Walk into GameStop

>Walk into GameStop
>Ask the employee for a NEW copy of Resident Evil 2
>I don't buy used shit because I'm not poor
>She hands me an open case and pulls the disk out of an orange sleeve
>"What is this? I wanted it new."
>That is new, it's the last new copy we have.
>It's not new, the factory seal has been broken, by all standards it is now pre-owned. I'd like a new copy.
>That is new.
>No it's not.
>Sir, do you want it or not.

>Do a 360 and leave


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There are a lot of bullshit things GameStop pulls, this is top of the fucking list. Fuck those niggers.

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>walk into a gamestop
>actually don't because they've closed it
even Auchan has better prices than kikestop, they're going broke

get it digital
always new

>Cant lend it to a friend
>Can't resell it
>Download times
Digital games are top cuckery, only buy digital if physical isn't an option.

Why do people even bother shopping at GameStop anymore? You could easily go to even a Walmart and avoid all of GameStop's bullshit.

Their fucking price stickers ruin the fucking covers

New copies will never be in orange sleeves, they'll be in white sleeves, and they're supposed to have all promotional codes/DLC in said sleeve so niggers dont yank them off the walls. The gut copy is the display copy you see on the wall, and is only sold once all other sealed copies are sold.

t. sga ask me anything

>Get home
>Game isn't in the case
>Get speeding ticket on the way back to the store
At least it was Pokemon so the pain would be eased

>Can't crack it
Down syndrome

I didn't realize this was a buy vs pirate discussion

Even if it's the display copy, it should be sold as pre-owned since it's not new. GameStop is shit and I can't wait until all of your doors fucking close.

If you wanted it new why not just buy it from Walmart or Target?

The only reason to go to gamestop is for used or old games.

Your story is shit.

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I honestly can't believe they got away with that shit for so long. How did they get away with it? I saw them doing that constantly as well.

Probably because GameStop has the word "game" in it, most gamers are easily marketed to. Look at all the shit hardware and peripherals that sell because they put "gamer" before it.
>Go to Walmart that's next to a gamestop for every midnight release for a game
>In and out in 10 minutes while there's a line that stretches two fucking blockes
>right next to the walmart where I buy the game from
Gamers are unironically top cuckolded.

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>it should be sold as pre-owned
Nobody's previously owned it and that fucks with the stock of actual pre-owned copies, and if you got a pre-owned discount for all display new copies in the store what's to stop someone who doesn't care about the factory seal from wanting to specifically buy the display new copy before all the sealed copies are sold just to get that discount on any new game he buys? Then the display for the wall is gone and other customers wont know if if the game is in stock anymore unless they ask for it.

GameStop is a Funko Pop store that also happens to sell a few videogames now

almost always shit selection and people

lol the console faggot says hes not poor, enjoy your 30 fps

Ah yes fellow gamer, please shop at GAMEstop to be a true GAMER

I have never experienced nothing like that, new is factory sealed always. Period.

>Walk into GameStop
>Ask for a new copy of KH3
>Gets a sealed copy that hasn't been opened
>Pay for it and leave

FUCKING..... So what GameStops do you go to where shit like this happens?

Can anyone give me a quick rundown on this bitch? Are those implant or she is really that huge and has macromastia? I've seen people saying that she already did 2 breast reductions.

Chances are OP is a fat fuck who didnt feel like walking a few feet more to get his games

It carries every aaa release. Literally.

The op was going for re2.... re2 you nigger. You will find it in every major store that carries games you cuck.

>Giving gamestop business in the age of ecommerce and digital downloads

Physical fags are the worst. Like nigga declutter your shitty ass bookcases and buy some giant SSDs and just pirate/download games on sale and spend the money saved on land/real estate instead of collectors editions lmao

>>Download times
have you not played a video game in the past 5 years
you have to download regardless

>t. sga ask me anything
What's it like being a scumbag?

>can't lend it to a friend
you have no friends
>can't resell it
dumb hoodrat
>download times
lol poorfag

W-What?! NOOOOOO To be a true GAMER you gotta shop at a GAMING place like GAMEstop. Walmart and target are for NORMIES
shop at GAMEstop friends.
>mfw most scooter americans think the walk to the back of a department store to the video game section stresses them out

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This is her before.

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>walk into gamestop
>ask for a new copy of Dragon Quest 11
>hands me an unsealed copy they used for display, assuring me that the disk is untouched
>buy it because im not an autist and i just want to play the game

>seasonal job at Gamestop
>notice six year old niglet shaking his right leg
>out falls a turd from the bottom of his pants right on the carpet
>have a laugh
>tell Manager and he asks me to pick it up
>pick up turd with like 19 paper towels
>it's rock hard
>walk it to the trash can
>at this point, I had a feeling take over out of nowhere
>tear off one paper towel with the turd concealed
>place it in pocket
>crumble up rest of towels and toss them in the can
>quickly walk back to the stockroom where it's private and jam turd in my mouth
>eat the turd
>chewing wasn't bad but I gagged a little swallowing
>next day
>come to work
>two coworkers giggling
>already nervous
>little fat pajeet coworker walks up smiling
>welcome to Shitstop
>they all bust out laughing
>manager calls me in
>he's sweating really bad
>look man, we caught you eating that poop on camera. I have to let you go
>never worked retail or ate shit again

>>Do a 360 and leave
Bitch, I bet you just said ok like a betafag, gave a shit eatting grin, grabbed your bag, and wished her a good day.

They dud that go me with Hitman 2016. The slipcover had a giant orange sale sticker on it and a barcade sticker with the word gutted written in pen. I took it to a different gamestop directly acrossed the street and exchanged it. They seemed confused why the guy would even sell that to me.

Had a laugh.

>Go to gamestop
>buy a pro controller
>"would you like the guarantee?"
>"nah im fine, thanks"
>"yeah but if it breaks then you can't replace it"
>"Well if it's going to break, then I don't want it."
>"no it's not going to just die, it's incase."
>"Then why do I need the guarantee?"
>"incase it breaks."
>"Thennn I don't want the controller? Isn't the thing already guaranteed by Nintendo?"
>"Yeah but then you have to mail it in and wait instead of just coming here."
>"Yeah but I still have to come here and argue the validity of the damage with who ever is at the cash"
>cashier stops
>rings it up with no guarantee.

