Why are they allowed to censor games? Why is ok when they do it?

Why are they allowed to censor games? Why is ok when they do it?

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what games

Yea Forums has defended nintendo censoring games for years
but now it's suddenly bad for some reason


This is Yea ForumstendoGaf. Everything is okay when Nintendo does it. It's only bad when Sony does it.

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As someone who has defended Nintendo for censoring I now defend Sony for doing the same thing. The reason I support this censorship is because it's only censoring shit incels care about and I hate incels and enjoy watching them seethe over the removal of trivial fapbait bullshit that no one else cares about.

Why is it okay when Valve does it?

Smash isn't even Xenoblade and people were mad, how new are you?

But keep defending Sony

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So why didn't they censor this?

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No, no, you're mistaken, it's only okay when Nintendo does it.

>Everything is okay when Nintendo does it.
>It's only bad when Sony does it.
Did you forget all the bs Nintendo got with e.g: FE's and Smash's censorship, the bs Steam's getting for censoring Anime games.
Hell, even Microsoft has censored games not just Sony, Nintendo and Steam.
ALL of these companies have censored games, censorship is retarded.
Kys, you pathetic faggot.

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Another day. Another Yea ForumstendoGaf thread dedicated to Sony.

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they're """winning"""


why did you use the sony logo for your thread about valve?

>Censoring a character from a T-rated game to be appropriate in an E10+-rated game.

valve doesn't censore they erase the game completely

This has never been more true, how pathetic are sonyfags?



Fucking kek, it's actually true.

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>it's literally ok when Nintendo does it
Holy shit.
Check any other board aside of Yea Forums when comparing competition is allowed but when you show how shitty Nintendo is Nincels already crying and say it's not allowed.

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I don't think you really understand what that word means
people who are mainly into 2d girls are not "incels", the whole point of the term is to refer to people who are into 3d girls, going after them but just can't get them

just use virgin if you are desperate for an insult

Look at these rabid
animals. This is what microsoft fanboys are like, malicious and stupid,
constantly wrong and flinging feces. The most common trait of microsoft
fanboys is how they're constantly wrong, either because they're lying or
stupid, or both.

Oh look, an thread swarmed with hateful, dumb,
malicious, hypocritical, worthless, constantly wrong microsoft fanboy
shills as usual. Stay angry at PS4's success and people who like gaming
on it.

Some severely deranged people are upset at PS4's success and have to spread hate and lies, apparently.

severely deranged people are upset at PS4's success and have to spread
hate and lies, apparently. Mustard peasant spreading lies and hatred.
You must have issues to literally hate a piece of plastic and people who
like gaming on consoles.

Once again another thread swarming
with pure evil microsoft fanboy shills spreading LIES, FUD, and hate. It
seems despite the mentally ill, constantly WRONG, evil microsoft shills
spreading LIES, ignorance, and hatred, almost nobody wants an Xbox.
Just another malicious, demented, constantly WRONG fanboy shill
spreading COMPLETE LIES and hatred.

>I hate incels and enjoy watching them seethe

>censor weebshit
weebshit =/= games


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Ah i see
So in reality PS4 has no games

we don't know because the flare lens won't let us see.


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Sex and sexual content shouldn’t be in video games. Based Sony protecting my conservative Christian values


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>i support censorship

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>Granblue Fantasy Relink
>Project Awakening
>Days Gone
>Granblue Fantasy Versus
>Ghost of Tsushima
>Catherine: Fullbody
>Death Stranding
>Babylon's Fall(also onpc)
>the inevitable, already teased Demon Souls remaster
here are your gayms bro

>muh sony censorhip boogeyman
if this isn't the most fucking overblown shittalking campaign I've seen on Yea Forums
literally nothing happened since that single case when a handful of visual novels were censored a half year ago. This is fucking nothing compared to the shit Nintendo or even Valve did, and are still doing all this time.

>but muh DMC5
DMC5 still has the "uncensored" version available on the PS4, you can literally switch between them

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just posted some facts. Hope it doesn't hurt too much

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I'm boycotting them

You're defending the most silly act of censorship in history. One thing is censoring a E rated game which it is already stupid, but censoring an M game for adults and censoring nudity in general is fucking retarded and forcing this into a third party game ruining the experience for your fan base is even more retarded. Only the extremely autistic onions ny c ucks are defending this. For free.

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actually might be seething

>eric seething

why are you such a manipulative little shit though?

fucking every platform does what you are talking about, why do you pretend that only Sony does this shit? Only the extremely autistic onions ny c ucks would do the shit you are doing.

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Saving this shit lmao

what is even your point then?

>y-yeah, I admit that every platform is doing the exact same shit Sony is doing
>b-but fuck sony in particularly! Hope you guys boycott them and stay with other platforms
like how fucking retarded you have to be to come to this kind of conclusion?

just admit that you are desperate for some anti-sony shitposting material because the nogame meme is getting old

use it wisely
I also don't know what's the point of shilling for free. But you sure love it.

delicious s¤nygger tears


>m-muh shill!
epic argument dude. You surely defended how you aren't a retard


>DMC5 still has the "uncensored" version available on the PS4
That's wrong though, it got censored permanently on the PS4.

So why do people keep screaming about Tumblr and SJWs when the people making these decisions are all 45+ years old? The people making the decision to censor games are probably in the same age group as the suburban fuckers from the 90s who tried to get video games banned. They're probably also Christian and statistically speaking probably white too.

>complain about Sony's censorship tactics
>fanboys on Yea Forums immediately bring up sales figures
Why are you people like this? You're not even getting paid for it

>They're probably also Christian
Nope. They're pozzed. Californian Snoy allow faggots, trannies and Jew dykes in their games but censor something that would be appealing to heterosexual men.

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That is what happen when you put your main studio in the shithole that is California.
Capcom learned from his mistakes lets hope Sony do the same

VN are not games.

They can do whatever the fuck they want, it's their console.
Stay mad weebcuck.

The old white christian dudes are in charge of finances and shit like that the liberal zoomers are in charge of things like PR and localization.

if we just keep saying there's no games, that makes it true XD

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not an argument. cope and concede.

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>Why are they allowed to censor games?
Because they've gotten big and increasingly lazy and powerful and think now they need to cater to shitters.

>Why is ok when they do it?
It's not. All serious gamers should immediately abandon them and go back to the PC until they change stance. Remember it does matter, because marketshare is only a proxy measure for REVENUE SHARE which is what actually matters. Ie., gamers who care are a minority of all console owners. However, they get and play way more games then the average person who gets a few mass market titles and that's it. Every single person who buys tons of vidya normally and quits is worth multiples of people who buy almost nothing.