How do you manage your anger when playing online?
How do you manage your anger when playing online?
>"I don't have a paypal account to give you money sorry phil"
>"well get one, it's 2019"
>"dumb fornite players"
I guess he still thinks it's cool to shit on fortnite for some reason
If anyone wants to see how much of an utter asshole he is watch this, he goes on about bashing a game music composer and telling people to get paypal accounts to give him money.
Based Phil making his faggot fan earn their keep.
by fapping to pandalee
Faggot? That's how an alpha male makes retards who normally donate to twitch thots, donate to him instead. It's a skill you can only dream you had.
i play with my butthole and remind myself i have borderline personality disorder
dsp and oj simpson
2 innocents getting dragged through the mud
how can one man hate videogames so much
wasnt there some dude that was trying to monopolize and monetize trolling dsp?
Don't forget to give based Phil your allowance, anons. The least we can do is scrub our money together so this near 40 year old man can heat his house!
Half-hourly reminder.
WOW. His fans are truly retarded.
Someone wanna add to my based chart?
You mean """people""" like this are retarded? Surely you jest, user.
was that his teammate?
Because he is trying to milk the last vestiges of his E-fame before he dies off completely and moves onto something else.
The alternative is he really is retarded enough to think he can recover after all the shit he's pulled.
I'd like to think it's the former, because I find it hard to believe anyone is that stupid.
>le angry video games man
this shtick was tired after the first time
He literally hates his audience and video games at this point. He can hide it with fake enthusiasm and reading Twitch chat to get through every game, but there's a reason he goes on a tirade and begs for half an hour before and after every stream. Phil is a legitimate narcissist and will fish for pity and attention.
Also, his taxes are due soon and even if he pays them off, his mutliple credit cards he's had maxed out since his days of EVO tourneys are going to start doubling his minimum monthly payment.
less footfaggotry and more lips
i see pics of kitties and bunnies
You guys are the new minecraft tiered lolcows, that's why.
I wish I could meet him up and punch him for being a retard.
*deletes your message*
By giting gud
Man, he still manually updates tips and subs doesn't he? Why he won't take the time to learn one of the many programs that does it for free is beyond me, but I guess I don't know much about running a great business.
Phil getting his truck stuck on a pole in the new san andreas playthrough, and then driving over his mission partner while stationary
>those DSL's were bobbing up and down on DSP's cock
Fucking gross.
He does. I think it's because he's stubborn and too proud to take advices.
they were on Tyrone's cock even when she was still with DSP
Proof? Is there a sex tape?
Didn't it take him like 4 years to go from recording his tv with a camera to capture?
reminder that those who obsess over phil are 10 times worse than he is. go back to your 40000 page thread you fucking faggots
Oh yes, he pointed a shitty camcorder at his TV for years after capture cards were the norm. Part he couldn't figure out how a capture card worked, part he had some weird hubris about "you should watch my videos and feel like you're sitting on the couch next to me!" hangup.
Oh, and after this, he temporarily gave up Twitch because he couldn't stream at 10,000 bitrate and bitched about the quality.
>if you say anything bad about phil you obsess over him and lead the SoK
It's a black and white world, huh user?
I resubbed, those new releases are $60!
Based positive contributor.
Now THIS user gets it!
Not him but there's a video, I think it was when he was playing Nier Automata where she comes into the room and says "I'm going to meet *unintelligible*". Phil says "But you'll be back in time to make dinner?", she says yes and then he immediately puts his headphones back on and ignores her. That's the closest I think there is to a possibility of Tyrone existing
Maybe not a Tyrone but this will always make me laugh. Just straight up BLASTING Phil from when they lived in the same house.
So no then.
>proud of getting Phil's sloppy seconds
>leasing a beemer for $500 a month to drive it 6k miles in five years
Can't believe he's struggling with money.
That's because he's not, the fans who believe the ruse cruise are going to regret donating to him insanely hard in 5-10 years
>OJ Simpson parallel situation
He got gifted so much subs from someone who didn't even talk he had the most tier 3 subs on twitch for a month totally to around 12k dollars and said it was "A good start towards my taxes."
Speaking of regret, a good pal Austmink, the dude that gave him $500, suddenly felt as if maybe, just maybe, giving him money in the first place was a bad idea.
He then went to give money to titty streamers instead. Like a normal human being.
>That's because he's not
No, user, he really is. He doesn't make shit from YouTube anymore (pic related) and his subs and donations from Twitch are nowhere near enough to carry his massive burdens from two shitty overpriced condos, multiple maxed out credit cards, dumb shit like leasing BMWs, and keeping tax lawyers from across the country on retainer.
I agree it makes sense he's lying to his fans to get more money because that's a very Phil thing to do, but he has literally never made the right financial decision as an adult.
If $12k is only a good start to your debt, what does that tell you, user?
That Phil's fucked and has to panhandle 6 times a week because the reasons said.
That the "debt" is part of his business, and it will never fade out, as long as he breathes, because retards will always try to feel good about themselves, by supporting the underdog.
i don't i wake my baby up all the time due to me raging at vidya games, i'm so ashamed when i hear her crying knowing that i caused it.
This sucks ass, dude.
I don't think he was saying fortnight is cool, but that no one cares about it anymore.
dsp kinda looks like a fat dutch
>How do you manage your anger when playing online?
By not playing online multiplayer games. They fucking suck, especially because most people there play like brainless zombies.
Based,multiplayerfags all end up like DSP
The unboxing video is his magnum opus.