>Sir, do you want it or not

>Buy game, can't remember if used
>Guy tries to sell me insurance for like $2 or so
>I refuse, just want to buy the game and leave
>B-but it's just $2!
Are they really this desperate?

It's not new if it isn't sealed.

>Cant lend it to a friend
I don't have poor friends, they can buy it on their own.
>Can't resell it
And get what? 5 dollars back on it?
>Download time
Everything has download time now

Too fucking bad. Put up a locked glass case like every other store, fucking retard.

>At least it was Pokemon so the pain would be eased
>Being an autistic manchild, and buying a kid's game at the store

>Can't resell it
>And get what? 5 dollars back on it?
its more like i rent new game for 5 dollars if i sell quick enough

Just say "no." with some bass in your voice like a man instead of being a bitch.

Sworn Gamestop Associate?

When any place asks me "but it's just x amount of money".
My response is always "yeah, why are you begging me for it?"

What if, and just follow me here, you exchange the display case for a new, sealed copy, then have one of your employees get off of their asses and put the display case back on the shelf instead of asking me for the thousandth time if I want to buy a fucking Funko figure? Bizarre, I know. Shame they don't teach you these secret techniques, but I'm sure you'll pick them up before your company goes under.

>can't lend it to a friend
child accounts/nonprimary accounts on PS4 in particular, I'm sure xbone has something similar.
>can't resell it
you can resell your account at any point, but this is a valid point.
>download times
pretty much irrelevant considering you have to install the game from disc anyway and disc read times take just as long as any moderately speedy download except in rare cases.

>go to gamestop
>ask for a copy of samus returns
>they doesn't have it
>walk my happy ass over to wal-mart
>haven't bought a game from them in years
>find the game
>pull the case to open it
>it's locked
>find an employee
>"hey can you unlock this"
>she says yeah and then walks in the opposite direction
>wait by the games for 5 minutes
>some fat neckbeard comes up
>"which one?"
>point at the case "it's in this case"
>he says "no which game"
>he opens the case
>reach for the game
>"Sorry sir, I have to grab it"
>he grabs it
>hold my hand out for him to give it to me
>he walks over to the counter since apparently you have to pay right the and there
>I still had other things to buy
Fuck Wal-Mart.

Did your parent know you'd turn out to be a nigger?

No, user, you have to install. Big difference from disc, except for all the Day 1 patches.

Unless your intent is to resell it, who gives a shit?

@453842074 (No (You) for You)
Who are you bragging to?

Maybe your dumbass should have gotten the game last, since you could have paid for everything else there too.

>walk into gamestop
>get game
fuck digital

Oh, look, it's another one.
You ain't gotta lie, bitch nigga.

Buy the game last you stupid nigger. You can pay for everything at the electronics desk.

Can't believe this has to be explained. How long have you been shopping as an adult?


cant wait for gamestop to go under. fuck their corporate policies and fuck their employees for acting holier than thou and uppity when you dont buy protection plans or rewards cards

Yes, they are. They literally get fired if they don’t sell insurance and pro memberships

I haven't bought a game at wal-mart in over 10 years and rarely shop there as is. I wasn't aware you had to pay for the fucking thing as soon as it exited the case. Fucking video games are in a locked case under high security but I can walk over to the sports ailse and run out the door with a box of shotgun shells no problem. Shit doesn't make any sense.

At least your friend didn't get called your girlfriend by the fucking cashier. That shit was embarrassing for him and me. I think the cashier was trying to make fun of my friend.

Electronics are the most constantly stolen items. That's why even the loose ones have all kinds of security shit on them. You could have also just asked the guy to hold it while you did the rest of your shopping. It's a policy that does actually make perfect sense.

This is confusing on purpose

The paying for it right then and there part doesn't actually bother me that much. But having to wait for the guy to grab it lead me to the check out counter like a 5th grader on a field trip is annoying. He's standing right there just let me grab it myself.

Have you ever worked or even shopped anywhere ever? Every store like this has some promotion or credit card, or whatever else they have to attempt to sell you. And many of them have plants that will walk in just to see if an employee's actually doing it. If not, you can be fired. It's fucked up, but it's very common.

Just because my friend is androgynous doesn't mean he's a girl or my "girlfriend". This shit needs to stop.

Typically conservatives don't steal. Conservatives are more likely to buy bullets.

Liberals tend to steal, liberals tend to be no life gamers.

Also niggers used to steal the games to resell for crack.

You serious. There's people that pretend to shop?

>be GameStop
>losing money to digital marketplace
>how do I fix this.png
>oh, I know
>be absolute cancer
>make the experience of using the store worse
>ask 50 fucking questions
>nickel and dime my customers
>make every transaction take too long
Their management is the stupidest fuckers

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And then you take off on a sprint and steal it. That's why they don't let you touch it until you've already paid. And if you think there aren't people who would do this, you're naive. Also why does this even matter to you?

Oh ok I'm sorry.

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Yes, for the bigger corporations, anyway. I know for a fact GameStop does it because it happened to a friend of mine. He did everything right, though.

>Friend always goes to gamemania or nedgame
>65,- full price + tip videogames
>Always wants to go in for some fucking reason when we walk by
>Tfw always order games online or go to intertoys or bart smit (kid toy stores)
>Usually heavy discounted games for 50,- without discounts


I've honestly had more bad experiences in retro/independently owned game stores.

