and the only reason for that stuff to not be on the oculus store would be adult content.

Emulation is bullshit though

>Valve Sonic

The name leaked, there was a note next to the headset titled "Sonic rev. 3" (revision 3 presumably)

this doesn't look half bad desu

>until you realize this is all you're gonna get, this casual shit is interesting for 2 hours, max

There are no killer apps for VR.

beatsaber and pavlov

only use VR porn if you enjoy masturbating to giants

Attached: aJpl2HM.jpg (500x443, 113K)

If that's the best you got, VR games are even more pathetic than I realized.

The Broken Seal is pretty good, but it's still early access. Definitely makes you feel like a legit wizard since you need to vocalize and make the correct motions in order to cast spells.

Pavlov is good though. Trying to play normal FPS after it just feels so limited and dull.

>Pavlov is good though. Trying to play normal FPS after it just feels so limited and dull.
I realize it's a bit unfair but I'd expect a VR game to have the same production values and length as normal games (SP that is).

Its interesting for non pc gamers yes

you got a problem with giants

Attached: catherine-remaster.jpg (840x560, 95K)

Other than WSS and SizeBox, what lets me scale up the girls? I have no motivation to learn when I don't feel like fapping and no patience when I do. If I at least knew which games make it possible and I am not wasting my time, I could probably put in the effort to figure things out. I could somewhat manage in Vert-a-mate, but it seems cumbersome and less than ideal for my goals.

Why the fuck is vive still so expensive?


So no porn?

it'll have software to play video. don't worry about that

You could use costum apk for porn apps and the quest is confirmed to be no different.

Also I doubt getting your own vr videos on it will be hard.

Damn nignog I didnt know that

Is the wireless adapter for Vive worth it?

yes. It makes crazy 2 hand whirlwind attacks possible.

According to Steam's hardware survey Oculus has 48% market share, Vive has 39%. WMR (not actually mixed reality despite the name) headsets seem to work with SteamVR, but you can expect to be treated as a second class citizen by devs.

As for mobile, you got GearVR for Samsung phones and Oculus Go, both lack 6DoF tracking but at least have an extremely good software stack for consistent framerates, the rest are just shitty rebranded Google Cardboard. Quest is the one to look out for.

moss is being ported too

Attached: B5B669AB-8FD4-4BCE-A54E-0F9A9177B22A.png (1500x844, 417K)


I love how they delay the Rift one to make the Quest side appear more responsive when it clearly does fewer frames

>Is it true there are vr goggles now that can scan your room size and somehow encorporate that in the game?
No, that'd be retarded. There's a set up process using the controllers to measure out the room for the chaperone system, but that's about it.
As for goggle reccomendations, Pimax 5k with the vive's delux audio strap (and 3D printed adapter clips). Widest FoV, borderline possible to drive with a 2k rig (with most of that budget blown on GPU), and is the best you can get as of right now. It requires getting lighthouses for real tracking, but if you're also blowing budget on HOTAS and wheels, there's nothing better.

I don't see this anywhere. Which image?

HTC is trying to position themselves as the high-end/"prosumer" vr brand by selling poorly manufactured shit at stupid markups, it's what they've always done.

Beatsaber makes you feel like a god when you git gud and with custom charts it basically has infinite replayability. It's an excellent way to introduce people to VR.

Attached: 1527460937347.jpg (400x462, 25K)


I don't want to wait another 20 years for this to be viable lol. If you want standalone then you can't even do anything unless it starts at 2k otherwise it's basically just a wii.

>vr hardware
>effecting frame rate

what the fuck lol. This is literally download more RAM tier.

>vr hardware
>effecting frame rate
what are you trying to say

There are some seriously good mappers, too. Every song by that guy who did the Lone Digger map is fun as fuck.

The difference between VR and the Wii has nothing to do with graphics. The hardware that affects game play can easily be made for under $400.

It's not connected to a PC you dumb nigger, thats why it's standalone


Attached: 1494110699553.png (1027x731, 28K)

>running on a literal snapdragon

Attached: 1548040787390.jpg (645x597, 44K)

This is the only device that can you can instantly switch on and use, no PC or PS4 booting up, which is huge. I can't be bothered to set up my vive most of the time which is the biggest hurdle.


I'd rather turn on my computer than pay another $400 for a facebook device with no games

Attached: videoplayback.webm (1280x720, 2.84M)

Jokes on you because it's the first VR device with mass market appeal

oculus go and gear vr already exist and sold millions user

I've heard people say this a lot and I don't understand. I only have to plug in three things, click one button on Steam, and I can play. Do you have your light houses on tripods and have to redo the calibration every time or something?

