Steady, girl. If we're called, we answer

>Steady, girl. If we're called, we answer.

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Other urls found in this thread:

None of the characters in this game deserved their fate

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You mean anything good happening to them ever because they're all SHIT?

hope they add new classes in the next game. they were all so unique



I kind of hoped it would be all new classes, but you want to keep the continuity.

me too except keep the bounty hunter

I need my Reynauld and Dismas.

Rate my endless run

Shieldbreakers are absolutely OP when properly buffed with +10 speed + 40 acc +30% crits

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Shieldbreaker is pretty much good everywhere even at Warrens

shieldbreaker is such a fun class to use. i cant play without them anymore


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>Gee user your mother let you have two Nightmares?

Please dont use word fun. Dont you remember what happened to all other characters which were fun to use in the past?

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mmm, yes, fuck the cauntess indeed

I would

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Me as Bounty Hunter grabbing grave robber's tit

See that hole in the front?
You can duck it.

who /graverobber/ here?

I was until I saw this sexy beast(?)

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Canon ending is occultist + dismas + reynauld + leper, with leper sacrificing himself
that's what I wanted to do anyway but I lost my save before I could

God I wanna fuck the Vestal also is she looking at the Miller and his wife?
Darkest Dungeon 2 shows the Leper lives. Rey and the Mad Arab are the ones that died

Holy shit finally

I swear the healslut has the weakest backstory. All other characters have a really really good reason to seek glory, glittening gold and baubles, redemption or ethernal slumber.

But heal slut? PTSD from seeing sex once and letting some fake religious idol to run out of wood?
>or is she canon with always having perk "love interest" and the only reason she joins the hamlet is to taste flesh every week for free?

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What's the occultist's reason? Seems like he just likes to fuck around with shit he shouldn't. And his life is literally ticking down with every mission judging by the candle.

She failed at her duties bro, she's now seen as a heathen forsaken by the Gods simply because she wanted it up her ass.

> Rey and the Mad Arab
these two will become the boss, I afraid

I don't get this one. What did he mean by this?

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Anime and waifu mods made this game far better

He made a deal with the Heart of Darkness so now he's stuck here.

You don't know what the punishment for letting the sacred flame go out is, do you?

Occultist a shit.

Attached: Occ_final_logo.jpg (1000x1768, 565K)

He has survivor's guilt, essentially. By all rights he should have died in that battle but all his youthful soldiers died while his crotchety ass lived to suffer.

He cut a man's head in half with a mace.

He literally seeks the ehternal truth, similiar to ancestor who fucked everything in the first place. He is driven by his own determination to meet the primordial evil.


Literally all she had to do is to let her superior fuck her in the ass and make that fire anew. Instead she is risking her life in some goda forgoten hamlet and taste flesh in whore house every week

So you don't know.

I don't understand the Flaggelant's.

Attached: FLG_final_logo-1.jpg (2048x3621, 1.08M)

He's a masochist


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he should have a massive boner when he gets busted in the face with the bottle

Some of them aren't origins so much as "shit they were doing before coming to the Hamlet"
He liked dressing up as a homeless man so people would beat the shit out of him

But why did the drunk who was beating him up have a religious experience in the middle of it? Is the Flaggelant psychic?

This is honestly the best one. Fucking KINO how the broken window is the stress icon.

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It's possible that "our flagellant" is the guy kneeling at the end and he was converted.

He's just shocked by Flag's constitution and enlightenment.

The fuck did he think would happen?

It was pretty underwhelming, but basically he was a bum begging in a bar. Rowdy guys instead started beating him. The flagellant only smiled more as they did, and eventually the man was defeated by seeing the pain he caused. Other people say that the point was that the man beating him grew skinny, and he was weakened the more he attacked flagellant. I take the former meaning, given the last frame where the violent guy is kneeling and humbled.

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He didn't know it was his own wife and son in the carriage.

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Reminder that the ancestor successfully fought off a pureblood vampire with a breadknife and nearly won (he should've just killed her instead of doing that repugnant shit with the wine).
There's a reason the man as so unhinged; he was almost unstoppable, except by a giant angry mob (and even then, he was a weakened old man).

He's protecting someone and trying to reach the flag for safety. Obviously he failed.

>The locket in game gives a 45% virtue boost
He did nothing wrong


>Kills vampiress
>Guys you know what would be fucking epic
>What if I made all my party guests drink her blood just to see what would happen

>"A reflex - I didn't mean to..."
Before I read the comic, I thought he prematurely ejaculated and resulted to the child

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They made me do It!

Why did she do it?

These seem like the weaker ones; they lack any symbolism like the stress symbol being hidden in the objects

She's trying to find a cure to the illness that killed the doctor.

I don't know he's so freaked out when he does this to literally every man he kills who is a potential husband and father, it's just much slower and shameful than a bullet.

Oh I thought she killed him just to cut him open

I keep getting fucking wrecked by the Miller, or when I kill him, I'm in no shape to keep going. I'm currently training two Abominations as frontline fighter to chain Rake alongside Vestal and Jester. Should I just go with two Shieldbreaker ? What build then ?

It's his family this time iirc.

He just reached his tipping point that's all. Actually having it in front of him and having to face it just pushed him over.

I interpret it as her just not caring about the professor and just using his body to continue her education.

Look at the vestal one again you blind dingus.

What a cop out

God, I wanna fuck grave robber

This but with Plague Doctor instead.

no it's not, that's stupid.

How do you mean? Killing your own family would feel 100x worse than killing strangers.

It is, you brainlet.

The Leper is the greatest.

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You want Plague Doctor to fuck Grave Robber?