>buy a copy of THPS for n64 because why the fuck not
>doesn't work
>take it back
>offer store credit only
>not counting the tax they charged me

>family falls on rough times
>live in the middle of fuck all at the time
>only one store nearby that will take retro games/consoles
>take in N64 and about 10 classic titles (easily over $400 of games)
>offers me $70
>have no choice but to take it

>purchase PS2
>awesome cashier talks games and shit
>get home and the controller included doesn't work
>take just the controller back
>new cashier looks like she belongs behind the register in spencers or hottopic
>argues with me for about 10 minutes as to why it's their problem and i didn't bring everything back in
>i brought a receipt from just a couple hour ago, shouldn't matter
>seriously don't expect special treatment, just want a replacement controller
>huffs and walks into the back
>couple minutes later plops a 3rd party controller on the counter
>walk over and take a first party controller from their floor shelf and leave with both

Yeah, like the people are so great at Gamestop. Go fuck yourself.

how old are you, genuinely

Hey retard, a simple "no thanks" also works.

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>Recently acquired an Xbone for free
>Wander into Gamestop, start to dig through the $20 game bin
>Find a copy of the Witcher 3
>Bring it to the front
>They take the game out of the drawer
>Employee looks at the back of the game for a little too long, gives it a wipe down
>Asks if I want to buy disk insurance
>Ask him instead if I can see the disk
>The back of it has a water-like stain in the back that won't come off with rubbing
>Ask if they test the games before they sell them
>Ask if I get my money back if I get the disk insurance and it doesn't work
>Nope, just store credit
>Say I've changed my mind, the cashier won't even look me in the eye and mumbles good bye as I leave


>Want to buy a copy of Senran Kagura
>Girl is working counter
>Oh no
>Attempt to play it off as a mistake by speaking french and pretending I know no English
>She still laughs at me
>fucking GAMESTOP

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To be completely fair what kind of nigger walks into a store with just a receipt and expects a replacement?
>I swear it's broken
>I didn't bring it though
>gimme a new one

My dude, secret shoppers have been a thing for ages. They go in and pretend to be customers to make sure employees are doing their jobs properly. Most retail places I know have them.

I brought the controller in, I was in the store less than 2 hours before.

The controller was somehow missing a pin within the connector, something that I pointed out to the cashier.

I mean if you'd rather the next time I both to greentext anything I can go into needlessly long detail.

>reading comprehension
He took the controller too and only asked for the controller.


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I traded in my PS4 at FUCKING gamestop for 200 dollars, as much as they were selling on at Black Friday (have a PS4 pro now). Bought a hundred dollar psn card and got the kingdom hearts collection, bought prey as well, and going to get DMC 5 soon. Can’t complain.

>offers me $70
>have no choice but to take it

You could have sold it on ebay you cuck. Or hell, try personal ads in your local newspaper.

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What's it feel like being a fuckin nigger

As much as I would have preferred that, or just plain keeping my fucking favorite system and games, I needed the money then and there.

Believe me, I'm not that retarded. At the time FB and other marketplaces such as letgo weren't really a thing yet.

>Buy 4 original Xbone models at yard sales over the course of a year or two for $50-100
>Trade them in at GameStop during promo periods where i could get $150 for them
>Buy a PS4 and some games

why are the japanese so horrifically bad at english? i never understood that, do their teachers also speak this badly, thus they never had a chance to properly learn it?

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This happens only for new releases that are around a month or two old. Everything else they’ll claim to sell for “new” when it’s not sealed and they have the boxes open with the discs stashed in the back.

Literally this. If you don't come off like a bitch people simply won't try to play you like a bitch.
"Nah, not this time, thanks though"
"You sure?"
"Yep. I'll pay with credit" (so you can just tap, turn 360 degrees and never enter another gamestop again. If you must buy local either support some other corporation that isn't just a total meme faggot or support your Local Game Store)
It's really that simple. You don't have to get all flustered and pissed off and argue, even if they keep asking. If you just be a confident and respectable adult about it they will look and feel fucking retarded if they keep pushing.

the structure of the languages are entirely different

So everything you buy should be in a locked case so it doesn't fuck bookstock? Enjoy buying fruit and veg you can't inspect. Retard.

yeah but still, if you'd listen to voice samples wouldn't you realize how wrong you are pronouncing every single word?

Holy shit, was really laughing hard right there.

Just say it's meant as a gift so they won't argue. They usually call another store and ask if they have a sealed copy.

the languages are so different that there are literally basic sounds Japanese have trouble making

nah if you mean patches then most games work without those unless it's a real piece of shit. but if is then you shouldnt buy it in the first place
my ps4 has been offline for couple of years.

guess seeing as i am german i had a way easier time learning the language than i realised

Nigger 10 years ago was only 2008. Were you a fucking infant last time "you" "bought" a game at walmart?
Fuck man even if you were a child, toy stores did this shit with video games too.
It is literally the most basic of shopping norms, or at least it in north america. I can't speak for other countries.

>Tfw work in retail
>Sales person

>All I do is walk around and stick shit but rarely talk and help customers


I have no REAL friends you degenerate.

I think it's just an Asian thing. My last girl was a Hmong girl born born in America, however no one close to her talked to her in English until she was like 5. Even though she went through school completely in the Pennsylvanian school system (which is admittedly horrible) with native English speakers, she had a thick accent and terrible spelling and grammar. Sometimes it was cute, other times it was annoying. She was sweet, though, so it made up for it.

How did he know it was a fake customer though

Just say no you absolute cuck.

>go to Gamestop
>realize where I am
>do a 360 and walk out backwards

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That image is creepy

They told him, which I think they aren't supposed to do, but they said good job or whatever. Also when I was 16 working my first job at a gas station, I got caught up by selling cigarettes to a 17 year old a week away from turning 18. It was a similar thing. He must have been an intern or something, but the guy intentionally looked late twenties and was dressed like a business man. Especially to 16 year old me. A little different because that was more like a government operation rather than my own company, but still, shit like this goes on.

How fucked is gamestop? Are they gonna be or already the next blockbuster?

