Is there input lag on Mega Man Legacy Collection for Switch?

Also the X Legacy Collection.

I really want these games, but if there is input lag (which I have read there is) then that is a fat NO.

Anyone has this game for Switch and can tell?

Attached: 4chan.jpg (194x259, 21K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>switchbab pretending to care about input delay

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 152K)

Serious replies, please. This was about Mega Man, input lag is really sensitive there

All games will have horrible input lag on the switch, that's the problem.

Not if you play handheld or connect the Pro Controller via cable.

get a pc guy

Cable is even slower.

Do you know the answer to Mega Man or not?

Please refrain from typing about things you have 0 knowledge about.
OP, use a wireless controller or the joycons and you'll be fine. The problem is the collection, not the switch. Switch still has less input delay than PS4. If you dont have a wireless controller, stick to PC.

Attached: 20190309_102837.jpg (1583x940, 259K)

Mega Man is fine on PC

I haven't played the collection but the Switch itself has a lot of input and display lag, it will never feel as good as the originals on a CRT.

I have no idea how capcom was able to do such a shit job at making a compilation when they did anniversary collection and x collection on ps2 years ago

>paying for roms

I play the first six games on Wii, they work really well there. Also emulated and wireless controller.

I cant speak for the switch versions, but the X collections on PC have a noticeable input delay and straight up will ignore inputs like 1/10th of the time. The arcade collection that capcom put on the switch suffers the same problems so Id just go the safe route and emulate

If you don't know better and think about 200ms delay including the ridiculous delay TVs have nowadays is fine then you should be fine with the collection, I heard it's poorly programmed though and has its own delay so I'd just emulate it instead.

Yeah, both of the legacy collections have input lag.

You're actually better off getting the original X Collection on PS2 or Gamecube.

I have that on the GC, but it is horrible since you shoot with A and jump with B, and it is impossible to change buttons.

everything has input lag these days

OK I just found out there is input lag:

Very good video that physically shows exactly how much lag there is.

I don't know about classic, but X collections have input lag, especially in the SNES games

I have the second classic Legacy Collection and haven't noticed any input lag.

>buy physical game
>have to download part of it anyways
Fuck this, online was a mistake. I’d just emulate them.
This video has more comparisons and shows that each game in the collection has a different input delay which is retarded, with X1 being the worst.

Attached: all.png (1920x1080, 290K)

right, I couldn't remember if that version also covered the switch version since he did it in the previous video, so I linked it just to be safe

Jesus christ

>PC faster than original on the non-1 games

pretty autistic of you desu

I've got it and noticed it for sure. You can still power through the games, but it is annoying if you have played the originals. I pirated, so no biggie. if I payed for this shitty performance, I'd kill myself.

if you want to experience less lag, emulate the originals.