I just got this on my switch and been really loving it, it's so exhilarating, and full of suspense. Managed to just barely kill that fucking witch who kept putting my guys in her pot. This got me thinking what are some other games that feature eldritch stuff besides bloodborne?

Yeah he'd totally carry a locket and have a picture of two strangers.

Mother was right. Candlemaking was danger enough.


Non-psychopatic criminals tend to have codes such as no children, no women, and elderly, to justify their actions.

Rain in the forest

>being this retarded
They're strangers. He just feels bad for murdering them.

Petals must fall.

Summer before the Fall.

S-Sauce pls

What's a good leper comp?

Inb4 quad leper.

Guess the devs really liked Kingdom of Heaven


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>Vestal got caught from masturbating.

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There is only war.

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So after killing them he searched around for their house, found a relative, and asked for a picture of both of them? He had a locket with a picture because they're his family, brainlet.

I do too even with the Muslim bias. The extended cut to be exact.

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>tfw i will never be this fucking stupid
thank god.

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More like lover n bastard son

See Basically farmstead doesn't allow any space for creativity. You need heal slut. No other way around it.

Then you need stress healer. Stress is something you can ignore whole game and be fine as long as you kill stress dealers first in 1st or 2nd round. But this isnt possible. I tried hound master as well, but he is shit stress healer. Jester has better +% stress skills trinkets. And he has OP buff which gives speed, accuracy and crits. Your main stress heals are paradoxically crits.

That leaves you with two spots for damage dealers. And That is either leper (which has best damage in the game) but he is awfully weak against bosses like canon, hag, crocodile, shrieker or any monster with PROT. Or shield breaker which is insane against anything.

Equip trinkets without +% stress and preferably with +CRIT stats. And you are all set.

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>Its his family
I am glad its not actually this cliche.

Does he not have the stress logo in any panel?

>Rey and the Mad Arab are the ones that died
Bzzt. He's on their twitter page header.

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Keep seething and ignoring the easily understood amount of evidence needed.

Re-read the post. It's impossible for it not to be his family.

It's not his family. You're an actual brainlet if you think it is.

Maybe he just got the locked from the woman's corpse ? I mean, it's not a reach to assume she'd have a picture of her and her son.

Why the fuck would they bring back Leper? His final line during the Heart is so fitting and also he's got an actual disease that'll kill him.

>Muslim bias
you know i wanted to make a short post just saying "faggoty reddit game" in this thread but decided not to do it and just kept the tab open to refresh later for the interesting lore comics, but then i saw your post >MUSLIM BIAS jesus fucking christ this is literally something a redditor would say.

so indeed
darkest dungeon, hollow knight and dead cells are faggoty redditor games. holy shit

I'm guessing all characters from 1 will eventually be in 2.

I mean, why not ? If they decided to just take the same characters as DD1 it seems arbitrary to just pick 2 and says they're the one that carked it.

Its his love you mongloids just read his quotes

Muslims raided the coasts of Europe for six hundred years prior to the crusades.

This man understands that adversity and existence are one and the same.

She let an eternal holy flame burn out because she was distracted by lust. Obviously that seems like a small deal but if you dedicate your life to a religious organization and you have literally one fucking job (don't let the eternal flame burn out), failing to do so because you were distracted is a pretty big thing.

The Vestal was charged with a sacred duty and she failed it because of her lust. It's subtle but it's a larger deal than getting kicked out of the convent because she was flicking her bean.

I thought plague doctor was a guy until i started reading about the game online.

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>Not Shadman.jpg

imagine being so utterly retarded that you actually think your dumb cliched headcanon is the only possible explanation and insulting everyone who calls you out for being a braindead turd.

im glad people can explain these comics for me because im a brainlet. thanks

POST THE WEBM! You know the one....

>the truth is LE MUSLIM BIAS
Okay reddit.

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I don't know if they only started adding the stress symbol after a certain point in the comics, or if they only uses it when the character is in a stressful situation, or both.

What kind of tantric bullshit was she pulling that the fire had time to become impossible to rekindle from the embers? Was she just spread on the ground, five orgasms in by the time she was discovered?

Read his quotes and use your double digit iq to think about it, you might get it eventually.

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Have you seen raging bull?

Fuck off back to your Smash Brothers thread, please. Adults are discussing videogames here.

Yeah you would think they always had like an extra 50 logs on the thing, she must have been masturbating for a solid 24 hours.

Thank you user, I am eternally grateful

The fight is about capturing the enemy position. The flag in the distance and his soldiers have their own flag.
In the end nobody but him is alive and the victory is hollow. His own flag is lost in the rubble and all he can do is tear down the enemies one.
You could say it's symbolic to war as a whole.

Man who knows what retarded rules that faith has. Kindling it from the embers might not be recognized as it being the same flame.

I'm just going to come out and say it.

It is not his family.

holy shit you're autistic.

Can you stop using buzzwords and actually talk like a human and not like a memespouting nigger?

Are these comics backstories or are they spoilers?

man goes mad from being too based

Leprosy doesn't kill you
It makes you not feel, so in turn you forget to tend to your injuries

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Backstories, all of them.

All the evidence points towards them being his lover/wife and child.

It’ll kill you, the infections you are basically guaranteed to have, treatment or not, are nasty. Not to mention Leper covers himself in viscera near daily from all manner of horrible shit.

just started playing the game a few days ago, how the FUCK do i beat the necromancer

>The wife and child of a highwayman travel around in carriages with servants at their beck and call.
Got it.

Kek are you implying the history of European nations (before and after the crusades) isn't also one of constant wars of aggression?

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Get some Holy bois Or girls if you have mods and push his shit in

Where would the dlc characters fit on here?

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Earthbound series, if you play for the eldritch themes, and not for the dark late medieval aesthetics.