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Never preorder ever, wait for prices to get cheaper, don't buy from shitshop. Fuck em'

>Live in a smaller town
>Core GameStop crew is actually really based
>Linger there a bit too long because I'm an autist with no friends
>They offer me a job
>Have a great time
>Throughout the year hit every goal corporate puts in front of us
>Store gets glowing reviews
>And lots of loyal customers
>Yea Forums must have made up FUCKING GAMESTOP
>Move away to a bigger city
>Corporate has their hand much deeper in the store ass here
>Store is populated by tards, the only people who can be convinced to work for the minimum here
>Shoppers go there for lack of options
>Witness FUCKING GAMESTOP shit regularly
>Store is struggling
>Corporate is struggling
>Get a better job
Feel bad for my old town homies, being brought down for shit that's really not their fault

That's scary.

You're a fucking retard.

Salvageable if there were the right people at the helm willing to roll up sleeves, but since execs are just looking at shortsighted shit and quick bonuses, it's super fucked.

And how long til a buyer rolls around to buy? Retard.

Honestly it's just entry level learners who are still reading things transliterated into their syllabary. Once they learn to read in other languages, not just speak, they're typically fine. That's why it's more pronounced in languages like Japanese with a smaller syllabary than say Korea who's system allows for more sounds.

An N64 and 10 classic titles isn't "easily over $400 of games" you stupid fucking retarded bastard. Fuck gamestop, but you are straight up delusional if you think that shit was worth that much.

Has anyone ever who bought the "insurance" ever used it? I'd bet they try their best to not let you get a replacement

Yeah. He also came in with a woman that was at least 40 (who was the actual officer). It was a total setup. Both myself and the station got $250 fines, but of course my manager made me pay both, so that was nearly a month of what little I was making and how few hours I had at the time. I'm 33 and still mad about that shit.

>I'm not poor
>Can't resell it
>Download times
>not poor

Nowadays it probably is if its all first party mario, zelda type of shit. The only thing is he doesn't say if it's worth $400 now or back than, likely now though which surprisingly isn't far off

>do a 360 and leave


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>used or old games
No I walk a block down to the local game store which has both better deals, and a selection from Atari to modern day. I have no idea how that gamestop is still open. Also how embarassing for gamestop that if I want something related to games I have to go anywhere but there.

im not clicking that ip logger cunt fuck off

>What if, and just follow me here, you exchange the display case for a new, sealed copy, then have one of your employees get off of their asses and put the display case back on the shelf

That's exactly what happens until there's only one available copy left. I'm sorry it happens every time when you come in to buy your Senran Kagura but unfortunately the store doesn't stock enough sad weeb games that only sell 3-4 copies, since almost none of you bother to preorder niche titles and come in expecting them to be stocked anytime.

I forget the actual price but the N64 cost at least $250 and many of the games were $70-$80. If anything he's lowballing it. Not to mention inflation and what that would be worth now. Even at 50% (which I know these places don't do) it's probably over $400 in ACTUAL worth, not whatever bullshit rates Gamestop wants.

>go to Gamestop
>buy a PS4 VR kit
>am a retard and I don't realize that it doesn't come with a PS4
>go to Target and buy a PS4
>open up everything and try out VR kit
>I don't like it
>go back to Gamestop and return VR kit
>say I thought it came with a PS4
>they try to accept the return, system won't them because I opened literally everything in it
>they still let me return it and just mark it as pre-owned even though I owned it for about 3 hours
>I accidentally kept the glass cleaning cloth
I'm dumb and fucked Gamestop out of about $200
BASED Gamestop

Stop walking around with your hands in his pockets, or on his ass, then, christ. I'm surprised they could even hold a conversation with you while you had your tongue down his throat. Plus you refused to make eye contact because you were too busy watching him suck you off while you were getting rung up at the register.

They are all poor or children. They can't afford a new game without trading in a bunch of their old games.

>how nu r u
>How new are you?
You have to go back. Why are you even here?

Weirdly, GAME stopped doing this God knows when. I remember all the way up until 2013 they'd have the exact same practice of opening boxes and putting discs in draws. I went in recently to grab Ace Combat and the box was sealed with the disc still inside. Either it was a fluke or they realised opening the game means it's no longer new.

nice try with your ip logger. Fuck you im exposing you trying to hack me on reddit.

>Yea Forums doesn't know about KPIs, weekly targets etc. that pretty much force staff to sell utter garbage to customers
They don't do it intentionally, they do it because they want to not be jobless.


>go to gamestop
>buy game
>”Do you want the warranty?”
>No thanks
>”Do you want to pre-order any other games?”
>Nah I’m good
Really not that hard.

How do we fix nu-Yea Forums?

go back

Unless you get one line I had.
“I went ahead and signed you up for our pro plan and added on the warranty for your game”
And like I’m gonna tell him to waste 5 minutes of my life undoing it.


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>Go to Gamestop
>Ask for my preordered Kingdom Hearts 3
>KH3 came out the previous day
>Still had my copy
>Used a 10 dollar credit from my PRO rewards
>Take game as they explain to some guy they were sold out
>Get a free KH3 wall scroll as well


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I had to deal with people like this so much in the past. Thinking retro meant they had gold when I was just going to toss most of it in a sales bin or put it on the floor, nowhere near the actually valuable stuff in the case. I mean, it was over a decade ago so things are definitely crazier now.

If you live in areas with a lot of blacks or mexicans they steal shit like crazy. Because of that Gamestop opens almost all their game copies and just have the box on display on the shelves so that when it gets stolen only the box is gone.

Jesus Christ. The fact that people care about this shit is stupid

>“I went ahead and signed you up for our pro plan and added on the warranty for your game”
Why wouldn't you complain about that? Hell, if one of those requires a signature, he's broken the law and can quite easily lose his job.

Why have the actual game cases on the wall at all? Why not just print off the fucking sleeve and shove it into literally anything but the actual game case? Then you don't have to open any of the new copies at all.

you guys really don't need to fucking do this practice, you really absolutely do not need to gut a new copy and put it on the fucking shelf, nobody wants that copy and for you to sell it as new is the scummiest thing ever

just keep all the new copies behind the fucking counter and advertise with a sign or something

That is something he definitely could have gotten fired over. In retail, adding shit onto a customer's bill without their consent breaks so many company rules and actual laws that you could have absolutely gotten him fired if he didn't refund you asap.