These exist and have opened up a massive VR porn market while nobody is making games

This has potential to do the same for the later user.

Attached: 3e6a712fce736797.png (773x901, 1.7M)

Hey guys!
I've come with a question here. If anyone can help me, I'd appreciate it.
So a few days ago i heard somewhere that Steam is changing it's policy or rule about violent and gore games. It was something like they won't censor any violent game, if it's rated 18+, anyone can put up their games, they won't stop them.
And I heard that too that Ubisoft catching this news started to work on a REALLY gore and violent game. Rumors are you can shoot up anyone you can, you can even fuck anyone or anything.
Yeah it sounds really ridiculous. And... the problem is i don't know its' name.
If anyone heard anything about a game like this, and could share a few info / details about it, I'd be REALLY grateful!
Thanks guys


It's garbage.

this is an ACTUAL shill thread

the first one i've seen in quite some time

>graphics on the right look like shit
>gun looks completely different [worse]
>but its ok because its a mobile chip
>that needs to be cooled
>with a fan
>strapped right in front of your eyeballs


I don't understand why you'd be put off by an objective upgrade

Kill yourself, shill.

I'd be hyped if and only if beat saber in this version can have custom songs

You can mod the Oculus version, so I don't see why not

Costum APKs are supported so its up to the beat saber devs to have a version of the game capable of that

Fuck VR



You're doing it wrong.

That's not even an argument anymore, since you can get an HMD for less than $120 these days, and that's still got a better resolution/refresh rate than any monitor you could get at that price. At this point it's eyelets who cannot into contact lenses and salty consolefags.

Vive still has the best tracking mechanism and is the most powerful overall, but not by much. It's overpriced, don't fall for the meme like I did. Also the Occulus controllers are superior to the shit vive controllers. Occulus is a better system overall and I own a Vive,

Definitely depends on what you're using it for. I've got a Pro, a Rift, and an Odyssey, and they're all good at their own thing. I'd never want to use a Rift for anything that required turning around

>realistic zuckerbergs dick sucking simulator

or I can just not buy more gimmicky shit and get a VR headset for PC like normal people.
Not that I would since VR is hot garbage tuberbairlt unless you use it for racing games and flight sims.
I already have a phone, a PC, and a console I use for like 2 games.
Most people do too.

Attached: seriously-nigger-1401511.png (500x853, 206K)

Question: where does the sound come from? I dont see any headphones attached to it..?

I think it has speakers in the box part. I've used standalones where that works pretty well but you'd probably want to get head phones for the best experience

There is zero (0) point to standalone VR headsets.

We have a new wireless technology called 802.11ax which was designed to replace wires in applications exactly like this. It has greater-than-ethernet bandwidth and lower-than-ethernet latency. This is what powers the Vive's wireless adapter

Have fun with your shitty compression and batteries.
>Oh but the bandwidth-
Headsets are only going to get exponentially higher resolution-
>But the foveated render-
That only applies to the GPU end, the screen itself still needs to be an absurd resolution for both the area you're looking at and to eliminate SDE. Maybe a custom optimization implementation for the wireless signal will come along to help with this, but as is that'll be a LONG way off.
That still does nothing for the batteries. Frankly we have to deal wit henough batteries as it is, the fewer things I have to worry about keeping charged and have to replace the cells for as they're guaranteed to eventually degrade the better.

Even with a super cheap PC, the entry cost into wireless VR on the Vive is at least 1400$. That will never see mass adoption, period.

Can I pirate games for it? I'm not willing to pay for a download.
I already sold my Rift because I used it for like 20 minutes over a week then it collected dust for a few months before I sold it. Just another way for the industry to get more non gaming casuals to start playing games so they have more pay pigs to extract money from, no wonder Valve is in on it.

>The entry point for watching movies in 4K is $600+, and that doesn't even include movies!

and have no friends.

your comparishon doesn't work moron

>Makes absurd comparison with two mediums that require hardware that doesn't have a singular purpose
>Doesn't work

they should have put in a wireless receiver and let you stream from your pc instead.

I'll pass.

A niche product will never be relevant if you need another expensive niche product to use it


There's so much stacked against the Quest. A high-end gaming PC barely has enough graphical horsepower for a good VR experience, let alone actual phone hardware. It's targeted at a mass-market that consistently shows little serious interest in VR. Finally, it aggravates the existing VR hardware fragmentation problem, needing lots of special effort to develop for (particularly given the mobile hardware).

