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Chopper Gunner if the enemy team is full of mouth breathers who can't use a Stinger, AC-130 otherwise. AC-130 is more fun anyway.

>mouth breathers
What the fuck does that even mean


If you can audibly hear them breathing though their mouth

if you play video games you are all of those things

I always preferred the AC-130. However I did like to jam out while holding down right trigger with the Chopper Gunner.

AC 130 : Soul
Chopper gunner : Soulless

It's more fun to blow them up, but Chopper Gunner ate through enemies like nothing. Put Danger Close Pro on, and you can very easily spawn camp them.


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Ay-Cee One-thir'eh above for fun.
Chop gun for nuke hunting.

Chopper gunner would decimate their whole team before anyone even had a chance to pull out a stinger. It was game breaking on outdoor maps.

t.has never gotten a nuke

ac130>chopper gunner

Choppa gunner stays in the air longer so that. Though ac130 is a beast in the wasteland map.

pred>harrier>ac130 was the kino loadout

I mean OBJECTIVELY, getting an ac-130 and doing really well is infinitely more fun than getting a chopper and doing really well, but you're more likely to do well if you use the chopper just cause of the nonstop explosive bullets. I preferred the chopper every time though


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I want my fucking Yea Forums back.

CoD4 introduced/popularized a bunch of horrible trends. Killstreaks were among the worst of them.

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post yfw ENEMY AC-130 ABOVE

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