It's THEIR locket you fucking moron

Leper kings are kino. The man who should be beautifully handsome and elegant, the richest and most prestigous suffering such a terribly disfiguring and disgusting disease. But the Leper-king showing their nobility was internal and not external by behaving so valiantly.

While I think the Crusades are unfairly demonized that image is always a crock of shit as it depicts the entirety of Islamic conquests to a very very VERY narrow period of Christendom. So narrow it St Louis' invasion of Egypt (1249), his invasion and death in Tunisia (1267), the Reconquista wars (which were far more than the crusades a truly defensive action to reclaim territory directly held by the direct ancestors of Christian Spanish something not true of the Levant/Egypt), the Christian wars of conquest during Constantine I against his rival Tetrarchs, ectera.

The Muslim conquest one is depicting from the 600s to the 1683/1529 at the earliest and it depicts every single little skirmish and raid and depicts wars against non-Christians, while being so obnoxiously selective in what it depicts for Christian conquests.

Mind you before you REEEE that Islam is a militant faith by design and is not as noble as Christianity in that regard, but insincerity and falsehood to facts greatly weakens and hinders your arguments as it opens yourself up for counterattacks of bullshittery

>We're all falling apart...

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>servants at their beck and call
>driver and guard are servants
If you call a cab or take the bus is the driver your servant?

>death of Mohammed
>632 A.D.
>Muslims have already fought in spain
When Mohammed died they hadn't even expanded out of Arabia yet.
And if you are gonna show all muslim conquest battles then wouldnt the correct comparison be all Christian conquest battles instead of specifically all Crusade battles? But it doesnt even show that. The bottom map doesnt include the Teutonic Crusades or any of the northern crusades nor the reconquista.

He should have had a virtue symbol here, unlike many other characters who get the stress symbol

Oof, yikes, she's straight? Isn't that a little bit cringey in the year 2019?

is my main man abomination not in the sequel?
make him dlc atleast

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Have you tryed a focues DPS for necro, a man in charge of spooky skelletons, a support and a ??? ?
It can work.

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I think it's both. If you look in the last panel it looks like her arm is inside her robe

Now you're just being silly.

You started it.

She only looks like that because Ancestor fucked her already, now shes in the mosquito state that feeds her children.

>a kleptomaniac is lawful
what did he mean by this?

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Leprosy does kill you if left untreated, but it will take years. Much like syphilis.

The Leper can't rest, there isn't enough blood in the mud.

being this assmad


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Syphilis? Damn near killed him!

>Nobody ever rode in carriages they didn't personally own, stagecoaches are a lie!
Nah u silly, user


Syphilis was the disease of the nobility back in the day, which is why it doesn't make sense theres so much of it in Warrens, should be a common disease in Courtyard instead. Unless Ancestor has been fucking his pigs.

I didn't mean to imply she wasn't masturbating, just that she was kicked out for letting the holy flame extinguish... which happened because she was masturbating.

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Because there's irony to be had in the character closest to death surviving.


>low shitpost
>get serious reply
Yes! I agree user!

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>it's real
Well I'll be.

>You're still wrong about the thing I actually posted about
How does it feel to be so silly, user?

>can't form his own thoughts so he depends in literally who e-celeb

How did Darkest Dungeon of all things end up being the greatest crossover of all time?

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They better not have readded grave robber in place of someone actually cool
Waifushitters need not reply

Do you have any idea how expensive riding a stagecoach was? Look it up.

This map is so obviously disingenuous it became a joke.

None of us ever do


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>literally the co-founder of Red Hook and creative director on Darkest Dungeon

Flagellant is Chaotic Holy, Shieldbreaker is Lawful Pagan.

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Well this is an interesting turn of events. Help a dude over here how to see the question the man is answering, i don't know how to twitter and looking to 1 june 2018 tweets of the asker isn't helping.

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yeah, I never interpreted it as his family
it's just sentimental value. he clearly has some serious guilt over murdering them as seen in the comic

>my man Occultist AND Leper survived
Good times

To be fair, I don't think he could be talking about anything else. I don't know how to use twitter either.

is this what a brainlet looks like?

Maybe now the Hellion won't be a coward.

he is referring to the crusaders family


>Everyone in year XXXX could afford to travel around in carriages, especially the wife and son of a carriage robber.
>In fact, robbing carriages is lucrative not because the wealthy travel in them, but because you can steal a few scraps of bread from the peasant in the plush interior.


Attached: Untitled.jpg (800x450, 44K)

>make money robbing coaches
>send money to wife
>hurrr how she has mony durr

not exactly a revelation. that symbol on the wall in the first panel has all the elements of the word THOT.

You don’t get that kind of wealthy from robbing.

Switch Crusader and Houndmaster, nudge Bounty Hunter and Grave Robber slightly more towards lawful.

Do you enjoy getting btfo on the internet?

>not holy
He’s a zealot.

Fucking GOAT quote right here. It says everything about who the Houndmaster is, and what his virtues are. Absolutely beautiful.

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>when he looks back on the family the background is back to the red of war


I think she goes both ways, considering the girl also gets some focus. Maybe a consequence of a lifetime of being taught that sex and intimacy is impure while at same time craving it.

Live by the sword, die by the sword. Crusader is smart for leaving his family out of his life, there's nothing good found on the battlefield for mothers and sons.

>tfw no one talks about the jester

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I saw some bug when I was shopping, shopkeeper's face glitched out for a moment.

post futas

That's just your imagination

>shopkeeper's face glitched out for a moment.
>He doesnt know

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Clownish murder twink.

Soon you will see the world for what it truly is.

>Send me to hell then! AAAKLYORAAAHHH!