It won't catch on, because it will never have a solid software library. The value proposition for developers isn't there. Even if it could get a second-rate port of every single VR game ever made, it wouldn't be enough.

>Has USB-C in
>Can load code from outside facebooks walled garden
If enough people want it, it'll come. Though for reasons of I see a virtual link adapter happening long before a wireless option does.

Because HoloLens exists.

>gaming PC

When we get to the point Walmart is selling 'gaming' PC's, yea, it's mainstream.

A 0,4% market adaption WITHIN PC gaming is pretty telling that PCVR will never be the future user

This. Look at the top selling VR section on steam, its all old or super low budget shit

VR is dead on PC and this is the last hope for Oculus before facebook pulls the plug. You are a moron if you think different.

Attached: 1a528dc42dcb2831.jpg (630x767, 121K)

xbone s is 500 dollar and has 1060-tier gpu. if you already have a pc, turning it into gaming pc will cost only 200 dollars.

>New thing started to be a genuine consumer thing literally three years ago
You know 'gaming' PCs have been a thing since the 90's right? Obtaining computers explicitely for playing games even earlier with the likes of the Commodore 64. All things take time.

Yea I bought 6 of them already they're pretty great too bad they don't have games but I have them

Nobody is buying PC VR if there is nothing to use it for.
No AAA dev is investing in VR anymore.

Attached: dead.png (612x871, 257K)

I am excited, just not excited enough to buy one until I try it since I already own a Rift. A standalone like this is gonna have to make sacrifices for the sake of removing the computer and I wanna be able to test it before I make a decision.

psvr is selling well. i wouldnt surprised if 5th gen consoles have a lot of vr games.

You can count the number of early (pre-mid 90's) PC games that were "successful" on two hands, if that, while the actual number of no name indie titles and passed around BBS's vastly outnumber that.
Again, all things take time. If anything, once the PS5's VR system comes around, and if microsoft decide to do something VR with their next console, we'll get a flood of console ports, which means less memeing about "But no games", which means more devs willing to make actual VR games on PC, and we'll be right where we are with non VR games on PC.

yep, all xbox games are crossplatform. xbos's vr headset will very likely work with pc too just like controller. so less segmentation in market.

>Mobile VR
honestly you should just get an oculus go if that's what you are after.

I own a PC and I'm more interested in it.

This, can't be bothered to set up my vive again.

If this delivers consistent 70 frames in all their curated games Im fine with potato graphics.

well you just have brain problems then

I've always been an advocator that there need to be more games that bridge the gap between Desktop and VR users, something that's fun to play normally but even better in VR.
Stuff like Thumper, Distance and The Forest are great games but are even better when played in VR, either because of the deeper immersion or because it enhances the experience.
Even something like a MMO where you can walk around town in VR or fight monsters alongside your non-VR friends would be awesome.

Unless it comes with those 50 games included I'm not really interested in buying all that shit again.

I never understood this. Why do you care about the 15 minutes it takes to set up tracking? Do people really unplug their headset and the base stations and put them back in the box after every play session?

I unplug my headset when I'm not using it but my sensors are attached to the wall so taking those down would be a pain in the ass. Maybe he hasn't used his in forever and took them down to free up space?

Its a big piece of tech lying around, with 3 big fat fucking wires, its heavy, the base stations each are wires hanging of my walls, each taking up an AC socket. I need to start up my PC, start up steam VR, keep my headset half hanging on my face so I can look at my monitor if anything goes wrong with the program as steamvr loves to crash.

I'd much rather just put something on my head, turn that on, connect the controllers and occasionally charge the stupid thing.

just sell it and buy a wmr instead. inside out tracking is comfy.

No WMR headset allows for adjustable IPD and the Quest will have much wider angles, even tracking behind off to your sides

Attached: tracking.webm (1280x500, 2.66M)

Subterranean IQ.

Cool, he should put one on a string and spin it really fast because Lighthouse tracking was able to keep up with that even in the first customer version.

Lighthouse tracking is great, but this will do just fine for most applications

Yes, that's what I meant by brain problems, very good timmy, run along and play now

Fair enough.

Trash mobile walled garden Facebook machine with no expandable memory. Yeah, this is what VR needs. Oh and lets sell a separate device for PC when they could just enable passthrough via USB-C. Thanks ZUCC

>launch titles
>All basically mini games
>"And similar experiences"
Oh yeah really selling me on the idea of vr there. Your marketing department needs to work harder to not look like obvious shills

What a load of horse shit. My Rift runs like butter. Fucking kikes.

A R E N ' T

why is this so hard to understand?