Because it’s a waste of time and energy complaining about it

>to sell it as new is the scummiest thing ever

Get off this board, get off the internet, get some fucking perspective. Holy shit.

>Enter a gamestop
>Walk up to the self of PS4 games and begin to browse for anything that might catch my interest
>Sudden notice the sound of heavy breathing creeping up behind me.
>Try to ignore it, but realize that the person had come to a stop directly behind me and was practically breathing down my neck
>Turn around and see an enormous tub of lard with long greasy hair and a face covered with acne.
>Awkwardly step to the side as I assume he wanted to look at some of the game on the wall in front of me.
>He steps forward and wipes his nose with his arm
>"I wISh TheY mAde Mair-e-oh gaMeS for The PLayStaTIon"
>I slowly begin to walk away, as he smells like taco bell and sour milk.
>A couple of minutes later, as i'm by the nintendo shelf I hear the breathing return.
>"I LikE SAniC gamEs..."
>I feel so uncomfortable that I decide to leave the store.
>As I'm walking away from the store I start to hear a strange chanting behind me.
>"Soooonic....sooooonic....SOOOOOONIIC CC!!"
>Turn around in terror see the obese nintendy hunched over and facing towards me with his blubbery arms extended out behind his back.
>He begins to charge at me at super sonic speed as I run away in horror.

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I wanted Katamari and Gamestop had the only physical copies due to exclusivity and they pulled on me what they did to OP

I agreed to it because I they told me nobody in a 20 mile radius had new copies left but when I took it home and opened it there was FUCKING FOOD SPECKS + STAINS INSIDE THE SLIPCASE

called them back and they refused to answer the phone

called a different Gamestop and confirmed the first one lied to me about nobody having new copies, got there as fast as possible gave them the fucked up one and they gave me a brand new one still in case

if Gamestop wasn't already going out of business I'd burn every fucking one of them to the ground

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It's the reason Phones4U went under in the UK. They were renowned for telling customers that insurance was mandatory.

>No spine at all
A dude conned you right in your face and you couldn't even be fucked telling him to not do that? Bruh, that's more messed up than him stealing your money.

You're poor in IQ and money OP, don't fool yourself thinking you're smart and rich because you will never be.

>come in expecting them to be stocked anytime
That's a normal expectation for a specialty retailer. It's not my fault your corporate overlords decided to dedicate 80% of your storage space to the more profitable business of selling outdated used games. If you don't have a current market title on hand to sell to anyone who comes in looking for it, then your entire company serves no purpose and deserves to go the way of Blockbuster Video.

user, what he did was literally illegal. That is not something that should just let slide.

>retard taking hyperbole at face value

I think you're the one in need of perspective, brainlet

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>go to GameStop
>Looking to buy Samus returns
>doesn't EVEN have a 3ds section
>all fucking gone
>gf and I decide to look through the switch section for a game we can both play
>The store owner walks over with all these fucking papers
>talks about all the games I can pre-order through there store and shit and she finally leaves
>just go up to the counter and get a PRO controller
>ask me the usual hey get the GameStop pro. Get this blah blah blah
>No. No. No. No.
>Says yo you should pre order that fire emblem
>Fucking annoyed at this point and just say sell me the god damn controller
>Leave and will never go back

Why do autistic people always mistreat retail/food service employees? Jesus Christ, victim olympics much? They're just doing the job they're paid to do, dumbass.

If I take a bottle of whisky and break the seal and not drink it, is it still new? Fuck you.

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I know this is fake because no person goes out of their way to argue with employees. just say no I dont want that and leave.

Should've asked for a manager or went up the chain. As a guy that unfortunately managed a small game store I would be on your side if an employee pulled this. They are most likely fucking other things up and making work, business and the overall shopping experience worse for everyone either due to incompetence or apathy.

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well seeing how a lot are turning into gamer hot topics they might do fine for a while selling pop figures and other junk

I've heard this routine before

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I haven't shopped at gamestop in years. At first it was how pushy they are with their membership, pro membership, insurance, etc. then it was just cause I built a PC and had no reason to go.

It's the same reason I hate shopping at malls. I might be autistic or something because if I go into any store and the staff immediately starts asking me 20 questions and then when I check out it's another round of 20 questions, I REALLY don't want to shop there. I know they're forced to do it and it's not their fault though. And apparently a lot of older people like to be greeted and talked to when they enter stores. Not me.

also have you looked at gamestops pro membership? it's fucking shit. You need to buy like $700 worth of games to get enough money for a $15 off coupon.

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autistic retard btfo

>Can't lend it to a friend
You can. Steam has let you share your library with others without giving them access to your account for years. They're just allowed download it also. The only restriction is that you can't both be playing it at the same time. Which would be the case with sharing games nayway.
>Can't resell it
>Download times
Console niggers literally have to buy the game physically and put up with 90GB downloads anyway. Not an argument.

Alright if it ever happens again I’ll make sure to report it. I honestly wasn’t sure if he did anything wrong and I honestly just wanted to grab my stuff and go.

>Walk into Gamestop
>Buy games
>Never get asked about warranties or pre-orders
>Store still doing well
>Has been in the same location in the mall since I was in middle school
>Yea Forums babies probably stutter at the counter and get duped into warranties and pre-orders they don't want
>My face when

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>FF8 will never be given a proper port or remake

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I hate that Square Enix hates FF8. It's better than FF7 and I'll go to my grave saying that.

Why are Americans so bad at Japanese. Do their teachers speak it wrong
Oh user

>since almost none of you bother to pre-order nice titles
>preordered Danganronpa: Absolute
>release day
>employee tells me that only two people bothered to pre-order it and one was an employee

>cute tranny at my gamestop
>try to be nice, talkative each time I go
>constantly passive agressive

Comon, just because your unzipped your cock doesnt mean you need to act like a cunt

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I understand, man. I've been there where I just want to get the fuck home and didn't care. As I said due to prior experience I am baffled hearing shit like this. Either they aren't properly trained or they just don't care. By speaking to someone higher up you're not being a dick, you're saving the rest of the people in the store from cleaning up messes that aren't their own.