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Leave my stabby boy alone. I dont know his backstory but without Jeffery I wouldnt have gotten as far as I did

It's literally drawn by Shindol. He did a bunch of them for darkest dungeon

Attached: shindol.jpg (725x618, 363K)

>heals hp by hugging doggo
>shields doggo when guarding
>selfish quote: "The hound comes first. Then me. Then you..."

Attached: good_doggo_waits_for_her_master.png (878x728, 267K)

Just keep digging.

After searching for a while i came to the conclusion that he deleted the tweet, but the search wasn't fruitless.

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Jester is the bane of all degeneracy.

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jester was too op
jester heals stress
crits heal stress
jester also buffs crits

Oh boy

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Blimey, this redistribution of wealth thing's trickier than I thought.

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Poor guy just couldnt take it anymore

And that's why he was great

FUCK Lovecraft ""creativity""

Shell-shocked survivor.

I fucking hate the cliche'd "HEHEHE YOU ENDED UP BEING MAD AND EVIL" ending they put with this eldritch-themed settings


You can basically sum him up with
>"Harder daddy!"

What fruit did it bear?

Just killed the Sleeper. Thanks man.

A fruit both wretched and malevolent in form

The thing is more terrible than I can describe - an incoherent jumble of organ, sinew and bone.

Somebody should edit it so the branches in the last panel form a stress symbol

so why was drinking the blood of the chick who tried to kill him the first thing he tried to do?

Occultist was also very fitting. I don't think the Heart would ever expect a lowly mortal doomed by its' devil deal to use the very power he received to ruin everything for it.

shota class when

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So, are guns useful in this setting or do they pale before the eldritch powers?

Point blank shot.

I miss my Irish wolfhound, shame they cost a about eight other dogs to buy, three other dogs to maintain, and are lucky to make it to 8-10 without their guts fucking exploding.

God damn it breeding

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Flagellant never fails to give me a hardy

I love the leper, he deserves better.

Also, lewds where?

This, a classic basic partnership that is functional in DD level is given to you right at the start with Dismas/Reynauld Highwayman/Crusader. You give dismas riposte and point blank, and personally I like to give Reynauld holy lance so he doesn't get truffle shuffled into uselessness too easily.

Combine with a DoTer and stress reducer and you will have minimal trouble in anything pre DD and a passable team in DD. Its not the best or my favourite, and it lacks the memery of THE WALL, but it works.

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Damn, my family owns two of them back in a day. Wht a good dogs there was.

Musketeer is cute! CUTE!

One of the bosses is a big cannon manned by bandits, and it's treated as a threat on equal ground with a forest hag turning everyone into fungal zombies, a necromancer raising everything he can see, and a giant pig-man wielding a weapon twice as long as a human.

>They turn around
>This is the first DD dungeon fight.

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Like grave robber, because she's nobility.

Fuck you. You made me hug my doggo since you reminded she's not immortal.

I wish I die first before my lovely Sky.

>intro starts with heroes and ancestor traversing through woods
>unskippable fml
>could be from dd1 no idea
>suddenly they get ambushed and the screen fades to black
>screen returns and now they are held captive in a cart traveling through a snowy region
>for the love of god just start already
>title screen appears
>wait a minute
>Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim 2D edition
>fucking todd howard
>he fucking did it again

Attached: dd2.jpg (2560x1440, 420K)

I require pictures
Pictures of Hellion

Give her a happy life and when she goes make it peaceful and easy, that's all you can do user.

Then again my family had a rolling stable of roughly 8 dogs, so the concept of losing them was pretty normal. I had to put down the wolfhound though personally, which still haunts the shit out of me even though it was completely the right and merciful decision.

Get mutt hybrids, they live for goddamn ever and are as tough as teak. Breeds are (with exceptions) almost always going to lose out to hybrid vitality.

I hope you need to enter that thing and fight an assortment of vital organs.

What gameplay differences would you like to see for DD2?

This one is my favorite, he's entirely voted to his cause, there's nothing else left for him in life other than battle.

overhaul curios, most are pretty lame

it is true the writing was on the wall

>intro starts with heroes and ancestor traversing through woods
Why would they travel with the ancestor again?

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I only adopt so I will almost always get mutts. My current is a Lab mutt from Tijuana.

She lived a rough life. Her ear is bit off and has alot of scars in her body. She's in good hands now.

Well brother, the internet is your friend. You are literally 2 clicks and some keystrokes away.

Fuck you post hellion

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Everyone has eyes
You can see all items and monsters in a dungeon before you traverse it
Phoenix mode: all your companions magically revive if they're KOed
Every class only has one move and one item slot
no class-specific artefacts
You can only get busts via crates mailed to you from the Ancestor's solicitor
The ending fixes the eldritch horror at the very base of creation through the power of friendship
Timed undercove antiquarian missions
only enemies are mercenaries
all maps are straight lines
Can camp at any time
torches removed, you only go out during the noon

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You're have a heart of gold, don't let them take it from you.


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I'm interested in seeing how they'll handle receiving new heroes and building upgrades since you're on a journey this time and not stationary. I assume the combat will be pretty much the same, maybe with a few more mechanics and an updated UI.

I'd also ditch straight positive/negative traits. Instead there'd be just traits that have both good and bad stuff, and have them be a lot more impactful on how you use a specific class. It'd be cool if they interacted with more mechanics and not just stats and the odd heal or stress +-.

Curios need an overhaul too


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this will surely invite a new audience!

Fuck you lazy leatherman!

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Bounty Hunter and Leper are based

I'm about to start the final dungeon, last boss of the game awaits ahead. Wish me luck, guys.

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Alright boys, make some OC

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I'm still conflicted though being anti petshop and all that. While pet shop doggos have higher chance of getting owners, those who don't get one get sent back to pupper mills which they're caged and used to breed puppers over and over. One might say that's a fate worse than getting put down.

