How do we deal with gaming addiction, Yea Forums?

how do we deal with gaming addiction, Yea Forums?

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I don't have a gaming addiction

Me top right

>THIS is who tells you to go back to /pol/


state of the left

Why are commies so disgusting?

Anybody into politics is ugly. That's how they got into it in the first place.


Attached: 3.png (830x671, 510K)


no, it's true
everyone from /pol/ and tumblr is ugly. this is why they're angry

>turned gay for a quivering pink orb

holy shit is that a neanderthal in the top middle panel?

I would fuck her

Attached: Ocasio-Cortez1.jpg (1280x720, 190K)

What about that one russian qt

your aoc threads failed now your yang gang spam will also fail

weak! death penalty!

Don't stick your dick in crazy

This is the ugliest assortment of carbon waste I've ever witnessed

Is this a roll thread?

oh really?

Attached: anti pol brigade.jpg (1436x714, 581K)

ricky gervais in the middle.
what crime did this people commit by the way?

why are white people so ugly, bros?


Top middle is a person that resides in /pol/.

Is that one guy related to Ron Perlman?

Attached: iLEBFGD.png (451x604, 534K)

I imagine these faces every time I hear "incel" "manbaby" "racist" "nazi"

Attached: 1542045495537.png (500x347, 215K)

violent protesting in the name of antifa in portland, oregon

Attached: file.png (1065x800, 764K)

they look like before and after versions of each other

leftism: not even once

Attached: file.png (1200x671, 1.4M)

alt cucks look like this + 100 pounds

based and hucow pilled

>tfw no genocide apologist gf