It didn't in that story though, retard.

Why are Americans so horrifically bad at French, Spanish, whatever else they learn in school?

You expect a mentally stunted person to behave normally?

>doesn't EVEN have a 3ds section
A lot of stores are scaling back their 3DS sections given how its basically dead at this point and will probably be discontinued late this year or early next year since it only has one more notable game coming out for it. My local Best Buy basically relegated it to a tiny section at the tail end of their Nintendo area, and they only offer copies of 11 or so games.

Cute, do you guys practice kissing on eachother

>Giving items you own to people you know
>Not keeping games you finish as a collection
>Has better stuff to do than download games

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Y ikes

>Can't resell it
I've been playing for free for years. I buy the cheapest second hand copy I can get, play it, resell it and profit.

You could just get it on PC like any self respecting adult and NOT go to Shitstop.

A mentally unstable person and a Yea Forumsirgin. Both will never see a real vagina.

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I don't expect anything from Yea Forums.

>go to GameStop
>Buy battletoads

I guess you're from a country where you're not forced to study a second language that you as a teen think you'll never need for anything. Here in Finland every kid goes through 6 years of compulsory Swedish education, and in most parts of the country nobody knows how to speak Swedish much at all. It's because few took it seriously, for the most of us it was a burden, and you'll only run into Swedish-speaking folks in the coastal regions (and most of them also know Finnish anyway). Even if you pick something up in class, you'll likely never have enough exposure out in the wild to actually hone that skill.

That's pretty much the same with English in Japan. The average Japanese has very limited exposure to it and not much need for it in everyday life.

This, I got my copy of RE2 for 14 bucks on release.



I've heard these kind of stories over and over yet out of the many times ive been to the store to buy new games, this has never happened to me.

>Steam has let you share your library with others without giving them access to your account for years

since fucking when?

tried to trade in my xbox one
they told me i needed a controller
i didn't have one so they said i could buy a used one and trade that in with the console
i knew that i was going to get ripped off so i asked how much i would get minus the cost of the used controller
mans looked me in my eye and said $20

At least 4 years

just put a little alcohol on the sticker

Absolutely. My Elite Pro just ran out and they no longer offer it. I don’t think I spent anything on games with that damn program except for the two day-one releases I was gifted (GoW and RDR2). Bought Automata for $22 and sold it for $14. $8 for a current AAA game that’s $39.99 at Best Buy right now.

>Do a 360 and leave


My mom did, but not my dad.

Alcohol never fully works for me. I have to remove all paper, put goo-gone, let it sit, scrape with an old gift card or wedge, then clean it thoroughly in and out with isopropyl alcohol. That gets every trace off of the outer plastic.

Doesnt it have something to do with the rights to a song in it or something?

Coming up on 5 even, Im finding how-to articles for the feature from May 2014

Thanks. I'm from a third world shithole and know advanced (lol) English as a second language. I wonder when English is going to lose its place as "international language". Hopefully not in my lifetime. I'm currently trying to learn Japanese and even enrolled in formal education this Summer. Let's see how that goes.

>can buy from EBGamesStop
>or use an online retailer that's cheaper even including delivery and usually arrives before release date
How much money can they really be making off Funko Pops?

I hate that too.
When I buy a game I always check this

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Based and redpilled

>go to gamestop
>yeah sorry we don't have it
>we'll get a new shipment next month
>walk across the street to walmart
>its on display
>buy it and go home

Former GSfag here. The people who would refuse the last copy were basically turbo nerds with lisps 95% of the time, so like OP basically. Normies didnt give a fuck.

Its not the employees fault. Corporate does not send display copies, they just tell you to gut a sealed one

>food analogy

So you weren't going to open it yourself 30 minutes later?

Based and redpilled

It's important to check that to make sure you're getting what you're paying for.

Anyone who doesn't get the PC version is a fool. Not only for the plethora of mods, but the cheaper price, better performance and better + more customizable graphics

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That's why I buy in Gamers and Gameplanet, Walmart and Sambors. Fuck Liverpool and Sears.

Vegetable oil is a gentler alternative to goo gone. It softens the adhesive enough to wipe off, and easily cleans up with alcohol.

You're too young to be on Yea Forums, kid.

Like 95% of gamestop employees

This I don't know why niggers don't get it.

imagine the smell

Why the fuck wouldn't you have a controller and why would you expect someone to genuinely want to buy a video game console that they'll never sell from you without a controller?

It was easier to say 10 classic titles instead of going into their individual value and names.

But yes, at the time while including the console and controllers, all of the items I took into that store would easily sell between $400-$500.

I was hoping for between $100-$200 when I walked in, I wouldn't have felt THAT bad considering I understand they have to operate as a business and make profit off of me.

Sell it on eBay or some shit if you want to get what it's actually worth then, dipshit.

A game becomes immediately used as soon as the label is broken. Gamestop acts like a game is new despite this. They're the only company I've ever heard of doing anything like that, and I don't understand how they get away with it.

>All these butthurt digitalbabby replies
The absolute state of Yea Forums

ITT faggots who don't understand business or supply and demand

He did say no. Gamestop has a policy of hiring autists with little people skills as salesmen, so you always have an awkward conversation because you don't want to buy their stupid shit, and they have no way to back down from a sale because they're autistic.

>Hey this is locked in a case, can you give it to me and trust I won't steal it, defeating the purpose of locking it up?

Lmao you're an idiot.

If the used copy is in good condition I usually buy it just because I like supporting Gamestop. Plus I save a few dollars

Honestly I only buy digital if the game has a steep discount compared to the physical version.

At least 50%. Considering the amount of money the companies that produce these games are saving its only fair.

I honestly don't know if this is just bait anymore. Is the Yea Forums really this poor at reading comprehension?

I needed the money THEN and THERE for PRIVATE FAMILY ISSUES. I didn't have the time to wait between 1-3 weeks for ebay and other nonsense.