I wish we just go back to solely breeder-customer business model

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Don't forget to party with everyone afterwards.

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Never played this, any protips?

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Have you ever made a graph before?

Now with 100% more background

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Plague Doctor is super cute

Sell me this game, fuckers. I dare you to convince me.

>still no holiday special episode

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Don't die.

Imagine the plague granade

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Antiquarian - the jew of the game. Not worth for anything but getting rich.
Arbalest - I dont use niggers
Abomination - cancer survivor with a good punch. I like.
Bounty hunter - the evil bastard that deals good damage. I believe hevis a butt buddy with the occultist
Crusader - deus vult. Also good in every party
Grave robber - does strange things to my peepee
Hellion - gonna mate press you. Also selfish bitch
Highway man - stop fucking missing your area shot you dick l
Houndmaster - doggo is good. Protect good doggo
Jester - autism the character with retard eage attack once per combat
Leper - guy I never use because he pusses me off with his accuracy
Man at arms - riposte me daddy!
Musketeer - little redneck girl with a gun and like one useful skill
Occultist - Allahu ackbar best healer/marker you get
Plague doctor - bird wit tits and nice status effects
Vestal - heal battery burka

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Who's the Emerald Herald-looking lady next to the Arbalest?

>best girl
>no cool
I see you like to lose a lot.

Musketeer, i think

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The Musketeer, a special Arbalest reskin.

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You can pirate it.

Devs are obviously your typical white male modern lefty but for me I want to separate art from the artist. Games being art is debate for another time

Imagine liking the Crusader, he's fucking shit outside the ruins.

Post more.


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but uhhm reddit says deus vult and I like HEMA aka sucking penis so crusader is epic

Pardon my reach.

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>haha Deus Vult am I right guys?

What does the eye mean?

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you sure do know a lot about what reddits says somehow

t. Skeletons

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The Sleeper stirs

Her insight got too high.

gun = penis
eye = uterus

In my playthroughs, he always goes back home because i never pick him

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Get the fuck out of here you fucking stupid retard fuck you and fucking die you dumb ugly stupid cunt i can literally smell your fucking fat rolls wafting off your post through my fucking screen you obnoxiously stupid no-taste fucking plebian fuck you retard

Look at the seething people who replied to you

>Crusader and Vestal under the mistletoe

>skelly posting

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Crusader and the houndmaster are the ones that kicked it...right?

never forget

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i love this format

Never took that pair into the dungeons after the first time with them. Not because I think they'd be bad or something, but I'd feel horrible if i lost them in there. Certainly feel bad for the rest of the mercenaries as well, but its just something about losing animals that really hurts. Unless its like cows or horses or something.

>thinking you can just rekindle the Eternal Flame from the embers
It doesn't work like that, you fucking slut. Once there's no more flames, the fire's out. No backsies. You've failed your sacred oath and need to journey to Hell and back to redeem yourself, except the douchebag who owns the gateway to Hell always lets the Elder God deep down there kill you, so you never get to come back.

>waha boobos

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I'm uk based, the petshop model doesn't really have the same power here. I have no issue with breeders since generally its a well and self-regulated profession, though its pretty fucked up that they result in things like pugs and toy dogs, its also the same game we've been playing since the first wolf came in to the cave, so what can you do.

I wasn't judging user, look after your pets, seems like you're more aware than most owners, that's about as good as you can do really. Don't sweat it.

Is that a fucking quadruple virtue?

I'm interested, could you tell me?

Some may fall, but not this group, NOT TODAY!

fucking idiot

Reminder that the girls in this game don't shave.


>waha boobos

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Probably quirks and a bit of trinket shuffling. Having only had two virtuous heroes ever, I'm impressed.

A lot of women don't.
Porn isn't real.

it's the naration of the letter the ancestor wrote you, dingus.

I think she was looking too hard and her concentration was SO intense that she literally got a look into the Heart of Darkness, which obviously caused her to freak the fuck out and fumble her shot.

It depends really
The crusader from my understanding couldn't control his blood lust after whatever war he participated on
The highwayman thinks killing an eldritch god will redeem him from killing his family
The plaguedoctor much like her peers is an uppity cunt and a smart ass that practiced her dissections on corpses and living people
The vestal was caught jerking it
The hellion got kicked out of her tribe, maybe because she was hogging all the men or because she killed her leader so i can't really tell
The occultist took his tentacle fetish too far
The flagellant took his bdsm fetish too far
The leper made the mistake of being a leper
The abomination made the mistake of being an abomination
The bounty hunter wanted money
The antiquarian REALLY wanted money
The grave robber is in it for the thrill
The musketeer wants revenge on the cosmic horror that made her loose that one competition
The arbalest is just trying to live another day
The hound master apparently got fucked over by his squad
The jester is doing it for funsies
The man at arms didn't die at the war so this is the next best thing
Some of them kind of deserve it, some don't it's up to people's opinions mostly


Get a room, you fags

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>Breeds are (with exceptions) almost always going to lose out to hybrid vitality.
There's a /pol/ statement to be made here.

>The vestal was caught jerking it
The actual issue was that she forgot to keep the sacred fire lit.

remind yourself that overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer

>The hellion got kicked out of her tribe, maybe because she was hogging all the men or because she killed her leader so i can't really tell
For being a coward.

No white man professor/librarian class in a lovecraftian game

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This one's mostly right, although the main part is that he also abandoned his family.
He doesn't think it will redeem him- none of the heroes know there's an eldritch god here. Like most other heroes, he just entered the hamlet looking for work or a quick death. The hamlet draws so many people in because it's an escape from their past failures.
>Plague Doctor
Again, missing the point- she poisoned her teacher (or didn't bother helping him) so she could further research the disease he had.
Also wrong. She wasn't JUST masturbating, she also let the sacred flame go out, and was cast out as a heretic.
I don't see how you got either of these. She broke down in the middle of a battle and watched her clanmates die while doing nothing.
Her comic specifically shows her saving someone from a sacrifice, but only to perform that sacrifice instead of the other guy for the rewards. She's looking for more power, not money specifically.

