Is Artifact the biggest failure of the 2010s?

Is Artifact the biggest failure of the 2010s?

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>what is Fallout 76
>what is anthem

not even the biggest failure of the last few months

Fallout 76 is getting patches and there's still people playing it.
Artifact is virtually dead after a couple of months and there's been no communication.

The big path is coming, and the glorious new Artifaissance is nigh.

Have faith in the Long Haul.

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I would count being a quiet failure that everyone forgot about as more damning than being a huge failure that at least people could laugh at.

It's the biggest failure on a meta-level as it is easily outclassed by F76 in terms of being a failure.
It's the biggest thing that everyone instantly forgot about.

I'm sure valve get money from it.

Radical Sheights was pretty much dead on arrival

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As far as games go? It's pretty bad, but I feel like there are a lot of strong contenders. There were so many failed kickstarter projects this decade, for example.

Yes but hardly anyone even wanted artifact while FO76 was actually anticipated.

It'not even entertaining. With anthem and F76 you get embarassing dev responses and news every week of some game breaking bug that wipes your hard drive and calls a swat team to your house and you get a few laughs, Valve on the other hand is always completely faceless and silent, kinda pathetic.

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What about Cliffy's 30 dollar game no 60 bucks multiplayer only bullshit?

Who the hell makes a cardgame this late in to the fad? Hearthstone is pretty fucking dead too, nobody cares for that genre anymore.

Battlefield is the biggest failure
The thing about 76 being a disaster is that you could predict it, everyone knows Bethesda ships buggy messes and when you add online you get 76. Basically Bethesda, despite their success, was threading on thin ice to begin with meanwhile Dice and EA fuck something as mainstream and simple as battlefield (and Star Wars for that matter)

>check steam charts for fun
>five people playing last hour
What the fuck? For what?

>publish and develop dozens of quality games and series that all do well financially
>go out of business because of some shit gimmick hardware

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This decade has so many fucking terrible failures, it's hard to pick.

Everyone was expecting Artifact to be a failure too, did you forget the booing when Valve first announced the game?

Numales Buy was worse

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will it change it to f2p?
if not it cant stay dead

It wasn't a financial failure

Should have kept it on the Wii only without producing another 1.4 million units

They kept updating the game and added all the stuff they promised, it was just rushed as hell due to publisher pressure.

It probably will. They tested the waters to see if brain-deads will splurge a fuck ton of cash on it and now that it's dying they'll make it F2P and give it ''longevity'' improvements wherein it'll be less of a rip-off to play. Even ES Legends was better than this shit.

Playing right now.

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Did it kill the company like Blunderborne or Lawbreakers and Radical Heights? Did you see The Culling 2? How about The War Z? It fell on its ass but it's not even close to the worst of anything.

What is Dota auto chess
Inb4 it's not a card game because the monsters don't come from cards

Fun fact: it was quite a success on the Wii, it all went to shit when they decided it was a good idea to make PS3/XB360 version.

There was no market for it on those systems.

game made with 2 dollar budget biggest failure what are u sniffing? lawbreakers and battleborne are way biggest money sinkers one killed an entire studio and the other will make the devs dont go out of line with every new game from now on from them being a broderland the dude lost so much money with blunderborne i dont think they will risk to delve another genre again ever

>What is Dota auto chess
it's sure as hell not a card game, you dumb motherfucker.

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Post the edit

it's literally a deck-building game that just doesn't use the term "deck" or "cards" anywhere

It literally isn't.

There's so many. I've pretty much quit playing video games now because there's absolutely nothing good to play anymore.

this tbqh

Artifact kicks ass.

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Pretty accurate pic, sums up all these retarded threads.

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Why has steam stayed so quiet over its failure?

I meant valve*

Probably nothing to say. The game's fucked.

Fuck are they gonna say?
"Wow yeah we really fucked this one up, we should never be trusted to make games again, nothing we can really do will fix it lol"

I'm not sure it was a failure, financially speaking. It seems like a shitty low-budget game.

They stay quite about pretty much everything in general.

They are killing the project silently. They even fired Garfield who designed the game.

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>fired garfield
They got him in to help design the foundation of the game. I doubt they ever intended to keep him around.