Anyway, the point of the post was that they paid me a near ridiculous low amount for what I brought in. Not that I didn't have other options in the long run given that it was a different scenario.


I don't think every IP in here is a GS cuck.
Although you could be.

>glass case or open copy displayed

Or I can go to best buy and handle sealed copies on the shelf. Then grab my ganes and get 20% off on top of 10 bucks back for preorders.

>Not that I didn't have other options
So you made a dumb decision and it's their fault. Got it.

Wow, it's like you had a normal cashier there and not one of the autists that people always complain about. I've had normal experiences, and I've had horrible experiences at gamestop. Some people there are just fine, but I'd say a good 30% of the time I have to deal with some retard that will go on for 5 minutes about how I need to buy their shit.

I bought a PSP one time, said I just want the PSP and one used game. The guy asked if I wanted the edge card, I said no I'm not interested, and he went on like a 2 minute spiel about how I needed it, and I said I wasn't interested. Then he got super pissed at me like I was doing something wrong by not buying his jew card. It was fucking dumb.

Everyone knows you get fucked at gamestop. You got fucked out of pure desperation though. I'm not a crackhead so i dunno if ill ever have to run to gamestop to sell my shit for nothing.

>Gamestop opens a game and sells it as new
>Buy game from gamestop
>Can't get a full refund because I opened the game and is now a used copy, even if I never played it

Really makes you think

Either the greatest bait or biggest retard I've seen in awhile. Either way, good job fag.

Well another time I passed on buying a Bandai Stadium Events cart, so I do make them from time to time.

It was related to a need for legal medication, but the rule still applies.

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Shut the fuck up, I live in bumfuck Ohio and my Walmart carries all AAA releases and even lesser known Weeb games.

I haven't bought a game from one of these game shops since 2005. What compels people to keep going into them rather than buying online?

>Supporting gamestop

Why? They publish a magazine to sell games, and they're a gaming retailer. They don't do anything other than supply games. They make most of their money off used copies, and almost none of that money goes to the developers of the games you're playing.

To a developer, if you buy used copies from gamestop you're essentially just pirating the game, so you might as well do that for free.

Leave midna out of this.

My Gamestop doesn't do this shit. They literally keep the new games in the backroom (used are in the orange sleeves).

You literally pull an empty case off the shelf, take it to the counter. They ask if you want a new or used copy of the game. If you want a new game, they go in the back and you get a factory sealed game. If you want used, they pull the orange sleeve from the drawer behind the counter and you get the case it came in off the shelf.

What are you even trying to meme?

Businesses like that tend to have upselling that shit watched heavily. They can get a bonus if they get X amount of additional sales, people signed up, preorders, etc but can also get in trouble if they don't meet a mininum.
This isn't unique to gamestop, nor are those types of people.

Dude, people steal electronics from Walmart LITERALLY ALL THE TIME. I'm talking huge ass TVs as well, if someone is bold enough to run off with a huge as fuck HDTV, they sure as shit bold enough to steal an easily concealable video game.

The store I used to go to would give me a discount of 10% if the copy was the one off the shelf.

Covered the taxes so I didn't mind.

I have no problems with any other chain. Even local stores don't give me pressure like that. I used to shop at a small comic book shop that the owner ran and maintain, and he wasn't even pushy with sales, he was just a normal dude.

I'm not saying all gamestop or gamestop employees are like this, most are fine, but I've experienced poor customer service and pushy sales people there more than anywhere else.

I'll never leave Midna.

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Do they only do that for disc games? I went to Gamestop first time in probably 6 or 7 years to buy a Switch game and it was sealed. They also didn't harass me to buy their dumb fuck membership or preorder anything, which was nice. The only thing that annoyed me was that the used games have one price in fuckhuge font, making you think that's the price, when in reality that's the price if you pay for their membership thing and the real price for the used game is only $5 cheaper than new.

iirc, steamshare doesnt let you even play other games if someone is running one of yours.


Membership is technically free, but you don't gey any discounts unless you pay for Gold-level membership.

That maybe, and the fact they don't have the source code for it.

Literally the only time I'm 'harassed' is when I get the on-duty manager as a cashier.

Usually asks the standard warranty, magazine subscription, and pro-member crap.

Really it's not bad, just a Yea Forums meme. Might be worse is larger cities and certain stores. But my local gamestops are pretty OK with not dogging me.

Le powerup rewards

>walk into gamestop
>every woman wants my dick

the end

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Yeah, I just don't want to pay an extra $15 on a membership that doesn't really help me much.

What is it, 20,000 points just for a $5 discount coupon?

My walmart is a giant pile of dicks and I know everyone at my gamestop fairly well.

>not just saying no
>that need of proving yourself to others

GameStop is shit. The reason why they do this is they take one copy as a display box. They then put the disc in a sleeve. However, this the copy employees borrow until sold or used comes in.

I forgot about the warranty. I thought he was fucking joking when he asked about a warranty on a video game. I've been playing video games for over 25 years I honestly can't ever remember a game magically breaking. I've loaned games out to retarded fucks who scratched or broke a disc, but that wouldn't be covered.

>Not just downloading
>Not just buying the game from Best Buy or even fucking Target instead

>He says no
>Sales person pushes back
>He pushes back

I see zero problems with that conversation

>>Cant lend it to a friend
You absolutely can with Steam now. Family sharing.
>>Can't resell it
Not an issue. I don't buy things I don't plan on keeping forever. You probably shouldn't waste your money on shit that you don't plan on keeping.
>>Download times
All console games have that now too. And it's less than the time it takes you to actually go to the store and back.

A couple trannies worked at my favorite sandwich shop and they were fucking cool as hell.

i'm a manager at a large pub chain in the UK, we have 4-5 mystery shoppers come in a month to make sure we are/aren't:
>keeping tables clean/clear
>hitting company food target of under 10 minutes per order from till to table
>toilets clean
>not misselling products as others
>fast/friendly service
>checking back on every table that orders food while they are eating meals to make sure its all nice
>correct ice/fruit/glassware on each drink
if we hit all the points we need to on all the calls we get a big fat bonus, decreasing with each fuck up. including profit bonus/stock bonus/shopper bonus my pub manager got a £6000 bonus last christmas

Are you sure you're not in one of the areas that mentioned because I've never run into this gutted copy meme, it's always been factory sealed whether it was a pre-order or a half decade old release

>360 degrees
you'd still be facing the same direction

>do a 360
So yo walked right into the counter?