"Yaggath Sannog- sleeper in the dark, wake and rise"

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Again, they don't know that the Heart of Darkness exists. The Musketeer came to the Hamlet to escape her failure, although seeking the truth isn't out of the question entirely.

>They would arrive in teeming hordes, adorned in shitposts and pretension - seeking to slake their thirst on manufactured drama and indecency.
>As fetishism invariably took hold, innocuous edits would escalate to ever more disturbing diversions. Orchestrating the hideous affair were hunched-backed fiends who seemed to delight in manipulating the proportions of breasts - from budding to buxom to biblical. I could have stopped them, I suppose, but I was a slave to my own appetite, and restraint would have rendered me a hypocrite.

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>she poisoned her teacher (or didn't bother helping him) so she could further research the disease he had.
False. She's trying to CURE whatever disease her teacher has, studying ever-greater samples. In the end, she fails to cure it before he dies, and she ends up studying his corpse, which unhinges her to the point where she goes to find samples in the field, in the hopes of curing the horrible disease before it claims more lives.

most of these people are right actually
it's a potentially great mod ruined by the creator's dumb waifufag shit
it's no better than shindols mods or all those anime reskins

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Missed the mark on a couple.
Vestal let the sacred fire go out.
Hellion is a coward who let her comrades die.
None of them really deserve this particular fate, part of the game is coping with the tragedies that the ancestor set into motion, and we get to see that most people drawn to the hamlet have their own tragedies.
Not all, but most.

it's a mistake to apply to humans since we're not inbred show dogs

Shut the fuck up you giant fucking homo. Go make your own fucking mod.

The reason it isn't is because like OP says, dogs have been playing the eugenics game a lot longer and with various goals.

Some working dog breeds are extremely hardy, some toy dogs are a fucking joke. The reasoning behind that is complicated but to do i t no justice the working breeds have generally been done very slowly with a wide genebase and with a broad range of requirements, a good example of how not to do it was pugs: A breed quickly fucked with to pick out aesthetic traits like blue eyes and blonde hair at the cost of anything actually useful or healthy.

Then you've got SMASHED, which is when you make your mother your sister and your grandmother because you really want your dog to look like its been in the protein powder.

you can be a fag all you want, we both know im right you pathetic incel

What's a good party against the Drowned Crew?

What is even the plot of DD2?


Go up to kill Elder god instead of down.

It makes sense.

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From what I've read, what happened in the Hamlet wasn't confined to the Hamlet.

>Finally download the mod
>There's only one skin and no loli

>he actually believed the edits were real

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>Gnawing hunger sets in, turning the body against itself, weakening the mind…

>people talking about DD2 in this thread
haha good joke
>it's real
oh baby

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I never knew such a simple sentence could inspire such fear within me.

it's simple and effective, I like it

>all DD threads full of shitpost for 4 months

Fuck that jew Shwig

Let me search it, Im sure I got it in a pack of mods some anons made long time ago

What's good comp for courtyard? I tried it for the first time the alligator almost wiped my party out. Also I assume I need the Jester since stress management.

Why are crusader and Vestal only standing in the background?

Take note of the mistletoe

I liked that this game has such easy modding but it's a pity that my full R34 modded squad looks so odd because Spine is so hard to find.


He and leper are the only reason i could end the game
Fucking based characters

Not fucking going.

If you only bring two characters, he doesn't use the instakill
It's harder but fun to pull off

Pain ends suffering, basically the other guy is being converted to ease his own pains.

>Mod has eyes

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That's not fair at all, why's she the only one the Heart messed with?

one of the light changes, I think gleaming or splendorous increases virtue chance
just stack stress and wait for virtue
preferably stalwart
stress heal with jester if afflicted

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Such is life, user

I wish they patch virtue farming but he did it like this

>allow any hero to reach 100 stress for affliction checks
>if he gets afflicted use the jester or any other stress heal to calm his tits until he reach 0 again
>when you fully cure the stress of an afflicted hero, the affliction itself goes away
>stress him again until he gets another affiction check and rolls a virtue
>repeat over and over until your team got nothing but virtues

Takes a long time to do it but once you get it you are set and nothing will touch you

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Plus when they reach 160-180ish stress while virtuous they just reset to 0 without virtue saving you from heartattacks

>mindbreak your own team into doing better
kinda fucked up, but still funny

top tier

they're all over the comics
the muskeeter, shieldbreaker and PD also has the symbol
others dont though

Oh like you've never met a hot chick and instantly wanted to drink her blood.

You want heavy hitters which can hit rank 1 and 2 at once. So abomination and lepper comes to mind. Healslut because the boss battle is endurance fight.

>hurr durr le best girl xD
shut it ironic weeb


7th panel
the arc

eh, kind of a stretch

Should I play this even though I have spoiled myself?

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If you want a real reason, it's because he has a striking and memorable design. Bringing him back helps them market the cast of the sequel.

I need more obscenely large tits mods on par with dragons crown

some of the new ones don't have them either like flag, BH, occ
it shows up in HM but not above the HM himself

Yeah, the combat is pretty nice and the visual and sound design are meaty and satisfying. It also has those moments of extreme anxiety when you're fighting with heroes on death's door or the affliction sound plays, and the pure hype of getting a virtuous exactly when you needed it


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look at the flames she's supposed to watch it over not and keep the flames burning she fucked up.