Why post this on Yea Forums? Oh right. Fuck off shill.

Why does it upset you when other people like things you dont like? Do you have autism?

This post isn't for us, though, it's for the normalfags who just watch us post like creepy voyeurs
Your union called, it's time to take a break

Why do you support companies that fuck you up the ass? Why do you want VR to turn into an ad filled shithole? Why are you so stupid?

For a lot of games it doesn't matter all too much. For a select few its a minor annoyance since leaving your hands behind your or to your side for too long will cause it to desync. In like 1 or 2 games its a genuine hindrance.
(Fiddly stuff like Pavlov is totally playable with some settings tweaks. And it kills me the devs haven't added official support for it yet)
I have a WMR headset too. I think they are totally worth it just for the ease of setting it up.
And with a powerful PC (I have a 6700k and 1080ti) that 1440p screen rendering looks real crisp and sharp.

Resting your hands to your hide is the biggest issue for me. For active gameplay it's not a big deal but for just chilling in a desktop.

I'll gladly take 10mins to set up Lighthouse for superior tracking in every way. Can't wait for Knuckles to come out to use with my Odyssey.

Not an argument.
Also not an argument.

Your life is an argument for abortion rights.

That video is retarded because it makes no sense. With a Rift I could be playing with a 960 and 8 gigs of ram, or a 2080 and 16 gigs of ram.

The Quest has set hardware specs, the Rift doesn't. They're comparing apples to lightbulbs.

Who's arguing? Break time wage cuck

Clearly I've won.

You have to have a conversation with someone in order to argue with them. I haven't talked with you at all, merely told you to go away. I'm talking at you


Seek sunlight

>Why the fuck wouldn't you be excited about this?
You answered your own question user
$400 Standalone.
Gonna be shit. When the headset itself of most competent VR solutions is like $400+ and Require like a 1070, and even then could really use better FoV and a huge Resolution bump.
VR is moving in the wrong direction, they need to stop targeting "can run on some shitty old ARM chip for nomies for cheap" and instead go full on with the "costs $1000, and requires a 2080 to drive" route, in the short run this may seem suicidal, but once that technology trickles down it will have a lot more staying power than the Gimmicky VR they are trying to shovel out now, Oculus CV1 and Vive/VivePro are decent show pieces/proof of concept devices, but the technology has been moving backwards from them not forwards. They will kill VR by convincing normies it is a gimmick with shit like this.


>So it's basically switch like hardware but instead of 720p its much higher res and needs to run at 72hz.
No, 835 is probably better CPUwise, but the Maxwell cores stapled to the X1 probably are way more powerful than the GPU on the 835, so this shit would scale even worse with Resultion/Refresh rate increases
Rift is GPU dependent retard. Try running it on a 2080ti then put both devices at full resolution 90fps and tape them to your eye to see which looks better.

Why are none of these running an X2?
The reality is, VR isn't ready for the target audience of this device yet.

Explain. How do you do it right, then? A lot of VR vids have really strange settings that make the video completely fucked up..

Other people liking things I don't like has a direct affect on me. If too many people like something I don't like, development and software will move away from the things that I do like to support a wider audience.

yeah, he's made a bunch of great maps for Caravan Palace songs.

Why the fuck would I want this when it's going to be walled garden shit with an underpowered mobile phone SoC and no access to most PC VR games, except those which get ports which have to adapt to the device itself being slow as shit? For $400 I can get a VR headset (the Rift itself was $400 IIRC) which connects to the PC I already have and will play more games with better quality and performance. I can understand the appeal casuals would see in a standalone headset, but it's too limited and doesn't interest me.

Because you can sideload whatever you want, and you're not tethered. I hate the tether

I would generally lean towards the "good enough to get people in the door" strategy that WMR seems to be following, but this makes a lot of sense. Keep standards up so casuals will continue to look forward to prices eventually coming down. The early fear of allowing movement in games already did a lot of damage to the image of VR games even though it has been corrected for a long time now. The downside is that without a bigger user base from cheaper headsets, you will have less big games. I'm personally satisfied with playing a lot of shorter games with great mechanics, but Yea Forums is obviously not satisfied with anything less than AAA.

You can sideload whatever runs on the hardware, which is still going to be far less than what runs on a PC. I'd personally like to keep the cable rather than have the whole thing become unusable because the battery is drained and needs to be recharged, plus I'm not looking forward to the time when the built-in battery wears out and lasts even less while also not being user replaceable. If anyone really wants to get rid of the cable, that can also be done on PC headsets, on Rift and Vive at least.