Holy fuck I know the dudes in this pic. They're really nice dudes.

I hope Gamestop never goes out of business. I won't be able to get free currencies, legally, from them if they do.

Now this is OP trying to revive his shit thread.

>walk into GameStop 2 weeks ago
>2 employees just bullshitting and no customers in the store
>know exactly what I want, tell them I was a Switch with BoTW and the cheapest way to buy it
>say they have no used copies of BoTW or used Switches
>totally lying but whatever
>seem annoyed when they start pitching protection plans and I just tell them I want just that, I drove here just for that
>easiest sale of their lives
>get annoyed looks
>go back to just standing there while I leave

I wasn't even rude, I just wanted to buy something and knew what I wanted and they acted like I was interrupting their conversation

>Dummy boxes
>Lock pegs
>Those little cards Toys R' Us used to use that have the added benefit of saving space.
>Offering the gutted boxes at a 20% Discount.
>Glass lock cases to display those last copies in. Get off your lazy ass.
>Not working for Gamestop, a company that is probably going to die within the next four years. Get out while you can.

There are options besides gutting new games and selling them as new.

>walk into Gamestop
>ask if I can use the toilet
>ask again and explain that I really need to go
>''You must buy a game first, sir.''
>tells that I don't want games, just use the fucking toilet
>''I'm sorry sir but I'm calling the cops''
>I unzip my pants and take a huge shit right there in front of the bullet-proof counter window and run away
fucking gamestop

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I actually agree with you, the only reason I switched from console to PC is because I like mouse and keyboard controls and pirating games is super easy now days.(which mitigates the financial loss from not being able to resell my games)

Why aren't you browsing jewvc like all the french faggots?

everytime I see this webm I wonder if I would ever be able to just drop my pants and shit in public like that, must be real desperate for a shit or real fucked up

>want a new game I don't plan on selling
>buy digital
>want a multiplat on PC
>buy digital
>want a physical collector's edition
>buy physical from walmart or target
>want a game that i intend to lend to someone right after i beat it
>buy physical from walmart or target

No reason to buy games from gamestop anymore in 2019.

My city used to have two Auchan stores but they closed 16 years ago when they left the country.

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why do they do this scummy shit. this happened to me with dark souls 3, i didn't want to look like a sperg cause i'm sure they deal with it all day but holy fuck i'll just go to target or best buy instead.

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They're made to. I can't get mad at them because it's just the racket they're paid to run.
I have to believe a few of them are bros who would probably hook you up if they could,though some of them are snivelling authoritarian types who love playing by the rules set to burn people.
They need to push preowned, they nerd to blur the lines between pre owned and new, they need to push warrantee, they need to add on disc repair if you don't specifically ask to not have it, because the company knows their audience--by virtue of having come into a game store instead of having ordered online--is looking for immediate convenience and won't make a fuss.
Can I get you to pre order today? Please user, I need to sign up 15 pre orders a day or I'll get written up on my next review. I just wanted to work with games.

>go to gamestop to get game that's only 2 weeks old
>no sign of it at all, but plenty of shitty merch
>go home and order it off amazon instead

fucking gamestop

No physical, no buy. I almost exclusively pirate because PC is digital only, the only games I buy are the rare DRM free physical release that PC gets
Paying for a download cannot be justified

>which I think they aren't supposed to do
Every store has different policies. THe most common way is getting a report from corporate after the fact. Like Secret Shopper comes in Monday, Store Manager gets an email on Tuesday that says "Hey, a secret shopper was here yesterday. Here's your results." And then for the shopper to be effective, they'd obviously have to relay that information to the team.

Nintendo games hold their original value for quite some time and many first party games don't drop that much.
It sucks that Valve is the only company that has allowed this. I share a library with my best friend and it's fantastic, it's also the only DRM distribution platform that I buy games on.

piratefags do realize you can’t lend one physical copy to an infinite number of strangers simultaneously, right?

It sucks that Valve still exists. Valve has done more damage to gaming than any other company. I tried to get people to boycott Valve into bankruptcy after they launched Steam and released HL2 but no one listened.

I stopped shopping there due to the same conversation over a decade ago buying a copy of Gitaroo Man. I just buy stuff at Best Buy instead.

Valve is fine, man.

All I see is a chadette treating the wageslave like the piece of shit he is.
>clean it up wagie

>buy games
You aren't buying games when you give money to Valve, giving them a glorified donation for a download is not buying a game. You can't actually buy games for PC anymore because of Valve.

>that huge spike around 2007-2008
GameStop thrives on cancer

No they aren't, console immigrant

And that's why I advocate for buying physical when it's available. I'm not going to cuck myself out of some great PC games because of muh principuls

>Console immigrant
How is that a bad thing? Are you jealous that you can't buy physical anymore or something?

it's called drugs user.

You haven’t met my aunt, or any soccer moms have you?


In find it! i found the newfag

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>walk into GameStop
>ask for a new copy of residents evil 2 remake
>employee says "you want it used"?
>I say NO
>"you sure? if you don't like it you can return it within 7 days for any reason at all for a full cash or credit refund no questions asked"
>wait so you tell me I can return this 7 days from now and get all my money back?
>wtf why did I not know this
>buy resident evil 2 remake used
>beat it and play the extras in 4 days
>return it, get my money back, ask for store credit
I've been doing this for weeks now. it's LITERALLY an all you can play buffet (within 7 days). so far I've played the Spiderman game, GoW, dark souls remasterer, bloodborne and the surge and return them before the 7 days are up. holy shit you guys are fucking absolute morons for not doing this

I used to do that a while back but now with work and uni I don't have the time to beat some of these games in under 7 days