>played DD for 40 hours
>haven't beaten it once yet

I'd be ashamed to buy DD2.

The Occultist hiding his face and framing his head behind the flame of the candle is pretty obvious symbolism.

I've got 72 hours on it and I still haven't set foot in the Darkest Dungeon.

>and are lucky to make it to 8-10 without their guts fucking exploding.

Ughh. I remember having to take care my friend's Great Dane and learning how to feed them to avoid this. I don't miss it.

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the professor was dying/dead to begin with instead of telling the staff or someone that someone died she instead dissected the professor up to found out the sickness inside the old man

It took you too long to reply user, I brought none of those ;_;

jester has a giant red black stress arc in his comic
this one is white black and no thorns

idk. i'd play it.

it's better than original game.

Who would you pick?

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>literally cannot speak without using buzzwords
Jesus christ. I feel bad for your parents. Hopefully you have siblings that they can look forward to.

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He found the locket as he looted the carriage, and he keeps it on his person out of guilt.

W-what's your team ?

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None, I dont play mods made by jews. Plus they are inbalanced as fuck

I've only ever had mutts, all three of the dogs I've lived with were pups of guard dogs around town that I was given. All had great health.
One was poisoned by nasty neighbors, I'm pretty sure. One died of "old age", just slowed down in the last year and died in its sleep, the other is alive.

That's why her fuckup is so grave. She was fantasizing for so goddamned long the fire went out completely.

Crusader, bounty hounter, occultist, grave robber.

where the FUCK is mah nigga bounty hunter

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i wouldnt mind playing them, but where do you even find these ones?

Name them, user

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Crusader is a god fearing, married man. He wouldn't.

shouldn't they be traveling with the heir not the ancestor?

"Lambs to the slaughter"

those are the fuckers of dungeon meshi

You're fucked, get out of here

The Wet Bandits

More than 10% of all players had a hero killed by Wilbur.
And consider that only 80% have completed even a single quest, so adjust the numbers.

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Huey, Dewey, Loui and Bob

Generic, boring, uninspired, and bland.

The Sticky Bandits

Can someone give me a tl;dr of what happens in the two DLC expansions?
As in, what occurs in them, lore wise?

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I'm still pissed off that the Jester didn't kill the tyrant through some overly elaborate plan to drop a spear through him as his act finished. Having him go on a shanking spree is fucking lame.

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Is there more like this


What if AIs see the world like this because they do have more insight due to heavy training ?

>Obliterate Masses

he failed to protec

Because the Drowned Crew heals about 30 HP every turn, and you're going to have an hard time killing the Anchorman.

Cook Crew!

calling it now

>you climb a randomly generated mountain
>the eternal fire was keeping the heart of darkness at bay
>it turns out that its the same race as the heart of darkness but is a different entity who is (just like the heart) using humans to feed on their souls and get stronger.
>the female priest could be the final boss or final mini sub boss

I mean, it's no weaker than Frollo's issues from Hunch Back of Notre Dame. It makes sense that it would take a real toll on someone to dedicate their life to a religious cause and to try and remain as disciplined as possible, only to be constantly reminded of their human weakness and impurity despite their best efforts. Doubly so if this mistake got her kicked out of her convent.

No, it's just fanart.
Artist is art_miguelito

The kid is still alive, that's the regret

Crimson Court is at the very start of the ancestor's history
he was having this big ass party for him and his homies, when this girl came to him to give him the good succ
Turns out she was a Vampire trying to hipnotise him
The he Murdered, and most possibly mated with the corpse before he realised, holy shit, her blood is like Wine, not like blood
so for shits and giggles he Dried her up and stored all her blood in bottles to serve them to his guests in another party
And everyone drank the night away
The wine made themm ll mad, except for the Ancestor, who got praised by RNGsus and got virtuous and saw how the world would end
And that's why he started digging beneath the mannor
that's pretty much it for Main plot

ancestor fucked a vampire countess, killed her and mixed her blood to the wine for shits and giggles creating a whole lot of noblemen vampires

ancestor fucking hated some miller for some reason and summoned a comet to destroy his place
comet came only after he died though and it has another immortal Heart-like creature in it

also adding that we are carrying a flame trying to take it. unlike the first we need to keep it lit because "eternal flame" not " no flame"

What if I stack Grave Robber's blight on the Crew while double stunning the Anchorman with Bounty Hunter and Crusader? Occultist heals and marks. Also they all have good moves in case they are dragged to first position.


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>CC: Orgies gone bad
>CoM: Oh, you thought you could escape the horrors of the heart of darkness by escaping earth? Well, guess again, fucker!

The same as the base story.

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Stunning the Anchorman does nothing, from what I recall, at least once he get you. I think it attacks right after being summoned.

I don't know if they patched it out but I once beat it by having BH crit punch the anchorman to the backrow
he couldn't use the hook there

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They patched it.

I mean stunning him before he gets to anchor someone. Actually, what if I stun him with Grave robber since she's the fastest by far?

shindol is unironically a fan of Darkest dungeon

>my boy MaA on that DD2 poster/image
I hope everyone makes it but fuck am i glad that he's in. I love that guy even though he's not what he used to be.

The Ancestor deserves a worse fate.

Well go ahead and see how that goes.

The fight's mostly endurance so you probably won't lose any character.

The alligator is the only boss in the game that was designed to be fucked up by move attacks specifically the Drowned Crew don't count, since the're clearly designed to be nearly immovable. If you can keep the alligator in spots 2 or 3, it'll waste a ton of turns trying to set up it's AoE nuke.

The Man-At-Arms used to do an amazing job keeping the Alligator locked in place, but after his target selection nerfs, you're best off with a Bounty Hunter.

