What went so right?

what went so right?

Attached: Katawa-Shoujo-cover-picture-e1546087931239.jpg (1000x600, 122K)

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Sodomizing the chick with no legs.

Mixing wish fulfillment with saviour complex

i.e. we just fucking ripped off YmK but ramped up the latter

gross, they are cripples!

Rin best girl

Probably the worst coded VN of all time
>spend significant amount of time with girl you want
>end up getting some other random, usually the buttslut

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For me it's Lilly

Attached: lilly.png (356x545, 313K)

They didn't have to care, but they did.

Fuck hearing this makes me want to play it again, at least best girl Emi's route at least, and maybe Hanako.

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>it's been seven years
>you're still here

Attached: Rin.jpg (3507x2480, 3.6M)