Gameplay always win-

Gameplay always win-

Attached: sad.png (667x612, 121K)

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Devil may cry doesn’t have good gameplay, they have to use score to motivate you because they are incapable of making it satisfying or difficult. You are more worried about your combo than your character. Might as well play a rhythm game at that point.


>xbox one

>user score

I just checked the PS4 version of DMC5.

It's LOWER (by 1 point) than the Xbone version:

What if I prefer the gameplay of RDR2?

Critic score vs user score says a lot in this photo.

a. easy game that's like a season of a netflix show, one and done
b. style over substance & optional mastery, can be replayed for years

its like people dn't even like video games anymore

>critics can’t into DMC
>user score a whole point higher
See ya later space cowboy


Attached: EED68043-2865-49B9-BF5B-0DAEBC25FD07.gif (407x584, 241K)

well the game is censored on the Snoy!

imagine being a school shooting incel Yea Forums user keeping an eye on metacritic

> "incapable of making it difficult"

try a difficulty higher than Human retard

RDR2 user score is from SEETHING PC fats and Nintendorks

Critics can't play games very well, it's not their fault seeing as they have to jump between games all the time but you should not rate DMC games without having beat DMD


Offers no challenge if you have experience with dmc retard.

oh yeah, this thread was made by a basednytard. i thought we could have discussion without bias
post your epic memes bros!

>i have proof! why doesn't anyone listen to me!
>i will show them the truth
>"today an unlikable asswipe deleted a bunch of people in the most cowardly way possible because they said hard video games aren't fun"
i love this website

This and also the "there's microtransactions in me game fuck this game" fags..

In celebration of this momentous occasion of the game crashing and burning, lets post pictures of our families!

Nintendo fan here. I played RDR2 on my Xbox One X, great game (though the online is mediocre).

Where's the problem?

>Bloody Palace will be a free update
>Datamine reveals Vergil, Lady, and Trish have playable movesets
>Itsuno gave Nero more mobility options and ANOTHER TIMING MECHANIC
>Dante can change his DA loadout like in DMC3
DMC5 is both style and substance, my friend.

And your pic proves it.

again, play the game on higher difficulties retard.

yeah about that

Attached: 43534.jpg (665x332, 46K)

Source for Datamine?

A. Animations:the game
B. Fun game

accepted, was overterse. meant narrative "substance." so glad there's so much more DLC to buy

I played neither and you are a dumb nigger in my eyes, game journalism is literally and unequivocally irrelevant to video games, if your opinion of a game is based around a big number on an internet page you need to rethink your life. Just play the fucking game and form your own opinion, or just watch a silent walkthrough on Youtube

man this board gets dumber every fucking day, how does Yea Forums do it, to keep a consistent level of stupidity all the time that only ever increases

because there’s less accumulated reviews retard

Sounds about right. Despite "professional game reviewers" saying that RDR2 is an almost perfect game, you can see the real sentiment is that all of it's "features" get in the way of the gameplay a lot and make it a much less fun game, so the user score is a complete mismatch and you can find a million videos exploring this idea that the game is overhyped in depth online.

As for DMC5, you have a userscore that basically matches what the reviewers thought and exceeds it by a tiny bit. A good game that people enjoyed, simple.