The ancestor gets up to some shenanigans and you can pick up the bill. x2 ur welcom

The ancestor was in his teen phase and vampires are cool and ruins the Aristocrats joke by going way too far with special mosquito mesquite mojitos. The court becomes what would happen if the entirety of mexico was covered in two inches of stagnant water.
SCP-682's competent cousin lives like a fucking king off vampires and is probably the only creature that the Heart truly fears

The dumbest farmer imaginable goes to eldritch Dr Mengele and asks him if he can help his crop yield. The ancestor agrees by using black material to summon meteor and end the world (as far a a small farm near the hamlet goes) space alium time radiation spills out and FUCKS SHIT UP, creating a stable and ceaseless timeloop in which its inhabitants live in a hellscape of rapidly shifting realms and eternal slaughter. Thankfully everyone is jumped up on heisenberg's best shit that they can be looted for that sweet space meth. An entire cartel of mexican heroes agree to join your hamlet but only to keep the monopoly going.

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Reminder that the thing in the comet is another eternal eldritch shit that would also end the world once it awakens even if you find a way to kill the Heart

You can stun the crewman before he anchors a unit. I do that all the time.
Not a great party, but if you can get your crusader to consistantly lunge, or stack blight and keep the boss marked for your BH, you might make it if you're on the first fight.

absolutely based

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Stellar explenations, user! Had a hearty laughter at eldritch dr mengele.

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The ancestor was an even bigger cunt than previously anticipated.

What do you have against Mexico user

I wouldn't mind if these two were the ones who got consumed by the eldritch horror in the canon end and are the bosses you have to defeat in the sequel. Double tragedy points if you put Dismas in your party when fighting corrupted Reynald.

I think the map is just meant to illustrate that the Muslims weren't innocents who were purged by evil Christians. The Crusades in the near East seem to favour that view.

It's a timeline that ends in the 1920s, but the image is cropped.

>you might make it if you're on the first fight.
I'm on champion

I'm one room away from the boss and I just camped, there's no turning back now. Feel free to place your bets on how will this fight end.

>this is the tittle for the next Darkest dungeon game

I'm inserting subliminal messages to any potential reading devs so we can get a matador hero.

Also it was accidental, Mexico is full of fucking mosquitos and Breaking bad involved Mexico. I should probably have said "Average day in the congo" or something.

Irish Wolfhounds are basically the definition of a big scary dog that generally by nature is super nice. All the ones I've ever met were really sweet.

Here's how it's going to go
>You'll play for four rounds
>Your stress will skyrocket
>The boss will lose 10% HP
>Bounty Hunter misses an attack
>Drowned Crew heals to full health

2 deaths and you abandon like a bitch ass pussy

Fat ears, autist, middle aged scum, chef

>Reynald drops dismas' head
We really need to stop letting him do the crystal treatment DLC.

Templar looks pretty based ngl

Oh well if you're on champion then it depends on if you kept your shit upgraded. If you kept up with upgrades it's more or less the same at every level, but if you didn't I'd say you're in for a bit of trouble.

He has forgotten about them. Regret is sin.

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mine was a complete saint. Except with chickens, they definitely have a hunt instinct, to the point where we had to muzzle her while we worked out a solution and all she did was promptly fucking TRAIN another dog to go on a murder binge.

The houndsman picked the right dog too, if I had to pick a dog to run from OR fight the wolfhound would be fucking low on the list. It doesn't have a pitbull's rep because its too expensive for thugs and too competent in temperament, but its stupid fucking fast and I've seen her crack branches between her teeth the size of my fap arm.

But yeah lovely dog

you didn't get it
the war changed him, he cannot go back but he wants to

disgusting. Leper is fragile, only gentle handholding for him

The Duchess. A character built around the Crimson Curse would be pretty interesting.

It would be more painfully ironic if it ended up being the wife and child they Reynald abandoned to pursue war.

Plus he'd always want to be on top, jester is flexible in any position!

>Hollow Knight getting a Sequel
>DD2 announced, new god-tier shitposts
>DMC5 is good
Fuck me what a time to be alive
Now level with me Anons, I've only played Darkest Dungeon a bit on switch and fell out of it. Should I get it for PC and try my hand at getting back into it again?

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buy skill for crusader with stress heal and light renewal
get a bounty hunter

What's the Apostate even supposed to be?
Mushroom manlet?

Why would you care in a single player game? No seriously if someone wants to waste that much time who gives a shit, they aren't hurting anyone or getting a leg up against someone in a pvp sense.

He abandoned his family for a life of conquest and purging.

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Drowned Crew gave me the most trouble out of the champion bosses. The fight is set up to be such a slog that wears you down over time. The brigand cannon was also pretty tough. The rest are pretty trivial after learning the mechanics from the earlier versions in my experience.

>leaving violent animals alone with other animals resulting in a murder spree

What the fuck is wrong with rednecks?

>The Sorceress
>The Gourmand
>The Rogue
>The Chef

what a brainlet interpretation of his motives. Shame on you, user

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>Unless Ancestor has been fucking his pigs.
Given all the other degenerate stuff the Ancestor was up to, is it really that unlikely?

Good news for you then. She's the next one that's going to be released.
I want the bombard. We already have giant tiddies so it seems logical.

can someone explain the new dlc with that blue meter at the top? Last I played was the crimson court and it was meh.

>Plus he'd always want to be on top
a power bottom is a chad option, and leper is nothing if not a chad

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It's a new dungeon that it purely an endless run. You kill respawning enemies, each death filling the counter. About every 15-15 enemies you're put in a room where you can heal up, and sometimes camp. The reward for completing the blue meter are crystals, which can be used to buy special weapons or build stuff in the Hamlet.

Who cant hit shit unless you build a party exclusively around him. Fuck lepers.