They fucked up with paid mods and came out and apologized almost a day later

I'm a big card game fag and the whole artifact situation makes me sad. Like, most of the complaints seem to be because of either the game not aping hearthstone enough or not being half life 3.

As a game it's pretty good (I've seen way worse card games get a pass) and I'd hate to have to drop it because nobody else plays.

Did you even read the email? He said that he and his colleagues were laid off, not "we finished our contract and moved on".

I think the complaints were focused on the horrible monetization model

What else can they really do?

They're contractors, they can be laid off at any time.
Wizards didn't keep him around forever for MtG.

That's just much backlash it took for them to react and even then they tried to ignore it for multiple days.
Don't expect them to say anything unless their feet are being lit on fire.

Not communicating has always been their biggest flaw.

They both made a shit ton of money unlike artifact.

This isn't a "we can fix this and recoup our playerbase" kind of failure. This is "keep a skeleton crew working on it and wait a year before shutting the servers down for less bad PR" kind of failure.

Anthem, ME Andromeda and Battlefield V combined to wipe out 25% of EAs stock price permanently, billions of dollars in market cap lost

Take your pick. Anthem will probably be the costliest failure ever by a significant margin

I actually wouldn't be surprised if Artifact was more profitable than either of those games, since it probably cost nothing to make + Valve got a cut off of every card sold on the community market.

Both Anthem and F76 went on discount week 1, they obviously underperformed.

> "wipe out 25% of EAs stock price permanently"
kek, really? source?

don't forget Diablo mobile crashing activision's stock

Based obsessed shitposters keeping discussion of this game alive.

There's been so many complete failures it's hard to narrow it down to a single one.

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It will be a No Man's Sky deal where shitposters will keep people knowing about the game's evolution and find out it turned out alright after a while.

Mommy loves Artifact, so I do too.

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NMS didn't fail nearly as hard as Artifact

NMS was in fact far more hyped and the meltdown was far worse.
And it wasn't even something like "eh, it's not as good as expected", it was absolutely nothing like the E3 bullshots.

ff15 is

Lmao. Be honest, how much in total have you sunk into the game?

never heard of it

i dont remember how much its development cost. But it was hyped for sure.
Maybe Blunderborn was much bigger financial failure or something else.
Anthem had position in sales charts.

I don't get it bros. The gameplay is fun and better than many other more successful card games on the market. Is it the business model that scared people off? Or did people not like the 3 board setup? It's a little overwhelming at first.

2 (You)s so far.

Artifact had the biggest anti-hype I've ever seen in my life.

It wasnt even the biggest failure of year it came out.

It pretends to be a big brain deep strategic card game but it's the same RNG 50/50 bullshit that plagues every other CCG on the market.

new to valve?

Totally. A lot of people is working on right now as you can see in the official twitter.

It's a fucking card game that's cheap to make. They probably made break even from the retards who bought the game.

Valve is fucking terrible at communicating. No wonder why they are so out of touch with their community.

>the beggar
The first days full of "it's good because no third worlders" and "only to elite people" were hilarious. Also, good to show the lack of contact with reality.

despite their failure. both anthem and fallout 76 actually turned a profit.
artifact did not.

>artifact did not.

super autists can squeeze out some fun out of Failout and Gaythem. Artifact is as dead as ayy memes

>And people are still clinging onto "LONG HAUL" like daddy is going to come back home after he told his kids he was just going out for cigarettes.

And people wanted Half Life 3, when current Valve is incapable of making a game anymore.

I'm always shocked when i read that kind shit. Is like when you read people asking blizzard to de Warcraft 4 or they are "hyped" for Baldur's Gate 3.
>"Lets hire these guys"

They were cheap and probably desperate and Valve always use that kind of people (for free is possible). Unless you expect someone in Valve actually working.

What I find fascinating about Artifact is that it was a failure from the very beginning. Never before has a game so skillfully woven nonexistent and non-overlapping marketing demographics.

646 is actually a good number for a card game

This has to be the winner for biggest failure. Having your game bomb is one thing, taking down an entire publisher is quite another.


People hated the game months before it came out.

It sold over a million units of the base game, not counting card sales and steam market profit...

Hit the nail on the head, the game is just fucking bad.